
1251 lines
47 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2020, Nordic Semiconductor ASA
import collections
import os
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import textwrap
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
import pytest
from west import configuration as config
from west.manifest import Manifest, ManifestProject, Project, \
from west.manifest import ImportFlag as MIF
from conftest import create_workspace, create_repo, add_commit, add_tag, \
check_output, cmd, GIT, rev_parse, check_proj_consistency
# Helpers
# A container for the remote locations of the repositories involved in
# a west update. These attributes may be None.
UpdateRemotes = collections.namedtuple('UpdateRemotes',
'net_tools kconfiglib tagged_repo')
# A container type which holds the remote and local repository paths
# used in tests of 'west update'. This also contains manifest-rev
# branches and HEAD commits before (attributes ending in _0) and after
# (ending in _1) the 'west update' is done by update_helper().
# These may be None.
# See conftest.py for details on the manifest used in west update
# testing, and update_helper() below as well.
UpdateResults = collections.namedtuple('UpdateResults',
'nt_remote nt_local '
'kl_remote kl_local '
'tr_remote tr_local '
'nt_mr_0 nt_mr_1 '
'kl_mr_0 kl_mr_1 '
'tr_mr_0 tr_mr_1 '
'nt_head_0 nt_head_1 '
'kl_head_0 kl_head_1 '
'tr_head_0 tr_head_1')
# Test fixtures
def west_update_tmpdir(west_init_tmpdir):
'''Like west_init_tmpdir, but also runs west update.'''
cmd('update', cwd=str(west_init_tmpdir))
return west_init_tmpdir
# Test cases
def test_workspace(west_update_tmpdir):
# Basic test that west_update_tmpdir bootstrapped correctly. This
# is a basic test of west init and west update.
# Make sure the expected files and directories exist in the right
# places.
wct = west_update_tmpdir
assert wct.check(dir=1)
assert wct.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib').check(dir=1)
assert wct.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib', '.git').check(dir=1)
assert wct.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib', 'kconfiglib.py').check(file=1)
assert wct.join('tagged_repo').check(dir=1)
assert wct.join('tagged_repo', '.git').check(dir=1)
assert wct.join('tagged_repo', 'test.txt').check()
assert wct.join('net-tools').check(dir=1)
assert wct.join('net-tools', '.git').check(dir=1)
assert wct.join('net-tools', 'qemu-script.sh').check(file=1)
assert wct.join('zephyr').check(dir=1)
assert wct.join('zephyr', '.git').check(dir=1)
assert wct.join('zephyr', 'CODEOWNERS').check(file=1)
assert wct.join('zephyr', 'include', 'header.h').check(file=1)
assert wct.join('zephyr', 'subsys', 'bluetooth', 'code.c').check(file=1)
def test_list(west_update_tmpdir):
# Projects shall be listed in the order they appear in the manifest.
# Check the behavior for some format arguments of interest as well.
actual = cmd('list -f "{name} {revision} {path} {cloned} {clone_depth}"')
expected = ['manifest HEAD zephyr cloned None',
'Kconfiglib zephyr subdir/Kconfiglib cloned None',
'tagged_repo v1.0 tagged_repo cloned None',
'net-tools master net-tools cloned 1']
assert actual.splitlines() == expected
# We should be able to find projects by absolute or relative path
# when outside any project. Invalid projects should error out.
klib_rel = os.path.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib')
klib_abs = str(west_update_tmpdir.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib'))
rel_outside = cmd(f'list -f "{{name}}" {klib_rel}').strip()
assert rel_outside == 'Kconfiglib'
abs_outside = cmd(f'list -f "{{name}}" {klib_abs}').strip()
assert abs_outside == 'Kconfiglib'
rel_inside = cmd('list -f "{name}" .', cwd=klib_abs).strip()
assert rel_inside == 'Kconfiglib'
abs_inside = cmd(f'list -f "{{name}}" {klib_abs}', cwd=klib_abs).strip()
assert abs_inside == 'Kconfiglib'
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd('list NOT_A_PROJECT', cwd=klib_abs)
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd('list NOT_A_PROJECT')
def test_list_manifest(west_update_tmpdir):
# The manifest's "self: path:" should only be used to print
# path-type format strings with --manifest-path-from-yaml.
shutil.copy('zephyr/west.yml', 'manifest_moved/west.yml')
cmd('config manifest.path manifest_moved')
path = cmd('list -f "{path}" manifest').strip()
abspath = cmd('list -f "{abspath}" manifest').strip()
posixpath = cmd('list -f "{posixpath}" manifest').strip()
assert path == 'manifest_moved'
assert Path(abspath) == west_update_tmpdir / 'manifest_moved'
assert posixpath == Path(west_update_tmpdir).as_posix() + '/manifest_moved'
path = cmd('list --manifest-path-from-yaml '
'-f "{path}" manifest').strip()
abspath = cmd('list --manifest-path-from-yaml '
'-f "{abspath}" manifest').strip()
posixpath = cmd('list --manifest-path-from-yaml '
'-f "{posixpath}" manifest').strip()
assert path == 'zephyr'
assert Path(abspath) == Path(str(west_update_tmpdir / 'zephyr'))
assert posixpath == Path(west_update_tmpdir).as_posix() + '/zephyr'
def test_manifest_freeze(west_update_tmpdir):
# We should be able to freeze manifests.
actual = cmd('manifest --freeze').splitlines()
# Match the actual output against the expected line by line,
# so failing lines can be printed in the test output.
# Since the actual remote URLs and SHAs are not predictable, we
# don't match those precisely. However, we do expect:
# - the output to match project order as specified in our
# manifest
# - attributes are listed in NURPCW order (name, url, ...)
# - all revisions are full 40-character SHAs
# - there isn't any random YAML tag crap
expected_res = ['^manifest:$',
'^ projects:$',
'^ - name: Kconfiglib$',
'^ url: .*$',
'^ revision: [a-f0-9]{40}$',
'^ path: subdir/Kconfiglib$',
'^ - name: tagged_repo$',
'^ url: .*$',
'^ revision: [a-f0-9]{40}$',
'^ - name: net-tools$',
'^ url: .*$',
'^ revision: [a-f0-9]{40}$',
'^ clone-depth: 1$',
'^ west-commands: scripts/west-commands.yml$',
'^ self:$',
'^ path: zephyr$']
for eline_re, aline in zip(expected_res, actual):
assert re.match(eline_re, aline) is not None, (aline, eline_re)
def test_diff(west_init_tmpdir):
# FIXME: Check output
# Diff with no projects cloned shouldn't fail
# Neither should it fail after fetching one or both projects
cmd('update net-tools')
cmd('update Kconfiglib')
def test_status(west_init_tmpdir):
# FIXME: Check output
# Status with no projects cloned shouldn't fail
# Neither should it fail after fetching one or both projects
cmd('update net-tools')
cmd('update Kconfiglib')
def test_forall(west_init_tmpdir):
# FIXME: Check output
# The 'echo' command is available in both 'shell' and 'batch'
# 'forall' with no projects cloned shouldn't fail
cmd('forall -c "echo *"')
# Neither should it fail after cloning one or both projects
cmd('update net-tools')
cmd('forall -c "echo *"')
cmd('update Kconfiglib')
cmd('forall -c "echo *"')
def test_update_projects(west_init_tmpdir):
# Test the 'west update' command. It calls through to the same backend
# functions that are used for automatic updates and 'west init'
# reinitialization.
# create local repositories
# Add commits to the local repos.
ur = update_helper(west_init_tmpdir)
# We updated all the repositories, so all paths and commits should
# be valid refs (i.e. there shouldn't be a None or empty string
# value in a ur attribute).
assert all(ur)
# Make sure we see different manifest-rev commits and HEAD revisions,
# except for the repository whose version was locked at a tag.
assert ur.nt_mr_0 != ur.nt_mr_1, 'failed updating net-tools manifest-rev'
assert ur.kl_mr_0 != ur.kl_mr_1, 'failed updating kconfiglib manifest-rev'
assert ur.tr_mr_0 == ur.tr_mr_1, 'tagged_repo manifest-rev changed'
assert ur.nt_head_0 != ur.nt_head_1, 'failed updating net-tools HEAD'
assert ur.kl_head_0 != ur.kl_head_1, 'failed updating kconfiglib HEAD'
assert ur.tr_head_0 == ur.tr_head_1, 'tagged_repo HEAD changed'
def test_update_projects_local_branch_commits(west_init_tmpdir):
# Test the 'west update' command when working on local branch with local
# commits and then updating project to upstream commit.
# It calls through to the same backend functions that are used for
# automatic updates and 'west init' reinitialization.
# update all repositories
# Create a local branch and add commits
checkout_branch('net-tools', 'local_net_tools_test_branch', create=True)
checkout_branch('subdir/Kconfiglib', 'local_kconfig_test_branch',
checkout_branch('tagged_repo', 'local_tagged_repo_test_branch',
add_commit('net-tools', 'test local branch commit', reconfigure=True)
add_commit('subdir/Kconfiglib', 'test local branch commit',
add_commit('tagged_repo', 'test local branch commit',
net_tools_prev = head_subject('net-tools')
kconfiglib_prev = head_subject('subdir/Kconfiglib')
tagged_repo_prev = head_subject('tagged_repo')
# Update the upstream repositories, getting an UpdateResults tuple
# back.
ur = update_helper(west_init_tmpdir)
# We updated all the repositories, so all paths and commits should
# be valid refs (i.e. there shouldn't be a None or empty string
# value in a ur attribute).
assert all(ur)
# Verify each repository has moved to a new manifest-rev,
# except tagged_repo, which has a manifest-rev locked to a tag.
# Its HEAD should change, though.
assert ur.nt_mr_0 != ur.nt_mr_1, 'failed updating net-tools manifest-rev'
assert ur.kl_mr_0 != ur.kl_mr_1, 'failed updating kconfiglib manifest-rev'
assert ur.tr_mr_0 == ur.tr_mr_1, 'tagged_repo manifest-rev changed'
assert ur.nt_head_0 != ur.nt_head_1, 'failed updating net-tools HEAD'
assert ur.kl_head_0 != ur.kl_head_1, 'failed updating kconfiglib HEAD'
assert ur.tr_head_0 != ur.tr_head_1, 'failed updating tagged_repo HEAD'
# Verify local branch is still present and untouched
assert net_tools_prev != head_subject('net-tools')
assert kconfiglib_prev != head_subject('subdir/Kconfiglib')
assert tagged_repo_prev != head_subject('tagged_repo')
checkout_branch('net-tools', 'local_net_tools_test_branch')
checkout_branch('subdir/Kconfiglib', 'local_kconfig_test_branch')
checkout_branch('tagged_repo', 'local_tagged_repo_test_branch')
assert net_tools_prev == head_subject('net-tools')
assert kconfiglib_prev == head_subject('subdir/Kconfiglib')
assert tagged_repo_prev == head_subject('tagged_repo')
def test_update_tag_to_tag(west_init_tmpdir):
# Verify we can update the tagged_repo repo to a new tag.
# We only need to clone tagged_repo locally.
cmd('update tagged_repo')
def updater(remotes):
# Create a v2.0 tag on the remote tagged_repo repository.
add_commit(remotes.tagged_repo, 'another tagged_repo tagged commit')
add_tag(remotes.tagged_repo, 'v2.0')
# Update the manifest file to point the project's revision at
# the new tag.
manifest = Manifest.from_file(topdir=west_init_tmpdir)
for p in manifest.projects:
if p.name == 'tagged_repo':
p.revision = 'v2.0'
assert False, 'no tagged_repo'
with open(west_init_tmpdir / 'zephyr' / 'west.yml', 'w') as f:
f.write(manifest.as_yaml()) # NOT as_frozen_yaml().
# Pull down the v2.0 tag into west_init_tmpdir.
cmd('update tagged_repo')
ur = update_helper(west_init_tmpdir, updater=updater)
# Make sure we have manifest-rev and HEADs before and after.
assert ur.tr_mr_0
assert ur.tr_mr_1
assert ur.tr_head_0
assert ur.tr_head_1
# Make sure we have v1.0 and v2.0 tags locally.
v1_0 = check_output([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'refs/tags/v1.0^{commit}'],
v2_0 = check_output([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'refs/tags/v2.0^{commit}'],
assert v1_0
assert v2_0
# Check that all the updates (including the first one in this
# function) behaved correctly.
assert ur.tr_mr_0 == v1_0
assert ur.tr_mr_1 == v2_0
assert ur.tr_head_0 == v1_0
assert ur.tr_head_1 == v2_0
def test_update_some_with_imports(repos_tmpdir):
# 'west update project1 project2' should work fine even when
# imports are used, as long as the relevant projects are all
# defined in the manifest repository.
# It currently should fail with a helpful message if the projects
# are resolved via project imports.
remotes = repos_tmpdir / 'repos'
zephyr = remotes / 'zephyr'
net_tools = remotes / 'net-tools'
ws = repos_tmpdir / 'ws'
create_workspace(ws, and_git=True)
manifest_repo = ws / 'mp'
add_commit(manifest_repo, 'manifest repo commit',
# zephyr revision is implicitly master:
- name: zephyr
url: {zephyr}
import: true
import: foo.yml
- name: net-tools
url: {net_tools}
cmd(f'init -l {manifest_repo}')
# Updating unknown projects should fail as always.
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd('update unknown-project', cwd=ws)
# Updating a list of projects when some are resolved via project
# imports must fail.
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd('update Kconfiglib net-tools', cwd=ws)
# Updates of projects defined in the manifest repository or all
# projects must succeed, and behave the same as if no imports
# existed.
cmd('update net-tools', cwd=ws)
with pytest.raises(ManifestImportFailed):
manifest = Manifest.from_file(topdir=ws, import_flags=MIF.IGNORE_PROJECTS)
projects = manifest.get_projects(['net-tools', 'zephyr'])
net_tools_project = projects[0]
zephyr_project = projects[1]
assert net_tools_project.is_cloned()
assert not zephyr_project.is_cloned()
cmd('update zephyr', cwd=ws)
assert zephyr_project.is_cloned()
cmd('update', cwd=ws)
manifest = Manifest.from_file(topdir=ws)
assert manifest.get_projects(['Kconfiglib'])[0].is_cloned()
def test_update_recovery(tmpdir):
# Make sure that the final 'west update' can recover from the
# following turn of events:
# 1. 'm' is the manifest repository, 'p' is a project
# 2. m/west.yml imports p at revision 'rbad'; p/west.yml at rbad
# contains an invalid manifest
# 3. user runs 'west update', setting p's manifest-rev to rbad
# (and failing the update)
# 4. user updates m/west.yml to point at p revision 'rgood',
# which contains good manifest data
# 5. user runs 'west update' again
# The 'west update' in the last step should fix p's manifest-rev,
# pointing it at rgood, and should succeed.
# create path objects and string representations
workspace = Path(tmpdir) / 'workspace'
workspacestr = os.fspath(workspace)
m = workspace / 'm'
p = workspace / 'p'
# Set up the workspace repositories.
# Create revision rbad, which contains a bogus manifest, in p.
add_commit(p, 'rbad commit message', files={'west.yml': 'bogus_data'},
rbad = rev_parse(p, 'HEAD')
# Create revision rgood, which contains a good manifest, in p.
add_commit(p, 'rgood commit message',
files={'west.yml': 'manifest:\n projects: []'},
rgood = rev_parse(p, 'HEAD')
# Set up the initial, 'bad' manifest.
# Use an invalid local file as the fetch URL: there's no reason
# west should be fetching from the remote.
with open(m / 'west.yml', 'w') as m_manifest:
- name: p
url: file://{tmpdir}/should-not-be-fetched
revision: {rbad}
import: true
# Use west init -l + west update to point p's manifest-rev at rbad.
cmd(f'init -l {m}', cwd=workspacestr)
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd('update', cwd=workspacestr)
# Make sure p's manifest-rev points to the bad revision as expected.
prev = rev_parse(p, 'refs/heads/manifest-rev')
assert prev == rbad
# Fix the main manifest to point at rgood.
with open(m / 'west.yml', 'w') as m_manifest:
- name: p
url: file://{tmpdir}/should-not-be-fetched
revision: {rgood}
import: true
# Run the update, making sure it succeeds and p's manifest-rev
# is fixed.
cmd('update', cwd=workspacestr)
prev = rev_parse(p, 'refs/heads/manifest-rev')
assert prev == rgood
def test_init_again(west_init_tmpdir):
# Test that 'west init' on an initialized tmpdir errors out
# with a message that indicates it's already initialized.
popen = subprocess.Popen('west init'.split(),
_, stderr = popen.communicate()
assert popen.returncode
assert b'already initialized' in stderr
popen = subprocess.Popen('west init -m http://example.com'.split(),
_, stderr = popen.communicate()
assert popen.returncode
assert b'already initialized' in stderr
manifest = west_init_tmpdir / '..' / 'repos' / 'zephyr'
popen = subprocess.Popen(
shlex.split(f'west -vvv init -m {manifest} workspace'),
_, stderr = popen.communicate()
assert popen.returncode
assert b'already initialized' in stderr
def test_init_local_manifest_project(repos_tmpdir):
# Do a local clone of manifest repo
zephyr_install_dir = repos_tmpdir.join('workspace', 'zephyr')
clone(str(repos_tmpdir.join('repos', 'zephyr')),
cmd(f'init -l "{zephyr_install_dir}"')
# Verify Zephyr has been installed during init -l, but not projects.
zid = repos_tmpdir.join('workspace')
assert zid.check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib').check(dir=0)
assert zid.join('net-tools').check(dir=0)
assert zid.join('tagged_repo').check(dir=0)
assert zid.join('zephyr').check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('zephyr', '.git').check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('zephyr', 'CODEOWNERS').check(file=1)
assert zid.join('zephyr', 'include', 'header.h').check(file=1)
assert zid.join('zephyr', 'subsys', 'bluetooth', 'code.c').check(file=1)
cmd('update', cwd=str(zid))
# The projects should be installled now
assert zid.check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib').check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('net-tools').check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('tagged_repo').check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib').check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib', '.git').check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib', 'kconfiglib.py').check(file=1)
assert zid.join('net-tools').check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('net-tools', '.git').check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('net-tools', 'qemu-script.sh').check(file=1)
assert zid.join('tagged_repo', 'test.txt').check(file=1)
def test_init_local_already_initialized_failure(west_init_tmpdir):
# Test that 'west init -l' on an initialized tmpdir errors out
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd(f'init -l "{west_init_tmpdir}"')
def test_init_local_missing_west_yml_failure(repos_tmpdir):
# Test that 'west init -l' on repo without a 'west.yml' fails
# Do a local clone of manifest repo
zephyr_install_dir = repos_tmpdir.join('workspace', 'zephyr')
clone(str(repos_tmpdir.join('repos', 'zephyr')),
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd(f'init -l "{zephyr_install_dir}"')
def test_init_local_with_manifest_filename(repos_tmpdir):
# Test 'west init --mf -l' on a local repo
manifest = repos_tmpdir / 'repos' / 'zephyr'
workspace = repos_tmpdir / 'workspace'
zephyr_install_dir = workspace / 'zephyr'
# Do a local clone of manifest repo
clone(str(manifest), str(zephyr_install_dir))
os.rename(str(zephyr_install_dir / 'west.yml'),
str(zephyr_install_dir / 'project.yml'))
# fails because west.yml is missing
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd(f'init -l "{zephyr_install_dir}"')
# create a manifest with a syntax error so we can test if it's being parsed
with open(zephyr_install_dir / 'west.yml', 'w') as f:
cwd = os.getcwd()
cmd(f'init -l "{zephyr_install_dir}"')
# init with a local manifest doesn't parse the file, so let's access it
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
shutil.move(workspace / '.west', workspace / '.west-syntaxerror')
# success
cmd(f'init --mf project.yml -l "{zephyr_install_dir}"')
def test_init_with_manifest_filename(repos_tmpdir):
# Test 'west init --mf' on a normal repo
west_tmpdir = repos_tmpdir / 'workspace'
manifest = repos_tmpdir / 'repos' / 'zephyr'
with open(manifest / 'west.yml', 'r') as f:
manifest_data = f.read()
# also creates a west.yml with a syntax error to verify west doesn't even
# try to load the file
add_commit(str(manifest), 'rename manifest',
files={'west.yml': '[', 'project.yml': manifest_data})
# syntax error
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd(f'init -m "{manifest}" "{west_tmpdir}"')
shutil.move(west_tmpdir, repos_tmpdir / 'workspace-syntaxerror')
# success
cmd(f'init -m "{manifest}" --mf project.yml "{west_tmpdir}"')
def test_extension_command_execution(west_init_tmpdir):
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
actual = cmd('test-extension')
assert actual.rstrip() == 'Testing test command 1'
def test_extension_command_multiproject(repos_tmpdir):
# Test to ensure that multiple projects can define extension commands and
# that those are correctly presented and executed.
rr = repos_tmpdir.join('repos')
remote_kconfiglib = str(rr.join('Kconfiglib'))
remote_zephyr = str(rr.join('zephyr'))
remote_west = str(rr.join('west'))
# Update the manifest to specify extension commands in Kconfiglib.
# This removes tagged_repo, but we're not using it, so that's fine.
add_commit(remote_zephyr, 'test added extension command',
files={'west.yml': textwrap.dedent(f'''\
url: file://{remote_west}
remote: test-local
- name: test-local
url-base: file://{rr}
- name: Kconfiglib
revision: zephyr
path: subdir/Kconfiglib
west-commands: scripts/west-commands.yml
- name: net-tools
west-commands: scripts/west-commands.yml
path: zephyr
# Add an extension command to the Kconfiglib remote.
add_commit(remote_kconfiglib, 'add west commands',
files={'scripts/west-commands.yml': textwrap.dedent('''\
- file: scripts/test.py
- name: kconfigtest
class: Test
'scripts/test.py': textwrap.dedent('''\
from west.commands import WestCommand
class Test(WestCommand):
def __init__(self):
super(Test, self).__init__(
'Kconfig test application',
def do_add_parser(self, parser_adder):
parser = parser_adder.add_parser(self.name)
return parser
def do_run(self, args, ignored):
print('Testing kconfig test')
west_tmpdir = repos_tmpdir / 'workspace'
zephyr = repos_tmpdir / 'repos' / 'zephyr'
cmd(f'init -m "{zephyr}" "{west_tmpdir}"')
# The newline shenanigans are for Windows.
help_text = '\n'.join(cmd('-h').splitlines())
expected = '\n'.join([
'extension commands from project Kconfiglib (path: subdir/Kconfiglib):', # noqa: E501
' kconfigtest: (no help provided; try "west kconfigtest -h")', # noqa: E501
'extension commands from project net-tools (path: net-tools):',
' test-extension: test-extension-help'])
assert expected in help_text, help_text
actual = cmd('test-extension')
assert actual.rstrip() == 'Testing test command 1'
actual = cmd('kconfigtest')
assert actual.rstrip() == 'Testing kconfig test'
def test_extension_command_duplicate(repos_tmpdir):
# Test to ensure that in case to subprojects introduces same command, it
# will print a warning.
rr = repos_tmpdir.join('repos')
remote_kconfiglib = str(rr.join('Kconfiglib'))
remote_zephyr = str(rr.join('zephyr'))
remote_west = str(rr.join('west'))
# This removes tagged_repo, but we're not using it, so that's fine.
add_commit(remote_zephyr, 'test added extension command',
files={'west.yml': textwrap.dedent(f'''\
url: file://{remote_west}
remote: test-local
- name: test-local
url-base: file://{rr}
- name: Kconfiglib
revision: zephyr
path: subdir/Kconfiglib
west-commands: scripts/west-commands.yml
- name: net-tools
west-commands: scripts/west-commands.yml
path: zephyr
# Initialize the net-tools repository.
add_commit(remote_kconfiglib, 'add west commands',
files={'scripts/west-commands.yml': textwrap.dedent('''\
- file: scripts/test.py
- name: test-extension
class: Test
'scripts/test.py': textwrap.dedent('''\
from west.commands import WestCommand
class Test(WestCommand):
def __init__(self):
super(Test, self).__init__(
'test application',
def do_add_parser(self, parser_adder):
parser = parser_adder.add_parser(self.name)
return parser
def do_run(self, args, ignored):
print('Testing kconfig test command')
west_tmpdir = repos_tmpdir / 'workspace'
zephyr = repos_tmpdir / 'repos' / 'zephyr'
cmd(f'init -m "{zephyr}" "{west_tmpdir}"')
actual = cmd('test-extension', stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).splitlines()
expected = [
'WARNING: ignoring project net-tools extension command "test-extension"; command "test-extension" is already defined as extension command', # noqa: E501
'Testing kconfig test command',
assert actual == expected
def test_topdir_none(tmpdir):
# Running west topdir outside of any workspace ought to fail.
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
def test_topdir_in_workspace(west_init_tmpdir):
# Running west topdir anywhere inside of a workspace ought to
# work, and return the same thing.
expected = PurePath(str(west_init_tmpdir)).as_posix()
# This should be available immediately after west init.
assert cmd('topdir').strip() == expected
# After west update, it should continue to work, and return the
# same thing (not getting confused when called from within a
# project directory or a random user-created subdirectory, e.g.)
assert cmd('topdir', cwd=str(west_init_tmpdir / 'subdir' /
'Kconfiglib')).strip() == expected
assert cmd('topdir', cwd=str(west_init_tmpdir /
'pytest-foo')).strip() == expected
# Helper functions used by the test cases and fixtures.
def clone(repo, dst):
# Creates a new branch.
repo = str(repo)
subprocess.check_call([GIT, 'clone', repo, dst])
def checkout_branch(repo, branch, create=False):
# Creates a new branch.
repo = str(repo)
# Edit any files as specified by the user and add them to the index.
if create:
subprocess.check_call([GIT, 'checkout', '-b', branch], cwd=repo)
subprocess.check_call([GIT, 'checkout', branch], cwd=repo)
def head_subject(path):
# Returns the subject of the HEAD commit in the repository at 'path'
return subprocess.check_output([GIT, 'log', '-n1', '--format=%s'],
def default_updater(remotes):
add_commit(remotes.net_tools, 'another net-tools commit')
add_commit(remotes.kconfiglib, 'another kconfiglib commit')
add_commit(remotes.tagged_repo, 'another tagged_repo commit')
def update_helper(west_tmpdir, updater=default_updater):
# Helper command for causing a change in two remote repositories,
# then running a project command on the west workspace.
# Adds a commit to both of the kconfiglib and net-tools projects
# remotes, then call updater(update_remotes),
# which defaults to a function that adds commits in each
# repository's remote and runs 'west update'.
# Captures the remote and local repository paths, as well as
# manifest-rev and HEAD before and after, returning the results in
# an UpdateResults tuple.
nt_remote = str(west_tmpdir.join('..', 'repos', 'net-tools'))
nt_local = str(west_tmpdir.join('net-tools'))
kl_remote = str(west_tmpdir.join('..', 'repos', 'Kconfiglib'))
kl_local = str(west_tmpdir.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib'))
tr_remote = str(west_tmpdir.join('..', 'repos', 'tagged_repo'))
tr_local = str(west_tmpdir.join('tagged_repo'))
def output_or_none(*args, **kwargs):
ret = check_output(*args, **kwargs)
except (FileNotFoundError, NotADirectoryError,
ret = None
return ret
nt_mr_0 = output_or_none([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'manifest-rev'], cwd=nt_local)
kl_mr_0 = output_or_none([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'manifest-rev'], cwd=kl_local)
tr_mr_0 = output_or_none([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'manifest-rev'], cwd=tr_local)
nt_head_0 = output_or_none([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=nt_local)
kl_head_0 = output_or_none([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=kl_local)
tr_head_0 = output_or_none([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=tr_local)
updater(UpdateRemotes(nt_remote, kl_remote, tr_remote))
nt_mr_1 = output_or_none([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'manifest-rev'], cwd=nt_local)
kl_mr_1 = output_or_none([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'manifest-rev'], cwd=kl_local)
tr_mr_1 = output_or_none([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'manifest-rev'], cwd=tr_local)
nt_head_1 = output_or_none([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=nt_local)
kl_head_1 = output_or_none([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=kl_local)
tr_head_1 = output_or_none([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=tr_local)
return UpdateResults(nt_remote, nt_local,
kl_remote, kl_local,
tr_remote, tr_local,
nt_mr_0, nt_mr_1,
kl_mr_0, kl_mr_1,
tr_mr_0, tr_mr_1,
nt_head_0, nt_head_1,
kl_head_0, kl_head_1,
tr_head_0, tr_head_1)
def test_change_remote_conflict(west_update_tmpdir):
# Test that `west update` will force fetch into local refs space when
# remote has changed and cannot be fast forwarded.
wct = west_update_tmpdir
tmpdir = wct.join('..')
rrepo = str(tmpdir.join('repos'))
net_tools = str(tmpdir.join('repos', 'net-tools'))
rwest = str(tmpdir.join('repos', 'west'))
alt_repo = str(tmpdir.join('alt_repo'))
alt_net_tools = str(tmpdir.join('alt_repo', 'net-tools'))
add_commit(alt_net_tools, 'test conflicting commit',
files={'qemu-script.sh': 'echo alternate world net-tools\n'})
revision = rev_parse(net_tools, 'HEAD')
west_yml_content = textwrap.dedent(f'''\
url: file://{rwest}
remote: test-local
- name: test-local
url-base: file://{rrepo}
- name: net-tools
revision: {revision}
path: zephyr
add_commit(str(wct.join('zephyr')), 'test update manifest',
files={'west.yml': west_yml_content})
revision = rev_parse(alt_net_tools, 'HEAD')
west_yml_content = textwrap.dedent(f'''\
url: file://{rwest}
remote: test-local
- name: test-local
url-base: file://{rrepo}
- name: test-alternate
url-base: file://{alt_repo}
- name: net-tools
remote: test-alternate
revision: {revision}
path: zephyr
add_commit(str(wct.join('zephyr')), 'test update manifest conflict',
files={'west.yml': west_yml_content})
def test_import_project_release(repos_tmpdir):
# Tests for a workspace that's based off of importing from a
# project at a fixed release, with no downstream project forks.
remotes = repos_tmpdir / 'repos'
zephyr = remotes / 'zephyr'
add_tag(zephyr, 'test-tag')
# For this test, we create a remote manifest repository. This
# makes sure we can clone a manifest repository which contains
# imports without issue (and we don't need to clone the imported
# projects.)
# On subsequent tests, we won't bother with this step. We will
# just put the manifest repository directly into the workspace and
# use west init -l. This also provides coverage for the -l option
# in the presence of imports.
manifest_remote = remotes / 'mp'
add_commit(manifest_remote, 'manifest repo commit',
- name: zephyr
url: {zephyr}
revision: test-tag
import: true
# Create the workspace and verify we can't load the manifest yet
# (because some imported data is missing).
ws = repos_tmpdir / 'ws'
cmd(f'init -m {manifest_remote} {ws}')
with pytest.raises(ManifestImportFailed):
# We can't load this yet, because we haven't cloned zephyr.
# Run west update and make sure we can load the manifest now.
cmd('update', cwd=ws)
actual = Manifest.from_file(topdir=ws).projects
expected = [ManifestProject(path='mp', topdir=ws),
Project('zephyr', zephyr,
revision='test-tag', topdir=ws),
Project('Kconfiglib', remotes / 'Kconfiglib',
revision='zephyr', path='subdir/Kconfiglib',
Project('tagged_repo', remotes / 'tagged_repo',
revision='v1.0', topdir=ws),
Project('net-tools', remotes / 'net-tools',
clone_depth=1, topdir=ws,
for a, e in zip(actual, expected):
check_proj_consistency(a, e)
# Add a commit in the remote zephyr repository and make sure it
# doesn't affect our local workspace, since we've locked it to a
# tag.
zephyr_ws = ws / 'zephyr'
head_before = rev_parse(zephyr_ws, 'HEAD')
add_commit(zephyr, 'this better not show up',
files={'should-not-clone': ''})
cmd('update', cwd=ws)
assert head_before == rev_parse(zephyr_ws, 'HEAD')
actual = Manifest.from_file(topdir=ws).projects
for a, e in zip(actual, expected):
check_proj_consistency(a, e)
assert (zephyr_ws / 'should-not-clone').check(file=0)
def test_import_project_release_fork(repos_tmpdir):
# Like test_import_project_release(), but with a project fork,
# and using west init -l.
remotes = repos_tmpdir / 'repos'
zephyr = remotes / 'zephyr'
add_tag(zephyr, 'zephyr-tag')
fork = remotes / 'my-kconfiglib-fork'
add_commit(fork, 'fork kconfiglib')
add_tag(fork, 'fork-tag')
ws = repos_tmpdir / 'ws'
create_workspace(ws, and_git=True)
manifest_repo = ws / 'mp'
add_commit(manifest_repo, 'manifest repo commit',
- name: zephyr
url: {zephyr}
revision: zephyr-tag
import: true
- name: Kconfiglib
url: {fork}
revision: fork-tag
cmd(f'init -l {manifest_repo}')
with pytest.raises(ManifestImportFailed):
cmd('update', cwd=ws)
actual = Manifest.from_file(topdir=ws).projects
expected = [ManifestProject(path='mp', topdir=ws),
Project('zephyr', zephyr,
revision='zephyr-tag', topdir=ws),
Project('Kconfiglib', fork,
revision='fork-tag', path='Kconfiglib',
Project('tagged_repo', remotes / 'tagged_repo',
revision='v1.0', topdir=ws),
Project('net-tools', remotes / 'net-tools',
clone_depth=1, topdir=ws,
for a, e in zip(actual, expected):
check_proj_consistency(a, e)
zephyr_ws = ws / 'zephyr'
head_before = rev_parse(zephyr_ws, 'HEAD')
add_commit(zephyr, 'this better not show up',
files={'should-not-clone': ''})
cmd('update', cwd=ws)
assert head_before == rev_parse(zephyr_ws, 'HEAD')
actual = Manifest.from_file(topdir=ws).projects
for a, e in zip(actual, expected):
check_proj_consistency(a, e)
assert (zephyr_ws / 'should-not-clone').check(file=0)
def test_import_project_release_dir(tmpdir):
# Tests for a workspace that imports a directory from a project
# at a fixed release.
remotes = tmpdir / 'remotes'
empty_project = remotes / 'empty_project'
add_commit(empty_project, 'empty-project empty commit')
imported = remotes / 'imported'
add_commit(imported, 'add directory of imports',
- name: west.d/1.yml-p1
url: {empty_project}
- name: west.d/1.yml-p2
url: {empty_project}
- name: west.d/2.yml-p1
url: {empty_project}
add_tag(imported, 'import-tag')
ws = tmpdir / 'ws'
create_workspace(ws, and_git=True)
manifest_repo = ws / 'mp'
add_commit(manifest_repo, 'manifest repo commit',
- name: imported
url: {imported}
revision: import-tag
import: test.d
cmd(f'init -l {manifest_repo}')
with pytest.raises(ManifestImportFailed):
cmd('update', cwd=ws)
actual = Manifest.from_file(topdir=ws).projects
expected = [ManifestProject(path='mp', topdir=ws),
Project('imported', imported,
revision='import-tag', topdir=ws),
Project('west.d/1.yml-p1', empty_project, topdir=ws),
Project('west.d/1.yml-p2', empty_project, topdir=ws),
Project('west.d/2.yml-p1', empty_project, topdir=ws)]
for a, e in zip(actual, expected):
check_proj_consistency(a, e)
def test_import_project_rolling(repos_tmpdir):
# Like test_import_project_release, but with a rolling downstream
# that pulls master. We also use west init -l.
remotes = repos_tmpdir / 'repos'
zephyr = remotes / 'zephyr'
ws = repos_tmpdir / 'ws'
create_workspace(ws, and_git=True)
manifest_repo = ws / 'mp'
add_commit(manifest_repo, 'manifest repo commit',
# zephyr revision is implicitly master:
- name: zephyr
url: {zephyr}
import: true
cmd(f'init -l {manifest_repo}')
with pytest.raises(ManifestImportFailed):
cmd('update', cwd=ws)
actual = Manifest.from_file(topdir=ws).projects
expected = [ManifestProject(path='mp', topdir=ws),
Project('zephyr', zephyr,
revision='master', topdir=ws),
Project('Kconfiglib', remotes / 'Kconfiglib',
revision='zephyr', path='subdir/Kconfiglib',
Project('tagged_repo', remotes / 'tagged_repo',
revision='v1.0', topdir=ws),
Project('net-tools', remotes / 'net-tools',
clone_depth=1, topdir=ws,
for a, e in zip(actual, expected):
check_proj_consistency(a, e)
# Add a commit in the remote zephyr repository and make sure it
# *does* affect our local workspace, since we're rolling with its
# master branch.
zephyr_ws = ws / 'zephyr'
head_before = rev_parse(zephyr_ws, 'HEAD')
add_commit(zephyr, 'this better show up',
files={'should-clone': ''})
cmd('update', cwd=ws)
assert head_before != rev_parse(zephyr_ws, 'HEAD')
assert (zephyr_ws / 'should-clone').check(file=1)