import os.path import requests import yaml from abc import ABC from flask import url_for from jinja2 import Markup, escape from srht.api import ensure_webhooks, get_authorization, get_results from srht.markdown import markdown from srht.config import get_origin _gitsrht = get_origin("", external=True, default=None) _hgsrht = get_origin("", external=True, default=None) _listsrht = get_origin("", external=True, default=None) _todosrht = get_origin("", external=True, default=None) _buildsrht = get_origin("", default=None) origin = get_origin("") readme_names = ["", "README.markdown", "README"] def format_readme(content, filename="", link_prefix=None): markdown_exts = ['.md', '.markdown'] basename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext in markdown_exts: html = markdown(content, link_prefix=link_prefix) else: html = f"
" return Markup(html) class SrhtService(ABC): def __init__(self): self.session = requests.Session() def post(self, user, valid, url, payload): r =, headers=get_authorization(user), json=payload) if r.status_code == 400: if valid: for error in r.json()["errors"]: valid.error(error["reason"], field=error.get("field")) return None elif r.status_code not in [200, 201]: raise Exception(r.text) return r.json() def put(self, user, valid, url, payload): r = self.session.put(url, headers=get_authorization(user), json=payload) if r.status_code == 400: if valid: for error in r.json()["errors"]: valid.error(error["reason"], field=error.get("field")) return None elif r.status_code not in [200, 201]: raise Exception(r.text) return r.json() manifests_query = """ query Manifests($repoId: Int!) { repository(id: $repoId) { multiple: path(path:".builds") { object { ... on Tree { entries { results { name object { ... on TextBlob { text } } } } } } }, single: path(path:".build.yml") { object { ... on TextBlob { text } } } } } """ class GitService(SrhtService): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def get_repos(self, user): return get_results(f"{_gitsrht}/api/repos", user) def get_repo(self, user, repo_name): r = self.session.get(f"{_gitsrht}/api/repos/{repo_name}", headers=get_authorization(user)) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(r.text) return r.json() def get_readme(self, user, repo_name, repo_url): # TODO: Cache? # TODO: Use default branch link_prefix = repo_url + "/blob/refs/heads/master/" for readme_name in readme_names: r = self.session.get(f"{_gitsrht}/api/repos/{repo_name}/blob/master/{readme_name}", headers=get_authorization(user)) if r.status_code == 404: continue elif r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(r.text) return format_readme(r.text, readme_name, link_prefix) return format_readme("") def get_manifests(self, user, repo_id): r =, None, f"{_gitsrht}/query", { "query": manifests_query, "variables": { "repoId": repo_id, }, }) manifests = dict() if r["data"]["repository"]["multiple"]: for ent in r["data"]["repository"]["multiple"]["object"]\ ["entries"]["results"]: manifests[ent["name"]] = ent["object"]["text"] elif r["data"]["repository"]["single"]: manifests[".build.yml"] = r["data"]["repository"]["single"]\ ["object"]["text"] else: return None return manifests def create_repo(self, user, valid, visibility): name = valid.require("name") description = valid.require("description") if not valid.ok: return None return, valid, f"{_gitsrht}/api/repos", { "name": name, "description": description, "visibility": visibility.value, }) def delete_repo(self, user, repo_name): r = self.session.delete(f"{_gitsrht}/api/repos/{repo_name}", headers=get_authorization(user)) if r.status_code != 204 and r.status_code != 404: raise Exception(r.text) def ensure_user_webhooks(self, user): config = { origin + url_for("webhooks.git_user", ["repo:update", "repo:delete"], } ensure_webhooks(user, f"{_gitsrht}/api/user/webhooks", config) def ensure_user_webhooks(self, user): config = { } ensure_webhooks(user, f"{_gitsrht}/api/user/webhooks", config) def ensure_repo_webhooks(self, repo): config = { origin + url_for("webhooks.git_repo", ["repo:post-update"], } owner = repo.owner url = f"{_gitsrht}/api/{owner.canonical_name}/repos/{}/webhooks" ensure_webhooks(owner, url, config) def unensure_repo_webhooks(self, repo): config = { } owner = repo.owner url = f"{_gitsrht}/api/{owner.canonical_name}/repos/{}/webhooks" try: ensure_webhooks(owner, url, config) except: pass # nbd, upstream was presumably deleted class HgService(SrhtService): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def get_repos(self, user): return get_results(f"{_hgsrht}/api/repos", user) def get_repo(self, user, repo_name): r = self.session.get(f"{_hgsrht}/api/repos/{repo_name}", headers=get_authorization(user)) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(r.text) return r.json() def get_readme(self, user, repo_name, repo_url): # TODO: Cache? link_prefix = repo_url + "/raw/" for readme_name in readme_names: r = self.session.get(f"{_hgsrht}/api/repos/{repo_name}/raw/{readme_name}", headers=get_authorization(user)) if r.status_code == 404: continue elif r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(r.text) return format_readme(r.text, readme_name, link_prefix) return format_readme("") def create_repo(self, user, valid, visibility): name = valid.require("name") description = valid.require("description") if not valid.ok: return None return, valid, f"{_hgsrht}/api/repos", { "name": name, "description": description, "visibility": visibility.value, }) def delete_repo(self, user, repo_name): r = self.session.delete(f"{_hgsrht}/api/repos/{repo_name}", headers=get_authorization(user)) if r.status_code != 204 and r.status_code != 404: raise Exception(r.text) def ensure_user_webhooks(self, user): config = { origin + url_for("webhooks.hg_user", ["repo:update", "repo:delete"], } ensure_webhooks(user, f"{_hgsrht}/api/user/webhooks", config) def unensure_user_webhooks(self, user): config = { } try: ensure_webhooks(user, f"{_hgsrht}/api/user/webhooks", config) except: pass # nbd, upstream was presumably deleted class ListService(SrhtService): def get_lists(self, user): return get_results(f"{_listsrht}/api/lists", user) def get_list(self, user, list_name): r = self.session.get(f"{_listsrht}/api/lists/{list_name}", headers=get_authorization(user)) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(r.json()) return r.json() def ensure_mailing_list_webhooks(self, mailing_list): config = { origin + url_for("webhooks.mailing_list", ["list:update", "list:delete", "post:received", "patchset:received"], } owner = mailing_list.owner url = f"{_listsrht}/api/user/{owner.canonical_name}/lists/{}/webhooks" ensure_webhooks(owner, url, config) def unensure_mailing_list_webhooks(self, mailing_list): config = { } owner = mailing_list.owner url = f"{_listsrht}/api/user/{owner.canonical_name}/lists/{}/webhooks" try: ensure_webhooks(owner, url, config) except: pass # nbd, upstream was presumably deleted def create_list(self, user, valid): name = valid.require("name") description = valid.optional("description") if not valid.ok: return None return, valid, f"{_listsrht}/api/lists", { "name": name, "description": description, }) def delete_list(self, user, list_name): r = self.session.delete(f"{_listsrht}/api/lists/{list_name}", headers=get_authorization(user)) if r.status_code != 204 and r.status_code != 404: raise Exception(r.text) def patchset_set_tool(self, user, list_name, patchset_id, key, icon, details): return self.put(user, None, f"{_listsrht}/api/lists/{list_name}/patchsets/{patchset_id}/tools", { "key": key, "icon": icon, "details": details, }) class TodoService(SrhtService): def get_trackers(self, user): return get_results(f"{_todosrht}/api/trackers", user) def get_tracker(self, user, tracker_name): r = self.session.get(f"{_todosrht}/api/trackers/{tracker_name}", headers=get_authorization(user)) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(r.json()) return r.json() def create_tracker(self, user, valid): name = valid.require("name") description = valid.optional("description") if not valid.ok: return None return, valid, f"{_todosrht}/api/trackers", { "name": name, "description": description, }) def delete_tracker(self, user, tracker_name): r = self.session.delete(f"{_todosrht}/api/trackers/{tracker_name}", headers=get_authorization(user)) if r.status_code != 204 and r.status_code != 404: raise Exception(r.text) def ensure_user_webhooks(self, user): config = { origin + url_for("webhooks.todo_user", ["tracker:update", "tracker:delete"] } url = f"{_todosrht}/api/user/webhooks" ensure_webhooks(user, url, config) def unensure_user_webhooks(self, user): config = { } url = f"{_todosrht}/api/user/webhooks" try: ensure_webhooks(user, url, config) except: pass # nbd, upstream was presumably deleted def ensure_tracker_webhooks(self, tracker): config = { origin + url_for("webhooks.todo_tracker", ["ticket:create"] } owner = tracker.owner url = f"{_todosrht}/api/user/{owner.canonical_name}/trackers/{}/webhooks" ensure_webhooks(owner, url, config) def unensure_tracker_webhooks(self, tracker): config = { } owner = tracker.owner url = f"{_todosrht}/api/user/{owner.canonical_name}/trackers/{}/webhooks" try: ensure_webhooks(owner, url, config) except: pass # nbd, upstream was presumably deleted def ensure_ticket_webhooks(self, tracker, ticket_id): config = { origin + url_for("webhooks.todo_ticket", ["event:create"] } owner = tracker.owner url = f"{_todosrht}/api/user/{owner.canonical_name}/trackers/{}/tickets/{ticket_id}/webhooks" ensure_webhooks(owner, url, config) def unensure_ticket_webhooks(self, tracker, ticket_id): config = { } owner = tracker.owner url = f"{_todosrht}/api/user/{owner.canonical_name}/trackers/{}/tickets/{ticket_id}/webhooks" try: ensure_webhooks(owner, url, config) except: pass # nbd, upstream was presumably deleted def create_tracker(self, user, valid): name = valid.require("name") description = valid.optional("description") if not valid.ok: return None return, valid, f"{_todosrht}/api/trackers", { "name": name, "description": description, }) class BuildService(SrhtService): def submit_build(self, user, manifest, note, tags, execute=True): return, None, f"{_buildsrht}/api/jobs", { "manifest": yaml.dump(manifest.to_dict(), default_flow_style=False), "tags": tags, "note": note, "secrets": False, "execute": execute, }) def create_group(self, user, job_ids, note, triggers): return, None, f"{_buildsrht}/api/job-group", { "jobs": job_ids, "note": note, "execute": True, "triggers": triggers, }) git = GitService() hg = HgService() lists = ListService() todo = TodoService() builds = BuildService()