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IDE Support


Odd File Types

EC uses a few odd file types/names. Some are included from other header files and used to generate data structures, thus it is important for your IDE to index them.

Patterns Vague Type
Makefile.rules, Makefile.toolchain Makefile
gpio.wrap C Header C Header
*.tasklist, *.irqlist, *.mocklist, *.testlist C Header

IDE Configuration Primitives

Due to the way most EC code has been structured, you can typically only safely inspect a configuration for a single image (RO or RW) for a single board. Thus, you need to specify the specific board/image pair when requesting defines and includes.

Command Description
make print-defines BOARD=$BOARD BLD=RW/RO List compiler injected defines
make print-includes BOARD=$BOARD BLD=RW/RO List compiler include paths


You can use the tool to generate a VSCode configuration that includes selectable sub-configurations for every board/image pair.

  1. From the root ec directory, do the following:

    mkdir -p .vscode
    ./util/ vscode all:RW all:RO | tee .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
  2. Open VSCode and navigate to some C source file.

  3. Run C/C++ Reset IntelliSense Database from the Ctrl-Shift-P menu

  4. Select the config in the bottom right, next to the Select Language Mode. You will only see this option when a C/C++ file is open. Additionally, you can select a configuration by pressing Ctrl-Shift-P and selecting the C/C++ Select a Configuration... option.

  5. Add the EC specific file associations and style settings. Do the following to copy the default settings to .vscode/settings.json:

    cp .vscode/settings.json.default .vscode/settings.json