
772 lines
20 KiB

* Utilities for handling pagenames
* @license GPL 2 (
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @todo Combine similar functions like {wiki,media,meta}FN()
use dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString;
use dokuwiki\Utf8\Clean;
use dokuwiki\File\Resolver;
use dokuwiki\Extension\Event;
use dokuwiki\ChangeLog\MediaChangeLog;
use dokuwiki\ChangeLog\PageChangeLog;
use dokuwiki\File\MediaResolver;
use dokuwiki\File\PageResolver;
* Fetch the an ID from request
* Uses either standard $_REQUEST variable or extracts it from
* the full request URI when userewrite is set to 2
* For $param='id' $conf['start'] is returned if no id was found.
* If the second parameter is true (default) the ID is cleaned.
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param string $param the $_REQUEST variable name, default 'id'
* @param bool $clean if true, ID is cleaned
* @return string
function getID($param = 'id', $clean = true)
/** @var Input $INPUT */
global $INPUT;
global $conf;
global $ACT;
$id = $INPUT->str($param);
//construct page id from request URI
if (empty($id) && $conf['userewrite'] == 2) {
$request = $INPUT->server->str('REQUEST_URI');
$script = '';
//get the script URL
if ($conf['basedir']) {
$relpath = '';
if ($param != 'id') {
$relpath = 'lib/exe/';
$script = $conf['basedir'] . $relpath .
} elseif ($INPUT->server->str('PATH_INFO')) {
$request = $INPUT->server->str('PATH_INFO');
} elseif ($INPUT->server->str('SCRIPT_NAME')) {
$script = $INPUT->server->str('SCRIPT_NAME');
} elseif ($INPUT->server->str('DOCUMENT_ROOT') && $INPUT->server->str('SCRIPT_FILENAME')) {
$script = preg_replace(
'/^' . preg_quote($INPUT->server->str('DOCUMENT_ROOT'), '/') . '/',
$script = '/' . $script;
//clean script and request (fixes a windows problem)
$script = preg_replace('/\/\/+/', '/', $script);
$request = preg_replace('/\/\/+/', '/', $request);
//remove script URL and Querystring to gain the id
if (preg_match('/^' . preg_quote($script, '/') . '(.*)/', $request, $match)) {
$id = preg_replace('/\?.*/', '', $match[1]);
$id = urldecode($id);
//strip leading slashes
$id = preg_replace('!^/+!', '', $id);
// Namespace autolinking from URL
if (str_ends_with($id, ':') || ($conf['useslash'] && str_ends_with($id, '/'))) {
if (page_exists($id . $conf['start'])) {
// start page inside namespace
$id .= $conf['start'];
} elseif (page_exists($id . noNS(cleanID($id)))) {
// page named like the NS inside the NS
$id .= noNS(cleanID($id));
} elseif (page_exists($id)) {
// page like namespace exists
$id = substr($id, 0, -1);
} else {
// fall back to default
$id .= $conf['start'];
if (isset($ACT) && $ACT === 'show') {
$urlParameters = $_GET;
if (isset($urlParameters['id'])) {
send_redirect(wl($id, $urlParameters, true, '&'));
if ($clean) $id = cleanID($id);
if ($id === '' && $param == 'id') $id = $conf['start'];
return $id;
* Remove unwanted chars from ID
* Cleans a given ID to only use allowed characters. Accented characters are
* converted to unaccented ones
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param string $raw_id The pageid to clean
* @param boolean $ascii Force ASCII
* @return string cleaned id
function cleanID($raw_id, $ascii = false)
global $conf;
static $sepcharpat = null;
global $cache_cleanid;
$cache = & $cache_cleanid;
// check if it's already in the memory cache
if (!$ascii && isset($cache[(string)$raw_id])) {
return $cache[(string)$raw_id];
$sepchar = $conf['sepchar'];
if ($sepcharpat == null) // build string only once to save clock cycles
$sepcharpat = '#\\' . $sepchar . '+#';
$id = trim((string)$raw_id);
$id = PhpString::strtolower($id);
//alternative namespace seperator
if ($conf['useslash']) {
$id = strtr($id, ';/', '::');
} else {
$id = strtr($id, ';/', ':' . $sepchar);
if ($conf['deaccent'] == 2 || $ascii) $id = Clean::romanize($id);
if ($conf['deaccent'] || $ascii) $id = Clean::deaccent($id, -1);
//remove specials
$id = Clean::stripspecials($id, $sepchar, '\*');
if ($ascii) $id = Clean::strip($id);
//clean up
$id = preg_replace($sepcharpat, $sepchar, $id);
$id = preg_replace('#:+#', ':', $id);
$id = trim($id, ':._-');
$id = preg_replace('#:[:\._\-]+#', ':', $id);
$id = preg_replace('#[:\._\-]+:#', ':', $id);
if (!$ascii) $cache[(string)$raw_id] = $id;
* Return namespacepart of a wiki ID
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param string $id
* @return string|false the namespace part or false if the given ID has no namespace (root)
function getNS($id)
$pos = strrpos((string)$id, ':');
if ($pos !== false) {
return substr((string)$id, 0, $pos);
return false;
* Returns the ID without the namespace
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param string $id
* @return string
function noNS($id)
$pos = strrpos($id, ':');
if ($pos !== false) {
return substr($id, $pos + 1);
} else {
return $id;
* Returns the current namespace
* @author Nathan Fritz <>
* @param string $id
* @return string
function curNS($id)
return noNS(getNS($id));
* Returns the ID without the namespace or current namespace for 'start' pages
* @author Nathan Fritz <>
* @param string $id
* @return string
function noNSorNS($id)
global $conf;
$p = noNS($id);
if ($p === $conf['start'] || $p === false || $p === '') {
$p = curNS($id);
if ($p === false || $p === '') {
return $conf['start'];
return $p;
* Creates a XHTML valid linkid from a given headline title
* @param string $title The headline title
* @param array|bool $check Existing IDs
* @return string the title
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
function sectionID($title, &$check)
$title = str_replace([':', '.'], '', cleanID($title));
$new = ltrim($title, '0123456789_-');
if (empty($new)) {
$title = 'section' . preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $title); //keep numbers from headline
} else {
$title = $new;
if (is_array($check)) {
$suffix = 0;
$candidateTitle = $title;
while (in_array($candidateTitle, $check)) {
$candidateTitle = $title . ++$suffix;
$check [] = $candidateTitle;
return $candidateTitle;
} else {
return $title;
* Wiki page existence check
* parameters as for wikiFN
* @author Chris Smith <>
* @param string $id page id
* @param string|int $rev empty or revision timestamp
* @param bool $clean flag indicating that $id should be cleaned (see wikiFN as well)
* @param bool $date_at
* @return bool exists?
function page_exists($id, $rev = '', $clean = true, $date_at = false)
$id = (explode('#', $id, 2))[0]; // #3608
if ($rev !== '' && $date_at) {
$pagelog = new PageChangeLog($id);
$pagelog_rev = $pagelog->getLastRevisionAt($rev);
if ($pagelog_rev !== false)
$rev = $pagelog_rev;
return file_exists(wikiFN($id, $rev, $clean));
* Media existence check
* @param string $id page id
* @param string|int $rev empty or revision timestamp
* @param bool $clean flag indicating that $id should be cleaned (see mediaFN as well)
* @param bool $date_at
* @return bool exists?
function media_exists($id, $rev = '', $clean = true, $date_at = false)
if ($rev !== '' && $date_at) {
$changeLog = new MediaChangeLog($id);
$changelog_rev = $changeLog->getLastRevisionAt($rev);
if ($changelog_rev !== false) {
$rev = $changelog_rev;
return file_exists(mediaFN($id, $rev, $clean));
* returns the full path to the datafile specified by ID and optional revision
* The filename is URL encoded to protect Unicode chars
* @param $raw_id string id of wikipage
* @param $rev int|string page revision, empty string for current
* @param $clean bool flag indicating that $raw_id should be cleaned. Only set to false
* when $id is guaranteed to have been cleaned already.
* @return string full path
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
function wikiFN($raw_id, $rev = '', $clean = true)
global $conf;
global $cache_wikifn;
$cache = & $cache_wikifn;
$id = $raw_id;
if ($clean) $id = cleanID($id);
$id = str_replace(':', '/', $id);
if (isset($cache[$id]) && isset($cache[$id][$rev])) {
return $cache[$id][$rev];
if (empty($rev)) {
$fn = $conf['datadir'] . '/' . utf8_encodeFN($id) . '.txt';
} else {
$fn = $conf['olddir'] . '/' . utf8_encodeFN($id) . '.' . $rev . '.txt';
if ($conf['compression']) {
//test for extensions here, we want to read both compressions
if (file_exists($fn . '.gz')) {
$fn .= '.gz';
} elseif (file_exists($fn . '.bz2')) {
$fn .= '.bz2';
} else {
//file doesnt exist yet, so we take the configured extension
$fn .= '.' . $conf['compression'];
if (!isset($cache[$id])) {
$cache[$id] = [];
$cache[$id][$rev] = $fn;
return $fn;
* Returns the full path to the file for locking the page while editing.
* @author Ben Coburn <>
* @param string $id page id
* @return string full path
function wikiLockFN($id)
global $conf;
return $conf['lockdir'] . '/' . md5(cleanID($id)) . '.lock';
* returns the full path to the meta file specified by ID and extension
* @author Steven Danz <>
* @param string $id page id
* @param string $ext file extension
* @return string full path
function metaFN($id, $ext)
global $conf;
$id = cleanID($id);
$id = str_replace(':', '/', $id);
$fn = $conf['metadir'] . '/' . utf8_encodeFN($id) . $ext;
return $fn;
* returns the full path to the media's meta file specified by ID and extension
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $id media id
* @param string $ext extension of media
* @return string
function mediaMetaFN($id, $ext)
global $conf;
$id = cleanID($id);
$id = str_replace(':', '/', $id);
$fn = $conf['mediametadir'] . '/' . utf8_encodeFN($id) . $ext;
return $fn;
* returns an array of full paths to all metafiles of a given ID
* @author Esther Brunner <>
* @author Michael Hamann <>
* @param string $id page id
* @return array
function metaFiles($id)
$basename = metaFN($id, '');
$files = glob($basename . '.*', GLOB_MARK);
// filter files like when $id == 'foo'
return $files ? preg_grep('/^' . preg_quote($basename, '/') . '\.[^.\/]*$/u', $files) : [];
* returns the full path to the mediafile specified by ID
* The filename is URL encoded to protect Unicode chars
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Kate Arzamastseva <>
* @param string $id media id
* @param string|int $rev empty string or revision timestamp
* @param bool $clean
* @return string full path
function mediaFN($id, $rev = '', $clean = true)
global $conf;
if ($clean) $id = cleanID($id);
$id = str_replace(':', '/', $id);
if (empty($rev)) {
$fn = $conf['mediadir'] . '/' . utf8_encodeFN($id);
} else {
$ext = mimetype($id);
$name = substr($id, 0, -1 * strlen($ext[0]) - 1);
$fn = $conf['mediaolddir'] . '/' . utf8_encodeFN($name . '.' . ( (int) $rev ) . '.' . $ext[0]);
return $fn;
* Returns the full filepath to a localized file if local
* version isn't found the english one is returned
* @param string $id The id of the local file
* @param string $ext The file extension (usually txt)
* @return string full filepath to localized file
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
function localeFN($id, $ext = 'txt')
global $conf;
$file = DOKU_CONF . 'lang/' . $conf['lang'] . '/' . $id . '.' . $ext;
if (!file_exists($file)) {
$file = DOKU_INC . 'inc/lang/' . $conf['lang'] . '/' . $id . '.' . $ext;
if (!file_exists($file)) {
//fall back to english
$file = DOKU_INC . 'inc/lang/en/' . $id . '.' . $ext;
return $file;
* Resolve relative paths in IDs
* Do not call directly use resolve_mediaid or resolve_pageid
* instead
* Partyly based on a cleanPath function found at
* @deprecated 2020-09-30
* @param string $ns namespace which is context of id
* @param string $id relative id
* @param bool $clean flag indicating that id should be cleaned
* @return string
function resolve_id($ns, $id, $clean = true)
global $conf;
dbg_deprecated(Resolver::class . ' and its children');
// some pre cleaning for useslash:
if ($conf['useslash']) $id = str_replace('/', ':', $id);
// if the id starts with a dot we need to handle the
// relative stuff
if ($id && $id[0] == '.') {
// normalize initial dots without a colon
$id = preg_replace('/^((\.+:)*)(\.+)(?=[^:\.])/', '\1\3:', $id);
// prepend the current namespace
$id = $ns . ':' . $id;
// cleanup relatives
$result = [];
$pathA = explode(':', $id);
if (!$pathA[0]) $result[] = '';
foreach ($pathA as $dir) {
if ($dir == '..') {
if (end($result) == '..') {
$result[] = '..';
} elseif (!array_pop($result)) {
$result[] = '..';
} elseif ($dir && $dir != '.') {
$result[] = $dir;
if (!end($pathA)) $result[] = '';
$id = implode(':', $result);
} elseif ($ns !== false && strpos($id, ':') === false) {
//if link contains no namespace. add current namespace (if any)
$id = $ns . ':' . $id;
if ($clean) $id = cleanID($id);
return $id;
* Returns a full media id
* @param string $ns namespace which is context of id
* @param string &$media (reference) relative media id, updated to resolved id
* @param bool &$exists (reference) updated with existance of media
* @param int|string $rev
* @param bool $date_at
* @deprecated 2020-09-30
function resolve_mediaid($ns, &$media, &$exists, $rev = '', $date_at = false)
$resolver = new MediaResolver("$ns:deprecated");
$media = $resolver->resolveId($media, $rev, $date_at);
$exists = media_exists($media, $rev, false, $date_at);
* Returns a full page id
* @deprecated 2020-09-30
* @param string $ns namespace which is context of id
* @param string &$page (reference) relative page id, updated to resolved id
* @param bool &$exists (reference) updated with existance of media
* @param string $rev
* @param bool $date_at
function resolve_pageid($ns, &$page, &$exists, $rev = '', $date_at = false)
global $ID;
if (getNS($ID) == $ns) {
$context = $ID; // this is usually the case
} else {
$context = "$ns:deprecated"; // only used when a different context namespace was given
$resolver = new PageResolver($context);
$page = $resolver->resolveId($page, $rev, $date_at);
$exists = page_exists($page, $rev, false, $date_at);
* Returns the name of a cachefile from given data
* The needed directory is created by this function!
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param string $data This data is used to create a unique md5 name
* @param string $ext This is appended to the filename if given
* @return string The filename of the cachefile
function getCacheName($data, $ext = '')
global $conf;
$md5 = md5($data);
$file = $conf['cachedir'] . '/' . $md5[0] . '/' . $md5 . $ext;
return $file;
* Checks a pageid against $conf['hidepages']
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param string $id page id
* @return bool
function isHiddenPage($id)
$data = ['id' => $id, 'hidden' => false];
Event::createAndTrigger('PAGEUTILS_ID_HIDEPAGE', $data, '_isHiddenPage');
return $data['hidden'];
* callback checks if page is hidden
* @param array $data event data - see isHiddenPage()
function _isHiddenPage(&$data)
global $conf;
global $ACT;
if ($data['hidden']) return;
if (empty($conf['hidepages'])) return;
if ($ACT == 'admin') return;
if (preg_match('/' . $conf['hidepages'] . '/ui', ':' . $data['id'])) {
$data['hidden'] = true;
* Reverse of isHiddenPage
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @param string $id page id
* @return bool
function isVisiblePage($id)
return !isHiddenPage($id);
* Format an id for output to a user
* Namespaces are denoted by a trailing “:*”. The root namespace is
* “*”. Output is escaped.
* @author Adrian Lang <>
* @param string $id page id
* @return string
function prettyprint_id($id)
if (!$id || $id === ':') {
return '*';
if (str_ends_with($id, ':')) {
$id .= '*';
return hsc($id);
* Encode a UTF-8 filename to use on any filesystem
* Uses the 'fnencode' option to determine encoding
* When the second parameter is true the string will
* be encoded only if non ASCII characters are detected -
* This makes it safe to run it multiple times on the
* same string (default is true)
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @see urlencode
* @param string $file file name
* @param bool $safe if true, only encoded when non ASCII characters detected
* @return string
function utf8_encodeFN($file, $safe = true)
global $conf;
if ($conf['fnencode'] == 'utf-8') return $file;
if ($safe && preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z0-9/_\-\.%]+$#', $file)) {
return $file;
if ($conf['fnencode'] == 'safe') {
return SafeFN::encode($file);
$file = urlencode($file);
$file = str_replace('%2F', '/', $file);
return $file;
* Decode a filename back to UTF-8
* Uses the 'fnencode' option to determine encoding
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @see urldecode
* @param string $file file name
* @return string
function utf8_decodeFN($file)
global $conf;
if ($conf['fnencode'] == 'utf-8') return $file;
if ($conf['fnencode'] == 'safe') {
return SafeFN::decode($file);
return urldecode($file);
* Find a page in the current namespace (determined from $ID) or any
* higher namespace that can be accessed by the current user,
* this condition can be overriden by an optional parameter.
* Used for sidebars, but can be used other stuff as well
* @todo add event hook
* @param string $page the pagename you're looking for
* @param bool $useacl only return pages readable by the current user, false to ignore ACLs
* @return false|string the full page id of the found page, false if any
function page_findnearest($page, $useacl = true)
if ((string) $page === '') return false;
global $ID;
$ns = $ID;
do {
$ns = getNS($ns);
$pageid = cleanID("$ns:$page");
if (page_exists($pageid) && (!$useacl || auth_quickaclcheck($pageid) >= AUTH_READ)) {
return $pageid;
} while ($ns !== false);
return false;