scalable changelog redesign

This patch provides a rewritten changelog system that is designed to run
efficiently on both small and large wikis. The patch includes a plugin to
convert changelogs from the current format. The conversion is
non-destructive and happens automatically. For more information on the new
changelog format see "".

In short the changelog is now stored in per-page changelog files, with a
recent changes cache. The recent changes cache is kept in
"/data/meta/_dokuwiki.changes" and trimmed daily. The per-page changelogs
are kept in "/data/meta/<ns>/<page_id>.changes" files. To preserve
revision information for revisions stored in the attic, the "*.changes"
files are not removed when their page is deleted. This allows the full
life-cycle of page creation, deletion, and reversion to be tracked.

The changelog line format now uses a general "line type" field in place of
the special "minor" change syntax. There is also an extra field that can
be used to store arbitrary data associated with special line types. The
reverted line type (R) is a good example. There the extra field holds the
revision date used as the source for reverting the page. See the wiki for
the complete syntax description.

Code Notes
The changelog functions have been rewritten to load the whole file only if
it is small. For larger files, the function loads only the relevant
chunk(s). Parsed changelog lines are cached in memory to speed future
function calls.

A binary search is used to locate the chunk expected to contain the
requested revision. The whole chunk is parsed, and adjacent lines are
optimistically cached to speed consecutive calls.

Reads the changelog file backwards (newest first) in chunks until the
requested number of lines have been read. Parsed changelog lines are
cached for subsequent calls to getRevisionInfo. Because revisions are read
from the changelog they are no longer guaranteed to exist in the attic.

(Note: Even with lines of arbitrary length getRevisionInfo and
getRevisions never split changelog lines while reading. This is done by
sliding the "file pointer" forward to the end of a line after each blind

Removed. To detect a minor edit check the type as follows:

This commit is contained in:
Ben Coburn 2006-08-30 20:27:53 +02:00
parent 19a3223378
commit 71726d7801
10 changed files with 607 additions and 295 deletions

View File

@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ $conf['rss_linkto'] = 'diff'; //what page RSS entries link to:
// 'rev' - page showing all revisions
// 'current' - most recent revision of page
$conf['rss_update'] = 5*60; //Update the RSS feed every n minutes (defaults to 5 minutes)
$conf['recent_days'] = 7; //How many days of recent changes to keep. (days)
//Set target to use when creating links - leave empty for same window
$conf['target']['wiki'] = '';

View File

@ -94,16 +94,20 @@ function pageinfo(){
$info['editable'] = ($info['writable'] && empty($info['lock']));
$info['lastmod'] = @filemtime($info['filepath']);
//load page meta data
$info['meta'] = p_get_metadata($ID);
//who's the editor
$revinfo = getRevisionInfo($ID,$REV,false);
$revinfo = getRevisionInfo($ID, $REV, 1024);
$revinfo = getRevisionInfo($ID,$info['lastmod'],false);
$revinfo = $info['meta']['last_change'];
$info['ip'] = $revinfo['ip'];
$info['user'] = $revinfo['user'];
$info['sum'] = $revinfo['sum'];
$info['minor'] = $revinfo['minor'];
// See also $INFO['meta']['last_change'] which is the most recent log line for page $ID.
// Use $INFO['meta']['last_change']['type']==='e' in place of $info['minor'].
$info['editor'] = $revinfo['user'];
@ -710,46 +714,53 @@ function dbglog($msg){
* Add's an entry to the changelog
* Add's an entry to the changelog and saves the metadata for the page
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Esther Brunner <>
* @author Ben Coburn <>
function addLogEntry($date,$id,$summary='',$minor=false){
global $conf;
function addLogEntry($date, $id, $type='E', $summary='', $extra=''){
global $conf, $INFO;
msg($conf['changelog'].' is not writable!',-1);
$id = cleanid($id);
$file = wikiFN($id);
$created = @filectime($file);
$minor = ($type==='e');
$wasRemoved = ($type==='D');
if(!$date) $date = time(); //use current time if none supplied
$remote = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$user = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];
if($conf['useacl'] && $user && $minor){
$summary = '*'.$summary;
$summary = ' '.$summary;
$logline = array(
'date' => $date,
'ip' => $remote,
'type' => $type,
'id' => $id,
'user' => $user,
'sum' => $summary,
'extra' => $extra
// update metadata
if (!$wasRemoved) {
$meta = array();
if (!$INFO['exists']){ // newly created
$meta['date']['created'] = $created;
if ($user) $meta['creator'] = $INFO['userinfo']['name'];
} elseif (!$minor) { // non-minor modification
$meta['date']['modified'] = $date;
if ($user) $meta['contributor'][$user] = $INFO['userinfo']['name'];
$meta['last_change'] = $logline;
p_set_metadata($id, $meta, true);
$logline = join("\t",array($date,$remote,$id,$user,$summary))."\n";
* Checks an summary entry if it was a minor edit
* The summary is cleaned of the marker char
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
function isMinor(&$summary){
if(substr($summary,0,1) == '*'){
$summary = substr($summary,1);
return true;
$summary = trim($summary);
return false;
// add changelog lines
$logline = implode("\t", $logline)."\n";
io_saveFile(metaFN($id,'.changes'),$logline,true); //page changelog
io_saveFile($conf['changelog'],$logline,true); //global changelog cache
@ -759,58 +770,39 @@ function isMinor(&$summary){
* @see getRecents()
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Ben Coburn <>
function _handleRecent($line,$ns,$flags){
static $seen = array(); //caches seen pages and skip them
if(empty($line)) return false; //skip empty lines
// split the line into parts
list($dt,$ip,$id,$usr,$sum) = explode("\t",$line);
$recent = parseChangelogLine($line);
if ($recent===false) { return false; }
// skip seen ones
if($seen[$id]) return false;
$recent = array();
if(isset($seen[$recent['id']])) return false;
// check minors
// skip minors
if($flags & RECENTS_SKIP_MINORS) return false;
$recent['minor'] = true;
$recent['minor'] = false;
// skip minors
if($recent['type']==='e' && ($flags & RECENTS_SKIP_MINORS)) return false;
// remember in seen to skip additional sights
$seen[$id] = 1;
$seen[$recent['id']] = 1;
// check if it's a hidden page
if(isHiddenPage($id)) return false;
if(isHiddenPage($recent['id'])) return false;
// filter namespace
if (($ns) && (strpos($id,$ns.':') !== 0)) return false;
if (($ns) && (strpos($recent['id'],$ns.':') !== 0)) return false;
// exclude subnamespaces
if (($flags & RECENTS_SKIP_SUBSPACES) && (getNS($id) != $ns)) return false;
if (($flags & RECENTS_SKIP_SUBSPACES) && (getNS($recent['id']) != $ns)) return false;
// check ACL
if (auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_READ) return false;
if (auth_quickaclcheck($recent['id']) < AUTH_READ) return false;
// check existance
return false;
$recent['del'] = true;
$recent['del'] = false;
$recent['id'] = $id;
$recent['date'] = $dt;
$recent['ip'] = $ip;
$recent['user'] = $usr;
$recent['sum'] = $sum;
if((!@file_exists(wikiFN($recent['id']))) && ($flags & RECENTS_SKIP_DELETED)) return false;
return $recent;
@ -832,7 +824,7 @@ function _handleRecent($line,$ns,$flags){
* @param string $ns restrict to given namespace
* @param bool $flags see above
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Ben Coburn <>
function getRecents($first,$num,$ns='',$flags=0){
global $conf;
@ -842,190 +834,245 @@ function getRecents($first,$num,$ns='',$flags=0){
return $recent;
msg($conf['changelog'].' is not readable',-1);
return $recent;
// read all recent changes. (kept short)
$lines = file($conf['changelog']);
// handle lines
for($i = count($lines)-1; $i >= 0; $i--){
$rec = _handleRecent($lines[$i], $ns, $flags);
if($rec !== false) {
if(--$first >= 0) continue; // skip first entries
$recent[] = $rec;
// break when we have enough entries
if($count >= $num){ break; }
$fh = fopen($conf['changelog'],'r');
$buf = '';
$csz = 4096; //chunksize
fseek($fh,0,SEEK_END); // jump to the end
$pos = ftell($fh); // position pointer
// now read backwards into buffer
while($pos > 0){
$pos -= $csz; // seek to previous chunk...
if($pos < 0) { // ...or rest of file
$csz += $pos;
$pos = 0;
$buf = fread($fh,$csz).$buf; // prepend to buffer
$lines = explode("\n",$buf); // split buffer into lines
if($pos > 0){
$buf = array_shift($lines); // first one may be still incomplete
$cnt = count($lines);
if(!$cnt) continue; // no lines yet
// handle lines
for($i = $cnt-1; $i >= 0; $i--){
$rec = _handleRecent($lines[$i],$ns,$flags);
if($rec !== false){
if(--$first >= 0) continue; // skip first entries
$recent[] = $rec;
// break while when we have enough entries
if($count >= $num){
$pos = 0; // will break the while loop
break; // will break the for loop
}// end of while
return $recent;
* Compare the logline $a to the timestamp $b
* @author Yann Hamon <>
* @return integer 0 if the logline has timestamp $b, <0 if the timestam
* of $a is greater than $b, >0 else.
function hasTimestamp($a, $b)
if (strpos($a, $b) === 0)
return 0;
return strcmp ($a, $b);
* performs a dichotomic search on an array using
* a custom compare function
* parses a changelog line into it's components
* @author Yann Hamon <>
function array_dichotomic_search($ar, $value, $compareFunc) {
$value = trim($value);
if (!$ar || !$value || !$compareFunc) return (null);
$len = count($ar);
$l = 0;
$r = $len-1;
do {
$i = floor(($l+$r)/2);
if ($compareFunc($ar[$i], $value)<0)
$l = $i+1;
$r = $i-1;
} while ($compareFunc($ar[$i], $value)!=0 && $l<=$r);
if ($compareFunc($ar[$i], $value)==0)
return $i;
return -1;
* gets additonal informations for a certain pagerevison
* from the changelog
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Yann Hamon <>
* @author Ben Coburn <>
function getRevisionInfo($id,$rev,$mem_cache=true){
global $conf;
global $doku_temporary_revinfo_cache;
$cache =& $doku_temporary_revinfo_cache;
if(!$rev) return(null);
function parseChangelogLine($line) {
$tmp = explode("\t", $line);
if ($tmp!==false && count($tmp)>1) {
$info = array();
$info['date'] = $tmp[0]; // unix timestamp
$info['ip'] = $tmp[1]; // IPv4 address (
$info['type'] = $tmp[2]; // log line type
$info['id'] = $tmp[3]; // page id
$info['user'] = $tmp[4]; // user name
$info['sum'] = $tmp[5]; // edit summary (or action reason)
$info['extra'] = rtrim($tmp[6], "\n"); // extra data (varies by line type)
return $info;
} else { return false; }
* Get the changelog information for a specific page id
* and revision (timestamp). Adjacent changelog lines
* are optimistically parsed and cached to speed up
* consecutive calls to getRevisionInfo. For large
* changelog files, only the chunk containing the
* requested changelog line is read.
* @author Ben Coburn <>
function getRevisionInfo($id, $rev, $chunk_size=8192) {
global $cache_revinfo;
$cache =& $cache_revinfo;
if (!isset($cache[$id])) { $cache[$id] = array(); }
$rev = max($rev, 0);
// check if it's already in the memory cache
if (is_array($cache) && isset($cache[$id]) && isset($cache[$id][$rev])) {
if (isset($cache[$id]) && isset($cache[$id][$rev])) {
return $cache[$id][$rev];
$info = array();
msg($conf['changelog'].' is not readable',-1);
return $recent;
$loglines = file($conf['changelog']);
if (!$mem_cache) {
// Search for a line with a matching timestamp
$index = array_dichotomic_search($loglines, $rev, 'hasTimestamp');
if ($index == -1)
// The following code is necessary when there is more than
// one line with one same timestamp
$loglines_matching = array();
for ($i=$index-1;$i>=0 && hasTimestamp($loglines[$i], $rev) == 0; $i--)
$loglines_matching[] = $loglines[$i];
$loglines_matching = array_reverse($loglines_matching);
$loglines_matching[] = $loglines[$index];
$logsize = count($loglines);
for ($i=$index+1;$i<$logsize && hasTimestamp($loglines[$i], $rev) == 0; $i++)
$loglines_matching[] = $loglines[$i];
// pull off the line most recent line with the right id
$loglines_matching = array_reverse($loglines_matching); //newest first
foreach ($loglines_matching as $logline) {
$line = explode("\t", $logline);
if ($line[2]==$id) {
$info['date'] = $line[0];
$info['ip'] = $line[1];
$info['user'] = $line[3];
$info['sum'] = $line[4];
$info['minor'] = isMinor($info['sum']);
$file = metaFN($id, '.changes');
if (!file_exists($file)) { return false; }
if (filesize($file)<$chunk_size || $chunk_size==0) {
// read whole file
$lines = file($file);
if ($lines===false) { return false; }
} else {
// load and cache all the lines with the right id
if(!is_array($cache)) { $cache = array(); }
if (!isset($cache[$id])) { $cache[$id] = array(); }
foreach ($loglines as $logline) {
$start = strpos($logline, "\t", strpos($logline, "\t")+1)+1;
$end = strpos($logline, "\t", $start);
if (substr($logline, $start, $end-$start)==$id) {
$line = explode("\t", $logline);
$info = array();
$info['date'] = $line[0];
$info['ip'] = $line[1];
$info['user'] = $line[3];
$info['sum'] = $line[4];
$info['minor'] = isMinor($info['sum']);
$cache[$id][$info['date']] = $info;
// read by chunk
$fp = fopen($file, 'rb'); // "file pointer"
if ($fp===false) { return false; }
$head = 0;
fseek($fp, 0, SEEK_END);
$tail = ftell($fp);
$finger = 0;
$finger_rev = 0;
// find chunk
while ($tail-$head>$chunk_size) {
$finger = $head+floor(($tail-$head)/2.0);
fseek($fp, $finger);
fgets($fp); // slip the finger forward to a new line
$finger = ftell($fp);
$tmp = fgets($fp); // then read at that location
$tmp = parseChangelogLine($tmp);
$finger_rev = $tmp['date'];
if ($finger==$head || $finger==$tail) { break; }
if ($finger_rev>$rev) {
$tail = $finger;
} else {
$head = $finger;
$info = $cache[$id][$rev];
if ($tail-$head<1) {
// cound not find chunk, assume requested rev is missing
return false;
// read chunk
$chunk = '';
$chunk_size = max($tail-$head, 0); // found chunk size
$got = 0;
fseek($fp, $head);
while ($got<$chunk_size && !feof($fp)) {
$tmp = fread($fp, max($chunk_size-$got, 0));
if ($tmp===false) { break; } //error state
$got += strlen($tmp);
$chunk .= $tmp;
$lines = explode("\n", $chunk);
array_pop($lines); // remove trailing newline
return $info;
// parse and cache changelog lines
foreach ($lines as $value) {
$tmp = parseChangelogLine($value);
if ($tmp!==false) {
$cache[$id][$tmp['date']] = $tmp;
if (!isset($cache[$id][$rev])) { return false; }
return $cache[$id][$rev];
* Return a list of page revisions numbers
* Does not guarantee that the revision exists in the attic,
* only that a line with the date exists in the changelog.
* By default the current revision is skipped.
* id: the page of interest
* first: skip the first n changelog lines
* num: number of revisions to return
* The current revision is automatically skipped when the page exists.
* See $INFO['meta']['last_change'] for the current revision.
* For efficiency, the log lines are parsed and cached for later
* calls to getRevisionInfo. Large changelog files are read
* backwards in chunks untill the requested number of changelog
* lines are recieved.
* @author Ben Coburn <>
function getRevisions($id, $first, $num, $chunk_size=8192) {
global $cache_revinfo;
$cache =& $cache_revinfo;
if (!isset($cache[$id])) { $cache[$id] = array(); }
$revs = array();
$lines = array();
$count = 0;
$file = metaFN($id, '.changes');
$num = max($num, 0);
$chunk_size = max($chunk_size, 0);
if ($first<0) { $first = 0; }
else if (file_exists(wikiFN($id))) {
// skip current revision if the page exists
$first = max($first+1, 0);
if (!file_exists($file)) { return $revs; }
if (filesize($file)<$chunk_size || $chunk_size==0) {
// read whole file
$lines = file($file);
if ($lines===false) { return $revs; }
} else {
// read chunks backwards
$fp = fopen($file, 'rb'); // "file pointer"
if ($fp===false) { return $revs; }
fseek($fp, 0, SEEK_END);
$tail = ftell($fp);
// chunk backwards
$finger = max($tail-$chunk_size, 0);
while ($count<$num+$first) {
fseek($fp, $finger);
if ($finger>0) {
fgets($fp); // slip the finger forward to a new line
$finger = ftell($fp);
// read chunk
if ($tail<=$finger) { break; }
$chunk = '';
$read_size = max($tail-$finger, 0); // found chunk size
$got = 0;
while ($got<$read_size && !feof($fp)) {
$tmp = fread($fp, max($read_size-$got, 0));
if ($tmp===false) { break; } //error state
$got += strlen($tmp);
$chunk .= $tmp;
$tmp = explode("\n", $chunk);
array_pop($tmp); // remove trailing newline
// combine with previous chunk
$count += count($tmp);
$lines = array_merge($tmp, $lines);
// next chunk
if ($finger==0) { break; } // already read all the lines
else {
$tail = $finger;
$finger = max($tail-$chunk_size, 0);
// skip parsing extra lines
$num = max(min(count($lines)-$first, $num), 0);
if ($first>0 && $num>0) { $lines = array_slice($lines, max(count($lines)-$first-$num, 0), $num); }
else if ($first>0 && $num==0) { $lines = array_slice($lines, 0, max(count($lines)-$first, 0)); }
else if ($first==0 && $num>0) { $lines = array_slice($lines, max(count($lines)-$num, 0)); }
// handle lines in reverse order
for ($i = count($lines)-1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$tmp = parseChangelogLine($lines[$i]);
if ($tmp!==false) {
$cache[$id][$tmp['date']] = $tmp;
$revs[] = $tmp['date'];
return $revs;
* Saves a wikitext by calling io_writeWikiPage
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Ben Coburn <>
function saveWikiText($id,$text,$summary,$minor=false){
global $conf;
global $lang;
global $REV;
// ignore if no changes were made
if($text == rawWiki($id,'')){
@ -1033,14 +1080,19 @@ function saveWikiText($id,$text,$summary,$minor=false){
$file = wikiFN($id);
$old = saveOldRevision($id);
$wasRemoved = empty($text);
$wasCreated = !file_exists($file);
$wasReverted = ($REV==true);
if (empty($text)){
if ($wasRemoved){
// remove empty file
// remove any meta info
// remove old meta info...
$mfiles = metaFiles($id);
$changelog = metaFN($id, '.changes');
foreach ($mfiles as $mfile) {
if (file_exists($mfile)) @unlink($mfile);
// but keep per-page changelog to preserve page history
if (file_exists($mfile) && $mfile!==$changelog) { @unlink($mfile); }
$del = true;
// autoset summary on deletion
@ -1051,11 +1103,21 @@ function saveWikiText($id,$text,$summary,$minor=false){
// save file (namespace dir is created in io_writeWikiPage)
io_writeWikiPage($file, $text, $id);
saveMetadata($id, $file, $minor);
$del = false;
// select changelog line type
$extra = '';
$type = 'E';
if ($wasReverted) {
$type = 'R';
$extra = $REV;
else if ($wasCreated) { $type = 'C'; }
else if ($wasRemoved) { $type = 'D'; }
else if ($minor && $conf['useacl'] && $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) { $type = 'e'; } //minor edits only for logged in users
addLogEntry(@filemtime($file), $id, $type, $summary, $extra);
// send notify mails
@ -1066,27 +1128,6 @@ function saveWikiText($id,$text,$summary,$minor=false){
* saves the metadata for a page
* @author Esther Brunner <>
function saveMetadata($id, $file, $minor){
global $INFO;
$user = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];
$meta = array();
if (!$INFO['exists']){ // newly created
$meta['date']['created'] = @filectime($file);
if ($user) $meta['creator'] = $INFO['userinfo']['name'];
} elseif (!$minor) { // non-minor modification
$meta['date']['modified'] = @filemtime($file);
if ($user) $meta['contributor'][$user] = $INFO['userinfo']['name'];
p_set_metadata($id, $meta, true);
* moves the current version to the attic and returns its
* revision date
@ -1177,39 +1218,6 @@ function notify($id,$who,$rev='',$summary='',$minor=false,$replace=array()){
* Return a list of available page revisons
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
function getRevisions($id){
global $conf;
$id = cleanID($id);
$revd = dirname(wikiFN($id,'foo'));
$id = noNS($id);
$id = utf8_encodeFN($id);
$len = strlen($id);
$xlen = 10; // length of timestamp, strlen(time()) would be more correct,
// but i don't expect dokuwiki still running in 287 years ;)
// so this will perform better
$revs = array();
if (is_dir($revd) && $dh = opendir($revd)) {
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if (substr($file,0,$len) === $id) {
$time = substr($file,$len+1,$xlen);
$time = str_replace('.','FOO',$time); // make sure a dot will make the next test fail
$time = (int) $time;
if($time) $revs[] = $time;
return $revs;
* extracts the query from a google referer
@ -1339,7 +1347,21 @@ function check(){
msg('Changelog is writable',1);
msg('Changelog is not writable',-1);
if (file_exists($conf['changelog'])) {
msg('Changelog is not writable',-1);
if (isset($conf['changelog_old']) && file_exists($conf['changelog_old'])) {
msg('Old changelog exists.', 0);
if (file_exists($conf['changelog'].'_failed')) {
msg('Importing old changelog failed.', -1);
} else if (file_exists($conf['changelog'].'_importing')) {
msg('Importing old changelog now.', 0);
} else if (file_exists($conf['changelog'].'_import_ok')) {
msg('Old changelog imported.', 1);

View File

@ -442,19 +442,34 @@ function html_locked(){
* list old revisions
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Ben Coburn <>
function html_revisions(){
function html_revisions($first=0){
global $ID;
global $INFO;
global $conf;
global $lang;
$revisions = getRevisions($ID);
/* we need to get one additionally log entry to be able to
* decide if this is the last page or is there another one.
* see html_recent()
$revisions = getRevisions($ID, $first, $conf['recent']+1);
if(count($revisions)==0 && $first!=0){
$revisions = getRevisions($ID, $first, $conf['recent']+1);;
$hasNext = false;
if (count($revisions)>$conf['recent']) {
$hasNext = true;
array_pop($revisions); // remove extra log entry
$date = @date($conf['dformat'],$INFO['lastmod']);
print p_locale_xhtml('revisions');
print '<ul>';
print ($INFO['minor']) ? '<li class="minor">' : '<li>';
if($INFO['exists'] && $first==0){
print (isset($INFO['meta']) && isset($INFO['meta']['last_change']) && $INFO['meta']['last_change']['type']==='e') ? '<li class="minor">' : '<li>';
print '<div class="li">';
print $date;
@ -477,7 +492,7 @@ function html_revisions(){
$date = date($conf['dformat'],$rev);
$info = getRevisionInfo($ID,$rev,true);
print ($info['minor']) ? '<li class="minor">' : '<li>';
print ($info['type']==='e') ? '<li class="minor">' : '<li>';
print '<div class="li">';
print $date;
@ -507,6 +522,23 @@ function html_revisions(){
print '</li>';
print '</ul>';
print '<div class="pagenav">';
$last = $first + $conf['recent'];
if ($first > 0) {
$first -= $conf['recent'];
if ($first < 0) $first = 0;
print '<div class="pagenav-prev">';
print html_btn('newer','',"p",array('do' => 'revisions', 'first' => $first));
print '</div>';
if ($hasNext) {
print '<div class="pagenav-next">';
print html_btn('older','',"n",array('do' => 'revisions', 'first' => $last));
print '</div>';
print '</div>';
@ -514,6 +546,7 @@ function html_revisions(){
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
* @author Matthias Grimm <>
* @author Ben Coburn <>
function html_recent($first=0){
global $conf;
@ -526,16 +559,20 @@ function html_recent($first=0){
$recents = getRecents($first,$conf['recent'] + 1,getNS($ID));
if(count($recents) == 0 && $first != 0){
$recents = getRecents(0,$conf['recent'] + 1,getNS($ID));
$recents = getRecents($first,$conf['recent'] + 1,getNS($ID));
$hasNext = false;
if (count($recents)>$conf['recent']) {
$hasNext = true;
array_pop($recents); // remove extra log entry
$cnt = count($recents) <= $conf['recent'] ? count($recents) : $conf['recent'];
print p_locale_xhtml('recent');
print '<ul>';
foreach($recents as $recent){
$date = date($conf['dformat'],$recent['date']);
print ($recent['minor']) ? '<li class="minor">' : '<li>';
print ($recent['type']==='e') ? '<li class="minor">' : '<li>';
print '<div class="li">';
print $date.' ';
@ -587,7 +624,7 @@ function html_recent($first=0){
print html_btn('newer','',"p",array('do' => 'recent', 'first' => $first));
print '</div>';
if ($conf['recent'] < count($recents)) {
if ($hasNext) {
print '<div class="pagenav-next">';
print html_btn('older','',"n",array('do' => 'recent', 'first' => $last));
print '</div>';
@ -782,7 +819,7 @@ function html_diff($text='',$intro=true){
$r = $REV;
//use last revision if none given
$revs = getRevisions($ID);
$revs = getRevisions($ID, 0, 1);
$r = $revs[0];

View File

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
else { error_reporting(DOKU_E_LEVEL); }
// init memory caches
global $cache_wikifn; $cache_wikifn = array();
global $cache_wikifn; $cache_cleanid = array();
$cache_wikifn = array();
$cache_cleanid = array();
//prepare config array()
global $conf;
@ -128,8 +128,7 @@ function init_paths(){
'mediadir' => 'media',
'metadir' => 'meta',
'cachedir' => 'cache',
'lockdir' => 'locks',
'changelog' => 'changes.log');
'lockdir' => 'locks');
foreach($paths as $c => $p){
if(!$conf[$c]) $conf[$c] = $conf['savedir'].'/'.$p;
@ -139,6 +138,12 @@ function init_paths(){
Or maybe you want to <a href=\"install.php\">run the
// path to old changelog only needed for upgrading
$conf['changelog_old'] = init_path((isset($conf['changelog']))?($conf['changelog']):($conf['savedir'].'/changes.log'));
if ($conf['changelog_old']=='') { unset($conf['changelog_old']); }
// hardcoded changelog because it is now a cache that lives in meta
$conf['changelog'] = $conf['metadir'].'/_dokuwiki.changes';

View File

@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ function tpl_content_core(){
case 'revisions':
$first = is_numeric($_REQUEST['first']) ? intval($_REQUEST['first']) : 0;
case 'diff':

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ if(@ignore_user_abort()){
if(!$_REQUEST['debug']) ob_start();
// run one of the jobs
runIndexer() or metaUpdate() or runSitemapper();
runIndexer() or metaUpdate() or runSitemapper() or runTrimRecentChanges();
if($defer) sendGIF();
if(!$_REQUEST['debug']) ob_end_clean();
@ -35,6 +35,73 @@ exit;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Trims the recent changes cache (or imports the old changelog) as needed.
* @author Ben Coburn <>
function runTrimRecentChanges() {
global $conf;
// Import old changelog (if needed)
// Uses the imporoldchangelog plugin to upgrade the changelog automaticaly.
// FIXME: Remove this from runTrimRecentChanges when it is no longer needed.
if (isset($conf['changelog_old']) &&
file_exists($conf['changelog_old']) && !file_exists($conf['changelog']) &&
!file_exists($conf['changelog'].'_importing') && !file_exists($conf['changelog'].'_tmp')) {
$tmp = array(); // no event data
return true;
// Trim the Recent Changes
// Trims the recent changes cache to the last $conf['changes_days'] recent
// changes or $conf['recent'] items, which ever is larger.
// The trimming is only done once a day.
if (file_exists($conf['changelog']) &&
(filectime($conf['changelog'])+86400)<time() &&
!file_exists($conf['changelog'].'_tmp')) {
$lines = file($conf['changelog']);
if (count($lines)<$conf['recent']) {
// nothing to trim
return true;
// trim changelog
io_saveFile($conf['changelog'].'_tmp', ''); // presave tmp as 2nd lock
$kept = 0;
$trim_time = time() - $conf['recent_days']*86400;
$out_lines = array();
// check lines from newest to oldest
for ($i = count($lines)-1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$tmp = parseChangelogLine($lines[$i]);
if ($tmp===false) { continue; }
if ($tmp['date']>$trim_time || $kept<$conf['recent']) {
array_push($out_lines, implode("\t", $tmp)."\n");
} else {
// no more lines worth keeping
io_saveFile($conf['changelog'].'_tmp', implode('', $out_lines));
if (!rename($conf['changelog'].'_tmp', $conf['changelog'])) {
// rename failed so try another way...
io_saveFile($conf['changelog'], implode('', $out_lines));
} else {
return true;
// nothing done
return false;
* Runs the indexer for the current page

View File

@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ $lang['sitemap'] = 'Generate Google sitemap (days)';
$lang['rss_type'] = 'XML feed type';
$lang['rss_linkto'] = 'XML feed links to';
$lang['rss_update'] = 'XML feed update interval (sec)';
$lang['recent_days'] = 'How many recent changes to keep (days)';
/* Target options */
$lang['target____wiki'] = 'Target window for internal links';

View File

@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ $meta['sitemap'] = array('numeric');
$meta['rss_type'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array('rss','rss1','rss2','atom'));
$meta['rss_linkto'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array('diff','page','rev','current'));
$meta['rss_update'] = array('numeric');
$meta['recent_days'] = array('numeric');
$meta['_network'] = array('fieldset');
$meta['proxy____host'] = array('string','_pattern' => '#^[a-z0-9\-\.+]+?#i');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
// must be run within Dokuwiki
if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/');
class action_plugin_importoldchangelog extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin {
function getInfo(){
return array(
'author' => 'Ben Coburn',
'email' => '',
'date' => '2006-08-30',
'name' => 'Import Old Changelog',
'desc' => 'Imports and converts the single file changelog '.
'from the 2006-03-09b release to the new format. '.
'Also reconstructs missing changelog data from '.
'old revisions kept in the attic.',
'url' => ''
function register(&$controller) {
$controller->register_hook('TEMPORARY_CHANGELOG_UPGRADE_EVENT', 'BEFORE', $this, 'run_import');
function importOldLog($line, &$logs) {
global $lang;
// Note: old log line format
//$info['date'] = $tmp[0];
//$info['ip'] = $tmp[1];
//$info['id'] = $tmp[2];
//$info['user'] = $tmp[3];
//$info['sum'] = $tmp[4];
$oldline = @explode("\t", $line);
if ($oldline!==false && count($oldline)>1) {
// trim summary
$wasMinor = (substr($oldline[4], 0, 1)==='*');
$sum = rtrim(substr($oldline[4], 1), "\n");
// guess line type
$type = 'E';
if ($wasMinor) { $type = 'e'; }
if ($sum===$lang['created']) { $type = 'C'; }
if ($sum===$lang['deleted']) { $type = 'D'; }
// build new log line
$tmp = array();
$tmp['date'] = $oldline[0];
$tmp['ip'] = $oldline[1];
$tmp['type'] = $type;
$tmp['id'] = $oldline[2];
$tmp['user'] = $oldline[3];
$tmp['sum'] = $sum;
$tmp['extra'] = '';
// order line by id
if (!isset($logs[$tmp['id']])) { $logs[$tmp['id']] = array(); }
$logs[$tmp['id']][$tmp['date']] = $tmp;
function importFromAttic(&$logs) {
global $conf, $lang;
$base = $conf['olddir'];
$stack = array('');
$context = ''; // namespace
while (count($stack)>0){
$context = array_pop($stack);
$dir = dir($base.'/'.str_replace(':', '/', $context));
while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false) {
if ($file==='.' || $file==='..') { continue; }
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('/([^.]*)\.([^.]*)\..*/', $file, $matches)===1) {
$id = (($context=='')?'':$context.':').$matches[1];
$date = $matches[2];
// check if page & revision are already logged
if (!isset($logs[$id])) { $logs[$id] = array(); }
if (!isset($logs[$id][$date])) {
$tmp = array();
$tmp['date'] = $date;
$tmp['ip'] = ''; // original ip lost
$tmp['type'] = 'E';
$tmp['id'] = $id;
$tmp['user'] = ''; // original user lost
$tmp['sum'] = '('.$lang['restored'].')'; // original summary lost
$tmp['extra'] = '';
$logs[$id][$date] = $tmp;
} else if (is_dir($dir->path.'/'.$file)) {
array_push($stack, (($context=='')?'':$context.':').$file);
function savePerPageChanges($id, &$changes, &$recent, $trim_time) {
$out_lines = array();
ksort($changes); // ensure correct order of changes from attic
foreach ($changes as $tmp) {
$line = implode("\t", $tmp)."\n";
array_push($out_lines, $line);
if ($tmp['date']>$trim_time) {
$recent[$tmp['date']] = $line;
io_saveFile(metaFN($id, '.changes'), implode('', $out_lines));
function resetTimer() {
// Add 5 minutes to the script execution timer...
// This should be much more than needed.
// Note: Has no effect in safe-mode!
function run_import(&$event, $args) {
global $conf;
touch($conf['changelog'].'_importing'); // changelog importing lock
io_saveFile($conf['changelog'], ''); // pre-create changelog
io_lock($conf['changelog']); // hold onto the lock
// load old changelog
$log = array();
$oldlog = file($conf['changelog_old']);
foreach ($oldlog as $line) {
$this->importOldLog($line, $log);
unset($oldlog); // free memory
// look in the attic for unlogged revisions
// save per-page changelogs
$recent = array();
$trim_time = time() - $conf['recent_days']*86400;
foreach ($log as $id => $page) {
$this->savePerPageChanges($id, $page, $recent, $trim_time);
// save recent changes cache
ksort($recent); // ensure correct order of recent changes
io_unlock($conf['changelog']); // hand off the lock to io_saveFile
io_saveFile($conf['changelog'], implode('', $recent));
unlink($conf['changelog'].'_importing'); // changelog importing unlock
function importoldchangelog_plugin_shutdown() {
global $conf;
$path = array();
$path['changelog'] = $conf['changelog'];
$path['importing'] = $conf['changelog'].'_importing';
$path['failed'] = $conf['changelog'].'_failed';
$path['import_ok'] = $conf['changelog'].'_import_ok';
io_unlock($path['changelog']); // guarantee unlocking
if (file_exists($path['importing'])) {
// import did not finish
rename($path['importing'], $path['failed']) or trigger_error('Importing changelog failed.', E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
// import successful

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'admin.php');
// plugins that are an integral part of dokuwiki, they shouldn't be disabled or deleted
global $plugin_protected;
$plugin_protected = array('acl','plugin','config','info','usermanager');
$plugin_protected = array('acl','plugin','config','info','usermanager', 'importoldchangelog');
* All DokuWiki plugins to extend the admin function