
160 lines
4.8 KiB

/*globals describe it */
"use strict";
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const Stats = require("../lib/Stats");
const captureStdio = require("./helpers/captureStdio");
let webpack;
* Escapes regular expression metacharacters
* @param {string} str String to quote
* @returns {string} Escaped string
const quotemeta = str => {
return str.replace(/[-[\]\\/{}()*+?.^$|]/g, "\\$&");
const base = path.join(__dirname, "statsCases");
const outputBase = path.join(__dirname, "js", "stats");
const tests = fs
testName =>
fs.existsSync(path.join(base, testName, "index.js")) ||
fs.existsSync(path.join(base, testName, "webpack.config.js"))
.filter(testName => {
const testDirectory = path.join(base, testName);
const filterPath = path.join(testDirectory, "test.filter.js");
if (fs.existsSync(filterPath) && !require(filterPath)()) {
describe.skip(testName, () => it("filtered"));
return false;
return true;
describe("StatsTestCases", () => {
let stderr;
beforeEach(() => {
stderr = captureStdio(process.stderr, true);
webpack = require("../lib/webpack");
afterEach(() => {
tests.forEach(testName => {
it("should print correct stats for " + testName, done => {
let options = {
mode: "development",
entry: "./index",
output: {
filename: "bundle.js"
if (fs.existsSync(path.join(base, testName, "webpack.config.js"))) {
options = require(path.join(base, testName, "webpack.config.js"));
(Array.isArray(options) ? options : [options]).forEach(options => {
if (!options.context) options.context = path.join(base, testName);
if (!options.output) options.output = options.output || {};
if (!options.output.path)
options.output.path = path.join(outputBase, testName);
if (!options.plugins) options.plugins = [];
if (!options.optimization) options.optimization = {};
if (options.optimization.minimize === undefined)
options.optimization.minimize = false;
// To support deprecated loaders
// TODO remove in webpack 5
new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({
options: {}
const c = webpack(options);
const compilers = c.compilers ? c.compilers : [c];
compilers.forEach(c => {
const ifs = c.inputFileSystem;
c.inputFileSystem = Object.create(ifs);
c.inputFileSystem.readFile = function() {
const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
const callback = args.pop();
(err, result) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
callback(null, result.toString("utf-8").replace(/\r/g, ""));
c.run((err, stats) => {
if (err) return done(err);
if (/error$/.test(testName)) {
} else if (stats.hasErrors()) {
return done(new Error(stats.toJson().errors.join("\n\n")));
let toStringOptions = {
context: path.join(base, testName),
colors: false
let hasColorSetting = false;
if (typeof options.stats !== "undefined") {
toStringOptions = options.stats;
if (toStringOptions === null || typeof toStringOptions !== "object")
toStringOptions = Stats.presetToOptions(toStringOptions);
hasColorSetting = typeof options.stats.colors !== "undefined";
if (!toStringOptions.context)
toStringOptions.context = path.join(base, testName);
if (Array.isArray(options) && !toStringOptions.children) {
toStringOptions.children = options.map(o => o.stats);
let actual = stats.toString(toStringOptions);
expect(typeof actual).toBe("string");
if (!hasColorSetting) {
actual = stderr.toString() + actual;
actual = actual
.replace(/\u001b\[[0-9;]*m/g, "")
.replace(/[.0-9]+(\s?ms)/g, "X$1")
/^(\s*Built at:) (.*)$/gm,
"$1 Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT"
} else {
actual = stderr.toStringRaw() + actual;
actual = actual
.replace(/\u001b\[1m\u001b\[([0-9;]*)m/g, "<CLR=$1,BOLD>")
.replace(/\u001b\[1m/g, "<CLR=BOLD>")
.replace(/\u001b\[39m\u001b\[22m/g, "</CLR>")
.replace(/\u001b\[([0-9;]*)m/g, "<CLR=$1>")
.replace(/[.0-9]+(<\/CLR>)?(\s?ms)/g, "X$1$2")
/^(\s*Built at:) (.*)$/gm,
"$1 Thu Jan 01 1970 <CLR=BOLD>00:00:00</CLR> GMT"
actual = actual
.replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n")
.replace(/[\t ]*Version:.+\n/g, "")
new RegExp(quotemeta(path.join(base, testName)), "g"),
"Xdir/" + testName
.replace(/(\w)\\(\w)/g, "$1/$2")
.replace(/ dependencies:Xms/g, "");