.github: smaller PR template, revise contrib docs

PR template:

* suggest registering as a contributor
* remove checklists; delegate to contributing docs instead
* collapse first two sections into one, recommend checklist style
* put all release note related stuff in release note section to make
  intro shorter


* add PR requirements section for the template to link to
* remove old-fashioned Contributing team invite flow

Signed-off-by: Alex Suraci <suraci.alex@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Alex Suraci 2021-05-04 18:11:00 -04:00
parent bddd851c92
commit 9a5fcba6c8
2 changed files with 72 additions and 98 deletions

View File

@ -1,86 +1,56 @@
Hi there! Thanks for submitting a pull request to Concourse!
Thanks for submitting a pull request to Concourse!
The title of your pull request will be used to generate the release notes.
Please provide a brief sentence that describes the PR, using the [imperative
mood]. Please refrain from adding prefixes like 'feature:', and don't include a
period at the end.
If you haven't already, feel free to [add yourself] as a contributor so that
you can add labels to your PR and re-trigger its builds if they fail.
Examples: "Add feature to doohickey", "Fix panic during spline reticulation"
We will edit the title if needed so don't worry about getting it perfect!
To help us review your PR, please fill in the following information.
Also check the [PR requirements] if you haven't already!
[imperative mood]: https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/#imperative
[add yourself]: https://github.com/concourse/governance#individual-contributors
[PR requirements]: https://github.com/concourse/concourse/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#pull-request-requirements
## Changes proposed by this PR
closes # <!-- remove if no existing issue -->
## What does this PR accomplish?
Choose all that apply.
Also, mention the linked issue here.
This will magically close the issue once the PR is merged.
Bug Fix | Feature | Documentation
closes # .
## Changes proposed by this PR:
Tell the reviewer What changed, Why, and How were you able to accomplish that?
Summarize your changes as a checklist, leaving any unfinished work as unchecked
items. Please include reasoning and key decisions to help the reviewer
understand the changes.
## Notes to reviewer:
* [x] done
* [ ] todo
## Notes to reviewer
Leave a message to whoever is going to review this PR.
Mainly, pointers to review the PR, and how they can test it.
If needed, leave any special pointers for reviewing or testing your PR.
## Release Note
If needed, you can leave a list of detailed descriptions here which will be
used to generate the release note for the next version of Concourse. The title
of the PR will also be pulled into the release note.
Your PR title will be directly included in the release notes when it ships in
the next Concourse release. It should briefly describe the PR in [imperative
mood]. Please refrain from adding prefixes like 'feature:', and don't include a
period at the end.
Within this section you may supply a list of extra information to include in
the release notes in addition to the pull request title.
Example title: Introduce new pipeline UI algorithm
Example notes:
* Reticulating splines is the new process Concourse uses to create the network
of lines between jobs.
* Combines many short lines and curves into a network of splines.
If there are no additional notes necessary you may remove this entire section.
* <!-- Release note here. Delete section if not needed. -->
* <!-- remove if no additional notes needed -->
## Contributor Checklist
Most of the PRs should have the following added to them,
this doesn't apply to all PRs, so it is helpful to tell us what you did.
- [ ] Followed [Code of conduct], [Contributing Guide] & avoided [Anti-patterns]
- [ ] [Signed] all commits
- [ ] Added tests (Unit and/or Integration)
- [ ] Updated [Documentation]
- [ ] Added release note (Optional)
[Code of Conduct]: https://github.com/concourse/concourse/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
[Contributing Guide]: https://github.com/concourse/concourse/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
[Anti-patterns]: https://github.com/concourse/concourse/wiki/Anti-Patterns
[Signed]: https://help.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/signing-commits
[Documentation]: https://github.com/concourse/docs
## Reviewer Checklist
This section is intended for the reviewers only, to track review
- [ ] Code reviewed
- [ ] Tests reviewed
- [ ] Documentation reviewed
- [ ] Release notes reviewed
- [ ] PR acceptance performed
- [ ] New config flags added? Ensure that they are added to the
[BOSH](https://github.com/concourse/concourse-bosh-release) and
[Helm](https://github.com/concourse/helm) packaging; otherwise, ignored for
the [integration
(for example, if they are Garden configs that are not displayed in the
`--help` text).
[imperative mood]: https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/#imperative

View File

@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ Cheers! 🍻
[concourse-discussions]: https://github.com/concourse/concourse/discussions
[concourse-issues]: https://github.com/concourse/concourse/issues
[concourse-prs]: https://github.com/concourse/concourse/pulls
[docs]: https://github.com/concourse/docs
[governance-core]: https://github.com/concourse/governance/blob/master/teams/core.yml
[governance-maintainers]: https://github.com/concourse/governance/blob/master/teams/maintainers.yml
[governance-register]: https://github.com/concourse/governance#individual-contributors
@ -57,7 +56,6 @@ Cheers! 🍻
[rfc-submit]: https://github.com/concourse/rfcs#submitting-an-rfc
[rfcs]: https://github.com/concourse/rfcs
## Development process
* [Fork this repo][how-to-fork] into your GitHub account.
@ -68,23 +66,12 @@ Cheers! 🍻
* Commit your changes and push them to a branch on your fork.
* Don't forget to write tests; pull requests without tests are unlikely to be
merged. For instruction on writing and running the various test suites, see
[Testing your changes](#testing-your-changes).
* Run [`goimports`](https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports) to
ensure your code follows our code style guidelines.
* All commits must have a signature certifying agreement to the [DCO][dco].
For more information, see [Signing your work](#signing-your-work).
* *Optional: check out our [Go style guide][style-guide]!*
* Write release notes by adding onto the `latest.md` file in the
`release-notes/` directory! For formatting and style examples,
see previous release notes in the same directory.
* Run [goimports](https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports)
to ensure your code follows our code style guidelines.
* *Optional: check out our [Go style guide][style-guide]!*
* Putting this all together, here is a sample anatomy of an ideal commit:
* Here is a sample anatomy of an ideal commit:
i ii iii
@ -109,10 +96,23 @@ Cheers! 🍻
* When you're ready, [submit a pull request][how-to-pr]!
* You will be invited to join `Contributors` team under `Concourse` org on
Github. Upon accepting the invite you will be able to login to our CI and
manage the build of your pull request in
[PRs pipeline](https://ci.concourse-ci.org/teams/contributor/pipelines/prs).
### Pull request requirements
* As with any community interaction, you must follow the [Code of
* All changes must have adequate test coverage. For instruction on writing and
running the various test suites, see [Testing your
* All commits must have a signature certifying agreement to the [DCO][dco].
For more information, see [Signing your work](#signing-your-work). A check
for this will run automatically and prevent merging if it fails.
* The [documentation][docs] should be updated (in a separate, linked PR), but
if you're not confident in your technical writing you may skip this step.
### Structure and Behaviour
@ -121,13 +121,15 @@ sometimes complex changes cannot be avoided. To ease PR reviews, there are a few
practices we've found helpful:
* Focus your commits so that they only change a single component at a time.
* Isolate [structure changes from behaviour changes][sb-changes] and label the
commits appropriately - even better, batch commits of the same type into
contiguous blocks.
* Give clear prose justifications for your changes in the commit messages - it's
not unusual that you do some digging to uncover the motivation for a change,
but if you don't mention it in the commit message the diff can feel pretty
commits appropriately - even better, batch commits of the same type into
contiguous blocks.
* Give clear prose justifications for your changes in the commit messages -
it's not unusual that you do some digging to uncover the motivation for a
change, but if you don't mention it in the commit message the diff can feel
pretty opaque.
## Development dependencies
@ -759,12 +761,14 @@ If you forgot to add the signature, you can run `git commit --amend -s`. Note
that you will have to force-push (`push -f`) after amending if you've already
pushed commits without the signature.
[discord]: https://discord.gg/MeRxXKW
[concourse-helm-chart]: https://github.com/concourse/concourse-chart/blob/master/README.md
[dco]: https://developercertificate.org
[style-guide]: https://github.com/concourse/concourse/wiki/Concourse-Go-Style-Guide
[coc]: https://github.com/concourse/concourse/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
[discord]: https://discord.gg/MeRxXKW
[docs]: https://github.com/concourse/docs
[fav-commit]: https://dhwthompson.com/2019/my-favourite-git-commit
[helm-charts]: https://github.com/helm/charts/blob/master/README.md
[how-to-fork]: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/
[how-to-pr]: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request-from-a-fork/
[concourse-helm-chart]: https://github.com/concourse/concourse-chart/blob/master/README.md
[helm-charts]: https://github.com/helm/charts/blob/master/README.md
[fav-commit]: https://dhwthompson.com/2019/my-favourite-git-commit
[sb-changes]: https://medium.com/@kentbeck_7670/bs-changes-e574bc396aaa
[style-guide]: https://github.com/concourse/concourse/wiki/Concourse-Go-Style-Guide