
652 lines
17 KiB

MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
"use strict";
const DependenciesBlock = require("./DependenciesBlock");
const Template = require("./Template");
const SortableSet = require("./util/SortableSet");
/** @typedef {import("webpack-sources").Source} Source */
/** @typedef {import("./Chunk")} Chunk */
/** @typedef {import("./ChunkGroup")} ChunkGroup */
/** @typedef {import("./Compilation")} Compilation */
/** @typedef {import("./Dependency")} Dependency */
/** @typedef {import("./DependencyTemplates")} DependencyTemplates */
/** @typedef {import("./ModuleGraph")} ModuleGraph */
/** @typedef {import("./RequestShortener")} RequestShortener */
/** @typedef {import("./RuntimeTemplate")} RuntimeTemplate */
/** @typedef {import("./WebpackError")} WebpackError */
/** @typedef {import("./util/createHash").Hash} Hash */
* @typedef {Object} SourceContext
* @property {DependencyTemplates} dependencyTemplates the dependency templates
* @property {RuntimeTemplate} runtimeTemplate the runtime template
* @property {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph
* @property {string=} type the type of source that should be generated
* @typedef {Object} LibIdentOptions
* @property {string} context absolute context path to which lib ident is relative to
* @typedef {Object} KnownBuildMeta
* @property {(boolean | string[])=} providedExports
* @property {("named" | "namespace")=} exportsType
/** @typedef {KnownBuildMeta & Record<string, any>} BuildMeta */
const optimizationBailoutSymbol = Symbol("optimization bailout");
const usedExportsSymbol = Symbol("used exports");
const issuerSymbol = Symbol("issuer");
let debugId = 1000;
const sortById = (a, b) => {
return a.id - b.id;
const sortByDebugId = (a, b) => {
return a.debugId - b.debugId;
const getIndexMap = set => {
const map = new Map();
let idx = 0;
for (const item of set) {
map.set(item, idx++);
return map;
const getJoinedString = set => {
return Array.from(set).join(",");
/** @typedef {(requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string} OptimizationBailoutFunction */
class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type, context = null) {
/** @type {string} */
this.type = type;
/** @type {string} */
this.context = context;
// Unique Id
/** @type {number} */
this.debugId = debugId++;
// Hash
/** @type {string} */
this.hash = undefined;
/** @type {string} */
this.renderedHash = undefined;
// Info from Factory
/** @type {TODO} */
this.resolveOptions = EMPTY_RESOLVE_OPTIONS;
/** @type {object} */
this.factoryMeta = {};
// Info from Build
/** @type {WebpackError[]} */
this.warnings = [];
/** @type {WebpackError[]} */
this.errors = [];
/** @type {BuildMeta} */
this.buildMeta = undefined;
/** @type {object} */
this.buildInfo = undefined;
// Graph (per Compilation)
/** @type {SortableSet<Chunk>} */
this._chunks = new SortableSet(undefined, sortById);
// Info from Compilation (per Compilation)
/** @type {number|string} */
this.id = null;
/** @type {number} */
this.index = null;
/** @type {number} */
this.index2 = null;
/** @type {number} */
this.depth = null;
/** @type {undefined | object} */
this.profile = undefined;
/** @type {boolean} */
this.prefetched = false;
/** @type {boolean} */
this.built = false;
/** @type {boolean} */
this.useSourceMap = false;
* @deprecated moved to .buildInfo.exportsArgument
* @returns {string} name of the exports argument
get exportsArgument() {
return (this.buildInfo && this.buildInfo.exportsArgument) || "exports";
* @deprecated moved to .buildInfo.moduleArgument
* @returns {string} name of the module argument
get moduleArgument() {
return (this.buildInfo && this.buildInfo.moduleArgument) || "module";
* @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph
* @returns {Module | null} the issuer module
getIssuer(moduleGraph) {
const meta = moduleGraph.getMeta(this);
return meta[issuerSymbol];
* @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph
* @param {Module | null} issuer the issuer module
* @returns {void}
setIssuer(moduleGraph, issuer) {
const meta = moduleGraph.getMeta(this);
meta[issuerSymbol] = issuer;
* @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph
* @returns {(string | OptimizationBailoutFunction)[]} optimization bailouts
getOptimizationBailout(moduleGraph) {
const meta = moduleGraph.getMeta(this);
const list = meta[optimizationBailoutSymbol];
if (list === undefined) {
return (meta[optimizationBailoutSymbol] = []);
return list;
* @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph
* @returns {false | true | SortableSet<string> | null} the used exports
* false: module is not used at all.
* true: the module namespace/object export is used.
* SortableSet<string>: these export names are used.
* empty SortableSet<string>: module is used but no export.
* null: unknown, worst case should be assumed.
getUsedExports(moduleGraph) {
const value = moduleGraph.getMeta(this)[usedExportsSymbol];
return value === undefined ? null : value;
* @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph
* @param {false | true | SortableSet<string>} usedExports the used exports
* @returns {void}
setUsedExports(moduleGraph, usedExports) {
moduleGraph.getMeta(this)[usedExportsSymbol] = usedExports;
* disconnect the module from the graph
* @returns {void}
disconnect() {
this.hash = undefined;
this.renderedHash = undefined;
this.id = null;
this.index = null;
this.index2 = null;
this.depth = null;
this.profile = undefined;
this.prefetched = false;
this.built = false;
* @returns {void}
unseal() {
this.id = null;
this.index = null;
this.index2 = null;
this.depth = null;
* Sets the chunks to a new value
* @protected
* @param {Iterable<Chunk>} chunks the new chunks
* @returns {void}
setChunks(chunks) {
this._chunks = new SortableSet(chunks, sortById);
* @param {Chunk} chunk added chunk
* @returns {boolean} true, if the chunk could be added
addChunk(chunk) {
if (this._chunks.has(chunk)) return false;
return true;
* @param {Chunk} chunk removed chunk
* @returns {boolean} true, if the chunk could be removed
removeChunk(chunk) {
if (this._chunks.delete(chunk)) {
return true;
return false;
* @param {Chunk} chunk chunk to be tested
* @returns {boolean} true, if the module is in a chunk
isInChunk(chunk) {
return this._chunks.has(chunk);
* @returns {boolean} true, if the module is entry of any chunk
isEntryModule() {
for (const chunk of this._chunks) {
if (chunk.entryModule === this) return true;
return false;
* @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph
* @returns {boolean} true, if the module is optional
isOptional(moduleGraph) {
const connections = moduleGraph.getIncomingConnections(this);
return (
connections.length > 0 &&
connections.every(r => r.dependency && r.dependency.optional)
* @returns {Chunk[]} all chunks which contain the module
getChunks() {
return Array.from(this._chunks);
* @returns {number} the number of chunk which contain the module
getNumberOfChunks() {
return this._chunks.size;
* @returns {Iterable<Chunk>} chunks that contain the module
get chunksIterable() {
return this._chunks;
* @param {Module} otherModule some other module
* @returns {boolean} true, if modules are in the same chunks
hasEqualChunks(otherModule) {
if (this._chunks.size !== otherModule._chunks.size) return false;
const a = this._chunks[Symbol.iterator]();
const b = otherModule._chunks[Symbol.iterator]();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
const aItem = a.next();
const bItem = b.next();
if (aItem.done) return true;
if (aItem.value !== bItem.value) return false;
* @param {Chunk} chunk a chunk
* @param {Chunk=} ignoreChunk chunk to be ignored
* @returns {boolean} true, if the module is accessible from "chunk" when ignoring "ignoreChunk"
isAccessibleInChunk(chunk, ignoreChunk) {
// Check if module is accessible in ALL chunk groups
for (const chunkGroup of chunk.groupsIterable) {
if (!this.isAccessibleInChunkGroup(chunkGroup)) return false;
return true;
* @param {ChunkGroup} chunkGroup a chunk group
* @param {Chunk=} ignoreChunk chunk to be ignored
* @returns {boolean} true, if the module is accessible from "chunkGroup" when ignoring "ignoreChunk"
isAccessibleInChunkGroup(chunkGroup, ignoreChunk) {
const queue = new Set([chunkGroup]);
// Check if module is accessible from all items of the queue
queueFor: for (const cg of queue) {
// 1. If module is in one of the chunks of the group we can continue checking the next items
// because it's accessible.
for (const chunk of cg.chunks) {
if (chunk !== ignoreChunk && chunk.containsModule(this))
continue queueFor;
// 2. If the chunk group is initial, we can break here because it's not accessible.
if (chunkGroup.isInitial()) return false;
// 3. Enqueue all parents because it must be accessible from ALL parents
for (const parent of chunkGroup.parentsIterable) queue.add(parent);
// When we processed through the whole list and we didn't bailout, the module is accessible
return true;
* @param {Chunk} chunk a chunk
* @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph
* @returns {boolean} true, if the module has any reason why "chunk" should be included
hasReasonForChunk(chunk, moduleGraph) {
// check for each reason if we need the chunk
for (const connection of moduleGraph.getIncomingConnections(this)) {
const fromModule = connection.originModule;
for (const originChunk of fromModule.chunksIterable) {
// return true if module this is not reachable from originChunk when ignoring cunk
if (!this.isAccessibleInChunk(originChunk, chunk)) return true;
return false;
* @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph
* @returns {boolean} true if at least one other module depends on this module
hasReasons(moduleGraph) {
return moduleGraph.getIncomingConnections(this).length > 0;
* @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph
* @returns {boolean} true, if the module is used
isModuleUsed(moduleGraph) {
return this.getUsedExports(moduleGraph) !== false;
* @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph
* @param {string} exportName a name of an export
* @returns {boolean} true, if the export is used
isExportUsed(moduleGraph, exportName) {
const usedExports = this.getUsedExports(moduleGraph);
if (usedExports === null || usedExports === true) return true;
if (usedExports === false) return false;
return usedExports.has(exportName);
* @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph
* @param {string} exportName a name of an export
* @returns {string | false} false, when module or referenced export is unused.
* string, the mangled export name when used.
getUsedName(moduleGraph, exportName) {
const usedExports = this.getUsedExports(moduleGraph);
if (usedExports === null || usedExports === true) return exportName;
if (usedExports === false) return false;
if (!usedExports.has(exportName)) return false;
// Mangle export name if possible
if (this.isProvided(exportName)) {
if (this.buildMeta.exportsType === "namespace") {
const idx = usedExports
return Template.numberToIdentifer(idx);
if (
this.buildMeta.exportsType === "named" &&
) {
const idx = usedExports
return Template.numberToIdentifer(idx);
return exportName;
* @param {string} exportName a name of an export
* @returns {boolean | null} true, if the export is provided why the module.
* null, if it's unknown.
* false, if it's not provided.
isProvided(exportName) {
if (!Array.isArray(this.buildMeta.providedExports)) return null;
return this.buildMeta.providedExports.includes(exportName);
* @returns {string} for debugging
toString() {
return `Module[${this.id || this.debugId}]`;
* @param {TODO} fileTimestamps timestamps of files
* @param {TODO} contextTimestamps timestamps of directories
* @returns {boolean} true, if the module needs a rebuild
needRebuild(fileTimestamps, contextTimestamps) {
return true;
* @param {Hash} hash the hash used to track dependencies
* @param {Compilation} compilation the compilation
* @returns {void}
updateHash(hash, compilation) {
const usedExports = this.getUsedExports(compilation.moduleGraph);
if (typeof usedExports === "boolean") {
} else if (!usedExports) {
} else {
super.updateHash(hash, compilation);
* Sorts items in this module
* @param {boolean=} sortChunks sort the chunks too
* @returns {void}
sortItems(sortChunks) {
if (sortChunks) this._chunks.sort();
* @returns {void}
unbuild() {
this.dependencies.length = 0;
this.blocks.length = 0;
this.buildMeta = undefined;
this.buildInfo = undefined;
* @abstract
* @returns {string} a unique identifier of the module
identifier() {
throw new Error("Module.identifier: Must be overriden");
* @abstract
* @param {RequestShortener} requestShortener the request shortener
* @returns {string} a user readable identifier of the module
readableIdentifier(requestShortener) {
throw new Error("Module.readableIdentifier: Must be overriden");
* @abstract
* @param {TODO} options TODO
* @param {Compilation} compilation the compilation
* @param {TODO} resolver TODO
* @param {TODO} fs the file system
* @param {function(Error=): void} callback callback function
* @returns {void}
build(options, compilation, resolver, fs, callback) {
throw new Error("Module.build: Must be overriden");
* @abstract
* @param {SourceContext} sourceContext source context
* @returns {Source} generated source
source(sourceContext) {
throw new Error("Module.source: Must be overriden");
* @abstract
* @returns {number} the estimated size of the module
size() {
throw new Error("Module.size: Must be overriden");
* @param {LibIdentOptions} options options
* @returns {string | null} an identifier for library inclusion
libIdent(options) {
return null;
* @returns {string | null} absolute path which should be used for condition matching (usually the resource path)
nameForCondition() {
return null;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk which condition should be checked
* @returns {boolean} true, if the chunk is ok for the module
chunkCondition(chunk) {
return true;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
* @param {Module} module fresh module
* @returns {void}
updateCacheModule(module) {
// do nothing
// this method can be overriden
* @returns {Source | null} the original source for the module before webpack transformation
originalSource() {
return null;
Object.defineProperty(Module.prototype, "hasEqualsChunks", {
get() {
throw new Error(
"Module.hasEqualsChunks was renamed (use hasEqualChunks instead)"
Object.defineProperty(Module.prototype, "isUsed", {
get() {
throw new Error(
"Module.isUsed was renamed (use getUsedName, isExportUsed or isModuleUsed instead)"
Object.defineProperty(Module.prototype, "used", {
get() {
throw new Error("Module.used was refactored (use getUsedExports instead)");
set(value) {
throw new Error("Module.used was refactored (use setUsedExports instead)");
Object.defineProperty(Module.prototype, "usedExports", {
get() {
throw new Error(
"Module.usedExports was refactored (use getUsedExports instead)"
set(value) {
throw new Error(
"Module.usedExports was refactored (use setUsedExports instead)"
module.exports = Module;