Media changelog added

There is a new media changelog now, with the flag RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES media changes can be requested from the getRecents()-function or the new getRecentsSince()-function, that returns all changes since a given timestamp and optionally before a given timestamp. The media upload and the XML-RPC-server have been changed to use these functions.

Additionally, the event MEDIA_UPLOAD_FINISH has been extended, it has a new $data-attribute (the 5th), that contains a boolean if the file does already exist and will be overwritten.

This commit is contained in:
michael 2009-01-18 16:43:45 +01:00
parent 5dfff2790d
commit 99c8d7f212
6 changed files with 215 additions and 86 deletions

View File

@ -95,6 +95,39 @@ function addLogEntry($date, $id, $type=DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_EDIT, $summary='', $extr
io_saveFile($conf['changelog'],$logline,true); //global changelog cache
* Add's an entry to the media changelog
* @author Michael Hamann <>
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Esther Brunner <>
* @author Ben Coburn <>
function addMediaLogEntry($date, $id, $type=DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_EDIT, $summary='', $extra='', $flags=null){
global $conf, $INFO;
$id = cleanid($id);
if(!$date) $date = time(); //use current time if none supplied
$remote = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$user = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];
$strip = array("\t", "\n");
$logline = array(
'date' => $date,
'ip' => $remote,
'type' => str_replace($strip, '', $type),
'id' => $id,
'user' => $user,
'sum' => str_replace($strip, '', $summary),
'extra' => str_replace($strip, '', $extra)
// add changelog lines
$logline = implode("\t", $logline)."\n";
io_saveFile($conf['media_changelog'],$logline,true); //global media changelog cache
* returns an array of recently changed files using the
* changelog
@ -105,6 +138,7 @@ function addLogEntry($date, $id, $type=DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_EDIT, $summary='', $extr
* RECENTS_SKIP_DELETED - don't include deleted pages
* RECENTS_SKIP_MINORS - don't include minor changes
* RECENTS_SKIP_SUBSPACES - don't include subspaces
* RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES - return media changes instead of page changes
* @param int $first number of first entry returned (for paginating
* @param int $num return $num entries
@ -122,12 +156,17 @@ function getRecents($first,$num,$ns='',$flags=0){
return $recent;
// read all recent changes. (kept short)
$lines = @file($conf['changelog']);
$lines = @file($conf['media_changelog']);
} else {
$lines = @file($conf['changelog']);
// handle lines
$seen = array(); // caches seen lines, _handleRecent() skips them
for($i = count($lines)-1; $i >= 0; $i--){
$rec = _handleRecent($lines[$i], $ns, $flags);
$rec = _handleRecent($lines[$i], $ns, $flags, $seen);
if($rec !== false) {
if(--$first >= 0) continue; // skip first entries
$recent[] = $rec;
@ -140,6 +179,62 @@ function getRecents($first,$num,$ns='',$flags=0){
return $recent;
* returns an array of files changed since a given time using the
* changelog
* The following constants can be used to control which changes are
* included. Add them together as needed.
* RECENTS_SKIP_DELETED - don't include deleted pages
* RECENTS_SKIP_MINORS - don't include minor changes
* RECENTS_SKIP_SUBSPACES - don't include subspaces
* RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES - return media changes instead of page changes
* @param int $from date of the oldest entry to return
* @param int $to date of the newest entry to return (for pagination, optional)
* @param string $ns restrict to given namespace (optional)
* @param bool $flags see above (optional)
* @author Michael Hamann <>
* @author Ben Coburn <>
function getRecentsSince($from,$to=null,$ns='',$flags=0){
global $conf;
$recent = array();
if($to && $to < $from)
return $recent;
// read all recent changes. (kept short)
$lines = @file($conf['media_changelog']);
} else {
$lines = @file($conf['changelog']);
// we start searching at the end of the list
$lines = array_reverse($lines);
// handle lines
$seen = array(); // caches seen lines, _handleRecent() skips them
foreach($lines as $line){
$rec = _handleRecent($line, $ns, $flags, $seen);
if($rec !== false) {
if ($rec['date'] >= $from) {
if (!$to || $rec['date'] <= $to) {
$recent[] = $rec;
} else {
return array_reverse($recent);
* Internal function used by getRecents
@ -149,8 +244,7 @@ function getRecents($first,$num,$ns='',$flags=0){
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Ben Coburn <>
function _handleRecent($line,$ns,$flags){
static $seen = array(); //caches seen pages and skip them
function _handleRecent($line,$ns,$flags,&$seen){
if(empty($line)) return false; //skip empty lines
// split the line into parts
@ -176,10 +270,12 @@ function _handleRecent($line,$ns,$flags){
if (($flags & RECENTS_SKIP_SUBSPACES) && (getNS($recent['id']) != $ns)) return false;
// check ACL
if (auth_quickaclcheck($recent['id']) < AUTH_READ) return false;
$recent['perms'] = auth_quickaclcheck($recent['id']);
if ($recent['perms'] < AUTH_READ) return false;
// check existance
if((!@file_exists(wikiFN($recent['id']))) && ($flags & RECENTS_SKIP_DELETED)) return false;
$fn = (($flags & RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES) ? mediaFN($recent['id']) : wikiFN($recent['id']));
if((!@file_exists($fn)) && ($flags & RECENTS_SKIP_DELETED)) return false;
return $recent;

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/infoutils.php');
* Wrapper around htmlspecialchars()

View File

@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ function init_paths(){
if ($conf['changelog_old']=='') { unset($conf['changelog_old']); }
// hardcoded changelog because it is now a cache that lives in meta
$conf['changelog'] = $conf['metadir'].'/_dokuwiki.changes';
$conf['media_changelog'] = $conf['metadir'].'/_media.changes';

View File

@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ function media_delete($id,$auth){
if ($evt->advise_before()) {
$data['unl'] = @unlink($file);
addMediaLogEntry(time(), $id, DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE);
$data['del'] = io_sweepNS($id,'mediadir');
@ -215,6 +216,7 @@ function media_delete($id,$auth){
* $data[1] fn: the file name of the uploaded file
* $data[2] id: the future directory id of the uploaded file
* $data[3] imime: the mimetype of the uploaded file
* $data[4] overwrite: if an existing file is going to be overwritten
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
@ -263,7 +265,8 @@ function media_upload($ns,$auth){
// because a temp file was created already
//check for overwrite
if(@file_exists($fn) && (!$_REQUEST['ow'] || $auth < AUTH_DELETE)){
$overwrite = @file_exists($fn);
if($overwrite && (!$_REQUEST['ow'] || $auth < AUTH_DELETE)){
return false;
@ -285,6 +288,7 @@ function media_upload($ns,$auth){
$data[1] = $fn;
$data[2] = $id;
$data[3] = $imime;
$data[4] = $overwrite;
// trigger event
return trigger_event('MEDIA_UPLOAD_FINISH', $data, '_media_upload_action', true);
@ -301,8 +305,8 @@ function media_upload($ns,$auth){
function _media_upload_action($data) {
// fixme do further sanity tests of given data?
if(is_array($data) && count($data)===4) {
return media_upload_finish($data[0], $data[1], $data[2], $data[3]);
if(is_array($data) && count($data)===5) {
return media_upload_finish($data[0], $data[1], $data[2], $data[3], $data[4]);
} else {
return false; //callback error
@ -314,7 +318,7 @@ function _media_upload_action($data) {
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Michael Klier <>
function media_upload_finish($fn_tmp, $fn, $id, $imime) {
function media_upload_finish($fn_tmp, $fn, $id, $imime, $overwrite) {
global $conf;
global $lang;
@ -328,6 +332,12 @@ function media_upload_finish($fn_tmp, $fn, $id, $imime) {
chmod($fn, $conf['fmode']);
// add a log entry to the media changelog
if ($overwrite) {
addMediaLogEntry(time(), $id, DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_EDIT);
} else {
addMediaLogEntry(time(), $id, DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_CREATE);
return $id;

View File

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ if ($evt->advise_before()) {
metaUpdate() or
runSitemapper() or
runTrimRecentChanges() or
runTrimRecentChanges(true) or
if($defer) sendGIF();
@ -52,15 +53,18 @@ exit;
* Trims the recent changes cache (or imports the old changelog) as needed.
* @param media_changes If the media changelog shall be trimmed instead of
* the page changelog
* @author Ben Coburn <>
function runTrimRecentChanges() {
function runTrimRecentChanges($media_changes = false) {
global $conf;
// Import old changelog (if needed)
// Uses the imporoldchangelog plugin to upgrade the changelog automaticaly.
// FIXME: Remove this from runTrimRecentChanges when it is no longer needed.
if (isset($conf['changelog_old']) &&
if (!$media_changes && isset($conf['changelog_old']) &&
@file_exists($conf['changelog_old']) && !@file_exists($conf['changelog']) &&
!@file_exists($conf['changelog'].'_importing') && !@file_exists($conf['changelog'].'_tmp')) {
$tmp = array(); // no event data
@ -68,22 +72,24 @@ function runTrimRecentChanges() {
return true;
$fn = ($media_changes ? $conf['media_changelog'] : $conf['changelog']);
// Trim the Recent Changes
// Trims the recent changes cache to the last $conf['changes_days'] recent
// changes or $conf['recent'] items, which ever is larger.
// The trimming is only done once a day.
if (@file_exists($conf['changelog']) &&
(filectime($conf['changelog'])+86400)<time() &&
!@file_exists($conf['changelog'].'_tmp')) {
$lines = file($conf['changelog']);
if (@file_exists($fn) &&
(filectime($fn)+86400)<time() &&
!@file_exists($fn.'_tmp')) {
$lines = file($fn);
if (count($lines)<=$conf['recent']) {
// nothing to trim
return false;
io_saveFile($conf['changelog'].'_tmp', ''); // presave tmp as 2nd lock
io_saveFile($fn.'_tmp', ''); // presave tmp as 2nd lock
$trim_time = time() - $conf['recent_days']*86400;
$out_lines = array();
@ -107,15 +113,15 @@ function runTrimRecentChanges() {
// save trimmed changelog
io_saveFile($conf['changelog'].'_tmp', implode('', $out_lines));
if (!rename($conf['changelog'].'_tmp', $conf['changelog'])) {
io_saveFile($fn.'_tmp', implode('', $out_lines));
if (!rename($fn.'_tmp', $fn)) {
// rename failed so try another way...
io_saveFile($conf['changelog'], implode('', $out_lines));
io_saveFile($fn, implode('', $out_lines));
} else {
return true;

View File

@ -122,7 +122,13 @@ class dokuwiki_xmlrpc_server extends IXR_IntrospectionServer {
'Returns a strukt about all recent changes since given timestamp.'
'Returns a struct about all recent changes since given timestamp.'
'Returns a struct about all recent media changes since given timestamp.'
@ -464,7 +470,8 @@ class dokuwiki_xmlrpc_server extends IXR_IntrospectionServer {
// because a temp file was created already
if(preg_match('/\.('.$regex.')$/i',$fn)) {
//check for overwrite
if(@file_exists($fn) && (!$params['ow'] || $auth < AUTH_DELETE)) {
$overwrite = @file_exists($fn);
if($overwrite && (!$params['ow'] || $auth < AUTH_DELETE)) {
return new IXR_ERROR(1, $lang['uploadexist']);
// check for valid content
@ -483,6 +490,7 @@ class dokuwiki_xmlrpc_server extends IXR_IntrospectionServer {
$data[1] = $fn;
$data[2] = $id;
$data[3] = $imime;
$data[4] = $overwrite;
// trigger event
@ -517,7 +525,8 @@ class dokuwiki_xmlrpc_server extends IXR_IntrospectionServer {
$file = mediaFN($id);
addMediaLogEntry(time(), $id, DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE);
return 0;
@ -536,11 +545,18 @@ class dokuwiki_xmlrpc_server extends IXR_IntrospectionServer {
function _media_upload_action($data) {
global $conf;
if(is_array($data) && count($data)===4) {
if(is_array($data) && count($data)===5) {
io_createNamespace($data[2], 'media');
if(rename($data[0], $data[1])) {
chmod($data[1], $conf['fmode']);
media_notify($data[2], $data[1], $data[3]);
// add a log entry to the media changelog
if ($data[4]) {
addMediaLogEntry(time(), $data[2], DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_EDIT);
} else {
addMediaLogEntry(time(), $data[2], DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_CREATE);
return $data[2];
} else {
return new IXR_ERROR(1, 'Upload failed.');
@ -608,74 +624,73 @@ class dokuwiki_xmlrpc_server extends IXR_IntrospectionServer {
* Returns a list of recent changes since give timestamp
* @author Michael Hamann <>
* @author Michael Klier <>
function getRecentChanges($timestamp) {
global $conf;
if(strlen($timestamp) != 10)
return new IXR_Error(20, 'The provided value is not a valid timestamp');
$changes = array();
// read changes
$lines = @file($conf['changelog']);
$recents = getRecentsSince($timestamp);
return new IXR_Error(10, 'The changelog could not be read');
$changes = array();
// we start searching at the end of the list
$lines = array_reverse($lines);
// cache seen pages and skip them
$seen = array();
foreach($lines as $line) {
if(empty($line)) continue; // skip empty lines
$logline = parseChangelogLine($line);
if($logline === false) continue;
// skip seen ones
if(isset($seen[$logline['id']])) continue;
// skip minors
if($logline['type'] === DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_MINOR_EDIT && ($flags & RECENTS_SKIP_MINORS)) continue;
// remember in seen to skip additional sights
$seen[$logline['id']] = 1;
// check if it's a hidden page
if(isHiddenPage($logline['id'])) continue;
// check ACL
$perms = auth_quickaclcheck($logline['id']);
if($perms < AUTH_READ) continue;
// check existance
if((!@file_exists(wikiFN($logline['id']))) && ($flags & RECENTS_SKIP_DELETED)) continue;
// check if logline is still in the queried time frame
if($logline['date'] >= $timestamp) {
$change['name'] = $logline['id'];
$change['lastModified'] = new IXR_Date($logline['date']);
$change['author'] = $logline['user'];
$change['version'] = $logline['date'];
$change['perms'] = $perms;
$change['size'] = @filesize(wikiFN($logline['id']));
array_push($changes, $change);
} else {
$changes = array_reverse($changes);
return ($changes);
foreach ($recents as $recent) {
$change = array();
$change['name'] = $recent['id'];
$change['lastModified'] = new IXR_Date($recent['date']);
$change['author'] = $recent['user'];
$change['version'] = $recent['date'];
$change['perms'] = $recent['perms'];
$change['size'] = @filesize(wikiFN($recent['id']));
array_push($changes, $change);
// in case we still have nothing at this point
return new IXR_Error(30, 'There are no changes in the specified timeframe');
if (!empty($changes)) {
return $changes;
} else {
// in case we still have nothing at this point
return new IXR_Error(30, 'There are no changes in the specified timeframe');
* Returns a list of recent media changes since give timestamp
* @author Michael Hamann <>
* @author Michael Klier <>
function getRecentMediaChanges($timestamp) {
if(strlen($timestamp) != 10)
return new IXR_Error(20, 'The provided value is not a valid timestamp');
$recents = getRecentsSince($timestamp, null, '', RECENTS_MEDIA_CHANGES);
$changes = array();
foreach ($recents as $recent) {
$change = array();
$change['name'] = $recent['id'];
$change['lastModified'] = new IXR_Date($recent['date']);
$change['author'] = $recent['user'];
$change['version'] = $recent['date'];
$change['perms'] = $recent['perms'];
$change['size'] = @filesize(wikiFN($recent['id']));
array_push($changes, $change);
if (!empty($changes)) {
return $changes;
} else {
// in case we still have nothing at this point
return new IXR_Error(30, 'There are no changes in the specified timeframe');