
435 lines
12 KiB

MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
"use strict";
const path = require("path");
const NativeModule = require("module");
const SourceMapSource = require("webpack-sources").SourceMapSource;
const OriginalSource = require("webpack-sources").OriginalSource;
const RawSource = require("webpack-sources").RawSource;
const CachedSource = require("webpack-sources").CachedSource;
const LineToLineMappedSource = require("webpack-sources").LineToLineMappedSource;
const WebpackError = require("./WebpackError");
const Module = require("./Module");
const ModuleParseError = require("./ModuleParseError");
const ModuleBuildError = require("./ModuleBuildError");
const ModuleError = require("./ModuleError");
const ModuleWarning = require("./ModuleWarning");
const runLoaders = require("loader-runner").runLoaders;
const getContext = require("loader-runner").getContext;
const asString = (buf) => {
if(Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) {
return buf.toString("utf-8");
return buf;
const asBuffer = str => {
if(!Buffer.isBuffer(str)) {
return Buffer.from(str, "utf-8");
return str;
const contextify = (context, request) => {
return request.split("!").map(r => {
const splitPath = r.split("?");
splitPath[0] = path.relative(context, splitPath[0]);
if(path.sep === "\\")
splitPath[0] = splitPath[0].replace(/\\/g, "/");
if(splitPath[0].indexOf("../") !== 0)
splitPath[0] = "./" + splitPath[0];
return splitPath.join("?");
class NonErrorEmittedError extends WebpackError {
constructor(error) {
this.name = "NonErrorEmittedError";
this.message = "(Emitted value instead of an instance of Error) " + error;
Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
const dependencyTemplatesHashMap = new WeakMap();
class NormalModule extends Module {
}) {
super(type, getContext(resource));
// Info from Factory
this.request = request;
this.userRequest = userRequest;
this.rawRequest = rawRequest;
this.binary = type.startsWith("webassembly");
this.parser = parser;
this.generator = generator;
this.resource = resource;
this.loaders = loaders;
if(resolveOptions !== undefined)
this.resolveOptions = resolveOptions;
// Info from Build
this.error = null;
this._source = null;
this.buildTimestamp = undefined;
this._cachedSource = undefined;
this._cachedSourceHash = undefined;
// Options for the NormalModule set by plugins
// TODO refactor this -> options object filled from Factory
this.useSourceMap = false;
this.lineToLine = false;
// Cache
this._lastSuccessfulBuildMeta = {};
identifier() {
return this.request;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener) {
return requestShortener.shorten(this.userRequest);
libIdent(options) {
return contextify(options.context, this.userRequest);
nameForCondition() {
const idx = this.resource.indexOf("?");
if(idx >= 0) return this.resource.substr(0, idx);
return this.resource;
createSourceForAsset(name, content, sourceMap) {
if(!sourceMap) {
return new RawSource(content);
if(typeof sourceMap === "string") {
return new OriginalSource(content, sourceMap);
return new SourceMapSource(content, name, sourceMap);
createLoaderContext(resolver, options, compilation, fs) {
const loaderContext = {
version: 2,
emitWarning: (warning) => {
if(!(warning instanceof Error))
warning = new NonErrorEmittedError(warning);
this.warnings.push(new ModuleWarning(this, warning));
emitError: (error) => {
if(!(error instanceof Error))
error = new NonErrorEmittedError(error);
this.errors.push(new ModuleError(this, error));
exec: (code, filename) => {
const module = new NativeModule(filename, this);
module.paths = NativeModule._nodeModulePaths(this.context);
module.filename = filename;
module._compile(code, filename);
return module.exports;
resolve(context, request, callback) {
resolver.resolve({}, context, request, {}, callback);
emitFile: (name, content, sourceMap) => {
if(!this.buildInfo.assets) this.buildInfo.assets = Object.create(null);
this.buildInfo.assets[name] = this.createSourceForAsset(name, content, sourceMap);
rootContext: options.context,
webpack: true,
sourceMap: !!this.useSourceMap,
_module: this,
_compilation: compilation,
_compiler: compilation.compiler,
fs: fs,
compilation.hooks.normalModuleLoader.call(loaderContext, this);
Object.assign(loaderContext, options.loader);
return loaderContext;
createSource(source, resourceBuffer, sourceMap) {
// if there is no identifier return raw source
if(!this.identifier) {
return new RawSource(source);
// from here on we assume we have an identifier
const identifier = this.identifier();
if(this.lineToLine && resourceBuffer) {
return new LineToLineMappedSource(
source, identifier, asString(resourceBuffer));
if(this.useSourceMap && sourceMap) {
return new SourceMapSource(source, identifier, sourceMap);
if(Buffer.isBuffer(source)) {
return new RawSource(source);
return new OriginalSource(source, identifier);
doBuild(options, compilation, resolver, fs, callback) {
const loaderContext = this.createLoaderContext(resolver, options, compilation, fs);
resource: this.resource,
loaders: this.loaders,
context: loaderContext,
readResource: fs.readFile.bind(fs)
}, (err, result) => {
if(result) {
this.buildInfo.cacheable = result.cacheable;
this.buildInfo.fileDependencies = new Set(result.fileDependencies);
this.buildInfo.contextDependencies = new Set(result.contextDependencies);
if(err) {
const error = new ModuleBuildError(this, err);
return callback(error);
const resourceBuffer = result.resourceBuffer;
const source = result.result[0];
const sourceMap = result.result.length >= 1 ? result.result[1] : null;
const extraInfo = result.result.length >= 2 ? result.result[2] : null;
if(!Buffer.isBuffer(source) && typeof source !== "string") {
const error = new ModuleBuildError(this, new Error("Final loader didn't return a Buffer or String"));
return callback(error);
this._source = this.createSource(this.binary ? asBuffer(source) : asString(source), resourceBuffer, sourceMap);
this._ast = typeof extraInfo === "object" && extraInfo !== null && extraInfo.webpackAST !== undefined ? extraInfo.webpackAST : null;
return callback();
markModuleAsErrored(error) {
// Restore build meta from successfull build to keep importing state
this.buildMeta = Object.assign({}, this._lastSuccessfulBuildMeta);
this.error = error;
this._source = new RawSource("throw new Error(" + JSON.stringify(this.error.message) + ");");
this._ast = null;
applyNoParseRule(rule, content) {
// must start with "rule" if rule is a string
if(typeof rule === "string") {
return content.indexOf(rule) === 0;
if(typeof rule === "function") {
return rule(content);
// we assume rule is a regexp
return rule.test(content);
// check if module should not be parsed
// returns "true" if the module should !not! be parsed
// returns "false" if the module !must! be parsed
shouldPreventParsing(noParseRule, request) {
// if no noParseRule exists, return false
// the module !must! be parsed.
if(!noParseRule) {
return false;
// we only have one rule to check
if(!Array.isArray(noParseRule)) {
// returns "true" if the module is !not! to be parsed
return this.applyNoParseRule(noParseRule, request);
for(let i = 0; i < noParseRule.length; i++) {
const rule = noParseRule[i];
// early exit on first truthy match
// this module is !not! to be parsed
if(this.applyNoParseRule(rule, request)) {
return true;
// no match found, so this module !should! be parsed
return false;
build(options, compilation, resolver, fs, callback) {
this.buildTimestamp = Date.now();
this.built = true;
this._source = null;
this._ast = null;
this.error = null;
this.errors.length = 0;
this.warnings.length = 0;
this.buildMeta = {};
this.buildInfo = {
cacheable: false,
fileDependencies: new Set(),
contextDependencies: new Set(),
return this.doBuild(options, compilation, resolver, fs, (err) => {
this._cachedSource = undefined;
this._cachedSourceHash = undefined;
// if we have an error mark module as failed and exit
if(err) {
return callback();
// check if this module should !not! be parsed.
// if so, exit here;
const noParseRule = options.module && options.module.noParse;
if(this.shouldPreventParsing(noParseRule, this.request)) {
return callback();
const handleParseError = e => {
const source = this._source.source();
const error = new ModuleParseError(this, source, e);
return callback();
const handleParseResult = result => {
this._lastSuccessfulBuildMeta = this.buildMeta;
return callback();
try {
const result = this.parser.parse(this._ast || this._source.source(), {
current: this,
module: this,
compilation: compilation,
options: options
}, (err, result) => {
if(err) {
} else {
if(result !== undefined) {
// parse is sync
} catch(e) {
getHashDigest(dependencyTemplates) {
let dtHash = dependencyTemplatesHashMap.get("hash");
return `${this.hash}-${dtHash}`;
source(dependencyTemplates, runtimeTemplate) {
const hashDigest = this.getHashDigest(dependencyTemplates);
if(this._cachedSourceHash === hashDigest) {
// We can reuse the cached source
return this._cachedSource;
const source = this.generator.generate(this, dependencyTemplates, runtimeTemplate);
const cachedSource = new CachedSource(source);
this._cachedSource = cachedSource;
this._cachedSourceHash = hashDigest;
return cachedSource;
originalSource() {
return this._source;
needRebuild(fileTimestamps, contextTimestamps) {
// always try to rebuild in case of an error
if(this.error) return true;
// always rebuild when module is not cacheable
if(!this.buildInfo.cacheable) return true;
// Check timestamps of all dependencies
// Missing timestamp -> need rebuild
// Timestamp bigger than buildTimestamp -> need rebuild
for(const file of this.buildInfo.fileDependencies) {
const timestamp = fileTimestamps.get(file);
if(!timestamp) return true;
if(timestamp >= this.buildTimestamp) return true;
for(const file of this.buildInfo.contextDependencies) {
const timestamp = contextTimestamps.get(file);
if(!timestamp) return true;
if(timestamp >= this.buildTimestamp) return true;
// elsewise -> no rebuild needed
return false;
size() {
return this._source ? this._source.size() : -1;
updateHashWithSource(hash) {
if(!this._source) {
updateHashWithMeta(hash) {
updateHash(hash) {
module.exports = NormalModule;