116 lines
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import shlex
from sqlalchemy import and_, or_, not_
from collections import namedtuple
Term = namedtuple("Term", ["key", "value", "inverse"])
def search(query, search_string, default_fn, key_fns={}, fallback_fn=None,
"""Filters a query according to the given search string.
The search string is comprised of search terms separated by whitespace.
A **search term** can be a single word, an expression in quotes, or a
key:value pair separated by a colon. The key may be inversed by prefixing
it with an exclamation mark.
**Filter functions** are function which take a search value and return the
corresponding SQLAlchemy filter to be applied to the given query.
Iterates over search terms in the search string, produces a list of
corresponding filters, AND's them together and filters the queryset using
the resulting filter. If a key is inversed using !, the filter returned by
the filter function will be negated before applying.
query : sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query
Query to be filtered.
search_string : str
A search string comprised of values and key:value pairs separated by
whitespace. Values may be quoted.
default_fn : function
Filter function applied to key-less search terms.
key_fns : map
Map of filter functions, indexed by key, applied to search terms
prefixed by the same key.
fallback_fn : function
Filter function applied to terms with keys for which no function is
defined in key_fns. Unlike other search function which only take a
value argument, this function takes both the key and the value as
term_map : function
Filter the terms through this function before parsing.
Query with the search filter applied.
If the search term cannot be parsed (e.g. mismatched quotes).
If the query string contains a search term with a key for which no
filter function is defined in `key_fns` and no `fallback_fn` is given.
terms = parse_terms(search_string, term_map)
return apply_terms(query, terms, default_fn, key_fns, fallback_fn)
def search_by(query, search_string, fields, key_fns={}, fallback_fn=None,
Same as `search()`, but instead of taking a default filter function,
takes a list of fields to search by default.
def default_fn(value):
return or_(f.ilike(f"%{value}%") for f in fields)
return search(query, search_string, default_fn, key_fns, fallback_fn,
def parse_terms(search_string, term_map=None):
"""Splits a search string into search Terms."""
search_string = search_string or ""
for term in shlex.split(search_string):
if term_map:
term = term_map(term)
if ":" in term:
key, value = term.split(":", maxsplit=1)
if key.startswith("!"):
yield Term(key[1:], value, True)
yield Term(key, value, False)
yield Term(None, term, None)
def apply_terms(query, terms, default_fn, key_fns={}, fallback_fn=None):
"""Converts terms to filters, and filters the query."""
# TODO: OR, case-sensitivity(?)
if not terms:
return query
filters = []
for term in terms:
if term.key is None:
filter = default_fn(term.value)
elif term.key in key_fns:
filter = key_fns[term.key](term.value)
elif fallback_fn is not None:
filter = fallback_fn(term.key, term.value)
raise ValueError(f"Invalid search key '{term.key}'")
filters.append(not_(filter) if term.inverse else filter)
return query.filter(and_(*filters))