
117 lines
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package worker
import (
type WorkerSpec struct {
Platform string
ResourceType string
Tags []string
TeamID int
ResourceTypes atc.VersionedResourceTypes
type ContainerSpec struct {
Platform string
Tags []string
TeamID int
ImageSpec ImageSpec
Env []string
// Working directory for processes run in the container.
Dir string
// Inputs to provide to the container. Inputs with a volume local to the
// selected worker will be made available via a COW volume; others will be
// streamed.
Inputs []InputSource
// Outputs for which volumes should be created and mounted into the container.
Outputs OutputPaths
// Resource limits to be set on the container when creating in garden.
Limits ContainerLimits
// Local volumes to bind mount directly to the container when creating in garden.
BindMounts []BindMountSource
// Optional user to run processes as. Overwrites the one specified in the docker image.
User string
//go:generate counterfeiter . InputSource
type InputSource interface {
Source() ArtifactSource
DestinationPath() string
//go:generate counterfeiter . BindMountSource
type BindMountSource interface {
VolumeOn(Worker) (garden.BindMount, bool, error)
// OutputPaths is a mapping from output name to its path in the container.
type OutputPaths map[string]string
type ImageSpec struct {
ResourceType string
ImageURL string
ImageResource *ImageResource
ImageArtifactSource ArtifactSource
Privileged bool
type ImageResource struct {
Type string
Source atc.Source
Params *atc.Params
Version *atc.Version
type ContainerLimits struct {
CPU *uint64
Memory *uint64
var GardenLimitDefault = uint64(0)
func (cl ContainerLimits) ToGardenLimits() garden.Limits {
gardenLimits := garden.Limits{}
if cl.CPU == nil {
gardenLimits.CPU = garden.CPULimits{LimitInShares: GardenLimitDefault}
} else {
gardenLimits.CPU = garden.CPULimits{LimitInShares: *cl.CPU}
if cl.Memory == nil {
gardenLimits.Memory = garden.MemoryLimits{LimitInBytes: GardenLimitDefault}
} else {
gardenLimits.Memory = garden.MemoryLimits{LimitInBytes: *cl.Memory}
return gardenLimits
func (spec WorkerSpec) Description() string {
var attrs []string
if spec.ResourceType != "" {
attrs = append(attrs, fmt.Sprintf("resource type '%s'", spec.ResourceType))
if spec.Platform != "" {
attrs = append(attrs, fmt.Sprintf("platform '%s'", spec.Platform))
for _, tag := range spec.Tags {
attrs = append(attrs, fmt.Sprintf("tag '%s'", tag))
return strings.Join(attrs, ", ")