Delete Sensor_SDS011.h

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Stef-aap 2020-04-18 15:52:24 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 5ae98c2175
commit 405448e3d4
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 0 additions and 382 deletions

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@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
// ***********************************************************************************
// Version 0.7
// - support for Webserver Settings
// Version 0.6
// - Redirect_Serial library used
// - Meettijd verlaagd van 15 sec naar 5 sec
// Version 0.5
// - Missed sample verbeterd
// - Meettijd vergroot van 5 sec naar 15 sec
// Version 0.4
// - new lib definitions + much simpeler
// - Gebruikte Comm is gdefinieerd als pointer maar nog wel verbonden met de echte swapped Serial
// ***********************************************************************************
#ifndef Sensor_SDS011_h
#define Sensor_SDS011_h 0.7
#include "Sensor_Base.h"
const int SDS011_UART0 = 0 ;
const int SDS011_UART1 = 1 ;
const int SDS011_UART2 = 2 ;
const int SDS011_Swapped = 3 ;
// ***********************************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************************
class _Sensor_SDS011 : public _Sensor_BaseClass {
HardwareSerial *_Serial_SDS011 ;
//SoftwareSerial *_Serial_SDS011 ;
// ***********************************************************************
// Creator,
// ***********************************************************************
_Sensor_SDS011 () {
Serial.println ( "V" + String ( Sensor_SDS011_h ) + " Sensor_SDS011.h" ) ;
Serial.println ( "CREATE " + Version_Name ) ;
_JSON_Short_Header = "PM_2_5\tPM_10\t" ;
// ***********************************************************************
// Probleem is dat de sensor soms (m.n. na het programmeren) in een mode komt,
// waarin de sensor niet werkt en waarde sensor niet uit te halen is,
// anders dan door powerup
// Het _SDS_Continuous_cmd werkt dan ook niet.
// ***********************************************************************
void setup () {
_Serial_SDS011 = &Serial_Device ;
_Serial_SDS011 -> begin ( 9600 ) ;
// _Debug_Over_Serial = false ;
// _Serial_SDS011 -> flush () ;
// _Serial_SDS011 -> swap () ;
//_Serial_SDS011 -> write ( _SDS_Continuous_cmd, sizeof ( _SDS_Continuous_cmd ) );
_Serial_SDS011 -> write ( _SDS_Stop_cmd, sizeof ( _SDS_Stop_cmd ) );
_Serial_SDS011 -> flush () ;
// ***********************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
void loop () {
unsigned long Now = millis ();
// *******************************
// _State = 0 sleep mode
// *******************************
if ( _State == 0 ) {
if ( Now - _Last_Loop_Time > 120000 ) {
// if ( _Start_New_Measurement ) {
//Debug ( "Start new measurement") ;
// ***************************************************************************
// this command starts the sensor (i.e. the laserdiode and the ventilator) and
// while the sensor is working, it will send continuously the measured data
// ***************************************************************************
_Serial_SDS011 -> write ( _SDS_Start_cmd, sizeof ( _SDS_Start_cmd ) );
_State = 1 ;
_Last_Loop_Time = Now ;
// *******************************
// _State = 1 warm up time
// *******************************
else if ( _State == 1 ) {
if ( Now - _Last_Loop_Time > 15000 ) {
//Debug ( "warmed up ") ;
_State = 2 ;
_Last_Loop_Time = Now ;
_NSample = 0 ;
_Missed_Sample = 0 ;
_Sum_PM_2_5 = 0 ;
_Sum_PM_10 = 0 ;
_Min_PM_2_5 = 2000 ;
_Min_PM_10 = 2000 ;
_Max_PM_2_5 = 0 ;
_Max_PM_10 = 0 ;
// ******************************************************************
// omdat de sensor (als ie aan staat) iedere seconde een message send
// flush the incoming buffer
// ******************************************************************
while ( _Serial_SDS011 -> available () > 0 ) {
char kar = _Serial_SDS011 -> read() ;
// *******************************
// _State = 2 Measuring time
// *******************************
else {
if ( Now - _Last_Loop_Time > 1000 ) {
_Last_Loop_Time = Now ;
// *************
// take a sample
// *************
if ( _Get_Response ( 0x04 ) ) {
int PM_2_5 = 256 * _Data[1] + _Data[0] ;
int PM_10 = 256 * _Data[3] + _Data[2] ;
_Sum_PM_2_5 += PM_2_5 ;
_Sum_PM_10 += PM_10 ;
_NSample += 1 ;
//_Max_PM_2_5 = max ( _Max_PM_2_5, PM_2_5 ) ; WERKT NIET
//_Max_PM_2_5 = _max ( _Max_PM_2_5, PM_2_5 ) ; WERKT OOK
_Max_PM_2_5 = std::max ( _Max_PM_2_5, PM_2_5 ) ;
_Min_PM_2_5 = std::min ( _Min_PM_2_5, PM_2_5 ) ;
_Max_PM_10 = std::max ( _Max_PM_10 , PM_10 ) ;
_Min_PM_10 = std::min ( _Min_PM_10 , PM_10 ) ;
//Debugf ( "Next Measurement %i %i %i", _NSample, _Sum_PM_2_5, _Sum_PM_10 ) ;
else {
_Missed_Sample += 1 ;
if ( _Missed_Sample > 10 ) {
_Last_Loop_Time = Now ;
_State = 0 ;
_fPM_2_5_Hist = 0 ;
_fPM_10_Hist = 0 ;
//Debug ( "SDS011 Missed Sample: " + String ( _Missed_Sample ) ) ;
// ***************************************
// Measurement is ready
// ***************************************
if ( _NSample > 15 ) {
// **********************
// stop the SDS011 sensor
// **********************
_Serial_SDS011 -> write ( _SDS_Stop_cmd, sizeof ( _SDS_Stop_cmd ) );
//Debug ( "StoPPPP measurement") ;
_NSample -= 2 ;
_fPM_2_5 = 0.1 * ( _Sum_PM_2_5 - _Min_PM_2_5 - _Max_PM_2_5 ) / _NSample ;
_fPM_10 = 0.1 * ( _Sum_PM_10 - _Min_PM_10 - _Max_PM_10 ) / _NSample ;
_fPM_2_5_Hist = _fPM_2_5 ;
_fPM_10_Hist = _fPM_10 ;
// *************************************************
// and here the JSON string to send to all web api's
// *************************************************
sprintf ( msg, "{\"value_type\":\"SDS_P1\",\"value\":\"%.2f\"},{\"value_type\":\"SDS_P2\",\"value\":\"%.2f\"},",
_fPM_10, _fPM_2_5 ) ;
_Luftdaten_String = String ( msg ) ;
//Debug ( "Luftdaten: " + _JSON_String ) ;
_Last_Loop_Time = Now ;
_State = 0 ;
// ***********************************************************************
// Get all the sampled data as a JSON string
// ***********************************************************************
void Get_JSON_Data () {
JSON_Data += " \"PM_2_5\":" ;
JSON_Data += String ( _fPM_2_5_Hist, 1 ) ;
JSON_Data += "," ;
JSON_Data += " \"PM_10\":" ;
JSON_Data += String ( _fPM_10_Hist, 1 ) ;
JSON_Data += "," ;
JSON_Short_Data += String ( _fPM_2_5_Hist, 1 ) ;
JSON_Short_Data += "\t" ;
JSON_Short_Data += String ( _fPM_10_Hist, 1 ) ;
JSON_Short_Data += "\t" ;
// _Start_New_Measurement = true ;
/* if ( _NSample == 0 ) {
return ;
JSON_Data += _JSON_String ;
// ***********************************************************************
// Get all the sampled data as a JSON string
// ***********************************************************************
String Get_JSON_LuftData () {
return _Luftdaten_String ;
} ;
// ***********************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
//bool _Start_New_Measurement = false ;
unsigned long _Last_Loop_Time = -120000 ;
int _NSample = 0 ;
int _State = 0 ;
int _Sum_PM_2_5 ;
int _Sum_PM_10 ;
int _Min_PM_2_5 ;
int _Min_PM_10 ;
int _Max_PM_2_5 ;
int _Max_PM_10 ;
int _Missed_Sample ;
float _fPM_2_5 ;
float _fPM_10 ;
float _fPM_2_5_Hist = 0 ;
float _fPM_10_Hist = 0 ;
//String _JSON_String ;
String _Luftdaten_String ;
uint8_t _Data [ 20 ] ;
int _Data_Len = 0 ;
int _Soft_RX = -1 ;
int _Soft_TX = -1 ;
uint8_t _SDS_Stop_cmd [19] = {
0xAA, 0xB4, 0x06, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x05, 0xAB } ;
uint8_t _SDS_Start_cmd[19] = {
0xAA, 0xB4, 0x06, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0xAB } ;
uint8_t _SDS_Continuous_cmd[19] = {
0xAA, 0xB4, 0x08, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x07, 0xAB } ;
// ***********************************************************************
// All responses have the same length
// and are roughly build in the same way.
// So we can use the same function for alle responses.
// Code = comand-ID, which is reflected in third byte of the response
// (except when quering the data)
// Response = the second and third byte of the response
// Code Respons Meaning
// 02 C5, 02 Set the work-mode Passive = query / active
// 04 C0 Query the sensor data
// 05 C5, 05 Set Device-ID
// 06 C5, 06 Start / Stop the sensor ( laser + ventilator)
// 07 C5, 07 Get Firmware and Device-ID
// 08 C5, 08 Set working period
// ***********************************************************************
boolean _Get_Response ( uint8_t Cmd2 ) {
int CheckSum = 0 ;
int Answer_Len = 0 ;
while ( _Serial_SDS011 -> available () > 0 ) {
char kar = _Serial_SDS011 -> read() ;
//Serial.print ( String ( (int) kar ) + " // " ) ;
//Serial.print ( String ( kar,HEX ) + " // " + String (Answer_Len) + " -- " ) ;
// ***************************************
// ***************************************
switch ( Answer_Len ) {
case 0 :
if ( kar == 0xAA ) {
Answer_Len += 1 ;
//Debugf ( ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0xAA %i", _Serial_SDS011 -> available() ) ;
else {
Debugf ( ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NNNN %i %i", kar, _Serial_SDS011 -> available() ) ;
while ( _Serial_SDS011 -> available () > 0 ) {
char kar = _Serial_SDS011 -> read() ;
return false ;
break ;
case 1 :
if ((( Cmd2 == 0x04 ) && ( kar == 0xC0 )) || (( Cmd2 != 0x04 ) && ( kar == 0xC5 ) ) ) {
Answer_Len += 1 ;
//Debugf ( ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0xBB %i", _Serial_ -> available() ) ;
else {
Answer_Len = 0 ;
break ;
case 2 :
// *******************************************
// for all commands, except the data query,
// the command ID is reflected in the answer
// so check it
// Because the data is send autonomuously by the sensor
// this will happen often ( so not realy an error)
// thus we only give a message if MAX info
// *******************************************
if ( ( Cmd2 != 0x04 ) && ( Cmd2 != kar )) {
Answer_Len = 0 ;
break ;
// ****************************************
// checksum is calculated over bytes 2 .. 8
// ****************************************
Answer_Len += 1 ;
CheckSum = kar ;
//Debugf ( ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0xCC %i", _Serial_SDS011 -> available() ) ;
case 8 :
if ( kar == ( CheckSum % 256 ) ) {
Answer_Len += 1 ;
// ********************************************
// Als Checksum fout, helemaal opnieuw beginnen
// ********************************************
else {
Answer_Len = 0 ;
break ;
case 9 :
if ( kar == 0xAB ) {
_Data_Len = Answer_Len - 2 ;
//Debugf ( ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0xFF %i %i", _Data_Len, _Serial_SDS011 -> available() ) ;
//Debugf ( ">>>>>> %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i", _Data[0], _Data[1], _Data[2], _Data[3], _Data[4],
// _Data[5], _Data[6], _Data[7], _Data[8], _Data[9] ) ;
while ( _Serial_SDS011 -> available () > 0 ) {
char kar = _Serial_SDS011 -> read() ;
return true ;
else {
Answer_Len = 0 ;
default :
Answer_Len += 1 ;
CheckSum += kar ;
// ***********************************************
// if too much, flush buffer and retur false
// ***********************************************
if ( Answer_Len >= 10 ) {
while ( _Serial_SDS011 -> available () > 0 ) {
char kar = _Serial_SDS011 -> read() ;
//Debugf ( "MISSING, N = %i", Answer_Len ) ;
return false ;
if ( Answer_Len >= 3 ) {
_Data [ Answer_Len - 3 ] = kar ;
//Serial.println () ;
// *****************************************************
// No more data from sensor, and no good answer received
// *****************************************************
//Debugf ( "MISSING-end, N = %i", Answer_Len ) ;
_Data_Len = 0 ;
return false ;