Merge pull request #7288 from concourse/issue/7284

containerd: split long property values into multiple chunks
This commit is contained in:
Aidan Oldershaw 2021-07-19 22:07:59 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit afbc093783
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 229 additions and 24 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package testflight_test
import (
. ""
. ""
var _ = Describe("Regression tests", func() {
Describe("issue 7282", func() {
It("does not error when resources emit long metadata strings", func() {
watch := fly("trigger-job", "-j", inPipeline("job"), "-w")

View File

@ -237,7 +237,11 @@ func (b *GardenBackend) createContainer(ctx context.Context, gdnSpec garden.Cont
oci.Mounts = append(oci.Mounts, netMounts...)
return b.client.NewContainer(ctx, gdnSpec.Handle, gdnSpec.Properties, oci)
labels, err := propertiesToLabels(gdnSpec.Properties)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("convert properties to labels: %w", err)
return b.client.NewContainer(ctx, gdnSpec.Handle, labels, oci)
func (b *GardenBackend) startTask(ctx context.Context, cont containerd.Container) error {
@ -308,19 +312,19 @@ func (b *GardenBackend) Destroy(handle string) error {
// Containers lists all containers filtered by properties (which are ANDed
// together).
func (b *GardenBackend) Containers(properties garden.Properties) (containers []garden.Container, err error) {
func (b *GardenBackend) Containers(properties garden.Properties) ([]garden.Container, error) {
filters, err := propertiesToFilterList(properties)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res, err := b.client.Containers(context.Background(), filters...)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("list containers: %w", err)
return nil, err
containers = make([]garden.Container, len(res))
containers := make([]garden.Container, len(res))
for i, containerdContainer := range res {
containers[i] = NewContainer(
@ -329,7 +333,7 @@ func (b *GardenBackend) Containers(properties garden.Properties) (containers []g
return containers, nil
// Lookup returns the container with the specified handle.

View File

@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ func (s *BackendSuite) TestContainersWithProperProperties() {
s.Equal(1, s.client.ContainersCallCount())
_, labelSet := s.client.ContainersArgsForCall(0)
s.ElementsMatch([]string{"", "labels.caz==zaz"}, labelSet)
s.ElementsMatch([]string{"", "labels.caz.0==zaz"}, labelSet)
func (s *BackendSuite) TestContainersConversion() {

View File

@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ func (c *Container) Properties() (garden.Properties, error) {
return garden.Properties{}, fmt.Errorf("labels retrieval: %w", err)
return labels, nil
return labelsToProperties(labels), nil
// Property returns the value of the property with the specified name.
@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ func (c *Container) Property(name string) (string, error) {
// Set a named property on a container to a specified value.
func (c *Container) SetProperty(name string, value string) error {
labelSet := map[string]string{
name: value,
labelSet, err := propertiesToLabels(garden.Properties{name: value})
if err != nil {
return err
_, err := c.container.SetLabels(context.Background(), labelSet)
_, err = c.container.SetLabels(context.Background(), labelSet)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("set label: %w", err)

View File

@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ func (s *ContainerSuite) TestSetGraceTimeSetLabelsSucceeds() {
expectedLabelSet := map[string]string{
"garden.grace-time": "1234",
"garden.grace-time.0": "1234",
_, labelSet := s.containerdContainer.SetLabelsArgsForCall(0)
s.Equal(expectedLabelSet, labelSet)
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ func (s *ContainerSuite) TestPropertyNotFound() {
func (s *ContainerSuite) TestPropertyReturnsValue() {
properties := garden.Properties{
"any": "some-value",
"any.0": "some-value",
s.containerdContainer.LabelsReturns(properties, nil)
result, err := s.container.Property("any")

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
@ -910,6 +911,63 @@ func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestRequestTimeoutZero() {
// TestPropertiesGetChunked tests that we are able to store arbitrarily long
// properties, getting around containerd's label length restriction.
func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestPropertiesGetChunked() {
handle := uuid()
longString := ""
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
longString += strconv.Itoa(i)
properties := garden.Properties{
"long1": longString,
// Concourse may try to set an empty value property on a container.
// This just gets ignored (i.e. subsequent calls to
// container.Properties() won't include it)
"empty": "",
container, err := s.gardenBackend.Create(garden.ContainerSpec{
Handle: handle,
RootFSPath: "raw://" + s.rootfs,
Privileged: true,
Properties: properties,
containers, err := s.gardenBackend.Containers(garden.Properties{
"long1": longString,
s.Len(containers, 1)
err = container.SetProperty("long2", longString)
containers, err = s.gardenBackend.Containers(garden.Properties{
"long1": longString,
"long2": longString,
s.Len(containers, 1)
err = container.SetProperty(longString, "foo")
s.Regexp("property.*too long", err.Error())
properties, err = container.Properties()
"long1": longString,
"long2": longString,
}, properties)
func (s *IntegrationSuite) TestNetworkMountsAreRemoved() {
// Using custom backend, clean up BeforeTest() stuff

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@ -2,10 +2,112 @@ package runtime
import (
// propertiesToLabels converts a set of properties to a set of labels,
// splitting up the property values into multiple labels if they would exceed
// containerd's restriction on the length of the key+value for a single label.
// each label key is of the form: `key.SEQUENCE_NUMBER`, where SEQUENCE_NUMBER
// starts from 0 and counts up. for instance, a property `key: ...` may be
// stored in multiple labels like so:
// key.0: first chunk of value...
// key.1: ...second chunk of value...
// ...
// key.n: ...last chunk of value
func propertiesToLabels(properties garden.Properties) (map[string]string, error) {
// Hard restriction on the total length of key + value imposed by
// containerd on a per-label basis.
const maxLabelLen = 4096
// Restrict the key length to no more than half the label length.
// This ratio is arbitrary, but helps ensure that:
// 1. The key + sequence number suffix cannot exceed maxLabelLen, and
// 2. We can fit a reasonable amount of data from the value in each chunk
const maxKeyLen = maxLabelLen / 2
labelSet := map[string]string{}
for key, value := range properties {
sequenceNum := 0
if len(key) > maxKeyLen {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("property name %q is too long", key[:32]+"...")
for {
chunkKey := key + "." + strconv.Itoa(sequenceNum)
valueLen := maxLabelLen - len(chunkKey)
if valueLen > len(value) {
valueLen = len(value)
labelSet[chunkKey] = value[:valueLen]
value = value[valueLen:]
if len(value) == 0 {
return labelSet, nil
// labelsToProperties is the inverse of propertiesToLabels. It combines all of
// the related labels into a single property by concatenating them together in
// order.
// Any labels that aren't of the correct format (i.e. key.n) will be ignored.
func labelsToProperties(labels map[string]string) garden.Properties {
properties := garden.Properties{}
for len(labels) > 0 {
var key string
// Pick an arbitrary chunk from the labels
for k := range labels {
key = k
chunkSequenceStart := strings.LastIndexByte(key, '.')
if chunkSequenceStart < 0 {
// Not a properly formatted chunk. Just ignore.
delete(labels, key)
propertyName := key[:chunkSequenceStart]
var property strings.Builder
for sequenceNum := 0; ; sequenceNum++ {
chunkKey := propertyName + "." + strconv.Itoa(sequenceNum)
chunkValue, ok := labels[chunkKey]
if !ok {
delete(labels, chunkKey)
if property.Len() == 0 {
// External components may add labels to containers that contain
// '.' but aren't chunked properties. If we encounter a label that
// has no chunks, just ignore it.
delete(labels, key)
properties[propertyName] = property.String()
return properties
// propertiesToFilterList converts a set of garden properties to a list of
// filters as expected by containerd.
@ -21,19 +123,26 @@ import (
// | key
// what
func propertiesToFilterList(properties garden.Properties) (filters []string, err error) {
filters = make([]string, len(properties))
idx := 0
// note that the key in this case represents the label key, which is not the
// same as the property key - refer to propertiesToLabels.
func propertiesToFilterList(properties garden.Properties) ([]string, error) {
for k, v := range properties {
if k == "" || v == "" {
err = fmt.Errorf("key or value must not be empty")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("key or value must not be empty")
filters[idx] = "labels." + k + "==" + v
labels, err := propertiesToLabels(properties)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
filters := make([]string, 0, len(labels))
for k, v := range labels {
filters = append(filters, "labels."+k+"=="+v)
return filters, nil