Update templates

This commit is contained in:
linsui 2023-01-01 20:09:30 +08:00 committed by linsui
parent 16a3eca2eb
commit f42176d7eb
13 changed files with 126 additions and 87 deletions

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Please read the [General Recommendations](#general-recommendations) before you s
1. Add a new file by clicking on the plus sign and choosing _"New file"_.
1. Set the file name in the following schema: `<application_id>.yml`. So an example would be _"com.app.example.yml"_.
1. Write down the metadata. The [Build Metadata Reference](https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Build_Metadata_Reference)
as well as the [templates from the wiki](https://gitlab.com/fdroid/wiki/-/wikis/Metadata/YAML-Metadata)
as well as the [templates](./templates/README.md)
will help you.
1. Choose a smart commit message and commit your changes.
1. Continue with the [Common steps for both methods](#common-steps-for-both-methods)
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Please read the [General Recommendations](#general-recommendations) before you s
1. Create a new file in the the `metadata` directory named after the following schema: `<application_id>.yml`.
So an example would be _"com.app.example.yml"_.
1. Write down the metadata in that file. The [Build Metadata Reference](https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Build_Metadata_Reference)
as well as the [templates from the wiki](https://gitlab.com/fdroid/wiki/-/wikis/Metadata/YAML-Metadata)
as well as the [templates](./templates/README.md)
will help you.
1. Commit and push to your upstream fork.
1. Continue with the [Common steps for both methods](#common-steps-for-both-methods)

templates/README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
This directory contains some templates for different kinds of apps.
- [Gradle](./build-gradle.yml)
- [Flutter](./build-flutter.yml)
- [Ant](./build-ant.yml)
- [Maven](./build-maven.yml)
- [React Native](./build-react-native.yml)

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
Description: |-
- commit:

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- versionName: 1.0
commit: v1.0
# As with all build methods, use `subdir: app` if the app resides under a
# subdirectory called "app".
# Use `target: android-X` if no target is defined in project.properties.

templates/build-ant.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
- versionName: '1.0'
versionCode: 1
commit: v1.0
- apt-get update
# Ant is not installed by default
- apt-get install -y ant
# New build-tools are installed by default which doesn't work with ant
- rm -fr /opt/android-sdk/build-tools/*
# The default target is generally too old
- echo -e 'java.target=1.8\njava.source=1.8' > ant.properties
# Ant can't install build-tools automatically
- sdkmanager 'build-tools;30.0.3'
# Use `target: android-X` if no target is defined in project.properties.
target: android-21

View File

@ -5,10 +5,12 @@
- versionName: '1.0'
versionCode: 1
versionCode: 11
commit: v1.0
# Flutter should be added as a git submodule at e.g. .flutter
submodules: true
# This must be set else the build will fail.
# The output path can be found in the log.
output: build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk
# Deletes unrelated directories,
# remove those not needed from the list.
@ -35,7 +37,8 @@ Builds:
# Make Flutter use the scanned cache
- export PUB_CACHE=$(pwd)/.pub-cache
# Split per abi to reduce the apk size
# Split per abi to reduce the apk size.
# This is only for one abi. Please added other build blocks accordingly.
- .flutter/bin/flutter build apk --release --split-per-abi --target-platform="android-arm64"
AutoUpdateMode: Version
@ -47,5 +50,5 @@ VercodeOperation:
- '%c * 10 + 3'
UpdateCheckData: pubspec.yaml|version:\s.+\+(\d+)|.|version:\s(.+)\+
CurrentVersion: '1.0'
CurrentVersionCode: 1
CurrentVersionCode: 11

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- versionName: 1.0
commit: v1.0
- yes
# As with all build methods, use `subdir: app` if the app resides under a
# subdirectory called "app".
# You must use
# gradle:
# - flavour
# - name
# to build a specific flavour if the app has multiple flavours.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
- versionName: '1.0'
versionCode: 1
commit: v1.0
# The `subdir` is the parent dir of `src/main` which is generally `app`.
subdir: app
# If flavor is used, the flavor name needs to be specified.
# If no flavor is used, set `yes` here and `assembleRelease` is used.
- yes

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- versionName: 1.0
commit: v1.0
maven: 'yes'
# As with all build methods, use `subdir: app` if the app resides under a
# subdirectory called "app".

templates/build-maven.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
- versionName: '1.0'
versionCode: 1
commit: v1.0
- apt-get update
# Maven is not installed by default
- apt-get install -y maven
maven: 'yes'
# As with all build methods, use `subdir: app` if the app resides under a
# subdirectory called "app".

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
- versionName: 2.0.2
versionCode: 3
commit: v2.0.2
# Install dependencies and NativeScript-CLI
- apt-get update || apt-get update
- apt-get install -y lib32z1 nodejs
- npm -g install nativescript
# Please adjust the versions as needed
- $$SDK$$/tools/bin/sdkmanager "platforms;android-30" "build-tools;30.0.3" "emulator"
> /dev/null
- npm install --unsafe-perm
output: platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk
# Please use the latest releases available
- NativeScript_android-runtime@v8.2.2
- NativeScript_NativeScript@8.2.1-core
- node_modules
# Build NativeScript UI blob
- pushd $$NativeScript_NativeScript$$/packages/ui-mobile-base/android/widgets
- gradle assembleRelease
- popd
- mkdir -p node_modules/@nativescript/core/platforms/android
- cp $$NativeScript_NativeScript$$/packages/ui-mobile-base/android/widgets/build/outputs/aar/widgets-release.aar
- rm -rf $$NativeScript_NativeScript$$
# Build NativeScript Android Runtime blobs
- pushd $$NativeScript_android-runtime$$
- export JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f /usr/bin/javac | sed "s:/bin/javac::")
- cp $$SDK$$/build-tools/30.0.3/lib/dx.jar test-app/build-tools/android-metadata-generator/src/libs/dx.jar
# Please adjust the NDK version as needed, sync these [1]
- gradle -PndkVersion=20.1.5948944
- popd
- mkdir -p node_modules/@nativescript/android
- rm -rf node_modules/@nativescript/android/framework
- cp -r $$NativeScript_android-runtime$$/dist/framework node_modules/@nativescript/android
- rm -rf $$NativeScript_android-runtime$$
# Build the app itself
- ns prepare android
# Configure the app not to produce a signed APK when building
- sed -i 's/\(signingConfig[[:space:]]\)signingConfigs\.release/\1null/' platforms/android/app/build.gradle
- ns build android --gradlePath /opt/gradle/bin/gradle --release --env.uglify --key-store-path /dev/null --key-store-alias
NULL --key-store-password NULL --key-store-alias-password NULL || (cd platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release
- echo "The following files were found:"
- find -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.apk")
# Please adjust the NDK version as needed, sync these [1]
ndk: r20b

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
# Starting from the following template and grep for "npm" in the metadata
# directory to see other examples.
# See also https://f-droid.org/2020/10/14/adding-react-native-app-to-f-droid.html
- versionName: '1.0'
@ -11,11 +12,12 @@ Builds:
- sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 || true
# Find the nodejs download URL at https://nodejs.org/en/download/releases/
- curl -Lo node.tar.xz https://nodejs.org/download/release/v16.17.0/node-v16.17.0-linux-x64.tar.xz
# Download the gz tarball because xz-utils is not installed by default
- curl -Lo node.tar.xz https://nodejs.org/download/release/v19.3.0/node-v19.3.0-linux-x64.tar.gz
# Find the checksum at https://nodejs.org/dist/v${VERSION}/SHASUMS256.txt.asc
- echo "f0867d7a17a4d0df7dbb7df9ac3f9126c2b58f75450647146749ef296b31b49b node.tar.xz"
- echo "b525028ae5bb71b5b32cb7fce903ccce261dbfef4c7dd0f3e0ffc27cd6fc0b3f node.tar.xz"
| sha256sum -c -
- tar xJf node.tar.xz --strip-components=1 -C /usr/local/
- tar xzf node.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C /usr/local/
# If you use yarn
- npm -g install yarn
@ -29,11 +31,13 @@ Builds:
- yes
# Add other build.gradle files here is local maven repo for react-native is used
# Binaries for react-native, JSC and Hermes can be ignored currently
- android/build.gradle
- node_modules/
- node_modules
AutoUpdateMode: Version %v
AutoUpdateMode: Version
UpdateCheckMode: Tags
CurrentVersion: '1.0'
CurrentVersionCode: 1

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# F-Droid metadata template
# See http://f-droid.org/manual for more details
# See https://f-droid.org/docs/ for more details
# and the Metadata reference
# https://f-droid.org/docs/Build_Metadata_Reference/
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
# Single-line fields start right after the colon (with a whitespace).
# These items are the metadata for the app. Please fill as many as possible.
Categories: # Use those which apply
- Connectivity
- Development
@ -27,7 +28,9 @@ Categories: # Use those which apply
- Time
- Writing
License: (identifier from https://spdx.org/licenses)
# AuthorName: (web link)
# AuthorEmail: (web link)
# AuthorWebSite: (web link)
# WebSite: (web link)
SourceCode: (web link)
# IssueTracker: (web link)
@ -38,29 +41,9 @@ SourceCode: (web link)
# LiberapayID: (number)
# Bitcoin: (bitcoin address)
# You may not need to add Summary and Description here,
# if you want to translate them. For details on other locations, see
# https://f-droid.org/en/docs/All_About_Descriptions_Graphics_and_Screenshots/
Summary: (one sentence, no more than 30-50 chars, no trailing punctuation)
Description: |-
Description of what the app does, starting on a new line. It should be as
objective as possible and wrapped at 80 chars (except links and list
A blank line means a line break, i.e. the end of a paragraph.
Bulleted lists can be used:
* Item 1
* Item 2
Links can be added like this:
[https://github.com/org/project/raw/HEAD/res/raw/changelog.xml Changelog]
Links to other apps too: [[some.other.app]]
RepoType: (git, git-svn, svn, hg or bzr)
Repo: (repo url, preferably https)
Binaries: (Upstream binary link for reproducible build)
# At least one for new apps
@ -69,12 +52,11 @@ Builds:
commit: v1.0
subdir: app
# submodules: true
- yes
# output: some.apk
# prebuild: sed -i -e
# build: make
# For a complete list of possible flags, see the manual
# For a complete list of possible flags, see the docs
# MaintainerNotes: |-
# Here go the notes to take into account for future updates, builds, etc.
@ -82,7 +64,7 @@ Builds:
# The following options are described at this location:
# https://f-droid.org/docs/Build_Metadata_Reference/#UpdateCheckMode
AutoUpdateMode: (see the manual)
UpdateCheckMode: (see the manual)
CurrentVersion: (current version name)
CurrentVersionCode: (current version code, i.e. number)
AutoUpdateMode: Version
UpdateCheckMode: Tags
CurrentVersion: '1.0'
CurrentVersionCode: 1