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Still under construction, feel free to add to the list!

This page lists some third-party hardware and/or tools that are working with WLED!

Please use a decent and neutral description when adding things to this list.

Addressable LED Strips

Type Voltage Comments
WS2812B 5v
WS2813 5v
SK6812 5v RGBW
APA102 5v C/D
WS2801 5v C/D
LPD8806 5v C/D
TM1814 12v RGBW
WS2811 12v 3-LED segments
WS2815 12v
GS8208 12v

ESP8266/ESP32 boards

Name Chip Description
Wemos D1 mini ESP8266 An affordable ESP8266 development board. Aircoookie's recommendation for running WLED. Current version: 3.1.0
Wemos D1 mini Pro ESP8266 A newer development board with an external antenna connector. Works very well with WLED. Recommended if your signal strength is too low with another board. Current version: 2.0.0. Version 1.0.0 has the same form factor as the D1 nini.
NodeMCU ESP8266 Another popular ESP8266 development board. A bit bigger than the D1 and has pins pre-soldered. There are multiple versions with slight differences, not all are tested.
Heltec WiFi Kit 8 ESP8266 Another alternative of ESP8266 board. OLED display 128X32 pixel, battery charger on board. Almost the same functionality and price as the Wemos board. Plus it can be used in projects with external batteries.
ESP-01 ESP8266 One of the first and cheapest ESP8266 boards available. Not recommended for WLED (needs external USB/serial chip, voltage converter, only has 1mb of flash, so soon no wireless updates possible)
Shelly RGBW2 ESP8266 For "analog"-LED use! Runs on 12-24VDC. One button and one input. Pins: R=12, G=15, B=14, W=4 Finished, commercial product that can be flashed.
H803 WiFi ESP8266 ESP8266EX based controller with level shifter inside. Data pin GPIO1 Clock pin GPIO14. Tested with WS2813 strip and WLED v0.9.1 Build 2003262.
D1 mini-style ESP32 ESP32 A nice compact ESP32 development board. D1 mini compatible layout.
ESP32 DevKitC v4 ESP32 The original ESP32 Development Board made by Espressif Systems.
NodeMCU-32s ESP32 The most common ESP32 development board. Works well, depending on the board you might have to press the "Boot" button while USB flashing
Luminxa v2.2.2 ESP32 ESP32 Based board with 12 WS2812 LEDs Onboard (6 on each side) + Gyro Sensor (Business project)
Merkury MI-BW210-999W ESP8285 Tuya Style WiFi Led light bulb, Warm White + RGB. There are two versions of this same bulb sold in the same packaging only way to check is to look at the bulb, EBEQPW92 uses PWM led control and is compatible with WLED however EBEQPW06 uses an SM16716 chip and is not currently compatible with WLED. Managed to flash using tuya-convert and a custom WLED build with the following analog pinout: B:4, G:5, R:13, W:14. Extras disabled to allow OTA, OTA only way to flash this, programming headers are not internally available.
Adafruit Feather Huzzah ESP8266 General-purpose ESP8266 Board with USB, battery connector, etc.

Useful boards and addons

Name Description
QuinLED Dig-Uno DIY board for digital LED driving. Integrated level shifter, temperature sensor option, 12v compatibility, pull-up/down GPIO and safety features. Works with Wemos D1 mini and D1-style ESP32 boards.
WLED Wemos shield DIY board 100% compatible with WLED project. Integrated level shifter, fuse for LED strip, resettable fuse for the development board, exposed I2C interface for display or sensors, relay for energy-saving and temperature sensor. Now with version for sound reactive fork. Works with Wemos D1 mini and D1-style ESP32 boards.
WLED waterproof controller with external antenna DIY board designed for use outside permanently and for longer range Wi-Fi connection. No SMD components means it is easier to solder for DIYers. 100% compatible with WLED project. Level shifter, fuse for LED strip, resettable fuse for Wi-Fi module, exposed I2C interface for display or sensors, relay for energy-saving and temperature sensor. Build around ESP-07S module.
Wemos D1 mini Level Shifter Shield A level shifter shield (74HCT125) - by Evil Genius Labs LLC.


Name Description
SN74AHCT125N Aircoookie's recommended levelshifter. Used on the QuinLed Dig-Uno and WLED Wemos shield.
SN74HCT125N Slower, cheaper version. Works just as well for WS2812, but not recommended for APA102.
TXS0102 A bidirectional levelshifter that works well with WLED.

USB/TTL adapters

Name Description
CH340 CH340 module instead of CP2102, PL2303 or FTDI/FTDT. The CH340 can deliver more current which is needed while the flash process depending on the board type. The timing is also much more stable. For boards with an USB/TTL adapter onboard this is NOT needed