
502 lines
15 KiB

TF-M Software requirements
To build the TF-M firmware the following tools are needed:
.. csv-table:: Tool dependencies
:header: "Name", "Version", "Component"
"C compiler",See `Supported C compilers`_,"Firmware"
"CMake",See `Supported CMake versions`_,
"GNU Make",See `Supported GNU make versions`_,
"Python",3.x,"Firmware, User Guide"
"Doxygen",">1.8","Reference manual"
"Sphinx",">1.4","User Guide"
"sphinxcontrib-plantuml",,"User Guide"
"sphinx-trd-theme",,"User Guide"
"PlantUML",">v1.2018.11","Reference Manual, User Guide"
"Graphviz dot",">v2.38.0","Reference manual"
"Java runtime environment (JRE)",">1.8","Reference Manual, User Guide"
"LaTex",,"pdf version of Reference Manual and User Guide"
"PdfLaTex",,"pdf version of Reference Manual and User Guide"
Dependency chain:
.. uml::
skinparam state {
BackgroundColor #92AEE0
FontColor black
FontSize 16
AttributeFontColor black
AttributeFontSize 16
BackgroundColor<<pdf>> #A293E2
BackgroundColor<<doc>> #90DED6
state fw as "Firmware" : TF-M binary
state c_comp as "C Compiler" : C99
state gmake as "GNU make"
state u_guide as "User Guide" <<doc>>
state refman as "Reference Manual" <<doc>>
state rtd_theme as "sphinx-rtd-theme" <<doc>>
state sphnix_puml as "sphinxcontrib-plantuml" <<doc>>
state JRE as "JRE" <<doc>> : Java Runtime Environment
state gwiz as "Graphwiz dot" <<doc>>
state Sphinx as "Sphinx" <<doc>>
state m2r as "m2r" <<doc>>
state PlantUML as "PlantUML" <<doc>>
state LaTex as "LaTex" <<pdf>>
state PdfLaTex as "PdfLaTex" <<<<pdf>>>>
state Doxygen as "Doxygen" <<doc>>
[*] --> fw
fw --> c_comp
fw --> CMake
CMake --> gmake
fw --> pycrypto
fw --> pyasn1
fw --> yaml
fw --> jinja2
pycrypto --> Python3
pyasn1 --> Python3
yaml --> Python3
jinja2 --> Python3
[*] --> u_guide
u_guide --> Sphinx
Sphinx --> m2r
Sphinx --> rtd_theme
Sphinx --> sphnix_puml
m2r --> Python3
rtd_theme --> Python3
sphnix_puml --> Python3
Sphinx --> PlantUML
PlantUML --> JRE
PlantUML --> gwiz
Sphinx --> LaTex
LaTex --> PdfLaTex
[*] --> refman
refman --> Doxygen
Doxygen --> PlantUML
Doxygen --> LaTex
state Legend {
state x as "For PDF generation only" <<pdf>>
state y as "For document generation only" <<doc>>
state z as "Mandatory"
Supported build environments
TF-M officially supports a limited set of build environments and setups. In
this context, official support means that the environments listed below
are actively used by team members and active developers hence users should
be able to recreate the same configurations by following the instructions
described below. In case of problems, the TF-M team provides support
only for these environments, but building in other environments can still be
The following environments are supported:
- Windows 10 x64 + Cygwin x64 (example configuration is provided for
this Windows setup only).
- Windows 10 x64 + msys2 x64.
- Windows 10 x65 + git-bash (MinGW) + gnumake from DS-5 or msys2.
- Ubuntu 16.04 x64
- Ubuntu 18.04 x64
Supported C compilers
To compile TF-M code, at least one of the supported compiler toolchains have to
be available in the build environment. The currently supported compiler
versions are:
- Arm Compiler v6.7.1
- Arm Compiler v6.9
- Arm Compiler v6.10
- Arm Compiler v6.11
- GNU Arm compiler v6.3.1
- GNU Arm compiler v7.3
.. Note::
- The Arm compilers above are provided via Keil uVision v5.24.1 or
greater, DS-5 v5.27.1 or greater, and Development Studio 2018.0, or they can
be downloaded as standalone packages from
`here <>`__.
- Arm compiler specific environment variable may need updating based
on specific products and licenses as explained in
`product-and-toolkit-configuration <>`__.
- The GNU Arm compiler can be downloaded from
`here <>`__.
On the page select *GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain: 6-2017-q1-update*
or *GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain: 7-2018-q2-update*
Supported CMake versions
The build-system is CMake based and supports the following versions:
- 3.7
- 3.10
- 3.11
- 3.12
- 3.13
- 3.14
.. Note::
- Please use the latest build version available (i.e. 3.7.2 instead of
While it is preferable to use the newest version this is not required
and any version from the above list should work.
- Recent versions of CMake can be downloaded from, and older releases are available from
Supported GNU make versions
The TF-M team builds using the "Unix Makefiles" generator of CMake and
thus GNU make is needed for the build. On Linux please use the version
available from the official repository of your distribution.
On Windows the following binaries are supported:
- GNU make v4.2.1 executable from Cygwin
- GNU make v4.2.1 executable from msys2
- GNU make v4.2 executable from DS5 v5.29.1 (see <DS5 install root>/bin)
CMake is quiet tolerant to GNU make versions and basically any
"reasonably recent" GNU make version shall work.
CMake generators other than "Unix Makefiles" may work, but are not
officially supported.
Example setups
This section lists dependencies and some exact and tested steps to set-up a
TF-M-m build environment under various OSes.
- DS-5 v5.27.1.
- Git tools v2.10.0
- CMake (see the "Supported CMake versions" chapter)
- GNU Make (see the "Supported make versions" chapter)
- Python3, with the following libraries:
- pycrypto
- pyasn1
- yaml
- jinja2 v2.10
- sudo apt-get install python3-crypto python3-pyasn1 python3-yaml
- SRecord v1.58 (for Musca test chip boards)
Setup a shell to enable compiler toolchain and CMake after installation.
To import Arm Compiler v6.7.1 in your bash shell console:
.. Warning::
Arm compiler specific environment variable may need updating based on
specific products and licenses as explained in
`product-and-toolkit-configuration <>`__.
.. code-block:: bash
export PATH=<DS-5_PATH>/sw/ARMCompiler6.7.1/bin:$PATH
export ARM_TOOL_VARIANT="ult"
export ARM_PRODUCT_PATH="<DS-5_PATH>/sw/mappings"
To import CMake in your bash shell console:
.. code-block:: bash
export PATH=/bin:$PATH
To import GNU Arm in your bash shell console:
.. code-block:: bash
export PATH=/bin:$PATH
Windows + Cygwin
- uVision v5.24.1 or DS-5 v5.27.1 (DS-5 Ultimate Edition) which
provides the
Arm Compiler v6.7.1 compiler or GNU Arm compiler v6.3.1.
- Git client latest version (
- CMake (see the "Supported CMake versions" chapter)
- `Cygwin <>`__. Tests done with version 2.877
(64 bits)
- GNU make should be installed by selecting appropriate package during
- Python3 `(native Windows
version) <>`__, with the following
- pycryptodome (pip3 install --user pycryptodome)
- pyasn1 (pip3 install --user pyasn1)
- pyyaml (pip3 install --user pyyaml)
- jinja2 (pip3 install --user jinja2)
- Python3 pip
- `SRecord v1.63 <>`__ (for
Musca-A1 test chip board)
Setup Cygwin to enable a compiler toolchain and CMake after installation.
If applicable, import Arm Compiler v6.7.1 in your shell console. To make this
change permanent, add the command line into ~/.bashrc
Armclang + DS-5
.. Note::
- Arm compiler specific environment variable may need updating based on
specific products and licenses as explained in
`product-and-toolkit-configuration <>`__.
- Arm licensing related environment variables must use Windows paths, and not
the Cygwin specific one relative to */cygrive*.
.. code-block:: bash
export PATH="/cygdrive/c/<DS-5_PATH>/sw/ARMCompiler6.7.1/bin":$PATH
export ARM_PRODUCT_PATH="C:/<DS-5_PATH>/sw/mappings"
export ARM_TOOL_VARIANT="ult"
Armclang + Keil MDK Arm
.. Note::
- Arm compiler specific environment variable may need updating based
on specific products and licenses as explained in
`product-and-toolkit-configuration <>`__.
.. code-block:: bash
export PATH="/cygdrive/c/<uVision path>/ARM/ARMCLANG/bin":$PATH
If applicable, import GNU Arm compiler v6.3.1 in your shell console. To make
this change permanent, add the command line into ~/.bashrc
.. code-block:: bash
export PATH=<GNU Arm path>/bin:$PATH
To import CMake in your bash shell console:
.. code-block:: bash
export PATH=/cygdrive/c/<CMake path>/bin:$PATH
Building the documentation
The build system is prepared to support generation of two documents.
The Reference Manual which is Doxygen based, and the User Guide which is
Sphinx based. Both document can be generated in HTML and PDF format.
.. Note::
Support for document generation in the build environment is not mandatory.
Missing document generation tools will not block building the TF-M
To compile the TF-M Reference Manual
The following additional tools are needed:
- Doxygen v1.8.0 or later
- Graphviz dot v2.38.0 or later
- PlantUML v1.2018.11 or later
- Java runtime environment 1.8 or later (for running PlantUML)
For PDF generation the following tools are needed in addition to the
above list:
- LaTeX
- PdfLaTeX
Set-up the needed tools
.. code-block:: bash
sudo apt-get install -y doxygen graphviz default-jre
mkdir ~/plantuml
curl -L --output ~/plantuml/plantuml.jar
For PDF generation:
.. code-block:: bash
sudo apt-get install -y doxygen-latex
Windows + Cygwin
Download and install the following tools:
- `Doxygen
1.8.8 <>`__
- `Graphviz
2.38 <>`__
- The Java runtime is part of the DS5 installation or can be
`downloaded from here <>`__
- `PlantUML <>`__
For PDF generation:
- `MikTeX <>`__
.. Note::
When building the documentation the first time, MikTeX might prompt for
installing missing LaTeX components. Please allow the MikTeX package
manager to set-up these.
Configure the shell
export PLANTUML_JAR_PATH="~/plantuml/plantuml.jar"
Windows + Cygwin
Assumptions for the settings below:
- plantuml.jar is available at c:\\plantuml\\plantuml.jar
- doxygen, dot, and MikTeX binaries are available on the PATH.
- Java JVM is used from DS5 installation.
export PLANTUML_JAR_PATH="c:/plantuml/plantuml.jar"
export PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/c/<DS-5 path>/sw/java/bin
To compile the TF-M User Guide
The following additional tools are needed:
- Python3 and the following modules:
- Sphinx v1.7.9
- m2r v0.2.0
- sphinxcontrib-plantuml
- sphinx-rtd-theme
- Graphviz dot v2.38.0 or later
- PlantUML v1.2018.11 or later
- Java runtime environment 1.8 or later (for running PlantUML)
For PDF generation the following tools are needed in addition to the
above list:
- LaTeX
- PdfLaTeX
Set-up the needed tools
.. code-block:: bash
sudo apt-get install -y python3 graphviz default-jre
pip --user install m2r Sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme sphinxcontrib-plantuml
mkdir ~/plantuml
curl -L --output ~/plantuml/plantuml.jar
For PDF generation:
.. code-block:: bash
sudo apt-get install -y doxygen-latex
Windows + Cygwin
Download and install the following tools:
- Python3 `(native Windows version) <>`__
- Pip packages *m2r, Sphinx, sphinx-rtd-theme sphinxcontrib-plantuml*
.. code-block:: bash
pip --user install m2r Sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme sphinxcontrib-plantuml
- `Graphviz 2.38 <>`__
- The Java runtime is part of the DS5 installation or can be
`downloaded from here <>`__
- `PlantUML <>`__
For PDF generation:
- `MikTeX <>`__
.. Note::
When building the documentation the first time, MikTeX might
prompt for installing missing LaTeX components. Please allow the MikTeX
package manager to set-up these.
Configure the shell
.. code-block:: bash
export PLANTUML_JAR_PATH="~/plantuml/plantuml.jar"
Windows + Cygwin
Assumptions for the settings below:
- plantuml.jar is available at c:\\plantuml\\plantuml.jar
- doxygen, dot, and MikTeX binaries are available on the PATH.
- Java JVM is used from DS5 installation.
.. code-block:: bash
export PLANTUML_JAR_PATH="c:/plantuml/plantuml.jar"
export PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/c/<DS-5 path>/sw/java/bin
*Copyright (c) 2017-2019, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.*