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namespace dokuwiki\Ui;
use dokuwiki\ChangeLog\MediaChangeLog;
use dokuwiki\Form\Form;
* DokuWiki Recent Interface
* @package dokuwiki\Ui
class Recent extends Ui
protected $first;
protected $show_changes;
* Recent Ui constructor
* @param int $first skip the first n changelog lines
* @param string $show_changes type of changes to show; pages, mediafiles, or both
public function __construct($first = 0, $show_changes = 'both')
$this->first = $first;
$this->show_changes = $show_changes;
* Display recent changes
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Matthias Grimm <>
* @author Ben Coburn <>
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @author Satoshi Sahara <>
* @return void
public function show()
global $conf, $lang;
global $ID;
// get recent items, and set correct pagenation parameters (first, hasNext)
$first = $this->first;
$hasNext = false;
$recents = $this->getRecents($first, $hasNext);
// print intro
print p_locale_xhtml('recent');
if (getNS($ID) != '') {
print '<div class="level1"><p>'
. sprintf($lang['recent_global'], getNS($ID), wl('', 'do=recent'))
// create the form
$form = new Form(['id'=>'dw__recent', 'method'=>'GET', 'action'=> wl($ID), 'class'=>'changes']);
$form->setHiddenField('sectok', null);
$form->setHiddenField('do', 'recent');
$form->setHiddenField('id', $ID);
// show dropdown selector, whether include not only recent pages but also recent media files?
if ($conf['mediarevisions']) {
// start listing of recent items
foreach ($recents as $recent) {
$objRevInfo = $this->getObjRevInfo($recent);
$class = ($recent['type'] === DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_MINOR_EDIT) ? 'minor': '';
$html = implode(' ', [
$objRevInfo->itemIcon(), // filetype icon
$objRevInfo->editDate(), // edit date and time
$objRevInfo->difflink(), // link to diffview icon
$objRevInfo->revisionlink(), // linkto revisions icon
$objRevInfo->itemName(), // name of page or media
$objRevInfo->editSummary(), // edit summary
$objRevInfo->editor(), // editor info
$objRevInfo->sizechange(), // size change indicator
$form->addTagClose('div'); // close div class=no
// provide navigation for pagenated recent list (of pages and/or media files)
$form->addHTML($this->htmlNavigation($first, $hasNext));
print $form->toHTML('Recent');
* Get recent items, and set correct pagenation parameters (first, hasNext)
* @param int $first
* @param bool $hasNext
* @return array recent items to be shown in a pagenated list
* @see also dokuwiki\Changelog::getRevisionInfo()
protected function getRecents(&$first, &$hasNext)
global $ID, $conf;
$flags = 0;
if ($this->show_changes == 'mediafiles' && $conf['mediarevisions']) {
} elseif ($this->show_changes == 'pages') {
$flags = 0;
} elseif ($conf['mediarevisions']) {
/* we need to get one additionally log entry to be able to
* decide if this is the last page or is there another one.
* This is the cheapest solution to get this information.
$recents = getRecents($first, $conf['recent'] + 1, getNS($ID), $flags);
if (count($recents) == 0 && $first != 0) {
$first = 0;
$recents = getRecents($first, $conf['recent'] + 1, getNS($ID), $flags);
$hasNext = false;
if (count($recents) > $conf['recent']) {
$hasNext = true;
array_pop($recents); // remove extra log entry
return $recents;
* Navigation buttons for Pagenation (prev/next)
* @param int $first
* @param bool $hasNext
* @return array html
protected function htmlNavigation($first, $hasNext)
global $conf, $lang;
$last = $first + $conf['recent'];
$html = '<div class="pagenav">';
if ($first > 0) {
$first = max($first - $conf['recent'], 0);
$html.= '<div class="pagenav-prev">';
$html.= '<button type="submit" name="first['.$first.']" accesskey="n"'
. ' title="'.$lang['btn_newer'].' [N]" class="button show">'
. $lang['btn_newer']
. '</button>';
$html.= '</div>';
if ($hasNext) {
$html.= '<div class="pagenav-next">';
$html.= '<button type="submit" name="first['.$last.']" accesskey="p"'
. ' title="'.$lang['btn_older'].' [P]" class="button show">'
. $lang['btn_older']
. '</button>';
$html.= '</div>';
$html.= '</div>';
return $html;
* Add dropdown selector of item types to the form instance
* @param Form $form
* @return void
protected function addRecentItemSelector(Form $form)
global $lang;
$options = array(
'pages' => $lang['pages_changes'],
'mediafiles' => $lang['media_changes'],
'both' => $lang['both_changes'],
$form->addDropdown('show_changes', $options, $lang['changes_type'])
$form->addButton('do[recent]', $lang['btn_apply'])->attr('type','submit');
* Returns instance of objRevInfo
* @param array $info Revision info structure of page or media
* @return objRevInfo object (anonymous class)
protected function getObjRevInfo(array $info)
return new class ($info) // anonymous class (objRevInfo)
protected $info;
public function __construct(array $info)
$this->info = $info;
// fileicon of the page or media file
public function itemIcon()
$id = $this->info['id'];
if (isset($this->info['media'])) {
$html = media_printicon($id);
} else {
$html = '<img class="icon" src="'.DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/fileicons/file.png" alt="'.$id.'" />';
return $html;
// edit date and time of the page or media file
public function editDate()
return '<span class="date">'. dformat($this->info['date']) .'</span>';
// edit summary
public function editSummary()
return '<span class="sum">'.' '. hsc($this->info['sum']).'</span>';
// editor of the page or media file
public function editor()
$html = '<span class="user">';
if ($this->info['user']) {
$html.= '<bdi>'. editorinfo($this->info['user']) .'</bdi>';
if (auth_ismanager()) $html.= ' <bdo dir="ltr">('. $this->info['ip'] .')</bdo>';
} else {
$html.= '<bdo dir="ltr">'. $this->info['ip'] .'</bdo>';
$html.= '</span>';
return $html;
// name of the page or media file
public function itemName()
$id = $this->info['id'];
if (isset($this->info['media'])) {
$href = media_managerURL(['tab_details'=>'view', 'image'=> $id, 'ns'=> getNS($id)], '&');
$class = file_exists(mediaFN($id)) ? 'wikilink1' : 'wikilink2';
$html = '<a href="'.$href.'" class="'.$class.'">'.$id.'</a>';
} else {
$html = html_wikilink(':'.$id, (useHeading('navigation') ? null : $id));
return $html;
// icon difflink
public function difflink()
global $lang;
$id = $this->info['id'];
if (isset($this->info['media'])) {
$revs = (new MediaChangeLog($id))->getRevisions(0, 1);
$diff = (count($revs) && file_exists(mediaFN($id)));
if ($diff) {
$href = media_managerURL(
['tab_details'=>'history', 'mediado'=>'diff', 'image'=> $id, 'ns'=> getNS($id)], '&'
} else {
$href = '';
} else {
$href = wl($id, "do=diff", false, '&');
if ($href) {
$html = '<a href="'.$href.'" class="diff_link">'
. '<img src="'.DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/diff.png" width="15" height="11"'
. ' title="'.$lang['diff'].'" alt="'.$lang['diff'].'" />'
. '</a>';
} else {
$html = '<img src="'.DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/blank.gif" width="15" height="11" alt="" />';
return $html;
// icon revision link
public function revisionlink()
global $lang;
$id = $this->info['id'];
if (isset($this->info['media'])) {
$href = media_managerURL(['tab_details'=>'history', 'image'=> $id, 'ns'=> getNS($id)], '&');
} else {
$href = wl($id, "do=revisions", false, '&');
$html = '<a href="'.$href.'" class="revisions_link">'
. '<img src="'.DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/history.png" width="12" height="14"'
. ' title="'.$lang['btn_revs'].'" alt="'.$lang['btn_revs'].'" />'
. '</a>';
return $html;
// size change
public function sizeChange()
$class = 'sizechange';
$value = filesize_h(abs($this->info['sizechange']));
if ($this->info['sizechange'] > 0) {
$class .= ' positive';
$value = '+' . $value;
} elseif ($this->info['sizechange'] < 0) {
$class .= ' negative';
$value = '-' . $value;
} else {
$value = '±' . $value;
return '<span class="'.$class.'">'.$value.'</span>';
}; // end of anonymous class (objRevInfo)