config plugin

This commit is contained in:
chris 2006-01-25 01:15:46 +01:00
parent 0440ff150c
commit 1044933224
7 changed files with 1190 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
* Configuration Manager admin plugin
* @license GPL 2 (
* @author Christopher Smith <>
if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/');
if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/');
define('CM_KEYMARKER','____'); // used for settings with multiple dimensions of array indices
require_once(PLUGIN_SELF.'settings/config.class.php'); // main configuration class and generic settings classes
require_once(PLUGIN_SELF.'settings/extra.class.php'); // settings classes specific to these settings
* All DokuWiki plugins to extend the admin function
* need to inherit from this class
class admin_plugin_config extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin {
var $_file = PLUGIN_METADATA;
var $_config = null;
var $_input = null;
var $_changed = false; // set to true if configuration has altered
var $_error = false;
var $_session_started = false;
* return some info
function getInfo(){
return array(
'author' => 'Christopher Smith',
'email' => '',
'date' => '2006-01-24',
'name' => 'Configuration Manager',
'desc' => "Manage Dokuwiki's Configuration Settings",
'url' => '',
function getMenuSort() { return 100; }
* handle user request
function handle() {
if (!$this->_restore_session()) return $this->_close_session();
if (!isset($_REQUEST['save']) || ($_REQUEST['save'] != 1)) return $this->_close_session();
if (is_null($this->_config)) { $this->_config = new configuration($this->_file); }
// don't go any further if the configuration is locked
if ($this->_config->_locked) return $this->_close_session();
$this->_input = $_REQUEST['config'];
while (list($key) = each($this->_config->setting)) {
$input = isset($this->_input[$key]) ? $this->_input[$key] : NULL;
if ($this->_config->setting[$key]->update($input)) {
$this->_changed = true;
if ($this->_config->setting[$key]->error()) $this->_error = true;
if ($this->_changed && !$this->_error) {
// save state & force a page reload to get the new settings to take effect
$_SESSION['PLUGIN_CONFIG'] = array('state' => 'updated', 'time' => time());
header("Location: ".wl($ID)."?do=admin&page=config");
* output appropriate html
function html() {
global $lang;
if (is_null($this->_config)) { $this->_config = new configuration($this->_file); }
print $this->locale_xhtml('intro');
ptln('<div id="configmanager">');
if ($this->_config->locked)
ptln('<p class="info">'.$this->getLang('locked').'</p>');
elseif ($this->_error)
ptln('<p class="error">'.$this->getLang('error').'</p>');
elseif ($this->_changed)
ptln('<p class="ok">'.$this->getLang('updated').'</p>');
ptln('<form action="'.wl($id).'" method="post">');
ptln(' <table class="inline">');
foreach($this->_config->setting as $setting) {
list($label,$input) = $setting->html($this, $this->_error);
$class = $setting->is_default() ? ' class="default"' : ($setting->is_protected() ? ' class="protected"' : '');
$error = $setting->error() ? ' class="error"' : '';
ptln(' <tr'.$class.'>');
ptln(' <td>'.$label.'</td>');
ptln(' <td'.$error.'>'.$input.'</td>');
ptln(' </tr>');
ptln(' </table>');
ptln(' <input type="hidden" name="do" value="admin" />');
ptln(' <input type="hidden" name="page" value="config" />');
if (!$this->_config->locked) {
ptln(' <input type="hidden" name="save" value="1" />');
ptln(' <input type="submit" name="submit" value="'.$lang['btn_save'].'" />');
ptln(' <input type="reset" value="'.$lang['btn_reset'].'" />');
* @return boolean true - proceed with handle, false - don't proceed
function _restore_session() {
// dokuwiki closes the session before act_dispatch. $_SESSION variables are all set,
// however they can't be changed without starting the session again
if (!headers_sent()) {
$this->_session_started = true;
if (!isset($_SESSION['PLUGIN_CONFIG'])) return true;
$session = $_SESSION['PLUGIN_CONFIG'];
// still valid?
if (time() - $session['time'] > 120) return true;
switch ($session['state']) {
case 'updated' :
$this->_changed = true;
return false;
return true;
function _close_session() {
if ($this->_session_started) session_write_close();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
====== Configuration Manager ======
Use this page to control the settings of your Dokuwiki installation.
For help on individual settings refer to [[doku>wiki:config]].
For more details about this plugin see [[doku>plugin:config]].
Settings shown with a light red background are protected and can not be altered with this plugin.
Settings shown with a blue background are the default values and settings shown with a white
background have been set locally for this particular installation. Both blue and white settings
can be altered.
Remember to press the **SAVE** button before leaving this page otherwise your changes will be lost.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
* english language file
* @license GPL 2 (
* @author Christopher Smith <>
// settings must be present and set appropriately for the language
$lang['encoding'] = 'utf-8';
$lang['direction'] = 'ltr';
// for admin plugins, the menu prompt to be displayed in the admin menu
// if set here, the plugin doesn't need to override the getMenuText() method
$lang['menu'] = 'Configuration Settings ...';
$lang['error'] = 'Settings not updated due to an invalid value, please review your changes and resubmit.
<br />The incorrect value(s) will be shown surrounded by a red border.';
$lang['updated'] = 'Settings updated successfully.';
$lang['nochoice'] = '(no other choices available)';
$lang['locked'] = 'The settings file can not be updated, if this is unintentional, <br />
ensure the local settings file name and permissions are correct.';
// settings prompts
$lang['umask'] = 'new file permission mask'; //set the umask for new files
$lang['dmask'] = 'new folder permission mask'; //directory mask accordingly
$lang['lang'] = 'language'; //your language
$lang['basedir'] = 'base directory'; //absolute dir from serveroot - blank for autodetection
$lang['baseurl'] = 'base url'; //URL to server including protocol - blank for autodetect
$lang['savedir'] = 'save directory'; //where to store all the files
$lang['start'] = 'start page name'; //name of start page
$lang['title'] = 'wiki title'; //what to show in the title
$lang['template'] = 'template'; //see tpl directory
$lang['fullpath'] = 'use full path'; //show full path of the document or relative to datadir only? 0|1
$lang['recent'] = 'recent changes'; //how many entries to show in recent
$lang['breadcrumbs'] = 'breadcrumbs'; //how many recent visited pages to show
$lang['typography'] = 'typography'; //convert quotes, dashes and stuff to typographic equivalents? 0|1
$lang['htmlok'] = 'allow embedded html';//may raw HTML be embedded? This may break layout and XHTML validity 0|1
$lang['phpok'] = 'allow embedded php'; //may PHP code be embedded? Never do this on the internet! 0|1
$lang['dformat'] = 'date format'; //dateformat accepted by PHPs date() function
$lang['signature'] = 'signature'; //signature see wiki:langig for details
$lang['toptoclevel'] = 'top toc level'; //Level starting with and below to include in AutoTOC (max. 5)
$lang['maxtoclevel'] = 'max toc level'; //Up to which level include into AutoTOC (max. 5)
$lang['maxseclevel'] = 'max section edit level'; //Up to which level create editable sections (max. 5)
$lang['camelcase'] = 'use camelcase for links'; //Use CamelCase for linking? (I don't like it) 0|1
$lang['deaccent'] = 'deaccent in pagenames'; //convert accented chars to unaccented ones in pagenames?
$lang['useheading'] = 'use first heading'; //use the first heading in a page as its name
$lang['refcheck'] = 'media reference check'; //check for references before deleting media files
$lang['refshow'] = 'media references to show'; //how many references should be shown, 5 is a good value
$lang['usewordblock']= 'block spam based on words'; //block spam based on words? 0|1
$lang['indexdelay'] = 'time delay before indexing'; //allow indexing after this time (seconds) default is 5 days
$lang['relnofollow'] = 'use rel no follow'; //use rel="nofollow" for external links?
$lang['mailguard'] = 'obfuscate email addresses'; //obfuscate email addresses against spam harvesters?
/* Authentication Options - read */
$lang['useacl'] = 'use ACL'; //Use Access Control Lists to restrict access?
$lang['openregister']= 'open register'; //Should users to be allowed to register?
$lang['autopasswd'] = 'autogenerate passwords'; //autogenerate passwords and email them to user
$lang['authtype'] = 'authentication backend'; //which authentication backend should be used
$lang['passcrypt'] = 'password encryption'; //Used crypt method (smd5,md5,sha1,ssha,crypt,mysql,my411)
$lang['defaultgroup']= 'default group'; //Default groups new Users are added to
$lang['superuser'] = 'superuser'; //The admin can be user or @group
$lang['profileconfirm'] = 'profile confirm'; //Require current password to langirm changes to user profile
/* Advanced Options */
$lang['userewrite'] = 'use nice URLs'; //this makes nice URLs: 0: off 1: .htaccess 2: internal
$lang['useslash'] = 'use slash'; //use slash instead of colon? only when rewrite is on
$lang['sepchar'] = 'page name word separator'; //word separator character in page names; may be a
$lang['canonical'] = 'use fully canonical URLs'; //Should all URLs use full canonical http://... style?
$lang['autoplural'] = 'auto-plural'; //try (non)plural form of nonexisting files?
$lang['usegzip'] = 'use gzip (for attic)'; //gzip old revisions?
$lang['cachetime'] = 'max. age for cache (sec)'; //maximum age for cachefile in seconds (defaults to a day)
$lang['purgeonadd'] = 'purge cache on add'; //purge cache when a new file is added (needed for up to date links)
$lang['locktime'] = 'max. age for lock files (sec)'; //maximum age for lockfiles (defaults to 15 minutes)
$lang['notify'] = 'notify email address'; //send change info to this email (leave blank for nobody)
$lang['mailfrom'] = 'wiki mail from'; //use this email when sending mails
$lang['gdlib'] = 'GD Lib version'; //the GDlib version (0, 1 or 2) 2 tries to autodetect
$lang['im_convert'] = 'imagemagick path'; //path to ImageMagicks convert (will be used instead of GD)
$lang['spellchecker']= 'enable spellchecker'; //enable Spellchecker (needs PHP >= 4.3.0 and aspell installed)
$lang['subscribers'] = 'enable subscription support'; //enable change notice subscription support
$lang['pluginmanager'] = 'enable plugin manager'; //enable automated plugin management (requires plugin)
$lang['compress'] = 'Compress CSS & javascript files'; //Strip whitespaces and comments from Styles and JavaScript? 1|0
$lang['hidepages'] = 'Hide matching pages (regex)'; //Regexp for pages to be skipped from RSS, Search and Recent Changes
$lang['send404'] = 'Send "HTTP404/Page Not Found"'; //Send a HTTP 404 status for non existing pages?
$lang['sitemap'] = 'Generate google sitemap (days)'; //Create a google sitemap? How often? In days.
$lang['rss_type'] = 'rss feed type'; //type of RSS feed to provide, by default:
$lang['rss_linkto'] = 'rss links to'; //what page RSS entries link to:
//Set target to use when creating links - leave empty for same window
$lang['target____wiki'] = 'target for internal links';
$lang['target____interwiki'] = 'target for interwiki links';
$lang['target____extern'] = 'target for external links';
$lang['target____media'] = 'target for media links';
$lang['target____windows'] = 'target for windows links';
//Proxy setup - if your Server needs a proxy to access the web set these
$lang['proxy____host'] = 'proxy - host';
$lang['proxy____port'] = 'proxy - port';
$lang['proxy____user'] = 'proxy - user name';
$lang['proxy____pass'] = 'proxy - password';
$lang['proxy____ssl'] = 'proxy - ssl';
/* Safemode Hack */
$lang['safemodehack'] = 'enable safemode hack'; //read !
$lang['ftp____host'] = 'ftp - host';
$lang['ftp____port'] = 'ftp - port';
$lang['ftp____user'] = 'ftp - user name';
$lang['ftp____pass'] = 'ftp - password';
$lang['ftp____root'] = 'ftp - root directory';
/* userewrite options */
$lang['userewrite_o_0'] = 'none';
$lang['userewrite_o_1'] = 'htaccess';
$lang['userewrite_o_2'] = 'dokuwiki';
/* gdlib options */
$lang['gdlib_o_0'] = 'version 0.x';
$lang['gdlib_o_1'] = 'version 1.x';
$lang['gdlib_o_2'] = 'autodetect';
/* rss_type options */
$lang['rss_type_o_rss'] = 'RSS 0.91';
$lang['rss_type_o_rss1'] = 'RSS 1.0';
$lang['rss_type_o_rss2'] = 'RSS 2.0';
$lang['rss_type_o_atom'] = 'Atom 0.3';
/* rss_linkto options */
$lang['rss_linkto_o_diff'] = 'list of differences';
$lang['rss_linkto_o_page'] = 'the revised page';
$lang['rss_linkto_o_rev'] = 'list of revisions';
$lang['rss_linkto_o_current'] = 'the current page';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
* Configuration Class and generic setting classes
* @author Chris Smith <>
if (!class_exists('configuration')) {
class configuration {
var $_name = 'conf'; // name of the config variable found in the files (overridden by $config['varname'])
var $_format = 'php'; // format of the config file, supported formats - php (overridden by $config['format'])
var $_heading = ''; // heading string written at top of config file - don't include comment indicators
var $_loaded = false; // set to true after configuration files are loaded
var $_metadata = array(); // holds metadata describing the settings
var $setting = array(); // array of setting objects
var $locked = false; // configuration is considered locked if it can't be updated
// filenames, these will be eval()'d prior to use so maintain any constants in output
var $_default_file = '';
var $_local_file = '';
var $_protected_file = '';
* constructor
function configuration($datafile) {
if (!@file_exists($datafile)) {
msg('No configuration metadata found at - '.htmlspecialchars($datafile),-1);
if (isset($config['varname'])) $this->_name = $config['varname'];
if (isset($config['format'])) $this->_format = $config['format'];
if (isset($config['heading'])) $this->_heading = $config['heading'];
if (isset($file['default'])) $this->_default_file = $file['default'];
if (isset($file['local'])) $this->_local_file = $file['local'];
if (isset($file['protected'])) $this->_protected_file = $file['protected'];
$this->locked = $this->_is_locked();
$this->_metadata = $meta;
function retrieve_settings() {
if (!$this->_loaded) {
$default = $this->_read_config($this->_default_file);
$local = $this->_read_config($this->_local_file);
$protected = $this->_read_config($this->_protected_file);
$keys = array_merge(array_keys($this->_metadata),array_keys($default), array_keys($local), array_keys($protected));
$keys = array_unique($keys);
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (isset($this->_metadata[$key])) {
$class = $this->_metadata[$key][0];
$class = ($class && class_exists('setting_'.$class)) ? 'setting_'.$class : 'setting';
$param = $this->_metadata[$key];
} else {
$class = 'setting';
$param = NULL;
$this->setting[$key] = new $class($key,$param);
$this->_loaded = true;
function save_settings($id, $header='', $backup=true) {
if ($this->locked) return false;
$file = eval('return '.$this->_local_file.';');
// backup current file (remove any existing backup)
if (@file_exists($file) && $backup) {
if (@file_exists($file.'.bak')) @unlink($file.'.bak');
if (!@rename($file, $file.'.bak')) return false;
if (!$fh = @fopen($file, 'wb')) {
@rename($file.'.bak', $file); // problem opening, restore the backup
return false;
if (empty($header)) $header = $this->_heading;
$out = $this->_out_header($id,$header);
foreach ($this->setting as $setting) {
$out .= $setting->out($this->_name, $this->_format);
$out .= $this->_out_footer();
@fwrite($fh, $out);
return true;
* return an array of config settings
function _read_config($file) {
if (!$file) return array();
$config = array();
$file = eval('return '.$file.';');
if ($this->_format == 'php') {
$contents = php_strip_whitespace($file);
$pattern = '/\$'.$this->_name.'\[[\'"]([^=]+)[\'"]\] ?= ?(.*?);/';
for ($i=0; $i<count($matches); $i++) {
// correct issues with the incoming data
// FIXME ... for now merge multi-dimensional array indices using ____
$key = preg_replace('/.\]\[./',CM_KEYMARKER,$matches[$i][1]);
// remove quotes from quoted strings & unescape escaped data
$value = preg_replace('/^(\'|")(.*)(?<!\\\\)\1$/','$2',$matches[$i][2]);
$value = strtr($value, array('\\\\'=>'\\','\\\''=>'\'','\\"'=>'"'));
$config[$key] = $value;
return $config;
function _out_header($id, $header) {
$out = '';
if ($this->_format == 'php') {
$out .= '<'.'?php'."\n".
" * ".$header." \n".
" * Auto-generated by ".$id." plugin \n".
" * Run for user: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']."\n".
" * Date: ".date('r')."\n".
" */\n\n";
return $out;
function _out_footer() {
$out = '';
if ($this->_format == 'php') {
if ($this->_protected_file) {
$out .= "\n@include(".$this->_protected_file.");\n";
$out .= "\n// end auto-generated content\n";
return $out;
// configuration is considered locked if there is no local settings filename
// or the directory its in is not writable or the file exists and is not writable
function _is_locked() {
if (!$this->_local_file) return true;
$local = eval('return '.$this->_local_file.';');
if (!is_writable(dirname($local))) return true;
if (file_exists($local) && !is_writable($local)) return true;
return false;
* not used ... conf's contents are an array!
* reduce any multidimensional settings to one dimension using CM_KEYMARKER
function _flatten($conf,$prefix='') {
$out = array();
foreach($conf as $key => $value) {
if (!is_array($value)) {
$out[$prefix.$key] = $value;
$tmp = $this->_flatten($value,$prefix.$key.CM_KEYMARKER);
$out = array_merge($out,$tmp);
return $out;
if (!class_exists('setting')) {
class setting {
var $_key = '';
var $_default = NULL;
var $_local = NULL;
var $_protected = NULL;
var $_pattern = '';
var $_error = false; // only used by those classes which error check
var $_input = NULL; // only used by those classes which error check
function setting($key, $params=NULL) {
$this->_key = $key;
if (is_array($params)) {
foreach($params as $property => $value) {
$this->$property = $value;
* recieves current values for the setting $key
function initialize($default, $local, $protected) {
if (isset($default)) $this->_default = $default;
if (isset($local)) $this->_local = $local;
if (isset($protected)) $this->_protected = $protected;
* update setting with user provided value $input
* if value fails error check, save it
* @return true if changed, false otherwise (incl. on error)
function update($input) {
if (is_null($input)) return false;
if ($this->is_protected()) return false;
$value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
if ($value == $input) return false;
if ($this->_pattern && !preg_match($this->_pattern,$input)) {
$this->_error = true;
$this->_input = $input;
return false;
$this->_local = $input;
return true;
* @return array(string $label_html, string $input_html)
function html(&$plugin, $echo=false) {
$value = '';
$disable = '';
if ($this->is_protected()) {
$value = $this->_protected;
$disable = 'disabled="disabled"';
} else {
if ($echo && $this->_error) {
$value = $this->_input;
} else {
$value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
$key = htmlspecialchars($this->_key);
$value = htmlspecialchars($value);
$label = '<label for="config_'.$key.'">'.$this->prompt($plugin).'</label>';
$input = '<input id="config_'.$key.'" name="config['.$key.']" type="text" class="text" value="'.$value.'" '.$disable.'/>';
return array($label,$input);
* generate string to save setting value to file according to $fmt
function out($var, $fmt='php') {
if ($this->is_protected()) return '';
if (is_null($this->_local) || ($this->_default == $this->_local)) return '';
$out = '';
if ($fmt=='php') {
// translation string needs to be improved FIXME
$tr = array("\n"=>'\n', "\r"=>'\r', "\t"=>'\t', "\\" => '\\\\', "'" => '\\\'');
$out = '$'.$var."['".$this->_out_key()."'] = '".strtr($this->_local, $tr)."';\n";
return $out;
function prompt(&$plugin) {
$prompt = $plugin->getLang($this->_key);
if (!$prompt) $prompt = str_replace(array('____','_'),' ',$this->_key);
return htmlspecialchars($prompt);
function is_protected() { return !is_null($this->_protected); }
function is_default() { return !$this->is_protected() && is_null($this->_local); }
function error() { return $this->_error; }
function _out_key() { return str_replace(CM_KEYMARKER,"']['",$this->_key); }
if (!class_exists('setting_password')) {
class setting_password extends setting {
function update($input) {
if ($this->is_protected()) return false;
if (!$input) return false;
if ($this->_pattern && !preg_match($this->_pattern,$input)) {
$this->_error = true;
$this->_input = $input;
return false;
$this->_local = $input;
return true;
function html(&$plugin, $echo=false) {
$value = '';
$disable = $this->is_protected() ? 'disabled="disabled"' : '';
$key = htmlspecialchars($this->_key);
$label = '<label for="config_'.$key.'">'.$this->prompt($plugin).'</label>';
$input = '<input id="config_'.$key.'" name="config['.$key.']" type="password" class="text" value="" '.$disable.'/>';
return array($label,$input);
if (!class_exists('setting_email')) {
class setting_email extends setting {
var $_pattern = '#([a-z0-9\-_.]+?)@([\w\-]+\.([\w\-\.]+\.)*[\w]+)#i';
if (!class_exists('setting_numeric')) {
class setting_numeric extends setting {
var $_pattern = '/^[-+\/*0-9 ]*$/';
function out($var, $fmt='php') {
if ($this->is_protected()) return '';
if (is_null($this->_local) || ($this->_default == $this->_local)) return '';
$out = '';
if ($fmt=='php') {
$out .= '$'.$var."['".$this->_out_key()."'] = ".$this->_local.";\n";
return $out;
if (!class_exists('setting_onoff')) {
class setting_onoff extends setting_numeric {
function html(&$plugin) {
$value = '';
$disable = '';
if ($this->is_protected()) {
$value = $this->_protected;
$disable = ' disabled="disabled"';
} else {
$value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
$key = htmlspecialchars($this->_key);
$checked = ($value) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
$label = '<label for="config_'.$key.'">'.$this->prompt($plugin).'</label>';
$input = '<div class="input"><input id="config_'.$key.'" name="config['.$key.']" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value="1"'.$checked.$disable.'/></div>';
return array($label,$input);
function update($input) {
if ($this->is_protected()) return false;
$input = ($input) ? 1 : 0;
$value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
if ($value == $input) return false;
$this->_local = $input;
return true;
if (!class_exists('setting_mulitchoice')) {
class setting_multichoice extends setting {
var $_choices = array();
function html(&$plugin) {
$value = '';
$disable = '';
$nochoice = '';
if ($this->is_protected()) {
$value = $this->_protected;
$disable = ' disabled="disabled"';
} else {
$value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
// ensure current value is included
if (!in_array($value, $this->_choices)) {
$this->_choices[] = $value;
// disable if no other choices
if (!$this->is_protected() && count($this->_choices) <= 1) {
$disable = ' disabled="disabled"';
$nochoice = $plugin->getLang('nochoice');
$key = htmlspecialchars($this->_key);
$label = '<label for="config_'.$key.'">'.$this->prompt($plugin).'</label>';
$input = "<div class=\"input\">\n";
$input .= '<select id="config_'.$key.'" name="config['.$key.']"'.$disable.'>'."\n";
foreach ($this->_choices as $choice) {
$selected = ($value == $choice) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
$option = $plugin->getLang($this->_key.'_o_'.$choice);
if (!$option) $option = $choice;
$choice = htmlspecialchars($choice);
$option = htmlspecialchars($option);
$input .= ' <option value="'.$choice.'"'.$selected.' >'.$option.'</option>'."\n";
$input .= "</select> $nochoice \n";
$input .= "</div>\n";
return array($label,$input);
function update($input) {
if (is_null($input)) return false;
if ($this->is_protected()) return false;
$value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
if ($value == $input) return false;
if (!in_array($input, $this->_choices)) return false;
$this->_local = $input;
return true;
if (!class_exists('setting_dirchoice')) {
class setting_dirchoice extends setting_multichoice {
var $_dir = '';
function initialize($default,$local,$protected) {
// populate $this->_choices with a list of available templates
$list = array();
if ($dh = @opendir($this->_dir)) {
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($dh))) {
if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') continue;
$file = (is_link($this->_dir.$entry)) ? readlink($this->_dir.$entry) : $entry;
if (is_dir($this->_dir.$file)) $list[] = $entry;
$this->_choices = $list;
* Provide php_strip_whitespace (php5 function) functionality
* @author Chris Smith <>
if (!function_exists('php_strip_whitespace')) {
if (function_exists('token_get_all')) {
if (!defined('T_ML_COMMENT')) {
} else {
* modified from original
* source Google Groups, php.general, by David Otton
function php_strip_whitespace($file) {
if (!@is_readable($file)) return '';
$in = join('',@file($file));
$out = '';
$tokens = token_get_all($in);
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
if (is_string ($token)) {
$out .= $token;
} else {
list ($id, $text) = $token;
switch ($id) {
case T_COMMENT : // fall thru
case T_ML_COMMENT : // fall thru
case T_DOC_COMMENT : // fall thru
default : $out .= $text; break;
return ($out);
} else {
function is_whitespace($c) { return (strpos("\t\n\r ",$c) !== false); }
function is_quote($c) { return (strpos("\"'",$c) !== false); }
function is_escaped($s,$i) {
$idx = $i-1;
while(($idx>=0) && ($s{$idx} == '\\')) $idx--;
return (($i - $idx + 1) % 2);
function is_commentopen($str, $i) {
if ($str{$i} == '#') return "\n";
if ($str{$i} == '/') {
if ($str{$i+1} == '/') return "\n";
if ($str{$i+1} == '*') return "*/";
return false;
function php_strip_whitespace($file) {
if (!@is_readable($file)) return '';
$contents = join('',@file($file));
$out = '';
$state = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($contents); $i++) {
if (!$state && is_whitespace($contents{$i})) continue;
if (!$state && ($c_close = is_commentopen($contents, $i))) {
$c_open_len = ($contents{$i} == '/') ? 2 : 1;
$i = strpos($contents, $c_close, $i+$c_open_len)+strlen($c_close)-1;
$out .= $contents{$i};
if (is_quote($contents{$i})) {
if (($state == $contents{$i}) && !is_escaped($contents, $i)) { $state = 0; continue; }
if (!$state) {$state = $contents{$i}; continue; }
return $out;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
* Metadata for configuration manager plugin
* Note: This file should be included within a function to ensure it
* doesn't class with the settings it is describing.
* Format:
* $meta[<setting name>] = array(<handler class id>,<param name> => <param value>);
* <handler class id> is the handler class name without the "setting_" prefix
* Defined classes:
* Generic
* -------------
* '' - default class ('setting'), text input, minimal input validation, setting output in quotes
* 'numeric' - text input, accepts numbers and arithmetic operators, setting output without quotes
* 'onoff' - checkbox input, setting output 0|1
* 'multichoice' - select input (single choice), setting output with quotes, required _choices parameter
* 'email' - text input, input must conform to email address format, setting output in quotes
* 'password' - password input, minimal input validation, setting output plain text in quotes
* 'dirchoice' - as multichoice, selection choices based on folders found at location specified in _dir
* parameter (required)
* Single Setting
* --------------
* 'savedir' - as 'setting', input tested against initpath() (inc/init.php)
* 'sepchar' - as multichoice, selection constructed from string of valid values
* 'authtype' - as 'setting', input validated against a valid php file at expected location for auth files
* 'im_convert' - as 'setting', input must exist and be an im_convert module
* Any setting commented or missing will use 'setting' class - text input, minimal validation, quoted output
* Defined parameters:
* '_pattern' - string, a preg pattern. input is tested against this pattern before being accepted
* optional all classes, except onoff, multichoice & dirchoice which ignore it
* '_choices' - array of choices. used to populate a selection box. choice will be replaced by a localised
* language string, indexed by <setting name>_o_<choice>, if one exists
* required by 'multichoice' class, ignored by other classes
* '_dir' - location of directory to be used to populate choice list
* required by 'dirchoice' class, ignored by other classes
* @author Chris Smith <>
// ---------------[ settings for settings ]------------------------------
$config['format'] = 'php'; // format of setting files, supported formats: php
$config['varname'] = 'conf'; // name of the config variable, sans $
// this string is written at the top of the rewritten settings file,
// !! do not include any comment indicators !!
// this value can be overriden when calling save_settings() method
$config['heading'] = 'Dokuwiki\'s Main Configuration File - Local Settings';
// ---------------[ setting files ]--------------------------------------
// these values can be string expressions, they will be eval'd before use
$file['local'] = "DOKU_CONF.'local.php'"; // mandatory (file doesn't have to exist)
$file['default'] = "DOKU_CONF.'dokuwiki.php'"; // optional
$file['protected'] = "DOKU_CONF.'local.protected.php'"; // optional
// test value (FIXME, remove before publishing)
//$meta['test'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(''));
// --------------[ setting metadata ]------------------------------------
// - for description of format and fields see top of file
// - order the settings in the order you wish them to appear
// - any settings not mentioned will come after the last setting listed and
// will use the default class with no parameters
$meta['title'] = array('');
$meta['start'] = array('');
$meta['savedir'] = array('savedir');
$meta['lang'] = array('dirchoice','_dir' => DOKU_INC.'inc/lang/');
$meta['template'] = array('dirchoice','_dir' => DOKU_INC.'lib/tpl/');
$meta['umask'] = array('numeric','_pattern' => '/0[0-7]{3}/'); // only accept octal representation
$meta['dmask'] = array('numeric','_pattern' => '/0[0-7]{3}/'); // only accept octal representation
$meta['basedir'] = array('');
$meta['baseurl'] = array('');
$meta['fullpath'] = array('onoff');
$meta['recent'] = array('numeric');
$meta['breadcrumbs'] = array('numeric');
$meta['typography'] = array('onoff');
$meta['htmlok'] = array('onoff');
$meta['phpok'] = array('onoff');
$meta['dformat'] = array('');
$meta['signature'] = array('');
$meta['toptoclevel'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(1,2,3,4,5)); // 5 toc levels
$meta['maxtoclevel'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(1,2,3,4,5));
$meta['maxseclevel'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(0,1,2,3,4,5)); // 0 for no sec edit buttons
$meta['camelcase'] = array('onoff');
$meta['deaccent'] = array('onoff');
$meta['useheading'] = array('onoff');
$meta['refcheck'] = array('onoff');
$meta['refshow'] = array('numeric');
$meta['usewordblock']= array('onoff');
$meta['indexdelay'] = array('numeric');
$meta['relnofollow'] = array('onoff');
$meta['mailguard'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array('visible','hex','none'));
$meta['useacl'] = array('onoff');
$meta['openregister']= array('onoff');
$meta['autopasswd'] = array('onoff');
$meta['authtype'] = array('authtype');
$meta['passcrypt'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array('smd5','md5','sha1','ssha','crypt','mysql','my411'));
$meta['defaultgroup']= array('');
$meta['superuser'] = array('');
$meta['profileconfirm'] = array('onoff');
$meta['userewrite'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(0,1,2));
$meta['useslash'] = array('onoff');
$meta['sepchar'] = array('sepchar');
$meta['canonical'] = array('onoff');
$meta['autoplural'] = array('onoff');
$meta['usegzip'] = array('onoff');
$meta['cachetime'] = array('numeric');
$meta['purgeonadd'] = array('onoff');
$meta['locktime'] = array('numeric');
$meta['notify'] = array('email');
$meta['mailfrom'] = array('email');
$meta['gdlib'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array(0,1,2));
$meta['im_convert'] = array('im_convert');
$meta['spellchecker']= array('onoff');
$meta['subscribers'] = array('onoff');
$meta['pluginmanager'] = array('onoff');
$meta['compress'] = array('onoff');
$meta['hidepages'] = array('');
$meta['send404'] = array('onoff');
$meta['sitemap'] = array('numeric');
$meta['rss_type'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array('rss','rss1','rss2','atom'));
$meta['rss_linkto'] = array('multichoice','_choices' => array('diff','page','rev','current'));
$meta['target____wiki'] = array('');
$meta['target____interwiki'] = array('');
$meta['target____extern'] = array('');
$meta['target____media'] = array('');
$meta['target____windows'] = array('');
$meta['proxy____host'] = array('','_pattern' => '#^[a-z0-9\-\.+]+?#i');
$meta['proxy____port'] = array('numeric');
$meta['proxy____user'] = array('');
$meta['proxy____pass'] = array('password');
$meta['proxy____ssl'] = array('onoff');
$meta['safemodehack'] = array('onoff');
$meta['ftp____host'] = array('','_pattern' => '#^[a-z0-9\-\.+]+?#i');
$meta['ftp____port'] = array('numeric');
$meta['ftp____user'] = array('');
$meta['ftp____pass'] = array('password');
$meta['ftp____root'] = array('');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
* additional setting classes specific to these settings
* @author Chris Smith <>
if (!class_exists('setting_sepchar')) {
class setting_sepchar extends setting_multichoice {
function setting_sepchar($key,$param=NULL) {
$str = '_-.0123456789abcdefghijklnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
for ($i=0;$i<strlen($str);$i++) $this->_choices[] = $str{$i};
// call foundation class constructor
if (!class_exists('setting_savedir')) {
class setting_savedir extends setting {
function update($input) {
if ($this->is_protected()) return false;
$value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
if ($value == $input) return false;
if (!init_path($input)) {
$this->_error = true;
$this->_input = $input;
return false;
$this->_local = $input;
return true;
if (!class_exists('setting_authtype')) {
class setting_authtype extends setting {
var $_pattern = '#^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$#';
function update($input) {
if ($this->is_protected()) return false;
$input = trim($input);
$value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
if ($value == $input) return false;
if (preg_match($this->_pattern, $input)) {
if (@file_exists(DOKU_INC.'inc/auth/'.$input.'.class.php') ||
@file_exists(DOKU_INC.'inc/auth/'.$input.'.php')) {
$this->_local = $input;
return true;
$this->_error = true;
$this->_input = $input;
return false;
if (!class_exists('setting_im_convert')) {
class setting_im_convert extends setting {
function update($input) {
if ($this->is_protected()) return false;
$input = trim($input);
$value = is_null($this->_local) ? $this->_default : $this->_local;
if ($value == $input) return false;
if ($input && !@file_exists($input)) {
$this->_error = true;
$this->_input = $input;
return false;
$this->_local = $input;
return true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
/* plugin:configmanager */
#configmanager {margin: 1em;}
#configmanager p.error {border: 1px solid red; background-color: #c66; color: white; padding: 0.5em; text-align:center}
#configmanager p.ok {border: 1px solid green; background-color: #6c6; color: black; padding: 0.5em; text-align:center}
#configmanager {border: 1px solid __dark__; background-color: __medium__; color: black; padding: 0.5em; text-align:center}
#configmanager form { }
#configmanager table {margin: 1em 0;}
#configmanager td input.text {width: 30em; border: 1px solid __medium__;}
#configmanager td select {border: 1px solid __medium__;}
#configmanager tr.default .input,
#configmanager tr.default input,
#configmanager tr.default select {
background-color: __medium__;
#configmanager tr.protected .input,
#configmanager tr.protected input,
#configmanager tr.protected select {
background-color: #ffcccc;
#configmanager td.error {background-color: red;}
/* end plugin:configmanager */