
88 lines
5.3 KiB

* This is DokuWiki's Main Configuration file
* This is a piece of PHP code so PHP syntax applies!
* For help with the configuration see
/* Datastorage and Permissions */
$conf['umask'] = 0111; //set the umask for new files
$conf['dmask'] = 0000; //directory mask accordingly
$conf['lang'] = 'en'; //your language
$conf['basedir'] = ''; //absolute dir from serveroot - blank for autodetection
$conf['savedir'] = './data'; //where to store all the files
/* Display Options */
$conf['start'] = 'start'; //name of start page
$conf['title'] = 'DokuWiki'; //what to show in the title
$conf['template'] = 'default'; //see tpl directory
$conf['fullpath'] = 0; //show full path of the document or relative to datadir only? 0|1
$conf['recent'] = 20; //how many entries to show in recent
$conf['breadcrumbs'] = 10; //how many recent visited pages to show
$conf['typography'] = 1; //convert quotes, dashes and stuff to typographic equivalents? 0|1
$conf['htmlok'] = 0; //may raw HTML be embedded? This may break layout and XHTML validity 0|1
$conf['phpok'] = 0; //may PHP code be embedded? Never do this on the internet! 0|1
$conf['dformat'] = 'Y/m/d H:i'; //dateformat accepted by PHPs date() function
$conf['signature'] = ' --- //[[@MAIL@|@NAME@]] @DATE@//'; //signature see wiki:config for details
$conf['maxtoclevel'] = 3; //Up to which level include into AutoTOC (max. 5)
$conf['maxseclevel'] = 3; //Up to which level create editable sections (max. 5)
$conf['camelcase'] = 0; //Use CamelCase for linking? (I don't like it) 0|1
$conf['deaccent'] = 1; //convert accented chars to unaccented ones in pagenames?
$conf['useheading'] = 0; //use the first heading in a page as its name
$conf['refcheck'] = 5; //check for references before deleting media files
$conf['refshow'] = 0; //show where media files are still in use
/* Antispam Features */
$conf['usewordblock']= 1; //block spam based on words? 0|1
$conf['indexdelay'] = 60*60*24*5; //allow indexing after this time (seconds) default is 5 days
$conf['relnofollow'] = 1; //use rel="nofollow" for external links?
$conf['mailguard'] = 'hex'; //obfuscate email addresses against spam harvesters?
//valid entries are:
// 'visible' - replace @ with [at], . with [dot] and - with [dash]
// 'hex' - use hex entities to encode the mail address
// 'none' - do not obfuscate addresses
/* Authentication Options - read */
$conf['useacl'] = 0; //Use Access Control Lists to restrict access?
$conf['openregister']= 1; //Should users to be allowed to register?
$conf['autopasswd'] = 1; //autogenerate passwords and email them to user
$conf['authtype'] = 'plain'; //which authentication backend should be used
$conf['passcrypt'] = 'smd5'; //Used crypt method (smd5,md5,sha1,ssha,crypt,mysql,my411)
$conf['defaultgroup']= 'user'; //Default groups new Users are added to
$conf['superuser'] = '!!not set!!'; //The admin can be user or @group
/* Advanced Options */
$conf['userewrite'] = 0; //this makes nice URLs: 0: off 1: .htaccess 2: internal
$conf['useslash'] = 0; //use slash instead of colon? only when rewrite is on
$conf['canonical'] = 0; //Should all URLs use full canonical http://... style?
$conf['autoplural'] = 0; //try (non)plural form of nonexisting files?
$conf['usegzip'] = 1; //gzip old revisions?
$conf['cachetime'] = 60*60*24; //maximum age for cachefile in seconds (defaults to a day)
$conf['purgeonadd'] = 1; //purge cache when a new file is added (needed for up to date links)
$conf['locktime'] = 15*60; //maximum age for lockfiles (defaults to 15 minutes)
$conf['notify'] = ''; //send change info to this email (leave blank for nobody)
$conf['mailfrom'] = ''; //use this email when sending mails
$conf['gdlib'] = 2; //the GDlib version (0, 1 or 2) 2 tries to autodetect
$conf['spellchecker']= 0; //enable Spellchecker (needs PHP >= 4.3.0 and aspell installed)
//Set target to use when creating links - leave empty for same window
$conf['target']['wiki'] = '';
$conf['target']['interwiki'] = '_blank';
$conf['target']['extern'] = '_blank';
$conf['target']['media'] = '';
$conf['target']['windows'] = '';
/* Safemode Hack */
$conf['safemodehack'] = 0; //read !
$conf['ftp']['host'] = 'localhost';
$conf['ftp']['port'] = '21';
$conf['ftp']['user'] = 'user';
$conf['ftp']['pass'] = 'password';
$conf['ftp']['root'] = '/home/user/htdocs';