
159 lines
6.4 KiB

* This overwrites DOKU_CONF. Each animal gets its own configuration and data directory.
* This can be used together with preload.php. See preload.php.dist for an example setup.
* For more information see
* The farm directory (constant DOKU_FARMDIR) can be any directory and needs to be set.
* Animals are direct subdirectories of the farm directory.
* There are two different approaches:
* * An .htaccess based setup can use any animal directory name:
*<path_to_farm>/subdir/ will need the subdirectory '$farm/subdir/'.
* * A virtual host based setup needs animal directory names which have to reflect
* the domain name: If an animal resides in,
* directories that will match range from '$farm/'
* to a simple '$farm/domain/'.
* @author Anika Henke <>
* @author Michael Klier <>
* @author Christopher Smith <>
* @author virtual host part of farm_confpath() based on conf_path() from's /includes/
* (see
* @license GPL 2 (
// DOKU_FARMDIR needs to be set in preload.php, the fallback is the same as DOKU_INC would be (if it was set already)
if (!defined('DOKU_FARMDIR')) define('DOKU_FARMDIR', fullpath(__DIR__ . '/../') . '/');
if (!defined('DOKU_CONF')) define('DOKU_CONF', farm_confpath(DOKU_FARMDIR));
if (!defined('DOKU_FARM')) define('DOKU_FARM', false);
* Find the appropriate configuration directory.
* If the .htaccess based setup is used, the configuration directory can be
* any subdirectory of the farm directory.
* Otherwise try finding a matching configuration directory by stripping the
* website's hostname from left to right and pathname from right to left. The
* first configuration file found will be used; the remaining will ignored.
* If no configuration file is found, return the default confdir './conf'.
* @param string $farm
* @return string
function farm_confpath($farm)
// htaccess based or cli
// cli usage example: animal=your_animal bin/indexer.php
if (isset($_GET['animal']) || ('cli' == PHP_SAPI && isset($_SERVER['animal']))) {
$mode = isset($_GET['animal']) ? 'htaccess' : 'cli';
$animal = $mode == 'htaccess' ? $_GET['animal'] : $_SERVER['animal'];
if (isset($_GET['animal'])) {
// now unset the parameter to not leak into new queries
// code by @splitbrain from farmer plugin
$params = [];
parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $params);
if (isset($params['animal'])) unset($params['animal']);
$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = http_build_query($params);
// check that $animal is a string and just a directory name and not a path
if (!is_string($animal) || strpbrk($animal, '\\/') !== false)
nice_die('Sorry! Invalid animal name!');
if (!is_dir($farm . '/' . $animal))
nice_die("Sorry! This Wiki doesn't exist!");
if (!defined('DOKU_FARM')) define('DOKU_FARM', $mode);
return $farm . '/' . $animal . '/conf/';
// virtual host based
$uri = explode('/', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ?: $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
$server = explode('.', implode('.', array_reverse(explode(':', rtrim($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '.')))));
for ($i = count($uri) - 1; $i > 0; $i--) {
for ($j = count($server); $j > 0; $j--) {
$dir = implode('.', array_slice($server, -$j)) . implode('.', array_slice($uri, 0, $i));
if (is_dir("$farm/$dir/conf/")) {
if (!defined('DOKU_FARM')) define('DOKU_FARM', 'virtual');
return "$farm/$dir/conf/";
// default conf directory in farm
if (is_dir("$farm/default/conf/")) {
if (!defined('DOKU_FARM')) define('DOKU_FARM', 'default');
return "$farm/default/conf/";
// farmer
return DOKU_INC . 'conf/';
/* Use default config files and local animal config files */
$config_cascade = [
'main' => [
'default' => [DOKU_INC . 'conf/dokuwiki.php'],
'local' => [DOKU_CONF . 'local.php'],
'protected' => [DOKU_CONF . 'local.protected.php']
'acronyms' => [
'default' => [DOKU_INC . 'conf/acronyms.conf'],
'local' => [DOKU_CONF . 'acronyms.local.conf']
'entities' => [
'default' => [DOKU_INC . 'conf/entities.conf'],
'local' => [DOKU_CONF . 'entities.local.conf']
'interwiki' => [
'default' => [DOKU_INC . 'conf/interwiki.conf'],
'local' => [DOKU_CONF . 'interwiki.local.conf']
'license' => [
'default' => [DOKU_INC . 'conf/license.php'],
'local' => [DOKU_CONF . 'license.local.php']
'mediameta' => [
'default' => [DOKU_INC . 'conf/mediameta.php'],
'local' => [DOKU_CONF . 'mediameta.local.php']
'mime' => [
'default' => [DOKU_INC . 'conf/mime.conf'],
'local' => [DOKU_CONF . 'mime.local.conf']
'scheme' => [
'default' => [DOKU_INC . 'conf/scheme.conf'],
'local' => [DOKU_CONF . 'scheme.local.conf']
'smileys' => [
'default' => [DOKU_INC . 'conf/smileys.conf'],
'local' => [DOKU_CONF . 'smileys.local.conf']
'wordblock' => [
'default' => [DOKU_INC . 'conf/wordblock.conf'],
'local' => [DOKU_CONF . 'wordblock.local.conf']
'acl' => [
'default' => DOKU_CONF . 'acl.auth.php'
'plainauth.users' => [
'default' => DOKU_CONF . 'users.auth.php'
'plugins' => [
// needed since Angua
'default' => [DOKU_INC . 'conf/plugins.php'],
'local' => [DOKU_CONF . 'plugins.local.php'],
'protected' => [DOKU_INC . 'conf/plugins.required.php', DOKU_CONF . 'plugins.protected.php'],
'userstyle' => [
'screen' => [DOKU_CONF . 'userstyle.css', DOKU_CONF . 'userstyle.less'],
'print' => [DOKU_CONF . 'userprint.css', DOKU_CONF . 'userprint.less'],
'feed' => [DOKU_CONF . 'userfeed.css', DOKU_CONF . 'userfeed.less'],
'all' => [DOKU_CONF . 'userall.css', DOKU_CONF . 'userall.less']
'userscript' => [
'default' => [DOKU_CONF . 'userscript.js']