
1701 lines
68 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2018, 2019 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
# Copyright 2018, 2019 Foundries.io
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'''West project commands'''
import argparse
from functools import partial
import logging
import os
from os.path import abspath, relpath, exists
from pathlib import PurePath, Path
import shutil
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
from time import perf_counter
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from west.configuration import config, update_config
from west import log
from west import util
from west.commands import WestCommand, CommandError
from west.manifest import ImportFlag, Manifest, MANIFEST_PROJECT_INDEX, \
ManifestProject, _manifest_content_at, ManifestImportFailed, \
_ManifestImportDepth, ManifestVersionError, MalformedManifest
from west.manifest import is_group as is_project_group
from west.manifest import MANIFEST_REV_BRANCH as MANIFEST_REV
from west.manifest import QUAL_REFS_WEST as QUAL_REFS
# Project-related or multi-repo commands, like "init", "update",
# "diff", etc.
class _ProjectCommand(WestCommand):
# Helper class which contains common code needed by various commands
# in this file.
def _parser(self, parser_adder, **kwargs):
# Create and return a "standard" parser.
kwargs['help'] = self.help
kwargs['description'] = self.description
kwargs['formatter_class'] = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
return parser_adder.add_parser(self.name, **kwargs)
def _cloned_projects(self, args, only_active=False):
# Returns _projects(args.projects, only_cloned=True) if
# args.projects is not empty (i.e., explicitly given projects
# are required to be cloned). Otherwise, returns all cloned
# projects.
if args.projects:
ret = self._projects(args.projects, only_cloned=True)
ret = [p for p in self.manifest.projects if p.is_cloned()]
if args.projects or not only_active:
return ret
return [p for p in ret if self.manifest.is_active(p)]
def _projects(self, ids, only_cloned=False):
return self.manifest.get_projects(ids, only_cloned=only_cloned)
except ValueError as ve:
if len(ve.args) != 2:
raise # not directly raised by get_projects()
# Die with an error message on unknown or uncloned projects.
unknown, uncloned = ve.args
if unknown:
elif only_cloned and uncloned:
s = 's' if len(uncloned) > 1 else ''
names = ' '.join(p.name for p in uncloned)
log.die(f'uncloned project{s}: {names}.\n'
' Hint: run "west update" and retry.')
# Should never happen, but re-raise to fail fast and
# preserve a stack trace, to encourage a bug report.
def _handle_failed(self, args, failed):
# Shared code for commands (like status, diff, update) that need
# to do the same thing to multiple projects, but collect
# and report errors if anything failed.
if not failed:
elif len(failed) < 20:
s = 's:' if len(failed) > 1 else ''
projects = ', '.join(f'{p.name}' for p in failed)
log.err(f'{self.name} failed for project{s} {projects}')
log.err(f'{self.name} failed for multiple projects; see above')
raise CommandError(1)
def _setup_logging(self, args):
logger = logging.getLogger('west.manifest')
verbose = min(args.verbose, log.VERBOSE_EXTREME)
if verbose >= log.VERBOSE_NORMAL:
level = logging.DEBUG
level = logging.INFO
class Init(_ProjectCommand):
def __init__(self):
'create a west workspace',
Creates a west workspace.
With -l, creates a workspace around an existing local repository;
without -l, creates a workspace by cloning a manifest repository
by URL.
With -m, clones the repository at that URL and uses it as the
manifest repository. If --mr is not given, the remote's default
branch will be used, if it exists.
With neither, -m {MANIFEST_URL_DEFAULT} is assumed.
def do_add_parser(self, parser_adder):
# We set a custom usage because there are two distinct ways
# to call this command, and the default usage generated by
# argparse doesn't make that very clear.
parser = self._parser(
%(prog)s [-m URL] [--mr REVISION] [--mf FILE] [directory]
%(prog)s -l [--mf FILE] directory
# Remember to update the usage if you modify any arguments.
parser.add_argument('-m', '--manifest-url',
help='''manifest repository URL to clone;
cannot be combined with -l''')
parser.add_argument('--mr', '--manifest-rev', dest='manifest_rev',
help='''manifest revision to check out and use;
cannot be combined with -l''')
parser.add_argument('--mf', '--manifest-file', dest='manifest_file',
help='manifest file name to use')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--local', action='store_true',
help='''use "directory" as an existing local
manifest repository instead of cloning one from
MANIFEST_URL; .west is created next to "directory"
in this case, and manifest.path points at
'directory', nargs='?', default=None,
help='''with -l, the path to the local manifest repository;
without it, the directory to create the workspace in (defaulting
to the current working directory in this case)''')
return parser
def do_run(self, args, _):
if self.topdir:
zb = os.environ.get('ZEPHYR_BASE')
if zb:
msg = textwrap.dedent(f'''
In your environment, ZEPHYR_BASE is set to:
This forces west to search for a workspace there.
Try unsetting ZEPHYR_BASE and re-running this command.''')
msg = ''
self.die_already(self.topdir, msg)
if args.local and (args.manifest_url or args.manifest_rev):
log.die('-l cannot be combined with -m or --mr')
if args.local:
topdir = self.local(args)
topdir = self.bootstrap(args)
log.banner(f'Initialized. Now run "west update" inside {topdir}.')
def die_already(self, where, also=None):
log.die(f'already initialized in {where}, aborting.{also or ""}')
def local(self, args) -> Path:
if args.manifest_rev is not None:
log.die('--mr cannot be used with -l')
# We need to resolve this to handle the case that args.directory
# is '.'. In that case, Path('.').parent is just Path('.') instead of
# Path('..').
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#pathlib.PurePath.parent
manifest_dir = Path(args.directory or os.getcwd()).resolve()
manifest_filename = args.manifest_file or 'west.yml'
manifest_file = manifest_dir / manifest_filename
topdir = manifest_dir.parent
rel_manifest = manifest_dir.name
west_dir = topdir / WEST_DIR
if not manifest_file.is_file():
log.die(f'can\'t init: no {manifest_filename} found in '
log.banner('Initializing from existing manifest repository',
log.small_banner(f'Creating {west_dir} and local configuration file')
update_config('manifest', 'path', os.fspath(rel_manifest))
update_config('manifest', 'file', manifest_filename, topdir=topdir)
return topdir
def bootstrap(self, args) -> Path:
topdir = Path(abspath(args.directory or os.getcwd()))
log.banner('Initializing in', topdir)
manifest_url = args.manifest_url or MANIFEST_URL_DEFAULT
manifest_rev = args.manifest_rev or self.get_head_branch(manifest_url)
west_dir = topdir / WEST_DIR
already = util.west_topdir(topdir, fall_back=False)
except util.WestNotFound:
if not topdir.is_dir():
self.create(topdir, exist_ok=False)
# Clone the manifest repository into a temporary directory.
tempdir: Path = west_dir / 'manifest-tmp'
if tempdir.is_dir():
log.dbg('removing existing temporary manifest directory', tempdir)
self.clone_manifest(manifest_url, manifest_rev, os.fspath(tempdir))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
shutil.rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
# Verify the manifest file exists.
temp_manifest_filename = args.manifest_file or 'west.yml'
temp_manifest = tempdir / temp_manifest_filename
if not temp_manifest.is_file():
log.die(f'can\'t init: no {temp_manifest_filename} found in '
f' Hint: check --manifest-url={manifest_url} and '
f' You may need to remove {west_dir} before retrying.')
# Parse the manifest to get the manifest path, if it declares one.
# Otherwise, use the URL. Ignore imports -- all we really
# want to know is if there's a "self: path:" or not.
projects = Manifest.from_file(temp_manifest,
manifest_project = projects[MANIFEST_PROJECT_INDEX]
if manifest_project.path:
manifest_path = manifest_project.path
# We use PurePath() here in case manifest_url is a
# windows-style path. That does the right thing in that
# case, without affecting POSIX platforms, where PurePath
# is PurePosixPath.
manifest_path = PurePath(urlparse(manifest_url).path).name
manifest_abspath = topdir / manifest_path
log.dbg('moving', tempdir, 'to', manifest_abspath,
manifest_abspath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
shutil.move(os.fspath(tempdir), os.fspath(manifest_abspath))
except shutil.Error as e:
log.small_banner('setting manifest.path to', manifest_path)
update_config('manifest', 'path', manifest_path, topdir=topdir)
update_config('manifest', 'file', temp_manifest_filename,
return topdir
def create(self, directory: Path, exist_ok: bool = True) -> None:
directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=exist_ok)
except PermissionError:
log.die(f'Cannot initialize in {directory}: permission denied')
except FileExistsError:
log.die(f'Cannot initialize in {directory}: it already exists')
except Exception as e:
log.die(f"Can't create {directory}: {e}")
def get_head_branch(self, url: str) -> str:
# Get the branch which url's HEAD points to. Errors out if it
# can't, prints a banner if it can.
if self.git_version_info < (2, 8, 0):
# This recipe requires git 2.8.0 or later. Fall back
# if we're running on something that's too old.
return 'master'
err_msg = (f'failed getting the default branch from {url}; '
'please provide the --manifest-rev option')
# The '--quiet' option disables printing the URL to stderr.
output = self.check_output(
('git', 'ls-remote', '--quiet', '--symref', url, 'HEAD')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
for line in output.splitlines():
if not line.startswith('ref: '):
# The output looks like this:
# ref: refs/heads/foo HEAD
# 6145ab537fcb3adc3ee77db5f5f95e661f1e91e6 HEAD
# So this is the 'ref: ...' case.
# Per git-check-ref-format(1), references can't have tabs
# in them, so this doesn't have any weird edge cases.
without_ref = line[len('ref: '):]
if not without_ref:
ret = without_ref.split('\t')[0]
log.small_banner('no --manifest-rev was given; '
f"using remote's default branch: {ret}")
return ret
def clone_manifest(self, url: str, rev: str, dest: str,
exist_ok=False) -> None:
log.small_banner(f'Cloning manifest repository from {url}, rev. {rev}')
if not exist_ok and exists(dest):
log.die(f'refusing to clone into existing location {dest}')
self.check_call(('git', 'init', dest))
self.check_call(('git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', '--', url),
maybe_sha = _maybe_sha(rev)
if maybe_sha:
# Fetch the ref-space and hope the SHA is contained in
# that ref-space
self.check_call(('git', 'fetch', 'origin', '--tags',
'--', 'refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*'),
# Fetch the ref-space similar to git clone plus the ref
# given by user. Redundancy is ok, for example if the user
# specifies 'heads/master'. This allows users to specify:
# pull/<no>/head for pull requests
self.check_call(('git', 'fetch', 'origin', '--tags', '--',
rev, 'refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*'),
# Using show-ref to determine if rev is available in local repo.
self.check_call(('git', 'show-ref', '--', rev), cwd=dest)
local_rev = True
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
local_rev = False
if local_rev or maybe_sha:
self.check_call(('git', 'checkout', rev), cwd=dest)
self.check_call(('git', 'checkout', 'FETCH_HEAD'), cwd=dest)
class List(_ProjectCommand):
def __init__(self):
'print information about projects',
Print information about projects in the west manifest,
using format strings.'''))
def do_add_parser(self, parser_adder):
default_fmt = '{name:12} {path:28} {revision:40} {url}'
parser = self._parser(
Projects are listed using a Python 3 format string. Arguments
to the format string are accessed by name.
The default format string is:
The following arguments are available:
- name: project name in the manifest
- url: full remote URL as specified by the manifest
- path: the relative path to the project from the top level,
as specified in the manifest where applicable
- abspath: absolute and normalized path to the project
- posixpath: like abspath, but in posix style, that is, with '/'
as the separator character instead of '\\'
- revision: project's revision as it appears in the manifest
- sha: project's revision as a SHA. Note that use of this requires
that the project has been cloned.
- cloned: "cloned" if the project has been cloned, "not-cloned"
- clone_depth: project clone depth if specified, "None" otherwise
- groups: project groups, as a comma-separated list
parser.add_argument('-a', '--all', action='store_true',
help='include inactive projects'),
parser.add_argument('--manifest-path-from-yaml', action='store_true',
help='''print the manifest repository's path
according to the manifest file YAML, which may
disagree with the manifest.path configuration
parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', default=default_fmt,
help='''format string to use to list each
project; see FORMAT STRINGS below.''')
parser.add_argument('projects', metavar='PROJECT', nargs='*',
help='''projects (by name or path) to operate on;
see ACTIVE PROJECTS below''')
return parser
def do_run(self, args, user_args):
def sha_thunk(project):
if not project.is_cloned():
log.die(f'cannot get sha for uncloned project {project.name}; '
f'run "west update {project.name}" and retry')
elif project.revision:
return project.sha(MANIFEST_REV)
return f'{"N/A":40}'
def cloned_thunk(project):
return "cloned" if project.is_cloned() else "not-cloned"
def delay(func, project):
return DelayFormat(partial(func, project))
for project in self._projects(args.projects):
# Skip inactive projects unless the user said
# --all or named some projects explicitly.
if not (args.all or args.projects or
log.dbg(f'{project.name}: skipping inactive project')
# Spelling out the format keys explicitly here gives us
# future-proofing if the internal Project representation
# ever changes.
# Using DelayFormat delays computing derived values, such
# as SHAs, unless they are specifically requested, and then
# ensures they are only computed once.
if (isinstance(project, ManifestProject) and not
# Special-case the manifest repository while it's
# still showing up in the 'projects' list. Yet
# more evidence we should tackle #327.
path = config.get('manifest', 'path')
apath = abspath(os.path.join(self.topdir, path))
ppath = Path(apath).as_posix()
path = project.path
apath = project.abspath
ppath = project.posixpath
result = args.format.format(
url=project.url or 'N/A',
revision=project.revision or 'N/A',
clone_depth=project.clone_depth or "None",
cloned=delay(cloned_thunk, project),
sha=delay(sha_thunk, project),
except KeyError as e:
# The raised KeyError seems to just put the first
# invalid argument in the args tuple, regardless of
# how many unrecognizable keys there were.
log.die(f'unknown key "{e.args[0]}" in format string '
except IndexError:
log.die(f'invalid format string {shlex.quote(args.format)}')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
log.die(f'subprocess failed while listing {project.name}')
log.inf(result, colorize=False)
class ManifestCommand(_ProjectCommand):
# The slightly weird naming is to avoid a conflict with
# west.manifest.Manifest.
def __init__(self):
super(ManifestCommand, self).__init__(
'manage the west manifest',
Manages the west manifest.
The following actions are available. You must give exactly one.
- --resolve: print the current manifest with all imports applied,
as an equivalent single manifest file. Any imported manifests
must be cloned locally (with "west update").
- --freeze: like --resolve, but with all project revisions
converted to their current SHAs, based on the latest manifest-rev
branches. All projects must be cloned (with "west update").
- --validate: print an error and exit the process unsuccessfully
if the current manifest cannot be successfully parsed.
If the manifest can be parsed, print nothing and exit
- --path: print the path to the top level manifest file.
If this file uses imports, it will not contain all the
manifest data.
If the manifest file does not use imports, and all project
revisions are SHAs, the --freeze and --resolve output will
be identical after a "west update".
def do_add_parser(self, parser_adder):
parser = self._parser(parser_adder)
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('--resolve', action='store_true',
help='print the manifest with all imports resolved')
group.add_argument('--freeze', action='store_true',
help='''print the resolved manifest with SHAs for
all project revisions''')
group.add_argument('--validate', action='store_true',
help='''validate the current manifest,
exiting with an error if there are issues''')
group.add_argument('--path', action='store_true',
help="print the top level manifest file's path")
group = parser.add_argument_group('options for --resolve and --freeze')
group.add_argument('-o', '--out',
help='output file, default is standard output')
return parser
def do_run(self, args, user_args):
# Since the user is explicitly managing the manifest, we are
# deliberately loading it again instead of using self.manifest
# to emit debug logs if enabled, which are turned off when the
# manifest is initially parsed in main.py.
# The code in main.py is usually responsible for handling any
# errors and printing useful messages. We re-do error checking
# for manifest-related errors that it won't handle.
manifest = Manifest.from_file(topdir=self.topdir)
except _ManifestImportDepth:
log.die("cannot resolve manifest -- is there a loop?")
except ManifestImportFailed as mif:
log.die(f"manifest import failed\n Project: {mif.project}\n "
f"File: {mif.filename}")
except (MalformedManifest, ManifestVersionError) as e:
log.die('\n '.join(str(arg) for arg in e.args))
dump_kwargs = {'default_flow_style': False,
'sort_keys': False}
if args.validate:
pass # nothing more to do
elif args.resolve:
self._dump(args, manifest.as_yaml(**dump_kwargs))
elif args.freeze:
self._dump(args, manifest.as_frozen_yaml(**dump_kwargs))
elif args.path:
# Can't happen.
raise RuntimeError(f'internal error: unhandled args {args}')
def _dump(self, args, to_dump):
if args.out:
with open(args.out, 'w') as f:
class Diff(_ProjectCommand):
def __init__(self):
'"git diff" for one or more projects',
'Runs "git diff" on each of the specified projects.')
def do_add_parser(self, parser_adder):
parser = self._parser(parser_adder,
parser.add_argument('projects', metavar='PROJECT', nargs='*',
help='''projects (by name or path) to operate on;
defaults to active cloned projects''')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--all', action='store_true',
help='include output for inactive projects')
return parser
def do_run(self, args, ignored):
failed = []
no_diff = 0
# We may need to force git to use colors if the user wants them,
# which it won't do ordinarily since stdout is not a terminal.
color = ['--color=always'] if log.use_color() else []
for project in self._cloned_projects(args, only_active=not args.all):
# Use paths that are relative to the base directory to make it
# easier to see where the changes are
cp = project.git(['diff', f'--src-prefix={project.path}/',
'--exit-code'] + color,
capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True,
if cp.returncode == 0:
no_diff += 1
if cp.returncode == 1 or log.VERBOSE > log.VERBOSE_NONE:
log.banner(f'diff for {project.name_and_path}:')
elif cp.returncode:
if failed:
self._handle_failed(args, failed)
elif log.VERBOSE <= log.VERBOSE_NONE:
log.inf(f"Empty diff in {no_diff} projects.")
class Status(_ProjectCommand):
def __init__(self):
'"git status" for one or more projects',
"Runs 'git status' for each of the specified projects.")
def do_add_parser(self, parser_adder):
parser = self._parser(parser_adder,
parser.add_argument('projects', metavar='PROJECT', nargs='*',
help='''projects (by name or path) to operate on;
defaults to active cloned projects''')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--all', action='store_true',
help='include output for inactive projects')
return parser
def do_run(self, args, user_args):
failed = []
for project in self._cloned_projects(args, only_active=not args.all):
log.banner(f'status of {project.name_and_path}:')
project.git('status', extra_args=user_args)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
self._handle_failed(args, failed)
class Update(_ProjectCommand):
def __init__(self):
'update projects described in west manifest',
Updates active projects defined in the manifest file as follows:
1. Clone the project if necessary
2. If necessary, fetch the project's revision from its remote
(see "fetching behavior" below)
3. Reset the manifest-rev branch to the current manifest revision
4. Check out the new manifest-rev commit as a detached
HEAD (the default), or keep/rebase existing checked out branches
(see "checked out branch behavior")
You must have already created a west workspace with "west init".
This command does not alter the manifest repository's contents.''')
def do_add_parser(self, parser_adder):
parser = self._parser(parser_adder)
parser.add_argument('--stats', action='store_true',
help='''print performance statistics for
update operations''')
group = parser.add_argument_group(
title='local project clone caches',
Projects are usually initialized by fetching from their URLs, but
they can also be cloned from caches on the local file system.'''))
help='''cached repositories are in subdirectories
matching the names of projects to update''')
help='''cached repositories are in the same relative
paths as the workspace being updated''')
group = parser.add_argument_group(
title='fetching behavior',
description='By default, west update tries to avoid fetching.')
group.add_argument('-f', '--fetch', dest='fetch_strategy',
choices=['always', 'smart'],
help='''how to fetch projects when updating:
"always" fetches every project before update,
while "smart" (default) skips fetching projects
whose revisions are SHAs or tags available
group.add_argument('-o', '--fetch-opt', action='append', default=[],
help='''additional option to pass to 'git fetch'
if fetching is necessary (e.g. 'o=--depth=1');
may be given more than once''')
group.add_argument('-n', '--narrow', action='store_true',
help='''fetch just the project revision if fetching
is necessary; skip fetching tags (may not work for
SHA revisions depending on the Git host)''')
group = parser.add_argument_group(
title='checked out branch behavior',
By default, locally checked out branches are left behind
when manifest-rev commits are checked out.'''))
group.add_argument('-k', '--keep-descendants', action='store_true',
help='''if a checked out branch is a descendant
of the new manifest-rev, leave it checked out
instead (takes priority over --rebase)''')
group.add_argument('-r', '--rebase', action='store_true',
help='''rebase any checked out branch onto the new
manifest-rev instead (leaving behind partial
rebases on error)''')
group = parser.add_argument_group(
title='advanced options')
group.add_argument('--group-filter', '--gf', action='append',
default=[], metavar='FILTER', dest='group_filter',
help='''proceed as if FILTER was appended to
manifest.group-filter; may be given multiple
group = parser.add_argument_group('deprecated options')
group.add_argument('-x', '--exclude-west', action='store_true',
help='ignored for backwards compatibility')
parser.add_argument('projects', metavar='PROJECT', nargs='*',
help='''projects (by name or path) to operate on;
defaults to all active projects''')
return parser
def do_run(self, args, _):
# We can't blindly call self._projects() here: manifests with
# imports are limited to plain 'west update', and cannot use
# 'west update PROJECT [...]'.
if not self.args.projects:
def init_state(self, args):
# Helper for initializing instance state in response to
# command line args and configuration files.
self.args = args
if args.exclude_west:
log.wrn('ignoring --exclude-west')
self.narrow = args.narrow or config.getboolean('update', 'narrow',
self.path_cache = args.path_cache or config.get('update', 'path-cache',
self.name_cache = args.name_cache or config.get('update', 'name-cache',
self.sync_submodules = config.getboolean('update', 'sync-submodules',
self.group_filter: List[str] = []
def handle(group_filter_item):
item = group_filter_item.strip()
if not item.startswith(('-', '+')):
log.die(f'invalid --group-filter item {item}: '
'must start with - or +')
if not is_project_group(item[1:]):
log.die(f'invalid --group-filter item {item}: '
f'"{item[1:]}" is not a valid group name')
for item in args.group_filter:
if ',' in item:
for split_item in item.split(','):
self.fs = self.fetch_strategy()
def update_all(self):
# Plain 'west update' is the 'easy' case: since the user just
# wants us to update everything, we don't have to keep track
# of projects appearing or disappearing as a result of fetching
# new revisions from projects with imports.
# So we just re-parse the manifest, but force west.manifest to
# call our importer whenever it encounters an import statement
# in a project, allowing us to control the recursion so it
# always uses the latest manifest data.
self.updated = set()
self.manifest = Manifest.from_file(
failed = []
for project in self.manifest.projects:
if (isinstance(project, ManifestProject) or
project.name in self.updated):
if not self.project_is_active(project):
log.dbg(f'{project.name}: skipping inactive project')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
self._handle_failed(self.args, failed)
def update_importer(self, project, path):
if isinstance(project, ManifestProject):
if not project.is_cloned():
log.die("manifest repository {project.abspath} was deleted")
# There's no need to call self.project_is_active(),
# because the Manifest API guarantees that 'groups' cannot
# be combined with 'import' within a single project.
# That's good, because the semantics would be kind of hard
# to specify in this case.
assert not project.groups
return _manifest_content_at(project, path)
except FileNotFoundError:
# FIXME we need each project to have back-pointers
# to the manifest file where it was defined, so we can
# tell the user better context than just "run -vvv", which
# is a total fire hose.
name = project.name
sha = project.sha(QUAL_MANIFEST_REV)
suggest_vvv = ('\n'
' Use "west -vvv update" to debug.')
suggest_vvv = ''
log.die(f"can't import from project {name}\n"
f' Expected to import from {path} at revision {sha}\n'
f' Hint: possible manifest file fixes for {name}:\n'
f' - set "revision:" to a git ref with this file '
f'at URL {project.url}\n'
' - remove the "import:"' + suggest_vvv)
def update_some(self):
# The 'west update PROJECT [...]' style invocation is only
# implemented for projects defined within the manifest
# repository.
# It's unclear how to do this properly in the case of
# a project A whose definition is imported from
# another project B, especially when B.revision is not
# a fixed SHA. Do we forcibly need to update B first?
# Should we skip it? Should it be configurable? Etc.
# For now, just refuse to do so. We can try to relax
# this restriction if it proves cumbersome.
if not self.has_manifest or self.manifest.has_imports:
projects = self.toplevel_projects()
assert self.has_manifest # toplevel_projects() must ensure this.
projects = self._projects(self.args.projects)
failed = []
for project in projects:
if isinstance(project, ManifestProject):
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
self._handle_failed(self.args, failed)
def toplevel_projects(self):
# Return a list of projects from self.args.projects, or scream
# and die if any projects are either unknown or not defined in
# the manifest repository.
# As a side effect, ensures self.manifest is set.
ids = self.args.projects
assert ids
self.manifest = Manifest.from_file(
mr_projects, mr_unknown = projects_unknown(self.manifest, ids)
if not mr_unknown:
return mr_projects
self.manifest = Manifest.from_file()
except ManifestImportFailed:
log.die('one or more projects are unknown or defined via '
'imports; please run plain "west update".')
_, unknown = projects_unknown(self.manifest, ids)
if unknown:
# All of the ids are known projects, but some of them
# are not defined in the manifest repository.
mr_unknown_set = set(mr_unknown)
from_projects = [p for p in ids if p in mr_unknown_set]
log.die('refusing to update project: ' +
" ".join(from_projects) + '\n' +
' It or they were resolved via project imports.\n'
' Only plain "west update" can currently update them.')
def fetch_strategy(self):
cfg = config.get('update', 'fetch', fallback=None)
if cfg is not None and cfg not in ('always', 'smart'):
log.wrn(f'ignoring invalid config update.fetch={cfg}; '
'choices: always, smart')
cfg = None
if self.args.fetch_strategy:
return self.args.fetch_strategy
elif cfg:
return cfg
return 'smart'
def update_submodules(self, project):
# Updates given project submodules by using
# 'git submodule update --init --checkout --recursive' command
# from the project.path location.
if not project.submodules:
submodules = project.submodules
submodules_update_strategy = ('--rebase' if self.args.rebase
else '--checkout')
# For the list type, update given list of submodules.
if isinstance(submodules, list):
for submodule in submodules:
if self.sync_submodules:
project.git(['submodule', 'sync', '--recursive',
'--', submodule.path])
project.git(['submodule', 'update',
'--init', submodules_update_strategy,
'--recursive', submodule.path])
# For the bool type, update all project submodules
elif isinstance(submodules, bool):
if self.sync_submodules:
project.git(['submodule', 'sync', '--recursive'])
project.git(['submodule', 'update', '--init',
submodules_update_strategy, '--recursive'])
def update(self, project):
if self.args.stats:
stats = dict()
update_start = perf_counter()
stats = None
take_stats = stats is not None
log.banner(f'updating {project.name_and_path}:')
# Make sure we've got a project to work with.
self.ensure_cloned(project, stats, take_stats)
# Point refs/heads/manifest-rev at project.revision,
# fetching it from the remote if necessary.
self.set_new_manifest_rev(project, stats, take_stats)
# Clean up refs/west/*. At some point, we should only do this
# if we've fetched, but we're leaving it here to clean up
# garbage in people's repositories introduced by previous
# versions of west that left refs in place here.
self.clean_refs_west(project, stats, take_stats)
# Make sure HEAD is pointing at *something*.
self.ensure_head_ok(project, stats, take_stats)
# Convert manifest-rev to a SHA.
sha = self.manifest_rev_sha(project, stats, take_stats)
# Based on the new manifest-rev SHA, HEAD, and the --rebase
# and --keep-descendants options, decide what we need to do
# now.
current_branch, is_ancestor, try_rebase = self.decide_update_strategy(
project, sha, stats, take_stats)
# Finish the update. This may be a nop if we're keeping
# descendants.
if self.args.keep_descendants and is_ancestor:
# A descendant is currently checked out and keep_descendants was
# given, so there's nothing more to do.
log.inf(f'west update: left descendant branch '
f'"{current_branch}" checked out; current status:')
if take_stats:
start = perf_counter()
if take_stats:
stats['get current status'] = perf_counter - start
elif try_rebase:
# Attempt a rebase.
log.inf(f'west update: rebasing to {MANIFEST_REV} {sha}')
if take_stats:
start = perf_counter()
project.git('rebase ' + QUAL_MANIFEST_REV)
if take_stats:
stats['rebase onto new manifest-rev'] = perf_counter() - start
# We can't keep a descendant or rebase, so just check
# out the new detached HEAD, then print some helpful context.
if take_stats:
start = perf_counter()
project.git('checkout --detach ' + sha)
if take_stats:
stats['checkout new manifest-rev'] = perf_counter() - start
_post_checkout_help(project, current_branch, sha, is_ancestor)
# Update project submodules, if it has any.
if take_stats:
start = perf_counter()
if take_stats:
stats['update submodules'] = perf_counter() - start
# Print performance statistics.
if take_stats:
update_total = perf_counter() - update_start
slop = update_total - sum(stats.values())
stats['other work'] = slop
stats['TOTAL'] = update_total
log.inf('performance statistics:')
for stat, value in stats.items():
log.inf(f' {stat}: {value} sec')
def ensure_cloned(self, project, stats, take_stats):
# update() helper. Make sure project is cloned and initialized.
if take_stats:
start = perf_counter()
cloned = project.is_cloned()
if take_stats:
stats['check if cloned'] = perf_counter() - start
if not cloned:
if take_stats:
start = perf_counter()
if take_stats:
stats['init'] = perf_counter() - start
def init_project(self, project):
# update() helper. Initialize an uncloned project repository.
# If there's a local clone available, it uses that. Otherwise,
# it just creates the local repository and sets up the
# convenience remote without fetching anything from the network.
cache_dir = self.project_cache(project)
if cache_dir is None:
log.small_banner(f'{project.name}: initializing')
init_cmd = ['init', project.abspath]
# Silence the very verbose and repetitive init.defaultBranch
# warning (10 lines per new git clone). The branch
# 'placeholder' will never have any commit so it will never
# actually exist.
if self.git_version_info >= (2, 28, 0):
init_cmd.insert(1, '--initial-branch=init_placeholder')
project.git(init_cmd, cwd=self.topdir)
# This remote is added as a convenience for the user.
# However, west always fetches project data by URL, not name.
# The user is therefore free to change the URL of this remote.
project.git(f'remote add -- {project.remote_name} {project.url}')
log.small_banner(f'{project.name}: cloning from {cache_dir}')
# Clone the project from a local cache repository. Set the
# remote name to the value that would be used without a
# cache.
project.git(['clone', '--origin', project.remote_name,
cache_dir, project.abspath], cwd=self.topdir)
# Reset the remote's URL to the project's fetch URL.
project.git(['remote', 'set-url', project.remote_name,
# Make sure we have a detached HEAD so we can delete the
# local branch created by git clone.
project.git('checkout --quiet --detach HEAD')
# Find the name of any local branch created by git clone.
# West commits to only touching 'manifest-rev' in the
# local branch name space.
local_branches = project.git(
['for-each-ref', '--format', '%(refname)', 'refs/heads/*'],
# This should contain at most one branch in current
# versions of git, but we might as well get them all just
# in case that changes.
for branch in local_branches:
if not branch:
# This is safe: it can't be garbage collected by git before we
# have a chance to use it, because we have another ref, namely
# f'refs/remotes/{project.remote_name}/{branch}'.
project.git(['update-ref', '-d', branch])
def project_cache(self, project):
# Find the absolute path to a pre-existing local clone of a project
# and return it. If the search fails, return None.
if self.name_cache is not None:
maybe = Path(self.name_cache) / project.name
if maybe.is_dir():
f'found {project.name} in --name-cache {self.name_cache}',
return os.fspath(maybe)
f'{project.name} not in --name-cache {self.name_cache}',
elif self.path_cache is not None:
maybe = Path(self.path_cache) / project.path
if maybe.is_dir():
f'found {project.path} in --path-cache {self.path_cache}',
return os.fspath(maybe)
f'{project.path} not in --path-cache {self.path_cache}',
return None
def set_new_manifest_rev(self, project, stats, take_stats):
# update() helper. Make sure project's manifest-rev is set to
# the latest value it should be.
if self.fs == 'always' or _rev_type(project) not in ('tag', 'commit'):
self.fetch(project, stats, take_stats)
log.dbg('skipping unnecessary fetch')
if take_stats:
start = perf_counter()
_update_manifest_rev(project, f'{project.revision}^{{commit}}')
if take_stats:
stats['set manifest-rev'] = perf_counter() - start
def fetch(self, project, stats, take_stats):
# Fetches rev (or project.revision) from project.url in a way that
# guarantees any branch, tag, or SHA (that's reachable from a
# branch or a tag) available on project.url is part of what got
# fetched.
# Returns a git revision which hopefully can be peeled to the
# newly-fetched SHA corresponding to rev. "Hopefully" because
# there are many ways to spell a revision, and they haven't all
# been extensively tested.
if take_stats:
start = perf_counter()
rev = project.revision
# Fetch the revision into the local ref space.
# The following two-step approach avoids a "trying to write
# non-commit object" error when the revision is an annotated
# tag. ^{commit} type peeling isn't supported for the <src> in a
# <src>:<dst> refspec, so we have to do it separately.
if _maybe_sha(rev) and not self.narrow:
# We can't in general fetch a SHA from a remote, as some hosts
# forbid it for security reasons. Let's hope it's reachable
# from some branch.
refspec = f'refs/heads/*:{QUAL_REFS}*'
next_manifest_rev = project.revision
# Either the revision is definitely not a SHA and is
# therefore safe to fetch directly, or the user said
# that's OK. This avoids fetching unnecessary refs from
# the remote.
# We update manifest-rev to FETCH_HEAD instead of using a
# refspec in case the revision is a tag, which we can't use
# from a refspec.
refspec = project.revision
next_manifest_rev = 'FETCH_HEAD^{commit}'
log.small_banner(f'{project.name}: fetching, need revision {rev}')
# --tags is required to get tags if we're not run as 'west
# update --narrow', since the remote is specified as a URL.
tags = (['--tags'] if not self.narrow else [])
clone_depth = (['--depth', str(project.clone_depth)] if
project.clone_depth else [])
# -f is needed to avoid errors in case multiple remotes are
# present, at least one of which contains refs that can't be
# fast-forwarded to our local ref space.
project.git(['fetch', '-f'] + tags + clone_depth +
self.args.fetch_opt +
['--', project.url, refspec])
if take_stats:
stats['fetch'] = perf_counter() - start
# Update manifest-rev, leaving an entry in the reflog.
if take_stats:
start = perf_counter()
new_ref = project.sha(next_manifest_rev)
_update_manifest_rev(project, new_ref)
if take_stats:
stats['set manifest-rev'] = perf_counter() - start
def clean_refs_west(project, stats, take_stats):
# update() helper. Make sure refs/west/* is empty after
# setting the new manifest-rev.
# Head of manifest-rev is now pointing to current manifest revision.
# Thus it is safe to unconditionally clear out the refs/west space.
# Doing this here instead of in Update.fetch() ensures that it
# gets cleaned up when users upgrade from older versions of
# west (like 0.6.x) that didn't handle this properly.
# In the future, this can be moved into Update.fetch() after
# the install base of older west versions is expected to be
# smaller.
if take_stats:
start = perf_counter()
if take_stats:
stats['clean up refs/west/*'] = perf_counter() - start
def ensure_head_ok(project, stats, take_stats):
# update() helper. Ensure HEAD points at something reasonable.
if take_stats:
start = perf_counter()
head_ok = _head_ok(project)
if take_stats:
stats['check HEAD is ok'] = perf_counter() - start
if not head_ok:
# If nothing is checked out (which usually only happens if
# we called Update.init_project() above), check out
# 'manifest-rev' in a detached HEAD state.
# Otherwise, the initial state would have nothing checked
# out, and HEAD would point to a non-existent
# refs/heads/master branch (that would get created if the
# user makes an initial commit). Among other things, this
# ensures the rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD which happens
# later in the update() will always succeed.
# The --detach flag is strictly redundant here, because
# the refs/heads/<branch> form already detaches HEAD, but
# it avoids a spammy detached HEAD warning from Git.
if take_stats:
start = perf_counter()
project.git('checkout --detach ' + QUAL_MANIFEST_REV)
if take_stats:
stats['checkout new manifest-rev'] = perf_counter() - start
def manifest_rev_sha(project, stats, take_stats):
# update() helper. Get the SHA for manifest-rev.
if take_stats:
start = perf_counter()
return project.sha(QUAL_MANIFEST_REV)
if take_stats:
stats['get new manifest-rev SHA'] = perf_counter() - start
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# This is a sign something's really wrong. Add more help.
log.err(f'no SHA for branch {MANIFEST_REV} '
f'in {project.name_and_path}; was the branch deleted?')
def decide_update_strategy(self, project, sha, stats, take_stats):
# update() helper. Decide on whether we have an ancestor
# branch or whether we should try to rebase.
if take_stats:
start = perf_counter()
cp = project.git('rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', capture_stdout=True)
if take_stats:
stats['get current branch HEAD'] = perf_counter() - start
current_branch = cp.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip()
if current_branch != 'HEAD':
if take_stats:
start = perf_counter()
is_ancestor = project.is_ancestor_of(sha, current_branch)
if take_stats:
stats['check if HEAD is ancestor of manifest-rev'] = \
perf_counter() - start
try_rebase = self.args.rebase
else: # HEAD means no branch is checked out.
# If no branch is checked out, 'rebase' and
# 'keep_descendants' don't matter.
is_ancestor = False
try_rebase = False
return current_branch, is_ancestor, try_rebase
def project_is_active(self, project):
return self.manifest.is_active(project, extra_filter=self.group_filter)
class ForAll(_ProjectCommand):
def __init__(self):
'run a command in one or more local projects',
Runs a shell (on a Unix OS) or batch (on Windows) command
within the repository of each of the specified PROJECTs.
If the command has multiple words, you must quote the -c
option to prevent the shell from splitting it up. Since
the command is run through the shell, you can use
wildcards and the like.
For example, the following command will list the contents
of proj-1's and proj-2's repositories on Linux and macOS,
in long form:
west forall -c "ls -l" proj-1 proj-2
def do_add_parser(self, parser_adder):
parser = self._parser(parser_adder,
parser.add_argument('-c', dest='subcommand', metavar='COMMAND',
parser.add_argument('-a', '--all', action='store_true',
help='include inactive projects'),
parser.add_argument('projects', metavar='PROJECT', nargs='*',
help='''projects (by name or path) to operate on;
defaults to active cloned projects''')
return parser
def do_run(self, args, user_args):
failed = []
for project in self._cloned_projects(args, only_active=not args.all):
f'running "{args.subcommand}" in {project.name_and_path}:')
rc = subprocess.Popen(args.subcommand, shell=True,
if rc:
self._handle_failed(args, failed)
class Topdir(_ProjectCommand):
def __init__(self):
'print the top level directory of the workspace',
Prints the absolute path of the current west workspace's
top directory.
This is the directory containing .west. All project
paths in the manifest are relative to this top directory.'''))
def do_add_parser(self, parser_adder):
return self._parser(parser_adder)
def do_run(self, args, user_args):
class SelfUpdate(_ProjectCommand):
def __init__(self):
'deprecated; exists for backwards compatibility',
'Do not use. You can upgrade west with pip only from v0.6.0.')
def do_add_parser(self, parser_adder):
return self._parser(parser_adder)
def do_run(self, args, user_args):
# Private helper routines.
def _clean_west_refspace(project):
# Clean the refs/west space to ensure they do not show up in 'git log'.
# Get all the ref names that start with refs/west/.
list_refs_cmd = ('for-each-ref --format="%(refname)" -- ' +
QUAL_REFS + '**')
cp = project.git(list_refs_cmd, capture_stdout=True)
west_references = cp.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip()
# Safely delete each one.
for ref in west_references.splitlines():
delete_ref_cmd = 'update-ref -d ' + ref
def _update_manifest_rev(project, new_manifest_rev):
'-m', f'west update: moving to {new_manifest_rev}',
QUAL_MANIFEST_REV, new_manifest_rev])
def _maybe_sha(rev):
# Return true if and only if the given revision might be a SHA.
int(rev, 16)
except ValueError:
return False
return len(rev) <= 40
def _rev_type(project, rev=None):
# Returns a "refined" revision type of rev (default:
# project.revision) as one of the following strings: 'tag', 'tree',
# 'blob', 'commit', 'branch', 'other'.
# The approach combines git cat-file -t and git rev-parse because,
# while cat-file can for sure tell us a blob, tree, or tag, it
# doesn't have a way to disambiguate between branch names and
# other types of commit-ishes, like SHAs, things like "HEAD" or
# "HEAD~2", etc.
# We need this extra layer of refinement to be able to avoid
# fetching SHAs that are already available locally.
# This doesn't belong in manifest.py because it contains "west
# update" specific logic.
if not rev:
rev = project.revision
cp = project.git(['cat-file', '-t', rev], check=False,
capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True)
stdout = cp.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip()
if cp.returncode:
return 'other'
elif stdout in ('blob', 'tree', 'tag'):
return stdout
elif stdout != 'commit': # just future-proofing
return 'other'
# to tell branches apart from commits, we need rev-parse.
cp = project.git(['rev-parse', '--verify', '--symbolic-full-name', rev],
check=False, capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True)
if cp.returncode:
# This can happen if the ref name is ambiguous, e.g.:
# $ git update-ref ambiguous-ref HEAD~2
# $ git checkout -B ambiguous-ref
# Which creates both .git/ambiguous-ref and
# .git/refs/heads/ambiguous-ref.
return 'other'
stdout = cp.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip()
if stdout.startswith('refs/heads'):
return 'branch'
elif not stdout:
return 'commit'
return 'other'
def _head_ok(project):
# Returns True if the reference 'HEAD' exists and is not a tag or remote
# ref (e.g. refs/remotes/origin/HEAD).
# Some versions of git will report 1, when doing
# 'git show-ref --verify HEAD' even if HEAD is valid, see #119.
# 'git show-ref --head <reference>' will always return 0 if HEAD or
# <reference> is valid.
# We are only interested in HEAD, thus we must avoid <reference> being
# valid. '/' can never point to valid reference, thus 'show-ref --head /'
# will return:
# - 0 if HEAD is present
# - 1 otherwise
return project.git('show-ref --quiet --head /',
check=False).returncode == 0
def _post_checkout_help(project, branch, sha, is_ancestor):
# Print helpful information to the user about a project that
# might have just left a branch behind.
if branch == 'HEAD':
# If there was no branch checked out, there are no
# additional diagnostics that need emitting.
rel = relpath(project.abspath)
if is_ancestor:
# If the branch we just left behind is a descendant of
# the new HEAD (e.g. if this is a topic branch the
# user is working on and the remote hasn't changed),
# print a message that makes it easy to get back,
# no matter where in the workspace os.getcwd() is.
log.wrn(f'left behind {project.name} branch "{branch}"; '
f'to switch back to it (fast forward):\n'
f' git -C {rel} checkout {branch}')
log.dbg('(To do this automatically in the future,',
'use "west update --keep-descendants".)')
# Tell the user how they could rebase by hand, and
# point them at west update --rebase.
log.wrn(f'left behind {project.name} branch "{branch}"; '
f'to rebase onto the new HEAD:\n'
f' git -C {rel} rebase {sha} {branch}')
log.dbg('(To do this automatically in the future,',
'use "west update --rebase".)')
def projects_unknown(manifest, projects):
# Retrieve the projects with get_projects(project,
# only_cloned=False). Return a pair: (projects, unknown)
# containing either a projects list and None or None and a list of
# unknown project IDs.
return (manifest.get_projects(projects, only_cloned=False), None)
except ValueError as ve:
if len(ve.args) != 2:
raise # not directly raised by get_projects()
unknown = ve.args[0]
if not unknown:
raise # only_cloned is False, so this "can't happen"
return (None, unknown)
def die_unknown(unknown):
# Scream and die about unknown projects.
s = 's' if len(unknown) > 1 else ''
names = ' '.join(unknown)
log.die(f'unknown project name{s}/path{s}: {names}\n'
' Hint: use "west list" to list all projects.')
# Special files and directories in the west workspace.
# These are given variable names for clarity, but they can't be
# changed without propagating the changes into west itself.
# Top-level west directory, containing west itself and the manifest.
WEST_DIR = '.west'
# Default manifest repository URL.
MANIFEST_URL_DEFAULT = 'https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr'
# Other shared globals.
Default output is limited to "active" projects as determined by the:
- "group-filter" manifest file section
- "manifest.group-filter" local configuration option in .west/config
To include inactive projects as well, use "--all" or give an explicit
list of projects (by name or path). See the west documentation for
more details on active projects.
Regardless of the above, output is limited to cloned projects.
# Helper class for creating format string keys that are expensive or
# undesirable to compute if not needed.
class DelayFormat:
'''Delays formatting an object.'''
def __init__(self, obj):
'''Delay formatting `obj` until a format operation using it.
:param obj: object to format
If callable(obj) returns True, then obj() will be used as the
string to be formatted. Otherwise, str(obj) is used.'''
self.obj = obj
self.as_str = None
def __format__(self, format_spec):
if self.as_str is None:
if callable(self.obj):
self.as_str = self.obj()
assert isinstance(self.as_str, str)
self.as_str = str(self.obj)
return ('{:' + format_spec + '}').format(self.as_str)
# Logging helpers
class ProjectCommandLogFormatter(logging.Formatter):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(fmt='%(name)s: %(message)s')
class ProjectCommandLogHandler(logging.Handler):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def emit(self, record):
fmt = self.format(record)
lvl = record.levelno
if lvl > logging.CRITICAL:
elif lvl >= logging.ERROR:
elif lvl >= logging.WARNING:
elif lvl >= logging.INFO:
elif lvl >= logging.DEBUG:
log.dbg(fmt, level=log.VERBOSE_EXTREME)