
171 lines
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package worker
import (
//go:generate counterfeiter . ArtifactSource
type ArtifactSource interface {
// ExistsOn attempts to locate a volume equivalent to this source on the
// given worker. If a volume can be found, it will be used directly. If not,
// `StreamTo` will be used to copy the data to the destination instead.
ExistsOn(lager.Logger, Worker) (Volume, bool, error)
//go:generate counterfeiter . StreamableArtifactSource
// Source represents data produced by the steps, that can be transferred to
// other steps.
type StreamableArtifactSource interface {
// StreamTo copies the data from the source to the destination. Note that
// this potentially uses a lot of network transfer, for larger artifacts, as
// the ATC will effectively act as a middleman.
StreamTo(context.Context, lager.Logger, ArtifactDestination) error
// StreamFile returns the contents of a single file in the artifact source.
// This is used for loading a task's configuration at runtime.
StreamFile(context.Context, lager.Logger, string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
type artifactSource struct {
artifact runtime.Artifact
volume Volume
compression compression.Compression
func NewStreamableArtifactSource(
artifact runtime.Artifact,
volume Volume,
compression compression.Compression,
) StreamableArtifactSource {
return &artifactSource{
artifact: artifact,
volume: volume,
compression: compression,
// TODO: figure out if we want logging before and after streams, I remove logger from private methods
func (source *artifactSource) StreamTo(
ctx context.Context,
logger lager.Logger,
destination ArtifactDestination,
) error {
ctx, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "artifactSource.StreamTo", nil)
defer span.End()
_, outSpan := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "volume.StreamOut", tracing.Attrs{
"origin-volume": source.volume.Handle(),
"origin-worker": source.volume.WorkerName(),
defer outSpan.End()
out, err := source.volume.StreamOut(ctx, ".", source.compression.Encoding())
if err != nil {
tracing.End(outSpan, err)
return err
defer out.Close()
err = destination.StreamIn(ctx, ".", source.compression.Encoding(), out)
return err
// TODO: figure out if we want logging before and after streams, I remove logger from private methods
func (source *artifactSource) StreamFile(
ctx context.Context,
logger lager.Logger,
filepath string,
) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
out, err := source.volume.StreamOut(ctx, filepath, source.compression.Encoding())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
compressionReader, err := source.compression.NewReader(out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tarReader := tar.NewReader(compressionReader)
_, err = tarReader.Next()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return fileReadMultiCloser{
reader: tarReader,
closers: []io.Closer{
}, nil
// Returns volume if it belongs to the worker
// otherwise, if the volume has a Resource Cache
// it checks the worker for a local volume corresponding to the Resource Cache.
// Note: The returned volume may have a different handle than the ArtifactSource's inner volume handle.
func (source *artifactSource) ExistsOn(logger lager.Logger, worker Worker) (Volume, bool, error) {
if source.volume.WorkerName() == worker.Name() {
return source.volume, true, nil
resourceCache, found, err := worker.FindResourceCacheForVolume(source.volume)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if found {
return worker.FindVolumeForResourceCache(logger, resourceCache)
} else {
return nil, false, nil
type cacheArtifactSource struct {
func NewCacheArtifactSource(artifact runtime.CacheArtifact) ArtifactSource {
return &cacheArtifactSource{artifact}
func (source *cacheArtifactSource) ExistsOn(logger lager.Logger, worker Worker) (Volume, bool, error) {
return worker.FindVolumeForTaskCache(logger, source.TeamID, source.JobID, source.StepName, source.Path)
type fileReadMultiCloser struct {
reader io.Reader
closers []io.Closer
func (frc fileReadMultiCloser) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return frc.reader.Read(p)
func (frc fileReadMultiCloser) Close() error {
var closeErrors error
for _, closer := range frc.closers {
err := closer.Close()
if err != nil {
closeErrors = multierror.Append(closeErrors, err)
return closeErrors