
99 lines
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namespace dokuwiki\Ui;
use dokuwiki\Form\Form;
* DokuWiki Resend Password Request Interface
* @package dokuwiki\Ui
class UserResendPwd extends Ui
* Display the form to request a new password for an existing account
* @author Benoit Chesneau <>
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @return void
public function show()
global $conf;
global $INPUT;
$token = preg_replace('/[^a-f0-9]+/', '', $INPUT->str('pwauth'));
// print intro
print p_locale_xhtml('resetpwd');
print '<div class="centeralign">';
if (!$conf['autopasswd'] && $token) {
$form = $this->formSetNewPassword($token);
} else {
$form = $this->formResendPassword();
print $form->toHTML('ResendPwd');
print '</div>';
* create a form ui to set new password
* @params string $token cleaned pwauth request variable
* @return Form
protected function formSetNewPassword($token)
global $lang;
// create the form
$form = new Form(['id' => 'dw__resendpwd']);
$form->setHiddenField('token', $token);
$form->setHiddenField('do', 'resendpwd');
$input = $form->addPasswordInput('pass', $lang['pass'])->attr('size', '50')->addClass('edit');
$input->getLabel()->attr('class', 'block');
$input = $form->addPasswordInput('passchk', $lang['passchk'])->attr('size', '50')->addClass('edit');
$input->getLabel()->attr('class', 'block');
$form->addButton('', $lang['btn_resendpwd'])->attr('type', 'submit');
return $form;
* create a form ui to request new password
* @return Form
protected function formResendPassword()
global $lang;
// create the form
$form = new Form(['id' => 'dw__resendpwd']);
$form->setHiddenField('do', 'resendpwd');
$form->setHiddenField('save', '1');
$input = $form->addTextInput('login', $lang['user'])->addClass('edit');
$input->getLabel()->attr('class', 'block');
$form->addButton('', $lang['btn_resendpwd'])->attr('type', 'submit');
return $form;