
473 lines
11 KiB

MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
"use strict";
const util = require("util");
const SortableSet = require("./util/SortableSet");
const GraphHelpers = require("./GraphHelpers");
let debugId = 1000;
const ERR_CHUNK_ENTRY = "Chunk.entry was removed. Use hasRuntime()";
const ERR_CHUNK_INITIAL = "Chunk.initial was removed. Use canBeInitial/isOnlyInitial()";
const sortById = (a, b) => {
if(a.id < b.id) return -1;
if(b.id < a.id) return 1;
return 0;
const sortByIdentifier = (a, b) => {
if(a.identifier() > b.identifier()) return 1;
if(a.identifier() < b.identifier()) return -1;
return 0;
const getModulesIdent = set => {
let str = "";
for(const m of set) {
str += m.identifier() + "#";
return str;
const getArray = set => Array.from(set);
const getModulesSize = set => {
let count = 0;
for(const module of set) {
count += module.size();
return count;
class Chunk {
constructor(name) {
this.id = null;
this.ids = null;
this.debugId = debugId++;
this.name = name;
this.entryModule = undefined;
this._modules = new SortableSet(undefined, sortByIdentifier);
this._groups = new SortableSet(undefined, sortById);
this.files = [];
this.rendered = false;
this.hash = undefined;
this.renderedHash = undefined;
this.chunkReason = undefined;
this.extraAsync = false;
get entry() {
throw new Error(ERR_CHUNK_ENTRY);
set entry(data) {
throw new Error(ERR_CHUNK_ENTRY);
get initial() {
throw new Error(ERR_CHUNK_INITIAL);
set initial(data) {
throw new Error(ERR_CHUNK_INITIAL);
hasRuntime() {
for(const chunkGroup of this._groups) {
// We only need to check the first one
return chunkGroup.isInitial() && chunkGroup.getRuntimeChunk() === this;
return false;
canBeInitial() {
for(const chunkGroup of this._groups) {
return true;
return false;
isOnlyInitial() {
if(this._groups.size <= 0) return false;
for(const chunkGroup of this._groups) {
return false;
return true;
hasEntryModule() {
return !!this.entryModule;
addModule(module) {
if(!this._modules.has(module)) {
return true;
return false;
removeModule(module) {
if(this._modules.delete(module)) {
return true;
return false;
setModules(modules) {
this._modules = new SortableSet(modules, sortByIdentifier);
getNumberOfModules() {
return this._modules.size;
get modulesIterable() {
return this._modules;
addGroup(chunkGroup) {
return false;
return true;
removeGroup(chunkGroup) {
return false;
return true;
isInGroup(chunkGroup) {
return this._groups.has(chunkGroup);
getNumberOfGroups() {
return this._groups.size;
get groupsIterable() {
return this._groups;
compareTo(otherChunk) {
if(this._modules.size > otherChunk._modules.size) return -1;
if(this._modules.size < otherChunk._modules.size) return 1;
const a = this._modules[Symbol.iterator]();
const b = otherChunk._modules[Symbol.iterator]();
while(true) { // eslint-disable-line
const aItem = a.next();
const bItem = b.next();
if(aItem.done) return 0;
const aModuleIdentifier = aItem.value.identifier();
const bModuleIdentifier = bItem.value.identifier();
if(aModuleIdentifier > bModuleIdentifier) return -1;
if(aModuleIdentifier < bModuleIdentifier) return 1;
containsModule(module) {
return this._modules.has(module);
getModules() {
return this._modules.getFromCache(getArray);
getModulesIdent() {
return this._modules.getFromUnorderedCache(getModulesIdent);
remove(reason) {
// cleanup modules
// Array.from is used here to create a clone, because removeChunk modifies this._modules
for(const module of Array.from(this._modules)) {
for(const chunkGroup of this._groups) {
moveModule(module, otherChunk) {
GraphHelpers.disconnectChunkAndModule(this, module);
GraphHelpers.connectChunkAndModule(otherChunk, module);
module.rewriteChunkInReasons(this, [otherChunk]);
integrate(otherChunk, reason) {
if(!this.canBeIntegrated(otherChunk)) {
return false;
// Array.from is used here to create a clone, because moveModule modifies otherChunk._modules
for(const module of Array.from(otherChunk._modules)) {
otherChunk.moveModule(module, this);
for(const chunkGroup of otherChunk._groups) {
chunkGroup.replaceChunk(otherChunk, this);
if(this.name && otherChunk.name) {
if(this.name.length !== otherChunk.name.length)
this.name = this.name.length < otherChunk.name.length ? this.name : otherChunk.name;
this.name = this.name < otherChunk.name ? this.name : otherChunk.name;
return true;
split(newChunk) {
for(const chunkGroup of this._groups) {
chunkGroup.insertChunk(newChunk, this);
isEmpty() {
return this._modules.size === 0;
updateHash(hash) {
hash.update(`${this.id} `);
hash.update(this.ids ? this.ids.join(",") : "");
hash.update(`${this.name || ""} `);
for(const m of this._modules) {
canBeIntegrated(otherChunk) {
const isAvailable = (a, b) => {
const queue = new Set(b.groupsIterable);
for(const chunkGroup of queue) {
if(a.isInGroup(chunkGroup)) continue;
if(chunkGroup.isInitial()) return false;
for(const parent of chunkGroup.parentsIterable)
return true;
if(this.hasRuntime() !== otherChunk.hasRuntime()) {
if(this.hasRuntime()) {
return isAvailable(this, otherChunk);
} else if(otherChunk.hasRuntime()) {
return isAvailable(otherChunk, this);
} else {
return false;
if(this.hasEntryModule() || otherChunk.hasEntryModule())
return false;
return true;
addMultiplierAndOverhead(size, options) {
const overhead = typeof options.chunkOverhead === "number" ? options.chunkOverhead : 10000;
const multiplicator = this.canBeInitial() ? (options.entryChunkMultiplicator || 10) : 1;
return size * multiplicator + overhead;
modulesSize() {
return this._modules.getFromUnorderedCache(getModulesSize);
size(options) {
return this.addMultiplierAndOverhead(this.modulesSize(), options);
integratedSize(otherChunk, options) {
// Chunk if it's possible to integrate this chunk
if(!this.canBeIntegrated(otherChunk)) {
return false;
let integratedModulesSize = this.modulesSize();
// only count modules that do not exist in this chunk!
for(const otherModule of otherChunk._modules) {
if(!this._modules.has(otherModule)) {
integratedModulesSize += otherModule.size();
return this.addMultiplierAndOverhead(integratedModulesSize, options);
sortModules(sortByFn) {
this._modules.sortWith(sortByFn || sortById);
sortItems(sortChunks) {
getAllAsyncChunks() {
const initialChunks = new Set();
const queue = new Set(this.groupsIterable);
const chunks = new Set();
for(const chunkGroup of queue) {
for(const chunk of chunkGroup.chunks)
for(const chunkGroup of queue) {
for(const chunk of chunkGroup.chunks) {
for(const child of chunkGroup.childrenIterable)
return chunks;
getChunkMaps(realHash) {
const chunkHashMap = Object.create(null);
const chunkNameMap = Object.create(null);
for(const chunk of this.getAllAsyncChunks()) {
chunkHashMap[chunk.id] = realHash ? chunk.hash : chunk.renderedHash;
chunkNameMap[chunk.id] = chunk.name;
return {
hash: chunkHashMap,
name: chunkNameMap
getChunkModuleMaps(filterFn) {
const chunkModuleIdMap = Object.create(null);
const chunkModuleHashMap = Object.create(null);
for(const chunk of this.getAllAsyncChunks()) {
let array;
for(const module of chunk.modulesIterable) {
if(filterFn(module)) {
if(array === undefined) {
array = [];
chunkModuleIdMap[chunk.id] = array;
chunkModuleHashMap[module.id] = module.renderedHash;
if(array !== undefined) {
return {
id: chunkModuleIdMap,
hash: chunkModuleHashMap
hasModuleInGraph(filterFn, filterChunkFn) {
const queue = new Set(this.groupsIterable);
const chunksProcessed = new Set();
for(const chunkGroup of queue) {
for(const chunk of chunkGroup.chunks) {
if(!chunksProcessed.has(chunk)) {
if(!filterChunkFn || filterChunkFn(chunk)) {
for(const module of chunk.modulesIterable)
return true;
for(const child of chunkGroup.childrenIterable)
return false;
toString() {
return `Chunk[${Array.from(this._modules).join()}]`;
// TODO remove in webpack 5
Object.defineProperty(Chunk.prototype, "forEachModule", {
configurable: false,
value: util.deprecate(function(fn) {
}, "Chunk.forEachModule: Use for(const module of chunk.modulesIterable) instead")
// TODO remove in webpack 5
Object.defineProperty(Chunk.prototype, "mapModules", {
configurable: false,
value: util.deprecate(function(fn) {
return Array.from(this._modules, fn);
}, "Chunk.mapModules: Use Array.from(chunk.modulesIterable, fn) instead")
// TODO remove in webpack 5
Object.defineProperty(Chunk.prototype, "chunks", {
configurable: false,
get() {
throw new Error("Chunk.chunks: Use ChunkGroup.getChildren() instead");
set() {
throw new Error("Chunk.chunks: Use ChunkGroup.add/removeChild() instead");
// TODO remove in webpack 5
Object.defineProperty(Chunk.prototype, "parents", {
configurable: false,
get() {
throw new Error("Chunk.parents: Use ChunkGroup.getParents() instead");
set() {
throw new Error("Chunk.parents: Use ChunkGroup.add/removeParent() instead");
// TODO remove in webpack 5
Object.defineProperty(Chunk.prototype, "blocks", {
configurable: false,
get() {
throw new Error("Chunk.blocks: Use ChunkGroup.getBlocks() instead");
set() {
throw new Error("Chunk.blocks: Use ChunkGroup.add/removeBlock() instead");
// TODO remove in webpack 5
Object.defineProperty(Chunk.prototype, "entrypoints", {
configurable: false,
get() {
throw new Error("Chunk.entrypoints: Use Chunks.groupsIterable and filter by instanceof Entrypoint instead");
set() {
throw new Error("Chunk.entrypoints: Use Chunks.addGroup instead");
module.exports = Chunk;