
7879 lines
195 KiB

* This file was automatically generated.
* Run `yarn special-lint-fix` to update
import {
} from "estree";
import { Stats as FsStats, WriteStream } from "fs";
import { default as ValidationError } from "schema-utils/declarations/ValidationError";
import {
} from "tapable";
declare class AbstractLibraryPlugin<T> {
constructor(__0: {
* name of the plugin
pluginName: string;
* used library type
type: LibraryType;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
parseOptions(library: LibraryOptions): false | T;
finishEntryModule(module: Module, libraryContext: LibraryContext<T>): void;
chunk: Chunk,
set: Set<string>,
libraryContext: LibraryContext<T>
): void;
source: Source,
renderContext: RenderContextObject,
libraryContext: LibraryContext<T>
): Source;
chunk: Chunk,
hash: Hash,
chunkHashContext: ChunkHashContext,
libraryContext: LibraryContext<T>
): void;
declare class AggressiveMergingPlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
options: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class AggressiveSplittingPlugin {
constructor(options?: AggressiveSplittingPluginOptions);
options: AggressiveSplittingPluginOptions;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
static wasChunkRecorded(chunk: Chunk): boolean;
declare interface AggressiveSplittingPluginOptions {
* Extra cost for each chunk (Default: 9.8kiB).
chunkOverhead?: number;
* Extra cost multiplicator for entry chunks (Default: 10).
entryChunkMultiplicator?: number;
* Byte, max size of per file (Default: 50kiB).
maxSize?: number;
* Byte, split point. (Default: 30kiB).
minSize?: number;
type Amd = false | { [index: string]: any };
declare interface Argument {
description: string;
simpleType: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
multiple: boolean;
configs: ArgumentConfig[];
declare interface ArgumentConfig {
description: string;
path: string;
multiple: boolean;
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean" | "path" | "enum" | "RegExp" | "reset";
values?: any[];
declare interface Asset {
* the filename of the asset
name: string;
* source of the asset
source: Source;
* info about the asset
info: AssetInfo;
declare interface AssetEmittedInfo {
content: Buffer;
source: Source;
compilation: Compilation;
outputPath: string;
targetPath: string;
declare interface AssetInfo {
* true, if the asset can be long term cached forever (contains a hash)
immutable?: boolean;
* size in bytes, only set after asset has been emitted
size?: number;
* true, when asset is only used for development and doesn't count towards user-facing assets
development?: boolean;
* true, when asset ships data for updating an existing application (HMR)
hotModuleReplacement?: boolean;
type AssetModuleFilename =
| string
| ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo: AssetInfo) => string);
declare abstract class AsyncDependenciesBlock extends DependenciesBlock {
groupOptions: {
preloadOrder?: number;
prefetchOrder?: number;
name?: string;
loc: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation;
request: string;
parent: DependenciesBlock;
chunkName: string;
isAsync(parentChunkGroup: ChunkGroup): boolean;
module: any;
declare abstract class AsyncQueue<T, K, R> {
hooks: {
beforeAdd: AsyncSeriesHook<[T]>;
added: SyncHook<[T], void>;
beforeStart: AsyncSeriesHook<[T]>;
started: SyncHook<[T], void>;
result: SyncHook<[T, Error, R], void>;
add(item: T, callback: CallbackFunction<R>): void;
invalidate(item: T): void;
stop(): void;
increaseParallelism(): void;
decreaseParallelism(): void;
isProcessing(item: T): boolean;
isQueued(item: T): boolean;
isDone(item: T): boolean;
declare class AsyncWebAssemblyModulesPlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
options: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
renderModule(module?: any, renderContext?: any, hooks?: any): any;
static getCompilationHooks(
compilation: Compilation
): CompilationHooksAsyncWebAssemblyModulesPlugin;
declare class AutomaticPrefetchPlugin {
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
type AuxiliaryComment = string | LibraryCustomUmdCommentObject;
declare class BannerPlugin {
constructor(options: BannerPluginArgument);
options: BannerPluginOptions;
banner: (data: { hash: string; chunk: Chunk; filename: string }) => string;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
type BannerPluginArgument =
| string
| BannerPluginOptions
| ((data: { hash: string; chunk: Chunk; filename: string }) => string);
declare interface BannerPluginOptions {
* Specifies the banner.
| string
| ((data: { hash: string; chunk: Chunk; filename: string }) => string);
* If true, the banner will only be added to the entry chunks.
entryOnly?: boolean;
* Exclude all modules matching any of these conditions.
exclude?: Rules;
* Include all modules matching any of these conditions.
include?: Rules;
* If true, banner will not be wrapped in a comment.
raw?: boolean;
* Include all modules that pass test assertion.
test?: Rules;
declare abstract class BasicEvaluatedExpression {
type: number;
range: any;
falsy: boolean;
truthy: boolean;
bool: any;
number: any;
bigint: any;
regExp: any;
string: any;
quasis: any;
parts: any;
array: any;
items: any;
options: any;
prefix: any;
postfix: any;
wrappedInnerExpressions: any;
identifier: any;
rootInfo: any;
getMembers: any;
expression: any;
isNull(): boolean;
isString(): boolean;
isNumber(): boolean;
isBigInt(): boolean;
isBoolean(): boolean;
isRegExp(): boolean;
isConditional(): boolean;
isArray(): boolean;
isConstArray(): boolean;
isIdentifier(): boolean;
isWrapped(): boolean;
isTemplateString(): boolean;
isTruthy(): boolean;
isFalsy(): boolean;
asBool(): any;
asString(): any;
setString(string?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
setNull(): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
setNumber(number?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
setBigInt(bigint?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
setBoolean(bool?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
setRegExp(regExp?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
identifier?: any,
rootInfo?: any,
getMembers?: any
): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
prefix?: any,
postfix?: any,
innerExpressions?: any
): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
setOptions(options?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
addOptions(options?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
setItems(items?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
setArray(array?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
quasis?: any,
parts?: any,
kind?: any
): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
templateStringKind: any;
setTruthy(): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
setFalsy(): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
setRange(range?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
setExpression(expression?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
declare abstract class ByTypeGenerator extends Generator {
map: any;
declare class Cache {
hooks: {
get: AsyncSeriesBailHook<
[string, Etag, ((result: any, stats: CallbackCache<void>) => void)[]],
store: AsyncParallelHook<[string, Etag, any]>;
storeBuildDependencies: AsyncParallelHook<[Iterable<string>]>;
beginIdle: SyncHook<[], void>;
endIdle: AsyncParallelHook<[]>;
shutdown: AsyncParallelHook<[]>;
get<T>(identifier: string, etag: Etag, callback: CallbackCache<T>): void;
identifier: string,
etag: Etag,
data: T,
callback: CallbackCache<void>
): void;
* After this method has succeeded the cache can only be restored when build dependencies are
dependencies: Iterable<string>,
callback: CallbackCache<void>
): void;
beginIdle(): void;
endIdle(callback: CallbackCache<void>): void;
shutdown(callback: CallbackCache<void>): void;
static STAGE_MEMORY: number;
static STAGE_DEFAULT: number;
static STAGE_DISK: number;
static STAGE_NETWORK: number;
declare interface CacheGroupSource {
key?: string;
priority?: number;
getName?: (module?: Module, chunks?: Chunk[], key?: string) => string;
chunksFilter?: (chunk: Chunk) => boolean;
enforce?: boolean;
minSize: Record<string, number>;
minRemainingSize: Record<string, number>;
maxAsyncSize: Record<string, number>;
maxInitialSize: Record<string, number>;
minChunks?: number;
maxAsyncRequests?: number;
maxInitialRequests?: number;
filename?: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1: AssetInfo) => string);
idHint?: string;
automaticNameDelimiter: string;
reuseExistingChunk?: boolean;
declare interface CacheGroupsContext {
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
type CacheOptions = boolean | MemoryCacheOptions | FileCacheOptions;
type CacheOptionsNormalized = false | MemoryCacheOptions | FileCacheOptions;
type CallExpression = SimpleCallExpression | NewExpression;
declare interface CallbackCache<T> {
(err?: WebpackError, stats?: T): void;
declare interface CallbackFunction<T> {
(err?: Error, result?: T): any;
declare interface CallbackWebpack<T> {
(err?: Error, stats?: T): void;
declare class Chunk {
constructor(name?: string);
id: string | number;
ids: (string | number)[];
debugId: number;
name: string;
idNameHints: SortableSet<string>;
preventIntegration: boolean;
filenameTemplate: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1: AssetInfo) => string);
files: Set<string>;
auxiliaryFiles: Set<string>;
rendered: boolean;
hash: string;
contentHash: Record<string, string>;
renderedHash: string;
chunkReason: string;
extraAsync: boolean;
readonly entryModule: Module;
hasEntryModule(): boolean;
addModule(module: Module): boolean;
removeModule(module: Module): void;
getNumberOfModules(): number;
readonly modulesIterable: Iterable<Module>;
compareTo(otherChunk: Chunk): 0 | 1 | -1;
containsModule(module: Module): boolean;
getModules(): Module[];
remove(): void;
moveModule(module: Module, otherChunk: Chunk): void;
integrate(otherChunk: Chunk): boolean;
canBeIntegrated(otherChunk: Chunk): boolean;
isEmpty(): boolean;
modulesSize(): number;
size(options?: ChunkSizeOptions): number;
integratedSize(otherChunk: Chunk, options: ChunkSizeOptions): number;
getChunkModuleMaps(filterFn: (m: Module) => boolean): ChunkModuleMaps;
filterFn: (m: Module) => boolean,
filterChunkFn?: (c: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean
): boolean;
getChunkMaps(realHash: boolean): ChunkMaps;
hasRuntime(): boolean;
canBeInitial(): boolean;
isOnlyInitial(): boolean;
addGroup(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): void;
removeGroup(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): void;
isInGroup(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): boolean;
getNumberOfGroups(): number;
readonly groupsIterable: Iterable<ChunkGroup>;
disconnectFromGroups(): void;
split(newChunk: Chunk): void;
updateHash(hash: Hash, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph): void;
getAllAsyncChunks(): Set<Chunk>;
getAllInitialChunks(): Set<Chunk>;
getAllReferencedChunks(): Set<Chunk>;
hasAsyncChunks(): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
filterFn?: (c: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean
): Record<string, (string | number)[]>;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
includeDirectChildren?: boolean,
filterFn?: (c: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean
): Record<string | number, Record<string, (string | number)[]>>;
declare class ChunkGraph {
constructor(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph);
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
connectChunkAndModule(chunk: Chunk, module: Module): void;
disconnectChunkAndModule(chunk: Chunk, module: Module): void;
disconnectChunk(chunk: Chunk): void;
attachModules(chunk: Chunk, modules: Iterable<Module>): void;
attachRuntimeModules(chunk: Chunk, modules: Iterable<RuntimeModule>): void;
attachFullHashModules(chunk: Chunk, modules: Iterable<RuntimeModule>): void;
replaceModule(oldModule: Module, newModule: Module): void;
isModuleInChunk(module: Module, chunk: Chunk): boolean;
isModuleInChunkGroup(module: Module, chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): boolean;
isEntryModule(module: Module): boolean;
getModuleChunksIterable(module: Module): Iterable<Chunk>;
module: Module,
sortFn: (arg0: Chunk, arg1: Chunk) => 0 | 1 | -1
): Iterable<Chunk>;
getModuleChunks(module: Module): Chunk[];
getNumberOfModuleChunks(module: Module): number;
haveModulesEqualChunks(moduleA: Module, moduleB: Module): boolean;
getNumberOfChunkModules(chunk: Chunk): number;
getChunkModulesIterable(chunk: Chunk): Iterable<Module>;
chunk: Chunk,
sourceType: string
): Iterable<Module>;
chunk: Chunk,
comparator: (arg0: Module, arg1: Module) => 0 | 1 | -1
): Iterable<Module>;
chunk: Chunk,
sourceType: string,
comparator: (arg0: Module, arg1: Module) => 0 | 1 | -1
): Iterable<Module>;
getChunkModules(chunk: Chunk): Module[];
chunk: Chunk,
comparator: (arg0: Module, arg1: Module) => 0 | 1 | -1
): Module[];
chunk: Chunk,
filterFn: (m: Module) => boolean,
includeAllChunks?: boolean
): ChunkModuleMaps;
chunk: Chunk,
filterFn: (c: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean
): Record<string | number, boolean>;
hasModuleInChunk(chunk: Chunk, filterFn: (m: Module) => boolean): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
filterFn: (m: Module) => boolean,
filterChunkFn?: (c: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean
): boolean;
compareChunks(chunkA: Chunk, chunkB: Chunk): 0 | 1 | -1;
getChunkModulesSize(chunk: Chunk): number;
getChunkModulesSizes(chunk: Chunk): Record<string, number>;
getChunkRootModules(chunk: Chunk): Module[];
getChunkSize(chunk: Chunk, options?: ChunkSizeOptions): number;
chunkA: Chunk,
chunkB: Chunk,
options?: ChunkSizeOptions
): number;
canChunksBeIntegrated(chunkA: Chunk, chunkB: Chunk): boolean;
integrateChunks(chunkA: Chunk, chunkB: Chunk): void;
isEntryModuleInChunk(module: Module, chunk: Chunk): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
module: Module,
entrypoint?: Entrypoint
): void;
connectChunkAndRuntimeModule(chunk: Chunk, module: RuntimeModule): void;
addFullHashModuleToChunk(chunk: Chunk, module: RuntimeModule): void;
disconnectChunkAndEntryModule(chunk: Chunk, module: Module): void;
disconnectChunkAndRuntimeModule(chunk: Chunk, module: RuntimeModule): void;
disconnectEntryModule(module: Module): void;
disconnectEntries(chunk: Chunk): void;
getNumberOfEntryModules(chunk: Chunk): number;
getNumberOfRuntimeModules(chunk: Chunk): number;
getChunkEntryModulesIterable(chunk: Chunk): Iterable<Module>;
getChunkEntryDependentChunksIterable(chunk: Chunk): Iterable<Chunk>;
hasChunkEntryDependentChunks(chunk: Chunk): boolean;
getChunkRuntimeModulesIterable(chunk: Chunk): Iterable<RuntimeModule>;
getChunkRuntimeModulesInOrder(chunk: Chunk): RuntimeModule[];
getChunkFullHashModulesIterable(chunk: Chunk): Iterable<RuntimeModule>;
chunk: Chunk
): Iterable<[Module, Entrypoint]>;
getBlockChunkGroup(depBlock: AsyncDependenciesBlock): ChunkGroup;
depBlock: AsyncDependenciesBlock,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup
): void;
disconnectChunkGroup(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): void;
getModuleId(module: Module): string | number;
setModuleId(module: Module, id: string | number): void;
getModuleHash(module: Module): string;
getRenderedModuleHash(module: Module): string;
setModuleHashes(module: Module, hash: string, renderedHash: string): void;
addModuleRuntimeRequirements(module: Module, items: Set<string>): void;
addChunkRuntimeRequirements(chunk: Chunk, items: Set<string>): void;
addTreeRuntimeRequirements(chunk: Chunk, items: Iterable<string>): void;
getModuleRuntimeRequirements(module: Module): ReadonlySet<string>;
getChunkRuntimeRequirements(chunk: Chunk): ReadonlySet<string>;
getTreeRuntimeRequirements(chunk: Chunk): ReadonlySet<string>;
static getChunkGraphForModule(
module: Module,
deprecateMessage: string,
deprecationCode: string
): ChunkGraph;
static setChunkGraphForModule(module: Module, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph): void;
static getChunkGraphForChunk(
chunk: Chunk,
deprecateMessage: string,
deprecationCode: string
): ChunkGraph;
static setChunkGraphForChunk(chunk: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph): void;
declare abstract class ChunkGroup {
groupDebugId: number;
options: { preloadOrder?: number; prefetchOrder?: number; name?: string };
chunks: Chunk[];
origins: {
module: Module;
loc: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation;
request: string;
index: number;
* when a new chunk is added to a chunkGroup, addingOptions will occur.
addOptions(options: {
preloadOrder?: number;
prefetchOrder?: number;
name?: string;
}): void;
* returns the name of current ChunkGroup
* sets a new name for current ChunkGroup
name: string;
* get a uniqueId for ChunkGroup, made up of its member Chunk debugId's
readonly debugId: string;
* get a unique id for ChunkGroup, made up of its member Chunk id's
readonly id: string;
* Performs an unshift of a specific chunk
unshiftChunk(chunk: Chunk): boolean;
* inserts a chunk before another existing chunk in group
insertChunk(chunk: Chunk, before: Chunk): boolean;
* add a chunk into ChunkGroup. Is pushed on or prepended
pushChunk(chunk: Chunk): boolean;
replaceChunk(oldChunk: Chunk, newChunk: Chunk): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk: Chunk): boolean;
isInitial(): boolean;
addChild(group: ChunkGroup): boolean;
getChildren(): ChunkGroup[];
getNumberOfChildren(): number;
readonly childrenIterable: SortableSet<ChunkGroup>;
removeChild(group: ChunkGroup): boolean;
addParent(parentChunk: ChunkGroup): boolean;
getParents(): ChunkGroup[];
getNumberOfParents(): number;
hasParent(parent: ChunkGroup): boolean;
readonly parentsIterable: SortableSet<ChunkGroup>;
removeParent(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): boolean;
getBlocks(): any[];
getNumberOfBlocks(): number;
hasBlock(block?: any): boolean;
readonly blocksIterable: Iterable<AsyncDependenciesBlock>;
addBlock(block: AsyncDependenciesBlock): boolean;
module: Module,
loc: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation,
request: string
): void;
getFiles(): string[];
remove(): void;
sortItems(): void;
* Sorting predicate which allows current ChunkGroup to be compared against another.
* Sorting values are based off of number of chunks in ChunkGroup.
compareTo(chunkGraph: ChunkGraph, otherGroup: ChunkGroup): 0 | 1 | -1;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): Record<string, ChunkGroup[]>;
* Sets the top-down index of a module in this ChunkGroup
setModulePreOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void;
* Gets the top-down index of a module in this ChunkGroup
getModulePreOrderIndex(module: Module): number;
* Sets the bottom-up index of a module in this ChunkGroup
setModulePostOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void;
* Gets the bottom-up index of a module in this ChunkGroup
getModulePostOrderIndex(module: Module): number;
checkConstraints(): void;
getModuleIndex: (module: Module) => number;
getModuleIndex2: (module: Module) => number;
declare interface ChunkHashContext {
* the runtime template
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
* the module graph
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
declare interface ChunkMaps {
hash: Record<string | number, string>;
contentHash: Record<string | number, Record<string, string>>;
name: Record<string | number, string>;
declare class ChunkModuleIdRangePlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
options: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface ChunkModuleMaps {
id: Record<string | number, (string | number)[]>;
hash: Record<string | number, string>;
declare interface ChunkPathData {
id: string | number;
name?: string;
hash: string;
hashWithLength?: (arg0: number) => string;
contentHash?: Record<string, string>;
contentHashWithLength?: Record<string, (length: number) => string>;
declare interface ChunkSizeOptions {
* constant overhead for a chunk
chunkOverhead?: number;
* multiplicator for initial chunks
entryChunkMultiplicator?: number;
declare abstract class ChunkTemplate {
hooks: Readonly<{
renderManifest: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
modules: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
render: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
renderWithEntry: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
hash: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
hashForChunk: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
readonly outputOptions: any;
declare interface CodeGenerationContext {
* the dependency templates
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
* the runtime template
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
* the module graph
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
declare interface CodeGenerationResult {
* the resulting sources for all source types
sources: Map<string, Source>;
* the resulting data for all source types
data?: Map<string, any>;
* the runtime requirements
runtimeRequirements: ReadonlySet<string>;
declare class Compilation {
* Creates an instance of Compilation.
constructor(compiler: Compiler);
hooks: Readonly<{
buildModule: SyncHook<[Module], void>;
rebuildModule: SyncHook<[Module], void>;
failedModule: SyncHook<[Module, WebpackError], void>;
succeedModule: SyncHook<[Module], void>;
stillValidModule: SyncHook<[Module], void>;
addEntry: SyncHook<
{ name: string } & Pick<
"filename" | "dependOn" | "library"
failedEntry: SyncHook<
{ name: string } & Pick<
"filename" | "dependOn" | "library"
succeedEntry: SyncHook<
{ name: string } & Pick<
"filename" | "dependOn" | "library"
dependencyReferencedExports: SyncWaterfallHook<[string[][], Dependency]>;
finishModules: AsyncSeriesHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
finishRebuildingModule: AsyncSeriesHook<[Module]>;
unseal: SyncHook<[], void>;
seal: SyncHook<[], void>;
beforeChunks: SyncHook<[], void>;
afterChunks: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>], void>;
optimizeDependencies: SyncBailHook<[Iterable<Module>], any>;
afterOptimizeDependencies: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>], void>;
optimize: SyncHook<[], void>;
optimizeModules: SyncBailHook<[Iterable<Module>], any>;
afterOptimizeModules: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>], void>;
optimizeChunks: SyncBailHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, ChunkGroup[]], any>;
afterOptimizeChunks: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, ChunkGroup[]], void>;
optimizeTree: AsyncSeriesHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, Iterable<Module>]>;
afterOptimizeTree: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, Iterable<Module>], void>;
optimizeChunkModules: AsyncSeriesBailHook<
[Iterable<Chunk>, Iterable<Module>],
afterOptimizeChunkModules: SyncHook<
[Iterable<Chunk>, Iterable<Module>],
shouldRecord: SyncBailHook<[], boolean>;
additionalChunkRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<[Chunk, Set<string>], void>;
runtimeRequirementInChunk: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Chunk, Set<string>], any>>;
additionalModuleRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<[Module, Set<string>], void>;
runtimeRequirementInModule: HookMap<
SyncBailHook<[Module, Set<string>], any>
additionalTreeRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<[Chunk, Set<string>], void>;
runtimeRequirementInTree: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Chunk, Set<string>], any>>;
runtimeModule: SyncHook<[RuntimeModule, Chunk], void>;
reviveModules: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>, any], void>;
beforeModuleIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>], void>;
moduleIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>], void>;
optimizeModuleIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>], void>;
afterOptimizeModuleIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>], void>;
reviveChunks: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, any], void>;
beforeChunkIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>], void>;
chunkIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>], void>;
optimizeChunkIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>], void>;
afterOptimizeChunkIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>], void>;
recordModules: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>, any], void>;
recordChunks: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, any], void>;
optimizeCodeGeneration: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>], void>;
beforeModuleHash: SyncHook<[], void>;
afterModuleHash: SyncHook<[], void>;
beforeCodeGeneration: SyncHook<[], void>;
afterCodeGeneration: SyncHook<[], void>;
beforeRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<[], void>;
afterRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<[], void>;
beforeHash: SyncHook<[], void>;
contentHash: SyncHook<[Chunk], void>;
afterHash: SyncHook<[], void>;
recordHash: SyncHook<[any], void>;
record: SyncHook<[Compilation, any], void>;
beforeModuleAssets: SyncHook<[], void>;
shouldGenerateChunkAssets: SyncBailHook<[], boolean>;
beforeChunkAssets: SyncHook<[], void>;
additionalChunkAssets: Pick<
"tap" | "tapAsync" | "tapPromise" | "name"
> &
additionalAssets: Pick<
"tap" | "tapAsync" | "tapPromise" | "name"
> &
optimizeChunkAssets: Pick<
"tap" | "tapAsync" | "tapPromise" | "name"
> &
afterOptimizeChunkAssets: Pick<
"tap" | "tapAsync" | "tapPromise" | "name"
> &
optimizeAssets: AsyncSeriesHook<[Record<string, Source>]>;
afterOptimizeAssets: SyncHook<[Record<string, Source>], void>;
processAssets: AsyncSeriesHook<[Record<string, Source>]>;
afterProcessAssets: SyncHook<[Record<string, Source>], void>;
needAdditionalSeal: SyncBailHook<[], boolean>;
afterSeal: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>;
renderManifest: SyncWaterfallHook<
[RenderManifestEntry[], RenderManifestOptions]
fullHash: SyncHook<[Hash], void>;
chunkHash: SyncHook<[Chunk, Hash, ChunkHashContext], void>;
moduleAsset: SyncHook<[Module, string], void>;
chunkAsset: SyncHook<[Chunk, string], void>;
assetPath: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, any, AssetInfo]>;
needAdditionalPass: SyncBailHook<[], boolean>;
childCompiler: SyncHook<[Compiler, string, number], void>;
log: SyncBailHook<[string, LogEntry], true>;
statsPreset: HookMap<SyncHook<[any, any], void>>;
statsNormalize: SyncHook<[any, any], void>;
statsFactory: SyncHook<[StatsFactory, any], void>;
statsPrinter: SyncHook<[StatsPrinter, any], void>;
readonly normalModuleLoader: SyncHook<[any, NormalModule], void>;
name: string;
compiler: Compiler;
resolverFactory: ResolverFactory;
inputFileSystem: InputFileSystem;
fileSystemInfo: FileSystemInfo;
requestShortener: RequestShortener;
compilerPath: string;
cache: Cache;
logger: WebpackLogger;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized;
outputOptions: OutputNormalized;
bail: boolean;
profile: boolean;
mainTemplate: MainTemplate;
chunkTemplate: ChunkTemplate;
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
moduleTemplates: { javascript: ModuleTemplate };
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
codeGenerationResults: Map<Module, CodeGenerationResult>;
factorizeQueue: AsyncQueue<FactorizeModuleOptions, string, Module>;
addModuleQueue: AsyncQueue<Module, string, Module>;
buildQueue: AsyncQueue<Module, Module, Module>;
rebuildQueue: AsyncQueue<Module, Module, Module>;
processDependenciesQueue: AsyncQueue<Module, Module, Module>;
* Modules in value are building during the build of Module in key.
* Means value blocking key from finishing.
* Needed to detect build cycles.
creatingModuleDuringBuild: WeakMap<Module, Set<Module>>;
entries: Map<string, EntryData>;
globalEntry: EntryData;
entrypoints: Map<string, Entrypoint>;
chunks: Set<Chunk>;
chunkGroups: ChunkGroup[];
namedChunkGroups: Map<string, ChunkGroup>;
namedChunks: Map<string, Chunk>;
modules: Set<Module>;
records: any;
additionalChunkAssets: string[];
assets: Record<string, Source>;
assetsInfo: Map<string, AssetInfo>;
errors: WebpackError[];
warnings: WebpackError[];
children: Compilation[];
logging: Map<string, LogEntry[]>;
dependencyFactories: Map<{ new (...args: any[]): Dependency }, ModuleFactory>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
childrenCounters: {};
usedChunkIds: Set<string | number>;
usedModuleIds: Set<number>;
needAdditionalPass: boolean;
builtModules: WeakSet<Module>;
emittedAssets: Set<string>;
comparedForEmitAssets: Set<string>;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>;
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>;
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>;
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>;
compilationDependencies: { add: (item?: any) => LazySet<string> };
getStats(): Stats;
createStatsOptions(optionsOrPreset?: any, context?: {}): {};
createStatsFactory(options?: any): StatsFactory;
createStatsPrinter(options?: any): StatsPrinter;
getLogger(name: string | (() => string)): WebpackLogger;
module: Module,
callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
* Fetches a module from a compilation by its identifier
getModule(module: Module): Module;
* Attempts to search for a module by its identifier
findModule(identifier: string): Module;
* Schedules a build of the module object
module: Module,
callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
module: Module,
callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
processModuleDependenciesNonRecursive(module: Module): void;
__0: HandleModuleCreationOptions,
callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
options: FactorizeModuleOptions,
callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
context: string,
dependency: Dependency,
callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
context: string,
entry: Dependency,
| string
| ({ name: string } & Pick<
"filename" | "dependOn" | "library"
callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
context: string,
dependency: Dependency,
options: { name: string } & Pick<
"filename" | "dependOn" | "library"
callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
module: Module,
callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
finish(callback?: any): void;
unseal(): void;
seal(callback: (err?: WebpackError) => void): void;
module: Module,
blocks: DependenciesBlock[]
): void;
codeGeneration(): Map<any, any>;
processRuntimeRequirements(entrypoints: Iterable<Entrypoint>): void;
addRuntimeModule(chunk: Chunk, module: RuntimeModule): void;
| string
| { preloadOrder?: number; prefetchOrder?: number; name?: string },
module: Module,
loc: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation,
request: string
): ChunkGroup;
* This method first looks to see if a name is provided for a new chunk,
* and first looks to see if any named chunks already exist and reuse that chunk instead.
addChunk(name?: string): Chunk;
assignDepth(module: Module): void;
getDependencyReferencedExports(dependency: Dependency): string[][];
module: Module,
block: DependenciesBlockLike
): void;
patchChunksAfterReasonRemoval(module: Module, chunk: Chunk): void;
removeChunkFromDependencies(block: DependenciesBlock, chunk: Chunk): void;
sortItemsWithChunkIds(): void;
summarizeDependencies(): void;
createModuleHashes(): void;
createHash(): void;
fullHash: string;
hash: string;
modifyHash(update: string): void;
emitAsset(file: string, source: Source, assetInfo?: AssetInfo): void;
file: string,
newSourceOrFunction: Source | ((arg0: Source) => Source),
assetInfoUpdateOrFunction?: AssetInfo | ((arg0: AssetInfo) => AssetInfo)
): void;
getAssets(): Readonly<Asset>[];
getAsset(name: string): Readonly<Asset>;
clearAssets(): void;
createModuleAssets(): void;
getRenderManifest(options: RenderManifestOptions): RenderManifestEntry[];
createChunkAssets(callback: (err?: WebpackError) => void): void;
filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1: AssetInfo) => string),
data?: PathData
): string;
filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1: AssetInfo) => string),
data?: PathData
): { path: string; info: AssetInfo };
filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1: AssetInfo) => string),
data: PathData
): string;
filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1: AssetInfo) => string),
data: PathData
): { path: string; info: AssetInfo };
* This function allows you to run another instance of webpack inside of webpack however as
* a child with different settings and configurations (if desired) applied. It copies all hooks, plugins
* from parent (or top level compiler) and creates a child Compilation
name: string,
outputOptions: OutputNormalized,
plugins: Plugin[]
): Compiler;
checkConstraints(): void;
* Add additional assets to the compilation.
* Basic preprocessing of assets.
* Derive new assets from existing assets.
* Existing assets should not be treated as complete.
* Add additional sections to existing assets, like a banner or initialization code.
* Optimize existing assets in a general way.
* Optimize the count of existing assets, e. g. by merging them.
* Optimize the compatibility of existing assets, e. g. add polyfills or vendor-prefixes.
* Optimize the size of existing assets, e. g. by minimizing or omitting whitespace.
* Summarize the list of existing assets.
* When creating new assets from this they should be fully optimized.
* e. g. creating an assets manifest of Service Workers.
* Add development tooling to assets, e. g. by extracting a SourceMap.
* Optimize the transfer of existing assets, e. g. by preparing a compressed (gzip) file as separate asset.
* Analyse existing assets.
* Creating assets for reporting purposes.
declare interface CompilationHooksAsyncWebAssemblyModulesPlugin {
renderModuleContent: SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, Module, RenderContextObject]>;
declare interface CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin {
renderModuleContent: SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, Module, RenderContextObject]>;
renderModuleContainer: SyncWaterfallHook<
[Source, Module, RenderContextObject]
renderModulePackage: SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, Module, RenderContextObject]>;
renderChunk: SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, RenderContextObject]>;
renderMain: SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, RenderContextObject]>;
render: SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, RenderContextObject]>;
renderRequire: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, RenderBootstrapContext]>;
chunkHash: SyncHook<[Chunk, Hash, ChunkHashContext], void>;
declare interface CompilationParams {
normalModuleFactory: NormalModuleFactory;
contextModuleFactory: ContextModuleFactory;
declare class Compiler {
constructor(context: string);
hooks: Readonly<{
initialize: SyncHook<[], void>;
shouldEmit: SyncBailHook<[Compilation], boolean>;
done: AsyncSeriesHook<[Stats]>;
afterDone: SyncHook<[Stats], void>;
additionalPass: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>;
beforeRun: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>;
run: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>;
emit: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compilation]>;
assetEmitted: AsyncSeriesHook<[string, AssetEmittedInfo]>;
afterEmit: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compilation]>;
thisCompilation: SyncHook<[Compilation, CompilationParams], void>;
compilation: SyncHook<[Compilation, CompilationParams], void>;
normalModuleFactory: SyncHook<[NormalModuleFactory], void>;
contextModuleFactory: SyncHook<[ContextModuleFactory], void>;
beforeCompile: AsyncSeriesHook<[CompilationParams]>;
compile: SyncHook<[CompilationParams], void>;
make: AsyncParallelHook<[Compilation]>;
afterCompile: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compilation]>;
watchRun: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>;
failed: SyncHook<[Error], void>;
invalid: SyncHook<[string, string], void>;
watchClose: SyncHook<[], void>;
infrastructureLog: SyncBailHook<[string, string, any[]], true>;
environment: SyncHook<[], void>;
afterEnvironment: SyncHook<[], void>;
afterPlugins: SyncHook<[Compiler], void>;
afterResolvers: SyncHook<[Compiler], void>;
entryOption: SyncBailHook<[string, EntryNormalized], boolean>;
name: string;
parentCompilation: Compilation;
root: Compiler;
outputPath: string;
outputFileSystem: OutputFileSystem;
intermediateFileSystem: InputFileSystem &
OutputFileSystem &
inputFileSystem: InputFileSystem;
watchFileSystem: any;
recordsInputPath: string;
recordsOutputPath: string;
records: {};
managedPaths: Set<string>;
immutablePaths: Set<string>;
modifiedFiles: Set<string>;
removedFiles: Set<string>;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry>;
contextTimestamps: Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry>;
resolverFactory: ResolverFactory;
infrastructureLogger: any;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized;
context: string;
requestShortener: RequestShortener;
cache: Cache;
compilerPath: string;
running: boolean;
watchMode: boolean;
getInfrastructureLogger(name: string | (() => string)): WebpackLogger;
watch(watchOptions: WatchOptions, handler: CallbackFunction<Stats>): Watching;
run(callback: CallbackFunction<Stats>): void;
callback: (err?: Error, entries?: Chunk[], compilation?: Compilation) => any
): void;
purgeInputFileSystem(): void;
emitAssets(compilation: Compilation, callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
emitRecords(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
readRecords(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
compilation: Compilation,
compilerName: string,
compilerIndex: number,
outputOptions: OutputNormalized,
plugins: WebpackPluginInstance[]
): Compiler;
isChild(): boolean;
createCompilation(): Compilation;
newCompilation(params: CompilationParams): Compilation;
createNormalModuleFactory(): NormalModuleFactory;
createContextModuleFactory(): ContextModuleFactory;
newCompilationParams(): {
normalModuleFactory: NormalModuleFactory;
contextModuleFactory: ContextModuleFactory;
compile(callback: CallbackFunction<Compilation>): void;
close(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
* Options object as provided by the user.
declare interface Configuration {
* Set the value of `require.amd` and `define.amd`. Or disable AMD support.
amd?: Amd;
* Report the first error as a hard error instead of tolerating it.
bail?: boolean;
* Cache generated modules and chunks to improve performance for multiple incremental builds.
cache?: CacheOptions;
* The base directory (absolute path!) for resolving the `entry` option. If `output.pathinfo` is set, the included pathinfo is shortened to this directory.
context?: string;
* References to other configurations to depend on.
dependencies?: string[];
* A developer tool to enhance debugging (false | eval | [inline-|hidden-|eval-][nosources-][cheap-[module-]]source-map).
devtool?: DevTool;
* The entry point(s) of the compilation.
entry?: Entry;
* Enables/Disables experiments (experimental features with relax SemVer compatibility).
experiments?: Experiments;
* Specify dependencies that shouldn't be resolved by webpack, but should become dependencies of the resulting bundle. The kind of the dependency depends on `output.libraryTarget`.
externals?: Externals;
* Specifies the default type of externals ('amd*', 'umd*', 'system' and 'jsonp' depend on output.libraryTarget set to the same value).
externalsType?: ExternalsType;
* Options for infrastructure level logging.
infrastructureLogging?: InfrastructureLogging;
* Custom values available in the loader context.
loader?: Loader;
* Enable production optimizations or development hints.
mode?: Mode;
* Options affecting the normal modules (`NormalModuleFactory`).
module?: ModuleOptions;
* Name of the configuration. Used when loading multiple configurations.
name?: string;
* Include polyfills or mocks for various node stuff.
node?: Node;
* Enables/Disables integrated optimizations.
optimization?: Optimization;
* Options affecting the output of the compilation. `output` options tell webpack how to write the compiled files to disk.
output?: Output;
* The number of parallel processed modules in the compilation.
parallelism?: number;
* Configuration for web performance recommendations.
performance?: Performance;
* Add additional plugins to the compiler.
plugins?: (
| ((this: Compiler, compiler: Compiler) => void)
| WebpackPluginInstance
* Capture timing information for each module.
profile?: boolean;
* Store compiler state to a json file.
recordsInputPath?: DevTool;
* Load compiler state from a json file.
recordsOutputPath?: DevTool;
* Store/Load compiler state from/to a json file. This will result in persistent ids of modules and chunks. An absolute path is expected. `recordsPath` is used for `recordsInputPath` and `recordsOutputPath` if they left undefined.
recordsPath?: DevTool;
* Options for the resolver.
resolve?: ResolveOptions;
* Options for the resolver when resolving loaders.
resolveLoader?: ResolveOptions;
* Stats options object or preset name.
stats?: StatsValue;
* Environment to build for.
target?: Target;
* Enter watch mode, which rebuilds on file change.
watch?: boolean;
* Options for the watcher.
watchOptions?: WatchOptions;
declare class ConsumeSharedPlugin {
constructor(options: ConsumeSharedPluginOptions);
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
* Options for consuming shared modules.
declare interface ConsumeSharedPluginOptions {
* Modules that should be consumed from share scope. When provided, property names are used to match requested modules in this compilation.
consumes: Consumes;
* Share scope name used for all consumed modules (defaults to 'default').
shareScope?: string;
type Consumes = (string | ConsumesObject)[] | ConsumesObject;
* Advanced configuration for modules that should be consumed from share scope.
declare interface ConsumesConfig {
* Include the fallback module directly instead behind an async request. This allows to use fallback module in initial load too. All possible shared modules need to be eager too.
eager?: boolean;
* Fallback module if no shared module is found in share scope. Defaults to the property name.
import?: DevTool;
* Version requirement from module in share scope.
requiredVersion?: string | (string | number)[];
* Module is looked up under this key from the share scope.
shareKey?: string;
* Share scope name.
shareScope?: string;
* Allow only a single version of the shared module in share scope (disabled by default).
singleton?: boolean;
* Do not accept shared module if version is not valid (defaults to yes, if local fallback module is available and shared module is not a singleton, otherwise no, has no effect if there is no required version specified).
strictVersion?: boolean;
* Modules that should be consumed from share scope. Property names are used to match requested modules in this compilation. Relative requests are resolved, module requests are matched unresolved, absolute paths will match resolved requests. A trailing slash will match all requests with this prefix. In this case shareKey must also have a trailing slash.
declare interface ConsumesObject {
[index: string]: string | ConsumesConfig;
declare class ContainerPlugin {
constructor(options: ContainerPluginOptions);
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface ContainerPluginOptions {
* Modules that should be exposed by this container. When provided, property name is used as public name, otherwise public name is automatically inferred from request.
exposes: Exposes;
* The filename for this container relative path inside the `output.path` directory.
filename?: string;
* Options for library.
library?: LibraryOptions;
* The name for this container.
name: string;
* The name of the share scope which is shared with the host (defaults to 'default').
shareScope?: string;
declare class ContainerReferencePlugin {
constructor(options: ContainerReferencePluginOptions);
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface ContainerReferencePluginOptions {
* The external type of the remote containers.
remoteType: ExternalsType;
* Container locations and request scopes from which modules should be resolved and loaded at runtime. When provided, property name is used as request scope, otherwise request scope is automatically inferred from container location.
remotes: Remotes;
* The name of the share scope shared with all remotes (defaults to 'default').
shareScope?: string;
declare class ContextExclusionPlugin {
constructor(negativeMatcher: RegExp);
negativeMatcher: RegExp;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare abstract class ContextModuleFactory extends ModuleFactory {
hooks: Readonly<{
beforeResolve: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[any]>;
afterResolve: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[any]>;
contextModuleFiles: SyncWaterfallHook<[string[]]>;
alternatives: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[any[]]>;
resolverFactory: any;
resolveDependencies(fs?: any, options?: any, callback?: any): any;
declare class ContextReplacementPlugin {
resourceRegExp?: any,
newContentResource?: any,
newContentRecursive?: any,
newContentRegExp?: any
resourceRegExp: any;
newContentCallback: any;
newContentResource: any;
newContentCreateContextMap: any;
newContentRecursive: any;
newContentRegExp: any;
apply(compiler?: any): void;
type CrossOriginLoading = false | "anonymous" | "use-credentials";
type Declaration = FunctionDeclaration | VariableDeclaration | ClassDeclaration;
declare class DefinePlugin {
* Create a new define plugin
constructor(definitions: Record<string, RecursiveArrayOrRecord>);
definitions: Record<string, RecursiveArrayOrRecord>;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
static runtimeValue(fn?: any, fileDependencies?: any): RuntimeValue;
declare class DelegatedPlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
options: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare abstract class DependenciesBlock {
dependencies: Dependency[];
blocks: AsyncDependenciesBlock[];
* Adds a DependencyBlock to DependencyBlock relationship.
* This is used for when a Module has a AsyncDependencyBlock tie (for code-splitting)
addBlock(block: AsyncDependenciesBlock): void;
addDependency(dependency: Dependency): void;
removeDependency(dependency: Dependency): void;
* Removes all dependencies and blocks
clearDependenciesAndBlocks(): void;
updateHash(hash: Hash, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph): void;
serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
declare interface DependenciesBlockLike {
dependencies: Dependency[];
blocks: AsyncDependenciesBlock[];
declare class Dependency {
weak: boolean;
optional: boolean;
loc: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation;
readonly type: string;
getResourceIdentifier(): string;
getReference(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): never;
* Returns list of exports referenced by this dependency
getReferencedExports(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): string[][];
getCondition(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): () => boolean;
* Returns the exported names
getExports(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ExportsSpec;
* Returns warnings
getWarnings(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Returns errors
getErrors(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Update the hash
updateHash(hash: Hash, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph): void;
* implement this method to allow the occurrence order plugin to count correctly
getNumberOfIdOccurrences(): number;
serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
module: any;
readonly disconnect: any;
declare abstract class DependencyTemplate {
dependency: Dependency,
source: ReplaceSource,
templateContext: DependencyTemplateContext
): void;
declare interface DependencyTemplateContext {
* the runtime template
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
* the dependency templates
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
* the module graph
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
* the requirements for runtime
runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
* current module
module: Module;
* mutable array of init fragments for the current module
initFragments: InitFragment[];
declare abstract class DependencyTemplates {
get(dependency: { new (...args: any[]): Dependency }): DependencyTemplate;
dependency: { new (...args: any[]): Dependency },
dependencyTemplate: DependencyTemplate
): void;
updateHash(part: string): void;
getHash(): string;
clone(): DependencyTemplates;
declare class DeterministicChunkIdsPlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
options: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class DeterministicModuleIdsPlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
options: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
* Options for the webpack-dev-server.
declare interface DevServer {
[index: string]: any;
type DevTool = string | false;
type DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate = string | Function;
declare class DllPlugin {
constructor(options: DllPluginOptions);
options: {
entryOnly: boolean;
* Context of requests in the manifest file (defaults to the webpack context).
context?: string;
* If true, manifest json file (output) will be formatted.
format?: boolean;
* Name of the exposed dll function (external name, use value of 'output.library').
name?: string;
* Absolute path to the manifest json file (output).
path: string;
* Type of the dll bundle (external type, use value of 'output.libraryTarget').
type?: string;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface DllPluginOptions {
* Context of requests in the manifest file (defaults to the webpack context).
context?: string;
* If true, only entry points will be exposed (default: true).
entryOnly?: boolean;
* If true, manifest json file (output) will be formatted.
format?: boolean;
* Name of the exposed dll function (external name, use value of 'output.library').
name?: string;
* Absolute path to the manifest json file (output).
path: string;
* Type of the dll bundle (external type, use value of 'output.libraryTarget').
type?: string;
declare class DllReferencePlugin {
constructor(options: DllReferencePluginOptions);
options: DllReferencePluginOptions;
apply(compiler?: any): void;
type DllReferencePluginOptions =
| {
* Context of requests in the manifest (or content property) as absolute path.
context?: string;
* Extensions used to resolve modules in the dll bundle (only used when using 'scope').
extensions?: string[];
* An object containing content and name or a string to the absolute path of the JSON manifest to be loaded upon compilation.
manifest: string | DllReferencePluginOptionsManifest;
* The name where the dll is exposed (external name, defaults to manifest.name).
name?: string;
* Prefix which is used for accessing the content of the dll.
scope?: string;
* How the dll is exposed (libraryTarget, defaults to manifest.type).
sourceType?: DllReferencePluginOptionsSourceType;
* The way how the export of the dll bundle is used.
type?: "object" | "require";
| {
* The mappings from request to module info.
content: DllReferencePluginOptionsContent;
* Context of requests in the manifest (or content property) as absolute path.
context?: string;
* Extensions used to resolve modules in the dll bundle (only used when using 'scope').
extensions?: string[];
* The name where the dll is exposed (external name).
name: string;
* Prefix which is used for accessing the content of the dll.
scope?: string;
* How the dll is exposed (libraryTarget).
sourceType?: DllReferencePluginOptionsSourceType;
* The way how the export of the dll bundle is used.
type?: "object" | "require";
* The mappings from request to module info.
declare interface DllReferencePluginOptionsContent {
[index: string]: {
* Meta information about the module.
buildMeta?: { [index: string]: any };
* Information about the provided exports of the module.
exports?: true | string[];
* Module ID.
id: string | number;
* An object containing content, name and type.
declare interface DllReferencePluginOptionsManifest {
* The mappings from request to module info.
content: DllReferencePluginOptionsContent;
* The name where the dll is exposed (external name).
name?: string;
* The type how the dll is exposed (external type).
type?: DllReferencePluginOptionsSourceType;
type DllReferencePluginOptionsSourceType =
| "var"
| "assign"
| "this"
| "window"
| "global"
| "commonjs"
| "commonjs2"
| "commonjs-module"
| "amd"
| "amd-require"
| "umd"
| "umd2"
| "jsonp"
| "system";
declare interface Effect {
type: string;
value: any;
declare class EnableLibraryPlugin {
constructor(type: LibraryType);
type: LibraryType;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
static checkEnabled(compiler: Compiler, type: LibraryType): void;
type Entry =
| string
| (() => string | EntryObject | [string, ...string[]] | Promise<EntryStatic>)
| EntryObject
| [string, ...string[]];
declare interface EntryData {
* dependencies of the entrypoint that should be evaluated at startup
dependencies: Dependency[];
* dependencies of the entrypoint that should be included by not evaluated
includeDependencies: Dependency[];
* options of the entrypoint
options: { name: string } & Pick<
"filename" | "dependOn" | "library"
declare abstract class EntryDependency extends ModuleDependency {}
* An object with entry point description.
declare interface EntryDescription {
* The entrypoints that the current entrypoint depend on. They must be loaded when this entrypoint is loaded.
dependOn?: EntryItem;
* Specifies the name of each output file on disk. You must **not** specify an absolute path here! The `output.path` option determines the location on disk the files are written to, filename is used solely for naming the individual files.
filename?: Filename;
* Module(s) that are loaded upon startup.
import: EntryItem;
* Options for library.
library?: LibraryOptions;
* An object with entry point description.
declare interface EntryDescriptionNormalized {
* The entrypoints that the current entrypoint depend on. They must be loaded when this entrypoint is loaded.
dependOn?: [string, ...string[]];
* Specifies the name of each output file on disk. You must **not** specify an absolute path here! The `output.path` option determines the location on disk the files are written to, filename is used solely for naming the individual files.
filename?: Filename;
* Module(s) that are loaded upon startup. The last one is exported.
import: [string, ...string[]];
* Options for library.
library?: LibraryOptions;
type EntryItem = string | [string, ...string[]];
type EntryNormalized =
| (() => Promise<EntryStaticNormalized>)
| EntryStaticNormalized;
* Multiple entry bundles are created. The key is the entry name. The value can be a string, an array or an entry description object.
declare interface EntryObject {
[index: string]: string | [string, ...string[]] | EntryDescription;
declare class EntryPlugin {
* An entry plugin which will handle
* creation of the EntryDependency
context: string,
entry: string,
| string
| ({ name: string } & Pick<
"filename" | "dependOn" | "library"
context: string;
entry: string;
| string
| ({ name: string } & Pick<
"filename" | "dependOn" | "library"
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
static createDependency(
entry: string,
| string
| ({ name: string } & Pick<
"filename" | "dependOn" | "library"
): EntryDependency;
type EntryStatic = string | EntryObject | [string, ...string[]];
* Multiple entry bundles are created. The key is the entry name. The value is an entry description object.
declare interface EntryStaticNormalized {
[index: string]: EntryDescriptionNormalized;
declare abstract class Entrypoint extends ChunkGroup {
runtimeChunk: Chunk;
* Sets the runtimeChunk for an entrypoint.
setRuntimeChunk(chunk: Chunk): void;
* Fetches the chunk reference containing the webpack bootstrap code
getRuntimeChunk(): Chunk;
declare class EnvironmentPlugin {
constructor(...keys: any[]);
keys: any[];
defaultValues: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface Etag {
toString: () => string;
declare class EvalDevToolModulePlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
namespace: any;
sourceUrlComment: any;
moduleFilenameTemplate: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class EvalSourceMapDevToolPlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
sourceMapComment: any;
moduleFilenameTemplate: any;
namespace: any;
options: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
* Enables/Disables experiments (experimental features with relax SemVer compatibility).
declare interface Experiments {
* Allow module type 'asset' to generate assets.
asset?: boolean;
* Support WebAssembly as asynchronous EcmaScript Module.
asyncWebAssembly?: boolean;
* Allow 'import/export' syntax to import async modules.
importAsync?: boolean;
* Allow 'import/export await' syntax to import async modules.
importAwait?: boolean;
* Support .mjs files as way to define strict ESM file (node.js).
mjs?: boolean;
* Allow output javascript files as module source type.
outputModule?: boolean;
* Support WebAssembly as synchronous EcmaScript Module (outdated).
syncWebAssembly?: boolean;
* Allow using top-level-await in EcmaScript Modules.
topLevelAwait?: boolean;
declare class ExportInfo {
constructor(name: string, initFrom?: ExportInfo);
name: string;
usedName: string;
used: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
* true: it is provided
* false: it is not provided
* null: only the runtime knows if it is provided
* undefined: it was not determined if it is provided
provided: boolean;
* true: it can be mangled
* false: is can not be mangled
* undefined: it was not determined if it can be mangled
canMangleProvide: boolean;
* true: it can be mangled
* false: is can not be mangled
* undefined: it was not determined if it can be mangled
canMangleUse: boolean;
exportsInfoOwned: boolean;
exportsInfo: ExportsInfo;
readonly canMangle: boolean;
* get used name
getUsedName(fallbackName?: string): DevTool;
createNestedExportsInfo(): ExportsInfo;
getNestedExportsInfo(): ExportsInfo;
| "used"
| "no usage info"
| "maybe used (runtime-defined)"
| "unused"
| "only properties used";
| "no provided info"
| "maybe provided (runtime-defined)"
| "provided"
| "not provided";
getRenameInfo(): string;
declare interface ExportSpec {
* the name of the export
name: string;
* can the export be renamed (defaults to true)
canMangle?: boolean;
* nested exports
exports?: (string | ExportSpec)[];
* when reexported: from which module
from?: Module;
* when reexported: from which export
export?: string[];
declare class ExportsInfo {
readonly ownedExports: Iterable<ExportInfo>;
readonly exports: Iterable<ExportInfo>;
readonly orderedExports: Iterable<ExportInfo>;
readonly otherExportsInfo: ExportInfo;
setRedirectNamedTo(exportsInfo?: any): boolean;
setHasProvideInfo(): void;
setHasUseInfo(): void;
getOwnExportInfo(name: string): ExportInfo;
getExportInfo(name: string): ExportInfo;
getReadOnlyExportInfo(name: string): ExportInfo;
getNestedExportsInfo(name?: string[]): ExportsInfo;
canMangle?: boolean,
excludeExports?: Set<string>
): boolean;
setUsedInUnknownWay(): boolean;
setAllKnownExportsUsed(): boolean;
setUsedForSideEffectsOnly(): boolean;
isUsed(): boolean;
getUsedExports(): any;
getProvidedExports(): true | string[];
hasStaticExportsList(): boolean;
isExportProvided(name: LibraryExport): boolean;
isExportUsed(name: LibraryExport): 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
getUsedName(name: LibraryExport): string | false | string[];
getRestoreProvidedData(): any;
restoreProvided(__0: {
otherProvided: any;
otherCanMangleProvide: any;
exports: any;
}): void;
declare interface ExportsSpec {
* exported names, true for unknown exports or null for no exports
exports: true | (string | ExportSpec)[];
* when exports = true, list of unaffected exports
excludeExports?: Set<string>;
* can the export be renamed (defaults to true)
canMangle?: boolean;
* module on which the result depends on
dependencies?: Module[];
type Exposes = (string | ExposesObject)[] | ExposesObject;
* Advanced configuration for modules that should be exposed by this container.
declare interface ExposesConfig {
* Request to a module that should be exposed by this container.
import: string | string[];
* Modules that should be exposed by this container. Property names are used as public paths.
declare interface ExposesObject {
[index: string]: string | ExposesConfig | string[];
type Expression =
| UnaryExpression
| ThisExpression
| ArrayExpression
| ObjectExpression
| FunctionExpression
| ArrowFunctionExpression
| YieldExpression
| SimpleLiteral
| RegExpLiteral
| UpdateExpression
| BinaryExpression
| AssignmentExpression
| LogicalExpression
| MemberExpression
| ConditionalExpression
| SimpleCallExpression
| NewExpression
| SequenceExpression
| TemplateLiteral
| TaggedTemplateExpression
| ClassExpression
| MetaProperty
| Identifier
| AwaitExpression;
type ExternalItem =
| string
| RegExp
| { [index: string]: string | boolean | string[] | { [index: string]: any } }
| ((
data: { context: string; request: string },
callback: (err: Error, result: string) => void
) => void);
declare class ExternalModule extends Module {
constructor(request?: any, type?: any, userRequest?: any);
request: string | string[] | Record<string, LibraryExport>;
externalType: string;
userRequest: string;
runtimeTemplate?: any,
moduleGraph?: any,
chunkGraph?: any
): string;
type Externals =
| string
| RegExp
| ExternalItem[]
| { [index: string]: string | boolean | string[] | { [index: string]: any } }
| ((
data: { context: string; request: string },
callback: (err: Error, result: string) => void
) => void);
declare class ExternalsPlugin {
constructor(type: string, externals: Externals);
type: string;
externals: Externals;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
type ExternalsType =
| "var"
| "module"
| "assign"
| "this"
| "window"
| "self"
| "global"
| "commonjs"
| "commonjs2"
| "commonjs-module"
| "amd"
| "amd-require"
| "umd"
| "umd2"
| "jsonp"
| "system"
| "promise"
| "import";
declare interface FactorizeModuleOptions {
currentProfile: ModuleProfile;
factory: ModuleFactory;
dependencies: Dependency[];
originModule: Module;
context?: string;
declare interface FakeHookMarker {}
declare interface FallbackCacheGroup {
minSize: Record<string, number>;
maxAsyncSize: Record<string, number>;
maxInitialSize: Record<string, number>;
automaticNameDelimiter: string;
declare class FetchCompileWasmPlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
options: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
* Options object for persistent file-based caching.
declare interface FileCacheOptions {
* Dependencies the build depends on (in multiple categories, default categories: 'defaultWebpack').
buildDependencies?: { [index: string]: string[] };
* Base directory for the cache (defaults to node_modules/.cache/webpack).
cacheDirectory?: string;
* Locations for the cache (defaults to cacheDirectory / name).
cacheLocation?: string;
* Algorithm used for generation the hash (see node.js crypto package).
hashAlgorithm?: string;
* Time in ms after which idle period the cache storing should happen (only for store: 'pack' or 'idle').
idleTimeout?: number;
* Time in ms after which idle period the initial cache storing should happen (only for store: 'pack' or 'idle').
idleTimeoutForInitialStore?: number;
* List of paths that are managed by a package manager and contain a version or hash in its path so all files are immutable.
immutablePaths?: string[];
* List of paths that are managed by a package manager and can be trusted to not be modified otherwise.
managedPaths?: string[];
* Name for the cache. Different names will lead to different coexisting caches.
name?: string;
* When to store data to the filesystem. (pack: Store data when compiler is idle in a single file).
store?: "pack";
* Filesystem caching.
type: "filesystem";
* Version of the cache data. Different versions won't allow to reuse the cache and override existing content. Update the version when config changed in a way which doesn't allow to reuse cache. This will invalidate the cache.
version?: string;
declare abstract class FileSystemInfo {
fs: InputFileSystem;
logger: WebpackLogger;
fileTimestampQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, FileSystemInfoEntry>;
fileHashQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, string>;
contextTimestampQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, FileSystemInfoEntry>;
contextHashQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, string>;
managedItemQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, string>;
managedItemDirectoryQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, Set<string>>;
managedPaths: string[];
managedPathsWithSlash: string[];
immutablePaths: string[];
immutablePathsWithSlash: string[];
addFileTimestamps(map: Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">): void;
addContextTimestamps(map: Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">): void;
path: string,
callback: (arg0: WebpackError, arg1: FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore") => void
): void;
path: string,
callback: (arg0: WebpackError, arg1: FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore") => void
): void;
path: string,
callback: (arg0: WebpackError, arg1: string) => void
): void;
path: string,
callback: (arg0: WebpackError, arg1: string) => void
): void;
context: string,
deps: Iterable<string>,
callback: (arg0: Error, arg1: ResolveBuildDependenciesResult) => void
): void;
resolveResults: Map<string, string>,
callback: (arg0: Error, arg1: boolean) => void
): void;
startTime: number,
files: Iterable<string>,
directories: Iterable<string>,
missing: Iterable<string>,
options: {
* should use hash to snapshot
hash?: boolean;
callback: (arg0: WebpackError, arg1: Snapshot) => void
): void;
mergeSnapshots(snapshot1: Snapshot, snapshot2: Snapshot): Snapshot;
snapshot: Snapshot,
callback: (arg0: WebpackError, arg1: boolean) => void
): void;
getDeprecatedFileTimestamps(): Map<any, any>;
getDeprecatedContextTimestamps(): Map<any, any>;
declare interface FileSystemInfoEntry {
safeTime: number;
timestamp?: number;
timestampHash?: string;
type Filename = string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo: AssetInfo) => string);
type FilterItemTypes = string | RegExp | ((value: string) => boolean);
type FilterTypes =
| string
| RegExp
| FilterItemTypes[]
| ((value: string) => boolean);
declare interface GenerateContext {
* mapping from dependencies to templates
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
* the runtime template
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
* the module graph
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
* the requirements for runtime
runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
* which kind of code should be generated
type: string;
declare class Generator {
getTypes(module: NormalModule): Set<string>;
getSize(module: NormalModule, type?: string): number;
generate(module: NormalModule, __1: GenerateContext): Source;
updateHash(hash: Hash, __1: UpdateHashContext): void;
static byType(map?: any): ByTypeGenerator;
declare interface HMRJavascriptParserHooks {
hotAcceptCallback: SyncBailHook<[any, string[]], void>;
hotAcceptWithoutCallback: SyncBailHook<[any, string[]], void>;
declare interface HandleModuleCreationOptions {
factory: ModuleFactory;
dependencies: Dependency[];
originModule: Module;
context?: string;
* recurse into dependencies of the created module
recursive?: boolean;
declare class Hash {
update(data: string | Buffer, inputEncoding?: string): Hash;
digest(encoding?: string): string | Buffer;
type HashFunction = string | typeof Hash;
declare class HashedModuleIdsPlugin {
constructor(options?: HashedModuleIdsPluginOptions);
options: HashedModuleIdsPluginOptions;
apply(compiler?: any): void;
declare interface HashedModuleIdsPluginOptions {
* The context directory for creating names.
context?: string;
* The encoding to use when generating the hash, defaults to 'base64'. All encodings from Node.JS' hash.digest are supported.
hashDigest?: "hex" | "latin1" | "base64";
* The prefix length of the hash digest to use, defaults to 4.
hashDigestLength?: number;
* The hashing algorithm to use, defaults to 'md4'. All functions from Node.JS' crypto.createHash are supported.
hashFunction?: string;
declare class HotModuleReplacementPlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
options: any;
multiStep: any;
fullBuildTimeout: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
static getParserHooks(parser: JavascriptParser): HMRJavascriptParserHooks;
declare class IgnorePlugin {
constructor(options: IgnorePluginOptions);
options: IgnorePluginOptions;
* Note that if "contextRegExp" is given, both the "resourceRegExp"
* and "contextRegExp" have to match.
checkIgnore(resolveData: ResolveData): false;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
type IgnorePluginOptions =
| {
* A RegExp to test the context (directory) against.
contextRegExp?: RegExp;
* A RegExp to test the request against.
resourceRegExp?: RegExp;
| {
* A filter function for resource and context.
checkResource?: (resource: string, context: string) => boolean;
* Options for infrastructure level logging.
declare interface InfrastructureLogging {
* Enable debug logging for specific loggers.
| string
| boolean
| RegExp
| FilterItemTypes[]
| ((value: string) => boolean);
* Log level.
level?: "none" | "verbose" | "error" | "warn" | "info" | "log";
declare abstract class InitFragment {
content: string | Source;
stage: number;
position: number;
key: string;
endContent: string | Source;
getContent(generateContext: GenerateContext): string | Source;
getEndContent(generateContext: GenerateContext): string | Source;
merge: any;
declare interface InputFileSystem {
readFile: (
arg0: string,
arg1: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1: Buffer) => void
) => void;
readdir: (
arg0: string,
arg1: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1: string[]) => void
) => void;
stat: (
arg0: string,
arg1: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1: FsStats) => void
) => void;
realpath?: (
arg0: string,
arg1: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1: string) => void
) => void;
purge?: (arg0: string) => void;
join?: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => string;
relative?: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => string;
dirname?: (arg0: string) => string;
declare interface IntermediateFileSystemExtras {
mkdirSync: (arg0: string) => void;
createWriteStream: (arg0: string) => WriteStream;
rename: (
arg0: string,
arg1: string,
arg2: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void
) => void;
declare class JavascriptModulesPlugin {
constructor(options?: {});
options: {};
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
module: Module,
renderContext: RenderContextObject,
hooks: CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin,
factory: boolean | "strict"
): Source;
renderContext: RenderContextObject,
hooks: CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin
): Source;
renderContext: MainRenderContext,
hooks: CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin
): Source;
renderContext: RenderBootstrapContext,
hooks: CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin
): { header: string[]; startup: string[]; allowInlineStartup: boolean };
renderContext: RenderBootstrapContext,
hooks: CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin
): string;
static getCompilationHooks(
compilation: Compilation
): CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin;
static getChunkFilenameTemplate(chunk?: any, outputOptions?: any): any;
static chunkHasJs: (chunk: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean;
declare abstract class JavascriptParser extends Parser {
hooks: Readonly<{
evaluateTypeof: HookMap<
SyncBailHook<[UnaryExpression], BasicEvaluatedExpression>
evaluate: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], BasicEvaluatedExpression>>;
evaluateIdentifier: HookMap<
[ThisExpression | MemberExpression | Identifier],
evaluateDefinedIdentifier: HookMap<
[ThisExpression | MemberExpression | Identifier],
evaluateCallExpressionMember: HookMap<
[CallExpression, BasicEvaluatedExpression],
preStatement: SyncBailHook<
| ExpressionStatement
| BlockStatement
| EmptyStatement
| DebuggerStatement
| WithStatement
| ReturnStatement
| LabeledStatement
| BreakStatement
| ContinueStatement
| IfStatement
| SwitchStatement
| ThrowStatement
| TryStatement
| WhileStatement
| DoWhileStatement
| ForStatement
| ForInStatement
| ForOfStatement
| FunctionDeclaration
| VariableDeclaration
| ClassDeclaration
| ImportDeclaration
| ExportNamedDeclaration
| ExportDefaultDeclaration
| ExportAllDeclaration
boolean | void
blockPreStatement: SyncBailHook<
| ExpressionStatement
| BlockStatement
| EmptyStatement
| DebuggerStatement
| WithStatement
| ReturnStatement
| LabeledStatement
| BreakStatement
| ContinueStatement
| IfStatement
| SwitchStatement
| ThrowStatement
| TryStatement
| WhileStatement
| DoWhileStatement
| ForStatement
| ForInStatement
| ForOfStatement
| FunctionDeclaration
| VariableDeclaration
| ClassDeclaration
| ImportDeclaration
| ExportNamedDeclaration
| ExportDefaultDeclaration
| ExportAllDeclaration
boolean | void
statement: SyncBailHook<
| ExpressionStatement
| BlockStatement
| EmptyStatement
| DebuggerStatement
| WithStatement
| ReturnStatement
| LabeledStatement
| BreakStatement
| ContinueStatement
| IfStatement
| SwitchStatement
| ThrowStatement
| TryStatement
| WhileStatement
| DoWhileStatement
| ForStatement
| ForInStatement
| ForOfStatement
| FunctionDeclaration
| VariableDeclaration
| ClassDeclaration
| ImportDeclaration
| ExportNamedDeclaration
| ExportDefaultDeclaration
| ExportAllDeclaration
boolean | void
statementIf: SyncBailHook<[IfStatement], boolean | void>;
classExtendsExpression: SyncBailHook<
[Expression, ClassExpression | ClassDeclaration],
boolean | void
classBodyElement: SyncBailHook<
[MethodDefinition, ClassExpression | ClassDeclaration],
boolean | void
label: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[LabeledStatement], boolean | void>>;
import: SyncBailHook<
[Statement, string | SimpleLiteral | RegExpLiteral],
boolean | void
importSpecifier: SyncBailHook<
[Statement, string | SimpleLiteral | RegExpLiteral, string, string],
boolean | void
export: SyncBailHook<[Statement], boolean | void>;
exportImport: SyncBailHook<
[Statement, string | SimpleLiteral | RegExpLiteral],
boolean | void
exportDeclaration: SyncBailHook<[Statement, Declaration], boolean | void>;
exportExpression: SyncBailHook<[Statement, Declaration], boolean | void>;
exportSpecifier: SyncBailHook<
[Statement, string, string, number],
boolean | void
exportImportSpecifier: SyncBailHook<
string | SimpleLiteral | RegExpLiteral,
boolean | void
preDeclarator: SyncBailHook<
[VariableDeclarator, Statement],
boolean | void
declarator: SyncBailHook<[VariableDeclarator, Statement], boolean | void>;
varDeclaration: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Declaration], boolean | void>>;
varDeclarationLet: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Declaration], boolean | void>>;
varDeclarationConst: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Declaration], boolean | void>>;
varDeclarationVar: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Declaration], boolean | void>>;
pattern: HookMap<SyncBailHook<any, any>>;
canRename: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>>;
rename: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>>;
assign: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[AssignmentExpression], boolean | void>>;
assignMemberChain: HookMap<
SyncBailHook<[AssignmentExpression, string[]], boolean | void>
typeof: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>>;
importCall: SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>;
topLevelAwait: SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>;
call: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>>;
callMemberChain: HookMap<
SyncBailHook<[Expression, string[]], boolean | void>
memberChainOfCallMemberChain: HookMap<
[Expression, string[], CallExpression, string[]],
boolean | void
callMemberChainOfCallMemberChain: HookMap<
[Expression, string[], CallExpression, string[]],
boolean | void
new: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>>;
expression: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>>;
expressionMemberChain: HookMap<
SyncBailHook<[Expression, string[]], boolean | void>
expressionConditionalOperator: SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>;
expressionLogicalOperator: SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>;
program: SyncBailHook<[Program, Comment[]], boolean | void>;
finish: SyncBailHook<[Program, Comment[]], boolean | void>;
options: any;
sourceType: "module" | "script" | "auto";
scope: ScopeInfo;
state: Record<string, any> & ParserStateBase;
comments: any;
semicolons: any;
statementEndPos: any;
lastStatementEndPos: any;
statementStartPos: any;
currentTagData: any;
initializeEvaluating(): void;
getRenameIdentifier(expr?: any): any;
walkClass(classy: ClassExpression | ClassDeclaration): void;
walkMethodDefinition(methodDefinition?: any): void;
preWalkStatements(statements?: any): void;
blockPreWalkStatements(statements?: any): void;
walkStatements(statements?: any): void;
preWalkStatement(statement?: any): void;
blockPreWalkStatement(statement?: any): void;
walkStatement(statement?: any): void;
preWalkBlockStatement(statement?: any): void;
walkBlockStatement(statement?: any): void;
walkExpressionStatement(statement?: any): void;
preWalkIfStatement(statement?: any): void;
walkIfStatement(statement?: any): void;
preWalkLabeledStatement(statement?: any): void;
walkLabeledStatement(statement?: any): void;
preWalkWithStatement(statement?: any): void;
walkWithStatement(statement?: any): void;
preWalkSwitchStatement(statement?: any): void;
walkSwitchStatement(statement?: any): void;
walkTerminatingStatement(statement?: any): void;
walkReturnStatement(statement?: any): void;
walkThrowStatement(statement?: any): void;
preWalkTryStatement(statement?: any): void;
walkTryStatement(statement?: any): void;
preWalkWhileStatement(statement?: any): void;
walkWhileStatement(statement?: any): void;
preWalkDoWhileStatement(statement?: any): void;
walkDoWhileStatement(statement?: any): void;
preWalkForStatement(statement?: any): void;
walkForStatement(statement?: any): void;
preWalkForInStatement(statement?: any): void;
walkForInStatement(statement?: any): void;
preWalkForOfStatement(statement?: any): void;
walkForOfStatement(statement?: any): void;
preWalkFunctionDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
walkFunctionDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
blockPreWalkImportDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
enterDeclaration(declaration?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
blockPreWalkExportNamedDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
walkExportNamedDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
blockPreWalkExportDefaultDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
walkExportDefaultDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
blockPreWalkExportAllDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
preWalkVariableDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
blockPreWalkVariableDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
walkVariableDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
blockPreWalkClassDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
walkClassDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
preWalkSwitchCases(switchCases?: any): void;
walkSwitchCases(switchCases?: any): void;
preWalkCatchClause(catchClause?: any): void;
walkCatchClause(catchClause?: any): void;
walkPattern(pattern?: any): void;
walkAssignmentPattern(pattern?: any): void;
walkObjectPattern(pattern?: any): void;
walkArrayPattern(pattern?: any): void;
walkRestElement(pattern?: any): void;
walkExpressions(expressions?: any): void;
walkExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkAwaitExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkArrayExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkSpreadElement(expression?: any): void;
walkObjectExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkFunctionExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkArrowFunctionExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkSequenceExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkUpdateExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkUnaryExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkLeftRightExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkBinaryExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkLogicalExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkAssignmentExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkConditionalExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkNewExpression(expression?: any, args?: any): void;
walkYieldExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkTemplateLiteral(expression?: any): void;
walkTaggedTemplateExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkClassExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkImportExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkCallExpression(expression?: any, args?: any): void;
walkMemberExpression(expression?: any): void;
expression?: any,
name?: any,
rootInfo?: any,
members?: any
): void;
walkThisExpression(expression?: any): void;
walkIdentifier(expression?: any): void;
callHooksForExpression(hookMap: any, expr: any, ...args: any[]): any;
callHooksForExpressionWithFallback<T, R>(
hookMap: HookMap<SyncBailHook<T, R>>,
expr: MemberExpression,
fallback: (
arg0: string,
arg1: string | ScopeInfo | VariableInfo,
arg2: () => string[]
) => any,
defined: (arg0: string) => any,
...args: AsArray<T>
): R;
callHooksForName<T, R>(
hookMap: HookMap<SyncBailHook<T, R>>,
name: string,
...args: AsArray<T>
): R;
callHooksForInfo<T, R>(
hookMap: HookMap<SyncBailHook<T, R>>,
info: string | ScopeInfo | VariableInfo,
...args: AsArray<T>
): R;
callHooksForInfoWithFallback<T, R>(
hookMap: HookMap<SyncBailHook<T, R>>,
info: string | ScopeInfo | VariableInfo,
fallback: (arg0: string) => any,
defined: () => any,
...args: AsArray<T>
): R;
callHooksForNameWithFallback<T, R>(
hookMap: HookMap<SyncBailHook<T, R>>,
name: string,
fallback: (arg0: string) => any,
defined: () => any,
...args: AsArray<T>
): R;
inScope(params: any, fn: () => void): void;
inFunctionScope(hasThis?: any, params?: any, fn?: any): void;
inBlockScope(fn?: any): void;
detectMode(statements?: any): void;
enterPatterns(patterns?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
enterPattern(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
enterIdentifier(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
enterObjectPattern(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
enterArrayPattern(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
enterRestElement(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
enterAssignmentPattern(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
evaluateExpression(expression: Expression): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
parseString(expression?: any): any;
parseCalculatedString(expression?: any): any;
evaluate(source?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
getComments(range?: any): any;
isAsiPosition(pos?: any): any;
getTagData(name?: any, tag?: any): any;
tagVariable(name?: any, tag?: any, data?: any): void;
defineVariable(name?: any): void;
undefineVariable(name?: any): void;
isVariableDefined(name?: any): boolean;
getVariableInfo(name: string): string | ScopeInfo | VariableInfo;
name: string,
variableInfo: string | ScopeInfo | VariableInfo
): void;
parseCommentOptions(range?: any): { options: any; errors: any };
expression: MemberExpression
): {
members: string[];
| UnaryExpression
| ThisExpression
| ArrayExpression
| ObjectExpression
| FunctionExpression
| ArrowFunctionExpression
| YieldExpression
| SimpleLiteral
| RegExpLiteral
| UpdateExpression
| BinaryExpression
| AssignmentExpression
| LogicalExpression
| MemberExpression
| ConditionalExpression
| SimpleCallExpression
| NewExpression
| SequenceExpression
| TemplateLiteral
| TaggedTemplateExpression
| ClassExpression
| MetaProperty
| Identifier
| AwaitExpression
| Super;
varName: string
): { name: string; info: string | VariableInfo };
expression: MemberExpression,
allowedTypes: ("expression" | "call")[]
| {
type: "call";
call: CallExpression;
calleeName: string;
rootInfo: string | VariableInfo;
getCalleeMembers: () => string[];
name: string;
getMembers: () => string[];
| {
type: "expression";
rootInfo: string | VariableInfo;
name: string;
getMembers: () => string[];
expression: MemberExpression
): {
name: string;
rootInfo: string | ScopeInfo | VariableInfo;
getMembers: () => string[];
declare interface JsonpCompilationPluginHooks {
jsonpScript: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk, string]>;
linkPreload: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk, string]>;
linkPrefetch: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk, string]>;
type JsonpScriptType = false | "module" | "text/javascript";
declare class JsonpTemplatePlugin {
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
static getCompilationHooks(
compilation: Compilation
): JsonpCompilationPluginHooks;
declare interface KnownBuildMeta {
moduleArgument?: string;
exportsArgument?: string;
strict?: boolean;
moduleConcatenationBailout?: string;
exportsType?: "namespace" | "default" | "flagged";
defaultObject?: boolean | "redirect" | "redirect-warn";
strictHarmonyModule?: boolean;
async?: boolean;
declare abstract class LazySet<T> {
readonly size: number;
add(item: T): LazySet<T>;
addAll(iterable: LazySet<T> | Iterable<T>): LazySet<T>;
clear(): void;
delete(value: T): boolean;
entries(): IterableIterator<[T, T]>;
callbackFn: (arg0: T, arg1: T, arg2: Set<T>) => void,
thisArg?: any
): void;
has(item: T): boolean;
keys(): IterableIterator<T>;
values(): IterableIterator<T>;
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>;
readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string;
serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
declare interface LibIdentOptions {
* absolute context path to which lib ident is relative to
context: string;
* object for caching
associatedObjectForCache?: any;
declare class LibManifestPlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
options: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
type Library = string | string[] | LibraryOptions | LibraryCustomUmdObject;
declare interface LibraryContext<T> {
compilation: Compilation;
options: T;
* Set explicit comments for `commonjs`, `commonjs2`, `amd`, and `root`.
declare interface LibraryCustomUmdCommentObject {
* Set comment for `amd` section in UMD.
amd?: string;
* Set comment for `commonjs` (exports) section in UMD.
commonjs?: string;
* Set comment for `commonjs2` (module.exports) section in UMD.
commonjs2?: string;
* Set comment for `root` (global variable) section in UMD.
root?: string;
* Description object for all UMD variants of the library name.
declare interface LibraryCustomUmdObject {
* Name of the exposed AMD library in the UMD.
amd?: string;
* Name of the exposed commonjs export in the UMD.
commonjs?: string;
* Name of the property exposed globally by a UMD library.
root?: LibraryExport;
type LibraryExport = string | string[];
type LibraryName = string | string[] | LibraryCustomUmdObject;
* Options for library.
declare interface LibraryOptions {
* Add a comment in the UMD wrapper.
auxiliaryComment?: AuxiliaryComment;
* Specify which export should be exposed as library.
export?: LibraryExport;
* The name of the library (some types allow unnamed libraries too).
name?: LibraryName;
* Type of library.
type: LibraryType;
* If `output.libraryTarget` is set to umd and `output.library` is set, setting this to true will name the AMD module.
umdNamedDefine?: boolean;
declare class LibraryTemplatePlugin {
name: LibraryName,
target: LibraryType,
umdNamedDefine: boolean,
auxiliaryComment: AuxiliaryComment,
exportProperty: LibraryExport
library: {
type: LibraryType;
name: LibraryName;
umdNamedDefine: boolean;
auxiliaryComment: AuxiliaryComment;
export: LibraryExport;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
type LibraryType =
| "var"
| "module"
| "assign"
| "this"
| "window"
| "self"
| "global"
| "commonjs"
| "commonjs2"
| "commonjs-module"
| "amd"
| "amd-require"
| "umd"
| "umd2"
| "jsonp"
| "system";
declare class LimitChunkCountPlugin {
constructor(options?: LimitChunkCountPluginOptions);
options: LimitChunkCountPluginOptions;
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface LimitChunkCountPluginOptions {
* Constant overhead for a chunk.
chunkOverhead?: number;
* Multiplicator for initial chunks.
entryChunkMultiplicator?: number;
* Limit the maximum number of chunks using a value greater greater than or equal to 1.
maxChunks: number;
* Custom values available in the loader context.
declare interface Loader {
[index: string]: any;
declare interface LoaderItem {
loader: string;
options: any;
ident: string;
declare class LoaderOptionsPlugin {
constructor(options?: LoaderOptionsPluginOptions);
options: LoaderOptionsPluginOptions;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface LoaderOptionsPluginOptions {
[index: string]: any;
* Whether loaders should be in debug mode or not. debug will be removed as of webpack 3.
debug?: boolean;
* Where loaders can be switched to minimize mode.
minimize?: boolean;
* A configuration object that can be used to configure older loaders.
options?: {
[index: string]: any;
* The context that can be used to configure older loaders.
context?: string;
declare class LoaderTargetPlugin {
constructor(target: string);
target: string;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface LogEntry {
type: string;
args: any[];
time: number;
trace?: string[];
declare const MEASURE_END_OPERATION: unique symbol;
declare const MEASURE_START_OPERATION: unique symbol;
declare interface MainRenderContext {
* the chunk
chunk: Chunk;
* the dependency templates
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
* the runtime template
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
* the module graph
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
* results of code generation
codeGenerationResults: Map<Module, CodeGenerationResult>;
* hash to be used for render call
hash: string;
declare abstract class MainTemplate {
hooks: Readonly<{
renderManifest: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
modules: { tap: () => never };
moduleObj: { tap: () => never };
require: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
beforeStartup: { tap: () => never };
startup: { tap: () => never };
afterStartup: { tap: () => never };
render: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
renderWithEntry: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
assetPath: {
tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void;
call: (filename?: any, options?: any) => string;
hash: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
hashForChunk: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
globalHashPaths: { tap: () => void };
globalHash: { tap: () => void };
hotBootstrap: { tap: () => never };
bootstrap: SyncWaterfallHook<
[string, Chunk, string, ModuleTemplate, DependencyTemplates]
localVars: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk, string]>;
requireExtensions: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk, string]>;
requireEnsure: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk, string, string]>;
renderCurrentHashCode: (hash: string, length?: number) => string;
getPublicPath: (options?: any) => string;
getAssetPath: (path?: any, options?: any) => string;
getAssetPathWithInfo: (
path?: any,
options?: any
) => { path: string; info: AssetInfo };
readonly requireFn: string;
readonly outputOptions: any;
declare interface MapOptions {
columns?: boolean;
module?: boolean;
* Options object for in-memory caching.
declare interface MemoryCacheOptions {
* List of paths that are managed by a package manager and contain a version or hash in its path so all files are immutable.
immutablePaths?: string[];
* List of paths that are managed by a package manager and can be trusted to not be modified otherwise.
managedPaths?: string[];
* In memory caching.
type: "memory";
declare class MemoryCachePlugin {
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class MinChunkSizePlugin {
constructor(options: MinChunkSizePluginOptions);
options: MinChunkSizePluginOptions;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface MinChunkSizePluginOptions {
* Constant overhead for a chunk.
chunkOverhead?: number;
* Multiplicator for initial chunks.
entryChunkMultiplicator?: number;
* Minimum number of characters.
minChunkSize: number;
type Mode = "development" | "production" | "none";
declare class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string);
type: string;
context: string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: any;
factoryMeta: any;
buildMeta: KnownBuildMeta & Record<string, any>;
buildInfo: any;
presentationalDependencies: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
readonly hash: string;
readonly renderedHash: string;
profile: ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: Module;
readonly usedExports: boolean | SortableSet<string>;
readonly optimizationBailout: (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
readonly optional: boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
readonly chunksIterable: Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): boolean;
readonly exportsArgument: string;
readonly moduleArgument: string;
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): Iterable<WebpackError>;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): Iterable<WebpackError>;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
isModuleUsed(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
exportName: LibraryExport
): 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
exportName: LibraryExport
): string | false | string[];
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0: WebpackError, arg1: boolean) => void
): void;
needRebuild(fileTimestamps?: any, contextTimestamps?: any): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: Resolver & WithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
source(sourceContext: SourceContext): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): string;
nameForCondition(): string;
getRuntimeRequirements(context: SourceContext): ReadonlySet<string>;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
originalSource(): Source;
useSourceMap: any;
readonly hasEqualsChunks: any;
readonly isUsed: any;
readonly errors: any;
readonly warnings: any;
used: any;
declare class ModuleConcatenationPlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
options: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare abstract class ModuleDependency extends Dependency {
request: string;
userRequest: string;
range: any;
declare abstract class ModuleFactory {
data: ModuleFactoryCreateData,
callback: (arg0: Error, arg1: ModuleFactoryResult) => void
): void;
declare interface ModuleFactoryCreateData {
contextInfo: ModuleFactoryCreateDataContextInfo;
resolveOptions?: any;
context: string;
dependencies: Dependency[];
declare interface ModuleFactoryCreateDataContextInfo {
issuer: string;
compiler: string;
declare interface ModuleFactoryResult {
* the created module or unset if no module was created
module?: Module;
fileDependencies?: Set<string>;
contextDependencies?: Set<string>;
missingDependencies?: Set<string>;
declare class ModuleFederationPlugin {
constructor(options: ModuleFederationPluginOptions);
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface ModuleFederationPluginOptions {
* Modules that should be exposed by this container. When provided, property name is used as public name, otherwise public name is automatically inferred from request.
exposes?: Exposes;
* The filename of the container as relative path inside the `output.path` directory.
filename?: string;
* Options for library.
library?: LibraryOptions;
* The name of the container.
name?: string;
* The external type of the remote containers.
remoteType?: ExternalsType;
* Container locations and request scopes from which modules should be resolved and loaded at runtime. When provided, property name is used as request scope, otherwise request scope is automatically inferred from container location.
remotes?: Remotes;
* Share scope name used for all shared modules (defaults to 'default').
shareScope?: string;
* Modules that should be shared in the share scope. When provided, property names are used to match requested modules in this compilation.
shared?: Shared;
declare class ModuleGraph {
dependency: Dependency,
block: DependenciesBlock,
module: Module
): void;
getParentModule(dependency: Dependency): Module;
getParentBlock(dependency: Dependency): DependenciesBlock;
originModule: Module,
dependency: Dependency,
module: Module
): void;
updateModule(dependency: Dependency, module: Module): void;
removeConnection(dependency: Dependency): void;
addExplanation(dependency: Dependency, explanation: string): void;
cloneModuleAttributes(sourceModule: Module, targetModule: Module): void;
removeModuleAttributes(module: Module): void;
removeAllModuleAttributes(): void;
oldModule: Module,
newModule: Module,
filterConnection: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean
): void;
addExtraReason(module: Module, explanation: string): void;
getResolvedModule(dependency: Dependency): Module;
getConnection(dependency: Dependency): ModuleGraphConnection;
getModule(dependency: Dependency): Module;
getOrigin(dependency: Dependency): Module;
getResolvedOrigin(dependency: Dependency): Module;
getIncomingConnections(module: Module): Iterable<ModuleGraphConnection>;
getOutgoingConnections(module: Module): Iterable<ModuleGraphConnection>;
getProfile(module: Module): ModuleProfile;
setProfile(module: Module, profile: ModuleProfile): void;
getIssuer(module: Module): Module;
setIssuer(module: Module, issuer: Module): void;
setIssuerIfUnset(module: Module, issuer: Module): void;
module: Module
): (string | ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string))[];
getProvidedExports(module: Module): true | string[];
isExportProvided(module: Module, exportName: LibraryExport): boolean;
getExportsInfo(module: Module): ExportsInfo;
getExportInfo(module: Module, exportName: string): ExportInfo;
getReadOnlyExportInfo(module: Module, exportName: string): ExportInfo;
getUsedExports(module: Module): boolean | SortableSet<string>;
getPreOrderIndex(module: Module): number;
getPostOrderIndex(module: Module): number;
setPreOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void;
setPreOrderIndexIfUnset(module: Module, index: number): boolean;
setPostOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void;
setPostOrderIndexIfUnset(module: Module, index: number): boolean;
getDepth(module: Module): number;
setDepth(module: Module, depth: number): void;
setDepthIfLower(module: Module, depth: number): boolean;
isAsync(module: Module): boolean;
setAsync(module: Module): void;
getMeta(thing?: any): any;
static getModuleGraphForModule(
module: Module,
deprecateMessage: string,
deprecationCode: string
): ModuleGraph;
static setModuleGraphForModule(
module: Module,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
): void;
static ModuleGraphConnection: typeof ModuleGraphConnection;
static ExportsInfo: typeof ExportsInfo;
static ExportInfo: typeof ExportInfo;
static UsageState: Readonly<{
NoInfo: 0;
Unused: 1;
Unknown: 2;
OnlyPropertiesUsed: 3;
Used: 4;
declare class ModuleGraphConnection {
originModule: Module,
dependency: Dependency,
module: Module,
explanation?: string,
weak?: boolean,
condition?: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean
originModule: Module;
resolvedOriginModule: Module;
dependency: Dependency;
resolvedModule: Module;
module: Module;
weak: boolean;
conditional: boolean;
condition: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean;
explanations: Set<string>;
addCondition(condition: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean): void;
addExplanation(explanation: string): void;
readonly explanation: string;
active: any;
* Options affecting the normal modules (`NormalModuleFactory`).
declare interface ModuleOptions {
* An array of rules applied by default for modules.
defaultRules?: RuleSetRule[];
* Enable warnings for full dynamic dependencies.
exprContextCritical?: boolean;
* Enable recursive directory lookup for full dynamic dependencies.
exprContextRecursive?: boolean;
* Sets the default regular expression for full dynamic dependencies.
exprContextRegExp?: boolean | RegExp;
* Set the default request for full dynamic dependencies.
exprContextRequest?: string;
* Don't parse files matching. It's matched against the full resolved request.
| string
| Function
| RegExp
| [string | Function | RegExp, ...(string | Function | RegExp)[]];
* An array of rules applied for modules.
rules?: RuleSetRule[];
* Emit errors instead of warnings when imported names don't exist in imported module.
strictExportPresence?: boolean;
* Handle the this context correctly according to the spec for namespace objects.
strictThisContextOnImports?: boolean;
* Enable warnings when using the require function in a not statically analyse-able way.
unknownContextCritical?: boolean;
* Enable recursive directory lookup when using the require function in a not statically analyse-able way.
unknownContextRecursive?: boolean;
* Sets the regular expression when using the require function in a not statically analyse-able way.
unknownContextRegExp?: boolean | RegExp;
* Sets the request when using the require function in a not statically analyse-able way.
unknownContextRequest?: string;
* Cache the resolving of module requests.
unsafeCache?: boolean | Function;
* Enable warnings for partial dynamic dependencies.
wrappedContextCritical?: boolean;
* Enable recursive directory lookup for partial dynamic dependencies.
wrappedContextRecursive?: boolean;
* Set the inner regular expression for partial dynamic dependencies.
wrappedContextRegExp?: RegExp;
declare interface ModulePathData {
id: string | number;
hash: string;
hashWithLength?: (arg0: number) => string;
declare abstract class ModuleProfile {
startTime: number;
factory: number;
restoring: number;
integration: number;
building: number;
storing: number;
additionalFactories: number;
additionalIntegration: number;
markFactoryStart(): void;
factoryStartTime: number;
markFactoryEnd(): void;
factoryEndTime: number;
markRestoringStart(): void;
restoringStartTime: number;
markRestoringEnd(): void;
restoringEndTime: number;
markIntegrationStart(): void;
integrationStartTime: number;
markIntegrationEnd(): void;
integrationEndTime: number;
markBuildingStart(): void;
buildingStartTime: number;
markBuildingEnd(): void;
buildingEndTime: number;
markStoringStart(): void;
storingStartTime: number;
markStoringEnd(): void;
storingEndTime: number;
* Merge this profile into another one
mergeInto(realProfile: ModuleProfile): void;
declare abstract class ModuleTemplate {
type: string;
hooks: Readonly<{
content: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
module: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
render: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
package: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
hash: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
readonly runtimeTemplate: any;
declare class MultiCompiler {
constructor(compilers: Compiler[] | Record<string, Compiler>);
hooks: Readonly<{
done: SyncHook<[MultiStats], void>;
invalid: MultiHook<SyncHook<[string, string], void>>;
run: MultiHook<AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>>;
watchClose: SyncHook<[], void>;
watchRun: MultiHook<AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>>;
infrastructureLog: MultiHook<SyncBailHook<[string, string, any[]], true>>;
compilers: Compiler[];
dependencies: WeakMap<Compiler, string[]>;
running: boolean;
readonly options: WebpackOptionsNormalized[];
readonly outputPath: string;
inputFileSystem: InputFileSystem;
outputFileSystem: OutputFileSystem;
intermediateFileSystem: InputFileSystem &
OutputFileSystem &
getInfrastructureLogger(name?: any): WebpackLogger;
setDependencies(compiler: Compiler, dependencies: string[]): void;
validateDependencies(callback: CallbackFunction<MultiStats>): boolean;
compilers: Compiler[],
fn: (compiler: Compiler, callback: CallbackFunction<MultiStats>) => any,
callback: CallbackFunction<MultiStats>
): void;
watchOptions: WatchOptions | WatchOptions[],
handler: CallbackFunction<MultiStats>
): MultiWatching;
run(callback: CallbackFunction<MultiStats>): void;
purgeInputFileSystem(): void;
close(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
declare abstract class MultiStats {
stats: Stats[];
hash: string;
hasErrors(): boolean;
hasWarnings(): boolean;
options?: any
): {
children: any[];
version: any;
hash: string;
errors: any[];
warnings: any[];
toString(options?: any): string;
declare abstract class MultiWatching {
watchings: Watching[];
compiler: MultiCompiler;
invalidate(): void;
suspend(): void;
resume(): void;
close(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
declare class NamedChunkIdsPlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
delimiter: any;
context: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class NamedModuleIdsPlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
options: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class NaturalModuleIdsPlugin {
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface NeedBuildContext {
fileSystemInfo: FileSystemInfo;
declare class NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin {
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
type Node = false | NodeOptions;
declare class NodeEnvironmentPlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
options: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
* Options object for node compatibility features.
declare interface NodeOptions {
* Include a polyfill for the '__dirname' variable.
__dirname?: boolean | "mock";
* Include a polyfill for the '__filename' variable.
__filename?: boolean | "mock";
* Include a polyfill for the 'global' variable.
global?: boolean;
declare class NodeTemplatePlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
asyncChunkLoading: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class NormalModule extends Module {
constructor(__0: {
* module type
type: string;
* request string
request: string;
* request intended by user (without loaders from config)
userRequest: string;
* request without resolving
rawRequest: string;
* list of loaders
loaders: LoaderItem[];
* path + query of the real resource
resource: string;
* path + query of the matched resource (virtual)
matchResource: string;
* the parser used
parser: Parser;
* the generator used
generator: Generator;
* options used for resolving requests from this module
resolveOptions: any;
request: string;
userRequest: string;
rawRequest: string;
binary: boolean;
parser: Parser;
generator: Generator;
resource: string;
matchResource: string;
loaders: LoaderItem[];
error: WebpackError;
context: string,
name: string,
content: string,
sourceMap?: any,
associatedObjectForCache?: any
): Source;
resolver: Resolver & WithOptions,
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
fs: InputFileSystem
): any;
getCurrentLoader(loaderContext?: any, index?: any): LoaderItem;
context: string,
content: string | Buffer,
sourceMap?: any,
associatedObjectForCache?: any
): Source;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: Resolver & WithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0: WebpackError) => void
): void;
markModuleAsErrored(error: WebpackError): void;
applyNoParseRule(rule?: any, content?: any): any;
shouldPreventParsing(noParseRule?: any, request?: any): any;
static getCompilationHooks(
compilation: Compilation
): NormalModuleCompilationHooks;
static deserialize(context?: any): NormalModule;
declare interface NormalModuleCompilationHooks {
loader: SyncHook<[any, NormalModule], void>;
declare abstract class NormalModuleFactory extends ModuleFactory {
hooks: Readonly<{
resolve: AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveData], any>;
factorize: AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveData], any>;
beforeResolve: AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveData], any>;
afterResolve: AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveData], any>;
createModule: SyncBailHook<[ResolveData], any>;
module: SyncWaterfallHook<[Module, any, ResolveData]>;
createParser: HookMap<SyncBailHook<any, any>>;
parser: HookMap<SyncHook<any, void>>;
createGenerator: HookMap<SyncBailHook<any, any>>;
generator: HookMap<SyncHook<any, void>>;
resolverFactory: any;
ruleSet: RuleSet;
unsafeCache: boolean;
cachePredicate: any;
context: any;
fs: any;
parserCache: Map<string, WeakMap<any, any>>;
generatorCache: Map<string, WeakMap<any, Generator>>;
contextInfo?: any,
context?: any,
array?: any,
resolver?: any,
resolveContext?: any,
callback?: any
): any;
getParser(type?: any, parserOptions?: {}): any;
createParser(type?: any, parserOptions?: {}): any;
getGenerator(type?: any, generatorOptions?: {}): Generator;
createGenerator(type?: any, generatorOptions?: {}): any;
getResolver(type?: any, resolveOptions?: any): any;
declare class NormalModuleReplacementPlugin {
* Create an instance of the plugin
resourceRegExp: RegExp,
newResource: string | ((arg0?: any) => void)
resourceRegExp: RegExp;
newResource: string | ((arg0?: any) => void);
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface ObjectDeserializerContext {
read: () => any;
declare interface ObjectSerializer {
serialize: (arg0: any, arg1: ObjectSerializerContext) => void;
deserialize: (arg0: ObjectDeserializerContext) => any;
declare interface ObjectSerializerContext {
write: (arg0?: any) => void;
declare class OccurrenceChunkIdsPlugin {
constructor(options?: OccurrenceChunkIdsPluginOptions);
options: OccurrenceChunkIdsPluginOptions;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface OccurrenceChunkIdsPluginOptions {
* Prioritise initial size over total size.
prioritiseInitial?: boolean;
declare class OccurrenceModuleIdsPlugin {
constructor(options?: OccurrenceModuleIdsPluginOptions);
options: OccurrenceModuleIdsPluginOptions;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface OccurrenceModuleIdsPluginOptions {
* Prioritise initial size over total size.
prioritiseInitial?: boolean;
* Enables/Disables integrated optimizations.
declare interface Optimization {
* Check for incompatible wasm types when importing/exporting from/to ESM.
checkWasmTypes?: boolean;
* Define the algorithm to choose chunk ids (named: readable ids for better debugging, deterministic: numeric hash ids for better long term caching, size: numeric ids focused on minimal initial download size, total-size: numeric ids focused on minimal total download size, false: no algorithm used, as custom one can be provided via plugin).
| false
| "natural"
| "named"
| "deterministic"
| "size"
| "total-size";
* Concatenate modules when possible to generate less modules, more efficient code and enable more optimizations by the minimizer.
concatenateModules?: boolean;
* Also flag chunks as loaded which contain a subset of the modules.
flagIncludedChunks?: boolean;
* Creates a module-internal dependency graph for top level symbols, exports and imports, to improve unused exports detection.
innerGraph?: boolean;
* Rename exports when possible to generate shorter code (depends on optimization.usedExports and optimization.providedExports).
mangleExports?: boolean;
* Reduce size of WASM by changing imports to shorter strings.
mangleWasmImports?: boolean;
* Merge chunks which contain the same modules.
mergeDuplicateChunks?: boolean;
* Enable minimizing the output. Uses optimization.minimizer.
minimize?: boolean;
* Minimizer(s) to use for minimizing the output.
minimizer?: (
| ((this: Compiler, compiler: Compiler) => void)
| WebpackPluginInstance
* Define the algorithm to choose module ids (natural: numeric ids in order of usage, named: readable ids for better debugging, hashed: (deprecated) short hashes as ids for better long term caching, deterministic: numeric hash ids for better long term caching, size: numeric ids focused on minimal initial download size, false: no algorithm used, as custom one can be provided via plugin).
moduleIds?: false | "natural" | "named" | "deterministic" | "size" | "hashed";
* Avoid emitting assets when errors occur.
noEmitOnErrors?: boolean;
* Set process.env.NODE_ENV to a specific value.
nodeEnv?: DevTool;
* Generate records with relative paths to be able to move the context folder.
portableRecords?: boolean;
* Figure out which exports are provided by modules to generate more efficient code.
providedExports?: boolean;
* Removes modules from chunks when these modules are already included in all parents.
removeAvailableModules?: boolean;
* Remove chunks which are empty.
removeEmptyChunks?: boolean;
* Create an additional chunk which contains only the webpack runtime and chunk hash maps.
runtimeChunk?: OptimizationRuntimeChunk;
* Skip over modules which are flagged to contain no side effects when exports are not used.
sideEffects?: boolean;
* Optimize duplication and caching by splitting chunks by shared modules and cache group.
splitChunks?: false | OptimizationSplitChunksOptions;
* Figure out which exports are used by modules to mangle export names, omit unused exports and generate more efficient code.
usedExports?: boolean;
type OptimizationRuntimeChunk =
| boolean
| "single"
| "multiple"
| {
* The name or name factory for the runtime chunks.
name?: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;
* Options object for describing behavior of a cache group selecting modules that should be cached together.
declare interface OptimizationSplitChunksCacheGroup {
* Sets the name delimiter for created chunks.
automaticNameDelimiter?: string;
* Select chunks for determining cache group content (defaults to "initial", "initial" and "all" requires adding these chunks to the HTML).
chunks?: "initial" | "async" | "all" | ((chunk: Chunk) => boolean);
* Ignore minimum size, minimum chunks and maximum requests and always create chunks for this cache group.
enforce?: boolean;
* Sets the template for the filename for created chunks.
filename?: string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo: AssetInfo) => string);
* Sets the hint for chunk id.
idHint?: string;
* Maximum number of requests which are accepted for on-demand loading.
maxAsyncRequests?: number;
* Maximal size hint for the on-demand chunks.
maxAsyncSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;
* Maximum number of initial chunks which are accepted for an entry point.
maxInitialRequests?: number;
* Maximal size hint for the initial chunks.
maxInitialSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;
* Maximal size hint for the created chunks.
maxSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;
* Minimum number of times a module has to be duplicated until it's considered for splitting.
minChunks?: number;
* Minimal size for the chunks the stay after moving the modules to a new chunk.
minRemainingSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;
* Minimal size for the created chunk.
minSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;
* Give chunks for this cache group a name (chunks with equal name are merged).
name?: string | false | Function;
* Priority of this cache group.
priority?: number;
* Try to reuse existing chunk (with name) when it has matching modules.
reuseExistingChunk?: boolean;
* Assign modules to a cache group by module name.
test?: string | Function | RegExp;
* Assign modules to a cache group by module type.
type?: string | Function | RegExp;
* Options object for splitting chunks into smaller chunks.
declare interface OptimizationSplitChunksOptions {
* Sets the name delimiter for created chunks.
automaticNameDelimiter?: string;
* Assign modules to a cache group (modules from different cache groups are tried to keep in separate chunks, default categories: 'default', 'defaultVendors').
cacheGroups?: {
[index: string]:
| string
| false
| Function
| RegExp
| OptimizationSplitChunksCacheGroup;
* Select chunks for determining shared modules (defaults to "async", "initial" and "all" requires adding these chunks to the HTML).
chunks?: "initial" | "async" | "all" | ((chunk: Chunk) => boolean);
* Options for modules not selected by any other cache group.
fallbackCacheGroup?: {
* Sets the name delimiter for created chunks.
automaticNameDelimiter?: string;
* Maximal size hint for the on-demand chunks.
maxAsyncSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;
* Maximal size hint for the initial chunks.
maxInitialSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;
* Maximal size hint for the created chunks.
maxSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;
* Minimal size for the created chunk.
minSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;
* Sets the template for the filename for created chunks.
filename?: string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo: AssetInfo) => string);
* Prevents exposing path info when creating names for parts splitted by maxSize.
hidePathInfo?: boolean;
* Maximum number of requests which are accepted for on-demand loading.
maxAsyncRequests?: number;
* Maximal size hint for the on-demand chunks.
maxAsyncSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;
* Maximum number of initial chunks which are accepted for an entry point.
maxInitialRequests?: number;
* Maximal size hint for the initial chunks.
maxInitialSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;
* Maximal size hint for the created chunks.
maxSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;
* Minimum number of times a module has to be duplicated until it's considered for splitting.
minChunks?: number;
* Minimal size for the chunks the stay after moving the modules to a new chunk.
minRemainingSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;
* Minimal size for the created chunks.
minSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;
* Give chunks created a name (chunks with equal name are merged).
name?: string | false | Function;
type OptimizationSplitChunksSizes = number | { [index: string]: number };
declare abstract class OptionsApply {
process(options?: any, compiler?: any): void;
* Options affecting the output of the compilation. `output` options tell webpack how to write the compiled files to disk.
declare interface Output {
* The filename of asset modules as relative path inside the `output.path` directory.
assetModuleFilename?: AssetModuleFilename;
* Add a comment in the UMD wrapper.
auxiliaryComment?: AuxiliaryComment;
* The callback function name used by webpack for loading of chunks in WebWorkers.
chunkCallbackName?: string;
* The filename of non-entry chunks as relative path inside the `output.path` directory.
chunkFilename?: string;
* Number of milliseconds before chunk request expires.
chunkLoadTimeout?: number;
* Check if to be emitted file already exists and have the same content before writing to output filesystem.
compareBeforeEmit?: boolean;
* This option enables cross-origin loading of chunks.
crossOriginLoading?: CrossOriginLoading;
* Similar to `output.devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate`, but used in the case of duplicate module identifiers.
devtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate?: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;
* Filename template string of function for the sources array in a generated SourceMap.
devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate?: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;
* Module namespace to use when interpolating filename template string for the sources array in a generated SourceMap. Defaults to `output.library` if not set. It's useful for avoiding runtime collisions in sourcemaps from multiple webpack projects built as libraries.
devtoolNamespace?: string;
* The maximum EcmaScript version of the webpack generated code (doesn't include input source code from modules).
ecmaVersion?: number;
* List of library types enabled for use by entry points.
enabledLibraryTypes?: LibraryType[];
* Specifies the name of each output file on disk. You must **not** specify an absolute path here! The `output.path` option determines the location on disk the files are written to, filename is used solely for naming the individual files.
filename?: Filename;
* An expression which is used to address the global object/scope in runtime code.
globalObject?: string;
* Digest type used for the hash.
hashDigest?: string;
* Number of chars which are used for the hash.
hashDigestLength?: number;
* Algorithm used for generation the hash (see node.js crypto package).
hashFunction?: HashFunction;
* Any string which is added to the hash to salt it.
hashSalt?: string;
* The filename of the Hot Update Chunks. They are inside the output.path directory.
hotUpdateChunkFilename?: string;
* The JSONP function used by webpack for async loading of hot update chunks.
hotUpdateFunction?: string;
* The filename of the Hot Update Main File. It is inside the `output.path` directory.
hotUpdateMainFilename?: string;
* Wrap javascript code into IIFE's to avoid leaking into global scope.
iife?: boolean;
* The name of the native import() function (can be exchanged for a polyfill).
importFunctionName?: string;
* The JSONP function used by webpack for async loading of chunks.
jsonpFunction?: string;
* This option enables loading async chunks via a custom script type, such as script type="module".
jsonpScriptType?: JsonpScriptType;
* Make the output files a library, exporting the exports of the entry point.
library?: Library;
* Specify which export should be exposed as library.
libraryExport?: LibraryExport;
* Type of library.
libraryTarget?: LibraryType;
* Output javascript files as module source type.
module?: boolean;
* The output directory as **absolute path** (required).
path?: string;
* Include comments with information about the modules.
pathinfo?: boolean;
* The `publicPath` specifies the public URL address of the output files when referenced in a browser.
publicPath?: PublicPath;
* The filename of the SourceMaps for the JavaScript files. They are inside the `output.path` directory.
sourceMapFilename?: string;
* Prefixes every line of the source in the bundle with this string.
sourcePrefix?: string;
* Handles exceptions in module loading correctly at a performance cost.
strictModuleExceptionHandling?: boolean;
* If `output.libraryTarget` is set to umd and `output.library` is set, setting this to true will name the AMD module.
umdNamedDefine?: boolean;
* A unique name of the webpack build to avoid multiple webpack runtimes to conflict when using globals.
uniqueName?: string;
* The filename of WebAssembly modules as relative path inside the `output.path` directory.
webassemblyModuleFilename?: string;
declare interface OutputFileSystem {
writeFile: (
arg0: string,
arg1: string | Buffer,
arg2: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void
) => void;
mkdir: (arg0: string, arg1: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void) => void;
stat: (
arg0: string,
arg1: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1: FsStats) => void
) => void;
readFile: (
arg0: string,
arg1: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1: Buffer) => void
) => void;
join?: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => string;
relative?: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => string;
dirname?: (arg0: string) => string;
* Normalized options affecting the output of the compilation. `output` options tell webpack how to write the compiled files to disk.
declare interface OutputNormalized {
* The filename of asset modules as relative path inside the `output.path` directory.
assetModuleFilename?: AssetModuleFilename;
* The callback function name used by webpack for loading of chunks in WebWorkers.
chunkCallbackName?: string;
* The filename of non-entry chunks as relative path inside the `output.path` directory.
chunkFilename?: string;
* Number of milliseconds before chunk request expires.
chunkLoadTimeout?: number;
* Check if to be emitted file already exists and have the same content before writing to output filesystem.
compareBeforeEmit?: boolean;
* This option enables cross-origin loading of chunks.
crossOriginLoading?: CrossOriginLoading;
* Similar to `output.devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate`, but used in the case of duplicate module identifiers.
devtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate?: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;
* Filename template string of function for the sources array in a generated SourceMap.
devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate?: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;
* Module namespace to use when interpolating filename template string for the sources array in a generated SourceMap. Defaults to `output.library` if not set. It's useful for avoiding runtime collisions in sourcemaps from multiple webpack projects built as libraries.
devtoolNamespace?: string;
* The maximum EcmaScript version of the webpack generated code (doesn't include input source code from modules).
ecmaVersion?: number;
* List of library types enabled for use by entry points.
enabledLibraryTypes?: LibraryType[];
* Specifies the name of each output file on disk. You must **not** specify an absolute path here! The `output.path` option determines the location on disk the files are written to, filename is used solely for naming the individual files.
filename?: Filename;
* An expression which is used to address the global object/scope in runtime code.
globalObject?: string;
* Digest type used for the hash.
hashDigest?: string;
* Number of chars which are used for the hash.
hashDigestLength?: number;
* Algorithm used for generation the hash (see node.js crypto package).
hashFunction?: HashFunction;
* Any string which is added to the hash to salt it.
hashSalt?: string;
* The filename of the Hot Update Chunks. They are inside the output.path directory.
hotUpdateChunkFilename?: string;
* The JSONP function used by webpack for async loading of hot update chunks.
hotUpdateFunction?: string;
* The filename of the Hot Update Main File. It is inside the `output.path` directory.
hotUpdateMainFilename?: string;
* Wrap javascript code into IIFE's to avoid leaking into global scope.
iife?: boolean;
* The name of the native import() function (can be exchanged for a polyfill).
importFunctionName?: string;
* The JSONP function used by webpack for async loading of chunks.
jsonpFunction?: string;
* This option enables loading async chunks via a custom script type, such as script type="module".
jsonpScriptType?: JsonpScriptType;
* Options for library.
library?: LibraryOptions;
* Output javascript files as module source type.
module?: boolean;
* The output directory as **absolute path** (required).
path?: string;
* Include comments with information about the modules.
pathinfo?: boolean;
* The `publicPath` specifies the public URL address of the output files when referenced in a browser.
publicPath?: PublicPath;
* The filename of the SourceMaps for the JavaScript files. They are inside the `output.path` directory.
sourceMapFilename?: string;
* Prefixes every line of the source in the bundle with this string.
sourcePrefix?: string;
* Handles exceptions in module loading correctly at a performance cost.
strictModuleExceptionHandling?: boolean;
* A unique name of the webpack build to avoid multiple webpack runtimes to conflict when using globals.
uniqueName?: string;
* The filename of WebAssembly modules as relative path inside the `output.path` directory.
webassemblyModuleFilename?: string;
declare class Parser {
source: string | Record<string, any> | Buffer,
state: Record<string, any> & ParserStateBase
): Record<string, any> & ParserStateBase;
declare interface ParserStateBase {
current: NormalModule;
module: NormalModule;
compilation: Compilation;
options: any;
declare interface PathData {
chunkGraph?: ChunkGraph;
hash?: string;
hashWithLength?: (arg0: number) => string;
chunk?: Chunk | ChunkPathData;
module?: Module | ModulePathData;
filename?: string;
basename?: string;
query?: string;
contentHashType?: string;
contentHash?: string;
contentHashWithLength?: (arg0: number) => string;
noChunkHash?: boolean;
url?: string;
type Performance = false | PerformanceOptions;
* Configuration object for web performance recommendations.
declare interface PerformanceOptions {
* Filter function to select assets that are checked.
assetFilter?: Function;
* Sets the format of the hints: warnings, errors or nothing at all.
hints?: false | "error" | "warning";
* File size limit (in bytes) when exceeded, that webpack will provide performance hints.
maxAssetSize?: number;
* Total size of an entry point (in bytes).
maxEntrypointSize?: number;
declare interface Plugin {
apply: () => void;
declare class PrefetchPlugin {
constructor(context?: any, request?: any);
context: any;
request: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface PrintedElement {
element: string;
content: string;
declare interface Problem {
| "unknown-argument"
| "unexpected-non-array-in-path"
| "unexpected-non-object-in-path"
| "multiple-values-unexpected"
| "invalid-value";
path: string;
argument: string;
value?: any;
index?: number;
expected?: string;
declare class Profiler {
constructor(inspector?: any);
session: any;
inspector: any;
hasSession(): boolean;
startProfiling(): Promise<void> | Promise<[any, any, any]>;
sendCommand(method?: any, params?: any): Promise<any>;
destroy(): Promise<void>;
stopProfiling(): Promise<any>;
declare class ProfilingPlugin {
constructor(options?: ProfilingPluginOptions);
outputPath: string;
apply(compiler?: any): void;
static Profiler: typeof Profiler;
declare interface ProfilingPluginOptions {
* Path to the output file e.g. `path.resolve(__dirname, 'profiling/events.json')`. Defaults to `events.json`.
outputPath?: string;
declare class ProgressPlugin {
constructor(options: ProgressPluginArgument);
profile: boolean;
handler: (percentage: number, msg: string, ...args: string[]) => void;
modulesCount: number;
dependenciesCount: number;
showEntries: boolean;
showModules: boolean;
showDependencies: boolean;
showActiveModules: boolean;
percentBy: "modules" | "dependencies" | "entries";
apply(compiler: Compiler | MultiCompiler): void;
static getReporter(
compiler: Compiler
): (p: number, ...args: string[]) => void;
static defaultOptions: {
profile: boolean;
modulesCount: number;
dependenciesCount: number;
modules: boolean;
dependencies: boolean;
activeModules: boolean;
entries: boolean;
type ProgressPluginArgument =
| ProgressPluginOptions
| ((percentage: number, msg: string, ...args: string[]) => void);
* Options object for the ProgressPlugin.
declare interface ProgressPluginOptions {
* Show active modules count and one active module in progress message.
activeModules?: boolean;
* Show dependencies count in progress message.
dependencies?: boolean;
* Minimum dependencies count to start with. For better progress calculation. Default: 10000.
dependenciesCount?: number;
* Show entries count in progress message.
entries?: boolean;
* Function that executes for every progress step.
handler?: (percentage: number, msg: string, ...args: string[]) => void;
* Show modules count in progress message.
modules?: boolean;
* Minimum modules count to start with. For better progress calculation. Default: 5000.
modulesCount?: number;
* Collect percent algorithm. By default it calculates by a median from modules, entries and dependencies percent.
percentBy?: "modules" | "dependencies" | "entries";
* Collect profile data for progress steps. Default: false.
profile?: boolean;
declare class ProvidePlugin {
constructor(definitions: Record<string, LibraryExport>);
definitions: Record<string, LibraryExport>;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class ProvideSharedPlugin {
constructor(options: ProvideSharedPluginOptions);
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface ProvideSharedPluginOptions {
* Modules that should be provided as shared modules to the share scope. When provided, property name is used as share key, otherwise share key is automatically inferred from request.
provides: Provides;
* Share scope name used for all provided modules (defaults to 'default').
shareScope?: string;
type Provides = (string | ProvidesObject)[] | ProvidesObject;
* Advanced configuration for modules that should be provided as shared modules to the share scope.
declare interface ProvidesConfig {
* Include the provided module directly instead behind an async request. This allows to use this shared module in initial load too. All possible shared modules need to be eager too.
eager?: boolean;
* Request to a module that should be provided as shared module to the share scope.
import: string;
* Share scope name.
shareScope?: string;
* Version of the provided module. Will replace lower matching versions, but not higher.
version?: string | false | (string | number)[];
* Modules that should be provided as shared modules to the share scope. Property names are used as share keys.
declare interface ProvidesObject {
[index: string]: string | ProvidesConfig;
type PublicPath =
| string
| ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo: AssetInfo) => string);
declare class ReadFileCompileWasmPlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
options: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface RealDependencyLocation {
start: SourcePosition;
end?: SourcePosition;
index?: number;
type RecursiveArrayOrRecord =
| string
| number
| bigint
| boolean
| Function
| RegExp
| RuntimeValue
| { [index: string]: RecursiveArrayOrRecord }
| RecursiveArrayOrRecord[];
type Remotes = (string | RemotesObject)[] | RemotesObject;
* Advanced configuration for container locations from which modules should be resolved and loaded at runtime.
declare interface RemotesConfig {
* Container locations from which modules should be resolved and loaded at runtime.
external: string | string[];
* The name of the share scope shared with this remote.
shareScope?: string;
* Container locations from which modules should be resolved and loaded at runtime. Property names are used as request scopes.
declare interface RemotesObject {
[index: string]: string | RemotesConfig | string[];
declare interface RenderBootstrapContext {
* the chunk
chunk: Chunk;
* the runtime template
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
* the module graph
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
* hash to be used for render call
hash: string;
declare interface RenderContextModuleTemplate {
* the chunk
chunk: Chunk;
* the dependency templates
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
* the runtime template
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
* the module graph
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
declare interface RenderContextObject {
* the chunk
chunk: Chunk;
* the dependency templates
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
* the runtime template
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
* the module graph
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
* results of code generation
codeGenerationResults: Map<Module, CodeGenerationResult>;
declare interface RenderManifestEntry {
render: () => Source;
filenameTemplate: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1: AssetInfo) => string);
pathOptions?: PathData;
identifier: string;
hash?: string;
auxiliary?: boolean;
declare interface RenderManifestOptions {
* the chunk used to render
chunk: Chunk;
hash: string;
fullHash: string;
outputOptions: any;
codeGenerationResults: Map<Module, CodeGenerationResult>;
moduleTemplates: { javascript: ModuleTemplate };
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
declare abstract class ReplaceSource extends Source {
replace(start: number, end: number, newValue: string, name: string): void;
insert(pos: number, newValue: string, name: string): void;
getName(): string;
original(): string;
getReplacements(): {
start: number;
end: number;
content: string;
insertIndex: number;
name: string;
declare abstract class RequestShortener {
contextify: (arg0: string) => string;
shorten(request: string): string;
declare interface ResolveBuildDependenciesResult {
* list of files
files: Set<string>;
* list of directories
directories: Set<string>;
* list of missing entries
missing: Set<string>;
* stored resolve results
resolveResults: Map<string, string>;
* dependencies of the resolving
resolveDependencies: {
* list of files
files: Set<string>;
* list of directories
directories: Set<string>;
* list of missing entries
missing: Set<string>;
declare interface ResolveContext {
log?: (message: string) => void;
fileDependencies?: WriteOnlySet<string>;
contextDependencies?: WriteOnlySet<string>;
missingDependencies?: WriteOnlySet<string>;
stack?: Set<string>;
declare interface ResolveData {
contextInfo: ModuleFactoryCreateDataContextInfo;
resolveOptions: any;
context: string;
request: string;
dependencies: ModuleDependency[];
createData: any;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>;
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>;
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>;
* Options object for resolving requests.
declare interface ResolveOptions {
* Redirect module requests.
| {
* New request.
alias: string | false | string[];
* Request to be redirected.
name: string;
* Redirect only exact matching request.
onlyModule?: boolean;
| { [index: string]: string | false | string[] };
* Fields in the description file (usually package.json) which are used to redirect requests inside the module.
aliasFields?: LibraryExport[];
* Enable caching of successfully resolved requests (cache entries are revalidated).
cache?: boolean;
* Predicate function to decide which requests should be cached.
cachePredicate?: Function;
* Include the context information in the cache identifier when caching.
cacheWithContext?: boolean;
* Filenames used to find a description file (like a package.json).
descriptionFiles?: string[];
* Enforce using one of the extensions from the extensions option.
enforceExtension?: boolean;
* Extensions added to the request when trying to find the file.
extensions?: string[];
* Filesystem for the resolver.
fileSystem?: { [index: string]: any };
* Field names from the description file (package.json) which are used to find the default entry point.
mainFields?: LibraryExport[];
* Filenames used to find the default entry point if there is no description file or main field.
mainFiles?: string[];
* Folder names or directory paths where to find modules.
modules?: string[];
* Plugins for the resolver.
plugins?: ResolvePluginInstance[];
* Custom resolver.
resolver?: { [index: string]: any };
* Enable resolving symlinks to the original location.
symlinks?: boolean;
* Enable caching of successfully resolved requests (cache entries are not revalidated).
unsafeCache?: boolean | { [index: string]: any };
* Use synchronous filesystem calls for the resolver.
useSyncFileSystemCalls?: boolean;
* Plugin instance.
declare interface ResolvePluginInstance {
[index: string]: any;
* The run point of the plugin, required method.
apply: (resolver?: any) => void;
declare abstract class Resolver {
context: Object,
path: string,
request: string,
resolveContext: ResolveContext,
callback: (
err: NodeJS.ErrnoException,
result: string,
additionalInfo: Object
) => void
): void;
declare interface ResolverCache {
direct: WeakMap<any, Resolver & WithOptions>;
stringified: Map<string, Resolver & WithOptions>;
declare abstract class ResolverFactory {
hooks: Readonly<{
resolveOptions: HookMap<SyncWaterfallHook<[any]>>;
resolver: HookMap<SyncHook<[Resolver, any, any], void>>;
cache: Map<string, ResolverCache>;
get(type: string, resolveOptions?: any): Resolver & WithOptions;
declare interface RuleSet {
* map of references in the rule set (may grow over time)
references: Map<string, any>;
* execute the rule set
exec: (arg0?: any) => Effect[];
type RuleSetCondition =
| string
| RegExp
| {
* Logical AND.
and?: RuleSetCondition[];
* Logical NOT.
not?: RuleSetCondition[];
* Logical OR.
or?: RuleSetCondition[];
| ((value: string) => boolean)
| RuleSetCondition[];
type RuleSetConditionAbsolute =
| string
| RegExp
| {
* Logical AND.
and?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute[];
* Logical NOT.
not?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute[];
* Logical OR.
or?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute[];
| ((value: string) => boolean)
| RuleSetConditionAbsolute[];
type RuleSetLoaderOptions = string | { [index: string]: any };
* A rule description with conditions and effects for modules.
declare interface RuleSetRule {
* Match the child compiler name.
compiler?: RuleSetCondition;
* Enforce this rule as pre or post step.
enforce?: "pre" | "post";
* Shortcut for resource.exclude.
exclude?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute;
* The options for the module generator.
generator?: { [index: string]: any };
* Shortcut for resource.include.
include?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute;
* Match the issuer of the module (The module pointing to this module).
issuer?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute;
* Shortcut for use.loader.
loader?: string;
* Only execute the first matching rule in this array.
oneOf?: RuleSetRule[];
* Shortcut for use.options.
options?: RuleSetLoaderOptions;
* Options for parsing.
parser?: { [index: string]: any };
* Match the real resource path of the module.
realResource?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute;
* Options for the resolver.
resolve?: ResolveOptions;
* Match the resource path of the module.
resource?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute;
* Match the resource query of the module.
resourceQuery?: RuleSetCondition;
* Match and execute these rules when this rule is matched.
rules?: RuleSetRule[];
* Flags a module as with or without side effects.
sideEffects?: boolean;
* Shortcut for resource.test.
test?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute;
* Module type to use for the module.
type?: string;
* Modifiers applied to the module when rule is matched.
use?: RuleSetUse;
type RuleSetUse =
| string
| RuleSetUseItem[]
| ((data: {
resource: string;
realResource: string;
resourceQuery: string;
issuer: string;
compiler: string;
}) => RuleSetUseItem[])
| {
* Unique loader options identifier.
ident?: string;
* Loader name.
loader?: string;
* Loader options.
options?: RuleSetLoaderOptions;
| ((data: {}) =>
| string
| {
* Unique loader options identifier.
ident?: string;
* Loader name.
loader?: string;
* Loader options.
options?: RuleSetLoaderOptions;
| __TypeWebpackOptions
| RuleSetUseItem[]);
type RuleSetUseItem =
| string
| {
* Unique loader options identifier.
ident?: string;
* Loader name.
loader?: string;
* Loader options.
options?: RuleSetLoaderOptions;
| __TypeWebpackOptions;
type Rules = string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[];
declare class RuntimeChunkPlugin {
constructor(options?: any);
options: any;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class RuntimeModule extends Module {
constructor(name: string, stage?: number);
name: string;
stage: number;
compilation: Compilation;
chunk: Chunk;
attach(compilation: Compilation, chunk: Chunk): void;
generate(): string;
getGeneratedCode(): string;
declare abstract class RuntimeTemplate {
outputOptions: OutputNormalized;
requestShortener: RequestShortener;
isIIFE(): boolean;
supportsConst(): boolean;
supportsArrowFunction(): boolean;
supportsForOf(): boolean;
returningFunction(returnValue?: any, args?: string): string;
basicFunction(args?: any, body?: any): string;
iife(args?: any, body?: any): string;
forEach(variable?: any, array?: any, body?: any): string;
* Add a comment
comment(__0: {
* request string used originally
request?: string;
* name of the chunk referenced
chunkName?: string;
* reason information of the chunk
chunkReason?: string;
* additional message
message?: string;
* name of the export
exportName?: string;
}): string;
throwMissingModuleErrorBlock(__0: {
* request string used originally
request?: string;
}): string;
throwMissingModuleErrorFunction(__0: {
* request string used originally
request?: string;
}): string;
missingModule(__0: {
* request string used originally
request?: string;
}): string;
missingModuleStatement(__0: {
* request string used originally
request?: string;
}): string;
missingModulePromise(__0: {
* request string used originally
request?: string;
}): string;
weakError(__0: {
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
* the module
module: Module;
* the request that should be printed as comment
request: string;
* expression to use as id expression
idExpr?: string;
* which kind of code should be returned
type: "promise" | "expression" | "statements";
}): string;
moduleId(__0: {
* the module
module: Module;
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
* the request that should be printed as comment
request: string;
* if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
weak?: boolean;
}): string;
moduleRaw(__0: {
* the module
module: Module;
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
* the request that should be printed as comment
request: string;
* if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
weak?: boolean;
* if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
}): string;
moduleExports(__0: {
* the module
module: Module;
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
* the request that should be printed as comment
request: string;
* if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
weak?: boolean;
* if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
}): string;
moduleNamespace(__0: {
* the module
module: Module;
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
* the request that should be printed as comment
request: string;
* if the current module is in strict esm mode
strict?: boolean;
* if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
weak?: boolean;
* if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
}): string;
moduleNamespacePromise(__0: {
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
* the current dependencies block
block?: AsyncDependenciesBlock;
* the module
module: Module;
* the request that should be printed as comment
request: string;
* a message for the comment
message: string;
* if the current module is in strict esm mode
strict?: boolean;
* if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
weak?: boolean;
* if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
}): string;
importStatement(__0: {
* whether a new variable should be created or the existing one updated
update?: boolean;
* the module
module: Module;
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
* the request that should be printed as comment
request: string;
* name of the import variable
importVar: string;
* module in which the statement is emitted
originModule: Module;
* true, if this is a weak dependency
weak?: boolean;
* if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
}): [string, string];
exportFromImport(__0: {
* the module graph
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
* the module
module: Module;
* the request
request: string;
* the export name
exportName: LibraryExport;
* the origin module
originModule: Module;
* true, if location is safe for ASI, a bracket can be emitted
asiSafe: boolean;
* true, if expression will be called
isCall: boolean;
* when false, call context will not be preserved
callContext: boolean;
* when true and accessing the default exports, interop code will be generated
defaultInterop: boolean;
* the identifier name of the import variable
importVar: string;
* init fragments will be added here
initFragments: InitFragment[];
* if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
}): string;
blockPromise(__0: {
* the async block
block: AsyncDependenciesBlock;
* the message
message: string;
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
* if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
}): string;
asyncModuleFactory(__0: {
* the async block
block: AsyncDependenciesBlock;
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
* if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
* request string used originally
request?: string;
}): string;
syncModuleFactory(__0: {
* the dependency
dependency: Dependency;
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
* if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
* request string used originally
request?: string;
}): string;
defineEsModuleFlagStatement(__0: {
* the name of the exports object
exportsArgument: string;
* if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
}): string;
declare abstract class RuntimeValue {
fn: any;
fileDependencies: any;
exec(parser?: any): any;
declare interface ScopeInfo {
definitions: StackedMap<string, ScopeInfo | VariableInfo>;
topLevelScope: boolean | "arrow";
inShorthand: boolean;
isStrict: boolean;
isAsmJs: boolean;
inTry: boolean;
declare abstract class Serializer {
serializeMiddlewares: any;
deserializeMiddlewares: any;
context: any;
serialize(obj?: any, context?: any): any;
deserialize(value?: any, context?: any): any;
declare class SharePlugin {
constructor(options: SharePluginOptions);
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
* Options for shared modules.
declare interface SharePluginOptions {
* Share scope name used for all shared modules (defaults to 'default').
shareScope?: string;
* Modules that should be shared in the share scope. When provided, property names are used to match requested modules in this compilation.
shared: Shared;
type Shared = (string | SharedObject)[] | SharedObject;
* Advanced configuration for modules that should be shared in the share scope.
declare interface SharedConfig {
* Include the provided and fallback module directly instead behind an async request. This allows to use this shared module in initial load too. All possible shared modules need to be eager too.
eager?: boolean;
* Provided module that should be provided to share scope. Also acts as fallback module if no shared module is found in share scope or version isn't valid. Defaults to the property name.
import?: DevTool;
* Version requirement from module in share scope.
requiredVersion?: string | (string | number)[];
* Module is looked up under this key from the share scope.
shareKey?: string;
* Share scope name.
shareScope?: string;
* Allow only a single version of the shared module in share scope (disabled by default).
singleton?: boolean;
* Do not accept shared module if version is not valid (defaults to yes, if local fallback module is available and shared module is not a singleton, otherwise no, has no effect if there is no required version specified).
strictVersion?: boolean;
* Version of the provided module. Will replace lower matching versions, but not higher.
version?: string | false | (string | number)[];
* Modules that should be shared in the share scope. Property names are used to match requested modules in this compilation. Relative requests are resolved, module requests are matched unresolved, absolute paths will match resolved requests. A trailing slash will match all requests with this prefix. In this case shareKey must also have a trailing slash.
declare interface SharedObject {
[index: string]: string | SharedConfig;
declare class SideEffectsFlagPlugin {
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
static moduleHasSideEffects(
moduleName?: any,
flagValue?: any,
cache?: any
): any;
declare interface Snapshot {
startTime?: number;
fileTimestamps?: Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry>;
fileHashes?: Map<string, string>;
contextTimestamps?: Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry>;
contextHashes?: Map<string, string>;
missingExistence?: Map<string, boolean>;
managedItemInfo?: Map<string, string>;
children?: Set<Snapshot>;
declare abstract class SortableSet<T> extends Set<T> {
* Sort with a comparer function
sortWith(sortFn: (arg0: T, arg1: T) => number): void;
sort(): void;
* Get data from cache
getFromCache<R>(fn: (arg0: SortableSet<T>) => R): R;
* Get data from cache (ignoring sorting)
getFromUnorderedCache<R>(fn: (arg0: SortableSet<T>) => R): R;
toJSON(): T[];
* Iterates over values in the set.
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>;
readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string;
declare abstract class Source {
size(): number;
map(options: MapOptions): Object;
sourceAndMap(options: MapOptions): { source: string | Buffer; map: Object };
updateHash(hash: Hash): void;
source(): string | Buffer;
buffer(): Buffer;
declare interface SourceContext {
* the dependency templates
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
* the runtime template
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
* the module graph
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
* the type of source that should be generated
type?: string;
declare class SourceMapDevToolPlugin {
constructor(options?: SourceMapDevToolPluginOptions);
sourceMapFilename: DevTool;
sourceMappingURLComment: DevTool;
moduleFilenameTemplate: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;
fallbackModuleFilenameTemplate: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;
namespace: string;
options: SourceMapDevToolPluginOptions;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface SourceMapDevToolPluginOptions {
* Appends the given value to the original asset. Usually the #sourceMappingURL comment. [url] is replaced with a URL to the source map file. false disables the appending.
append?: DevTool;
* Indicates whether column mappings should be used (defaults to true).
columns?: boolean;
* Exclude modules that match the given value from source map generation.
exclude?: Rules;
* Generator string or function to create identifiers of modules for the 'sources' array in the SourceMap used only if 'moduleFilenameTemplate' would result in a conflict.
fallbackModuleFilenameTemplate?: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;
* Path prefix to which the [file] placeholder is relative to.
fileContext?: string;
* Defines the output filename of the SourceMap (will be inlined if no value is provided).
filename?: DevTool;
* Include source maps for module paths that match the given value.
include?: Rules;
* Indicates whether SourceMaps from loaders should be used (defaults to true).
module?: boolean;
* Generator string or function to create identifiers of modules for the 'sources' array in the SourceMap.
moduleFilenameTemplate?: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;
* Namespace prefix to allow multiple webpack roots in the devtools.
namespace?: string;
* Omit the 'sourceContents' array from the SourceMap.
noSources?: boolean;
* Provide a custom public path for the SourceMapping comment.
publicPath?: string;
* Provide a custom value for the 'sourceRoot' property in the SourceMap.
sourceRoot?: string;
* Include source maps for modules based on their extension (defaults to .js and .css).
test?: Rules;
declare interface SourcePosition {
line: number;
column?: number;
declare interface SplitChunksOptions {
chunksFilter: (chunk: Chunk) => boolean;
minSize: Record<string, number>;
minRemainingSize: Record<string, number>;
maxInitialSize: Record<string, number>;
maxAsyncSize: Record<string, number>;
minChunks: number;
maxAsyncRequests: number;
maxInitialRequests: number;
hidePathInfo: boolean;
filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1: AssetInfo) => string);
automaticNameDelimiter: string;
getCacheGroups: (
module: Module,
context: CacheGroupsContext
) => CacheGroupSource[];
getName: (module?: Module, chunks?: Chunk[], key?: string) => string;
fallbackCacheGroup: FallbackCacheGroup;
declare class SplitChunksPlugin {
constructor(options?: OptimizationSplitChunksOptions);
options: SplitChunksOptions;
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare abstract class StackedMap<K, V> {
map: Map<K, V | typeof TOMBSTONE | typeof UNDEFINED_MARKER>;
stack: Map<K, V | typeof TOMBSTONE | typeof UNDEFINED_MARKER>[];
set(item: K, value: V): void;
delete(item: K): void;
has(item: K): boolean;
get(item: K): V;
asArray(): K[];
asSet(): Set<K>;
asPairArray(): [K, V][];
asMap(): Map<K, V>;
readonly size: number;
createChild(): StackedMap<K, V>;
type Statement =
| ExpressionStatement
| BlockStatement
| EmptyStatement
| DebuggerStatement
| WithStatement
| ReturnStatement
| LabeledStatement
| BreakStatement
| ContinueStatement
| IfStatement
| SwitchStatement
| ThrowStatement
| TryStatement
| WhileStatement
| DoWhileStatement
| ForStatement
| ForInStatement
| ForOfStatement
| FunctionDeclaration
| VariableDeclaration
| ClassDeclaration;
declare class Stats {
constructor(compilation: Compilation);
compilation: Compilation;
hash: string;
startTime: any;
endTime: any;
hasWarnings(): boolean;
hasErrors(): boolean;
toJson(options?: any): any;
toString(options?: any): string;
declare abstract class StatsFactory {
hooks: Readonly<{
extract: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any, any, any], any>>;
filter: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any, any, number, number], any>>;
sort: HookMap<
SyncBailHook<[((arg0?: any, arg1?: any) => number)[], any], any>
filterSorted: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any, any, number, number], any>>;
sortResults: HookMap<
SyncBailHook<[((arg0?: any, arg1?: any) => number)[], any], any>
filterResults: HookMap<SyncBailHook<any, any>>;
merge: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any[], any], any>>;
result: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any[], any], any>>;
getItemName: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any, any], any>>;
getItemFactory: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any, any], any>>;
create(type?: any, data?: any, baseContext?: any): any;
* Stats options object.
declare interface StatsOptions {
* Fallback value for stats options when an option is not defined (has precedence over local webpack defaults).
all?: boolean;
* Add assets information.
assets?: boolean;
* Sort the assets by that field.
assetsSort?: string;
* Add built at time information.
builtAt?: boolean;
* Add information about cached (not built) modules.
cached?: boolean;
* Show cached assets (setting this to `false` only shows emitted files).
cachedAssets?: boolean;
* Add children information.
children?: boolean;
* Display all chunk groups with the corresponding bundles.
chunkGroups?: boolean;
* Add built modules information to chunk information.
chunkModules?: boolean;
* Add the origins of chunks and chunk merging info.
chunkOrigins?: boolean;
* Add information about parent, children and sibling chunks to chunk information.
chunkRelations?: boolean;
* Add root modules information to chunk information.
chunkRootModules?: boolean;
* Add chunk information.
chunks?: boolean;
* Sort the chunks by that field.
chunksSort?: string;
* Enables/Disables colorful output.
| boolean
| {
* Custom color for bold text.
bold?: string;
* Custom color for cyan text.
cyan?: string;
* Custom color for green text.
green?: string;
* Custom color for magenta text.
magenta?: string;
* Custom color for red text.
red?: string;
* Custom color for yellow text.
yellow?: string;
* Context directory for request shortening.
context?: string;
* Add module depth in module graph.
depth?: boolean;
* Display the entry points with the corresponding bundles.
entrypoints?: boolean;
* Add --env information.
env?: boolean;
* Add details to errors (like resolving log).
errorDetails?: boolean;
* Add internal stack trace to errors.
errorStack?: boolean;
* Add errors.
errors?: boolean;
* Please use excludeModules instead.
| string
| boolean
| RegExp
| FilterItemTypes[]
| ((value: string) => boolean);
* Suppress assets that match the specified filters. Filters can be Strings, RegExps or Functions.
excludeAssets?: FilterTypes;
* Suppress modules that match the specified filters. Filters can be Strings, RegExps, Booleans or Functions.
| string
| boolean
| RegExp
| FilterItemTypes[]
| ((value: string) => boolean);
* Add the hash of the compilation.
hash?: boolean;
* Add ids.
ids?: boolean;
* Add logging output.
logging?: boolean | "none" | "verbose" | "error" | "warn" | "info" | "log";
* Include debug logging of specified loggers (i. e. for plugins or loaders). Filters can be Strings, RegExps or Functions.
| string
| boolean
| RegExp
| FilterItemTypes[]
| ((value: string) => boolean);
* Add stack traces to logging output.
loggingTrace?: boolean;
* Set the maximum number of modules to be shown.
maxModules?: number;
* Add information about assets inside modules.
moduleAssets?: boolean;
* Add dependencies and origin of warnings/errors.
moduleTrace?: boolean;
* Add built modules information.
modules?: boolean;
* Sort the modules by that field.
modulesSort?: string;
* Add information about modules nested in other modules (like with module concatenation).
nestedModules?: boolean;
* Show reasons why optimization bailed out for modules.
optimizationBailout?: boolean;
* Add information about orphan modules.
orphanModules?: boolean;
* Add output path information.
outputPath?: boolean;
* Add performance hint flags.
performance?: boolean;
* Preset for the default values.
preset?: string | boolean;
* Show exports provided by modules.
providedExports?: boolean;
* Add public path information.
publicPath?: boolean;
* Add information about the reasons why modules are included.
reasons?: boolean;
* Add information about runtime modules.
runtime?: boolean;
* Add the source code of modules.
source?: boolean;
* Add timing information.
timings?: boolean;
* Show exports used by modules.
usedExports?: boolean;
* Add webpack version information.
version?: boolean;
* Add warnings.
warnings?: boolean;
* Suppress warnings that match the specified filters. Filters can be Strings, RegExps or Functions.
warningsFilter?: FilterTypes;
declare abstract class StatsPrinter {
hooks: Readonly<{
sortElements: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[string[], {}], true>>;
printElements: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[PrintedElement[], {}], string>>;
sortItems: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any[], {}], true>>;
getItemName: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any, {}], string>>;
printItems: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[string[], {}], string>>;
print: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[{}, {}], string>>;
result: HookMap<SyncWaterfallHook<[string, {}]>>;
print(type: string, object?: any, baseContext?: any): string;
type StatsValue =
| boolean
| "none"
| "errors-only"
| "minimal"
| "normal"
| "detailed"
| "verbose"
| "errors-warnings"
| StatsOptions;
declare interface SyntheticDependencyLocation {
name: string;
index?: number;
declare const TOMBSTONE: unique symbol;
declare interface TagInfo {
tag: any;
data: any;
next: TagInfo;
type Target =
| "web"
| "webworker"
| "node"
| "async-node"
| "node-webkit"
| "electron-main"
| "electron-renderer"
| "electron-preload"
| ((compiler: Compiler) => void);
declare class Template {
static getFunctionContent(fn: Function): string;
static toIdentifier(str: string): string;
static toComment(str: string): string;
static toNormalComment(str: string): string;
static toPath(str: string): string;
static numberToIdentifier(n: number): string;
static numberToIdentifierContinuation(n: number): string;
static indent(s: LibraryExport): string;
static prefix(s: LibraryExport, prefix: string): string;
static asString(str: LibraryExport): string;
static getModulesArrayBounds(modules: WithId[]): false | [number, number];
static renderChunkModules(
renderContext: RenderContextModuleTemplate,
modules: Module[],
renderModule: (arg0: Module) => Source,
prefix?: string
): Source;
static renderRuntimeModules(
runtimeModules: RuntimeModule[],
renderContext: RenderContextModuleTemplate
): Source;
static renderChunkRuntimeModules(
runtimeModules: RuntimeModule[],
renderContext: RenderContextModuleTemplate
): Source;
declare const UNDEFINED_MARKER: unique symbol;
declare interface UpdateHashContext {
* the module
module: NormalModule;
* the compilation
compilation: Compilation;
declare abstract class VariableInfo {
declaredScope: ScopeInfo;
freeName: string | true;
tagInfo: TagInfo;
declare class WatchIgnorePlugin {
constructor(options: WatchIgnorePluginOptions);
paths: [string | RegExp, ...(string | RegExp)[]];
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface WatchIgnorePluginOptions {
* A list of RegExps or absolute paths to directories or files that should be ignored.
paths: [string | RegExp, ...(string | RegExp)[]];
* Options for the watcher.
declare interface WatchOptions {
* Delay the rebuilt after the first change. Value is a time in ms.
aggregateTimeout?: number;
* Ignore some files from watching (glob pattern).
ignored?: LibraryExport;
* Enable polling mode for watching.
poll?: number | boolean;
* Stop watching when stdin stream has ended.
stdin?: boolean;
declare abstract class Watching {
startTime: number;
invalid: boolean;
handler: CallbackFunction<Stats>;
callbacks: CallbackFunction<void>[];
closed: boolean;
suspended: boolean;
watchOptions: {
* Delay the rebuilt after the first change. Value is a time in ms.
aggregateTimeout?: number;
* Ignore some files from watching (glob pattern).
ignored?: LibraryExport;
* Enable polling mode for watching.
poll?: number | boolean;
* Stop watching when stdin stream has ended.
stdin?: boolean;
compiler: Compiler;
running: boolean;
watcher: any;
pausedWatcher: any;
files: Iterable<string>,
dirs: Iterable<string>,
missing: Iterable<string>
): void;
invalidate(callback?: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
suspend(): void;
resume(): void;
close(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
declare class WebWorkerTemplatePlugin {
* Apply the plugin
apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface WebpackError extends Error {
details: any;
module: Module;
loc: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation;
hideStack: boolean;
chunk: Chunk;
file: string;
serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
declare abstract class WebpackLogger {
getChildLogger: (arg0: string | (() => string)) => WebpackLogger;
error(...args: any[]): void;
warn(...args: any[]): void;
info(...args: any[]): void;
log(...args: any[]): void;
debug(...args: any[]): void;
assert(assertion: any, ...args: any[]): void;
trace(): void;
clear(): void;
status(...args: any[]): void;
group(...args: any[]): void;
groupCollapsed(...args: any[]): void;
groupEnd(...args: any[]): void;
profile(label?: any): void;
profileEnd(label?: any): void;
time(label?: any): void;
timeLog(label?: any): void;
timeEnd(label?: any): void;
timeAggregate(label?: any): void;
timeAggregateEnd(label?: any): void;
declare class WebpackOptionsApply extends OptionsApply {
declare class WebpackOptionsDefaulter {
process(options?: any): any;
* Normalized webpack options object.
declare interface WebpackOptionsNormalized {
* Set the value of `require.amd` and `define.amd`. Or disable AMD support.
amd?: Amd;
* Report the first error as a hard error instead of tolerating it.
bail?: boolean;
* Cache generated modules and chunks to improve performance for multiple incremental builds.
cache: CacheOptionsNormalized;
* The base directory (absolute path!) for resolving the `entry` option. If `output.pathinfo` is set, the included pathinfo is shortened to this directory.
context?: string;
* References to other configurations to depend on.
dependencies?: string[];
* Options for the webpack-dev-server.
devServer?: DevServer;
* A developer tool to enhance debugging (false | eval | [inline-|hidden-|eval-][nosources-][cheap-[module-]]source-map).
devtool?: DevTool;
* The entry point(s) of the compilation.
entry: EntryNormalized;
* Enables/Disables experiments (experimental features with relax SemVer compatibility).
experiments: Experiments;
* Specify dependencies that shouldn't be resolved by webpack, but should become dependencies of the resulting bundle. The kind of the dependency depends on `output.libraryTarget`.
externals: Externals;
* Specifies the default type of externals ('amd*', 'umd*', 'system' and 'jsonp' depend on output.libraryTarget set to the same value).
externalsType?: ExternalsType;
* Options for infrastructure level logging.
infrastructureLogging: InfrastructureLogging;
* Custom values available in the loader context.
loader?: Loader;
* Enable production optimizations or development hints.
mode?: Mode;
* Options affecting the normal modules (`NormalModuleFactory`).
module: ModuleOptions;
* Name of the configuration. Used when loading multiple configurations.
name?: string;
* Include polyfills or mocks for various node stuff.
node: Node;
* Enables/Disables integrated optimizations.
optimization: Optimization;
* Normalized options affecting the output of the compilation. `output` options tell webpack how to write the compiled files to disk.
output: OutputNormalized;
* The number of parallel processed modules in the compilation.
parallelism?: number;
* Configuration for web performance recommendations.
performance?: Performance;
* Add additional plugins to the compiler.
plugins: (
| ((this: Compiler, compiler: Compiler) => void)
| WebpackPluginInstance
* Capture timing information for each module.
profile?: boolean;
* Store compiler state to a json file.
recordsInputPath?: DevTool;
* Load compiler state from a json file.
recordsOutputPath?: DevTool;
* Options for the resolver.
resolve: ResolveOptions;
* Options for the resolver when resolving loaders.
resolveLoader: ResolveOptions;
* Stats options object or preset name.
stats: StatsValue;
* Environment to build for.
target?: Target;
* Enter watch mode, which rebuilds on file change.
watch?: boolean;
* Options for the watcher.
watchOptions: WatchOptions;
* Plugin instance.
declare interface WebpackPluginInstance {
[index: string]: any;
* The run point of the plugin, required method.
apply: (compiler: Compiler) => void;
declare interface WithId {
id: string | number;
declare interface WithOptions {
* create a resolver with additional/different options
withOptions: (arg0?: any) => Resolver & WithOptions;
declare interface WriteOnlySet<T> {
add(item: T): void;
type __TypeWebpackOptions = (data: {}) =>
| string
| {
* Unique loader options identifier.
ident?: string;
* Loader name.
loader?: string;
* Loader options.
options?: RuleSetLoaderOptions;
| __TypeWebpackOptions
| RuleSetUseItem[];
declare function exports(
options: Configuration,
callback?: CallbackWebpack<Stats>
): Compiler;
declare function exports(
options: Configuration[],
callback?: CallbackWebpack<MultiStats>
): MultiCompiler;
declare namespace exports {
export const webpack: {
(options: Configuration, callback?: CallbackWebpack<Stats>): Compiler;
options: Configuration[],
callback?: CallbackWebpack<MultiStats>
): MultiCompiler;
export const validate: (options?: any) => void;
export const validateSchema: (schema?: any, options?: any) => void;
export const version: string;
export namespace cli {
export let getArguments: (schema?: any) => Record<string, Argument>;
export let processArguments: (
args: Record<string, Argument>,
config: any,
values: Record<
| string
| number
| boolean
| RegExp
| (string | number | boolean | RegExp)[]
) => Problem[];
export namespace ModuleFilenameHelpers {
export let ALL_LOADERS_RESOURCE: string;
export let LOADERS_RESOURCE: string;
export let RESOURCE: string;
export let REGEXP_RESOURCE: RegExp;
export let ABSOLUTE_RESOURCE_PATH: string;
export let RESOURCE_PATH: string;
export let REGEXP_RESOURCE_PATH: RegExp;
export let ALL_LOADERS: string;
export let REGEXP_ALL_LOADERS: RegExp;
export let LOADERS: string;
export let REGEXP_LOADERS: RegExp;
export let QUERY: string;
export let REGEXP_QUERY: RegExp;
export let ID: string;
export let REGEXP_ID: RegExp;
export let HASH: string;
export let REGEXP_HASH: RegExp;
export let NAMESPACE: string;
export let REGEXP_NAMESPACE: RegExp;
export let createFilename: (
module: any,
options: any,
__2: { requestShortener: any; chunkGraph: any }
) => any;
export let replaceDuplicates: (
array?: any,
fn?: any,
comparator?: any
) => any;
export let matchPart: (str?: any, test?: any) => any;
export let matchObject: (obj?: any, str?: any) => boolean;
export namespace RuntimeGlobals {
export let require: string;
export let requireScope: string;
export let exports: string;
export let thisAsExports: string;
export let returnExportsFromRuntime: string;
export let module: string;
export let moduleId: string;
export let moduleLoaded: string;
export let publicPath: string;
export let entryModuleId: string;
export let moduleCache: string;
export let moduleFactories: string;
export let moduleFactoriesAddOnly: string;
export let ensureChunk: string;
export let ensureChunkHandlers: string;
export let ensureChunkIncludeEntries: string;
export let prefetchChunk: string;
export let prefetchChunkHandlers: string;
export let preloadChunk: string;
export let preloadChunkHandlers: string;
export let definePropertyGetters: string;
export let makeNamespaceObject: string;
export let createFakeNamespaceObject: string;
export let compatGetDefaultExport: string;
export let harmonyModuleDecorator: string;
export let nodeModuleDecorator: string;
export let getFullHash: string;
export let wasmInstances: string;
export let instantiateWasm: string;
export let uncaughtErrorHandler: string;
export let scriptNonce: string;
export let chunkName: string;
export let getChunkScriptFilename: string;
export let getChunkUpdateScriptFilename: string;
export let startup: string;
export let startupNoDefault: string;
export let interceptModuleExecution: string;
export let global: string;
export let shareScopeMap: string;
export let initializeSharing: string;
export let getUpdateManifestFilename: string;
export let hmrDownloadManifest: string;
export let hmrDownloadUpdateHandlers: string;
export let hmrModuleData: string;
export let hmrInvalidateModuleHandlers: string;
export let amdDefine: string;
export let amdOptions: string;
export let system: string;
export let hasOwnProperty: string;
export let systemContext: string;
export const WebpackOptionsValidationError: ValidationError;
export const ValidationError: ValidationError;
export namespace cache {
export { MemoryCachePlugin };
export namespace config {
export const getNormalizedWebpackOptions: (
config: Configuration
) => WebpackOptionsNormalized;
export const applyWebpackOptionsDefaults: (
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized
) => void;
export namespace ids {
export {
export namespace javascript {
export { JavascriptModulesPlugin };
export namespace optimize {
export {
export namespace web {
export { FetchCompileWasmPlugin, JsonpTemplatePlugin };
export namespace webworker {
export { WebWorkerTemplatePlugin };
export namespace node {
export {
export namespace wasm {
export { AsyncWebAssemblyModulesPlugin };
export namespace library {
export { AbstractLibraryPlugin, EnableLibraryPlugin };
export namespace container {
export const scope: <T>(
scope: string,
| Record<string, string | string[] | T>
| (string | Record<string, string | string[] | T>)[]
) => Record<string, string | string[] | T>;
export {
export namespace sharing {
export const scope: <T>(
scope: string,
| Record<string, string | string[] | T>
| (string | Record<string, string | string[] | T>)[]
) => Record<string, string | string[] | T>;
export { ConsumeSharedPlugin, ProvideSharedPlugin, SharePlugin };
export namespace debug {
export { ProfilingPlugin };
export namespace util {
export const createHash: (algorithm: HashFunction) => Hash;
export namespace comparators {
export let compareChunksById: (a: Chunk, b: Chunk) => 0 | 1 | -1;
export let compareModulesByIdentifier: (
a: Module,
b: Module
) => 0 | 1 | -1;
export let compareModulesById: (
arg0: ChunkGraph
) => (arg0: Module, arg1: Module) => 0 | 1 | -1;
export let compareNumbers: (a: number, b: number) => 0 | 1 | -1;
export let compareStringsNumeric: (a: string, b: string) => 0 | 1 | -1;
export let compareModulesByPostOrderIndexOrIdentifier: (
arg0: ModuleGraph
) => (arg0: Module, arg1: Module) => 0 | 1 | -1;
export let compareModulesByPreOrderIndexOrIdentifier: (
arg0: ModuleGraph
) => (arg0: Module, arg1: Module) => 0 | 1 | -1;
export let compareModulesByIdOrIdentifier: (
arg0: ChunkGraph
) => (arg0: Module, arg1: Module) => 0 | 1 | -1;
export let compareChunks: (
arg0: ChunkGraph
) => (arg0: Chunk, arg1: Chunk) => 0 | 1 | -1;
export let compareIds: (
a: string | number,
b: string | number
) => 0 | 1 | -1;
export let compareChunkGroupsByIndex: (
a: ChunkGroup,
b: ChunkGroup
) => 0 | 1 | -1;
export let concatComparators: <T>(
c1: (arg0: T, arg1: T) => 0 | 1 | -1,
c2: (arg0: T, arg1: T) => 0 | 1 | -1,
...cRest: ((arg0: T, arg1: T) => 0 | 1 | -1)[]
) => (arg0: T, arg1: T) => 0 | 1 | -1;
export let compareSelect: <T, R>(
getter: (input: T) => R,
comparator: (arg0: R, arg1: R) => 0 | 1 | -1
) => (arg0: T, arg1: T) => 0 | 1 | -1;
export let compareIterables: <T>(
elementComparator: (arg0: T, arg1: T) => 0 | 1 | -1
) => (arg0: Iterable<T>, arg1: Iterable<T>) => 0 | 1 | -1;
export let keepOriginalOrder: <T>(
iterable: Iterable<T>
) => (arg0: T, arg1: T) => 0 | 1 | -1;
export let compareChunksNatural: (
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
) => (arg0: Chunk, arg1: Chunk) => 0 | 1 | -1;
export let compareLocations: (
a: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation,
b: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation
) => 0 | 1 | -1;
export namespace serialization {
export let register: (
Constructor: { new (...params: any[]): any },
request: string,
name: string,
serializer: ObjectSerializer
) => void;
export let registerLoader: (
regExp: RegExp,
loader: (arg0: string) => boolean
) => void;
export let registerNotSerializable: (Constructor: {
new (...params: any[]): any;
}) => void;
export let NOT_SERIALIZABLE: {};
export let buffersSerializer: Serializer;
export let createFileSerializer: (fs?: any) => Serializer;
export type WebpackPluginFunction = (
this: Compiler,
compiler: Compiler
) => void;
export type ParserState = Record<string, any> & ParserStateBase;
export {
EntryPlugin as SingleEntryPlugin,
export = exports;