import re from typing import List, Tuple _git_generated_prefixes = ( "Signed-off-by: ", "(cherry picked from commit ", ) def commit_trailers(message: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ Extract the trailers from a commit message. Return a list of pairs of (name, value). This borrows a large amount of logic from git core (trailer.c). """ lines = message.strip().splitlines() # The first paragraph is the title and cannot be trailers while lines and lines[0] != '': del lines[0] recognized_prefix = False only_spaces = True trailer_lines = non_trailer_lines = 0 possible_continuation_lines = 0 # Get the start of the trailers by looking starting from the end for a # blank line before a set of non-blank lines that (i) are all trailers, or # (ii) contains at least one Git-generated trailer and consists of at least # 25% trailers. i = len(lines) - 1 while i >= 0: line = lines[i] if not line.strip(): # blank line if only_spaces: i -= 1 continue if recognized_prefix and trailer_lines * 3 >= non_trailer_lines: i += 1 break if trailer_lines > 0 and non_trailer_lines == 0: i += 1 break return [] only_spaces = False if any(line.startswith(p) for p in _git_generated_prefixes): trailer_lines += 1 possible_continuation_lines = 0 recognized_prefix = True elif"^[A-Za-z\d][A-Za-z\d-]*\s*:", line): trailer_lines += 1 possible_continuation_lines = 0 elif line[0] in (" ", "\t"): possible_continuation_lines += 1 else: non_trailer_lines += 1 + possible_continuation_lines possible_continuation_lines = 0 i -= 1 # Iterate over all remaining lines and collect trailer names and values. # If a line does not match a trailer and starts with a space or tab, its # contents are appended to the current trailer value. trailers = [] name = value = None for line in lines[i:]: match = re.match(r"^([A-Za-z\d][A-Za-z\d-]*)\s*:\s*(.*)$", line) if match: if name is not None and value is not None: trailers.append((name, value)) name = match[1] value = match[2] elif name is not None and value is not None and line[0] in (" ", "\t"): # continuation line value += "\n" + line if name is not None and value is not None: trailers.append((name, value)) return trailers