Delete Sensor_SonOff.h

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Stef-aap 2020-04-18 15:55:09 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 0736b09a29
commit 396cf289b5
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1 changed files with 0 additions and 256 deletions

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@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
// Version 0.4, 28-01-2019, SM
// - again full MQTT message as Home Assistant problems are solved
// Version 0.3, 27-01-2019, SM
// - problem with empty fields in json command solved (by first testing string length
// - output mqqt message limited to S1 (without any space), needed for HomeAssistant
// Version 0.2, 25-01-2019, SM
// -Force_Push added
// Version 0.1, 22-01-2019, SM
// - initial version
// - External Watchdog support included (NOT TESTED)
#ifndef Sensor_SonOff_h
#define Sensor_SonOff_h 0.4
const int _SonOff_Button = 0 ;
const int _SonOff_LED = 13 ; //( The RED LED is connected to the RF device, which isn't there)
const int _SonOff_Relay = 12 ;
const int _SonOff_LED_msec = 200 ;
// ***********************************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************************
class _Sensor_SonOff : public _Sensor_BaseClass {
// ***********************************************************************
// Creator,
// ***********************************************************************
_Sensor_SonOff () {
Serial.println ( "V" + String ( Sensor_SonOff_h ) + " Sensor_SonOff.h" ) ;
// ***********************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
void setup () {
_LED_State = HIGH ; // High = LED OFF
pinMode ( _SonOff_LED , OUTPUT ) ;
pinMode ( _SonOff_Relay , OUTPUT ) ;
pinMode ( _SonOff_Button, INPUT ) ;
digitalWrite ( _SonOff_Relay, _Relay_State ) ;
digitalWrite ( _SonOff_LED , _LED_State ) ;
_Button_Previous = digitalRead ( _SonOff_Button ) ;
//if ( MyMQTT->connected() ) { // TE MOEILIJK VOOR NU
//eigenlijk will je die blink2 pas laten komen als MQTT is connected
_LED_Notification ( 2 ) ;
// ***********************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
void loop () {
if ( true ) { //_Button_Enabled ) {
// ***************************************************
// read the button and invert it, to get postive logic
// ***************************************************
int Button = ! digitalRead ( _SonOff_Button ) ;
unsigned long Now = millis () ;
if ( Button == _Button_Previous ) {
// *****************************************************
// als button niet ingedrukt was en 1 seconde verstreken,
// dan actie als er down-presses geweest zijn
// *****************************************************
if ( !Button ) {
if ( _Button_Counter > 0 ) {
if ( ( Now - _Button_Time_Off ) > 1000 ) {
switch ( _Button_Counter ) {
// **********************
// 1 Press = toggle Relay
// **********************
case 1 :
_Relay_State = !_Relay_State ;
digitalWrite ( _SonOff_Relay, _Relay_State ) ;
_LED_Notification ( 1 ) ;
_Force_Push = true ;
break ;
default :
Serial.println ( "Button Presses not implemented, N = " + String ( _Button_Counter ) ) ;
break ;
_Button_Counter = 0 ;
// ***************
// Button pressed
// ***************
else {
// ****************************************
// RESTART if pressed longer than 5 seconds
// ****************************************
if ( ( Now - _Button_Time_On ) > 5000 ) {
// first time after serial programming: ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(1,7)
Serial.println ( "RESTARTING: first time after serial programming resetting fails" ) ;
_LED_Notification ( 3 ) ;
_Force_Push = true;
ESP.restart () ;
// ************************************
// Button change
// ************************************
else {
// **************
// for debugging
// **************
if ( ! Button ) {
Serial.println ( "BUTTON CHANGE : Button=" +String ( Button) + " Count=" + String (_Button_Counter) + " Time_Off=" + String ( Now - _Button_Time_Off ) + " Time_On=" + String ( Now - _Button_Time_On ) ) ;
// **************
if ( Button ) {
_Button_Time_On = Now ;
_Button_Counter += 1 ;
else {
_Button_Time_Off = Now ;
_Button_Previous = Button ;
// ***********************************************************************
// huis/verdieping0/ergens/SonOff_2
// {"S1" : "ON", "LED" : 1, "Button" = 1 }
// S1 = relay state
// LED = 0, LED will always be OFF
// Button = 0, Button presses will have no action
// ***********************************************************************
void MQTT_Callback ( String Topic, String Payload, DynamicJsonDocument root ) {
//void MQTT_Callback ( char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length ) {
//String Line = "" ;
//for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
// Line += (char) payload[i] ;
//Serial.println ( "MQTT : " + Line ) ;
//DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer ( 300 ) ;
//JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject ( Line ) ;
String Switch_1 = root [ "S1" ] ;
if ( Switch_1.length() > 0 ) {
if ( Switch_1 == "ON" ) {
_Relay_State = HIGH ;
digitalWrite ( _SonOff_Relay, _Relay_State ) ;
} else
if ( Switch_1 == "OFF" ) {
_Relay_State = LOW ;
digitalWrite ( _SonOff_Relay, _Relay_State ) ;
String Temp_LED = root [ "LED" ] ;
if ( Temp_LED.length() > 0 ) {
int LED = root [ "LED" ] ;
if ( LED == 1 ) {
_LED_Enabled = true ;
} else
if ( LED == 0 ) {
_LED_Enabled = false ;
String Temp_Button = root [ "Button" ] ;
if ( Temp_Button.length() > 0 ) {
int Button = root [ "Button" ] ;
if ( Button == 1 ) {
_Button_Enabled = true ;
} else
if ( Button == 0 ) {
_Button_Enabled = false ;
_Force_Push = true ;
_LED_Notification ( 2 ) ;
// ***********************************************************************
// Get all the sampled data as a JSON string
// ***********************************************************************
void Get_JSON_Data () {
if ( _Relay_State ) {
JSON_Data += "\"S1\":\"ON\"," ;
else {
JSON_Data += "\"S1\":\"OFF\"," ;
JSON_Data += " \"S1\":" ;
if ( _Relay_State ) {
JSON_Data += "\"ON\"," ;
else {
JSON_Data += "\"OFF\"," ;
JSON_Data += " \"LED\":" ;
JSON_Data += !_LED_State ;
JSON_Data += "," ;
JSON_Data += " \"Button\":" ;
int Button = !digitalRead ( _SonOff_Button ) ;
JSON_Data += Button ;
JSON_Data += "," ;
// ***********************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
virtual bool Pushed () {
if ( _Force_Push ) {
_Force_Push = false ;
return true ;
return false ;
// ***********************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
int _Button_Counter = 0 ;
bool _Button_Enabled = true ;
int _Button_Previous = true ;
int _Button_Time_On ;
int _Button_Time_Off ;
bool _Force_Push = false ;
bool _LED_Enabled = true ;
bool _LED_State ;
bool _Relay_State = false ;
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
void _LED_Notification ( int N ) {
if ( _LED_Enabled ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < 2*N; i++ ) {
_LED_State = !_LED_State ;
digitalWrite ( _SonOff_LED, _LED_State ) ;
delay ( _SonOff_LED_msec ) ;