121 lines
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import grp
import os
import pwd
import sys
from srht.config import cfg, cfgb
from srht.database import db
from srht.validation import Validation
from metasrht.audit import audit_log
from metasrht.auth.base import AuthMethod, get_user
from metasrht.auth_validation import validate_username
from metasrht.types import User, UserType
class PamAuthMethod(AuthMethod):
def __init__(self):
from pam import pam
self.pam = pam
except ImportError:
"could not import 'pam', this is necessary for PAM "
"authentication; please install python_pam or change "
"'auth-method=unix-pam' in the configuration file.",
self.domain = cfg('', 'email-default-domain')
self.service = cfg('', 'service', 'sshd')
self.create_users = cfgb('', 'create-users')
user_group = cfg('', 'user-group', '')
admin_group = cfg('', 'admin-group', '')
self.user_group = grp.getgrnam(user_group).gr_gid if user_group \
else None
self.admin_group = grp.getgrnam(admin_group).gr_gid if admin_group \
else None
def user_valid(self, valid: Validation, username: str, password: str) \
-> bool:
user = get_user(username)
if user is None:
# Since users will get auto-created here (in prepare_user), validate
# the username to ensure valid names in the database
valid_dummy = Validation({})
validate_username(valid_dummy, username)
if not valid_dummy.ok:
valid.error('Username or password incorrect')
return False
if not self.create_users:
valid.error('Username or password incorrect')
return False
# Make sure we're using the actual user name for PAM authentication,
# even when the user logs in with the email address
username = user.username
if not self.pam().authenticate(username, password, self.service):
valid.error('Username or password incorrect')
return False
if self.user_group is not None:
groups = get_user_groups(username)
if self.user_group not in groups and (
self.admin_group is None or self.admin_group not in groups):
valid.error('Username or password incorrect')
return False
return True
def prepare_user(self, username: str) -> User:
user = get_user(username)
if user is None:
assert self.create_users, \
"tried to call prepare_user for an user that doesn't exist, " \
"and create_users is false"
user = self.create(username)
if self.admin_group is not None:
user_groups = os.getgrouplist(user.username,
should_be_admin = False
if self.admin_group in user_groups:
should_be_admin = True
is_admin = user.user_type == UserType.admin
if should_be_admin and not is_admin:
user.user_type = UserType.admin
elif not should_be_admin and is_admin:
user.user_type = UserType.active_non_paying
return user
def create(self, username: str) -> User:
user = User(username) = f'{username}@{self.domain}'
user.password = ''
user.confirmation_hash = None
user.user_type = UserType.active_non_paying
audit_log("account created", user=user)
return user
def get_user_groups(username: str) -> [int]:
return os.getgrouplist(username, pwd.getpwnam(username).pw_gid)