{% extends "layout.html" %} {% import "event.html" as eventutil with context %} {% block title %} {{cfg("sr.ht", "site-name")}} dashboard {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if notice %}
{% endif %}

Welcome back, {{current_user.username}}! This is your project hub, which organizes and indexes projects for users on our platform.

Create new project {{icon("caret-right")}} Discover projects on {{cfg('sr.ht', 'site-name')}} {{icon("caret-right")}} Getting started with {{cfg('sr.ht', 'site-name')}} {{icon("caret-right")}}

{% if search_error %}
{{ search_error }}
{% endif %}
{% for project in projects %}

{% if project.visibility.value != 'PUBLIC' %} {{project.visibility.value.lower()}} {% endif %} {{project.name}}


{% if project.tags %}
{% for tag in project.tags %} #{{tag}} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for event in events %} {{ eventutil.event(event, project=True) }} {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}