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159 KiB

// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
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> ./f ./g ./h ./i ./j ./k [11] ./index.js 4:0-51
> ./b ./d ./e ./f ./g [11] ./index.js 5:0-44
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> ./g [] 6:0-47
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> ./b b
> ./c c
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> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./g [] 6:0-47
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[8] ./g.js 34 bytes {8} [built]
Child multiple-vendors:
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> ./a a
> ./b b
> ./c c
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
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> ./a a
> ./b b
> ./c c
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> ./a a
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> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./g [] 6:0-47
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> ./c c
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> ./c c
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> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./g [] 6:0-47
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> ./a a
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Child all:
Entrypoint main = all/main.js
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> ./ main
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> ./a a
> ./b b
> ./c c
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
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> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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> ./a a
> ./b b
> ./c c
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> ./a a
> ./b b
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
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> ./b b
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> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
[5] ./f.js 20 bytes {5} {6} {7} [built]
chunk {7} all/c.js (c) 92 bytes ={1}= ={2}= ={9}= [entry] [rendered]
> ./c c
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chunk {8} all/async-c.js (async-c) 72 bytes <{0}> ={1}= ={2}= ={6}= ={9}= [rendered]
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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> ./c c
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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chunk {10} all/async-g.js (async-g) 34 bytes <{1}> <{2}> <{3}> <{11}> <{12}> ={6}= [rendered]
> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./g [] 6:0-47
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> ./a a
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> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
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exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for chunk-module-id-range 1`] = `
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Time: Xms
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> ./main1 main1
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> ./index main
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Xms (resolving: Xms, building: Xms)
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chunk {1} 1.bundle.js 22 bytes <{0}> [rendered]
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-16
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chunk {2} 2.bundle.js 54 bytes <{0}> >{3}< [rendered]
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-16
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[0] Xms -> Xms (resolving: Xms, building: Xms)
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> [3] ./c.js 1:0-52
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[5] ./e.js 22 bytes {3} [built]
require.ensure item ./e [3] ./c.js 1:0-52
[0] Xms -> [3] Xms -> Xms (resolving: Xms, building: Xms)"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for chunks-development 1`] = `
"Hash: b66c6464f88d39a97070
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[./b.js] 22 bytes {0} [built]
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[./index.js] Xms -> Xms (resolving: Xms, building: Xms)
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> ./c [./index.js] ./index.js 3:0-16
[./c.js] 54 bytes {1} [built]
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[./index.js] Xms -> Xms (resolving: Xms, building: Xms)
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> [./c.js] ./c.js 1:0-52
[./d.js] 22 bytes {2} [built]
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[./index.js] Xms -> [./c.js] Xms -> Xms (resolving: Xms, building: Xms)
[./e.js] 38 bytes {2} [built]
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[./index.js] Xms -> [./c.js] Xms -> Xms (resolving: Xms, building: Xms)
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> ./index main
[./a.js] 22 bytes {main} [built]
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cjs require ./a [./index.js] 1:0-14
[./index.js] Xms -> Xms (resolving: Xms, building: Xms)
[./index.js] 51 bytes {main} [built]
entry ./index main
Xms (resolving: Xms, building: Xms)"
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"Hash: <CLR=BOLD>703cfa0463cb3c00055c</CLR>
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exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for commons-plugin-issue-4980 1`] = `
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Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
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[./constants.js] 87 bytes {0} [built]
[./entry-2.js] ./entry-2.js + 2 modules 197 bytes {1} [built]
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exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for concat-and-sideeffects 1`] = `
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ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not in any chunk
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ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not in any chunk
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ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not in any chunk
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ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not in any chunk
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ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not in any chunk"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for define-plugin 1`] = `
"Hash: d137985c3dc6e1d36484ae900f5ab7a1699250503bca3a1a2ed59b322b45
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exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for dll-reference-plugin-issue-7624 1`] = `
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exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for dll-reference-plugin-issue-7624-error 1`] = `
"Hash: 4a2b1eec4a4806b9dc12
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ERROR in Dll manifest blank-manifest.json
Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near ''"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for exclude-with-loader 1`] = `
"Hash: 83fac664b3322d053bd8
Time: Xms
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exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for external 1`] = `
"Hash: dbb8d2da46449d2bfe85
Time: Xms
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exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for issue-7577 1`] = `
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+ 11 hidden modules"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for max-modules-default 1`] = `
"Hash: e8b18f1cf5f95cf5a285
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
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Entrypoint main = main.js
[0] ./index.js 181 bytes {0} [built]
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[2] ./c.js?1 33 bytes {0} [built]
[4] ./a.js?2 33 bytes {0} [built]
[5] ./c.js?2 33 bytes {0} [built]
[7] ./a.js?3 33 bytes {0} [built]
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[11] ./c.js?4 33 bytes {0} [built]
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[16] ./a.js?6 33 bytes {0} [built]
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[22] ./a.js?8 33 bytes {0} [built]
[25] ./a.js?9 33 bytes {0} [built]
[28] ./a.js?10 33 bytes {0} [built]
+ 16 hidden modules"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for module-assets 1`] = `
"Hash: 8ae1dea4bce18528f657
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Entrypoint main = main.js
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"Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
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exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for module-deduplication-named 1`] = `
" Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
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async1.js 820 bytes 3 [emitted] async1
async2.js 820 bytes 4 [emitted] async2
async3.js 822 bytes 5 [emitted] async3
Entrypoint e1 = e1.js
Entrypoint e2 = e2.js
Entrypoint e3 = e3.js
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[0] ./e1.js 108 bytes {0} [built]
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[4] ./d.js 9 bytes {0} {3} [built]
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exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for module-trace-disabled-in-error 1`] = `
"Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
main.js 3.75 KiB 0 main
Entrypoint main = main.js
[0] ./index.js 25 bytes {0} [built]
ERROR in ./index.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'does-not-exist' in 'Xdir/module-trace-disabled-in-error'"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for module-trace-enabled-in-error 1`] = `
"Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
main.js 3.75 KiB 0 main
Entrypoint main = main.js
[0] ./index.js 25 bytes {0} [built]
ERROR in ./index.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'does-not-exist' in 'Xdir/module-trace-enabled-in-error'
@ ./index.js 1:0-25"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for named-chunk-groups 1`] = `
Chunk Group main = main.js
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Chunk Group async-c = vendors.js async-c.js
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> ./ main
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> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
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> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
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> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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Chunk Group async-c = vendors.js async-c.js
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> ./ main
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> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
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> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
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> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for named-chunks-plugin 1`] = `
"Hash: 65cd83ae5b2980359572
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
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Entrypoint entry = vendor.js entry.js
[./entry.js] 72 bytes {entry} [built]
[./modules/a.js] 22 bytes {vendor} [built]
[./modules/b.js] 22 bytes {vendor} [built]
[./modules/c.js] 22 bytes {entry} [built]"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for named-chunks-plugin-async 1`] = `
"Hash: 421934d6424eb810e1a8
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
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exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for no-emit-on-errors-plugin-with-child-error 1`] = `
"Hash: 0d1fa1c56ef4d2b16cdd
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
child.js 3.57 KiB
bundle.js 3.57 KiB 0 main
Entrypoint main = bundle.js
[0] ./index.js 0 bytes {0} [built]
WARNING in configuration
The 'mode' option has not been set, webpack will fallback to 'production' for this value. Set 'mode' option to 'development' or 'production' to enable defaults for each environment.
You can also set it to 'none' to disable any default behavior. Learn more: https://webpack.js.org/concepts/mode/
Child child:
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
child.js 3.57 KiB 0 child
Entrypoint child = child.js
[0] ./index.js 0 bytes {0} [built]
ERROR in forced error"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for optimize-chunks 1`] = `
"Hash: 2c343cbbb1c034dcc13d
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
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ac in ab.js 130 bytes 7 [emitted] ac in ab
Entrypoint main = main.js
chunk {0} main.js (main) 523 bytes >{1}< >{2}< >{4}< >{5}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./index main
[0] ./index.js 523 bytes {0} [built]
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> [0] ./index.js 1:0-6:8
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chunk {3} chunk.js (chunk) 0 bytes <{2}> <{7}> [rendered]
> [0] ./index.js 3:2-4:13
> [0] ./index.js 9:1-10:12
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> [0] ./index.js 13:0-54
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> [6] ./circular2.js 1:0-79
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> [0] ./index.js 14:0-54
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chunk {6} cir2 from cir1.js (cir2 from cir1) 81 bytes <{4}> [rendered]
> [5] ./circular1.js 1:0-79
> [5] ./circular1.js 1:0-79
[6] ./circular2.js 81 bytes {5} {6} [built]
[8] ./modules/e.js 0 bytes {6} [built]
chunk {7} ac in ab.js (ac in ab) 0 bytes <{1}> >{3}< [rendered]
> [0] ./index.js 2:1-5:15
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exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for parse-error 1`] = `
" Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
main.js 4.01 KiB 0 main
Entrypoint main = main.js
[0] ./b.js 169 bytes {0} [built] [failed] [1 error]
[1] ./index.js + 1 modules 35 bytes {0} [built]
| ./a.js 15 bytes [built]
| ./index.js 15 bytes [built]
ERROR in ./b.js 6:7
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (6:7)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| includes
| a
> parser )
| error
| in
@ ./a.js 2:0-13
@ ./index.js"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for performance-different-mode-and-target 1`] = `
"Hash: 27afa870ea890dcb8d211cf632c77c707c36d94b810d87a0ecb3d46fb6472b646a1947dce27d2c2ca90600658140ce9be0af7e07124a239ee933822c55b9d2204250eb77a29a
Hash: 27afa870ea890dcb8d21
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
warning.pro-web.js 297 KiB 0 [emitted] [big] main
Entrypoint main [big] = warning.pro-web.js
[0] ./index.js 293 KiB {0} [built]
WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
warning.pro-web.js (297 KiB)
WARNING in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
main (297 KiB)
WARNING in webpack performance recommendations:
You can limit the size of your bundles by using import() or require.ensure to lazy load some parts of your application.
For more info visit https://webpack.js.org/guides/code-splitting/
Hash: 1cf632c77c707c36d94b
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
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Entrypoint main [big] = warning.pro-webworker.js
[0] ./index.js 293 KiB {0} [built]
WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
warning.pro-webworker.js (297 KiB)
WARNING in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
main (297 KiB)
WARNING in webpack performance recommendations:
You can limit the size of your bundles by using import() or require.ensure to lazy load some parts of your application.
For more info visit https://webpack.js.org/guides/code-splitting/
Hash: 810d87a0ecb3d46fb647
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
no-warning.pro-node.js 297 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = no-warning.pro-node.js
[0] ./index.js 293 KiB {0} [built]
Hash: 2b646a1947dce27d2c2c
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
no-warning.dev-web.js 1.72 MiB main [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = no-warning.dev-web.js
[./index.js] 293 KiB {main} [built]
Hash: a90600658140ce9be0af
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
no-warning.dev-node.js 1.72 MiB main [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = no-warning.dev-node.js
[./index.js] 293 KiB {main} [built]
Hash: 7e07124a239ee933822c
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
no-warning.dev-web-with-limit-set.js 1.72 MiB main [emitted] [big] main
Entrypoint main [big] = no-warning.dev-web-with-limit-set.js
[./index.js] 293 KiB {main} [built]
Hash: 55b9d2204250eb77a29a
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
warning.pro-node-with-hints-set.js 297 KiB 0 [emitted] [big] main
Entrypoint main [big] = warning.pro-node-with-hints-set.js
[0] ./index.js 293 KiB {0} [built]
WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
warning.pro-node-with-hints-set.js (297 KiB)
WARNING in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
main (297 KiB)
WARNING in webpack performance recommendations:
You can limit the size of your bundles by using import() or require.ensure to lazy load some parts of your application.
For more info visit https://webpack.js.org/guides/code-splitting/"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for performance-disabled 1`] = `
"Time: <CLR=BOLD>X</CLR>ms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 <CLR=BOLD>00:00:00</CLR> GMT
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exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for performance-error 1`] = `
"Time: <CLR=BOLD>X</CLR>ms
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[3] <CLR=BOLD>./c.js</CLR> 54 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>2</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[4] <CLR=BOLD>./d.js</CLR> 22 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>3</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[5] <CLR=BOLD>./e.js</CLR> 22 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>3</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
<CLR=31,BOLD>ERROR in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
main.js (301 KiB)</CLR>
<CLR=31,BOLD>ERROR in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
main (301 KiB)
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for performance-no-async-chunks-shown 1`] = `
"Time: <CLR=BOLD>X</CLR>ms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 <CLR=BOLD>00:00:00</CLR> GMT
<CLR=BOLD>Asset</CLR> <CLR=BOLD>Size</CLR> <CLR=BOLD>Chunks</CLR> <CLR=39,BOLD><CLR=22> <CLR=39,BOLD><CLR=22> <CLR=BOLD>Chunk Names</CLR>
<CLR=33,BOLD>main.js</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>297 KiB</CLR> <CLR=BOLD>0</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>[big]</CLR> main
<CLR=32,BOLD>sec.js</CLR> 3.91 KiB <CLR=BOLD>1</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR> sec
Entrypoint <CLR=BOLD>main</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>[big]</CLR> = <CLR=32,BOLD>main.js</CLR>
Entrypoint <CLR=BOLD>sec</CLR> = <CLR=32,BOLD>sec.js</CLR>
[0] <CLR=BOLD>./index.js</CLR> 32 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>0</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[1] <CLR=BOLD>./a.js</CLR> 293 KiB {<CLR=33,BOLD>0</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[2] <CLR=BOLD>./b.js</CLR> 22 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>0</CLR>} {<CLR=33,BOLD>1</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[3] <CLR=BOLD>./index2.js</CLR> 48 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>1</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[4] <CLR=BOLD>./c.js</CLR> 22 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>1</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[5] <CLR=BOLD>./d.js</CLR> 22 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>1</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
<CLR=33,BOLD>WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
main.js (297 KiB)</CLR>
<CLR=33,BOLD>WARNING in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
main (297 KiB)
<CLR=33,BOLD>WARNING in webpack performance recommendations:
You can limit the size of your bundles by using import() or require.ensure to lazy load some parts of your application.
For more info visit https://webpack.js.org/guides/code-splitting/</CLR>"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for performance-no-hints 1`] = `
"Time: <CLR=BOLD>X</CLR>ms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 <CLR=BOLD>00:00:00</CLR> GMT
<CLR=BOLD>Asset</CLR> <CLR=BOLD>Size</CLR> <CLR=BOLD>Chunks</CLR> <CLR=39,BOLD><CLR=22> <CLR=39,BOLD><CLR=22> <CLR=BOLD>Chunk Names</CLR>
<CLR=33,BOLD>main.js</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>301 KiB</CLR> <CLR=BOLD>0</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>[big]</CLR> main
<CLR=32,BOLD>1.js</CLR> 152 bytes <CLR=BOLD>1</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR>
<CLR=32,BOLD>2.js</CLR> 289 bytes <CLR=BOLD>2</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR>
<CLR=32,BOLD>3.js</CLR> 232 bytes <CLR=BOLD>3</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR>
Entrypoint <CLR=BOLD>main</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>[big]</CLR> = <CLR=32,BOLD>main.js</CLR>
[0] <CLR=BOLD>./index.js</CLR> 52 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>0</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[1] <CLR=BOLD>./a.js</CLR> 293 KiB {<CLR=33,BOLD>0</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[2] <CLR=BOLD>./b.js</CLR> 22 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>1</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[3] <CLR=BOLD>./c.js</CLR> 54 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>2</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[4] <CLR=BOLD>./d.js</CLR> 22 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>3</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[5] <CLR=BOLD>./e.js</CLR> 22 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>3</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for performance-oversize-limit-error 1`] = `
"Time: <CLR=BOLD>X</CLR>ms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 <CLR=BOLD>00:00:00</CLR> GMT
<CLR=BOLD>Asset</CLR> <CLR=BOLD>Size</CLR> <CLR=BOLD>Chunks</CLR> <CLR=39,BOLD><CLR=22> <CLR=39,BOLD><CLR=22> <CLR=BOLD>Chunk Names</CLR>
<CLR=33,BOLD>main.js</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>297 KiB</CLR> <CLR=BOLD>0</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>[big]</CLR> main
<CLR=33,BOLD>sec.js</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>297 KiB</CLR> <CLR=BOLD>1</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>[big]</CLR> sec
Entrypoint <CLR=BOLD>main</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>[big]</CLR> = <CLR=32,BOLD>main.js</CLR>
Entrypoint <CLR=BOLD>sec</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>[big]</CLR> = <CLR=32,BOLD>sec.js</CLR>
[0] <CLR=BOLD>./index.js</CLR> 16 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>0</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[1] <CLR=BOLD>./a.js</CLR> 293 KiB {<CLR=33,BOLD>0</CLR>} {<CLR=33,BOLD>1</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[2] <CLR=BOLD>./index2.js</CLR> 16 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>1</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
<CLR=31,BOLD>ERROR in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
main.js (297 KiB)
sec.js (297 KiB)</CLR>
<CLR=31,BOLD>ERROR in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
main (297 KiB)
sec (297 KiB)
<CLR=31,BOLD>ERROR in webpack performance recommendations:
You can limit the size of your bundles by using import() or require.ensure to lazy load some parts of your application.
For more info visit https://webpack.js.org/guides/code-splitting/</CLR>"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for prefetch 1`] = `
" Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
main.js 9.65 KiB 0 [emitted] main
prefetched.js 475 bytes 1 [emitted] prefetched
normal.js 130 bytes 2 [emitted] normal
prefetched2.js 130 bytes 3 [emitted] prefetched2
prefetched3.js 130 bytes 4 [emitted] prefetched3
inner.js 130 bytes 5 [emitted] inner
inner2.js 188 bytes 6 [emitted] inner2
Entrypoint main = main.js (prefetch: prefetched2.js prefetched.js prefetched3.js)
chunk {0} main.js (main) 436 bytes >{1}< >{2}< >{3}< >{4}< (prefetch: {3} {1} {4}) [entry] [rendered]
chunk {1} prefetched.js (prefetched) 228 bytes <{0}> >{5}< >{6}< (prefetch: {6} {5}) [rendered]
chunk {2} normal.js (normal) 0 bytes <{0}> [rendered]
chunk {3} prefetched2.js (prefetched2) 0 bytes <{0}> [rendered]
chunk {4} prefetched3.js (prefetched3) 0 bytes <{0}> [rendered]
chunk {5} inner.js (inner) 0 bytes <{1}> [rendered]
chunk {6} inner2.js (inner2) 0 bytes <{1}> [rendered]"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for prefetch-preload-mixed 1`] = `
"chunk {0} main.js (main) 195 bytes >{1}< >{2}< >{3}< (prefetch: {1} {2} {3}) [entry] [rendered]
chunk {1} a.js (a) 136 bytes <{0}> >{4}< >{5}< (prefetch: {4} {5}) [rendered]
chunk {2} b.js (b) 203 bytes <{0}> >{6}< >{7}< >{8}< (prefetch: {6} {8}) (preload: {7}) [rendered]
chunk {3} c.js (c) 134 bytes <{0}> >{9}< >{10}< (preload: {9} {10}) [rendered]
chunk {4} a1.js (a1) 0 bytes <{1}> [rendered]
chunk {5} a2.js (a2) 0 bytes <{1}> [rendered]
chunk {6} b1.js (b1) 0 bytes <{2}> [rendered]
chunk {7} b2.js (b2) 0 bytes <{2}> [rendered]
chunk {8} b3.js (b3) 0 bytes <{2}> [rendered]
chunk {9} c1.js (c1) 0 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
chunk {10} c2.js (c2) 0 bytes <{3}> [rendered]"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for preload 1`] = `
" Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
main.js 9.86 KiB 0 [emitted] main
preloaded.js 467 bytes 1 [emitted] preloaded
normal.js 130 bytes 2 [emitted] normal
preloaded2.js 130 bytes 3 [emitted] preloaded2
preloaded3.js 130 bytes 4 [emitted] preloaded3
inner.js 130 bytes 5 [emitted] inner
inner2.js 188 bytes 6 [emitted] inner2
Entrypoint main = main.js (preload: preloaded2.js preloaded.js preloaded3.js)
chunk {0} main.js (main) 424 bytes >{1}< >{2}< >{3}< >{4}< (preload: {3} {1} {4}) [entry] [rendered]
chunk {1} preloaded.js (preloaded) 226 bytes <{0}> >{5}< >{6}< (preload: {6} {5}) [rendered]
chunk {2} normal.js (normal) 0 bytes <{0}> [rendered]
chunk {3} preloaded2.js (preloaded2) 0 bytes <{0}> [rendered]
chunk {4} preloaded3.js (preloaded3) 0 bytes <{0}> [rendered]
chunk {5} inner.js (inner) 0 bytes <{1}> [rendered]
chunk {6} inner2.js (inner2) 0 bytes <{1}> [rendered]"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for preset-detailed 1`] = `
"Hash: 3b3a7ec8ed8bc5030c9b
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
main.js 8.29 KiB 0 [emitted] main
1.js 152 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.js 289 bytes 2 [emitted]
3.js 232 bytes 3 [emitted]
Entrypoint main = main.js
chunk {0} main.js (main) 73 bytes >{1}< >{2}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./index main
chunk {1} 1.js 22 bytes <{0}> [rendered]
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-16
chunk {2} 2.js 54 bytes <{0}> >{3}< [rendered]
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-16
chunk {3} 3.js 44 bytes <{2}> [rendered]
> [3] ./c.js 1:0-52
[0] ./index.js 51 bytes {0} [depth 0] [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module
[1] ./a.js 22 bytes {0} [depth 1] [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module
[2] ./b.js 22 bytes {1} [depth 1] [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module
[3] ./c.js 54 bytes {2} [depth 1] [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module
[4] ./d.js 22 bytes {3} [depth 2] [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module
[5] ./e.js 22 bytes {3} [depth 2] [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for preset-errors-only 1`] = `""`;
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for preset-errors-only-error 1`] = `
ERROR in ./index.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'does-not-exist' in 'Xdir/preset-errors-only-error'
@ ./index.js 1:0-25"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for preset-minimal 1`] = `" 6 modules"`;
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for preset-minimal-simple 1`] = `" 1 module"`;
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for preset-mixed-array 1`] = `
"Child minimal:
1 module
Child verbose:
Entrypoint main = main.js
[0] ./index.js 8 bytes {0} [built]"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for preset-none 1`] = `""`;
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for preset-none-array 1`] = `""`;
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for preset-none-error 1`] = `""`;
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for preset-normal 1`] = `
"Hash: 3b3a7ec8ed8bc5030c9b
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
main.js 8.29 KiB 0 [emitted] main
1.js 152 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.js 289 bytes 2 [emitted]
3.js 232 bytes 3 [emitted]
Entrypoint main = main.js
[0] ./index.js 51 bytes {0} [built]
[1] ./a.js 22 bytes {0} [built]
[2] ./b.js 22 bytes {1} [built]
[3] ./c.js 54 bytes {2} [built]
[4] ./d.js 22 bytes {3} [built]
[5] ./e.js 22 bytes {3} [built]"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for preset-normal-performance 1`] = `
"Time: <CLR=BOLD>X</CLR>ms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 <CLR=BOLD>00:00:00</CLR> GMT
<CLR=BOLD>Asset</CLR> <CLR=BOLD>Size</CLR> <CLR=BOLD>Chunks</CLR> <CLR=39,BOLD><CLR=22> <CLR=39,BOLD><CLR=22> <CLR=BOLD>Chunk Names</CLR>
<CLR=33,BOLD>main.js</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>301 KiB</CLR> <CLR=BOLD>0</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>[big]</CLR> main
<CLR=32,BOLD>1.js</CLR> 152 bytes <CLR=BOLD>1</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR>
<CLR=32,BOLD>2.js</CLR> 289 bytes <CLR=BOLD>2</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR>
<CLR=32,BOLD>3.js</CLR> 232 bytes <CLR=BOLD>3</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR>
Entrypoint <CLR=BOLD>main</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>[big]</CLR> = <CLR=32,BOLD>main.js</CLR>
[0] <CLR=BOLD>./index.js</CLR> 52 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>0</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[1] <CLR=BOLD>./a.js</CLR> 293 KiB {<CLR=33,BOLD>0</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[2] <CLR=BOLD>./b.js</CLR> 22 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>1</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[3] <CLR=BOLD>./c.js</CLR> 54 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>2</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[4] <CLR=BOLD>./d.js</CLR> 22 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>3</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[5] <CLR=BOLD>./e.js</CLR> 22 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>3</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
<CLR=33,BOLD>WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
main.js (301 KiB)</CLR>
<CLR=33,BOLD>WARNING in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
main (301 KiB)
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for preset-normal-performance-ensure-filter-sourcemaps 1`] = `
"Time: <CLR=BOLD>X</CLR>ms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 <CLR=BOLD>00:00:00</CLR> GMT
<CLR=BOLD>Asset</CLR> <CLR=BOLD>Size</CLR> <CLR=BOLD>Chunks</CLR> <CLR=39,BOLD><CLR=22> <CLR=39,BOLD><CLR=22> <CLR=BOLD>Chunk Names</CLR>
<CLR=33,BOLD>main.js</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>301 KiB</CLR> <CLR=BOLD>0</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>[big]</CLR> main
<CLR=32,BOLD>1.js</CLR> 182 bytes <CLR=BOLD>1</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR>
<CLR=32,BOLD>2.js</CLR> 319 bytes <CLR=BOLD>2</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR>
<CLR=32,BOLD>3.js</CLR> 262 bytes <CLR=BOLD>3</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR>
<CLR=32,BOLD>main.js.map</CLR> 1.72 MiB <CLR=BOLD>0</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR> main
<CLR=32,BOLD>1.js.map</CLR> 156 bytes <CLR=BOLD>1</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR>
<CLR=32,BOLD>2.js.map</CLR> 197 bytes <CLR=BOLD>2</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR>
<CLR=32,BOLD>3.js.map</CLR> 216 bytes <CLR=BOLD>3</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>[emitted]</CLR>
Entrypoint <CLR=BOLD>main</CLR> <CLR=33,BOLD>[big]</CLR> = <CLR=32,BOLD>main.js</CLR> <CLR=32,BOLD>main.js.map</CLR>
[0] <CLR=BOLD>./index.js</CLR> 52 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>0</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[1] <CLR=BOLD>./a.js</CLR> 293 KiB {<CLR=33,BOLD>0</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[2] <CLR=BOLD>./b.js</CLR> 22 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>1</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[3] <CLR=BOLD>./c.js</CLR> 54 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>2</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[4] <CLR=BOLD>./d.js</CLR> 22 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>3</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
[5] <CLR=BOLD>./e.js</CLR> 22 bytes {<CLR=33,BOLD>3</CLR>}<CLR=32,BOLD> [built]</CLR>
<CLR=33,BOLD>WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
main.js (301 KiB)</CLR>
<CLR=33,BOLD>WARNING in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
main (301 KiB)
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for preset-verbose 1`] = `
"Hash: 3b3a7ec8ed8bc5030c9b
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
main.js 8.29 KiB 0 [emitted] main
1.js 152 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.js 289 bytes 2 [emitted]
3.js 232 bytes 3 [emitted]
Entrypoint main = main.js
chunk {0} main.js (main) 73 bytes >{1}< >{2}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./index main
[0] ./index.js 51 bytes {0} [depth 0] [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module
entry ./index main
Xms (resolving: Xms, building: Xms)
[1] ./a.js 22 bytes {0} [depth 1] [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module
cjs require ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-14
[0] Xms -> Xms (resolving: Xms, building: Xms)
chunk {1} 1.js 22 bytes <{0}> [rendered]
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-16
[2] ./b.js 22 bytes {1} [depth 1] [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module
amd require ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-16
[0] Xms -> Xms (resolving: Xms, building: Xms)
chunk {2} 2.js 54 bytes <{0}> >{3}< [rendered]
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-16
[3] ./c.js 54 bytes {2} [depth 1] [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module
amd require ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-16
[0] Xms -> Xms (resolving: Xms, building: Xms)
chunk {3} 3.js 44 bytes <{2}> [rendered]
> [3] ./c.js 1:0-52
[4] ./d.js 22 bytes {3} [depth 2] [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module
require.ensure item ./d [3] ./c.js 1:0-52
[0] Xms -> [3] Xms -> Xms (resolving: Xms, building: Xms)
[5] ./e.js 22 bytes {3} [depth 2] [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module
require.ensure item ./e [3] ./c.js 1:0-52
[0] Xms -> [3] Xms -> Xms (resolving: Xms, building: Xms)"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for resolve-plugin-context 1`] = `
"Hash: 4ca4f81607549b34ea70
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
bundle.js 3.97 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = bundle.js
[0] ./index.js 48 bytes {0} [built]
[1] ./node_modules/abc/index.js 16 bytes {0} [built]
[2] ./node_modules/xyz/index.js 0 bytes {0} [built]
[3] ./node_modules/def/index.js 16 bytes {0} [built]
[4] ./node_modules/def/node_modules/xyz/index.js 0 bytes {0} [built]"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for reverse-sort-modules 1`] = `
"Hash: e8b18f1cf5f95cf5a285
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
main.js 6.82 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = main.js
[28] ./a.js?10 33 bytes {0} [built]
[26] ./c.js?9 33 bytes {0} [built]
[25] ./a.js?9 33 bytes {0} [built]
[23] ./c.js?8 33 bytes {0} [built]
[22] ./a.js?8 33 bytes {0} [built]
[20] ./c.js?7 33 bytes {0} [built]
[19] ./a.js?7 33 bytes {0} [built]
[17] ./c.js?6 33 bytes {0} [built]
[16] ./a.js?6 33 bytes {0} [built]
[14] ./c.js?5 33 bytes {0} [built]
[13] ./a.js?5 33 bytes {0} [built]
[11] ./c.js?4 33 bytes {0} [built]
[10] ./a.js?4 33 bytes {0} [built]
[8] ./c.js?3 33 bytes {0} [built]
[7] ./a.js?3 33 bytes {0} [built]
[5] ./c.js?2 33 bytes {0} [built]
[4] ./a.js?2 33 bytes {0} [built]
[2] ./c.js?1 33 bytes {0} [built]
[1] ./a.js?1 33 bytes {0} [built]
[0] ./index.js 181 bytes {0} [built]
+ 11 hidden modules"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for runtime-chunk 1`] = `
"Entrypoint e1 = runtime~e1.js e1.js
Entrypoint e2 = runtime~e2.js e2.js"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for runtime-chunk-integration 1`] = `
"Child base:
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
runtime.js 8.75 KiB 0 [emitted] runtime
main1.js 539 bytes 1 [emitted] main1
2.js 728 bytes 2 [emitted]
Entrypoint main1 = runtime.js main1.js
[0] ./main1.js 66 bytes {1} [built]
[1] ./b.js 20 bytes {2} [built]
[2] ./c.js 20 bytes {2} [built]
[3] ./d.js 20 bytes {2} [built]
Child manifest is named entry:
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
main1.js 539 bytes 0 [emitted] main1
manifest.js 9.06 KiB 1 [emitted] manifest
2.js 737 bytes 2 [emitted]
Entrypoint main1 = manifest.js main1.js
Entrypoint manifest = manifest.js
[0] ./main1.js 66 bytes {0} [built]
[1] ./f.js 20 bytes {1} [built]
[2] ./b.js 20 bytes {2} [built]
[3] ./c.js 20 bytes {2} [built]
[4] ./d.js 20 bytes {2} [built]"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for runtime-chunk-issue-7382 1`] = `
"Entrypoint e1 = runtime.js all.js e1.js
Entrypoint e2 = runtime.js all.js e2.js"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for runtime-chunk-single 1`] = `
"Entrypoint e1 = runtime.js e1.js
Entrypoint e2 = runtime.js e2.js"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for scope-hoisting-bailouts 1`] = `
"Hash: 6ceacb948e0119070c3d
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Entrypoint index = index.js
Entrypoint entry = entry.js
[0] ./index.js 150 bytes {0} [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Cannot concat with ./entry.js (<- Module is an entry point)
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Cannot concat with ./eval.js (<- Module uses eval())
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Cannot concat with ./module-id.js (<- Module uses module.id)
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Cannot concat with ./module-loaded.js (<- Module uses module.loaded)
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Cannot concat with ./ref-from-cjs.js (<- Module is referenced from these modules with unsupported syntax: ./cjs.js (referenced with cjs require))
[1] ./cjs.js 59 bytes {0} [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module
[2] ./ref-from-cjs.js 45 bytes {0} [built]
[3] ./entry.js 32 bytes {0} {1} [built]
[4] ./eval.js 35 bytes {0} [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module uses eval()
[5] ./module-id.js 26 bytes {0} [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module uses module.id
[6] ./module-loaded.js 30 bytes {0} [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module uses module.loaded
[7] external \\"external\\" 42 bytes {0} [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module
[8] ./concatenated.js + 2 modules 116 bytes {2} [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Cannot concat with external \\"external\\" (<- Module is not an ECMAScript module)
| ./concatenated2.js 48 bytes [built]
| ./concatenated1.js 37 bytes [built]
| ./concatenated.js 26 bytes [built]"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for scope-hoisting-multi 1`] = `
"Hash: e170f18d73c88b7b7d9ac46fd70f754a5383c1b7
Hash: e170f18d73c88b7b7d9a
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Entrypoint first = vendor.js first.js
Entrypoint second = vendor.js second.js
[0] ./first.js 207 bytes {0} [built]
[1] ./vendor.js 25 bytes {1} [built]
[2] ./common.js 37 bytes {0} {2} [built]
[3] ./common2.js 25 bytes {0} {2} [built]
[4] ./module_first.js 31 bytes {0} [built]
[5] ./second.js 177 bytes {2} [built]
[6] ./lazy_first.js 55 bytes {3} [built]
[7] ./common_lazy.js 25 bytes {3} {4} [built]
[8] ./common_lazy_shared.js 25 bytes {3} {4} {5} [built]
[9] ./lazy_shared.js 31 bytes {5} [built]
[10] ./lazy_second.js 55 bytes {4} [built]
Hash: c46fd70f754a5383c1b7
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Entrypoint first = vendor.js first.js
Entrypoint second = vendor.js second.js
[0] ./vendor.js 25 bytes {0} [built]
[1] ./second.js 177 bytes {1} [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Cannot concat with ./common.js (<- Module is referenced from different chunks by these modules: ./first.js + 1 modules, ./second.js)
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Cannot concat with ./vendor.js (<- Module is referenced from different chunks by these modules: ./first.js + 1 modules, ./second.js)
[2] ./lazy_first.js 55 bytes {2} [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Cannot concat with ./common_lazy.js (<- Module is referenced from different chunks by these modules: ./lazy_first.js, ./lazy_second.js)
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Cannot concat with ./common_lazy_shared.js (<- Module is referenced from different chunks by these modules: ./lazy_first.js, ./lazy_second.js, ./lazy_shared.js)
[3] ./common_lazy.js 25 bytes {2} {3} [built]
[4] ./common_lazy_shared.js 25 bytes {2} {3} {4} [built]
[5] ./lazy_shared.js 31 bytes {4} [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Cannot concat with ./common_lazy_shared.js (<- Module is referenced from different chunks by these modules: ./lazy_first.js, ./lazy_second.js, ./lazy_shared.js)
[6] ./lazy_second.js 55 bytes {3} [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Cannot concat with ./common_lazy.js (<- Module is referenced from different chunks by these modules: ./lazy_first.js, ./lazy_second.js)
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Cannot concat with ./common_lazy_shared.js (<- Module is referenced from different chunks by these modules: ./lazy_first.js, ./lazy_second.js, ./lazy_shared.js)
[7] ./first.js + 1 modules 248 bytes {5} [built]
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Cannot concat with ./common.js (<- Module is referenced from different chunks by these modules: ./first.js + 1 modules, ./second.js)
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Cannot concat with ./vendor.js (<- Module is referenced from different chunks by these modules: ./first.js + 1 modules, ./second.js)
| ./module_first.js 31 bytes [built]
| ./first.js 207 bytes [built]
[8] ./common.js + 1 modules 62 bytes {1} {5} [built]
| ./common2.js 25 bytes [built]
| ./common.js 37 bytes [built]"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for side-effects-issue-7428 1`] = `
"Hash: 8f2bd5e4f61d541b2803
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
main.js 9.32 KiB 0 [emitted] main
1.js 481 bytes 1 [emitted]
Entrypoint main = main.js
[0] ./components/src/CompAB/CompA.js 89 bytes {0} [built]
[only some exports used: default]
harmony import specifier ./components [2] ./foo.js 3:20-25 (skipped side-effect-free modules)
harmony import specifier ./components [3] ./main.js + 1 modules 3:15-20 (skipped side-effect-free modules)
harmony side effect evaluation ./CompA ./components/src/CompAB/index.js 1:0-43
harmony export imported specifier ./CompA ./components/src/CompAB/index.js 1:0-43
[1] ./components/src/CompAB/utils.js 97 bytes {0} [built]
harmony side effect evaluation ./utils [0] ./components/src/CompAB/CompA.js 1:0-35
harmony import specifier ./utils [0] ./components/src/CompAB/CompA.js 5:5-12
harmony side effect evaluation ./utils [3] ./main.js + 1 modules 1:0-30
harmony import specifier ./utils [3] ./main.js + 1 modules 5:2-5
[2] ./foo.js 101 bytes {1} [built]
import() ./foo [3] ./main.js + 1 modules 6:0-15
[3] ./main.js + 1 modules 231 bytes {0} [built]
harmony side effect evaluation ./CompB ./components/src/CompAB/index.js 2:0-43
harmony export imported specifier ./CompB ./components/src/CompAB/index.js 2:0-43
entry ./main.js main
| ./components/src/CompAB/CompB.js 77 bytes [built]
| [only some exports used: default]
| harmony import specifier ./components ./main.js 4:15-20 (skipped side-effect-free modules)
| ./main.js 144 bytes [built]
./components/src/index.js 84 bytes [orphan] [built]
[module unused]
harmony side effect evaluation ./components [2] ./foo.js 1:0-37
harmony side effect evaluation ./components [3] ./main.js + 1 modules 1:0-44
./components/src/CompAB/index.js 87 bytes [orphan] [built]
[module unused]
harmony side effect evaluation ./CompAB ./components/src/index.js 1:0-40
harmony export imported specifier ./CompAB ./components/src/index.js 1:0-40
harmony export imported specifier ./CompAB ./components/src/index.js 1:0-40
./components/src/CompC/index.js 34 bytes [orphan] [built]
[module unused]
harmony side effect evaluation ./CompC ./components/src/index.js 2:0-43
harmony export imported specifier ./CompC ./components/src/index.js 2:0-43
./components/src/CompC/CompC.js 33 bytes [orphan] [built]
[module unused]
harmony side effect evaluation ./CompC ./components/src/CompC/index.js 1:0-34
harmony export imported specifier ./CompC ./components/src/CompC/index.js 1:0-34"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for side-effects-simple-unused 1`] = `
"Hash: 2aad9ba482cb71fcd705
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
main.js 3.9 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = main.js
[0] ./index.js + 2 modules 158 bytes {0} [built]
harmony side effect evaluation ./c ./node_modules/pmodule/b.js 5:0-24
harmony export imported specifier ./c ./node_modules/pmodule/b.js 5:0-24
entry ./index main
| ./node_modules/pmodule/index.js 75 bytes [built]
| [only some exports used: default]
| harmony side effect evaluation pmodule ./index.js 1:0-33
| harmony import specifier pmodule ./index.js 3:12-15
| ./node_modules/pmodule/c.js 28 bytes [built]
| [only some exports used: z]
| harmony import specifier pmodule ./index.js 3:17-18 (skipped side-effect-free modules)
| ./index.js 55 bytes [built]
./node_modules/pmodule/a.js 60 bytes [orphan] [built]
[module unused]
harmony side effect evaluation ./a [0] ./index.js + 2 modules 1:0-20
harmony export imported specifier ./a [0] ./index.js + 2 modules 1:0-20
./node_modules/pmodule/b.js 69 bytes [orphan] [built]
[module unused]
harmony side effect evaluation ./b [0] ./index.js + 2 modules 2:0-30
harmony export imported specifier ./b [0] ./index.js + 2 modules 2:0-30
harmony export imported specifier ./b [0] ./index.js + 2 modules 2:0-30
harmony export imported specifier ./b [0] ./index.js + 2 modules 2:0-30"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for simple 1`] = `
"Hash: 0d863bcfaf259a5eba10
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
bundle.js 3.75 KiB main [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = bundle.js
[./index.js] 0 bytes {main} [built]"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for simple-more-info 1`] = `
"Hash: 64de01465a28fb4267d8
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
bundle.js 3.57 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = bundle.js
[0] ./index.js 0 bytes {0} [built]
entry ./index main
Xms (resolving: Xms, building: Xms)"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for split-chunks 1`] = `
"Child default:
Entrypoint main = default/main.js
Entrypoint a = default/a.js
Entrypoint b = default/b.js
Entrypoint c = default/c.js
chunk {0} default/main.js (main) 147 bytes >{1}< >{5}< >{6}< >{7}< >{8}< >{9}< >{10}< >{12}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./ main
[0] ./index.js 147 bytes {0} [built]
chunk {1} default/async-a~async-b~async-c.js (async-a~async-b~async-c) 20 bytes <{0}> ={5}= ={6}= ={7}= ={8}= ={9}= ={10}= ={12}= >{8}< >{11}< [rendered] split chunk (cache group: default) (name: async-a~async-b~async-c)
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
[1] ./d.js 20 bytes {1} {2} {3} {4} [built]
chunk {2} default/b.js (b) 152 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> ./b b
[1] ./d.js 20 bytes {1} {2} {3} {4} [built]
[2] ./node_modules/x.js 20 bytes {2} {3} {4} {5} [built]
[3] ./node_modules/y.js 20 bytes {2} {3} {6} [built]
[4] ./b.js 72 bytes {2} {7} [built]
[5] ./f.js 20 bytes {2} {4} {8} [built]
chunk {3} default/a.js (a) 216 bytes >{8}< >{11}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./a a
[1] ./d.js 20 bytes {1} {2} {3} {4} [built]
[2] ./node_modules/x.js 20 bytes {2} {3} {4} {5} [built]
[3] ./node_modules/y.js 20 bytes {2} {3} {6} [built]
[9] ./a.js + 1 modules 156 bytes {3} {12} [built]
| ./e.js 20 bytes [built]
| ./a.js 121 bytes [built]
chunk {4} default/c.js (c) 152 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> ./c c
[1] ./d.js 20 bytes {1} {2} {3} {4} [built]
[2] ./node_modules/x.js 20 bytes {2} {3} {4} {5} [built]
[5] ./f.js 20 bytes {2} {4} {8} [built]
[6] ./c.js 72 bytes {4} {9} [built]
[7] ./node_modules/z.js 20 bytes {4} {10} [built]
chunk {5} default/vendors~async-a~async-b~async-c.js (vendors~async-a~async-b~async-c) 20 bytes <{0}> ={1}= ={6}= ={7}= ={8}= ={9}= ={10}= ={12}= >{8}< >{11}< [rendered] split chunk (cache group: defaultVendors) (name: vendors~async-a~async-b~async-c)
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
[2] ./node_modules/x.js 20 bytes {2} {3} {4} {5} [built]
chunk {6} default/vendors~async-a~async-b.js (vendors~async-a~async-b) 20 bytes <{0}> ={1}= ={5}= ={7}= ={8}= ={12}= >{8}< >{11}< [rendered] split chunk (cache group: defaultVendors) (name: vendors~async-a~async-b)
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
[3] ./node_modules/y.js 20 bytes {2} {3} {6} [built]
chunk {7} default/async-b.js (async-b) 72 bytes <{0}> ={1}= ={5}= ={6}= ={8}= [rendered]
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
[4] ./b.js 72 bytes {2} {7} [built]
chunk {8} default/async-b~async-c~async-g.js (async-b~async-c~async-g) 20 bytes <{0}> <{1}> <{3}> <{5}> <{6}> <{12}> ={1}= ={5}= ={6}= ={7}= ={9}= ={10}= ={11}= [rendered] split chunk (cache group: default) (name: async-b~async-c~async-g)
> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
[5] ./f.js 20 bytes {2} {4} {8} [built]
chunk {9} default/async-c.js (async-c) 72 bytes <{0}> ={1}= ={5}= ={8}= ={10}= [rendered]
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
[6] ./c.js 72 bytes {4} {9} [built]
chunk {10} default/vendors~async-c.js (vendors~async-c) 20 bytes <{0}> ={1}= ={5}= ={8}= ={9}= [rendered] split chunk (cache group: defaultVendors) (name: vendors~async-c)
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
[7] ./node_modules/z.js 20 bytes {4} {10} [built]
chunk {11} default/async-g.js (async-g) 34 bytes <{1}> <{3}> <{5}> <{6}> <{12}> ={8}= [rendered]
> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./g [] 6:0-47
[8] ./g.js 34 bytes {11} [built]
chunk {12} default/async-a.js (async-a) 156 bytes <{0}> ={1}= ={5}= ={6}= >{8}< >{11}< [rendered]
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
[9] ./a.js + 1 modules 156 bytes {3} {12} [built]
| ./e.js 20 bytes [built]
| ./a.js 121 bytes [built]
Child all-chunks:
Entrypoint main = default/main.js
Entrypoint a = default/vendors~a~async-a~async-b~async-c~b~c.js default/vendors~a~async-a~async-b~b.js default/a~async-a~async-b~async-c~b~c.js default/a.js
Entrypoint b = default/vendors~a~async-a~async-b~async-c~b~c.js default/vendors~a~async-a~async-b~b.js default/a~async-a~async-b~async-c~b~c.js default/b.js
Entrypoint c = default/vendors~a~async-a~async-b~async-c~b~c.js default/vendors~async-c~c.js default/a~async-a~async-b~async-c~b~c.js default/c.js
chunk {0} default/main.js (main) 147 bytes >{1}< >{2}< >{3}< >{4}< >{6}< >{8}< >{9}< >{12}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./ main
[0] ./index.js 147 bytes {0} [built]
chunk {1} default/a~async-a~async-b~async-c~b~c.js (a~async-a~async-b~async-c~b~c) 20 bytes <{0}> ={2}= ={3}= ={4}= ={5}= ={6}= ={7}= ={8}= ={9}= ={11}= ={12}= >{6}< >{10}< [initial] [rendered] split chunk (cache group: default) (name: a~async-a~async-b~async-c~b~c)
> ./a a
> ./b b
> ./c c
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
[1] ./d.js 20 bytes {1} [built]
chunk {2} default/vendors~a~async-a~async-b~async-c~b~c.js (vendors~a~async-a~async-b~async-c~b~c) 20 bytes <{0}> ={1}= ={3}= ={4}= ={5}= ={6}= ={7}= ={8}= ={9}= ={11}= ={12}= >{6}< >{10}< [initial] [rendered] split chunk (cache group: defaultVendors) (name: vendors~a~async-a~async-b~async-c~b~c)
> ./a a
> ./b b
> ./c c
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
[2] ./node_modules/x.js 20 bytes {2} [built]
chunk {3} default/vendors~a~async-a~async-b~b.js (vendors~a~async-a~async-b~b) 20 bytes <{0}> ={1}= ={2}= ={4}= ={5}= ={6}= ={11}= ={12}= >{6}< >{10}< [initial] [rendered] split chunk (cache group: defaultVendors) (name: vendors~a~async-a~async-b~b)
> ./a a
> ./b b
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
[3] ./node_modules/y.js 20 bytes {3} [built]
chunk {4} default/async-b.js (async-b) 72 bytes <{0}> ={1}= ={2}= ={3}= ={6}= [rendered]
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
[4] ./b.js 72 bytes {4} {5} [built]
chunk {5} default/b.js (b) 92 bytes ={1}= ={2}= ={3}= [entry] [rendered]
> ./b b
[4] ./b.js 72 bytes {4} {5} [built]
[5] ./f.js 20 bytes {5} {6} {7} [built]
chunk {6} default/async-b~async-c~async-g.js (async-b~async-c~async-g) 20 bytes <{0}> <{1}> <{2}> <{3}> <{11}> <{12}> ={1}= ={2}= ={3}= ={4}= ={8}= ={9}= ={10}= [rendered] split chunk (cache group: default) (name: async-b~async-c~async-g)
> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
[5] ./f.js 20 bytes {5} {6} {7} [built]
chunk {7} default/c.js (c) 92 bytes ={1}= ={2}= ={9}= [entry] [rendered]
> ./c c
[5] ./f.js 20 bytes {5} {6} {7} [built]
[6] ./c.js 72 bytes {7} {8} [built]
chunk {8} default/async-c.js (async-c) 72 bytes <{0}> ={1}= ={2}= ={6}= ={9}= [rendered]
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
[6] ./c.js 72 bytes {7} {8} [built]
chunk {9} default/vendors~async-c~c.js (vendors~async-c~c) 20 bytes <{0}> ={1}= ={2}= ={6}= ={7}= ={8}= [initial] [rendered] split chunk (cache group: defaultVendors) (name: vendors~async-c~c)
> ./c c
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
[7] ./node_modules/z.js 20 bytes {9} [built]
chunk {10} default/async-g.js (async-g) 34 bytes <{1}> <{2}> <{3}> <{11}> <{12}> ={6}= [rendered]
> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./g [] 6:0-47
[8] ./g.js 34 bytes {10} [built]
chunk {11} default/a.js (a) 156 bytes ={1}= ={2}= ={3}= >{6}< >{10}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./a a
[9] ./a.js + 1 modules 156 bytes {11} {12} [built]
| ./e.js 20 bytes [built]
| ./a.js 121 bytes [built]
chunk {12} default/async-a.js (async-a) 156 bytes <{0}> ={1}= ={2}= ={3}= >{6}< >{10}< [rendered]
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
[9] ./a.js + 1 modules 156 bytes {11} {12} [built]
| ./e.js 20 bytes [built]
| ./a.js 121 bytes [built]
Child manual:
Entrypoint main = default/main.js
Entrypoint a = default/vendors.js default/a.js
Entrypoint b = default/vendors.js default/b.js
Entrypoint c = default/vendors.js default/c.js
chunk {0} default/main.js (main) 147 bytes >{2}< >{4}< >{6}< >{7}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./ main
[0] ./index.js 147 bytes {0} [built]
chunk {1} default/b.js (b) 112 bytes ={7}= [entry] [rendered]
> ./b b
[1] ./d.js 20 bytes {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} [built]
[4] ./b.js 72 bytes {1} {2} [built]
[5] ./f.js 20 bytes {1} {2} {3} {4} {8} [built]
chunk {2} default/async-b.js (async-b) 112 bytes <{0}> ={7}= [rendered]
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
[1] ./d.js 20 bytes {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} [built]
[4] ./b.js 72 bytes {1} {2} [built]
[5] ./f.js 20 bytes {1} {2} {3} {4} {8} [built]
chunk {3} default/c.js (c) 112 bytes ={7}= [entry] [rendered]
> ./c c
[1] ./d.js 20 bytes {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} [built]
[5] ./f.js 20 bytes {1} {2} {3} {4} {8} [built]
[6] ./c.js 72 bytes {3} {4} [built]
chunk {4} default/async-c.js (async-c) 112 bytes <{0}> ={7}= [rendered]
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
[1] ./d.js 20 bytes {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} [built]
[5] ./f.js 20 bytes {1} {2} {3} {4} {8} [built]
[6] ./c.js 72 bytes {3} {4} [built]
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> ./a a
[1] ./d.js 20 bytes {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} [built]
[9] ./a.js + 1 modules 156 bytes {5} {6} [built]
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> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
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> ./a a
> ./b b
> ./c c
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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chunk {8} default/async-g.js (async-g) 54 bytes <{5}> <{6}> <{7}> [rendered]
> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./g [] 6:0-47
[5] ./f.js 20 bytes {1} {2} {3} {4} {8} [built]
[8] ./g.js 34 bytes {8} [built]
Child name-too-long:
Entrypoint main = main.js
Entrypoint aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = vendors~aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~async-a~async-b~async-c~bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb~cccccc~50ebc41f.js vendors~aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~async-a~async-b~bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.js aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~async-a~async-b~async-c~bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb~cccccccccccccc~18066793.js async-a.js aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.js
Entrypoint bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb = vendors~aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~async-a~async-b~async-c~bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb~cccccc~50ebc41f.js vendors~aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~async-a~async-b~bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.js aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~async-a~async-b~async-c~bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb~cccccccccccccc~18066793.js async-b~async-c~async-g~bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb~cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc.js async-b.js bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.js
Entrypoint cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc = vendors~aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~async-a~async-b~async-c~bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb~cccccc~50ebc41f.js vendors~async-c~cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc.js aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~async-a~async-b~async-c~bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb~cccccccccccccc~18066793.js async-b~async-c~async-g~bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb~cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc.js async-c.js cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc.js
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> ./b bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
chunk {1} cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc.js (cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc) 0 bytes ={4}= ={5}= ={8}= ={9}= ={10}= [entry] [rendered]
> ./c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
chunk {2} aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.js (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) 0 bytes ={4}= ={5}= ={6}= ={12}= >{8}< >{11}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
chunk {3} main.js (main) 147 bytes >{4}< >{5}< >{6}< >{7}< >{8}< >{9}< >{10}< >{12}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./ main
[0] ./index.js 147 bytes {3} [built]
chunk {4} aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~async-a~async-b~async-c~bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb~cccccccccccccc~18066793.js (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~async-a~async-b~async-c~bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb~cccccccccccccc~18066793) 20 bytes <{3}> ={0}= ={1}= ={2}= ={5}= ={6}= ={7}= ={8}= ={9}= ={10}= ={12}= >{8}< >{11}< [initial] [rendered] split chunk (cache group: default) (name: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~async-a~async-b~async-c~bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb~cccccccccccccc~18066793)
> ./a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
> ./b bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
> ./c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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> ./a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
> ./b bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
> ./c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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> ./a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
> ./b bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
[3] ./node_modules/y.js 20 bytes {6} [built]
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> ./b bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
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> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./b bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
> ./c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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> ./c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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> ./c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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chunk {11} async-g.js (async-g) 34 bytes <{2}> <{4}> <{5}> <{6}> <{12}> ={8}= [rendered]
> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./g [] 6:0-47
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> ./a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
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| ./e.js 20 bytes [built]
| ./a.js 121 bytes [built]
Child custom-chunks-filter:
Entrypoint main = default/main.js
Entrypoint a = default/a.js
Entrypoint b = default/vendors~async-a~async-b~async-c~b~c.js default/vendors~async-a~async-b~b.js default/async-a~async-b~async-c~b~c.js default/b.js
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> ./ main
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> ./b b
> ./c c
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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> ./a a
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[3] ./node_modules/y.js 20 bytes {2} {4} [built]
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> ./b b
> ./c c
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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> ./b b
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
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> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
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> ./b b
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> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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> ./c c
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[6] ./c.js 72 bytes {8} {9} [built]
chunk {9} default/async-c.js (async-c) 72 bytes <{0}> ={1}= ={3}= ={7}= ={10}= [rendered]
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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> ./c c
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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chunk {11} default/async-g.js (async-g) 34 bytes <{1}> <{2}> <{3}> <{4}> <{12}> ={7}= [rendered]
> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./g [] 6:0-47
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chunk {12} default/async-a.js (async-a) 156 bytes <{0}> ={1}= ={3}= ={4}= >{7}< >{11}< [rendered]
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
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| ./e.js 20 bytes [built]
| ./a.js 121 bytes [built]
Child custom-chunks-filter-in-cache-groups:
Entrypoint main = default/main.js
Entrypoint a = default/a.js
Entrypoint b = default/vendors.js default/b.js
Entrypoint c = default/vendors.js default/c.js
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> ./ main
[0] ./index.js 147 bytes {0} [built]
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> ./a a
[1] ./d.js 20 bytes {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} [built]
[2] ./node_modules/x.js 20 bytes {1} {7} [built]
[3] ./node_modules/y.js 20 bytes {1} {7} [built]
[9] ./a.js + 1 modules 156 bytes {1} {6} [built]
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chunk {2} default/b.js (b) 112 bytes ={7}= [entry] [rendered]
> ./b b
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[5] ./f.js 20 bytes {2} {3} {4} {5} {8} [built]
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> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
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> ./c c
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[6] ./c.js 72 bytes {4} {5} [built]
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> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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[6] ./c.js 72 bytes {4} {5} [built]
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> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
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[9] ./a.js + 1 modules 156 bytes {1} {6} [built]
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> ./b b
> ./c c
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
[2] ./node_modules/x.js 20 bytes {1} {7} [built]
[3] ./node_modules/y.js 20 bytes {1} {7} [built]
[7] ./node_modules/z.js 20 bytes {7} [built]
chunk {8} default/async-g.js (async-g) 54 bytes <{1}> <{6}> <{7}> [rendered]
> ./g [] 6:0-47
> ./g [] 6:0-47
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[8] ./g.js 34 bytes {8} [built]"
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"Entrypoint main = main.js
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> ./ main
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> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
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> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
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> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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chunk {5} async-c.js (async-c) 72 bytes <{0}> ={1}= ={4}= ={6}= [rendered]
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
[7] ./node_modules/z.js 20 bytes {6} [built]
chunk {7} async-a.js (async-a) 107 bytes <{0}> ={1}= ={2}= [rendered]
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
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| ./e.js 20 bytes [built]
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"Entrypoint main = main.js
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> ./ main
[0] ./index.js 343 bytes {0} [built]
chunk {1} async-a.js (async-a) 48 bytes <{0}> ={2}= [rendered]
> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
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> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
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> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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[5] ./c.js 34 bytes {3} [built]
chunk {4} async-d.js (async-d) 101 bytes <{0}> [rendered]
> ./d [0] ./index.js 4:0-47
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[6] ./d.js 34 bytes {4} [built]
chunk {5} async-e.js (async-e) 101 bytes <{0}> [rendered]
> ./e [0] ./index.js 5:0-47
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> ./f [0] ./index.js 6:0-47
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> ./g [0] ./index.js 7:0-47
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> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
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"Entrypoint main = main.js
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[./node_modules/small.js?1] 67 bytes {vendors~main~._node_modules_b} [built]
[./node_modules/small.js?2] 67 bytes {vendors~main~._node_modules_b} [built]
chunk {vendors~main~._node_modules_very-big.js~6bdbed7b} dev-vendors~main~._node_modules_very-big.js~6bdbed7b.js (vendors~main~._node_modules_very-big.js~6bdbed7b) 1.57 KiB ={main~._big.js~1}= ={main~._in-some-directory_b}= ={main~._in-some-directory_very-big.js~8d76cf03}= ={main~._index.js~41f5a26e}= ={main~._inner-module_small.js~3}= ={main~._small.js~1}= ={main~._subfolder_big.js~b}= ={main~._subfolder_small.js~1}= ={main~._very-big.js~08cf55cf}= ={main~._very-big.js~4647fb9d}= ={main~._very-big.js~62f7f644}= ={vendors~main~._node_modules_b}= [initial] [rendered] split chunk (cache group: defaultVendors) (name: vendors~main)
> ./ main
[./node_modules/very-big.js?1] 1.57 KiB {vendors~main~._node_modules_very-big.js~6bdbed7b} [built]"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for split-chunks-prefer-bigger-splits 1`] = `
"Entrypoint main = default/main.js
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> ./ main
[0] ./index.js 147 bytes {0} [built]
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> ./a [0] ./index.js 1:0-47
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[3] ./e.js 43 bytes {1} {3} [built]
chunk {2} default/async-b~async-c.js (async-b~async-c) 110 bytes <{0}> ={3}= ={4}= [rendered] split chunk (cache group: default) (name: async-b~async-c)
> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
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[5] ./f.js 67 bytes {2} [built]
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> ./b [0] ./index.js 2:0-47
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[4] ./b.js 62 bytes {3} [built]
chunk {4} default/async-c.js (async-c) 48 bytes <{0}> ={2}= [rendered]
> ./c [0] ./index.js 3:0-47
[6] ./c.js 48 bytes {4} [built]"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for tree-shaking 1`] = `
"Hash: a66ca410afc2eb29b31d
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
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Entrypoint main = bundle.js
[0] ./index.js 315 bytes {0} [built]
[no exports]
[1] ./reexport-known.js 49 bytes {0} [built]
[exports: a, b]
[only some exports used: a]
[2] ./a.js 13 bytes {0} [built]
[exports: a]
[all exports used]
[3] ./b.js 13 bytes {0} [built]
[exports: b]
[no exports used]
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[exports: a, b, c, d]
[only some exports used: a, c]
[5] ./unknown.js 0 bytes {0} [built]
[only some exports used: c]
[6] ./reexport-star-known.js 41 bytes {0} [built]
[exports: a, b]
[only some exports used: a]
[7] ./reexport-star-unknown.js 68 bytes {0} [built]
[only some exports used: a, c]
[8] ./edge.js 45 bytes {0} [built]
[only some exports used: y]
[9] ./unknown2.js 0 bytes {0} [built]
[only some exports used: y]
[10] ./require.include.js 36 bytes {0} [built]
[exports: a, default]
[no exports used]"
exports[`StatsTestCases should print correct stats for warnings-uglifyjs 1`] = `
"Hash: 3663bd94f10ad20afb9e
Time: Xms
Built at: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
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Entrypoint main = bundle.js
[0] ./index.js 299 bytes {0} [built]
[1] ./a.js 249 bytes {0} [built]
[2] (webpack)/buildin/module.js 497 bytes {0} [built]
WARNING in UglifyJs Plugin: Dropping unused function someUnRemoteUsedFunction1 [./a.js:3,0] in bundle.js
WARNING in UglifyJs Plugin: Dropping unused function someUnRemoteUsedFunction2 [./a.js:4,0] in bundle.js
WARNING in UglifyJs Plugin: Dropping unused function someUnRemoteUsedFunction3 [./a.js:5,0] in bundle.js
WARNING in UglifyJs Plugin: Dropping unused function someUnRemoteUsedFunction4 [./a.js:6,0] in bundle.js
WARNING in UglifyJs Plugin: Dropping unused function someUnRemoteUsedFunction5 [./a.js:7,0] in bundle.js"