
113 lines
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package crypto
import (
var (
webhookSk ed25519.PrivateKey
webhookPk ed25519.PublicKey
bearerKey []byte
fernetKey *fernet.Key
func InitCrypto(config ini.File) {
b64key, ok := config.Get("webhooks", "private-key")
if !ok {
log.Fatalf("No webhook key configured")
seed, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(b64key)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("base64 decode webhooks private key: %v", err)
webhookSk = ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(seed)
webhookPk, _ = webhookSk.Public().(ed25519.PublicKey)
b64fernet, ok := config.Get("", "network-key")
if !ok {
log.Fatalf("No network key configured")
fernetKey, err = fernet.DecodeKey(b64fernet)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Load Fernet network encryption key: %v", err)
mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, webhookSk)
mac.Write([]byte(" HMAC key"))
bearerKey = mac.Sum(nil)
func Sign(payload []byte) []byte {
return ed25519.Sign(webhookSk, payload)
func Verify(payload, signature []byte) bool {
return ed25519.Verify(webhookPk, payload, signature)
func Encrypt(payload []byte) []byte {
msg, err := fernet.EncryptAndSign(payload, fernetKey)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error encrypting payload: %v", err)
return msg
func DecryptWithoutExpiration(payload []byte) []byte {
return fernet.VerifyAndDecrypt(payload,
time.Duration(0), []*fernet.Key{fernetKey})
func DecryptWithExpiration(payload []byte, expiry time.Duration) []byte {
if expiry == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("DecryptWithExpiration given expiration of zero. Use DecryptWithoutExpiration if you really meant it."))
return fernet.VerifyAndDecrypt(payload, expiry, []*fernet.Key{fernetKey})
func BearerHMAC(payload []byte) []byte {
mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, bearerKey)
return mac.Sum(nil)
func BearerVerify(payload []byte, signature []byte) bool {
mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, bearerKey)
expected := mac.Sum(nil)
return hmac.Equal(expected, signature)
// Signs the payload for a webhook, returning respectively the values for the
// X-Payload-Nonce and X-Payload-Signature headers.
func SignWebhook(payload []byte) (string, string) {
var nonceSeed [8]byte
_, err := rand.Read(nonceSeed[:])
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to generate nonce: %w", err))
nonce := hex.EncodeToString(nonceSeed[:])
signature := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(
Sign(append(payload, []byte(nonce)...)))
return nonce, signature
func VerifyWebhook(payload []byte, nonce, signature string) bool {
s, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(signature)
if err != nil {
return false
return Verify(append(payload, []byte(nonce)...), s)