
482 lines
14 KiB

package exec
import (
// MissingInputsError is returned when any of the task's required inputs are
// missing.
type MissingInputsError struct {
Inputs []string
// Error prints a human-friendly message listing the inputs that were missing.
func (err MissingInputsError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("missing inputs: %s", strings.Join(err.Inputs, ", "))
type MissingTaskImageSourceError struct {
SourceName string
func (err MissingTaskImageSourceError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`missing image artifact source: %s
make sure there's a corresponding 'get' step, or a task that produces it as an output`, err.SourceName)
type TaskImageSourceParametersError struct {
Err error
func (err TaskImageSourceParametersError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("failed to evaluate image resource parameters: %s", err.Err)
//go:generate counterfeiter . TaskDelegate
type TaskDelegate interface {
ImageVersionDetermined(db.UsedResourceCache) error
Stdout() io.Writer
Stderr() io.Writer
Variables() vars.CredVarsTracker
Initializing(lager.Logger, atc.TaskConfig)
Starting(lager.Logger, atc.TaskConfig)
Finished(lager.Logger, ExitStatus)
Errored(lager.Logger, string)
// TaskStep executes a TaskConfig, whose inputs will be fetched from the
// artifact.Repository and outputs will be added to the artifact.Repository.
type TaskStep struct {
planID atc.PlanID
plan atc.TaskPlan
defaultLimits atc.ContainerLimits
metadata StepMetadata
containerMetadata db.ContainerMetadata
strategy worker.ContainerPlacementStrategy
workerClient worker.Client
delegate TaskDelegate
lockFactory lock.LockFactory
succeeded bool
func NewTaskStep(
planID atc.PlanID,
plan atc.TaskPlan,
defaultLimits atc.ContainerLimits,
metadata StepMetadata,
containerMetadata db.ContainerMetadata,
strategy worker.ContainerPlacementStrategy,
workerClient worker.Client,
delegate TaskDelegate,
lockFactory lock.LockFactory,
) Step {
return &TaskStep{
planID: planID,
plan: plan,
defaultLimits: defaultLimits,
metadata: metadata,
containerMetadata: containerMetadata,
strategy: strategy,
workerClient: workerClient,
delegate: delegate,
lockFactory: lockFactory,
// Run will first select the worker based on the TaskConfig's platform and the
// TaskStep's tags, and prioritize it by availability of volumes for the TaskConfig's
// inputs. Inputs that did not have volumes available on the worker will be streamed
// in to the container.
// If any inputs are not available in the artifact.Repository, MissingInputsError
// is returned.
// Once all the inputs are satisfied, the task's script will be executed. If
// the task is canceled via the context, the script will be interrupted.
// If the script exits successfully, the outputs specified in the TaskConfig
// are registered with the artifact.Repository. If no outputs are specified, the
// task's entire working directory is registered as an ArtifactSource under the
// name of the task.
func (step *TaskStep) Run(ctx context.Context, state RunState) error {
logger := lagerctx.FromContext(ctx)
logger = logger.Session("task-step", lager.Data{
"step-name": step.plan.Name,
"job-id": step.metadata.JobID,
variables := step.delegate.Variables()
resourceTypes, err := creds.NewVersionedResourceTypes(variables, step.plan.VersionedResourceTypes).Evaluate()
if err != nil {
return err
var taskConfigSource TaskConfigSource
var taskVars []vars.Variables
if step.plan.ConfigPath != "" {
// external task - construct a source which reads it from file
taskConfigSource = FileConfigSource{ConfigPath: step.plan.ConfigPath}
// for interpolation - use 'vars' from the pipeline, and then fill remaining with cred variables
taskVars = []vars.Variables{vars.StaticVariables(step.plan.Vars), variables}
} else {
// embedded task - first we take it
taskConfigSource = StaticConfigSource{Config: step.plan.Config}
// for interpolation - use just cred variables
taskVars = []vars.Variables{variables}
// override params
taskConfigSource = &OverrideParamsConfigSource{ConfigSource: taskConfigSource, Params: step.plan.Params}
// interpolate template vars
taskConfigSource = InterpolateTemplateConfigSource{ConfigSource: taskConfigSource, Vars: taskVars}
// validate
taskConfigSource = ValidatingConfigSource{ConfigSource: taskConfigSource}
repository := state.ArtifactRepository()
config, err := taskConfigSource.FetchConfig(ctx, logger, repository)
for _, warning := range taskConfigSource.Warnings() {
fmt.Fprintln(step.delegate.Stderr(), "[WARNING]", warning)
if err != nil {
return err
if config.Limits.CPU == nil {
config.Limits.CPU = step.defaultLimits.CPU
if config.Limits.Memory == nil {
config.Limits.Memory = step.defaultLimits.Memory
step.delegate.Initializing(logger, config)
workerSpec, err := step.workerSpec(logger, resourceTypes, repository, config)
if err != nil {
return err
containerSpec, err := step.containerSpec(logger, repository, config, step.containerMetadata)
if err != nil {
return err
processSpec := worker.ProcessSpec{
Path: config.Run.Path,
Args: config.Run.Args,
Dir: config.Run.Dir,
StdoutWriter: step.delegate.Stdout(),
StderrWriter: step.delegate.Stderr(),
imageSpec := worker.ImageFetcherSpec{
ResourceTypes: resourceTypes,
Delegate: step.delegate,
owner := db.NewBuildStepContainerOwner(step.metadata.BuildID, step.planID, step.metadata.TeamID)
events := make(chan runtime.Event, 1)
go func(logger lager.Logger, config atc.TaskConfig, events chan runtime.Event, delegate TaskDelegate) {
for ev := range events {
switch ev.EventType {
case runtime.InitializingEvent:
step.delegate.Initializing(logger, config)
case runtime.StartingEvent:
step.delegate.Starting(logger, config)
case runtime.FinishedEvent:
step.delegate.Finished(logger, ExitStatus(ev.ExitStatus))
}(logger, config, events, step.delegate)
result := step.workerClient.RunTaskStep(
err = result.Err
if err != nil {
if err == context.Canceled || err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
step.registerOutputs(logger, repository, config, result.VolumeMounts, step.containerMetadata)
return err
step.succeeded = (result.Status == 0)
step.delegate.Finished(logger, ExitStatus(result.Status))
step.registerOutputs(logger, repository, config, result.VolumeMounts, step.containerMetadata)
// Do not initialize caches for one-off builds
if step.metadata.JobID != 0 {
err = step.registerCaches(logger, repository, config, result.VolumeMounts, step.containerMetadata)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (step *TaskStep) Succeeded() bool {
return step.succeeded
func (step *TaskStep) imageSpec(logger lager.Logger, repository *build.Repository, config atc.TaskConfig) (worker.ImageSpec, error) {
imageSpec := worker.ImageSpec{
Privileged: bool(step.plan.Privileged),
// Determine the source of the container image
// a reference to an artifact (get step, task output) ?
if step.plan.ImageArtifactName != "" {
art, found := repository.ArtifactFor(build.ArtifactName(step.plan.ImageArtifactName))
if !found {
return worker.ImageSpec{}, MissingTaskImageSourceError{step.plan.ImageArtifactName}
imageSpec.ImageArtifact = art
//an image_resource
} else if config.ImageResource != nil {
imageSpec.ImageResource = &worker.ImageResource{
Type: config.ImageResource.Type,
Source: config.ImageResource.Source,
Params: config.ImageResource.Params,
Version: config.ImageResource.Version,
// a rootfs_uri
} else if config.RootfsURI != "" {
imageSpec.ImageURL = config.RootfsURI
return imageSpec, nil
func (step *TaskStep) containerInputs(logger lager.Logger, repository *build.Repository, config atc.TaskConfig, metadata db.ContainerMetadata) ([]worker.FooBarInput, error) {
inputs := []worker.FooBarInput{}
var missingRequiredInputs []string
for _, input := range config.Inputs {
inputName := input.Name
if sourceName, ok := step.plan.InputMapping[inputName]; ok {
inputName = sourceName
art, found := repository.ArtifactFor(build.ArtifactName(inputName))
if !found {
if !input.Optional {
missingRequiredInputs = append(missingRequiredInputs, inputName)
inputs = append(inputs, &taskInput{
config: input,
artifact: art,
artifactsRoot: metadata.WorkingDirectory,
if len(missingRequiredInputs) > 0 {
return nil, MissingInputsError{missingRequiredInputs}
for _, cacheConfig := range config.Caches {
cacheArt := &runtime.TaskCacheArtifact{
TeamID: step.metadata.TeamID,
JobID: step.metadata.JobID,
StepName: step.plan.Name,
Path: cacheConfig.Path,
inputs = append(inputs, &taskCacheInput{
artifact: cacheArt,
artifactsRoot: metadata.WorkingDirectory,
cachePath: cacheConfig.Path,
return inputs, nil
func (step *TaskStep) containerSpec(logger lager.Logger, repository *build.Repository, config atc.TaskConfig, metadata db.ContainerMetadata) (worker.ContainerSpec, error) {
imageSpec, err := step.imageSpec(logger, repository, config)
if err != nil {
return worker.ContainerSpec{}, err
containerSpec := worker.ContainerSpec{
Platform: config.Platform,
Tags: step.plan.Tags,
TeamID: step.metadata.TeamID,
ImageSpec: imageSpec,
Limits: worker.ContainerLimits(config.Limits),
User: config.Run.User,
Dir: metadata.WorkingDirectory,
Env: config.Params.Env(),
Type: metadata.Type,
InputFooBars: []worker.FooBarInput{},
Outputs: worker.OutputPaths{},
containerSpec.InputFooBars, err = step.containerInputs(logger, repository, config, metadata)
if err != nil {
return worker.ContainerSpec{}, err
for _, output := range config.Outputs {
path := artifactsPath(output, metadata.WorkingDirectory)
containerSpec.Outputs[output.Name] = path
return containerSpec, nil
func (step *TaskStep) workerSpec(logger lager.Logger, resourceTypes atc.VersionedResourceTypes, repository *build.Repository, config atc.TaskConfig) (worker.WorkerSpec, error) {
workerSpec := worker.WorkerSpec{
Platform: config.Platform,
Tags: step.plan.Tags,
TeamID: step.metadata.TeamID,
ResourceTypes: resourceTypes,
imageSpec, err := step.imageSpec(logger, repository, config)
if err != nil {
return worker.WorkerSpec{}, err
if imageSpec.ImageResource != nil {
workerSpec.ResourceType = imageSpec.ImageResource.Type
return workerSpec, nil
func (step *TaskStep) registerOutputs(logger lager.Logger, repository *build.Repository, config atc.TaskConfig, volumeMounts []worker.VolumeMount, metadata db.ContainerMetadata) {
logger.Debug("registering-outputs", lager.Data{"outputs": config.Outputs})
for _, output := range config.Outputs {
outputName := output.Name
if destinationName, ok := step.plan.OutputMapping[output.Name]; ok {
outputName = destinationName
outputPath := artifactsPath(output, metadata.WorkingDirectory)
for _, mount := range volumeMounts {
if filepath.Clean(mount.MountPath) == filepath.Clean(outputPath) {
art := &runtime.TaskArtifact{
VolumeHandle: mount.Volume.Handle(),
repository.RegisterArtifact(build.ArtifactName(outputName), art)
func (step *TaskStep) registerCaches(logger lager.Logger, repository *build.Repository, config atc.TaskConfig, volumeMounts []worker.VolumeMount, metadata db.ContainerMetadata) error {
logger.Debug("initializing-caches", lager.Data{"caches": config.Caches})
for _, cacheConfig := range config.Caches {
for _, volumeMount := range volumeMounts {
if volumeMount.MountPath == filepath.Join(metadata.WorkingDirectory, cacheConfig.Path) {
logger.Debug("initializing-cache", lager.Data{"path": volumeMount.MountPath})
err := volumeMount.Volume.InitializeTaskCache(
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
type taskInput struct {
config atc.TaskInputConfig
artifact runtime.Artifact
artifactsRoot string
func (s *taskInput) Artifact() runtime.Artifact { return s.artifact }
func (s *taskInput) DestinationPath() string {
subdir := s.config.Path
if s.config.Path == "" {
subdir = s.config.Name
return filepath.Join(s.artifactsRoot, subdir)
func artifactsPath(outputConfig atc.TaskOutputConfig, artifactsRoot string) string {
outputSrc := outputConfig.Path
if len(outputSrc) == 0 {
outputSrc = outputConfig.Name
return path.Join(artifactsRoot, outputSrc) + "/"
type taskCacheInput struct {
artifact runtime.Artifact
artifactsRoot string
cachePath string
func (s *taskCacheInput) Artifact() runtime.Artifact { return s.artifact }
func (s *taskCacheInput) DestinationPath() string {
return filepath.Join(s.artifactsRoot, s.cachePath)