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* Modules that should be exposed by this container. When provided, property name is used as public name, otherwise public name is automatically inferred from request.
export type Exposes = (ExposesItem | ExposesObject)[] | ExposesObject;
* Module that should be exposed by this container.
export type ExposesItem = string;
* Modules that should be exposed by this container.
export type ExposesItems = ExposesItem[];
* Add a comment in the UMD wrapper.
export type AuxiliaryComment = string | LibraryCustomUmdCommentObject;
* Specify which export should be exposed as library.
export type LibraryExport = string[] | string;
* The name of the library (some types allow unnamed libraries too).
export type LibraryName = string[] | string | LibraryCustomUmdObject;
* Type of library (types included by default are 'var', 'module', 'assign', 'assign-properties', 'this', 'window', 'self', 'global', 'commonjs', 'commonjs2', 'commonjs-module', 'commonjs-static', 'amd', 'amd-require', 'umd', 'umd2', 'jsonp', 'system', but others might be added by plugins).
export type LibraryType =
| (
| "var"
| "module"
| "assign"
| "assign-properties"
| "this"
| "window"
| "self"
| "global"
| "commonjs"
| "commonjs2"
| "commonjs-module"
| "commonjs-static"
| "amd"
| "amd-require"
| "umd"
| "umd2"
| "jsonp"
| "system"
| string;
* If `output.libraryTarget` is set to umd and `output.library` is set, setting this to true will name the AMD module.
export type UmdNamedDefine = boolean;
* The name of the runtime chunk. If set a runtime chunk with this name is created or an existing entrypoint is used as runtime.
export type EntryRuntime = false | string;
export interface ContainerPluginOptions {
* Modules that should be exposed by this container. When provided, property name is used as public name, otherwise public name is automatically inferred from request.
exposes: Exposes;
* The filename for this container relative path inside the `output.path` directory.
filename?: string;
* Options for library.
library?: LibraryOptions;
* The name for this container.
name: string;
* The name of the runtime chunk. If set a runtime chunk with this name is created or an existing entrypoint is used as runtime.
runtime?: EntryRuntime;
* The name of the share scope which is shared with the host (defaults to 'default').
shareScope?: string;
* Modules that should be exposed by this container. Property names are used as public paths.
export interface ExposesObject {
* Modules that should be exposed by this container.
[k: string]: ExposesConfig | ExposesItem | ExposesItems;
* Advanced configuration for modules that should be exposed by this container.
export interface ExposesConfig {
* Request to a module that should be exposed by this container.
import: ExposesItem | ExposesItems;
* Custom chunk name for the exposed module.
name?: string;
* Options for library.
export interface LibraryOptions {
* Add a comment in the UMD wrapper.
auxiliaryComment?: AuxiliaryComment;
* Specify which export should be exposed as library.
export?: LibraryExport;
* The name of the library (some types allow unnamed libraries too).
name?: LibraryName;
* Type of library (types included by default are 'var', 'module', 'assign', 'assign-properties', 'this', 'window', 'self', 'global', 'commonjs', 'commonjs2', 'commonjs-module', 'commonjs-static', 'amd', 'amd-require', 'umd', 'umd2', 'jsonp', 'system', but others might be added by plugins).
type: LibraryType;
* If `output.libraryTarget` is set to umd and `output.library` is set, setting this to true will name the AMD module.
umdNamedDefine?: UmdNamedDefine;
* Set explicit comments for `commonjs`, `commonjs2`, `amd`, and `root`.
export interface LibraryCustomUmdCommentObject {
* Set comment for `amd` section in UMD.
amd?: string;
* Set comment for `commonjs` (exports) section in UMD.
commonjs?: string;
* Set comment for `commonjs2` (module.exports) section in UMD.
commonjs2?: string;
* Set comment for `root` (global variable) section in UMD.
root?: string;
* Description object for all UMD variants of the library name.
export interface LibraryCustomUmdObject {
* Name of the exposed AMD library in the UMD.
amd?: string;
* Name of the exposed commonjs export in the UMD.
commonjs?: string;
* Name of the property exposed globally by a UMD library.
root?: string[] | string;