
89 lines
2.3 KiB

const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const terser = require("terser");
const prettier = require("prettier");
// When --write is set, files will be written in place
// Otherwise it only prints outdated files
const doWrite = process.argv.includes("--write");
const files = ["lib/util/semver.js"];
(async () => {
for (const file of files) {
const filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, "..", file);
const content = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf-8");
const exports = require(`../${file}`);
const regexp =
/\n\/\/#region runtime code: (.+)\n[\s\S]+?\/\/#endregion\n/g;
const replaces = new Map();
let match = regexp.exec(content);
while (match) {
const [fullMatch, name] = match;
const originalCode = exports[name].toString();
const header = /^\(?([^=)]+)\)?\s=> \{/.exec(originalCode);
const body = originalCode.slice(header[0].length, -1);
const result = await terser.minify(
["input.js"]: body
compress: true,
mangle: true,
ecma: 5,
toplevel: true,
parse: {
bare_returns: true
const args = header[1];
if (/`|const|let|=>|\.\.\./.test(result.code)) {
throw new Error(`Code Style of ${name} in ${file} is too high`);
let templateLiteral = false;
const code = result.code
.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")
.replace(/'/g, "\\'")
.replace(/function\(([^)]+)\)/g, (m, args) => {
templateLiteral = true;
return `\${runtimeTemplate.supportsArrowFunction() ? '${
args.includes(",") ? `(${args})` : args
}=>' : 'function(${args})'}`;
//#region runtime code: ${name}
exports.${name}RuntimeCode = runtimeTemplate => \`var ${name} = \${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("${args}", [
"// see webpack/${file} for original code",
${templateLiteral ? `\`${code}\`` : `'${code}'`}
match = regexp.exec(content);
const prettierConfig = prettier.resolveConfig.sync(filePath);
const newContent = prettier.format(
content.replace(regexp, match => replaces.get(match)),
{ filepath: filePath, ...prettierConfig }
if (newContent !== content) {
if (doWrite) {
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, newContent, "utf-8");
console.error(`${file} updated`);
} else {
console.error(`${file} need to be updated`);
process.exitCode = 1;