978 lines
25 KiB

# This schema definition is available in the public domain, or under the terms
# of CC-0, at your choice.
scalar Cursor
scalar Time
scalar URL
scalar Upload
"Used to provide a human-friendly description of an access scope"
directive @scopehelp(details: String!) on ENUM_VALUE
This is used to decorate fields which are only accessible with a personal
access token, and are not available to clients using OAuth 2.0 access tokens.
directive @private on FIELD_DEFINITION
This is used to decorate fields which are for internal use, and are not
available to normal API users.
directive @internal on FIELD_DEFINITION
enum AccessScope {
PROFILE @scopehelp(details: "profile information")
TRACKERS @scopehelp(details: "trackers")
TICKETS @scopehelp(details: "tickets")
ACLS @scopehelp(details: "access control lists")
EVENTS @scopehelp(details: "events")
SUBSCRIPTIONS @scopehelp(details: "tracker & ticket subscriptions")
enum AccessKind {
RO @scopehelp(details: "read")
RW @scopehelp(details: "read and write")
Decorates fields for which access requires a particular OAuth 2.0 scope with
read or write access.
directive @access(scope: AccessScope!, kind: AccessKind!) on FIELD_DEFINITION
type Version {
major: Int!
minor: Int!
patch: Int!
If this API version is scheduled for deprecation, this is the date on which
it will stop working; or null if this API version is not scheduled for
deprecationDate: Time
interface Entity {
canonicalName: String!
type User implements Entity {
id: Int!
created: Time!
updated: Time!
canonicalName: String!
username: String!
email: String!
url: String
location: String
bio: String
"Returns a specific tracker."
tracker(name: String!): Tracker @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RO)
trackers(cursor: Cursor): TrackerCursor! @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RO)
type EmailAddress implements Entity {
canonicalName: String!
"" of "Jane Doe <>"
mailbox: String!
"Jane Doe" of "Jane Doe <>"
name: String
type ExternalUser implements Entity {
canonicalName: String!
<service>:<service specific details...>
e.g. github:ddevault
externalId: String!
"The canonical external URL for this user, e.g."
externalUrl: String
enum Visibility {
type Tracker {
id: Int!
created: Time!
updated: Time!
owner: Entity! @access(scope: PROFILE, kind: RO)
name: String!
description: String
visibility: Visibility!
ticket(id: Int!): Ticket! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RO)
tickets(cursor: Cursor): TicketCursor! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RO)
labels(cursor: Cursor): LabelCursor!
If the authenticated user is subscribed to this tracker, this is that
subscription: TrackerSubscription @access(scope: SUBSCRIPTIONS, kind: RO)
The access control list entry (or the default ACL) which describes the
authenticated user's permissions with respect to this tracker.
acl: ACL
# Only available to the tracker owner:
defaultACL: DefaultACL!
acls(cursor: Cursor): ACLCursor! @access(scope: ACLS, kind: RO)
Returns a URL from which the tracker owner may download a gzipped JSON
archive of the tracker.
export: URL!
Returns a list of tracker webhook subscriptions. For clients
authenticated with a personal access token, this returns all webhooks
configured by all GraphQL clients for your account. For clients
authenticated with an OAuth 2.0 access token, this returns only webhooks
registered for your client.
webhooks(cursor: Cursor): WebhookSubscriptionCursor!
"Returns details of a tracker webhook subscription by its ID."
webhook(id: Int!): WebhookSubscription
type OAuthClient {
uuid: String!
enum WebhookEvent {
TRACKER_CREATED @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RO)
TRACKER_UPDATE @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RO)
TRACKER_DELETED @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RO)
TICKET_CREATED @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RO)
TICKET_UPDATE @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RO)
LABEL_CREATED @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RO)
LABEL_UPDATE @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RO)
LABEL_DELETED @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RO)
EVENT_CREATED @access(scope: EVENTS, kind: RO)
interface WebhookSubscription {
id: Int!
events: [WebhookEvent!]!
query: String!
url: String!
If this webhook was registered by an authorized OAuth 2.0 client, this
field is non-null.
client: OAuthClient @private
"All deliveries which have been sent to this webhook."
deliveries(cursor: Cursor): WebhookDeliveryCursor!
"Returns a sample payload for this subscription, for testing purposes"
sample(event: WebhookEvent!): String!
type UserWebhookSubscription implements WebhookSubscription {
id: Int!
events: [WebhookEvent!]!
query: String!
url: String!
client: OAuthClient @private
deliveries(cursor: Cursor): WebhookDeliveryCursor!
sample(event: WebhookEvent): String!
type TrackerWebhookSubscription implements WebhookSubscription {
id: Int!
events: [WebhookEvent!]!
query: String!
url: String!
client: OAuthClient @private
deliveries(cursor: Cursor): WebhookDeliveryCursor!
sample(event: WebhookEvent!): String!
tracker: Tracker!
type TicketWebhookSubscription implements WebhookSubscription {
id: Int!
events: [WebhookEvent!]!
query: String!
url: String!
client: OAuthClient @private
deliveries(cursor: Cursor): WebhookDeliveryCursor!
sample(event: WebhookEvent!): String!
ticket: Ticket!
type WebhookDelivery {
uuid: String!
date: Time!
event: WebhookEvent!
subscription: WebhookSubscription!
requestBody: String!
These details are provided only after a response is received from the
remote server. If a response is sent whose Content-Type is not text/*, or
cannot be decoded as UTF-8, the response body will be null. It will be
truncated after 64 KiB.
responseBody: String
responseHeaders: String
responseStatus: Int
interface WebhookPayload {
uuid: String!
event: WebhookEvent!
date: Time!
type TrackerEvent implements WebhookPayload {
uuid: String!
event: WebhookEvent!
date: Time!
tracker: Tracker!
type TicketEvent implements WebhookPayload {
uuid: String!
event: WebhookEvent!
date: Time!
ticket: Ticket!
type EventCreated implements WebhookPayload {
uuid: String!
event: WebhookEvent!
date: Time!
newEvent: Event!
type LabelEvent implements WebhookPayload {
uuid: String!
event: WebhookEvent!
date: Time!
label: Label!
enum TicketStatus {
enum TicketResolution {
enum Authenticity {
The server vouches for this information as entered verbatim by the
attributed entity.
The server does not vouch for this information as entered by the attributed
entity, no authentication was provided.
The server has evidence that the information has likely been manipulated by
a third-party.
type Ticket {
The ticket ID is unique within each tracker, but is not globally unique.
The first ticket opened on a given tracker will have ID 1, then 2, and so
id: Int!
created: Time!
updated: Time!
submitter: Entity! @access(scope: PROFILE, kind: RO)
tracker: Tracker! @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RO)
Canonical ticket reference string; may be used in comments to identify the
ticket from anywhere.
ref: String!
subject: String!
body: String
status: TicketStatus!
resolution: TicketResolution!
authenticity: Authenticity!
labels: [Label!]!
assignees: [Entity!]! @access(scope: PROFILE, kind: RO)
events(cursor: Cursor): EventCursor! @access(scope: EVENTS, kind: RO)
If the authenticated user is subscribed to this ticket, this is that
subscription: TicketSubscription @access(scope: SUBSCRIPTIONS, kind: RO)
Returns a list of ticket webhook subscriptions. For clients
authenticated with a personal access token, this returns all webhooks
configured by all GraphQL clients for your account. For clients
authenticated with an OAuth 2.0 access token, this returns only webhooks
registered for your client.
webhooks(cursor: Cursor): WebhookSubscriptionCursor!
"Returns details of a ticket webhook subscription by its ID."
webhook(id: Int!): WebhookSubscription
interface ACL {
"Permission to view tickets"
browse: Boolean!
"Permission to submit tickets"
submit: Boolean!
"Permission to comment on tickets"
comment: Boolean!
"Permission to edit tickets"
edit: Boolean!
"Permission to resolve, re-open, transfer, or label tickets"
triage: Boolean!
These ACLs are configured for specific entities, and may be used to expand or
constrain the rights of a participant.
type TrackerACL implements ACL {
id: Int!
created: Time!
tracker: Tracker! @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RO)
entity: Entity! @access(scope: PROFILE, kind: RO)
browse: Boolean!
submit: Boolean!
comment: Boolean!
edit: Boolean!
triage: Boolean!
These ACL policies are applied non-specifically, e.g. the default ACL for all
authenticated users.
type DefaultACL implements ACL {
browse: Boolean!
submit: Boolean!
comment: Boolean!
edit: Boolean!
triage: Boolean!
type Label {
id: Int!
created: Time!
name: String!
tracker: Tracker! @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RO)
"In CSS hexadecimal format"
backgroundColor: String!
foregroundColor: String!
tickets(cursor: Cursor): TicketCursor! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RO)
enum EventType {
Represents an event which affects a ticket. Multiple changes can occur in a
single event, and are enumerated in the "changes" field.
type Event {
id: Int!
created: Time!
changes: [EventDetail!]!
ticket: Ticket! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RO)
interface EventDetail {
eventType: EventType!
ticket: Ticket! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RO)
type Created implements EventDetail {
eventType: EventType!
ticket: Ticket! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RO)
author: Entity! @access(scope: PROFILE, kind: RO)
type Assignment implements EventDetail {
eventType: EventType!
ticket: Ticket! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RO)
assigner: Entity! @access(scope: PROFILE, kind: RO)
assignee: Entity! @access(scope: PROFILE, kind: RO)
type Comment implements EventDetail {
eventType: EventType!
ticket: Ticket! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RO)
author: Entity! @access(scope: PROFILE, kind: RO)
text: String!
authenticity: Authenticity!
"If this comment has been edited, this field points to the new revision."
supersededBy: Comment
type LabelUpdate implements EventDetail {
eventType: EventType!
ticket: Ticket! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RO)
labeler: Entity! @access(scope: PROFILE, kind: RO)
label: Label!
type StatusChange implements EventDetail {
eventType: EventType!
ticket: Ticket! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RO)
editor: Entity! @access(scope: PROFILE, kind: RO)
oldStatus: TicketStatus!
newStatus: TicketStatus!
oldResolution: TicketResolution!
newResolution: TicketResolution!
type UserMention implements EventDetail {
eventType: EventType!
ticket: Ticket! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RO)
author: Entity! @access(scope: PROFILE, kind: RO)
mentioned: Entity! @access(scope: PROFILE, kind: RO)
type TicketMention implements EventDetail {
eventType: EventType!
ticket: Ticket! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RO)
author: Entity! @access(scope: PROFILE, kind: RO)
mentioned: Ticket! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RO)
interface ActivitySubscription {
id: Int!
created: Time!
A tracker subscription will notify a participant of all activity for a
tracker, including all new tickets and their events.
type TrackerSubscription implements ActivitySubscription {
id: Int!
created: Time!
tracker: Tracker! @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RO)
A ticket subscription will notify a participant when activity occurs on a
type TicketSubscription implements ActivitySubscription {
id: Int!
created: Time!
ticket: Ticket! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RO)
A cursor for enumerating trackers
If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
there are no remaining results to return.
type TrackerCursor {
results: [Tracker!]!
cursor: Cursor
A cursor for enumerating tickets
If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
there are no remaining results to return.
type TicketCursor {
results: [Ticket!]!
cursor: Cursor
A cursor for enumerating labels
If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
there are no remaining results to return.
type LabelCursor {
results: [Label!]!
cursor: Cursor
A cursor for enumerating access control list entries
If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
there are no remaining results to return.
type ACLCursor {
results: [TrackerACL!]!
cursor: Cursor
A cursor for enumerating events
If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
there are no remaining results to return.
type EventCursor {
results: [Event!]!
cursor: Cursor
A cursor for enumerating subscriptions
If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
there are no remaining results to return.
type ActivitySubscriptionCursor {
results: [ActivitySubscription!]!
cursor: Cursor
A cursor for enumerating a list of webhook deliveries
If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
there are no remaining results to return.
type WebhookDeliveryCursor {
results: [WebhookDelivery!]!
cursor: Cursor
A cursor for enumerating a list of webhook subscriptions
If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
there are no remaining results to return.
type WebhookSubscriptionCursor {
results: [WebhookSubscription!]!
cursor: Cursor
type Query {
"Returns API version information."
version: Version!
"Returns the authenticated user."
me: User! @access(scope: PROFILE, kind: RO)
"Returns a specific user."
user(username: String!): User @access(scope: PROFILE, kind: RO)
Returns trackers that the authenticated user has access to.
NOTE: in this version of the API, only trackers owned by the authenticated
user are returned, but in the future the default behavior will be to return
all trackers that the user either (1) has been given explicit access to via
ACLs or (2) has implicit access to either by ownership or group membership.
trackers(cursor: Cursor): TrackerCursor @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RO)
List of events which the authenticated user is subscribed to or implicated
in, ordered by the event date (recent events first).
events(cursor: Cursor): EventCursor @access(scope: EVENTS, kind: RO)
"List of subscriptions of the authenticated user."
subscriptions(cursor: Cursor): ActivitySubscriptionCursor @access(scope: SUBSCRIPTIONS, kind: RO)
Returns a list of user webhook subscriptions. For clients
authenticated with a personal access token, this returns all webhooks
configured by all GraphQL clients for your account. For clients
authenticated with an OAuth 2.0 access token, this returns only webhooks
registered for your client.
userWebhooks(cursor: Cursor): WebhookSubscriptionCursor!
"Returns details of a user webhook subscription by its ID."
userWebhook(id: Int!): WebhookSubscription
Returns information about the webhook currently being processed. This is
not valid during normal queries over HTTP, and will return an error if used
outside of a webhook context.
webhook: WebhookPayload!
"You may omit any fields to leave them unchanged."
# TODO: Allow users to change the name of a tracker
input TrackerInput {
description: String
visibility: Visibility
"You may omit any fields to leave them unchanged."
input UpdateLabelInput {
name: String
foregroundColor: String
backgroundColor: String
input ACLInput {
"Permission to view tickets"
browse: Boolean!
"Permission to submit tickets"
submit: Boolean!
"Permission to comment on tickets"
comment: Boolean!
"Permission to edit tickets"
edit: Boolean!
"Permission to resolve, re-open, transfer, or label tickets"
triage: Boolean!
This is used for importing tickets from third-party services, and may only be
used by the tracker owner. It causes a ticket submission, update, or comment
to be attributed to an external user and appear as if it were submitted at a
specific time.
input ImportInput {
created: Time!
External user ID. By convention this should be "service:username", e.g.
externalId: String!
A URL at which the user's external profile may be found, e.g.
externalUrl: String!
input SubmitTicketInput {
subject: String!
body: String
# These fields are meant for use when importing tickets from third-party
# services, and may only be used by the tracker owner.
# TODO: Use ImportInput here
created: Time
externalId: String
externalUrl: String
# For internal use only.
input SubmitTicketEmailInput {
subject: String!
body: String
senderId: Int!
messageId: String!
# For internal use only.
enum EmailCmd {
# For internal use only.
input SubmitCommentEmailInput {
text: String!
senderId: Int!
cmd: EmailCmd
resolution: TicketResolution
labelIds: [Int!]
You may omit any fields to leave them unchanged. To remove the ticket body,
set it to null.
input UpdateTicketInput {
subject: String
body: String
"For use by the tracker owner only"
import: ImportInput
You may omit the status or resolution fields to leave them unchanged (or if
you do not have permission to change them). "resolution" is required if
status is RESOLVED.
input SubmitCommentInput {
text: String!
status: TicketStatus
resolution: TicketResolution
"For use by the tracker owner only"
import: ImportInput
"resolution" is required if status is RESOLVED.
input UpdateStatusInput {
status: TicketStatus!
resolution: TicketResolution
"For use by the tracker owner only"
import: ImportInput
input UserWebhookInput {
url: String!
events: [WebhookEvent!]!
query: String!
input TrackerWebhookInput {
url: String!
events: [WebhookEvent!]!
query: String!
input TicketWebhookInput {
url: String!
events: [WebhookEvent!]!
query: String!
type Mutation {
Creates a new bug tracker. If specified, the 'import' field specifies a
gzipped dump of a tracker to populate tickets from; see Tracker.export.
name: String!,
description: String,
visibility: Visibility!,
import: Upload): Tracker! @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RW)
"Updates an existing bug tracker"
id: Int!,
input: TrackerInput!): Tracker! @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RW)
"Deletes a bug tracker"
deleteTracker(id: Int!): Tracker! @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RW)
"Adds or updates the ACL for a specific user on a bug tracker"
trackerId: Int!,
userId: Int!,
input: ACLInput!): TrackerACL! @access(scope: ACLS, kind: RW)
# "Adds or updates the ACL for an email address on a bug tracker"
# TODO: This requires internal changes
# trackerId: Int!,
# address: String!,
# input: ACLInput!): TrackerACL! @access(scope: ACLS, kind: RW)
Updates the default ACL for a bug tracker, which applies to users and
senders for whom a more specific ACL does not exist.
trackerId: Int!,
input: ACLInput!): DefaultACL! @access(scope: ACLS, kind: RW)
Removes a tracker ACL. Following this change, the default tracker ACL will
apply to this user.
deleteACL(id: Int!): TrackerACL! @access(scope: ACLS, kind: RW)
"Subscribes to all email notifications for a tracker"
trackerId: Int!): TrackerSubscription! @access(scope: SUBSCRIPTIONS, kind: RW)
Unsubscribes from email notifications for a tracker. If "tickets" is true,
also unsubscribe from all tickets on this tracker.
trackerId: Int!,
tickets: Boolean!): TrackerSubscription! @access(scope: SUBSCRIPTIONS, kind: RW)
"Subscribes to all email notifications for a ticket"
trackerId: Int!,
ticketId: Int!): TicketSubscription! @access(scope: SUBSCRIPTIONS, kind: RW)
"Unsubscribes from email notifications for a ticket"
trackerId: Int!,
ticketId: Int!): TicketSubscription! @access(scope: SUBSCRIPTIONS, kind: RW)
Creates a new ticket label for a tracker. The colors must be in CSS
hexadecimal RGB format "#RRGGBB", i.e. "#000000" for black and "#FF0000" for
createLabel(trackerId: Int!, name: String!,
foregroundColor: String!, backgroundColor: String!): Label! @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RW)
"Changes the name or colors for a label."
updateLabel(id: Int!, input: UpdateLabelInput!): Label! @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RW)
Deletes a label, removing it from any tickets which currently have it
deleteLabel(id: Int!): Label! @access(scope: TRACKERS, kind: RW)
"Creates a new ticket."
submitTicket(trackerId: Int!,
input: SubmitTicketInput!): Ticket! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RW)
# Creates a new ticket from an incoming email. (For internal use only)
submitTicketEmail(trackerId: Int!,
input: SubmitTicketEmailInput!): Ticket! @internal
# Creates a new comment from an incoming email. (For internal use only)
submitCommentEmail(trackerId: Int!, ticketId: Int!,
input: SubmitCommentEmailInput!): Event! @internal
"Updates a ticket's subject or body"
updateTicket(trackerId: Int!, ticketId: Int!,
input: UpdateTicketInput!): Ticket! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RW)
"Updates the status or resolution of a ticket"
updateTicketStatus(trackerId: Int!, ticketId: Int!,
input: UpdateStatusInput!): Event! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RW)
"Submits a comment for a ticket"
submitComment(trackerId: Int!, ticketId: Int!,
input: SubmitCommentInput!): Event! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RW)
"Adds a user to the list of assigned users for a ticket"
assignUser(trackerId: Int!, ticketId: Int!,
userId: Int!): Event! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RW)
"Removes a user from the list of assigned users for a ticket"
unassignUser(trackerId: Int!, ticketId: Int!,
userId: Int!): Event! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RW)
"Adds a label to the list of labels for a ticket"
labelTicket(trackerId: Int!, ticketId: Int!,
labelId: Int!): Event! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RW)
"Removes a list from the list of labels for a ticket"
unlabelTicket(trackerId: Int!, ticketId: Int!,
labelId: Int!): Event! @access(scope: TICKETS, kind: RW)
Creates a new user webhook subscription. When an event from the
provided list of events occurs, the 'query' parameter (a GraphQL query)
will be evaluated and the results will be sent to the provided URL as the
body of an HTTP POST request. The list of events must include at least one
event, and no duplicates.
This query is evaluated in the webhook context, such that query { webhook }
may be used to access details of the event which trigged the webhook. The
query may not make any mutations.
createUserWebhook(config: UserWebhookInput!): WebhookSubscription!
Deletes a user webhook. Any events already queued may still be
delivered after this request completes. Clients authenticated with a
personal access token may delete any webhook registered for their account,
but authorized OAuth 2.0 clients may only delete their own webhooks.
Manually deleting a webhook configured by a third-party client may cause
unexpected behavior with the third-party integration.
deleteUserWebhook(id: Int!): WebhookSubscription!
"Creates a new tracker webhook."
createTrackerWebhook(trackerId: Int!, config: TrackerWebhookInput!): WebhookSubscription!
"Deletes a tracker webhook."
deleteTrackerWebhook(id: Int!): WebhookSubscription!
"Creates a new ticket webhook."
createTicketWebhook(trackerId: Int!, ticketId: Int!, config: TicketWebhookInput!): WebhookSubscription!
"Deletes a ticket webhook."
deleteTicketWebhook(id: Int!): WebhookSubscription!