{% extends "settings.html" %} {% block title %} Configure {{tracker.owner}}/{{tracker.name}} — {{ cfg("sr.ht", "site-name") }} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

Export tracker dump

This tool will export a JSON dump which includes all data on this tracker. The export format is a single JSON file including each ticket and its events in the same format as provided via the todo.sr.ht API.

Some of this data is cryptographically signed. Expand this for details.

We provide cryptographic signatures for some ticket info and comment details in the exported data. This can be used if you re-import this dump into todo.sr.ht or into another instance elsewhere to prove that the data is an authentic representation of what each user had said.

For each ticket, the signature uses the webhook signature process after preparing the following JSON data as UTF-8:

  "tracker_id": $trackerId,
  "ticket_id": $ticketId,
  "subject": $subject,
  "body": $body,
  "submitter_id": "$userId",
  "upstream": "{{get_origin('todo.sr.ht', external=True)}}",

Comments use the same process with the following JSON data as UTF-8:

  "tracker_id": $trackerId,
  "ticket_id": $ticketId,
  "comment": $comment,
  "author_id": "$userId",
  "upstream": "{{get_origin('todo.sr.ht', external=True)}}",

In each case, the resulting JSON is minified before being signed. Signatures are only used for tickets and comments from users with accounts; external users' emailed submissions are not signed.


Import tracker dump

This tool will re-import a gzipped JSON dump generated by the export tool on this or another todo.sr.ht instance.

{% endblock %}