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This is the Zephyr RTOS meta tool, ``west``.
Using pip::
pip3 install west
(Use ``pip3 uninstall west`` to uninstall it.)
Basic Usage
West lets you manage multiple Git repositories under a single directory using a
single file, called the *west manifest file*, or *manifest* for short.
By default the manifest file is named ``west.yml``.
You use ``west init`` to set up this directory, then ``west update`` to fetch
and/or update the repositories named in the manifest.
By default, west uses `upstream Zephyr's manifest file
<https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/blob/master/west.yml>`_, but west
doesn't care if the manifest repository is a Zephyr tree or not.
For more details, see `Multiple Repository Management
<https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/guides/west/repo-tool.html>`_ in the
west documentation.
Example usage using the upstream manifest file::
mkdir zephyrproject && cd zephyrproject
west init
west update
What just happened:
- ``west init`` clones the upstream *west manifest* repository, which in this
case is the zephyr repository. The manifest repository contains ``west.yml``,
a YAML description of the Zephyr installation, including Git repositories and
other metadata.
- ``west update`` clones the other repositories named in the manifest file,
creating working trees in the installation directory ``zephyrproject``.
Use ``west init -m`` to specify another manifest repository. Use ``--mr`` to
use a revision other than ``master``. Use ``--mf`` to use a manifest file other
than ``west.yml``.
Additional Commands
West has multiple sub-commands. After running ``west init``, you can
run them from anywhere under ``zephyrproject``.
For a list of available commands, run ``west -h``. Get help on a
command with ``west <command> -h``.
West is extensible: you can add new commands to west without modifying its
source code. See `Extensions
<https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/guides/west/extensions.html>`_ in the
documentation for details.
Running the Tests
First, install tox::
# macOS, Windows
pip3 install tox
# Linux
pip3 install --user tox
Then, run the test suite locally from the top level directory::
See the tox configuration file, tox.ini, for more details.
Hacking on West
Installing from Source
The `wheel`_ package is required to install west from source. See "Installing
Wheel" below if you don't have ``wheel`` installed.
To build the west wheel file::
# macOS, Linux
python3 setup.py bdist_wheel
# Windows
py -3 setup.py bdist_wheel
This will create a file named ``dist/west-x.y.z-py3-none-any.whl``,
where ``x.y.z`` is the current version in setup.py.
To install the wheel::
pip3 install -U dist/west-x.y.z-py3-none-any.whl
You can ``pip3 uninstall west`` to remove this wheel before re-installing the
version from PyPI, etc.
Editable Install
To run west "live" from the current source code tree, run this command from the
top level directory in the west repository::
pip3 install -e .
This is useful if you are actively working on west and don't want to re-package
and install a wheel each time you run it.
Installing Wheel
On macOS and Windows, you can install wheel with::
pip3 install wheel
That also works on Linux, but you may want to install wheel from your
system package manager instead -- e.g. if you installed pip from your
system package manager. The wheel package is likely named something
like ``python3-wheel`` in that case.
.. _wheel: https://wheel.readthedocs.io/en/latest/