added future plans doc

This commit is contained in:
Tobias Koppers 2012-03-20 23:28:43 +01:00
parent 7745c86f7f
commit 93e5090d9d
1 changed files with 14 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -621,7 +621,20 @@ TODO more tests
You are welcome to contribute by writing issues or pull requests.
You are also welcome to correct any spelling mistakes or any language issues, because my english is not so good...
You are also welcome to correct any spelling mistakes or any language issues, because my english is not perfect...
## Future plans
* resources `module.resource("./a.txt")`
* loader plugins
* `require("css!./style.css")`
* `--loader .coffee=coffee-webpack-loader`
* default loaders: `js`, `coffee`
* optional included loaders: `css`, `less`, ...
* `module.resource("ror13!./a.txt");`
* loader is a exported `function([content], callback /* function(err, content) */)`
* more polyfills for node.js buildin modules, but optional
* require from protocol `require("http://...")`
## License