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These FSP binaries are intended to be used with 12th Generation Intel® Core™ processors and chipsets (formerly known as Alder Lake).

Alder Lake Binary Differences

There are different variants of the Alder Lake Firmware Support Package (FSP) intended for different 12th Generation Intel® Core™ (formerly Alder Lake) SKUs. Please consult the table below:

Directory Name 12th Generation Intel® Core™ (formerly Alder Lake) SKU Description
Client/AlderLakeP U-Series, P-Series, & H-Series processors for client platforms
Client/AlderLakeS HX-Series & desktop processors for client platforms
IoT/AlderLakeP U-Series, P-Series, & H-Series processors for IoT platforms
IoT/AlderLakePS PS-Series processors for IoT platforms
IoT/AlderLakeS Desktop processors for IoT platforms
IoT/AlderLakeN N-Series processors for IoT platforms

Differentiating Client and IoT

Client and IoT (Internet of Things) SKUs of 12th Generation Intel® Core™ (formerly Alder Lake) processors can be differentiated by checking the processor number. Processor numbers ending in a "E" are IoT SKUs, processor numbers that do not end in "E" are client SKUs. For example, the Intel® Core™ i7-1270P is a client SKU and the Intel® Core™ i7-1270PE is an IoT SKU.