
434 lines
14 KiB

use dokuwiki\test\mock\AuthPlugin;
use dokuwiki\Extension\RemotePlugin;
use dokuwiki\Remote\Api;
use dokuwiki\Remote\RemoteException;
class RemoteAPICoreTest {
function __getRemoteInfo() {
return array(
'wiki.stringTestMethod' => array(
'args' => array(),
'return' => 'string',
'doc' => 'Test method',
'name' => 'stringTestMethod',
), 'wiki.intTestMethod' => array(
'args' => array(),
'return' => 'int',
'doc' => 'Test method',
'name' => 'intTestMethod',
), 'wiki.floatTestMethod' => array(
'args' => array(),
'return' => 'float',
'doc' => 'Test method',
'name' => 'floatTestMethod',
), 'wiki.dateTestMethod' => array(
'args' => array(),
'return' => 'date',
'doc' => 'Test method',
'name' => 'dateTestMethod',
), 'wiki.fileTestMethod' => array(
'args' => array(),
'return' => 'file',
'doc' => 'Test method',
'name' => 'fileTestMethod',
), 'wiki.voidTestMethod' => array(
'args' => array(),
'return' => 'void',
'doc' => 'Test method',
'name' => 'voidTestMethod',
), 'wiki.oneStringArgMethod' => array(
'args' => array('string'),
'return' => 'string',
'doc' => 'Test method',
'name' => 'oneStringArgMethod',
), 'wiki.twoArgMethod' => array(
'args' => array('string', 'int'),
'return' => 'array',
'doc' => 'Test method',
'name' => 'twoArgMethod',
), 'wiki.twoArgWithDefaultArg' => array(
'args' => array('string', 'string'),
'return' => 'string',
'doc' => 'Test method',
'name' => 'twoArgWithDefaultArg',
), 'wiki.publicCall' => array(
'args' => array(),
'return' => 'boolean',
'doc' => 'testing for public access',
'name' => 'publicCall',
'public' => 1
function stringTestMethod() { return 'success'; }
function intTestMethod() { return 42; }
function floatTestMethod() { return 3.14159265; }
function dateTestMethod() { return 2623452346; }
function fileTestMethod() { return 'file content'; }
function voidTestMethod() { return null; }
function oneStringArgMethod($arg) {return $arg; }
function twoArgMethod($string, $int) { return array($string, $int); }
function twoArgWithDefaultArg($string1, $string2 = 'default') { return array($string1, $string2); }
function publicCall() {return true;}
class remote_plugin_testplugin extends RemotePlugin {
function _getMethods() {
return array(
'method1' => array(
'args' => array(),
'return' => 'void'
), 'methodString' => array(
'args' => array(),
'return' => 'string'
), 'method2' => array(
'args' => array('string', 'int'),
'return' => 'array',
'name' => 'method2',
), 'method2ext' => array(
'args' => array('string', 'int', 'bool'),
'return' => 'array',
'name' => 'method2',
), 'publicCall' => array(
'args' => array(),
'return' => 'boolean',
'doc' => 'testing for public access',
'name' => 'publicCall',
'public' => 1
function method1() { return null; }
function methodString() { return 'success'; }
function method2($str, $int, $bool = false) { return array($str, $int, $bool); }
function publicCall() {return true;}
class remote_plugin_testplugin2 extends RemotePlugin {
* This is a dummy method
* @param string $str some more parameter description
* @param int $int
* @param bool $bool
* @param Object $unknown
* @return array
public function commented($str, $int, $bool, $unknown) { return array($str, $int, $bool); }
private function privateMethod() {return true;}
protected function protectedMethod() {return true;}
public function _underscore() {return true;}
class remote_test extends DokuWikiTest {
protected $userinfo;
/** @var Api */
protected $remote;
function setUp() {
global $plugin_controller;
global $conf;
global $USERINFO;
global $auth;
// mock plugin controller to return our test plugins
$pluginManager = $this->createMock('dokuwiki\Extension\PluginController');
$pluginManager->method('getList')->willReturn(array('testplugin', 'testplugin2'));
function($type, $plugin) {
if($plugin == 'testplugin2') {
return new remote_plugin_testplugin2();
} else {
return new remote_plugin_testplugin();
$plugin_controller = $pluginManager;
$conf['remote'] = 1;
$conf['remoteuser'] = '!!not set!!';
$conf['useacl'] = 0;
$this->userinfo = $USERINFO;
$this->remote = new Api();
$auth = new AuthPlugin();
function tearDown() {
global $USERINFO;
$USERINFO = $this->userinfo;
function test_pluginMethods() {
$methods = $this->remote->getPluginMethods();
$actual = array_keys($methods);
$expect = array(
function test_pluginDescriptors() {
$methods = $this->remote->getPluginMethods();
$this->assertEquals(array('string','int','bool','string'), $methods['plugin.testplugin2.commented']['args']);
$this->assertEquals('array', $methods['plugin.testplugin2.commented']['return']);
$this->assertEquals(0, $methods['plugin.testplugin2.commented']['public']);
$this->assertContains('This is a dummy method', $methods['plugin.testplugin2.commented']['doc']);
$this->assertContains('string $str some more parameter description', $methods['plugin.testplugin2.commented']['doc']);
function test_hasAccessSuccess() {
global $conf;
$conf['remoteuser'] = '';
* @expectedException dokuwiki\Remote\AccessDeniedException
function test_hasAccessFail() {
global $conf;
$conf['remote'] = 0;
// the hasAccess() should throw a Exception to keep the same semantics with xmlrpc.php.
// because the user(xmlrpc) check remote before .--> (!$conf['remote']) die('XML-RPC server not enabled.');
// so it must be a Exception when get here.
function test_hasAccessFailAcl() {
global $conf;
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
function test_hasAccessSuccessAclEmptyRemoteUser() {
global $conf;
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
$conf['remoteuser'] = '';
function test_hasAccessSuccessAcl() {
global $conf;
global $USERINFO;
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
$conf['remoteuser'] = '@grp,@grp2';
$USERINFO['grps'] = array('grp');
function test_hasAccessFailAcl2() {
global $conf;
global $USERINFO;
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
$conf['remoteuser'] = '@grp';
$USERINFO['grps'] = array('grp1');
function test_forceAccessSuccess() {
global $conf;
$conf['remote'] = 1;
$conf['remoteuser'] = '';
$this->remote->forceAccess(); // no exception should occur
$this->assertTrue(true); // avoid being marked as risky for having no assertion
function test_forceAccessFail() {
global $conf;
$conf['remote'] = 0;
try {
$this->fail('Expects RemoteException to be raised');
} catch (RemoteException $th) {
$this->assertEquals(-32604, $th->getCode());
function test_generalCoreFunctionWithoutArguments() {
global $conf;
global $USERINFO;
$conf['remote'] = 1;
$conf['remoteuser'] = '';
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
$USERINFO['grps'] = array('grp');
$remoteApi = new Api();
$remoteApi->getCoreMethods(new RemoteAPICoreTest());
$this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.stringTestMethod'), 'success');
$this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.intTestMethod'), 42);
$this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.floatTestMethod'), 3.14159265);
$this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.dateTestMethod'), 2623452346);
$this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.fileTestMethod'), 'file content');
$this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.voidTestMethod'), null);
function test_generalCoreFunctionOnArgumentMismatch() {
global $conf;
$conf['remote'] = 1;
$remoteApi = new Api();
$remoteApi->getCoreMethods(new RemoteAPICoreTest());
try {
$remoteApi->call('wiki.voidTestMethod', array('something'));
$this->fail('Expects RemoteException to be raised');
} catch (RemoteException $th) {
$this->assertEquals(-32604, $th->getCode());
function test_generalCoreFunctionWithArguments() {
global $conf;
global $USERINFO;
$conf['remote'] = 1;
$conf['remoteuser'] = '';
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
$remoteApi = new Api();
$remoteApi->getCoreMethods(new RemoteAPICoreTest());
$this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.oneStringArgMethod', array('string')), 'string');
$this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.twoArgMethod', array('string', 1)), array('string' , 1));
$this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.twoArgWithDefaultArg', array('string')), array('string', 'default'));
$this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('wiki.twoArgWithDefaultArg', array('string', 'another')), array('string', 'another'));
function test_generalCoreFunctionOnArgumentMissing() {
global $conf;
$conf['remote'] = 1;
$conf['remoteuser'] = '';
$remoteApi = new Api();
$remoteApi->getCoreMethods(new RemoteAPICoreTest());
try {
$remoteApi->call('wiki.twoArgWithDefaultArg', array());
$this->fail('Expects RemoteException to be raised');
} catch (RemoteException $th) {
$this->assertEquals(-32603, $th->getCode());
function test_pluginCallMethods() {
global $conf;
global $USERINFO;
$conf['remote'] = 1;
$conf['remoteuser'] = '';
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
$remoteApi = new Api();
$this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('plugin.testplugin.method1'), null);
$this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('plugin.testplugin.method2', array('string', 7)), array('string', 7, false));
$this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('plugin.testplugin.method2ext', array('string', 7, true)), array('string', 7, true));
$this->assertEquals($remoteApi->call('plugin.testplugin.methodString'), 'success');
function test_pluginCallMethodsOnArgumentMissing() {
global $conf;
$conf['remote'] = 1;
$conf['remoteuser'] = '';
$remoteApi = new Api();
$remoteApi->getCoreMethods(new RemoteAPICoreTest());
try {
$remoteApi->call('plugin.testplugin.method2', array());
$this->fail('Expects RemoteException to be raised');
} catch (RemoteException $th) {
$this->assertEquals(-32603, $th->getCode());
function test_notExistingCall() {
global $conf;
$conf['remote'] = 1;
$remoteApi = new Api();
try {
$remoteApi->call('dose not exist');
$this->fail('Expects RemoteException to be raised');
} catch (RemoteException $th) {
$this->assertEquals(-32603, $th->getCode());
function test_publicCallCore() {
global $conf;
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
$remoteApi = new Api();
$remoteApi->getCoreMethods(new RemoteAPICoreTest());
function test_publicCallPlugin() {
global $conf;
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
$remoteApi = new Api();
* @expectedException dokuwiki\Remote\AccessDeniedException
function test_publicCallCoreDeny() {
global $conf;
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
$remoteApi = new Api();
$remoteApi->getCoreMethods(new RemoteAPICoreTest());
* @expectedException dokuwiki\Remote\AccessDeniedException
function test_publicCallPluginDeny() {
global $conf;
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
$remoteApi = new Api();
function test_pluginCallCustomPath() {
global $conf;
global $USERINFO;
$conf['remote'] = 1;
$conf['remoteuser'] = '';
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
$EVENT_HANDLER->register_hook('RPC_CALL_ADD', 'BEFORE', $this, 'pluginCallCustomPathRegister');
$remoteApi = new Api();
$result = $remoteApi->call('custom.path');
$this->assertEquals($result, 'success');
function pluginCallCustomPathRegister(&$event, $param) {
$event->data['custom.path'] = array('testplugin', 'methodString');