Ed Morley 79910c6ba5 Switch from uglifyjs-webpack-plugin to terser-webpack-plugin
Some history:
* `uglifyjs-webpack-plugin` < v1.0 used the minifier `uglify-js`
* however `uglify-js` does not support ES6, which resulted in a fork
  called `uglify-es` that was developed in the `uglify-js` repository,
  but under the `harmony` branch
* `uglifyjs-webpack-plugin` v1.x switched to `uglify-es` for ES6 support
* however `uglify-es` stopped being maintained:
* which led to a fork called `terser` that has incorporated all of
  the unmerged PRs and will be where all new development occurs:
* `terser-webpack-plugin` was created, which is the `terser` equivalent
  of `uglifyjs-webpack-plugin`:
* `uglifyjs-webpack-plugin` v2.x will be switching back to `uglify-js`,
  so any project that needs to support ES6 now needs to switch to

Fixes #7923.
2018-09-15 12:29:14 +01:00
createBenchmark fix(linter rules): unsupported operator in node, relative require 2018-06-14 12:09:39 +04:00
benchmark.js fix benchmark linter issues 2018-06-13 15:04:23 +04:00
createBenchmark.js Switch from uglifyjs-webpack-plugin to terser-webpack-plugin 2018-09-15 12:29:14 +01:00
createFixtures.js fix(linter rules): unsupported operator in node, relative require 2018-06-14 12:09:39 +04:00
createFixtures2.js fix(linter rules): unsupported operator in node, relative require 2018-06-14 12:09:39 +04:00
createTestCases.js fix(linter rules): unsupported operator in node, relative require 2018-06-14 12:09:39 +04:00