
1308 lines
96 KiB

Copyright (c) 2010 - 2022, Nordic Semiconductor ASA All rights reserved.\n
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\n
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modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n
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* @file nrf51.h
* @brief CMSIS HeaderFile
* @version 522
* @date 19. October 2022
* @note Generated by SVDConv V3.3.35 on Wednesday, 19.10.2022 11:23:46
* from File 'nrf51.svd',
* last modified on Wednesday, 19.10.2022 09:13:55
/** @addtogroup Nordic Semiconductor
* @{
/** @addtogroup nrf51
* @{
#ifndef NRF51_H
#define NRF51_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** @addtogroup Configuration_of_CMSIS
* @{
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ Interrupt Number Definition ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
typedef enum {
/* ======================================= ARM Cortex-M0 Specific Interrupt Numbers ======================================== */
Reset_IRQn = -15, /*!< -15 Reset Vector, invoked on Power up and warm reset */
NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, /*!< -14 Non maskable Interrupt, cannot be stopped or preempted */
HardFault_IRQn = -13, /*!< -13 Hard Fault, all classes of Fault */
SVCall_IRQn = -5, /*!< -5 System Service Call via SVC instruction */
PendSV_IRQn = -2, /*!< -2 Pendable request for system service */
SysTick_IRQn = -1, /*!< -1 System Tick Timer */
/* =========================================== nrf51 Specific Interrupt Numbers ============================================ */
RADIO_IRQn = 1, /*!< 1 RADIO */
UART0_IRQn = 2, /*!< 2 UART0 */
SPI0_TWI0_IRQn = 3, /*!< 3 SPI0_TWI0 */
SPI1_TWI1_IRQn = 4, /*!< 4 SPI1_TWI1 */
GPIOTE_IRQn = 6, /*!< 6 GPIOTE */
ADC_IRQn = 7, /*!< 7 ADC */
TIMER0_IRQn = 8, /*!< 8 TIMER0 */
TIMER1_IRQn = 9, /*!< 9 TIMER1 */
TIMER2_IRQn = 10, /*!< 10 TIMER2 */
RTC0_IRQn = 11, /*!< 11 RTC0 */
TEMP_IRQn = 12, /*!< 12 TEMP */
RNG_IRQn = 13, /*!< 13 RNG */
ECB_IRQn = 14, /*!< 14 ECB */
CCM_AAR_IRQn = 15, /*!< 15 CCM_AAR */
WDT_IRQn = 16, /*!< 16 WDT */
RTC1_IRQn = 17, /*!< 17 RTC1 */
QDEC_IRQn = 18, /*!< 18 QDEC */
LPCOMP_IRQn = 19, /*!< 19 LPCOMP */
SWI0_IRQn = 20, /*!< 20 SWI0 */
SWI1_IRQn = 21, /*!< 21 SWI1 */
SWI2_IRQn = 22, /*!< 22 SWI2 */
SWI3_IRQn = 23, /*!< 23 SWI3 */
SWI4_IRQn = 24, /*!< 24 SWI4 */
SWI5_IRQn = 25 /*!< 25 SWI5 */
} IRQn_Type;
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ Processor and Core Peripheral Section ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* =========================== Configuration of the ARM Cortex-M0 Processor and Core Peripherals =========================== */
#define __CM0_REV 0x0301U /*!< CM0 Core Revision */
#define __INTERRUPTS_MAX 32 /*!< Top interrupt number */
#define __DSP_PRESENT 0 /*!< DSP present or not */
#define __VTOR_PRESENT 0 /*!< Set to 1 if CPU supports Vector Table Offset Register */
#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS 2 /*!< Number of Bits used for Priority Levels */
#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig 0 /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used */
#define __MPU_PRESENT 0 /*!< MPU present */
#define __FPU_PRESENT 0 /*!< FPU present */
/** @} */ /* End of group Configuration_of_CMSIS */
#include "core_cm0.h" /*!< ARM Cortex-M0 processor and core peripherals */
#include "system_nrf51.h" /*!< nrf51 System */
#ifndef __IM /*!< Fallback for older CMSIS versions */
#define __IM __I
#ifndef __OM /*!< Fallback for older CMSIS versions */
#define __OM __O
#ifndef __IOM /*!< Fallback for older CMSIS versions */
#define __IOM __IO
/* ======================================== Start of section using anonymous unions ======================================== */
#if defined (__CC_ARM)
#pragma push
#pragma anon_unions
#elif defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma language=extended
#elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc11-extensions"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-id-macro"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wgnu-anonymous-struct"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnested-anon-types"
#elif defined (__GNUC__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#elif defined (__TMS470__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#elif defined (__TASKING__)
#pragma warning 586
#elif defined (__CSMC__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#warning Not supported compiler type
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ Device Specific Cluster Section ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/** @addtogroup Device_Peripheral_clusters
* @{
* @brief PPI_TASKS_CHG [TASKS_CHG] (Channel group tasks.)
typedef struct {
__OM uint32_t EN; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Enable channel group. */
__OM uint32_t DIS; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Disable channel group. */
} PPI_TASKS_CHG_Type; /*!< Size = 8 (0x8) */
* @brief PPI_CH [CH] (PPI Channel.)
typedef struct {
__IOM uint32_t EEP; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Channel event end-point. */
__IOM uint32_t TEP; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Channel task end-point. */
} PPI_CH_Type; /*!< Size = 8 (0x8) */
/** @} */ /* End of group Device_Peripheral_clusters */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ Device Specific Peripheral Section ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/** @addtogroup Device_Peripheral_peripherals
* @{
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ POWER ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Power Control. (POWER)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40000000) POWER Structure */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[30];
__OM uint32_t TASKS_CONSTLAT; /*!< (@ 0x00000078) Enable constant latency mode. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_LOWPWR; /*!< (@ 0x0000007C) Enable low power mode (variable latency). */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[34];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_POFWARN; /*!< (@ 0x00000108) Power failure warning. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[126];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[61];
__IOM uint32_t RESETREAS; /*!< (@ 0x00000400) Reset reason. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4[9];
__IM uint32_t RAMSTATUS; /*!< (@ 0x00000428) Ram status register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED5[53];
__OM uint32_t SYSTEMOFF; /*!< (@ 0x00000500) System off register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED6[3];
__IOM uint32_t POFCON; /*!< (@ 0x00000510) Power failure configuration. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED7[2];
__IOM uint32_t GPREGRET; /*!< (@ 0x0000051C) General purpose retention register. This register
is a retained register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED8;
__IOM uint32_t RAMON; /*!< (@ 0x00000524) Ram on/off. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED9[7];
__IOM uint32_t RESET; /*!< (@ 0x00000544) Pin reset functionality configuration register.
This register is a retained register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED10[3];
__IOM uint32_t RAMONB; /*!< (@ 0x00000554) Ram on/off. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED11[8];
__IOM uint32_t DCDCEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000578) DCDC converter enable configuration register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED12[291];
__IOM uint32_t DCDCFORCE; /*!< (@ 0x00000A08) DCDC power-up force register. */
} NRF_POWER_Type; /*!< Size = 2572 (0xa0c) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ CLOCK ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Clock control. (CLOCK)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40000000) CLOCK Structure */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_HFCLKSTART; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Start HFCLK clock source. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_HFCLKSTOP; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Stop HFCLK clock source. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_LFCLKSTART; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Start LFCLK clock source. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_LFCLKSTOP; /*!< (@ 0x0000000C) Stop LFCLK clock source. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_CAL; /*!< (@ 0x00000010) Start calibration of LFCLK RC oscillator. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_CTSTART; /*!< (@ 0x00000014) Start calibration timer. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_CTSTOP; /*!< (@ 0x00000018) Stop calibration timer. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[57];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_HFCLKSTARTED; /*!< (@ 0x00000100) HFCLK oscillator started. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_LFCLKSTARTED; /*!< (@ 0x00000104) LFCLK oscillator started. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1;
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_DONE; /*!< (@ 0x0000010C) Calibration of LFCLK RC oscillator completed. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_CTTO; /*!< (@ 0x00000110) Calibration timer timeout. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[124];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[63];
__IM uint32_t HFCLKRUN; /*!< (@ 0x00000408) Task HFCLKSTART trigger status. */
__IM uint32_t HFCLKSTAT; /*!< (@ 0x0000040C) High frequency clock status. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4;
__IM uint32_t LFCLKRUN; /*!< (@ 0x00000414) Task LFCLKSTART triggered status. */
__IM uint32_t LFCLKSTAT; /*!< (@ 0x00000418) Low frequency clock status. */
__IM uint32_t LFCLKSRCCOPY; /*!< (@ 0x0000041C) Clock source for the LFCLK clock, set when task
LKCLKSTART is triggered. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED5[62];
__IOM uint32_t LFCLKSRC; /*!< (@ 0x00000518) Clock source for the LFCLK clock. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED6[7];
__IOM uint32_t CTIV; /*!< (@ 0x00000538) Calibration timer interval. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED7[5];
__IOM uint32_t XTALFREQ; /*!< (@ 0x00000550) Crystal frequency. */
} NRF_CLOCK_Type; /*!< Size = 1364 (0x554) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ MPU ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Memory Protection Unit. (MPU)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40000000) MPU Structure */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[330];
__IOM uint32_t PERR0; /*!< (@ 0x00000528) Configuration of peripherals in mpu regions. */
__IOM uint32_t RLENR0; /*!< (@ 0x0000052C) Length of RAM region 0. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[52];
__IOM uint32_t PROTENSET0; /*!< (@ 0x00000600) Erase and write protection bit enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t PROTENSET1; /*!< (@ 0x00000604) Erase and write protection bit enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t DISABLEINDEBUG; /*!< (@ 0x00000608) Disable erase and write protection mechanism
in debug mode. */
__IOM uint32_t PROTBLOCKSIZE; /*!< (@ 0x0000060C) Erase and write protection block size. */
} NRF_MPU_Type; /*!< Size = 1552 (0x610) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ RADIO ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief The radio. (RADIO)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40001000) RADIO Structure */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_TXEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Enable radio in TX mode. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_RXEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Enable radio in RX mode. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Start radio. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< (@ 0x0000000C) Stop radio. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_DISABLE; /*!< (@ 0x00000010) Disable radio. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_RSSISTART; /*!< (@ 0x00000014) Start the RSSI and take one sample of the receive
signal strength. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_RSSISTOP; /*!< (@ 0x00000018) Stop the RSSI measurement. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_BCSTART; /*!< (@ 0x0000001C) Start the bit counter. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_BCSTOP; /*!< (@ 0x00000020) Stop the bit counter. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[55];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_READY; /*!< (@ 0x00000100) Ready event. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_ADDRESS; /*!< (@ 0x00000104) Address event. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_PAYLOAD; /*!< (@ 0x00000108) Payload event. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_END; /*!< (@ 0x0000010C) End event. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_DISABLED; /*!< (@ 0x00000110) Disable event. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_DEVMATCH; /*!< (@ 0x00000114) A device address match occurred on the last received
packet. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_DEVMISS; /*!< (@ 0x00000118) No device address match occurred on the last
received packet. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_RSSIEND; /*!< (@ 0x0000011C) Sampling of the receive signal strength complete.
A new RSSI sample is ready for readout at
the RSSISAMPLE register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[2];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_BCMATCH; /*!< (@ 0x00000128) Bit counter reached bit count value specified
in BCC register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[53];
__IOM uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< (@ 0x00000200) Shortcuts for the radio. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[64];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4[61];
__IM uint32_t CRCSTATUS; /*!< (@ 0x00000400) CRC status of received packet. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED5;
__IM uint32_t RXMATCH; /*!< (@ 0x00000408) Received address. */
__IM uint32_t RXCRC; /*!< (@ 0x0000040C) Received CRC. */
__IM uint32_t DAI; /*!< (@ 0x00000410) Device address match index. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED6[60];
__IOM uint32_t PACKETPTR; /*!< (@ 0x00000504) Packet pointer. Decision point: START task. */
__IOM uint32_t FREQUENCY; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) Frequency. */
__IOM uint32_t TXPOWER; /*!< (@ 0x0000050C) Output power. */
__IOM uint32_t MODE; /*!< (@ 0x00000510) Data rate and modulation. */
__IOM uint32_t PCNF0; /*!< (@ 0x00000514) Packet configuration 0. */
__IOM uint32_t PCNF1; /*!< (@ 0x00000518) Packet configuration 1. */
__IOM uint32_t BASE0; /*!< (@ 0x0000051C) Radio base address 0. Decision point: START task. */
__IOM uint32_t BASE1; /*!< (@ 0x00000520) Radio base address 1. Decision point: START task. */
__IOM uint32_t PREFIX0; /*!< (@ 0x00000524) Prefixes bytes for logical addresses 0 to 3. */
__IOM uint32_t PREFIX1; /*!< (@ 0x00000528) Prefixes bytes for logical addresses 4 to 7. */
__IOM uint32_t TXADDRESS; /*!< (@ 0x0000052C) Transmit address select. */
__IOM uint32_t RXADDRESSES; /*!< (@ 0x00000530) Receive address select. */
__IOM uint32_t CRCCNF; /*!< (@ 0x00000534) CRC configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t CRCPOLY; /*!< (@ 0x00000538) CRC polynomial. */
__IOM uint32_t CRCINIT; /*!< (@ 0x0000053C) CRC initial value. */
__IOM uint32_t TEST; /*!< (@ 0x00000540) Test features enable register. */
__IOM uint32_t TIFS; /*!< (@ 0x00000544) Inter Frame Spacing in microseconds. */
__IM uint32_t RSSISAMPLE; /*!< (@ 0x00000548) RSSI sample. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED7;
__IM uint32_t STATE; /*!< (@ 0x00000550) Current radio state. */
__IOM uint32_t DATAWHITEIV; /*!< (@ 0x00000554) Data whitening initial value. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED8[2];
__IOM uint32_t BCC; /*!< (@ 0x00000560) Bit counter compare. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED9[39];
__IOM uint32_t DAB[8]; /*!< (@ 0x00000600) Device address base segment. */
__IOM uint32_t DAP[8]; /*!< (@ 0x00000620) Device address prefix. */
__IOM uint32_t DACNF; /*!< (@ 0x00000640) Device address match configuration. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED10[56];
__IOM uint32_t OVERRIDE0; /*!< (@ 0x00000724) Trim value override register 0. */
__IOM uint32_t OVERRIDE1; /*!< (@ 0x00000728) Trim value override register 1. */
__IOM uint32_t OVERRIDE2; /*!< (@ 0x0000072C) Trim value override register 2. */
__IOM uint32_t OVERRIDE3; /*!< (@ 0x00000730) Trim value override register 3. */
__IOM uint32_t OVERRIDE4; /*!< (@ 0x00000734) Trim value override register 4. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED11[561];
__IOM uint32_t POWER; /*!< (@ 0x00000FFC) Peripheral power control. */
} NRF_RADIO_Type; /*!< Size = 4096 (0x1000) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ UART0 ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter. (UART0)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40002000) UART0 Structure */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STARTRX; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Start UART receiver. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STOPRX; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Stop UART receiver. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STARTTX; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Start UART transmitter. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STOPTX; /*!< (@ 0x0000000C) Stop UART transmitter. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[3];
__OM uint32_t TASKS_SUSPEND; /*!< (@ 0x0000001C) Suspend UART. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[56];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_CTS; /*!< (@ 0x00000100) CTS activated. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_NCTS; /*!< (@ 0x00000104) CTS deactivated. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_RXDRDY; /*!< (@ 0x00000108) Data received in RXD. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[4];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_TXDRDY; /*!< (@ 0x0000011C) Data sent from TXD. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3;
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_ERROR; /*!< (@ 0x00000124) Error detected. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4[7];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_RXTO; /*!< (@ 0x00000144) Receiver timeout. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED5[46];
__IOM uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< (@ 0x00000200) Shortcuts for UART. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED6[64];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED7[93];
__IOM uint32_t ERRORSRC; /*!< (@ 0x00000480) Error source. Write error field to 1 to clear
error. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED8[31];
__IOM uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< (@ 0x00000500) Enable UART and acquire IOs. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED9;
__IOM uint32_t PSELRTS; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) Pin select for RTS. */
__IOM uint32_t PSELTXD; /*!< (@ 0x0000050C) Pin select for TXD. */
__IOM uint32_t PSELCTS; /*!< (@ 0x00000510) Pin select for CTS. */
__IOM uint32_t PSELRXD; /*!< (@ 0x00000514) Pin select for RXD. */
__IM uint32_t RXD; /*!< (@ 0x00000518) RXD register. On read action the buffer pointer
is displaced. Once read the character is
consumed. If read when no character available,
the UART will stop working. */
__OM uint32_t TXD; /*!< (@ 0x0000051C) TXD register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED10;
__IOM uint32_t BAUDRATE; /*!< (@ 0x00000524) UART Baudrate. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED11[17];
__IOM uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< (@ 0x0000056C) Configuration of parity and hardware flow control
register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED12[675];
__IOM uint32_t POWER; /*!< (@ 0x00000FFC) Peripheral power control. */
} NRF_UART_Type; /*!< Size = 4096 (0x1000) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ SPI0 ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief SPI master 0. (SPI0)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40003000) SPI0 Structure */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[66];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_READY; /*!< (@ 0x00000108) TXD byte sent and RXD byte received. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[126];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[125];
__IOM uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< (@ 0x00000500) Enable SPI. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3;
__IOM uint32_t PSELSCK; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) Pin select for SCK. */
__IOM uint32_t PSELMOSI; /*!< (@ 0x0000050C) Pin select for MOSI. */
__IOM uint32_t PSELMISO; /*!< (@ 0x00000510) Pin select for MISO. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4;
__IM uint32_t RXD; /*!< (@ 0x00000518) RX data. */
__IOM uint32_t TXD; /*!< (@ 0x0000051C) TX data. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED5;
__IOM uint32_t FREQUENCY; /*!< (@ 0x00000524) SPI frequency */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED6[11];
__IOM uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< (@ 0x00000554) Configuration register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED7[681];
__IOM uint32_t POWER; /*!< (@ 0x00000FFC) Peripheral power control. */
} NRF_SPI_Type; /*!< Size = 4096 (0x1000) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ TWI0 ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Two-wire interface master 0. (TWI0)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40003000) TWI0 Structure */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STARTRX; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Start 2-Wire master receive sequence. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED;
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STARTTX; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Start 2-Wire master transmit sequence. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[2];
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< (@ 0x00000014) Stop 2-Wire transaction. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2;
__OM uint32_t TASKS_SUSPEND; /*!< (@ 0x0000001C) Suspend 2-Wire transaction. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_RESUME; /*!< (@ 0x00000020) Resume 2-Wire transaction. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[56];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_STOPPED; /*!< (@ 0x00000104) Two-wire stopped. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_RXDREADY; /*!< (@ 0x00000108) Two-wire ready to deliver new RXD byte received. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4[4];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_TXDSENT; /*!< (@ 0x0000011C) Two-wire finished sending last TXD byte. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED5;
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_ERROR; /*!< (@ 0x00000124) Two-wire error detected. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED6[4];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_BB; /*!< (@ 0x00000138) Two-wire byte boundary. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED7[3];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_SUSPENDED; /*!< (@ 0x00000148) Two-wire suspended. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED8[45];
__IOM uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< (@ 0x00000200) Shortcuts for TWI. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED9[64];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED10[110];
__IOM uint32_t ERRORSRC; /*!< (@ 0x000004C4) Two-wire error source. Write error field to 1
to clear error. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED11[14];
__IOM uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< (@ 0x00000500) Enable two-wire master. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED12;
__IOM uint32_t PSELSCL; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) Pin select for SCL. */
__IOM uint32_t PSELSDA; /*!< (@ 0x0000050C) Pin select for SDA. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED13[2];
__IM uint32_t RXD; /*!< (@ 0x00000518) RX data register. */
__IOM uint32_t TXD; /*!< (@ 0x0000051C) TX data register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED14;
__IOM uint32_t FREQUENCY; /*!< (@ 0x00000524) Two-wire frequency. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED15[24];
__IOM uint32_t ADDRESS; /*!< (@ 0x00000588) Address used in the two-wire transfer. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED16[668];
__IOM uint32_t POWER; /*!< (@ 0x00000FFC) Peripheral power control. */
} NRF_TWI_Type; /*!< Size = 4096 (0x1000) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ SPIS1 ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief SPI slave 1. (SPIS1)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40004000) SPIS1 Structure */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[9];
__OM uint32_t TASKS_ACQUIRE; /*!< (@ 0x00000024) Acquire SPI semaphore. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_RELEASE; /*!< (@ 0x00000028) Release SPI semaphore. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[54];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_END; /*!< (@ 0x00000104) Granted transaction completed. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[2];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_ENDRX; /*!< (@ 0x00000110) End of RXD buffer reached */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[5];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_ACQUIRED; /*!< (@ 0x00000128) Semaphore acquired. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4[53];
__IOM uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< (@ 0x00000200) Shortcuts for SPIS. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED5[64];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED6[61];
__IM uint32_t SEMSTAT; /*!< (@ 0x00000400) Semaphore status. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED7[15];
__IOM uint32_t STATUS; /*!< (@ 0x00000440) Status from last transaction. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED8[47];
__IOM uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< (@ 0x00000500) Enable SPIS. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED9;
__IOM uint32_t PSELSCK; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) Pin select for SCK. */
__IOM uint32_t PSELMISO; /*!< (@ 0x0000050C) Pin select for MISO. */
__IOM uint32_t PSELMOSI; /*!< (@ 0x00000510) Pin select for MOSI. */
__IOM uint32_t PSELCSN; /*!< (@ 0x00000514) Pin select for CSN. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED10[7];
__IOM uint32_t RXDPTR; /*!< (@ 0x00000534) RX data pointer. */
__IOM uint32_t MAXRX; /*!< (@ 0x00000538) Maximum number of bytes in the receive buffer. */
__IM uint32_t AMOUNTRX; /*!< (@ 0x0000053C) Number of bytes received in last granted transaction. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED11;
__IOM uint32_t TXDPTR; /*!< (@ 0x00000544) TX data pointer. */
__IOM uint32_t MAXTX; /*!< (@ 0x00000548) Maximum number of bytes in the transmit buffer. */
__IM uint32_t AMOUNTTX; /*!< (@ 0x0000054C) Number of bytes transmitted in last granted transaction. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED12;
__IOM uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< (@ 0x00000554) Configuration register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED13;
__IOM uint32_t DEF; /*!< (@ 0x0000055C) Default character. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED14[24];
__IOM uint32_t ORC; /*!< (@ 0x000005C0) Over-read character. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED15[654];
__IOM uint32_t POWER; /*!< (@ 0x00000FFC) Peripheral power control. */
} NRF_SPIS_Type; /*!< Size = 4096 (0x1000) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ GPIOTE ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief GPIO tasks and events. (GPIOTE)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40006000) GPIOTE Structure */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_OUT[4]; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Tasks asssociated with GPIOTE channels. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[60];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_IN[4]; /*!< (@ 0x00000100) Tasks asssociated with GPIOTE channels. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[27];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_PORT; /*!< (@ 0x0000017C) Event generated from multiple pins. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[97];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[129];
__IOM uint32_t CONFIG[4]; /*!< (@ 0x00000510) Channel configuration registers. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4[695];
__IOM uint32_t POWER; /*!< (@ 0x00000FFC) Peripheral power control. */
} NRF_GPIOTE_Type; /*!< Size = 4096 (0x1000) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ ADC ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Analog to digital converter. (ADC)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40007000) ADC Structure */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Start an ADC conversion. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Stop ADC. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[62];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_END; /*!< (@ 0x00000100) ADC conversion complete. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[128];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[61];
__IM uint32_t BUSY; /*!< (@ 0x00000400) ADC busy register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[63];
__IOM uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< (@ 0x00000500) ADC enable. */
__IOM uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< (@ 0x00000504) ADC configuration register. */
__IM uint32_t RESULT; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) Result of ADC conversion. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4[700];
__IOM uint32_t POWER; /*!< (@ 0x00000FFC) Peripheral power control. */
} NRF_ADC_Type; /*!< Size = 4096 (0x1000) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ TIMER0 ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Timer 0. (TIMER0)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40008000) TIMER0 Structure */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Start Timer. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Stop Timer. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_COUNT; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Increment Timer (In counter mode). */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_CLEAR; /*!< (@ 0x0000000C) Clear timer. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_SHUTDOWN; /*!< (@ 0x00000010) Shutdown timer. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[11];
__OM uint32_t TASKS_CAPTURE[4]; /*!< (@ 0x00000040) Capture Timer value to CC[n] registers. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[60];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_COMPARE[4]; /*!< (@ 0x00000140) Compare event on CC[n] match. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[44];
__IOM uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< (@ 0x00000200) Shortcuts for Timer. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[64];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4[126];
__IOM uint32_t MODE; /*!< (@ 0x00000504) Timer Mode selection. */
__IOM uint32_t BITMODE; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) Sets timer behaviour. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED5;
__IOM uint32_t PRESCALER; /*!< (@ 0x00000510) 4-bit prescaler to source clock frequency (max
value 9). Source clock frequency is divided
by 2^SCALE. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED6[11];
__IOM uint32_t CC[4]; /*!< (@ 0x00000540) Capture/compare registers. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED7[683];
__IOM uint32_t POWER; /*!< (@ 0x00000FFC) Peripheral power control. */
} NRF_TIMER_Type; /*!< Size = 4096 (0x1000) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ RTC0 ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Real time counter 0. (RTC0)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x4000B000) RTC0 Structure */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Start RTC Counter. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Stop RTC Counter. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_CLEAR; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Clear RTC Counter. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_TRIGOVRFLW; /*!< (@ 0x0000000C) Set COUNTER to 0xFFFFFFF0. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[60];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_TICK; /*!< (@ 0x00000100) Event on COUNTER increment. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_OVRFLW; /*!< (@ 0x00000104) Event on COUNTER overflow. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[14];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_COMPARE[4]; /*!< (@ 0x00000140) Compare event on CC[n] match. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[109];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[13];
__IOM uint32_t EVTEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000340) Configures event enable routing to PPI for each
RTC event. */
__IOM uint32_t EVTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000344) Enable events routing to PPI. The reading of
this register gives the value of EVTEN. */
__IOM uint32_t EVTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000348) Disable events routing to PPI. The reading of
this register gives the value of EVTEN. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4[110];
__IM uint32_t COUNTER; /*!< (@ 0x00000504) Current COUNTER value. */
__IOM uint32_t PRESCALER; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) 12-bit prescaler for COUNTER frequency (32768/(PRESCALER+1)).
Must be written when RTC is STOPed. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED5[13];
__IOM uint32_t CC[4]; /*!< (@ 0x00000540) Capture/compare registers. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED6[683];
__IOM uint32_t POWER; /*!< (@ 0x00000FFC) Peripheral power control. */
} NRF_RTC_Type; /*!< Size = 4096 (0x1000) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ TEMP ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Temperature Sensor. (TEMP)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x4000C000) TEMP Structure */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Start temperature measurement. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Stop temperature measurement. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[62];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_DATARDY; /*!< (@ 0x00000100) Temperature measurement complete, data ready
event. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[128];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[127];
__IM int32_t TEMP; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) Die temperature in degC, 2's complement format,
0.25 degC pecision. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[700];
__IOM uint32_t POWER; /*!< (@ 0x00000FFC) Peripheral power control. */
} NRF_TEMP_Type; /*!< Size = 4096 (0x1000) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ RNG ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Random Number Generator. (RNG)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x4000D000) RNG Structure */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Start the random number generator. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Stop the random number generator. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[62];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_VALRDY; /*!< (@ 0x00000100) New random number generated and written to VALUE
register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[63];
__IOM uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< (@ 0x00000200) Shortcuts for the RNG. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[64];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[126];
__IOM uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< (@ 0x00000504) Configuration register. */
__IM uint32_t VALUE; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) RNG random number. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4[700];
__IOM uint32_t POWER; /*!< (@ 0x00000FFC) Peripheral power control. */
} NRF_RNG_Type; /*!< Size = 4096 (0x1000) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ ECB ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief AES ECB Mode Encryption. (ECB)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x4000E000) ECB Structure */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STARTECB; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Start ECB block encrypt. If a crypto operation
is running, this will not initiate a new
encryption and the ERRORECB event will be
triggered. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STOPECB; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Stop current ECB encryption. If a crypto operation
is running, this will will trigger the ERRORECB
event. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[62];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_ENDECB; /*!< (@ 0x00000100) ECB block encrypt complete. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_ERRORECB; /*!< (@ 0x00000104) ECB block encrypt aborted due to a STOPECB task
or due to an error. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[127];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[126];
__IOM uint32_t ECBDATAPTR; /*!< (@ 0x00000504) ECB block encrypt memory pointer. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[701];
__IOM uint32_t POWER; /*!< (@ 0x00000FFC) Peripheral power control. */
} NRF_ECB_Type; /*!< Size = 4096 (0x1000) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ AAR ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Accelerated Address Resolver. (AAR)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x4000F000) AAR Structure */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Start resolving addresses based on IRKs specified
in the IRK data structure. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED;
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Stop resolving addresses. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[61];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_END; /*!< (@ 0x00000100) Address resolution procedure completed. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_RESOLVED; /*!< (@ 0x00000104) Address resolved. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_NOTRESOLVED; /*!< (@ 0x00000108) Address not resolved. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[126];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[61];
__IM uint32_t STATUS; /*!< (@ 0x00000400) Resolution status. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4[63];
__IOM uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< (@ 0x00000500) Enable AAR. */
__IOM uint32_t NIRK; /*!< (@ 0x00000504) Number of Identity root Keys in the IRK data
structure. */
__IOM uint32_t IRKPTR; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) Pointer to the IRK data structure. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED5;
__IOM uint32_t ADDRPTR; /*!< (@ 0x00000510) Pointer to the resolvable address (6 bytes). */
__IOM uint32_t SCRATCHPTR; /*!< (@ 0x00000514) Pointer to a scratch data area used for temporary
storage during resolution. A minimum of
3 bytes must be reserved. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED6[697];
__IOM uint32_t POWER; /*!< (@ 0x00000FFC) Peripheral power control. */
} NRF_AAR_Type; /*!< Size = 4096 (0x1000) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ CCM ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief AES CCM Mode Encryption. (CCM)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x4000F000) CCM Structure */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_KSGEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Start generation of key-stream. This operation
will stop by itself when completed. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_CRYPT; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Start encrypt/decrypt. This operation will stop
by itself when completed. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Stop encrypt/decrypt. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[61];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_ENDKSGEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000100) Keystream generation completed. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_ENDCRYPT; /*!< (@ 0x00000104) Encrypt/decrypt completed. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_ERROR; /*!< (@ 0x00000108) Error happened. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[61];
__IOM uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< (@ 0x00000200) Shortcuts for the CCM. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[64];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[61];
__IM uint32_t MICSTATUS; /*!< (@ 0x00000400) CCM RX MIC check result. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4[63];
__IOM uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< (@ 0x00000500) CCM enable. */
__IOM uint32_t MODE; /*!< (@ 0x00000504) Operation mode. */
__IOM uint32_t CNFPTR; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) Pointer to a data structure holding AES key and
NONCE vector. */
__IOM uint32_t INPTR; /*!< (@ 0x0000050C) Pointer to the input packet. */
__IOM uint32_t OUTPTR; /*!< (@ 0x00000510) Pointer to the output packet. */
__IOM uint32_t SCRATCHPTR; /*!< (@ 0x00000514) Pointer to a scratch data area used for temporary
storage during resolution. A minimum of
43 bytes must be reserved. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED5[697];
__IOM uint32_t POWER; /*!< (@ 0x00000FFC) Peripheral power control. */
} NRF_CCM_Type; /*!< Size = 4096 (0x1000) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ WDT ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Watchdog Timer. (WDT)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40010000) WDT Structure */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Start the watchdog. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[63];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_TIMEOUT; /*!< (@ 0x00000100) Watchdog timeout. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[128];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[61];
__IM uint32_t RUNSTATUS; /*!< (@ 0x00000400) Watchdog running status. */
__IM uint32_t REQSTATUS; /*!< (@ 0x00000404) Request status. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[63];
__IOM uint32_t CRV; /*!< (@ 0x00000504) Counter reload value in number of 32kiHz clock
cycles. */
__IOM uint32_t RREN; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) Reload request enable. */
__IOM uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< (@ 0x0000050C) Configuration register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4[60];
__OM uint32_t RR[8]; /*!< (@ 0x00000600) Reload requests registers. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED5[631];
__IOM uint32_t POWER; /*!< (@ 0x00000FFC) Peripheral power control. */
} NRF_WDT_Type; /*!< Size = 4096 (0x1000) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ QDEC ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Rotary decoder. (QDEC)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40012000) QDEC Structure */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Start the quadrature decoder. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Stop the quadrature decoder. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_READCLRACC; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Transfers the content from ACC registers to ACCREAD
registers, and clears the ACC registers. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[61];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_SAMPLERDY; /*!< (@ 0x00000100) A new sample is written to the sample register. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_REPORTRDY; /*!< (@ 0x00000104) REPORTPER number of samples accumulated in ACC
register, and ACC register different than
zero. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_ACCOF; /*!< (@ 0x00000108) ACC or ACCDBL register overflow. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[61];
__IOM uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< (@ 0x00000200) Shortcuts for the QDEC. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[64];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[125];
__IOM uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< (@ 0x00000500) Enable the QDEC. */
__IOM uint32_t LEDPOL; /*!< (@ 0x00000504) LED output pin polarity. */
__IOM uint32_t SAMPLEPER; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) Sample period. */
__IM int32_t SAMPLE; /*!< (@ 0x0000050C) Motion sample value. */
__IOM uint32_t REPORTPER; /*!< (@ 0x00000510) Number of samples to generate an EVENT_REPORTRDY. */
__IM int32_t ACC; /*!< (@ 0x00000514) Accumulated valid transitions register. */
__IM int32_t ACCREAD; /*!< (@ 0x00000518) Snapshot of ACC register. Value generated by
__IOM uint32_t PSELLED; /*!< (@ 0x0000051C) Pin select for LED output. */
__IOM uint32_t PSELA; /*!< (@ 0x00000520) Pin select for phase A input. */
__IOM uint32_t PSELB; /*!< (@ 0x00000524) Pin select for phase B input. */
__IOM uint32_t DBFEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000528) Enable debouncer input filters. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4[5];
__IOM uint32_t LEDPRE; /*!< (@ 0x00000540) Time LED is switched ON before the sample. */
__IM uint32_t ACCDBL; /*!< (@ 0x00000544) Accumulated double (error) transitions register. */
__IM uint32_t ACCDBLREAD; /*!< (@ 0x00000548) Snapshot of ACCDBL register. Value generated
by the TASKS_READCLEACC task. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED5[684];
__IOM uint32_t POWER; /*!< (@ 0x00000FFC) Peripheral power control. */
} NRF_QDEC_Type; /*!< Size = 4096 (0x1000) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ LPCOMP ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Low power comparator. (LPCOMP)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40013000) LPCOMP Structure */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Start the comparator. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Stop the comparator. */
__OM uint32_t TASKS_SAMPLE; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Sample comparator value. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[61];
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_READY; /*!< (@ 0x00000100) LPCOMP is ready and output is valid. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_DOWN; /*!< (@ 0x00000104) Input voltage crossed the threshold going down. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_UP; /*!< (@ 0x00000108) Input voltage crossed the threshold going up. */
__IOM uint32_t EVENTS_CROSS; /*!< (@ 0x0000010C) Input voltage crossed the threshold in any direction. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[60];
__IOM uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< (@ 0x00000200) Shortcuts for the LPCOMP. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[64];
__IOM uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000304) Interrupt enable set register. */
__IOM uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000308) Interrupt enable clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[61];
__IM uint32_t RESULT; /*!< (@ 0x00000400) Result of last compare. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4[63];
__IOM uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< (@ 0x00000500) Enable the LPCOMP. */
__IOM uint32_t PSEL; /*!< (@ 0x00000504) Input pin select. */
__IOM uint32_t REFSEL; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) Reference select. */
__IOM uint32_t EXTREFSEL; /*!< (@ 0x0000050C) External reference select. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED5[4];
__IOM uint32_t ANADETECT; /*!< (@ 0x00000520) Analog detect configuration. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED6[694];
__IOM uint32_t POWER; /*!< (@ 0x00000FFC) Peripheral power control. */
} NRF_LPCOMP_Type; /*!< Size = 4096 (0x1000) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ SWI ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief SW Interrupts. (SWI)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40014000) SWI Structure */
__IM uint32_t UNUSED; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Unused. */
} NRF_SWI_Type; /*!< Size = 4 (0x4) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ NVMC ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Non Volatile Memory Controller. (NVMC)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x4001E000) NVMC Structure */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[256];
__IM uint32_t READY; /*!< (@ 0x00000400) Ready flag. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[64];
__IOM uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< (@ 0x00000504) Configuration register. */
union {
__IOM uint32_t ERASEPAGE; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) Register for erasing a non-protected non-volatile
memory page. */
__IOM uint32_t ERASEPCR1; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) Register for erasing a non-protected non-volatile
memory page. */
__IOM uint32_t ERASEALL; /*!< (@ 0x0000050C) Register for erasing all non-volatile user memory. */
__IOM uint32_t ERASEPCR0; /*!< (@ 0x00000510) Register for erasing a protected non-volatile
memory page. */
__IOM uint32_t ERASEUICR; /*!< (@ 0x00000514) Register for start erasing User Information Congfiguration
Registers. */
} NRF_NVMC_Type; /*!< Size = 1304 (0x518) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ PPI ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief PPI controller. (PPI)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x4001F000) PPI Structure */
__IOM PPI_TASKS_CHG_Type TASKS_CHG[4]; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Channel group tasks. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[312];
__IOM uint32_t CHEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000500) Channel enable. */
__IOM uint32_t CHENSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000504) Channel enable set. */
__IOM uint32_t CHENCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) Channel enable clear. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1;
__IOM PPI_CH_Type CH[16]; /*!< (@ 0x00000510) PPI Channel. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[156];
__IOM uint32_t CHG[4]; /*!< (@ 0x00000800) Channel group configuration. */
} NRF_PPI_Type; /*!< Size = 2064 (0x810) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ FICR ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Factory Information Configuration. (FICR)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x10000000) FICR Structure */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[4];
__IM uint32_t CODEPAGESIZE; /*!< (@ 0x00000010) Code memory page size in bytes. */
__IM uint32_t CODESIZE; /*!< (@ 0x00000014) Code memory size in pages. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[4];
__IM uint32_t CLENR0; /*!< (@ 0x00000028) Length of code region 0 in bytes. */
__IM uint32_t PPFC; /*!< (@ 0x0000002C) Pre-programmed factory code present. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2;
__IM uint32_t NUMRAMBLOCK; /*!< (@ 0x00000034) Number of individualy controllable RAM blocks. */
union {
__IM uint32_t SIZERAMBLOCKS; /*!< (@ 0x00000038) Size of RAM blocks in bytes. */
__IM uint32_t SIZERAMBLOCK[4]; /*!< (@ 0x00000038) Deprecated array of size of RAM block in bytes.
This name is kept for backward compatinility
purposes. Use SIZERAMBLOCKS instead. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[5];
__IM uint32_t CONFIGID; /*!< (@ 0x0000005C) Configuration identifier. */
__IM uint32_t DEVICEID[2]; /*!< (@ 0x00000060) Device identifier. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4[6];
__IM uint32_t ER[4]; /*!< (@ 0x00000080) Encryption root. */
__IM uint32_t IR[4]; /*!< (@ 0x00000090) Identity root. */
__IM uint32_t DEVICEADDRTYPE; /*!< (@ 0x000000A0) Device address type. */
__IM uint32_t DEVICEADDR[2]; /*!< (@ 0x000000A4) Device address. */
__IM uint32_t OVERRIDEEN; /*!< (@ 0x000000AC) Radio calibration override enable. */
__IM uint32_t NRF_1MBIT[5]; /*!< (@ 0x000000B0) Override values for the OVERRIDEn registers in
RADIO for NRF_1Mbit mode. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED5[10];
__IM uint32_t BLE_1MBIT[5]; /*!< (@ 0x000000EC) Override values for the OVERRIDEn registers in
RADIO for BLE_1Mbit mode. */
} NRF_FICR_Type; /*!< Size = 256 (0x100) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ UICR ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief User Information Configuration. (UICR)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x10001000) UICR Structure */
__IOM uint32_t CLENR0; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Length of code region 0. */
__IOM uint32_t RBPCONF; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Readback protection configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t XTALFREQ; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Reset value for CLOCK XTALFREQ register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED;
__IM uint32_t FWID; /*!< (@ 0x00000010) Firmware ID. */
union {
__IOM uint32_t BOOTLOADERADDR; /*!< (@ 0x00000014) Bootloader start address. */
__IOM uint32_t NRFFW[15]; /*!< (@ 0x00000014) Reserved for Nordic firmware design. */
__IOM uint32_t NRFHW[12]; /*!< (@ 0x00000050) Reserved for Nordic hardware design. */
__IOM uint32_t CUSTOMER[32]; /*!< (@ 0x00000080) Reserved for customer. */
} NRF_UICR_Type; /*!< Size = 256 (0x100) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ GPIO ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief General purpose input and output. (GPIO)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x50000000) GPIO Structure */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[321];
__IOM uint32_t OUT; /*!< (@ 0x00000504) Write GPIO port. */
__IOM uint32_t OUTSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000508) Set individual bits in GPIO port. */
__IOM uint32_t OUTCLR; /*!< (@ 0x0000050C) Clear individual bits in GPIO port. */
__IM uint32_t IN; /*!< (@ 0x00000510) Read GPIO port. */
__IOM uint32_t DIR; /*!< (@ 0x00000514) Direction of GPIO pins. */
__IOM uint32_t DIRSET; /*!< (@ 0x00000518) DIR set register. */
__IOM uint32_t DIRCLR; /*!< (@ 0x0000051C) DIR clear register. */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[120];
__IOM uint32_t PIN_CNF[32]; /*!< (@ 0x00000700) Configuration of GPIO pins. */
} NRF_GPIO_Type; /*!< Size = 1920 (0x780) */
/** @} */ /* End of group Device_Peripheral_peripherals */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ Device Specific Peripheral Address Map ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/** @addtogroup Device_Peripheral_peripheralAddr
* @{
#define NRF_POWER_BASE 0x40000000UL
#define NRF_CLOCK_BASE 0x40000000UL
#define NRF_MPU_BASE 0x40000000UL
#define NRF_RADIO_BASE 0x40001000UL
#define NRF_UART0_BASE 0x40002000UL
#define NRF_SPI0_BASE 0x40003000UL
#define NRF_TWI0_BASE 0x40003000UL
#define NRF_SPI1_BASE 0x40004000UL
#define NRF_TWI1_BASE 0x40004000UL
#define NRF_SPIS1_BASE 0x40004000UL
#define NRF_GPIOTE_BASE 0x40006000UL
#define NRF_ADC_BASE 0x40007000UL
#define NRF_TIMER0_BASE 0x40008000UL
#define NRF_TIMER1_BASE 0x40009000UL
#define NRF_TIMER2_BASE 0x4000A000UL
#define NRF_RTC0_BASE 0x4000B000UL
#define NRF_TEMP_BASE 0x4000C000UL
#define NRF_RNG_BASE 0x4000D000UL
#define NRF_ECB_BASE 0x4000E000UL
#define NRF_AAR_BASE 0x4000F000UL
#define NRF_CCM_BASE 0x4000F000UL
#define NRF_WDT_BASE 0x40010000UL
#define NRF_RTC1_BASE 0x40011000UL
#define NRF_QDEC_BASE 0x40012000UL
#define NRF_LPCOMP_BASE 0x40013000UL
#define NRF_SWI_BASE 0x40014000UL
#define NRF_NVMC_BASE 0x4001E000UL
#define NRF_PPI_BASE 0x4001F000UL
#define NRF_FICR_BASE 0x10000000UL
#define NRF_UICR_BASE 0x10001000UL
#define NRF_GPIO_BASE 0x50000000UL
/** @} */ /* End of group Device_Peripheral_peripheralAddr */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ Peripheral declaration ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/** @addtogroup Device_Peripheral_declaration
* @{
#define NRF_MPU ((NRF_MPU_Type*) NRF_MPU_BASE)
#define NRF_SPI0 ((NRF_SPI_Type*) NRF_SPI0_BASE)
#define NRF_TWI0 ((NRF_TWI_Type*) NRF_TWI0_BASE)
#define NRF_SPI1 ((NRF_SPI_Type*) NRF_SPI1_BASE)
#define NRF_TWI1 ((NRF_TWI_Type*) NRF_TWI1_BASE)
#define NRF_ADC ((NRF_ADC_Type*) NRF_ADC_BASE)
#define NRF_RTC0 ((NRF_RTC_Type*) NRF_RTC0_BASE)
#define NRF_RNG ((NRF_RNG_Type*) NRF_RNG_BASE)
#define NRF_ECB ((NRF_ECB_Type*) NRF_ECB_BASE)
#define NRF_AAR ((NRF_AAR_Type*) NRF_AAR_BASE)
#define NRF_CCM ((NRF_CCM_Type*) NRF_CCM_BASE)
#define NRF_WDT ((NRF_WDT_Type*) NRF_WDT_BASE)
#define NRF_RTC1 ((NRF_RTC_Type*) NRF_RTC1_BASE)
#define NRF_SWI ((NRF_SWI_Type*) NRF_SWI_BASE)
#define NRF_PPI ((NRF_PPI_Type*) NRF_PPI_BASE)
/** @} */ /* End of group Device_Peripheral_declaration */
/* ========================================= End of section using anonymous unions ========================================= */
#if defined (__CC_ARM)
#pragma pop
#elif defined (__ICCARM__)
/* leave anonymous unions enabled */
#elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#elif defined (__GNUC__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#elif defined (__TMS470__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#elif defined (__TASKING__)
#pragma warning restore
#elif defined (__CSMC__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* NRF51_H */
/** @} */ /* End of group nrf51 */
/** @} */ /* End of group Nordic Semiconductor */