Refactor chunk graph

Chunks are now always in ChunkGroups
ChunkGroups have parents and children, Chunks no longer have this
AsyncDependenciesBlocks point to a ChunkGroup instead of a list of chunks
Entrypoint is now a ChunkGroup (extends from it)
move stuff graph modification methods into GraphHelpers
Change chunk id recording to source-based
Chunks have parents, siblings and children in Stats
rename AutomaticCommonsChunksPlugin to SplitChunksPlugin
add request property to origin (ChunkGroup)
remove moveToParent from AggressiveMergingPlugin
fix issues with AggressiveSplittingPlugin
remove CommonsChunkPlugin
add optimization.runtimeChunk (RuntimeChunkPlugin)
fix a filename bug for initial chunks
remove extract-text-webpack-plugin from test suite
add DebugHash to help debugging hash issues
fix issues with entry modules in different chunk as runtime
redo optimization.splitChunks options
Compilation.entrypoints is now a Map
Compilation.chunkGroups has been added
remove some unittests
update examples
update tests with CommonsChunkPlugin
This commit is contained in:
Tobias Koppers 2018-01-19 17:06:59 +01:00
parent 8b888fedfa
commit 18ae73dad4
317 changed files with 5800 additions and 8142 deletions

View File

@ -45,8 +45,7 @@ module.exports = {
plugins: [
new AggressiveMergingPlugin({
minSizeReduce: 1.5,
moveToParents: true
minSizeReduce: 1.5
optimization: {
@ -63,44 +62,44 @@ module.exports = {
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
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0.chunk.js 5.98 KiB 0 [emitted]
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pageB.bundle.js 7.23 KiB 3 [emitted] pageB
pageA.bundle.js 7.21 KiB 4 [emitted] pageA
pageC.bundle.js 7.05 KiB 2 [emitted] pageC
pageB.bundle.js 7.05 KiB 3 [emitted] pageB
pageA.bundle.js 7.05 KiB 4 [emitted] pageA
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Entrypoint pageB = pageB.bundle.js
Entrypoint pageC = pageC.bundle.js
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> aggressive-merge [5] ./pageA.js 1:0-3:2
> aggressive-merge [4] ./pageB.js 1:0-3:2
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> ./common [4] ./pageB.js 1:0-3:2
> ./common [5] ./pageA.js 1:0-3:2
[0] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
cjs require ./b [3] ./pageC.js 2:17-31
cjs require ./b [4] ./pageB.js 2:8-22
[1] ./a.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
amd require ./a [3] ./pageC.js 1:0-3:2
cjs require ./a [5] ./pageA.js 2:8-22
[2] ./common.js 5.42 KiB {0} [built]
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amd require ./common [5] ./pageA.js 1:0-3:2
chunk {1} 1.chunk.js 42 bytes {2} [rendered]
> [3] ./pageC.js 1:0-3:2
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chunk {1} 1.chunk.js 42 bytes <{2}> [rendered]
> ./a [3] ./pageC.js 1:0-3:2
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cjs require ./b [4] ./pageB.js 2:8-22
[1] ./a.js 21 bytes {1} {4} [built]
[1] ./a.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
amd require ./a [3] ./pageC.js 1:0-3:2
cjs require ./a [5] ./pageA.js 2:8-22
chunk {2} pageC.bundle.js (pageC) 70 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageC [3] ./pageC.js
chunk {2} pageC.bundle.js (pageC) 70 bytes >{1}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./pageC pageC
[3] ./pageC.js 70 bytes {2} [built]
single entry ./pageC pageC
chunk {3} pageB.bundle.js (pageB) 92 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageB [4] ./pageB.js
[0] ./b.js 21 bytes {1} {3} [built]
cjs require ./b [3] ./pageC.js 2:17-31
cjs require ./b [4] ./pageB.js 2:8-22
chunk {3} pageB.bundle.js (pageB) 71 bytes >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./pageB pageB
[4] ./pageB.js 71 bytes {3} [built]
single entry ./pageB pageB
chunk {4} pageA.bundle.js (pageA) 92 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageA [5] ./pageA.js
[1] ./a.js 21 bytes {1} {4} [built]
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cjs require ./a [5] ./pageA.js 2:8-22
chunk {4} pageA.bundle.js (pageA) 71 bytes >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./pageA pageA
[5] ./pageA.js 71 bytes {4} [built]
single entry ./pageA pageA
@ -111,44 +110,44 @@ chunk {4} pageA.bundle.js (pageA) 92 bytes [entry] [rendered]
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.chunk.js 115 bytes 0 [emitted]
0.chunk.js 173 bytes 0, 1 [emitted]
1.chunk.js 118 bytes 1 [emitted]
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pageA.bundle.js 1.69 KiB 4 [emitted] pageA
pageC.bundle.js 1.68 KiB 2 [emitted] pageC
pageB.bundle.js 1.66 KiB 3 [emitted] pageB
pageA.bundle.js 1.66 KiB 4 [emitted] pageA
Entrypoint pageA = pageA.bundle.js
Entrypoint pageB = pageB.bundle.js
Entrypoint pageC = pageC.bundle.js
chunk {0} 0.chunk.js 5.42 KiB {3} {4} [rendered]
> aggressive-merge [5] ./pageA.js 1:0-3:2
> aggressive-merge [4] ./pageB.js 1:0-3:2
chunk {0} 0.chunk.js 5.46 KiB <{3}> <{4}> [rendered]
> ./common [4] ./pageB.js 1:0-3:2
> ./common [5] ./pageA.js 1:0-3:2
[0] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
cjs require ./b [3] ./pageC.js 2:17-31
cjs require ./b [4] ./pageB.js 2:8-22
[1] ./a.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
amd require ./a [3] ./pageC.js 1:0-3:2
cjs require ./a [5] ./pageA.js 2:8-22
[2] ./common.js 5.42 KiB {0} [built]
amd require ./common [4] ./pageB.js 1:0-3:2
amd require ./common [5] ./pageA.js 1:0-3:2
chunk {1} 1.chunk.js 42 bytes {2} [rendered]
> [3] ./pageC.js 1:0-3:2
[0] ./b.js 21 bytes {1} {3} [built]
chunk {1} 1.chunk.js 42 bytes <{2}> [rendered]
> ./a [3] ./pageC.js 1:0-3:2
[0] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
cjs require ./b [3] ./pageC.js 2:17-31
cjs require ./b [4] ./pageB.js 2:8-22
[1] ./a.js 21 bytes {1} {4} [built]
[1] ./a.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
amd require ./a [3] ./pageC.js 1:0-3:2
cjs require ./a [5] ./pageA.js 2:8-22
chunk {2} pageC.bundle.js (pageC) 70 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageC [3] ./pageC.js
chunk {2} pageC.bundle.js (pageC) 70 bytes >{1}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./pageC pageC
[3] ./pageC.js 70 bytes {2} [built]
single entry ./pageC pageC
chunk {3} pageB.bundle.js (pageB) 92 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageB [4] ./pageB.js
[0] ./b.js 21 bytes {1} {3} [built]
cjs require ./b [3] ./pageC.js 2:17-31
cjs require ./b [4] ./pageB.js 2:8-22
chunk {3} pageB.bundle.js (pageB) 71 bytes >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./pageB pageB
[4] ./pageB.js 71 bytes {3} [built]
single entry ./pageB pageB
chunk {4} pageA.bundle.js (pageA) 92 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageA [5] ./pageA.js
[1] ./a.js 21 bytes {1} {4} [built]
amd require ./a [3] ./pageC.js 1:0-3:2
cjs require ./a [5] ./pageA.js 2:8-22
chunk {4} pageA.bundle.js (pageA) 71 bytes >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./pageA pageA
[5] ./pageA.js 71 bytes {4} [built]
single entry ./pageA pageA

View File

@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ module.exports = {
plugins: [
new AggressiveMergingPlugin({
minSizeReduce: 1.5,
moveToParents: true
minSizeReduce: 1.5
optimization: {

View File

@ -7,9 +7,17 @@ const cmds = {
return "cd " + dirname + " && node build.js";
let failed = 0;
let i = 0;
for(const cmd of cmds) {
console.log(`[${++i}/${cmds.length}] ${cmd}`);
cp.execSync(cmd, { encoding: "utf-8" });
try {
cp.execSync(cmd, { encoding: "utf-8" });
} catch(e) {
if(failed > 0)
console.log(`${failed} failed`);

View File

@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
A common challenge with combining `[chunkhash]` and Code Splitting is that the entry chunk includes the webpack runtime and with it the chunkhash mappings. This means it's always updated and the `[chunkhash]` is pretty useless, because this chunk won't be cached.
A very simple solution to this problem is to create another chunk which contains only the webpack runtime (including chunkhash map). This can be achieved by the CommonsChunkPlugin (or if the CommonsChunkPlugin is already used by passing multiple names to the CommonChunkPlugin). To avoid the additional request for another chunk, this pretty small chunk can be inlined into the HTML page.
A very simple solution to this problem is to create another chunk which contains only the webpack runtime (including chunkhash map). This can be achieved with the `optimization.runtimeChunk` options. To avoid the additional request for another chunk, this pretty small chunk can be inlined into the HTML page.
The configuration required for this is:
* use `[chunkhash]` in `output.filename` (Note that this example doesn't do this because of the example generator infrastructure, but you should)
* use `[chunkhash]` in `output.chunkFilename`
* `CommonsChunkPlugin`
* use `[chunkhash]` in `output.chunkFilename` (Note that this example doesn't do this because of the example generator infrastructure, but you should)
# example.js
@ -28,28 +27,19 @@ export default 123;
``` javascript
var path = require("path");
var webpack = require("../../");
module.exports = {
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
main: "./example",
common: ["./vendor"] // optional
main: "./example"
optimization: {
runtimeChunk: true
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, "dist"),
filename: "[name].[chunkhash].js",
chunkFilename: "[chunkhash].js"
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
names: ["common", "manifest"]
/* without the "common" chunk:
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "manifest"
chunkFilename: "[name].[chunkhash].js"
@ -63,11 +53,11 @@ module.exports = {
<!-- inlined minimized file "manifest.[chunkhash].js" -->
!function(e){function r(r){for(var n,u,c,s=r[0],l=r[1],p=r[2],f=0,d=[];f<s.length;f++)u=s[f],o[u]&&d.push(o[u][0]),o[u]=0;for(n in l),n)&&(e[n]=l[n]);for(a&&a(r);d.length;)d.shift()();for(i.push.apply(i,p||[]),f=0;f<i.length;f++){for(var h=i[f],v=!0,g=1;g<h.length;g++){var m=h[g];0!==o[m]&&(v=!1)}v&&(i.splice(f--,1),c=t(t.s=h[0]))}return c}function t(r){if(n[r])return n[r].exports;var o=n[r]={i:r,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[r].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,t),o.l=!0,o.exports}var n={},o={4:0},i=[];t.e=function(e){var r=[],n=o[e];if(0!==n)if(n)r.push(n[2]);else{var i=new Promise(function(r,t){n=o[e]=[r,t]});r.push(n[2]=i);var u=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],a=document.createElement("script");a.charset="utf-8",a.timeout=12e4,"nonce",,a.src=t.p+""+{0:"19a84e789378731c8460",1:"4f0e85908244254bb448"}[e]+".js";var c=setTimeout(function(){s({type:"timeout",target:a})},12e4);a.onerror=a.onload=s;function s(r){a.onerror=a.onload=null,clearTimeout(c);var t=o[e];if(0!==t){if(t){var n=r&&("load"===r.type?"missing":r.type),i=r&&,u=new Error("Loading chunk "+e+" failed.\n("+n+": "+i+")");u.type=n,u.request=i,t[1](u)}o[e]=void 0}}u.appendChild(a)}return Promise.all(r)},t.m=e,t.c=n,t.d=function(e,r,n){t.o(e,r)||Object.defineProperty(e,r,{configurable:!1,enumerable:!0,get:n})},t.r=function(e){Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},t.n=function(e){var r=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return t.d(r,"a",r),r},t.o=function(e,r){return,r)},t.p="dist/",t.oe=function(e){throw console.error(e),e};var u=window.webpackJsonp=window.webpackJsonp||[],a=u.push.bind(u);u.push=r,u=u.slice();for(var c=0;c<u.length;c++)r(u[c])}([]);
!function(e){function r(r){for(var n,o,i=r[0],c=r[1],s=r[2],p=0,f=[];p<i.length;p++)o=i[p],u[o]&&f.push(u[o][0]),u[o]=0;for(n in c),n)&&(e[n]=c[n]);for(l&&l(r);f.length;)f.shift()();return a.push.apply(a,s||[]),t()}function t(){for(var e,r=0;r<a.length;r++){for(var t=a[r],o=!0,i=1;i<t.length;i++){var c=t[i];0!==u[c]&&(o=!1)}o&&(a.splice(r--,1),e=n(n.s=t[0]))}return e}function n(r){if(o[r])return o[r].exports;var t=o[r]={i:r,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[r].call(t.exports,t,t.exports,n),t.l=!0,t.exports}var o={},u={2:0},a=[];n.e=function(e){var r=[],t=u[e];if(0!==t)if(t)r.push(t[2]);else{var o=new Promise(function(r,n){t=u[e]=[r,n]});r.push(t[2]=o);var a=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],i=document.createElement("script");i.charset="utf-8",i.timeout=12e4,"nonce",,i.src=n.p+""+({}[e]||e)+".[chunkhash].js";var c=setTimeout(function(){s({type:"timeout",target:i})},12e4);i.onerror=i.onload=s;function s(r){i.onerror=i.onload=null,clearTimeout(c);var t=u[e];if(0!==t){if(t){var n=r&&("load"===r.type?"missing":r.type),o=r&&,a=new Error("Loading chunk "+e+" failed.\n("+n+": "+o+")");a.type=n,a.request=o,t[1](a)}u[e]=void 0}}a.appendChild(i)}return Promise.all(r)},n.m=e,n.c=o,n.d=function(e,r,t){n.o(e,r)||Object.defineProperty(e,r,{configurable:!1,enumerable:!0,get:t})},n.r=function(e){Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},n.n=function(e){var r=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return n.d(r,"a",r),r},n.o=function(e,r){return,r)},n.p="dist/",n.oe=function(e){throw console.error(e),e};var i=window.webpackJsonp=window.webpackJsonp||[],c=i.push.bind(i);i.push=r,i=i.slice();for(var s=0;s<i.length;s++)r(i[s]);var l=c;t()}([]);
<!-- optional when using the CommonChunkPlugin for vendor modules -->
<script src="dist/common.[chunkhash].js"></script>
<script src="dist/main-runtime.[chunkhash].js"></script>
<script src="dist/main.[chunkhash].js"></script>
@ -75,39 +65,211 @@ module.exports = {
# dist/common.[chunkhash].js
# dist/main-runtime.[chunkhash].js
<details><summary><code>/******/ (function(modules) { /* webpackBootstrap */ })</code></summary>
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[1],[
/* 0 */,
/* 1 */
!*** ./vendor.js ***!
/*! exports provided: default */
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ var executeModules = data[2];
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
/******/ resolves.push(installedChunks[chunkId][0]);
/******/ }
/******/ installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;
/******/ }
/******/ for(moduleId in moreModules) {
/******/ if(, moduleId)) {
/******/ modules[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ if(parentJsonpFunction) parentJsonpFunction(data);
/******/ while(resolves.length) {
/******/ resolves.shift()();
/******/ }
/******/ // add entry modules from loaded chunk to deferred list
/******/ deferredModules.push.apply(deferredModules, executeModules || []);
/******/ // run deferred modules when all chunks ready
/******/ return checkDeferredModules();
/******/ };
/******/ function checkDeferredModules() {
/******/ var result;
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < deferredModules.length; i++) {
/******/ var deferredModule = deferredModules[i];
/******/ var fullfilled = true;
/******/ for(var j = 1; j < deferredModule.length; j++) {
/******/ var depId = deferredModule[j];
/******/ if(installedChunks[depId] !== 0) fullfilled = false;
/******/ }
/******/ if(fullfilled) {
/******/ deferredModules.splice(i--, 1);
/******/ result = __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = deferredModule[0]);
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ return result;
/******/ }
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // object to store loaded and loading chunks
/******/ var installedChunks = {
/******/ 3: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var deferredModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ i: moduleId,
/******/ l: false,
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.l = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // This file contains only the entry chunk.
/******/ // The chunk loading function for additional chunks
/******/ __webpack_require__.e = function requireEnsure(chunkId) {
/******/ var promises = [];
/******/ // JSONP chunk loading for javascript
/******/ var installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId];
/******/ if(installedChunkData !== 0) { // 0 means "already installed".
/******/ // a Promise means "currently loading".
/******/ if(installedChunkData) {
/******/ promises.push(installedChunkData[2]);
/******/ } else {
/******/ // setup Promise in chunk cache
/******/ var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
/******/ installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId] = [resolve, reject];
/******/ });
/******/ promises.push(installedChunkData[2] = promise);
/******/ // start chunk loading
/******/ var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
/******/ var script = document.createElement('script');
/******/ script.charset = 'utf-8';
/******/ script.timeout = 120000;
/******/ if ( {
/******/ script.setAttribute("nonce",;
/******/ }
/******/ script.src = __webpack_require__.p + "" + ({}[chunkId]||chunkId) + ".[chunkhash].js";
/******/ var timeout = setTimeout(function(){
/******/ onScriptComplete({ type: 'timeout', target: script });
/******/ }, 120000);
/******/ script.onerror = script.onload = onScriptComplete;
/******/ function onScriptComplete(event) {
/******/ // avoid mem leaks in IE.
/******/ script.onerror = script.onload = null;
/******/ clearTimeout(timeout);
/******/ var chunk = installedChunks[chunkId];
/******/ if(chunk !== 0) {
/******/ if(chunk) {
/******/ var errorType = event && (event.type === 'load' ? 'missing' : event.type);
/******/ var realSrc = event && &&;
/******/ var error = new Error('Loading chunk ' + chunkId + ' failed.\n(' + errorType + ': ' + realSrc + ')');
/******/ error.type = errorType;
/******/ error.request = realSrc;
/******/ chunk[1](error);
/******/ }
/******/ installedChunks[chunkId] = undefined;
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ head.appendChild(script);
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ return Promise.all(promises);
/******/ };
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
/******/ configurable: false,
/******/ enumerable: true,
/******/ get: getter
/******/ });
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ // define __esModule on exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
/******/ };
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
/******/ return getter;
/******/ };
/******/ //
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); };
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // on error function for async loading
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // run deferred modules from other chunks
/******/ checkDeferredModules();
/******/ })
"use strict";
// some vendor lib (should be in common chunk)
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (123);
/***/ }),
/* 2 */,
/* 3 */,
/* 4 */
!*** multi ./vendor ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./vendor */1);
/***/ })
``` javascript
/******/ ([]);
# dist/main.[chunkhash].js
@ -126,12 +288,26 @@ __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
/* harmony import */ var _vendor__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./vendor */ 1);
// some module
__webpack_require__.e(/*! import() */ 2).then(function() { var module = __webpack_require__(/*! ./async1 */ 2); return typeof module === "object" && module && module.__esModule ? module : { /* fake namespace object */ "default": module }; });
__webpack_require__.e(/*! import() */ 3).then(function() { var module = __webpack_require__(/*! ./async2 */ 3); return typeof module === "object" && module && module.__esModule ? module : { /* fake namespace object */ "default": module }; });
__webpack_require__.e(/*! import() */ 1).then(function() { var module = __webpack_require__(/*! ./async1 */ 2); return typeof module === "object" && module && module.__esModule ? module : { /* fake namespace object */ "default": module }; });
__webpack_require__.e(/*! import() */ 2).then(function() { var module = __webpack_require__(/*! ./async2 */ 3); return typeof module === "object" && module && module.__esModule ? module : { /* fake namespace object */ "default": module }; });
/***/ }),
/* 1 */
!*** ./vendor.js ***!
/*! exports provided: default */
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
// some vendor lib (should be in common chunk)
/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (123);
/***/ })
# Info
@ -141,36 +317,30 @@ __webpack_require__.e(/*! import() */ 3).then(function() { var module = __webpac
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
main.[chunkhash].js 944 bytes 0 [emitted] main
common.[chunkhash].js 727 bytes 1 [emitted] common
b71c088662b7b530c545.js 264 bytes 2 [emitted]
f6eb6a4d15b19e593a54.js 264 bytes 3 [emitted]
manifest.[chunkhash].js 7.1 KiB 4 [emitted] manifest
Entrypoint main = manifest.[chunkhash].js common.[chunkhash].js main.[chunkhash].js
Entrypoint common = manifest.[chunkhash].js common.[chunkhash].js
chunk {0} main.[chunkhash].js (main) 90 bytes {1} [initial] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
main.[chunkhash].js 1.28 KiB 0 [emitted] main
1.[chunkhash].js 264 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.[chunkhash].js 264 bytes 2 [emitted]
main-runtime.[chunkhash].js 7.49 KiB 3 [emitted] main-runtime
Entrypoint main = main-runtime.[chunkhash].js main.[chunkhash].js
chunk {0} main.[chunkhash].js (main) 159 bytes ={3}= >{1}< >{2}< [initial] [rendered]
> ./example main
[0] ./example.js 90 bytes {0} [built]
[no exports]
single entry ./example main
chunk {1} common.[chunkhash].js (common) 97 bytes {4} [initial] [rendered]
> common [4] multi ./vendor
[1] ./vendor.js 69 bytes {1} [built]
[1] ./vendor.js 69 bytes {0} [built]
[exports: default]
harmony side effect evaluation ./vendor [0] ./example.js 1:0-30
single entry ./vendor [4] multi ./vendor common:100000
[4] multi ./vendor 28 bytes {1} [built]
multi entry
chunk {2} b71c088662b7b530c545.js 29 bytes {0} [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 3:0-18
[2] ./async1.js 29 bytes {2} [built]
chunk {1} 1.[chunkhash].js 29 bytes <{3}> <{0}> [rendered]
> ./async1 [0] ./example.js 3:0-18
[2] ./async1.js 29 bytes {1} [built]
import() ./async1 [0] ./example.js 3:0-18
chunk {3} f6eb6a4d15b19e593a54.js 29 bytes {0} [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 4:0-18
[3] ./async2.js 29 bytes {3} [built]
chunk {2} 2.[chunkhash].js 29 bytes <{3}> <{0}> [rendered]
> ./async2 [0] ./example.js 4:0-18
[3] ./async2.js 29 bytes {2} [built]
import() ./async2 [0] ./example.js 4:0-18
chunk {4} manifest.[chunkhash].js (manifest) 0 bytes [entry] [rendered]
chunk {3} main-runtime.[chunkhash].js (main-runtime) 0 bytes ={0}= >{1}< >{2}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./example main
## Production mode
@ -178,34 +348,32 @@ chunk {4} manifest.[chunkhash].js (manifest) 0 bytes [entry] [rendered]
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
19a84e789378731c8460.js 78 bytes 0 [emitted]
4f0e85908244254bb448.js 78 bytes 1 [emitted]
common.[chunkhash].js 153 bytes 2 [emitted] common
main.[chunkhash].js 300 bytes 3 [emitted] main
manifest.[chunkhash].js 1.76 KiB 4 [emitted] manifest
Entrypoint main = manifest.[chunkhash].js common.[chunkhash].js main.[chunkhash].js
Entrypoint common = manifest.[chunkhash].js common.[chunkhash].js
chunk {0} 19a84e789378731c8460.js 29 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 4:0-18
[3] ./async2.js 29 bytes {0} [built]
import() ./async2 [2] ./example.js 4:0-18
chunk {1} 4f0e85908244254bb448.js 29 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 3:0-18
[4] ./async1.js 29 bytes {1} [built]
import() ./async1 [2] ./example.js 3:0-18
chunk {2} common.[chunkhash].js (common) 97 bytes {4} [initial] [rendered]
> common [1] multi ./vendor
[0] ./vendor.js 69 bytes {2} [built]
[exports: default]
single entry ./vendor [1] multi ./vendor common:100000
harmony side effect evaluation ./vendor [2] ./example.js 1:0-30
[1] multi ./vendor 28 bytes {2} [built]
multi entry
chunk {3} main.[chunkhash].js (main) 90 bytes {2} [initial] [rendered]
> main [2] ./example.js
[2] ./example.js 90 bytes {3} [built]
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.[chunkhash].js 77 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.[chunkhash].js 78 bytes 1 [emitted]
main-runtime.[chunkhash].js 1.76 KiB 2 [emitted] main-runtime
main.[chunkhash].js 289 bytes 3 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = main-runtime.[chunkhash].js main.[chunkhash].js
chunk {0} 0.[chunkhash].js 29 bytes <{2}> <{3}> [rendered]
> ./async2 [] 4:0-18
[1] ./async2.js 29 bytes {0} [built]
import() ./async2 ./example.js 4:0-18
chunk {1} 1.[chunkhash].js 29 bytes <{2}> <{3}> [rendered]
> ./async1 [] 3:0-18
[2] ./async1.js 29 bytes {1} [built]
import() ./async1 ./example.js 3:0-18
chunk {2} main-runtime.[chunkhash].js (main-runtime) 0 bytes ={3}= >{0}< >{1}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./example main
chunk {3} main.[chunkhash].js (main) 159 bytes ={2}= >{0}< >{1}< [initial] [rendered]
> ./example main
[0] ./example.js + 1 modules 159 bytes {3} [built]
[no exports]
single entry ./example main
chunk {4} manifest.[chunkhash].js (manifest) 0 bytes [entry] [rendered]
| ./example.js 90 bytes [built]
| [no exports]
| single entry ./example main
| ./vendor.js 69 bytes [built]
| [exports: default]
| [no exports used]
| harmony side effect evaluation ./vendor ./example.js 1:0-30

View File

@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
A common challenge with combining `[chunkhash]` and Code Splitting is that the entry chunk includes the webpack runtime and with it the chunkhash mappings. This means it's always updated and the `[chunkhash]` is pretty useless, because this chunk won't be cached.
A very simple solution to this problem is to create another chunk which contains only the webpack runtime (including chunkhash map). This can be achieved by the CommonsChunkPlugin (or if the CommonsChunkPlugin is already used by passing multiple names to the CommonChunkPlugin). To avoid the additional request for another chunk, this pretty small chunk can be inlined into the HTML page.
A very simple solution to this problem is to create another chunk which contains only the webpack runtime (including chunkhash map). This can be achieved with the `optimization.runtimeChunk` options. To avoid the additional request for another chunk, this pretty small chunk can be inlined into the HTML page.
The configuration required for this is:
* use `[chunkhash]` in `output.filename` (Note that this example doesn't do this because of the example generator infrastructure, but you should)
* use `[chunkhash]` in `output.chunkFilename`
* `CommonsChunkPlugin`
* use `[chunkhash]` in `output.chunkFilename` (Note that this example doesn't do this because of the example generator infrastructure, but you should)
# example.js
@ -36,11 +35,11 @@ The configuration required for this is:
<!-- inlined minimized file "manifest.[chunkhash].js" -->
<!-- optional when using the CommonChunkPlugin for vendor modules -->
<script src="dist/common.[chunkhash].js"></script>
<script src="dist/main-runtime.[chunkhash].js"></script>
<script src="dist/main.[chunkhash].js"></script>
@ -48,10 +47,10 @@ The configuration required for this is:
# dist/common.[chunkhash].js
# dist/main-runtime.[chunkhash].js
``` javascript
# dist/main.[chunkhash].js

View File

@ -1,24 +1,15 @@
var path = require("path");
var webpack = require("../../");
module.exports = {
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
main: "./example",
common: ["./vendor"] // optional
main: "./example"
optimization: {
runtimeChunk: true
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, "dist"),
filename: "[name].chunkhash.js",
chunkFilename: "[chunkhash].js"
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
names: ["common", "manifest"]
/* without the "common" chunk:
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "manifest"
chunkFilename: "[name].chunkhash.js"

View File

@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
# example.js
``` javascript
# style.css
``` css
body {
background: url(image.png);
# chunk.js
``` javascript
# style2.css
``` css
.xyz {
background: url(image2.png);
# webpack.config.js
``` javascript
const LoaderOptionsPlugin = require("../../lib/LoaderOptionsPlugin");
const ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
// mode: "development || "production",
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
fallback: "style-loader",
use: "css-loader"
{ test: /\.png$/, loader: "file-loader" }
plugins: [
new ExtractTextPlugin({
filename: "style.css"
// Temporary workaround for the file-loader
new LoaderOptionsPlugin({
options: {}
optimization: {
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)
# dist/style.css
``` javascript
body {
background: url(dist/ce21cbdd9b894e6af794813eb3fdaf60.png);
# Info
## Unoptimized
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
ce21cbdd9b894e6af794813eb3fdaf60.png 119 bytes [emitted]
0.output.js 2.33 KiB 0 [emitted]
output.js 22.4 KiB 1 [emitted] main
style.css 73 bytes 1 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js style.css
chunk {0} 0.output.js 1.34 KiB {1} [rendered]
> [1] ./example.js 2:0-20
[2] ./chunk.js 26 bytes {0} [built]
amd require ./chunk [1] ./example.js 2:0-20
[5] ./image2.png 82 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./image2.png [6] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style2.css 6:58-81
[6] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style2.css 236 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require !!../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!./style2.css [7] ./style2.css 4:14-78
[7] ./style2.css 1 KiB {0} [built]
cjs require ./style2.css [2] ./chunk.js 1:0-23
chunk {1} output.js, style.css (main) 14.5 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> main [1] ./example.js
[1] ./example.js 48 bytes {1} [built]
single entry .\example.js main
[10] ./style.css 41 bytes [built]
+ 3 hidden modules
Child extract-text-webpack-plugin ../../node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist ../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!style.css:
1 asset
Entrypoint undefined = extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename
chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 2.52 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> [2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css
[0] ./image.png 82 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./image.png [2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css 6:58-80
[2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css 235 bytes {0} [built]
single entry !!(webpack)\node_modules\css-loader\index.js!.\style.css
+ 1 hidden module
## Production mode
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
ce21cbdd9b894e6af794813eb3fdaf60.png 119 bytes [emitted]
0.output.js 403 bytes 0 [emitted]
output.js 7.04 KiB 1 [emitted] main
style.css 73 bytes 1 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js style.css
chunk {0} 0.output.js 1.34 KiB {1} [rendered]
> [1] ./example.js 2:0-20
[2] ./chunk.js 26 bytes {0} [built]
amd require ./chunk [1] ./example.js 2:0-20
[5] ./image2.png 82 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./image2.png [6] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style2.css 6:58-81
[6] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style2.css 236 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require !!../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!./style2.css [7] ./style2.css 4:14-78
[7] ./style2.css 1 KiB {0} [built]
cjs require ./style2.css [2] ./chunk.js 1:0-23
chunk {1} output.js, style.css (main) 14.5 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> main [1] ./example.js
[1] ./example.js 48 bytes {1} [built]
single entry .\example.js main
[10] ./style.css 41 bytes [built]
+ 3 hidden modules
Child extract-text-webpack-plugin ../../node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist ../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!style.css:
1 asset
Entrypoint undefined = extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename
chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 2.52 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> [2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css
[0] ./image.png 82 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./image.png [2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css 6:58-80
[2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css 235 bytes {0} [built]
single entry !!(webpack)\node_modules\css-loader\index.js!.\style.css
+ 1 hidden module

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 119 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 119 B

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
body {
background: url(image.png);

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
.xyz {
background: url(image2.png);

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
# example.js
``` javascript
# style.css
``` css
# chunk.js
``` javascript
# style2.css
``` css
# webpack.config.js
``` javascript
# dist/style.css
``` javascript
# Info
## Unoptimized
## Production mode

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
const LoaderOptionsPlugin = require("../../lib/LoaderOptionsPlugin");
const ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
// mode: "development || "production",
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
fallback: "style-loader",
use: "css-loader"
{ test: /\.png$/, loader: "file-loader" }
plugins: [
new ExtractTextPlugin({
filename: "style.css"
// Temporary workaround for the file-loader
new LoaderOptionsPlugin({
options: {}
optimization: {
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)

View File

@ -22,10 +22,12 @@ getTemplate("b", function(b) {
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0], moreModules = data[1], executeModules = data[2];
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ getTemplate("b", function(b) {
/******/ };
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ getTemplate("b", function(b) {
/******/ 1: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var scheduledModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
@ -179,10 +182,12 @@ getTemplate("b", function(b) {
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
@ -309,9 +314,9 @@ Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.output.js 1.86 KiB 0 [emitted]
output.js 7.16 KiB 1 [emitted] main
output.js 7.19 KiB 1 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 463 bytes {1} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 463 bytes <{1}> [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 2:1-4:3
[1] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*$ 217 bytes {0} [built]
amd require context ../require.context/templates [0] ./example.js 2:1-4:3
@ -324,8 +329,8 @@ chunk {0} 0.output.js 463 bytes {1} [rendered]
[4] ../require.context/templates/a.js 82 bytes {0} [optional] [built]
context element ./a.js [1] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*$ ./a.js
context element ./a [1] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*$ ./a
chunk {1} output.js (main) 261 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
chunk {1} output.js (main) 261 bytes >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[0] ./example.js 261 bytes {1} [built]
single entry .\example.js main
@ -339,7 +344,7 @@ Version: webpack next
0.output.js 627 bytes 0 [emitted]
output.js 1.75 KiB 1 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 463 bytes {1} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 463 bytes <{1}> [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 2:1-4:3
[1] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*$ 217 bytes {0} [built]
amd require context ../require.context/templates [0] ./example.js 2:1-4:3
@ -352,8 +357,8 @@ chunk {0} 0.output.js 463 bytes {1} [rendered]
[4] ../require.context/templates/a.js 82 bytes {0} [optional] [built]
context element ./a.js [1] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*$ ./a.js
context element ./a [1] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*$ ./a
chunk {1} output.js (main) 261 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
chunk {1} output.js (main) 261 bytes >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[0] ./example.js 261 bytes {1} [built]
single entry .\example.js main

View File

@ -22,10 +22,12 @@ getTemplate("b", function(b) {
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0], moreModules = data[1], executeModules = data[2];
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ getTemplate("b", function(b) {
/******/ };
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ getTemplate("b", function(b) {
/******/ 1: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var scheduledModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
@ -179,10 +182,12 @@ getTemplate("b", function(b) {
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
@ -309,9 +314,9 @@ Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.output.js 1.86 KiB 0 [emitted]
output.js 7.1 KiB 1 [emitted] main
output.js 7.13 KiB 1 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 463 bytes {1} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 463 bytes <{1}> [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 2:1-4:3
[1] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*$ 217 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require context ../require.context/templates [0] ./example.js 3:11-64
@ -324,8 +329,8 @@ chunk {0} 0.output.js 463 bytes {1} [rendered]
[4] ../require.context/templates/a.js 82 bytes {0} [optional] [built]
context element ./a.js [1] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*$ ./a.js
context element ./a [1] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*$ ./a
chunk {1} output.js (main) 276 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
chunk {1} output.js (main) 276 bytes >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[0] ./example.js 276 bytes {1} [built]
single entry .\example.js main
@ -339,7 +344,7 @@ Version: webpack next
0.output.js 627 bytes 0 [emitted]
output.js 1.73 KiB 1 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 463 bytes {1} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 463 bytes <{1}> [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 2:1-4:3
[1] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*$ 217 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require context ../require.context/templates [0] ./example.js 3:11-64
@ -352,8 +357,8 @@ chunk {0} 0.output.js 463 bytes {1} [rendered]
[4] ../require.context/templates/a.js 82 bytes {0} [optional] [built]
context element ./a.js [1] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*$ ./a.js
context element ./a [1] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*$ ./a
chunk {1} output.js (main) 276 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
chunk {1} output.js (main) 276 bytes >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[0] ./example.js 276 bytes {1} [built]
single entry .\example.js main

View File

@ -25,10 +25,12 @@ module.exports = "It works";
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0], moreModules = data[1], executeModules = data[2];
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
@ -48,6 +50,7 @@ module.exports = "It works";
/******/ };
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ module.exports = "It works";
/******/ 1: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var scheduledModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
@ -182,10 +185,12 @@ module.exports = "It works";
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 1);
@ -264,14 +269,14 @@ Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.output.js 257 bytes 0 [emitted]
output.js 7.53 KiB 1 [emitted] main
output.js 7.56 KiB 1 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 28 bytes {1} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 28 bytes <{1}> [rendered]
> [0] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./file.js 7:0-14:2
[2] ./file.js 28 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require !!./file.js [0] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./file.js 8:8-30
chunk {1} output.js (main) 378 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [1] ./example.js
chunk {1} output.js (main) 378 bytes >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[0] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./file.js 281 bytes {1} [built]
cjs require bundle-loader!./file.js [1] ./example.js 1:0-34
[1] ./example.js 97 bytes {1} [built]
@ -287,12 +292,12 @@ Version: webpack next
0.output.js 98 bytes 0 [emitted]
output.js 1.79 KiB 1 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 28 bytes {1} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 28 bytes <{1}> [rendered]
> [0] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./file.js 7:0-14:2
[2] ./file.js 28 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require !!./file.js [0] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./file.js 8:8-30
chunk {1} output.js (main) 378 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [1] ./example.js
chunk {1} output.js (main) 378 bytes >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[0] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./file.js 281 bytes {1} [built]
cjs require bundle-loader!./file.js [1] ./example.js 1:0-34
[1] ./example.js 97 bytes {1} [built]

View File

@ -33,10 +33,12 @@ Promise.all([loadC("1"), loadC("2")]).then(function(arr) {
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0], moreModules = data[1], executeModules = data[2];
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
@ -56,6 +58,7 @@ Promise.all([loadC("1"), loadC("2")]).then(function(arr) {
/******/ };
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ Promise.all([loadC("1"), loadC("2")]).then(function(arr) {
/******/ 3: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var scheduledModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
@ -190,10 +193,12 @@ Promise.all([loadC("1"), loadC("2")]).then(function(arr) {
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 4);
@ -305,17 +310,21 @@ Version: webpack next
0.output.js 275 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.output.js 284 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.output.js 270 bytes 2 [emitted]
output.js 8.71 KiB 3 [emitted] main
output.js 8.74 KiB 3 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 13 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 13 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./2 [2] ./node_modules/c lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./2
> ./2.js [2] ./node_modules/c lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./2.js
1 module
chunk {1} 1.output.js 13 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {1} 1.output.js 13 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./1 [2] ./node_modules/c lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./1
> ./1.js [2] ./node_modules/c lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./1.js
1 module
chunk {2} 2.output.js 11 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [4] ./example.js 3:0-11
chunk {2} 2.output.js 11 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> b [4] ./example.js 3:0-11
1 module
chunk {3} output.js (main) 427 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [4] ./example.js
chunk {3} output.js (main) 427 bytes >{0}< >{1}< >{2}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[2] ./node_modules/c lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object 160 bytes {3} [built]
import() context lazy c [4] ./example.js 8:8-27
[4] ./example.js 256 bytes {3} [built]
@ -335,15 +344,19 @@ Version: webpack next
2.output.js 78 bytes 2 [emitted]
output.js 2.25 KiB 3 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 13 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 13 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./2 [2] ./node_modules/c lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./2
> ./2.js [2] ./node_modules/c lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./2.js
1 module
chunk {1} 1.output.js 13 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {1} 1.output.js 13 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./1 [2] ./node_modules/c lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./1
> ./1.js [2] ./node_modules/c lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./1.js
1 module
chunk {2} 2.output.js 11 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [4] ./example.js 3:0-11
chunk {2} 2.output.js 11 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> b [4] ./example.js 3:0-11
1 module
chunk {3} output.js (main) 427 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [4] ./example.js
chunk {3} output.js (main) 427 bytes >{0}< >{1}< >{2}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[2] ./node_modules/c lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object 160 bytes {3} [built]
import() context lazy c [4] ./example.js 8:8-27
[4] ./example.js 256 bytes {3} [built]

View File

@ -51,10 +51,12 @@ export default foo;
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0], moreModules = data[1], executeModules = data[2];
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
@ -74,6 +76,7 @@ export default foo;
/******/ };
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
@ -82,7 +85,7 @@ export default foo;
/******/ 3: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var scheduledModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
@ -208,10 +211,12 @@ export default foo;
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 4);
@ -321,25 +326,31 @@ Version: webpack next
0.output.js 436 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.output.js 445 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.output.js 439 bytes 2 [emitted]
output.js 8.19 KiB 3 [emitted] main
output.js 8.22 KiB 3 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./foo [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./foo
> ./foo.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./foo.js
[0] ./templates/foo.js 41 bytes {0} [optional] [built]
[exports: default]
context element ./foo.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./foo.js
context element ./foo [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./foo
chunk {1} 1.output.js 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {1} 1.output.js 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./baz [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./baz
> ./baz.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./baz.js
[1] ./templates/baz.js 41 bytes {1} [optional] [built]
[exports: default]
context element ./baz.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./baz.js
context element ./baz [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./baz
chunk {2} 2.output.js 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {2} 2.output.js 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./bar [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./bar
> ./bar.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./bar.js
[2] ./templates/bar.js 41 bytes {2} [optional] [built]
[exports: default]
context element ./bar.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./bar.js
context element ./bar [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./bar
chunk {3} output.js (main) 618 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [4] ./example.js
chunk {3} output.js (main) 618 bytes >{0}< >{1}< >{2}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object 160 bytes {3} [optional] [built]
import() context lazy ./templates [4] ./example.js 3:23-7:3
[4] ./example.js 458 bytes {3} [built]
@ -357,23 +368,29 @@ Version: webpack next
2.output.js 115 bytes 2 [emitted]
output.js 2.13 KiB 3 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./foo [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./foo
> ./foo.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./foo.js
[0] ./templates/foo.js 41 bytes {0} [optional] [built]
[exports: default]
context element ./foo.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./foo.js
context element ./foo [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./foo
chunk {1} 1.output.js 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {1} 1.output.js 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./baz [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./baz
> ./baz.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./baz.js
[1] ./templates/baz.js 41 bytes {1} [optional] [built]
[exports: default]
context element ./baz.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./baz.js
context element ./baz [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./baz
chunk {2} 2.output.js 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {2} 2.output.js 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./bar [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./bar
> ./bar.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./bar.js
[2] ./templates/bar.js 41 bytes {2} [optional] [built]
[exports: default]
context element ./bar.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./bar.js
context element ./bar [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object ./bar
chunk {3} output.js (main) 618 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [4] ./example.js
chunk {3} output.js (main) 618 bytes >{0}< >{1}< >{2}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ include: \.js$ exclude: \.noimport\.js$ namespace object 160 bytes {3} [optional] [built]
import() context lazy ./templates [4] ./example.js 3:23-7:3
[4] ./example.js 458 bytes {3} [built]

View File

@ -40,10 +40,12 @@ export default foo;
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0], moreModules = data[1], executeModules = data[2];
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
@ -63,6 +65,7 @@ export default foo;
/******/ };
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
@ -71,7 +74,7 @@ export default foo;
/******/ 3: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var scheduledModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
@ -197,10 +200,12 @@ export default foo;
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 4);
@ -308,25 +313,31 @@ Version: webpack next
0.output.js 436 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.output.js 445 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.output.js 439 bytes 2 [emitted]
output.js 8 KiB 3 [emitted] main
output.js 8.03 KiB 3 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./foo [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./foo
> ./foo.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./foo.js
[0] ./templates/foo.js 41 bytes {0} [optional] [built]
[exports: default]
context element ./foo.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./foo.js
context element ./foo [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./foo
chunk {1} 1.output.js 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {1} 1.output.js 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./baz [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./baz
> ./baz.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./baz.js
[1] ./templates/baz.js 41 bytes {1} [optional] [built]
[exports: default]
context element ./baz.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./baz.js
context element ./baz [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./baz
chunk {2} 2.output.js 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {2} 2.output.js 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./bar [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./bar
> ./bar.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./bar.js
[2] ./templates/bar.js 41 bytes {2} [optional] [built]
[exports: default]
context element ./bar.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./bar.js
context element ./bar [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./bar
chunk {3} output.js (main) 456 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [4] ./example.js
chunk {3} output.js (main) 456 bytes >{0}< >{1}< >{2}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object 160 bytes {3} [optional] [built]
import() context lazy ./templates [4] ./example.js 3:23-60
[4] ./example.js 296 bytes {3} [built]
@ -342,25 +353,31 @@ Version: webpack next
0.output.js 113 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.output.js 114 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.output.js 115 bytes 2 [emitted]
output.js 2.09 KiB 3 [emitted] main
output.js 2.1 KiB 3 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./foo [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./foo
> ./foo.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./foo.js
[0] ./templates/foo.js 41 bytes {0} [optional] [built]
[exports: default]
context element ./foo.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./foo.js
context element ./foo [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./foo
chunk {1} 1.output.js 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {1} 1.output.js 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./baz [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./baz
> ./baz.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./baz.js
[1] ./templates/baz.js 41 bytes {1} [optional] [built]
[exports: default]
context element ./baz.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./baz.js
context element ./baz [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./baz
chunk {2} 2.output.js 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {2} 2.output.js 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./bar [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./bar
> ./bar.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./bar.js
[2] ./templates/bar.js 41 bytes {2} [optional] [built]
[exports: default]
context element ./bar.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./bar.js
context element ./bar [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object ./bar
chunk {3} output.js (main) 456 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [4] ./example.js
chunk {3} output.js (main) 456 bytes >{0}< >{1}< >{2}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/.*$ namespace object 160 bytes {3} [optional] [built]
import() context lazy ./templates [4] ./example.js 3:23-60
[4] ./example.js 296 bytes {3} [built]

View File

@ -40,10 +40,12 @@ export default foo;
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0], moreModules = data[1], executeModules = data[2];
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
@ -63,6 +65,7 @@ export default foo;
/******/ };
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
@ -71,7 +74,7 @@ export default foo;
/******/ 3: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var scheduledModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
@ -197,10 +200,12 @@ export default foo;
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 4);
@ -268,11 +273,11 @@ module.exports = webpackAsyncContext;
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
__webpack_require__.e(/*! import() | chunk-foo | duplicate */ 2).then(__webpack_require__.bind(null, /*! ./templates/foo */ 0)).then(function(foo) {
__webpack_require__.e(/*! import() | chunk-foo */ 2).then(__webpack_require__.bind(null, /*! ./templates/foo */ 0)).then(function(foo) {
console.log('foo:', foo);
__webpack_require__.e(/*! require.ensure | chunk-foo1 | duplicate */ 2).then((function(require) {
__webpack_require__.e(/*! require.ensure | chunk-foo1 */ 2).then((function(require) {
var foo = __webpack_require__(/*! ./templates/foo */ 0);
console.log('foo:', foo);
}).bind(null, __webpack_require__)).catch(__webpack_require__.oe);
@ -297,30 +302,34 @@ __webpack_require__(3)("./ba" + createContextVar).then(function(bar) {
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.output.js 445 bytes 0 [emitted] chunk-bar-baz2
1.output.js 439 bytes 1 [emitted] chunk-bar-baz0
0.output.js 445 bytes 0 [emitted] chunk-bar-baz3
1.output.js 439 bytes 1 [emitted] chunk-bar-baz1
2.output.js 436 bytes 2 [emitted] chunk-foo
output.js 8.23 KiB 3 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js (chunk-bar-baz2) 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js (chunk-bar-baz3) 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./baz [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object ./baz
> ./baz.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object ./baz.js
[1] ./templates/baz.js 41 bytes {0} [optional] [built]
[exports: default]
context element ./baz.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object ./baz.js
context element ./baz [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object ./baz
chunk {1} 1.output.js (chunk-bar-baz0) 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {1} 1.output.js (chunk-bar-baz1) 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./bar [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object ./bar
> ./bar.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object ./bar.js
[2] ./templates/bar.js 41 bytes {1} [optional] [built]
[exports: default]
context element ./bar.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object ./bar.js
context element ./bar [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object ./bar
chunk {2} 2.output.js (chunk-foo) 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
> duplicate chunk-foo [4] ./example.js 1:0-62
> duplicate chunk-foo1 [4] ./example.js 5:0-8:16
chunk {2} 2.output.js (chunk-foo) 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./templates/foo [4] ./example.js 1:0-62
> [4] ./example.js 5:0-8:16
[0] ./templates/foo.js 41 bytes {2} [built]
[exports: default]
import() ./templates/foo [4] ./example.js 1:0-62
cjs require ./templates/foo [4] ./example.js 6:11-37
chunk {3} output.js (main) 580 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [4] ./example.js
chunk {3} output.js (main) 580 bytes >{0}< >{1}< >{2}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object 160 bytes {3} [built]
import() context lazy ./templates [4] ./example.js 11:0-84
[4] ./example.js 420 bytes {3} [built]
@ -333,30 +342,34 @@ chunk {3} output.js (main) 580 bytes [entry] [rendered]
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.output.js 114 bytes 0 [emitted] chunk-bar-baz2
1.output.js 115 bytes 1 [emitted] chunk-bar-baz0
0.output.js 114 bytes 0 [emitted] chunk-bar-baz3
1.output.js 115 bytes 1 [emitted] chunk-bar-baz1
2.output.js 113 bytes 2 [emitted] chunk-foo
output.js 2.12 KiB 3 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js (chunk-bar-baz2) 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js (chunk-bar-baz3) 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./baz [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object ./baz
> ./baz.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object ./baz.js
[1] ./templates/baz.js 41 bytes {0} [optional] [built]
[exports: default]
context element ./baz.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object ./baz.js
context element ./baz [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object ./baz
chunk {1} 1.output.js (chunk-bar-baz0) 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {1} 1.output.js (chunk-bar-baz1) 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./bar [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object ./bar
> ./bar.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object ./bar.js
[2] ./templates/bar.js 41 bytes {1} [optional] [built]
[exports: default]
context element ./bar.js [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object ./bar.js
context element ./bar [3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object ./bar
chunk {2} 2.output.js (chunk-foo) 41 bytes {3} [rendered]
> duplicate chunk-foo [4] ./example.js 1:0-62
> duplicate chunk-foo1 [4] ./example.js 5:0-8:16
chunk {2} 2.output.js (chunk-foo) 41 bytes <{3}> [rendered]
> ./templates/foo [4] ./example.js 1:0-62
> [4] ./example.js 5:0-8:16
[0] ./templates/foo.js 41 bytes {2} [built]
[exports: default]
import() ./templates/foo [4] ./example.js 1:0-62
cjs require ./templates/foo [4] ./example.js 6:11-37
chunk {3} output.js (main) 580 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [4] ./example.js
chunk {3} output.js (main) 580 bytes >{0}< >{1}< >{2}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[3] ./templates lazy ^\.\/ba.*$ namespace object 160 bytes {3} [built]
import() context lazy ./templates [4] ./example.js 11:0-84
[4] ./example.js 420 bytes {3} [built]

View File

@ -44,10 +44,12 @@ require.ensure(["c"], function(require) {
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0], moreModules = data[1], executeModules = data[2];
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
@ -67,6 +69,7 @@ require.ensure(["c"], function(require) {
/******/ };
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ require.ensure(["c"], function(require) {
/******/ 1: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var scheduledModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
@ -201,10 +204,12 @@ require.ensure(["c"], function(require) {
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 2);
@ -299,13 +304,13 @@ Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.output.js 490 bytes 0 [emitted]
output.js 7.44 KiB 1 [emitted] main
output.js 7.47 KiB 1 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 22 bytes {1} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 22 bytes <{1}> [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 3:0-6:2
2 modules
chunk {1} output.js (main) 166 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [2] ./example.js
chunk {1} output.js (main) 166 bytes >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[2] ./example.js 144 bytes {1} [built]
single entry .\example.js main
+ 2 hidden modules
@ -320,11 +325,11 @@ Version: webpack next
0.output.js 95 bytes 0 [emitted]
output.js 1.68 KiB 1 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 22 bytes {1} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 22 bytes <{1}> [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 3:0-6:2
2 modules
chunk {1} output.js (main) 166 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [2] ./example.js
chunk {1} output.js (main) 166 bytes >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[2] ./example.js 144 bytes {1} [built]
single entry .\example.js main
+ 2 hidden modules

View File

@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ module.exports = 42
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -154,10 +155,10 @@ module.exports = 42;
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
output.js 3.34 KiB 0 [emitted] main
output.js 3.35 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} output.js (main) 206 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
> .\example.js main
[0] ./example.js 31 bytes {0} [built]
single entry .\example.js main
[1] ./ 118 bytes {0} [built]
@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ Version: webpack next
output.js 708 bytes 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} output.js (main) 206 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [2] ./example.js
> .\example.js main
[0] ./ 57 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./ [1] ./ 4:12-36
cjs require ./cup2 [1] ./ 5:9-26

View File

@ -35,44 +35,109 @@ With this bundle configuration, you would load your third party libraries, then
``` javascript
var path = require("path");
var CommonsChunkPlugin = require("../../lib/optimize/CommonsChunkPlugin");
module.exports = {
// mode: "development" || "production",
entry: {
vendor: ["./vendor1", "./vendor2"],
pageA: "./pageA",
pageB: "./pageB",
pageC: "./pageC"
// older versions of webpack may require an empty entry point declaration here
// common: []
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
chunks: "initial",
minSize: 0, // This is example is too small to create commons chunks
name: "common",
cacheGroups: {
vendor: {
test: /node_modules/,
name: "vendor",
enforce: true
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, "dist"),
filename: "[name].js"
plugins: [
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
// The order of this array matters
names: ["common", "vendor"],
minChunks: 2
# dist/vendor.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[3],{
/***/ 1:
!*** ./node_modules/vendor1.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = "vendor1";
/***/ }),
/***/ 5:
!*** ./node_modules/vendor2.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = "vendor2";
/***/ })
# dist/common.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[4],{
/***/ 3:
!*** ./utility2.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = "utility2";
/***/ }),
/***/ 6:
!*** ./utility3.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = "utility3";
/***/ })
# dist/pageA.js
<details><summary><code>/******/ (function(modules) { /* webpackBootstrap */ })</code></summary>
``` javascript
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0], moreModules = data[1], executeModules = data[2];
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ var executeModules = data[2];
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
@ -89,22 +154,29 @@ module.exports = {
/******/ while(resolves.length) {
/******/ resolves.shift()();
/******/ }
/******/ scheduledModules.push.apply(scheduledModules, executeModules || []);
/******/ for(i = 0; i < scheduledModules.length; i++) {
/******/ var scheduledModule = scheduledModules[i];
/******/ // add entry modules from loaded chunk to deferred list
/******/ deferredModules.push.apply(deferredModules, executeModules || []);
/******/ // run deferred modules when all chunks ready
/******/ return checkDeferredModules();
/******/ };
/******/ function checkDeferredModules() {
/******/ var result;
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < deferredModules.length; i++) {
/******/ var deferredModule = deferredModules[i];
/******/ var fullfilled = true;
/******/ for(var j = 1; j < scheduledModule.length; j++) {
/******/ var depId = scheduledModule[j];
/******/ for(var j = 1; j < deferredModule.length; j++) {
/******/ var depId = deferredModule[j];
/******/ if(installedChunks[depId] !== 0) fullfilled = false;
/******/ }
/******/ if(fullfilled) {
/******/ scheduledModules.splice(i--, 1);
/******/ result = __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = scheduledModule[0]);
/******/ deferredModules.splice(i--, 1);
/******/ result = __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = deferredModule[0]);
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ return result;
/******/ };
/******/ }
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
@ -114,7 +186,7 @@ module.exports = {
/******/ 0: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var scheduledModules = [];
/******/ var deferredModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
@ -178,17 +250,18 @@ module.exports = {
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // on error function for async loading
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ // add entry module to deferred list
/******/ deferredModules.push([0,3,4]);
/******/ // run deferred modules when ready
/******/ return checkDeferredModules();
/******/ })
@ -198,91 +271,22 @@ module.exports = {
``` javascript
/******/ ([
/* 0 */
!*** multi ./vendor1 ./vendor2 ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
__webpack_require__(/*! ./vendor1 */1);
module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./vendor2 */2);
/***/ }),
/* 1 */
!*** ./vendor1.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = "vendor1";
/***/ }),
/* 2 */
!*** ./vendor2.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = "vendor2";
/***/ })
/******/ ]);
# dist/common.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[4],{
/***/ 5:
!*** ./utility2.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = "utility2";
/***/ }),
/***/ 7:
!*** ./utility3.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = "utility3";
/***/ })
# dist/pageA.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[1],[
/* 0 */,
/* 1 */,
/* 2 */,
/* 3 */
!*** ./pageA.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utility1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utility1 */ 4);
var utility2 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utility2 */ 5);
var vendor1 = __webpack_require__(/*! vendor1 */ 1);
var utility1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utility1 */ 2);
var utility2 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utility2 */ 3);
module.exports = "pageA";
/***/ }),
/* 4 */
/* 1 */,
/* 2 */
!*** ./utility1.js ***!
@ -292,51 +296,323 @@ module.exports = "pageA";
module.exports = "utility1";
/***/ })
/******/ ]);
# dist/pageB.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[2],{
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ var executeModules = data[2];
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
/******/ resolves.push(installedChunks[chunkId][0]);
/******/ }
/******/ installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;
/******/ }
/******/ for(moduleId in moreModules) {
/******/ if(, moduleId)) {
/******/ modules[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ if(parentJsonpFunction) parentJsonpFunction(data);
/******/ while(resolves.length) {
/******/ resolves.shift()();
/******/ }
/******/ // add entry modules from loaded chunk to deferred list
/******/ deferredModules.push.apply(deferredModules, executeModules || []);
/******/ // run deferred modules when all chunks ready
/******/ return checkDeferredModules();
/******/ };
/******/ function checkDeferredModules() {
/******/ var result;
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < deferredModules.length; i++) {
/******/ var deferredModule = deferredModules[i];
/******/ var fullfilled = true;
/******/ for(var j = 1; j < deferredModule.length; j++) {
/******/ var depId = deferredModule[j];
/******/ if(installedChunks[depId] !== 0) fullfilled = false;
/******/ }
/******/ if(fullfilled) {
/******/ deferredModules.splice(i--, 1);
/******/ result = __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = deferredModule[0]);
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ return result;
/******/ }
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // object to store loaded and loading chunks
/******/ var installedChunks = {
/******/ 1: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var deferredModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ i: moduleId,
/******/ l: false,
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.l = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
/******/ configurable: false,
/******/ enumerable: true,
/******/ get: getter
/******/ });
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ // define __esModule on exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
/******/ };
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
/******/ return getter;
/******/ };
/******/ //
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); };
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // add entry module to deferred list
/******/ deferredModules.push([4,3,4]);
/******/ // run deferred modules when ready
/******/ return checkDeferredModules();
/******/ })
/******/ ({
/***/ 6:
/***/ 4:
!*** ./pageB.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utility2 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utility2 */ 5);
var utility3 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utility3 */ 7);
var vendor2 = __webpack_require__(/*! vendor2 */ 5);
var utility2 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utility2 */ 3);
var utility3 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utility3 */ 6);
module.exports = "pageB";
/***/ })
/******/ });
# dist/pageC.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[3],{
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ var executeModules = data[2];
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
/******/ resolves.push(installedChunks[chunkId][0]);
/******/ }
/******/ installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;
/******/ }
/******/ for(moduleId in moreModules) {
/******/ if(, moduleId)) {
/******/ modules[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ if(parentJsonpFunction) parentJsonpFunction(data);
/******/ while(resolves.length) {
/******/ resolves.shift()();
/******/ }
/******/ // add entry modules from loaded chunk to deferred list
/******/ deferredModules.push.apply(deferredModules, executeModules || []);
/******/ // run deferred modules when all chunks ready
/******/ return checkDeferredModules();
/******/ };
/******/ function checkDeferredModules() {
/******/ var result;
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < deferredModules.length; i++) {
/******/ var deferredModule = deferredModules[i];
/******/ var fullfilled = true;
/******/ for(var j = 1; j < deferredModule.length; j++) {
/******/ var depId = deferredModule[j];
/******/ if(installedChunks[depId] !== 0) fullfilled = false;
/******/ }
/******/ if(fullfilled) {
/******/ deferredModules.splice(i--, 1);
/******/ result = __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = deferredModule[0]);
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ return result;
/******/ }
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // object to store loaded and loading chunks
/******/ var installedChunks = {
/******/ 2: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var deferredModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ i: moduleId,
/******/ l: false,
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.l = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
/******/ configurable: false,
/******/ enumerable: true,
/******/ get: getter
/******/ });
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ // define __esModule on exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
/******/ };
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
/******/ return getter;
/******/ };
/******/ //
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); };
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // add entry module to deferred list
/******/ deferredModules.push([7,4]);
/******/ // run deferred modules when ready
/******/ return checkDeferredModules();
/******/ })
/******/ ({
/***/ 8:
/***/ 7:
!*** ./pageC.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var utility2 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utility2 */ 5);
var utility3 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utility3 */ 7);
var utility2 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utility2 */ 3);
var utility3 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utility3 */ 6);
module.exports = "pageC";
/***/ })
/******/ });
# Info
@ -347,45 +623,43 @@ module.exports = "pageC";
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
vendor.js 5.47 KiB 0 [emitted] vendor
pageA.js 627 bytes 1 [emitted] pageA
pageB.js 408 bytes 2 [emitted] pageB
pageC.js 408 bytes 3 [emitted] pageC
pageA.js 5.6 KiB 0 [emitted] pageA
pageB.js 5.4 KiB 1 [emitted] pageB
pageC.js 5.34 KiB 2 [emitted] pageC
vendor.js 536 bytes 3 [emitted] vendor
common.js 466 bytes 4 [emitted] common
Entrypoint vendor = vendor.js
Entrypoint pageA = vendor.js common.js pageA.js
Entrypoint pageB = vendor.js common.js pageB.js
Entrypoint pageC = vendor.js common.js pageC.js
chunk {0} vendor.js (vendor) 94 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> vendor [0] multi ./vendor1 ./vendor2
[0] multi ./vendor1 ./vendor2 40 bytes {0} [built]
multi entry
[1] ./vendor1.js 27 bytes {0} [built]
single entry ./vendor1 [0] multi ./vendor1 ./vendor2 vendor:100000
[2] ./vendor2.js 27 bytes {0} [built]
single entry ./vendor2 [0] multi ./vendor1 ./vendor2 vendor:100001
chunk {1} pageA.js (pageA) 133 bytes {4} [initial] [rendered]
> pageA [3] ./pageA.js
[3] ./pageA.js 105 bytes {1} [built]
Entrypoint pageC = common.js pageC.js
chunk {0} pageA.js (pageA) 170 bytes ={3}= ={4}= [entry] [rendered]
> ./pageA pageA
[0] ./pageA.js 142 bytes {0} [built]
single entry ./pageA pageA
[4] ./utility1.js 28 bytes {1} [built]
cjs require ./utility1 [3] ./pageA.js 1:15-36
chunk {2} pageB.js (pageB) 105 bytes {4} [initial] [rendered]
> pageB [6] ./pageB.js
[6] ./pageB.js 105 bytes {2} [built]
[2] ./utility1.js 28 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./utility1 [0] ./pageA.js 2:15-36
chunk {1} pageB.js (pageB) 142 bytes ={3}= ={4}= [entry] [rendered]
> ./pageB pageB
[4] ./pageB.js 142 bytes {1} [built]
single entry ./pageB pageB
chunk {3} pageC.js (pageC) 105 bytes {4} [initial] [rendered]
> pageC [8] ./pageC.js
[8] ./pageC.js 105 bytes {3} [built]
chunk {2} pageC.js (pageC) 105 bytes ={4}= [entry] [rendered]
> ./pageC pageC
[7] ./pageC.js 105 bytes {2} [built]
single entry ./pageC pageC
chunk {4} common.js (common) 56 bytes {0} [initial] [rendered]
[5] ./utility2.js 28 bytes {4} [built]
cjs require ./utility2 [3] ./pageA.js 2:15-36
cjs require ./utility2 [6] ./pageB.js 1:15-36
cjs require ./utility2 [8] ./pageC.js 1:15-36
[7] ./utility3.js 28 bytes {4} [built]
cjs require ./utility3 [6] ./pageB.js 2:15-36
cjs require ./utility3 [8] ./pageC.js 2:15-36
chunk {3} vendor.js (vendor) 54 bytes ={4}= ={0}= ={1}= [initial] [rendered] split chunk (cache group: vendor) (name: vendor)
> ./pageA pageA
> ./pageB pageB
2 modules
chunk {4} common.js (common) 56 bytes ={2}= ={3}= ={1}= ={0}= [initial] [rendered] split chunk (name: common)
> ./pageC pageC
> ./pageB pageB
> ./pageA pageA
[3] ./utility2.js 28 bytes {4} [built]
cjs require ./utility2 [0] ./pageA.js 3:15-36
cjs require ./utility2 [4] ./pageB.js 2:15-36
cjs require ./utility2 [7] ./pageC.js 1:15-36
[6] ./utility3.js 28 bytes {4} [built]
cjs require ./utility3 [4] ./pageB.js 3:15-36
cjs require ./utility3 [7] ./pageC.js 2:15-36
## Production mode
@ -395,42 +669,40 @@ Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
common.js 132 bytes 0 [emitted] common
pageC.js 119 bytes 1 [emitted] pageC
pageB.js 119 bytes 2 [emitted] pageB
pageA.js 157 bytes 3 [emitted] pageA
vendor.js 1.17 KiB 4 [emitted] vendor
Entrypoint vendor = vendor.js
vendor.js 134 bytes 1 [emitted] vendor
pageC.js 1.1 KiB 2 [emitted] pageC
pageB.js 1.11 KiB 3 [emitted] pageB
pageA.js 1.15 KiB 4 [emitted] pageA
Entrypoint pageA = vendor.js common.js pageA.js
Entrypoint pageB = vendor.js common.js pageB.js
Entrypoint pageC = vendor.js common.js pageC.js
chunk {0} common.js (common) 56 bytes {4} [initial] [rendered]
Entrypoint pageC = common.js pageC.js
chunk {0} common.js (common) 56 bytes ={2}= ={1}= ={3}= ={4}= [initial] [rendered] split chunk (name: common)
> ./pageC pageC
> ./pageB pageB
> ./pageA pageA
[0] ./utility2.js 28 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./utility2 [2] ./pageC.js 1:15-36
cjs require ./utility2 [3] ./pageB.js 1:15-36
cjs require ./utility2 [5] ./pageA.js 2:15-36
cjs require ./utility2 [4] ./pageB.js 2:15-36
cjs require ./utility2 [7] ./pageA.js 3:15-36
[1] ./utility3.js 28 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./utility3 [2] ./pageC.js 2:15-36
cjs require ./utility3 [3] ./pageB.js 2:15-36
chunk {1} pageC.js (pageC) 105 bytes {0} [initial] [rendered]
> pageC [2] ./pageC.js
[2] ./pageC.js 105 bytes {1} [built]
cjs require ./utility3 [4] ./pageB.js 3:15-36
chunk {1} vendor.js (vendor) 54 bytes ={0}= ={4}= ={3}= [initial] [rendered] split chunk (cache group: vendor) (name: vendor)
> ./pageA pageA
> ./pageB pageB
2 modules
chunk {2} pageC.js (pageC) 105 bytes ={0}= [entry] [rendered]
> ./pageC pageC
[2] ./pageC.js 105 bytes {2} [built]
single entry ./pageC pageC
chunk {2} pageB.js (pageB) 105 bytes {0} [initial] [rendered]
> pageB [3] ./pageB.js
[3] ./pageB.js 105 bytes {2} [built]
chunk {3} pageB.js (pageB) 142 bytes ={1}= ={0}= [entry] [rendered]
> ./pageB pageB
[4] ./pageB.js 142 bytes {3} [built]
single entry ./pageB pageB
chunk {3} pageA.js (pageA) 133 bytes {0} [initial] [rendered]
> pageA [5] ./pageA.js
[4] ./utility1.js 28 bytes {3} [built]
cjs require ./utility1 [5] ./pageA.js 1:15-36
[5] ./pageA.js 105 bytes {3} [built]
chunk {4} pageA.js (pageA) 170 bytes ={1}= ={0}= [entry] [rendered]
> ./pageA pageA
[5] ./utility1.js 28 bytes {4} [built]
cjs require ./utility1 [7] ./pageA.js 2:15-36
[7] ./pageA.js 142 bytes {4} [built]
single entry ./pageA pageA
chunk {4} vendor.js (vendor) 94 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> vendor [8] multi ./vendor1 ./vendor2
[6] ./vendor2.js 27 bytes {4} [built]
single entry ./vendor2 [8] multi ./vendor1 ./vendor2 vendor:100001
[7] ./vendor1.js 27 bytes {4} [built]
single entry ./vendor1 [8] multi ./vendor1 ./vendor2 vendor:100000
[8] multi ./vendor1 ./vendor2 40 bytes {4} [built]
multi entry

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
var vendor1 = require('vendor1');
var utility1 = require('./utility1');
var utility2 = require('./utility2');
module.exports = "pageA";
module.exports = "pageA";

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
var vendor2 = require('vendor2');
var utility2 = require('./utility2');
var utility3 = require('./utility3');
module.exports = "pageB";
module.exports = "pageB";

View File

@ -1,25 +1,28 @@
var path = require("path");
var CommonsChunkPlugin = require("../../lib/optimize/CommonsChunkPlugin");
module.exports = {
// mode: "development" || "production",
entry: {
vendor: ["./vendor1", "./vendor2"],
pageA: "./pageA",
pageB: "./pageB",
pageC: "./pageC"
// older versions of webpack may require an empty entry point declaration here
// common: []
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
chunks: "initial",
minSize: 0, // This is example is too small to create commons chunks
name: "common",
cacheGroups: {
vendor: {
test: /node_modules/,
name: "vendor",
enforce: true
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, "dist"),
filename: "[name].js"
plugins: [
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
// The order of this array matters
names: ["common", "vendor"],
minChunks: 2

View File

@ -4,19 +4,20 @@ This example illustrates how common modules from deep ancestors of an entry poin
* `pageC` and `pageA` both require the `reusableComponent`
* `pageB` dynamically requires `PageC`
You can see that webpack outputs four files/chunks:
You can see that webpack outputs five files/chunks:
* `output.js` is the entry chunk and contains
* the module system
* chunk loading logic
* the entry point `example.js`
* module `reusableComponent`
* `0.output.js` is an additional chunk
* module `pageC`
* module `reusableComponent`
* `1.output.js` is an additional chunk
* module `pageB`
* `2.output.js` is an additional chunk
* module `pageA`
* `3.output.js` is an additional chunk
* module `pageC`
# example.js
@ -83,54 +84,24 @@ module.exports = function() {
``` javascript
"use strict";
const webpack = require("../../");
const path = require("path");
module.exports = [
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
main: ["./example.js"]
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"),
filename: "output.js"
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "main",
minChunks: 2,
children: true,
deepChildren: true,
optimization: {
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)
module.exports = {
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
main: ["./example.js"]
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
main: ["./example.js"]
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
minSize: 0 // This example is too small, in pratice you can use the defaults
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"),
filename: "asyncoutput.js"
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "main",
minChunks: 2,
async: true,
children: true,
deepChildren: true,
optimization: {
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"),
filename: "output.js"
# dist/output.js
@ -141,10 +112,12 @@ module.exports = [
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0], moreModules = data[1], executeModules = data[2];
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
@ -164,15 +137,16 @@ module.exports = [
/******/ };
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // object to store loaded and loading chunks
/******/ var installedChunks = {
/******/ 3: 0
/******/ 4: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var scheduledModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
@ -298,10 +272,12 @@ module.exports = [
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 1);
@ -320,305 +296,6 @@ module.exports = [
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var main = function() {
console.log("Main class");
__webpack_require__.e(/*! require.ensure */ 2).then((() => {
const page = __webpack_require__(/*! ./pageA */ 4);
}).bind(null, __webpack_require__)).catch(__webpack_require__.oe);
__webpack_require__.e(/*! require.ensure */ 1).then((() => {
const page = __webpack_require__(/*! ./pageB */ 3);
}).bind(null, __webpack_require__)).catch(__webpack_require__.oe);
/***/ }),
/* 1 */
!*** multi ./example.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./example.js */0);
/***/ }),
/* 2 */
!*** ./reusableComponent.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function() {
console.log("reusable Component");
/***/ })
/******/ ]);
# dist/0.output.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[0],{
/***/ 5:
!*** ./pageC.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var reusableComponent = __webpack_require__(/*! ./reusableComponent */ 2);
module.exports = function() {
console.log("Page C");
/***/ })
# dist/1.output.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[1],{
/***/ 3:
!*** ./pageB.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = function() {
console.log("Page B");
__webpack_require__.e(/*! require.ensure */ 0).then((()=>{
const page = __webpack_require__(/*! ./pageC */ 5);
}).bind(null, __webpack_require__)).catch(__webpack_require__.oe);
/***/ })
# dist/2.output.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[2],{
/***/ 4:
!*** ./pageA.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var reusableComponent = __webpack_require__(/*! ./reusableComponent */ 2);
module.exports = function() {
console.log("Page A");
/***/ })
# dist/asyncoutput.js
``` javascript
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0], moreModules = data[1], executeModules = data[2];
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
/******/ resolves.push(installedChunks[chunkId][0]);
/******/ }
/******/ installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;
/******/ }
/******/ for(moduleId in moreModules) {
/******/ if(, moduleId)) {
/******/ modules[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ if(parentJsonpFunction) parentJsonpFunction(data);
/******/ while(resolves.length) {
/******/ resolves.shift()();
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // object to store loaded and loading chunks
/******/ var installedChunks = {
/******/ 4: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var scheduledModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ i: moduleId,
/******/ l: false,
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.l = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // This file contains only the entry chunk.
/******/ // The chunk loading function for additional chunks
/******/ __webpack_require__.e = function requireEnsure(chunkId) {
/******/ var promises = [];
/******/ // JSONP chunk loading for javascript
/******/ var installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId];
/******/ if(installedChunkData !== 0) { // 0 means "already installed".
/******/ // a Promise means "currently loading".
/******/ if(installedChunkData) {
/******/ promises.push(installedChunkData[2]);
/******/ } else {
/******/ // setup Promise in chunk cache
/******/ var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
/******/ installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId] = [resolve, reject];
/******/ });
/******/ promises.push(installedChunkData[2] = promise);
/******/ // start chunk loading
/******/ var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
/******/ var script = document.createElement('script');
/******/ script.charset = 'utf-8';
/******/ script.timeout = 120000;
/******/ if ( {
/******/ script.setAttribute("nonce",;
/******/ }
/******/ script.src = __webpack_require__.p + "" + chunkId + ".asyncoutput.js";
/******/ var timeout = setTimeout(function(){
/******/ onScriptComplete({ type: 'timeout', target: script });
/******/ }, 120000);
/******/ script.onerror = script.onload = onScriptComplete;
/******/ function onScriptComplete(event) {
/******/ // avoid mem leaks in IE.
/******/ script.onerror = script.onload = null;
/******/ clearTimeout(timeout);
/******/ var chunk = installedChunks[chunkId];
/******/ if(chunk !== 0) {
/******/ if(chunk) {
/******/ var errorType = event && (event.type === 'load' ? 'missing' : event.type);
/******/ var realSrc = event && &&;
/******/ var error = new Error('Loading chunk ' + chunkId + ' failed.\n(' + errorType + ': ' + realSrc + ')');
/******/ error.type = errorType;
/******/ error.request = realSrc;
/******/ chunk[1](error);
/******/ }
/******/ installedChunks[chunkId] = undefined;
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ head.appendChild(script);
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ return Promise.all(promises);
/******/ };
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
/******/ configurable: false,
/******/ enumerable: true,
/******/ get: getter
/******/ });
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ // define __esModule on exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
/******/ };
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
/******/ return getter;
/******/ };
/******/ //
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); };
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // on error function for async loading
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 1);
/******/ })
/******/ ([
/* 0 */
!*** ./example.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var main = function() {
console.log("Main class");
Promise.all(/*! require.ensure */[__webpack_require__.e(0), __webpack_require__.e(2)]).then((() => {
@ -649,7 +326,7 @@ module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./example.js */0);
/******/ ]);
# dist/0.asyncoutput.js
# dist/0.output.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[0],{
@ -671,7 +348,7 @@ module.exports = function() {
# dist/1.asyncoutput.js
# dist/1.output.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[1],{
@ -697,7 +374,7 @@ module.exports = function() {
# dist/2.asyncoutput.js
# dist/2.output.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[2],{
@ -722,7 +399,7 @@ module.exports = function() {
# dist/3.asyncoutput.js
# dist/3.output.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[3],{
@ -754,68 +431,37 @@ module.exports = function() {
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.output.js 414 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.output.js 509 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.output.js 414 bytes 2 [emitted]
output.js 7.72 KiB 3 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 142 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [3] ./pageB.js 3:1-6:3
[5] ./pageC.js 142 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./pageC [3] ./pageB.js 4:15-33
chunk {1} 1.output.js 140 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 7:1-10:3
[3] ./pageB.js 140 bytes {1} [built]
cjs require ./pageB [0] ./example.js 8:15-33
chunk {2} 2.output.js 142 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 3:1-6:3
[4] ./pageA.js 142 bytes {2} [built]
cjs require ./pageA [0] ./example.js 4:15-33
chunk {3} output.js (main) 333 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [1] multi ./example.js
[0] ./example.js 233 bytes {3} [built]
single entry ./example.js [1] multi ./example.js main:100000
[1] multi ./example.js 28 bytes {3} [built]
multi entry
[2] ./reusableComponent.js 72 bytes {3} [built]
cjs require ./reusableComponent [4] ./pageA.js 1:24-54
cjs require ./reusableComponent [5] ./pageC.js 1:24-54
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.asyncoutput.js 340 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.asyncoutput.js 549 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.asyncoutput.js 414 bytes 2 [emitted]
3.asyncoutput.js 414 bytes 3 [emitted]
asyncoutput.js 7.5 KiB 4 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = asyncoutput.js
chunk {0} 0.asyncoutput.js 72 bytes {4} [rendered]
> async commons [0] ./example.js 3:1-6:3
> async commons [2] ./pageB.js 3:1-6:3
[4] ./reusableComponent.js 72 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./reusableComponent [3] ./pageA.js 1:24-54
cjs require ./reusableComponent [5] ./pageC.js 1:24-54
chunk {1} 1.asyncoutput.js 140 bytes {4} [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 7:1-10:3
[2] ./pageB.js 140 bytes {1} [built]
cjs require ./pageB [0] ./example.js 8:15-33
chunk {2} 2.asyncoutput.js 142 bytes {4} [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 3:1-6:3
[3] ./pageA.js 142 bytes {2} [built]
cjs require ./pageA [0] ./example.js 4:15-33
chunk {3} 3.asyncoutput.js 142 bytes {1} [rendered]
> [2] ./pageB.js 3:1-6:3
[5] ./pageC.js 142 bytes {3} [built]
cjs require ./pageC [2] ./pageB.js 4:15-33
chunk {4} asyncoutput.js (main) 261 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [1] multi ./example.js
[0] ./example.js 233 bytes {4} [built]
single entry ./example.js [1] multi ./example.js main:100000
[1] multi ./example.js 28 bytes {4} [built]
multi entry
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.output.js 340 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.output.js 549 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.output.js 414 bytes 2 [emitted]
3.output.js 414 bytes 3 [emitted]
output.js 7.53 KiB 4 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 72 bytes <{1}> <{4}> ={3}= ={2}= [rendered] split chunk
> [2] ./pageB.js 3:1-6:3
> [0] ./example.js 3:1-6:3
[4] ./reusableComponent.js 72 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./reusableComponent [3] ./pageA.js 1:24-54
cjs require ./reusableComponent [5] ./pageC.js 1:24-54
chunk {1} 1.output.js 140 bytes <{4}> >{0}< >{3}< [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 7:1-10:3
[2] ./pageB.js 140 bytes {1} [built]
cjs require ./pageB [0] ./example.js 8:15-33
chunk {2} 2.output.js 142 bytes <{4}> ={0}= [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 3:1-6:3
[3] ./pageA.js 142 bytes {2} [built]
cjs require ./pageA [0] ./example.js 4:15-33
chunk {3} 3.output.js 142 bytes <{1}> ={0}= [rendered]
> [2] ./pageB.js 3:1-6:3
[5] ./pageC.js 142 bytes {3} [built]
cjs require ./pageC [2] ./pageB.js 4:15-33
chunk {4} output.js (main) 261 bytes >{0}< >{2}< >{1}< [entry] [rendered]
> main
[0] ./example.js 233 bytes {4} [built]
single entry ./example.js [1] multi ./example.js main:100000
[1] multi ./example.js 28 bytes {4} [built]
multi entry
## Production mode
@ -823,66 +469,35 @@ Child
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.output.js 138 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.output.js 176 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.output.js 138 bytes 2 [emitted]
output.js 1.81 KiB 3 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 142 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [3] ./pageB.js 3:1-6:3
[5] ./pageC.js 142 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./pageC [3] ./pageB.js 4:15-33
chunk {1} 1.output.js 140 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 7:1-10:3
[3] ./pageB.js 140 bytes {1} [built]
cjs require ./pageB [0] ./example.js 8:15-33
chunk {2} 2.output.js 142 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 3:1-6:3
[4] ./pageA.js 142 bytes {2} [built]
cjs require ./pageA [0] ./example.js 4:15-33
chunk {3} output.js (main) 333 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [1] multi ./example.js
[0] ./example.js 233 bytes {3} [built]
single entry ./example.js [1] multi ./example.js main:100000
[1] multi ./example.js 28 bytes {3} [built]
multi entry
[2] ./reusableComponent.js 72 bytes {3} [built]
cjs require ./reusableComponent [4] ./pageA.js 1:24-54
cjs require ./reusableComponent [5] ./pageC.js 1:24-54
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.asyncoutput.js 133 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.asyncoutput.js 198 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.asyncoutput.js 138 bytes 2 [emitted]
3.asyncoutput.js 138 bytes 3 [emitted]
asyncoutput.js 1.76 KiB 4 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = asyncoutput.js
chunk {0} 0.asyncoutput.js 72 bytes {4} [rendered]
> async commons [0] ./example.js 3:1-6:3
> async commons [2] ./pageB.js 3:1-6:3
[4] ./reusableComponent.js 72 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./reusableComponent [3] ./pageA.js 1:24-54
cjs require ./reusableComponent [5] ./pageC.js 1:24-54
chunk {1} 1.asyncoutput.js 140 bytes {4} [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 7:1-10:3
[2] ./pageB.js 140 bytes {1} [built]
cjs require ./pageB [0] ./example.js 8:15-33
chunk {2} 2.asyncoutput.js 142 bytes {4} [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 3:1-6:3
[3] ./pageA.js 142 bytes {2} [built]
cjs require ./pageA [0] ./example.js 4:15-33
chunk {3} 3.asyncoutput.js 142 bytes {1} [rendered]
> [2] ./pageB.js 3:1-6:3
[5] ./pageC.js 142 bytes {3} [built]
cjs require ./pageC [2] ./pageB.js 4:15-33
chunk {4} asyncoutput.js (main) 261 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [1] multi ./example.js
[0] ./example.js 233 bytes {4} [built]
single entry ./example.js [1] multi ./example.js main:100000
[1] multi ./example.js 28 bytes {4} [built]
multi entry
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.output.js 133 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.output.js 198 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.output.js 138 bytes 2 [emitted]
3.output.js 138 bytes 3 [emitted]
output.js 1.76 KiB 4 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 72 bytes <{1}> <{4}> ={3}= ={2}= [rendered] split chunk
> [2] ./pageB.js 3:1-6:3
> [0] ./example.js 3:1-6:3
[4] ./reusableComponent.js 72 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./reusableComponent [3] ./pageA.js 1:24-54
cjs require ./reusableComponent [5] ./pageC.js 1:24-54
chunk {1} 1.output.js 140 bytes <{4}> >{0}< >{3}< [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 7:1-10:3
[2] ./pageB.js 140 bytes {1} [built]
cjs require ./pageB [0] ./example.js 8:15-33
chunk {2} 2.output.js 142 bytes <{4}> ={0}= [rendered]
> [0] ./example.js 3:1-6:3
[3] ./pageA.js 142 bytes {2} [built]
cjs require ./pageA [0] ./example.js 4:15-33
chunk {3} 3.output.js 142 bytes <{1}> ={0}= [rendered]
> [2] ./pageB.js 3:1-6:3
[5] ./pageC.js 142 bytes {3} [built]
cjs require ./pageC [2] ./pageB.js 4:15-33
chunk {4} output.js (main) 261 bytes >{0}< >{2}< >{1}< [entry] [rendered]
> main
[0] ./example.js 233 bytes {4} [built]
single entry ./example.js [1] multi ./example.js main:100000
[1] multi ./example.js 28 bytes {4} [built]
multi entry

View File

@ -4,19 +4,20 @@ This example illustrates how common modules from deep ancestors of an entry poin
* `pageC` and `pageA` both require the `reusableComponent`
* `pageB` dynamically requires `PageC`
You can see that webpack outputs four files/chunks:
You can see that webpack outputs five files/chunks:
* `output.js` is the entry chunk and contains
* the module system
* chunk loading logic
* the entry point `example.js`
* module `reusableComponent`
* `0.output.js` is an additional chunk
* module `pageC`
* module `reusableComponent`
* `1.output.js` is an additional chunk
* module `pageB`
* `2.output.js` is an additional chunk
* module `pageA`
* `3.output.js` is an additional chunk
* module `pageC`
# example.js
@ -79,34 +80,10 @@ You can see that webpack outputs four files/chunks:
# dist/asyncoutput.js
# dist/3.output.js
``` javascript
# dist/0.asyncoutput.js
``` javascript
# dist/1.asyncoutput.js
``` javascript
# dist/2.asyncoutput.js
``` javascript
# dist/3.asyncoutput.js
``` javascript
# Info

View File

@ -1,49 +1,19 @@
"use strict";
const webpack = require("../../");
const path = require("path");
module.exports = [
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
main: ["./example.js"]
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"),
filename: "output.js"
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "main",
minChunks: 2,
children: true,
deepChildren: true,
optimization: {
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)
module.exports = {
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
main: ["./example.js"]
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
main: ["./example.js"]
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
minSize: 0 // This example is too small, in pratice you can use the defaults
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"),
filename: "asyncoutput.js"
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "main",
minChunks: 2,
async: true,
children: true,
deepChildren: true,
optimization: {
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"),
filename: "output.js"

View File

@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ exports.add = function() {
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -168,10 +169,10 @@ exports.add = function() {
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
output.js 3.43 KiB 0 [emitted] main
output.js 3.44 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} output.js (main) 329 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
> .\example.js main
[0] ./example.js 69 bytes {0} [built]
single entry .\example.js main
[1] ./increment.js 98 bytes {0} [built]
@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ Version: webpack next
output.js 740 bytes 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} output.js (main) 329 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [2] ./example.js
> .\example.js main
[0] ./math.js 162 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./math [1] ./increment.js 1:10-27
[1] ./increment.js 98 bytes {0} [built]

View File

@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
# example.js
``` javascript
# style.css
``` css
body {
background: url(image.png);
# webpack.config.js
``` javascript
const LoaderOptionsPlugin = require("../../lib/LoaderOptionsPlugin");
const ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
// mode: "development" || "production",
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
use: "css-loader"
{ test: /\.png$/, loader: "file-loader" }
plugins: [
new ExtractTextPlugin({
filename: "style.css",
allChunks: true
// Temporary workaround for the file-loader
new LoaderOptionsPlugin({
options: {}
# dist/output.js
<details><summary><code>/******/ (function(modules) { /* webpackBootstrap */ })</code></summary>
``` javascript
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ i: moduleId,
/******/ l: false,
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.l = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
/******/ configurable: false,
/******/ enumerable: true,
/******/ get: getter
/******/ });
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ // define __esModule on exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
/******/ };
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
/******/ return getter;
/******/ };
/******/ //
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); };
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
``` javascript
/******/ ([
/* 0 */
!*** ./example.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
__webpack_require__(/*! ./style.css */ 1);
/***/ }),
/* 1 */
!*** ./style.css ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
// removed by extract-text-webpack-plugin
/***/ })
/******/ ]);
# dist/style.css
``` css
body {
background: url(dist/ce21cbdd9b894e6af794813eb3fdaf60.png);
# Info
## Unoptimized
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
ce21cbdd9b894e6af794813eb3fdaf60.png 119 bytes [emitted]
output.js 2.97 KiB 0 [emitted] main
style.css 71 bytes 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js style.css
chunk {0} output.js, style.css (main) 64 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
[0] ./example.js 23 bytes {0} [built]
single entry .\example.js main
[1] ./style.css 41 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./style.css [0] ./example.js 1:0-22
Child extract-text-webpack-plugin ../../node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist ../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!style.css:
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
ce21cbdd9b894e6af794813eb3fdaf60.png 119 bytes [emitted]
Entrypoint undefined = extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename
chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 2.51 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> [0] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css
[0] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css 231 bytes {0} [built]
single entry !!(webpack)\node_modules\css-loader\index.js!.\style.css
[2] ./image.png 82 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./image.png [0] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css 6:58-80
+ 1 hidden module
## Production mode
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
ce21cbdd9b894e6af794813eb3fdaf60.png 119 bytes [emitted]
output.js 572 bytes 0 [emitted] main
style.css 71 bytes 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js style.css
chunk {0} output.js, style.css (main) 64 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [1] ./example.js
[0] ./style.css 41 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./style.css [1] ./example.js 1:0-22
[1] ./example.js 23 bytes {0} [built]
single entry .\example.js main
Child extract-text-webpack-plugin ../../node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist ../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!style.css:
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
ce21cbdd9b894e6af794813eb3fdaf60.png 119 bytes [emitted]
Entrypoint undefined = extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename
chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 2.51 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> [2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css
[0] ./image.png 82 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./image.png [2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css 6:58-80
[2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css 231 bytes {0} [built]
single entry !!(webpack)\node_modules\css-loader\index.js!.\style.css
+ 1 hidden module

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 119 B

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
body {
background: url(image.png);

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
# example.js
``` javascript
# style.css
``` css
# webpack.config.js
``` javascript
# dist/output.js
``` javascript
# dist/style.css
``` css
# Info
## Unoptimized
## Production mode

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
const LoaderOptionsPlugin = require("../../lib/LoaderOptionsPlugin");
const ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
// mode: "development" || "production",
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
use: "css-loader"
{ test: /\.png$/, loader: "file-loader" }
plugins: [
new ExtractTextPlugin({
filename: "style.css",
allChunks: true
// Temporary workaround for the file-loader
new LoaderOptionsPlugin({
options: {}

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ export function square(n) {
# dist/vendor.js
``` javascript
var vendor_lib_3312d7a9aacfa149e455 =
var vendor_lib_9ee2f174307b7ef21301 =
<details><summary><code>/******/ (function(modules) { /* webpackBootstrap */ })</code></summary>
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ var vendor_lib_3312d7a9aacfa149e455 =
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ function square(n) {
# dist/vendor-manifest.json
``` javascript
# Info
@ -167,10 +168,10 @@ function square(n) {
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
vendor.js 3.31 KiB 0 [emitted] main
vendor.js 3.32 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = vendor.js
chunk {0} vendor.js (main) 60 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] dll main
> main
[0] dll main 12 bytes {0} [built]
dll entry
@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ Version: webpack next
vendor.js 704 bytes 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = vendor.js
chunk {0} vendor.js (main) 60 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [1] dll main
> main
[1] dll main 12 bytes {0} [built]
dll entry

View File

@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ console.log(new square(7));
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -146,22 +147,22 @@ console.log(new example_vendor__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["square"](7));
/***/ }),
/* 1 */
!*** delegated ../node_modules/example-vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_lib_3312d7a9aacfa149e455 ***!
!*** delegated ../node_modules/example-vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_lib_9ee2f174307b7ef21301 ***!
/*! exports provided: square */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = (__webpack_require__(/*! dll-reference vendor_lib_3312d7a9aacfa149e455 */ 2))(1);
module.exports = (__webpack_require__(/*! dll-reference vendor_lib_9ee2f174307b7ef21301 */ 2))(1);
/***/ }),
/* 2 */
!*** external "vendor_lib_3312d7a9aacfa149e455" ***!
!*** external "vendor_lib_9ee2f174307b7ef21301" ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = vendor_lib_3312d7a9aacfa149e455;
module.exports = vendor_lib_9ee2f174307b7ef21301;
/***/ })
/******/ ]);
@ -174,21 +175,21 @@ module.exports = vendor_lib_3312d7a9aacfa149e455;
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
app.js 3.89 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
app.js 3.9 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = app.js
chunk {0} app.js (main) 182 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example-app.js
> ./example-app main
[0] ./example-app.js 98 bytes {0} [built]
[no exports]
single entry ./example-app main
[1] delegated ../node_modules/example-vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_lib_3312d7a9aacfa149e455 42 bytes {0} [built]
[1] delegated ../node_modules/example-vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_lib_9ee2f174307b7ef21301 42 bytes {0} [built]
[exports: square]
harmony side effect evaluation example-vendor [0] ./example-app.js 1:0-40
harmony import specifier example-vendor [0] ./example-app.js 3:12-18
harmony import specifier example-vendor [0] ./example-app.js 4:16-22
[2] external "vendor_lib_3312d7a9aacfa149e455" 42 bytes {0} [built]
delegated source dll-reference vendor_lib_3312d7a9aacfa149e455 [1] delegated ../node_modules/example-vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_lib_3312d7a9aacfa149e455
[2] external "vendor_lib_9ee2f174307b7ef21301" 42 bytes {0} [built]
delegated source dll-reference vendor_lib_9ee2f174307b7ef21301 [1] delegated ../node_modules/example-vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_lib_9ee2f174307b7ef21301
## Production mode
@ -200,14 +201,14 @@ Version: webpack next
app.js 736 bytes 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = app.js
chunk {0} app.js (main) 182 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [2] ./example-app.js
[0] delegated ../node_modules/example-vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_lib_3312d7a9aacfa149e455 42 bytes {0} [built]
> ./example-app main
[0] delegated ../node_modules/example-vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_lib_9ee2f174307b7ef21301 42 bytes {0} [built]
[exports: square]
harmony side effect evaluation example-vendor [2] ./example-app.js 1:0-40
harmony import specifier example-vendor [2] ./example-app.js 3:12-18
harmony import specifier example-vendor [2] ./example-app.js 4:16-22
[1] external "vendor_lib_3312d7a9aacfa149e455" 42 bytes {0} [built]
delegated source dll-reference vendor_lib_3312d7a9aacfa149e455 [0] delegated ../node_modules/example-vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_lib_3312d7a9aacfa149e455
[1] external "vendor_lib_9ee2f174307b7ef21301" 42 bytes {0} [built]
delegated source dll-reference vendor_lib_9ee2f174307b7ef21301 [0] delegated ../node_modules/example-vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_lib_9ee2f174307b7ef21301
[2] ./example-app.js 98 bytes {0} [built]
[no exports]
single entry ./example-app main

View File

@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ console.log(require("module"));
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -139,82 +140,82 @@ console.log(__webpack_require__(/*! module */ 8));
/***/ }),
/* 1 */
!*** delegated ./alpha.js from dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec ***!
!*** delegated ./alpha.js from dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = (__webpack_require__(/*! dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec */ 2))(1);
module.exports = (__webpack_require__(/*! dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 */ 2))(1);
/***/ }),
/* 2 */
!*** external "alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec" ***!
!*** external "alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8" ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec;
module.exports = alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8;
/***/ }),
/* 3 */
!*** delegated ./a.js from dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec ***!
!*** delegated ./a.js from dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = (__webpack_require__(/*! dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec */ 2))(2);
module.exports = (__webpack_require__(/*! dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 */ 2))(2);
/***/ }),
/* 4 */
!*** delegated ./beta.js from dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec ***!
!*** delegated ./beta.js from dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = (__webpack_require__(/*! dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec */ 5))(5);
module.exports = (__webpack_require__(/*! dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 */ 5))(5);
/***/ }),
/* 5 */
!*** external "beta_100e8e712194d1301cec" ***!
!*** external "beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8" ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = beta_100e8e712194d1301cec;
module.exports = beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8;
/***/ }),
/* 6 */
!*** delegated ./b.js from dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec ***!
!*** delegated ./b.js from dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = (__webpack_require__(/*! dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec */ 5))(6);
module.exports = (__webpack_require__(/*! dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 */ 5))(6);
/***/ }),
/* 7 */
!*** delegated ./c.jsx from dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec ***!
!*** delegated ./c.jsx from dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = (__webpack_require__(/*! dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec */ 5))(7);
module.exports = (__webpack_require__(/*! dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 */ 5))(7);
/***/ }),
/* 8 */
!*** delegated ../node_modules/module.js from dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec ***!
!*** delegated ../node_modules/module.js from dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = (__webpack_require__(/*! dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec */ 2))(3);
module.exports = (__webpack_require__(/*! dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 */ 2))(3);
/***/ })
/******/ ]);
@ -228,31 +229,31 @@ module.exports = (__webpack_require__(/*! dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301c
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
output.js 6.18 KiB 0 [emitted] main
output.js 6.19 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} output.js (main) 549 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
> .\example.js main
[0] ./example.js 213 bytes {0} [built]
single entry .\example.js main
[1] delegated ./alpha.js from dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec 42 bytes {0} [built]
[1] delegated ./alpha.js from dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 42 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ../dll/alpha [0] ./example.js 1:12-35
[2] external "alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec" 42 bytes {0} [built]
delegated source dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec [1] delegated ./alpha.js from dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec
delegated source dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec [3] delegated ./a.js from dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec
delegated source dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec [8] delegated ../node_modules/module.js from dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec
[3] delegated ./a.js from dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec 42 bytes {0} [built]
[2] external "alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8" 42 bytes {0} [built]
delegated source dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 [1] delegated ./alpha.js from dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8
delegated source dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 [3] delegated ./a.js from dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8
delegated source dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 [8] delegated ../node_modules/module.js from dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8
[3] delegated ./a.js from dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 42 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ../dll/a [0] ./example.js 2:12-31
[4] delegated ./beta.js from dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec 42 bytes {0} [built]
[4] delegated ./beta.js from dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 42 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require beta/beta [0] ./example.js 4:12-32
[5] external "beta_100e8e712194d1301cec" 42 bytes {0} [built]
delegated source dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec [4] delegated ./beta.js from dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec
delegated source dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec [6] delegated ./b.js from dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec
delegated source dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec [7] delegated ./c.jsx from dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec
[6] delegated ./b.js from dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec 42 bytes {0} [built]
[5] external "beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8" 42 bytes {0} [built]
delegated source dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 [4] delegated ./beta.js from dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8
delegated source dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 [6] delegated ./b.js from dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8
delegated source dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 [7] delegated ./c.jsx from dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8
[6] delegated ./b.js from dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 42 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require beta/b [0] ./example.js 5:12-29
[7] delegated ./c.jsx from dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec 42 bytes {0} [built]
[7] delegated ./c.jsx from dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 42 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require beta/c [0] ./example.js 6:12-29
[8] delegated ../node_modules/module.js from dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec 42 bytes {0} [built]
[8] delegated ../node_modules/module.js from dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 42 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require module [0] ./example.js 8:12-29
@ -265,26 +266,26 @@ Version: webpack next
output.js 972 bytes 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} output.js (main) 549 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [8] ./example.js
[0] external "beta_100e8e712194d1301cec" 42 bytes {0} [built]
delegated source dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec [3] delegated ./c.jsx from dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec
delegated source dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec [4] delegated ./b.js from dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec
delegated source dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec [5] delegated ./beta.js from dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec
[1] external "alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec" 42 bytes {0} [built]
delegated source dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec [2] delegated ../node_modules/module.js from dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec
delegated source dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec [6] delegated ./a.js from dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec
delegated source dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec [7] delegated ./alpha.js from dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec
[2] delegated ../node_modules/module.js from dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec 42 bytes {0} [built]
> .\example.js main
[0] external "beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8" 42 bytes {0} [built]
delegated source dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 [3] delegated ./c.jsx from dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8
delegated source dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 [4] delegated ./b.js from dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8
delegated source dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 [5] delegated ./beta.js from dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8
[1] external "alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8" 42 bytes {0} [built]
delegated source dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 [2] delegated ../node_modules/module.js from dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8
delegated source dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 [6] delegated ./a.js from dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8
delegated source dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 [7] delegated ./alpha.js from dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8
[2] delegated ../node_modules/module.js from dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 42 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require module [8] ./example.js 8:12-29
[3] delegated ./c.jsx from dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec 42 bytes {0} [built]
[3] delegated ./c.jsx from dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 42 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require beta/c [8] ./example.js 6:12-29
[4] delegated ./b.js from dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec 42 bytes {0} [built]
[4] delegated ./b.js from dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 42 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require beta/b [8] ./example.js 5:12-29
[5] delegated ./beta.js from dll-reference beta_100e8e712194d1301cec 42 bytes {0} [built]
[5] delegated ./beta.js from dll-reference beta_e92bad326fecff628fb8 42 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require beta/beta [8] ./example.js 4:12-32
[6] delegated ./a.js from dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec 42 bytes {0} [built]
[6] delegated ./a.js from dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 42 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ../dll/a [8] ./example.js 2:12-31
[7] delegated ./alpha.js from dll-reference alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec 42 bytes {0} [built]
[7] delegated ./alpha.js from dll-reference alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 42 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ../dll/alpha [8] ./example.js 1:12-35
[8] ./example.js 213 bytes {0} [built]
single entry .\example.js main

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module.exports = {
# dist/MyDll.alpha.js
``` javascript
var alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec =
var alpha_e92bad326fecff628fb8 =
<details><summary><code>/******/ (function(modules) { /* webpackBootstrap */ })</code></summary>
@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ var alpha_100e8e712194d1301cec =
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ module.exports = "module";
# dist/alpha-manifest.json
``` javascript
# Info
@ -178,12 +179,12 @@ module.exports = "module";
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
MyDll.alpha.js 3.45 KiB 0 [emitted] alpha
MyDll.beta.js 3.42 KiB 1 [emitted] beta
MyDll.alpha.js 3.46 KiB 0 [emitted] alpha
MyDll.beta.js 3.43 KiB 1 [emitted] beta
Entrypoint alpha = MyDll.alpha.js
Entrypoint beta = MyDll.beta.js
chunk {0} MyDll.alpha.js (alpha) 84 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> alpha [0] dll alpha
> alpha
[0] dll alpha 12 bytes {0} [built]
dll entry
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single entry ./a [0] dll alpha alpha:1
+ 1 hidden module
chunk {1} MyDll.beta.js (beta) 80 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> beta [4] dll beta
> beta
[4] dll beta 12 bytes {1} [built]
dll entry
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Entrypoint alpha = MyDll.alpha.js
Entrypoint beta = MyDll.beta.js
chunk {0} MyDll.beta.js (beta) 80 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> beta [3] dll beta
> beta
[0] ./c.jsx 23 bytes {0} [built]
single entry ./c [3] dll beta beta:2
@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ chunk {0} MyDll.beta.js (beta) 80 bytes [entry] [rendered]
dll entry
chunk {1} MyDll.alpha.js (alpha) 84 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> alpha [7] dll alpha
> alpha
[5] ./a.js 21 bytes {1} [built]
single entry ./a [7] dll alpha alpha:1

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ module.exports = [
# dist/vendor.js
``` javascript
var vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162 =
var vendor_36000db9190edee14765 =
<details><summary><code>/******/ (function(modules) { /* webpackBootstrap */ })</code></summary>
@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ var vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162 =
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -231,6 +232,7 @@ module.exports = "Vendor2";
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -249,22 +251,22 @@ module.exports = "pageA";
/***/ }),
/* 1 */
!*** delegated ./vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162 ***!
!*** delegated ./vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_36000db9190edee14765 ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module.exports = (__webpack_require__(/*! dll-reference vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162 */ 2))(1);
module.exports = (__webpack_require__(/*! dll-reference vendor_36000db9190edee14765 */ 2))(1);
/***/ }),
/* 2 */
!*** external "vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162" ***!
!*** external "vendor_36000db9190edee14765" ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162;
module.exports = vendor_36000db9190edee14765;
/***/ })
/******/ ]);
@ -280,10 +282,10 @@ Version: webpack next
Child vendor:
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
vendor.js 3.23 KiB 0 [emitted] main
vendor.js 3.24 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = vendor.js
chunk {0} vendor.js (main) 65 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] dll main
> main
[0] dll main 12 bytes {0} [built]
dll entry
@ -296,32 +298,32 @@ Child vendor:
Child app:
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
pageA.js 3.52 KiB 0 [emitted] pageA
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Entrypoint pageA = pageA.js
Entrypoint pageB = pageB.js
Entrypoint pageC = pageC.js
chunk {0} pageA.js (pageA) 144 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageA [0] ./pageA.js
> ./pageA pageA
[0] ./pageA.js 60 bytes {0} [built]
single entry ./pageA pageA
[1] delegated ./vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162 42 bytes {0} [built]
[1] delegated ./vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_36000db9190edee14765 42 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./vendor [0] ./pageA.js 1:12-31
[2] external "vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162" 42 bytes {0} {1} [built]
delegated source dll-reference vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162 [1] delegated ./vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162
delegated source dll-reference vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162 [4] delegated ./vendor2.js from dll-reference vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162
[2] external "vendor_36000db9190edee14765" 42 bytes {0} {1} [built]
delegated source dll-reference vendor_36000db9190edee14765 [1] delegated ./vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_36000db9190edee14765
delegated source dll-reference vendor_36000db9190edee14765 [4] delegated ./vendor2.js from dll-reference vendor_36000db9190edee14765
chunk {1} pageB.js (pageB) 145 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageB [3] ./pageB.js
[2] external "vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162" 42 bytes {0} {1} [built]
delegated source dll-reference vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162 [1] delegated ./vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162
delegated source dll-reference vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162 [4] delegated ./vendor2.js from dll-reference vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162
> ./pageB pageB
[2] external "vendor_36000db9190edee14765" 42 bytes {0} {1} [built]
delegated source dll-reference vendor_36000db9190edee14765 [1] delegated ./vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_36000db9190edee14765
delegated source dll-reference vendor_36000db9190edee14765 [4] delegated ./vendor2.js from dll-reference vendor_36000db9190edee14765
[3] ./pageB.js 61 bytes {1} [built]
single entry ./pageB pageB
[4] delegated ./vendor2.js from dll-reference vendor_44a43fa9f51c57e4a162 42 bytes {1} [built]
[4] delegated ./vendor2.js from dll-reference vendor_36000db9190edee14765 42 bytes {1} [built]
cjs require ./vendor2 [3] ./pageB.js 1:12-32
chunk {2} pageC.js (pageC) 25 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageC [5] ./pageC.js
> ./pageC pageC
[5] ./pageC.js 25 bytes {2} [built]
single entry ./pageC pageC
@ -337,7 +339,7 @@ Child vendor:
vendor.js 670 bytes 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = vendor.js
chunk {0} vendor.js (main) 65 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [2] dll main
> main
[0] ./vendor2.js 27 bytes {0} [built]
single entry ./vendor2 [2] dll main main:1
@ -357,24 +359,24 @@ Child app:
Entrypoint pageB = pageB.js
Entrypoint pageC = pageC.js
chunk {0} pageC.js (pageC) 25 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageC [1] ./pageC.js
> ./pageC pageC
[1] ./pageC.js 25 bytes {0} [built]
single entry ./pageC pageC
chunk {1} pageB.js (pageB) 145 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageB [3] ./pageB.js
[0] external "vendor_4931cea4c9b3fadeb2db" 42 bytes {1} {2} [built]
delegated source dll-reference vendor_4931cea4c9b3fadeb2db [2] delegated ./vendor2.js from dll-reference vendor_4931cea4c9b3fadeb2db
delegated source dll-reference vendor_4931cea4c9b3fadeb2db [4] delegated ./vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_4931cea4c9b3fadeb2db
[2] delegated ./vendor2.js from dll-reference vendor_4931cea4c9b3fadeb2db 42 bytes {1} [built]
> ./pageB pageB
[0] external "vendor_bca8264c25e79f49ad09" 42 bytes {1} {2} [built]
delegated source dll-reference vendor_bca8264c25e79f49ad09 [2] delegated ./vendor2.js from dll-reference vendor_bca8264c25e79f49ad09
delegated source dll-reference vendor_bca8264c25e79f49ad09 [4] delegated ./vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_bca8264c25e79f49ad09
[2] delegated ./vendor2.js from dll-reference vendor_bca8264c25e79f49ad09 42 bytes {1} [built]
cjs require ./vendor2 [3] ./pageB.js 1:12-32
[3] ./pageB.js 61 bytes {1} [built]
single entry ./pageB pageB
chunk {2} pageA.js (pageA) 144 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageA [5] ./pageA.js
[0] external "vendor_4931cea4c9b3fadeb2db" 42 bytes {1} {2} [built]
delegated source dll-reference vendor_4931cea4c9b3fadeb2db [2] delegated ./vendor2.js from dll-reference vendor_4931cea4c9b3fadeb2db
delegated source dll-reference vendor_4931cea4c9b3fadeb2db [4] delegated ./vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_4931cea4c9b3fadeb2db
[4] delegated ./vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_4931cea4c9b3fadeb2db 42 bytes {2} [built]
> ./pageA pageA
[0] external "vendor_bca8264c25e79f49ad09" 42 bytes {1} {2} [built]
delegated source dll-reference vendor_bca8264c25e79f49ad09 [2] delegated ./vendor2.js from dll-reference vendor_bca8264c25e79f49ad09
delegated source dll-reference vendor_bca8264c25e79f49ad09 [4] delegated ./vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_bca8264c25e79f49ad09
[4] delegated ./vendor.js from dll-reference vendor_bca8264c25e79f49ad09 42 bytes {2} [built]
cjs require ./vendor [5] ./pageA.js 1:12-31
[5] ./pageA.js 60 bytes {2} [built]
single entry ./pageA pageA

View File

@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -184,10 +185,10 @@ module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE__2__;
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
output.js 4.16 KiB 0 [emitted] main
output.js 4.17 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} output.js (main) 197 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
> .\example.js main
[0] ./example.js 113 bytes {0} [built]
single entry .\example.js main
[1] external "add" 42 bytes {0} [built]
@ -205,7 +206,7 @@ Version: webpack next
output.js 1.02 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} output.js (main) 197 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [2] ./example.js
> .\example.js main
[0] external {"root":"subtract","commonjs2":"./subtract","commonjs":["./math","subtract"],"amd":"subtract"} 42 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require subtract [2] ./example.js 2:15-34
[1] external "add" 42 bytes {0} [built]

View File

@ -24,25 +24,12 @@ require.ensure(["./a", "./e"], function(require) {
# webpack.config.js
``` javascript
var CommonsChunkPlugin = require("../../lib/optimize/CommonsChunkPlugin");
module.exports = {
// mode: "development || "production",
plugins: [
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "main",
async: "async1"
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "main",
async: "async2",
minChunks: 2
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
async: true
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
minSize: 0 // This example is too small
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)
@ -56,10 +43,12 @@ module.exports = {
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0], moreModules = data[1], executeModules = data[2];
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
@ -79,6 +68,7 @@ module.exports = {
/******/ };
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
@ -87,7 +77,7 @@ module.exports = {
/******/ 7: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var scheduledModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
@ -213,10 +203,12 @@ module.exports = {
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 2);
@ -236,19 +228,19 @@ module.exports = {
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
Promise.all(/*! AMD require | duplicate */[__webpack_require__.e(4), __webpack_require__.e(0), __webpack_require__.e(1)]).then(function() { var __WEBPACK_AMD_REQUIRE_ARRAY__ = [__webpack_require__(/*! ./a */ 1), __webpack_require__(/*! ./b */ 0), __webpack_require__(/*! ./c */ 7)]; (function(a, b, c) {}).apply(null, __WEBPACK_AMD_REQUIRE_ARRAY__);}).catch(__webpack_require__.oe);
Promise.all(/*! AMD require */[__webpack_require__.e(0), __webpack_require__.e(1), __webpack_require__.e(4)]).then(function() { var __WEBPACK_AMD_REQUIRE_ARRAY__ = [__webpack_require__(/*! ./a */ 1), __webpack_require__(/*! ./b */ 0), __webpack_require__(/*! ./c */ 7)]; (function(a, b, c) {}).apply(null, __WEBPACK_AMD_REQUIRE_ARRAY__);}).catch(__webpack_require__.oe);
Promise.all(/*! require.ensure | duplicate */[__webpack_require__.e(3), __webpack_require__.e(0), __webpack_require__.e(1)]).then((function(require) {
Promise.all(/*! require.ensure */[__webpack_require__.e(0), __webpack_require__.e(1), __webpack_require__.e(3)]).then((function(require) {
__webpack_require__(/*! ./b */ 0);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./d */ 6);
}).bind(null, __webpack_require__)).catch(__webpack_require__.oe);
Promise.all(/*! require.ensure */[__webpack_require__.e(2), __webpack_require__.e(1)]).then((function(require) {
Promise.all(/*! require.ensure */[__webpack_require__.e(0), __webpack_require__.e(2)]).then((function(require) {
__webpack_require__(/*! ./a */ 1);
Promise.all(/*! require.ensure | duplicate */[__webpack_require__.e(6), __webpack_require__.e(0)]).then((function(require) {
Promise.all(/*! require.ensure */[__webpack_require__.e(1), __webpack_require__.e(6)]).then((function(require) {
__webpack_require__(/*! ./f */ 4);
}).bind(null, __webpack_require__)).catch(__webpack_require__.oe);
Promise.all(/*! require.ensure | duplicate */[__webpack_require__.e(5), __webpack_require__.e(0)]).then((function(require) {
Promise.all(/*! require.ensure */[__webpack_require__.e(1), __webpack_require__.e(5)]).then((function(require) {
__webpack_require__(/*! ./g */ 3);
}).bind(null, __webpack_require__)).catch(__webpack_require__.oe);
}).bind(null, __webpack_require__)).catch(__webpack_require__.oe);
@ -267,56 +259,56 @@ Promise.all(/*! require.ensure */[__webpack_require__.e(2), __webpack_require__.
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.output.js 238 bytes 0 [emitted] async2
1.output.js 247 bytes 1 [emitted] async1
0.output.js 247 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.output.js 238 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.output.js 241 bytes 2 [emitted]
3.output.js 241 bytes 3 [emitted]
4.output.js 241 bytes 4 [emitted]
5.output.js 241 bytes 5 [emitted]
6.output.js 241 bytes 6 [emitted]
output.js 8.09 KiB 7 [emitted] main
output.js 8.07 KiB 7 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js (async2) 21 bytes {2} {7} [rendered]
> async commons duplicate [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
> async commons duplicate [2] ./example.js 3:0-6:2
> async commons duplicate [2] ./example.js 10:1-12:3
> async commons duplicate [2] ./example.js 13:1-15:3
[0] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} [built]
amd require ./b [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
cjs require ./b [2] ./example.js 4:1-15
require.ensure item ./b [2] ./example.js 10:1-12:3
require.ensure item ./b [2] ./example.js 13:1-15:3
chunk {1} 1.output.js (async1) 21 bytes {7} [rendered]
> async commons [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
> async commons [2] ./example.js 3:0-6:2
> async commons [2] ./example.js 8:0-16:2
[1] ./a.js 21 bytes {1} [built]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 21 bytes <{7}> ={2}= ={1}= ={3}= ={4}= >{1}< >{5}< >{6}< [rendered] split chunk
> [2] ./example.js 8:0-16:2
> [2] ./example.js 3:0-6:2
> ./a ./b ./c [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
[1] ./a.js 21 bytes {0} [built]
amd require ./a [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
require.ensure item ./a [2] ./example.js 3:0-6:2
require.ensure item ./a [2] ./example.js 8:0-16:2
cjs require ./a [2] ./example.js 9:1-15
chunk {2} 2.output.js 21 bytes {7} [rendered]
chunk {1} 1.output.js 21 bytes <{0}> <{2}> <{7}> ={5}= ={6}= ={0}= ={3}= ={4}= [rendered] split chunk
> [2] ./example.js 13:1-15:3
> [2] ./example.js 10:1-12:3
> [2] ./example.js 3:0-6:2
> ./a ./b ./c [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
[0] ./b.js 21 bytes {1} [built]
amd require ./b [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
cjs require ./b [2] ./example.js 4:1-15
require.ensure item ./b [2] ./example.js 10:1-12:3
require.ensure item ./b [2] ./example.js 13:1-15:3
chunk {2} 2.output.js 21 bytes <{7}> ={0}= >{1}< >{5}< >{6}< [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 8:0-16:2
[5] ./e.js 21 bytes {2} [built]
require.ensure item ./e [2] ./example.js 8:0-16:2
chunk {3} 3.output.js 21 bytes {7} [rendered]
chunk {3} 3.output.js 21 bytes <{7}> ={0}= ={1}= [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 3:0-6:2
[6] ./d.js 21 bytes {3} [built]
cjs require ./d [2] ./example.js 5:1-15
chunk {4} 4.output.js 21 bytes {7} [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
chunk {4} 4.output.js 21 bytes <{7}> ={0}= ={1}= [rendered]
> ./a ./b ./c [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
[7] ./c.js 21 bytes {4} [built]
amd require ./c [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
chunk {5} 5.output.js 21 bytes {2} [rendered]
chunk {5} 5.output.js 21 bytes <{0}> <{2}> ={1}= [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 13:1-15:3
[3] ./g.js 21 bytes {5} [built]
cjs require ./g [2] ./example.js 14:2-16
chunk {6} 6.output.js 21 bytes {2} [rendered]
chunk {6} 6.output.js 21 bytes <{0}> <{2}> ={1}= [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 10:1-12:3
[4] ./f.js 21 bytes {6} [built]
cjs require ./f [2] ./example.js 11:2-16
chunk {7} output.js (main) 362 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [2] ./example.js
chunk {7} output.js (main) 362 bytes >{0}< >{1}< >{3}< >{4}< >{2}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[2] ./example.js 362 bytes {7} [built]
single entry .\example.js main
@ -327,8 +319,8 @@ chunk {7} output.js (main) 362 bytes [entry] [rendered]
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.output.js 89 bytes 0 [emitted] async2
1.output.js 90 bytes 1 [emitted] async1
0.output.js 90 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.output.js 89 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.output.js 91 bytes 2 [emitted]
3.output.js 91 bytes 3 [emitted]
4.output.js 91 bytes 4 [emitted]
@ -336,47 +328,47 @@ Version: webpack next
6.output.js 91 bytes 6 [emitted]
output.js 2.02 KiB 7 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js (async2) 21 bytes {2} {7} [rendered]
> async commons duplicate [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
> async commons duplicate [2] ./example.js 3:0-6:2
> async commons duplicate [2] ./example.js 10:1-12:3
> async commons duplicate [2] ./example.js 13:1-15:3
[0] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} [built]
amd require ./b [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
cjs require ./b [2] ./example.js 4:1-15
require.ensure item ./b [2] ./example.js 10:1-12:3
require.ensure item ./b [2] ./example.js 13:1-15:3
chunk {1} 1.output.js (async1) 21 bytes {7} [rendered]
> async commons [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
> async commons [2] ./example.js 3:0-6:2
> async commons [2] ./example.js 8:0-16:2
[1] ./a.js 21 bytes {1} [built]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 21 bytes <{7}> ={2}= ={1}= ={3}= ={4}= >{1}< >{5}< >{6}< [rendered] split chunk
> [2] ./example.js 8:0-16:2
> [2] ./example.js 3:0-6:2
> ./a ./b ./c [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
[1] ./a.js 21 bytes {0} [built]
amd require ./a [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
require.ensure item ./a [2] ./example.js 3:0-6:2
require.ensure item ./a [2] ./example.js 8:0-16:2
cjs require ./a [2] ./example.js 9:1-15
chunk {2} 2.output.js 21 bytes {7} [rendered]
chunk {1} 1.output.js 21 bytes <{0}> <{2}> <{7}> ={5}= ={6}= ={0}= ={3}= ={4}= [rendered] split chunk
> [2] ./example.js 13:1-15:3
> [2] ./example.js 10:1-12:3
> [2] ./example.js 3:0-6:2
> ./a ./b ./c [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
[0] ./b.js 21 bytes {1} [built]
amd require ./b [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
cjs require ./b [2] ./example.js 4:1-15
require.ensure item ./b [2] ./example.js 10:1-12:3
require.ensure item ./b [2] ./example.js 13:1-15:3
chunk {2} 2.output.js 21 bytes <{7}> ={0}= >{1}< >{5}< >{6}< [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 8:0-16:2
[5] ./e.js 21 bytes {2} [built]
require.ensure item ./e [2] ./example.js 8:0-16:2
chunk {3} 3.output.js 21 bytes {7} [rendered]
chunk {3} 3.output.js 21 bytes <{7}> ={0}= ={1}= [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 3:0-6:2
[6] ./d.js 21 bytes {3} [built]
cjs require ./d [2] ./example.js 5:1-15
chunk {4} 4.output.js 21 bytes {7} [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
chunk {4} 4.output.js 21 bytes <{7}> ={0}= ={1}= [rendered]
> ./a ./b ./c [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
[7] ./c.js 21 bytes {4} [built]
amd require ./c [2] ./example.js 1:0-52
chunk {5} 5.output.js 21 bytes {2} [rendered]
chunk {5} 5.output.js 21 bytes <{0}> <{2}> ={1}= [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 13:1-15:3
[3] ./g.js 21 bytes {5} [built]
cjs require ./g [2] ./example.js 14:2-16
chunk {6} 6.output.js 21 bytes {2} [rendered]
chunk {6} 6.output.js 21 bytes <{0}> <{2}> ={1}= [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 10:1-12:3
[4] ./f.js 21 bytes {6} [built]
cjs require ./f [2] ./example.js 11:2-16
chunk {7} output.js (main) 362 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [2] ./example.js
chunk {7} output.js (main) 362 bytes >{0}< >{1}< >{3}< >{4}< >{2}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[2] ./example.js 362 bytes {7} [built]
single entry .\example.js main

View File

@ -1,22 +1,9 @@
var CommonsChunkPlugin = require("../../lib/optimize/CommonsChunkPlugin");
module.exports = {
// mode: "development || "production",
plugins: [
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "main",
async: "async1"
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "main",
async: "async2",
minChunks: 2
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
async: true
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
minSize: 0 // This example is too small
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
This example shows how to create a async loaded commons chunk.
When a chunk has many child chunks which share common modules the `CommonsChunkPlugin` can extract these common modules into a commons chunk which is loaded in parallel to the requested child chunk.
This example shows automatically created async commons chunks.
The example entry references two chunks:
@ -16,7 +14,9 @@ The example entry references two chunks:
* module `b`
* module `d`
These chunks share modules `a` and `b`. The `CommonsChunkPlugin` extract these into chunk Z:
These chunks share modules `a` and `b`. The optimization extract these into chunk Z:
Note: Actually the optimization compare size of chunk Z to some minimum value, but this is disabled from this example. In pratice there is no configuration needed for this.
* entry chunk
* async require -> chunk X & Z
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Pretty useful for a router in a SPA.
``` javascript
// a chunks with a, b, c
require(["./a", "./b", "./c"], function(a, b, c) {});
require(["./a", "./b", "./c"]);
// a chunk with a, b, d
require.ensure(["./a"], function(require) {
@ -45,29 +45,6 @@ require.ensure(["./a"], function(require) {
# webpack.config.js
``` javascript
var CommonsChunkPlugin = require("../../lib/optimize/CommonsChunkPlugin");
module.exports = {
// mode: "development || "production",
plugins: [
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
// process all children of the main chunk
// if omitted it would process all chunks
name: "main",
// create a additional async chunk for the common modules
// which is loaded in parallel to the requested chunks
async: true
optimization: {
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)
# dist/output.js
<details><summary><code>/******/ (function(modules) { /* webpackBootstrap */ })</code></summary>
@ -76,10 +53,12 @@ module.exports = {
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0], moreModules = data[1], executeModules = data[2];
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
@ -99,6 +78,7 @@ module.exports = {
/******/ };
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
@ -107,7 +87,7 @@ module.exports = {
/******/ 3: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var scheduledModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
@ -233,10 +213,12 @@ module.exports = {
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 2);
@ -257,7 +239,7 @@ module.exports = {
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
// a chunks with a, b, c
Promise.all(/*! AMD require */[__webpack_require__.e(0), __webpack_require__.e(2)]).then(function() { var __WEBPACK_AMD_REQUIRE_ARRAY__ = [__webpack_require__(/*! ./a */ 1), __webpack_require__(/*! ./b */ 0), __webpack_require__(/*! ./c */ 4)]; (function(a, b, c) {}).apply(null, __WEBPACK_AMD_REQUIRE_ARRAY__);}).catch(__webpack_require__.oe);
Promise.all(/*! AMD require */[__webpack_require__.e(0), __webpack_require__.e(2)]).then(function() {[__webpack_require__(/*! ./a */ 1), __webpack_require__(/*! ./b */ 0), __webpack_require__(/*! ./c */ 4)];}).catch(__webpack_require__.oe);
// a chunk with a, b, d
Promise.all(/*! require.ensure */[__webpack_require__.e(0), __webpack_require__.e(1)]).then((function(require) {
@ -347,28 +329,28 @@ Version: webpack next
0.output.js 405 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.output.js 241 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.output.js 241 bytes 2 [emitted]
output.js 7.39 KiB 3 [emitted] main
output.js 7.32 KiB 3 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 42 bytes {3} [rendered]
> async commons [2] ./example.js 2:0-52
> async commons [2] ./example.js 5:0-8:2
chunk {0} 0.output.js 42 bytes <{3}> ={1}= ={2}= [rendered] split chunk
> [2] ./example.js 5:0-8:2
> ./a ./b ./c [2] ./example.js 2:0-30
[0] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} [built]
amd require ./b [2] ./example.js 2:0-52
amd require ./b [2] ./example.js 2:0-30
cjs require ./b [2] ./example.js 6:1-15
[1] ./a.js 21 bytes {0} [built]
amd require ./a [2] ./example.js 2:0-52
amd require ./a [2] ./example.js 2:0-30
require.ensure item ./a [2] ./example.js 5:0-8:2
chunk {1} 1.output.js 21 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {1} 1.output.js 21 bytes <{3}> ={0}= [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 5:0-8:2
[3] ./d.js 21 bytes {1} [built]
cjs require ./d [2] ./example.js 7:1-15
chunk {2} 2.output.js 21 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 2:0-52
chunk {2} 2.output.js 21 bytes <{3}> ={0}= [rendered]
> ./a ./b ./c [2] ./example.js 2:0-30
[4] ./c.js 21 bytes {2} [built]
amd require ./c [2] ./example.js 2:0-52
chunk {3} output.js (main) 194 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [2] ./example.js
[2] ./example.js 194 bytes {3} [built]
amd require ./c [2] ./example.js 2:0-30
chunk {3} output.js (main) 172 bytes >{0}< >{1}< >{2}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[2] ./example.js 172 bytes {3} [built]
single entry .\example.js main
@ -381,27 +363,27 @@ Version: webpack next
0.output.js 118 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.output.js 91 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.output.js 91 bytes 2 [emitted]
output.js 1.77 KiB 3 [emitted] main
output.js 1.73 KiB 3 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 42 bytes {3} [rendered]
> async commons [2] ./example.js 2:0-52
> async commons [2] ./example.js 5:0-8:2
chunk {0} 0.output.js 42 bytes <{3}> ={1}= ={2}= [rendered] split chunk
> [2] ./example.js 5:0-8:2
> ./a ./b ./c [2] ./example.js 2:0-30
[0] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} [built]
amd require ./b [2] ./example.js 2:0-52
amd require ./b [2] ./example.js 2:0-30
cjs require ./b [2] ./example.js 6:1-15
[1] ./a.js 21 bytes {0} [built]
amd require ./a [2] ./example.js 2:0-52
amd require ./a [2] ./example.js 2:0-30
require.ensure item ./a [2] ./example.js 5:0-8:2
chunk {1} 1.output.js 21 bytes {3} [rendered]
chunk {1} 1.output.js 21 bytes <{3}> ={0}= [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 5:0-8:2
[3] ./d.js 21 bytes {1} [built]
cjs require ./d [2] ./example.js 7:1-15
chunk {2} 2.output.js 21 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 2:0-52
chunk {2} 2.output.js 21 bytes <{3}> ={0}= [rendered]
> ./a ./b ./c [2] ./example.js 2:0-30
[4] ./c.js 21 bytes {2} [built]
amd require ./c [2] ./example.js 2:0-52
chunk {3} output.js (main) 194 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [2] ./example.js
[2] ./example.js 194 bytes {3} [built]
amd require ./c [2] ./example.js 2:0-30
chunk {3} output.js (main) 172 bytes >{0}< >{1}< >{2}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[2] ./example.js 172 bytes {3} [built]
single entry .\example.js main

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// a chunks with a, b, c
require(["./a", "./b", "./c"], function(a, b, c) {});
require(["./a", "./b", "./c"]);
// a chunk with a, b, d
require.ensure(["./a"], function(require) {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
This example shows how to create a async loaded commons chunk.
When a chunk has many child chunks which share common modules the `CommonsChunkPlugin` can extract these common modules into a commons chunk which is loaded in parallel to the requested child chunk.
This example shows automatically created async commons chunks.
The example entry references two chunks:
@ -16,7 +14,9 @@ The example entry references two chunks:
* module `b`
* module `d`
These chunks share modules `a` and `b`. The `CommonsChunkPlugin` extract these into chunk Z:
These chunks share modules `a` and `b`. The optimization extract these into chunk Z:
Note: Actually the optimization compare size of chunk Z to some minimum value, but this is disabled from this example. In pratice there is no configuration needed for this.
* entry chunk
* async require -> chunk X & Z
@ -38,12 +38,6 @@ Pretty useful for a router in a SPA.
# webpack.config.js
``` javascript
# dist/output.js
``` javascript

View File

@ -1,18 +1,9 @@
var CommonsChunkPlugin = require("../../lib/optimize/CommonsChunkPlugin");
module.exports = {
// mode: "development || "production",
plugins: [
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
// process all children of the main chunk
// if omitted it would process all chunks
name: "main",
// create a additional async chunk for the common modules
// which is loaded in parallel to the requested chunks
async: true
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
minSize: 0 // This example is too small
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)

View File

@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ export var named = "named";
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -261,10 +262,10 @@ var named = "named";
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
output.js 6.12 KiB 0 [emitted] main
output.js 6.13 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} output.js (main) 1.17 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
> .\example.js main
[0] ./example.js 389 bytes {0} [built]
[no exports]
single entry .\example.js main
@ -296,7 +297,7 @@ Version: webpack next
output.js 993 bytes 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} output.js (main) 1.17 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> main [4] ./example.js
> .\example.js main
[0] ./fs.js 265 bytes {0} [built]
[only some exports used: default, readFile]
harmony side effect evaluation ./fs [1] ./reexport-commonjs.js 2:0-21

View File

@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -138,10 +139,10 @@ function increment() {
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
MyLibrary.umd.js 3.55 KiB 0 [emitted] main
MyLibrary.umd.js 3.56 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = MyLibrary.umd.js
chunk {0} MyLibrary.umd.js (main) 97 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
> ./example main
[0] ./example.js 97 bytes {0} [built]
[exports: value, increment, default]
single entry ./example main
@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ Version: webpack next
MyLibrary.umd.js 926 bytes 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = MyLibrary.umd.js
chunk {0} MyLibrary.umd.js (main) 97 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
> ./example main
[0] ./example.js 97 bytes {0} [built]
[exports: value, increment, default]
single entry ./example main

View File

@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ export { add as reexportedAdd, multiply as reexportedMultiply } from "./math";
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ Version: webpack next
output.js 5.93 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} output.js (main) 726 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
> .\example.js main
[0] ./example.js 119 bytes {0} [built]
[no exports]
single entry .\example.js main
@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ Version: webpack next
output.js 971 bytes 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} output.js (main) 726 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [3] ./example.js
> .\example.js main
[0] ./math.js 366 bytes {0} [built]
[exports: add, multiply, list]
[only some exports used: add, multiply]

View File

@ -29,10 +29,12 @@ export function increment(val) {
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0], moreModules = data[1], executeModules = data[2];
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ export function increment(val) {
/******/ };
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
@ -60,7 +63,7 @@ export function increment(val) {
/******/ 1: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var scheduledModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
@ -186,10 +189,12 @@ export function increment(val) {
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 2);
@ -272,15 +277,15 @@ Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.output.js 479 bytes 0 [emitted]
output.js 8.24 KiB 1 [emitted] main
output.js 8.27 KiB 1 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 25 bytes {1} [rendered]
> [2] ./example.js 6:0-24
chunk {0} 0.output.js 25 bytes <{1}> [rendered]
> ./async-loaded [2] ./example.js 6:0-24
[3] ./async-loaded.js 25 bytes {0} [built]
[exports: answer]
import() ./async-loaded [2] ./example.js 6:0-24
chunk {1} output.js (main) 419 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [2] ./example.js
chunk {1} output.js (main) 419 bytes >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[0] ./math.js 142 bytes {1} [built]
[exports: add]
harmony side effect evaluation ./math [1] ./increment.js 1:0-29
@ -303,13 +308,13 @@ Version: webpack next
0.output.js 144 bytes 0 [emitted]
output.js 1.75 KiB 1 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 25 bytes {1} [rendered]
> [] 6:0-24
chunk {0} 0.output.js 25 bytes <{1}> [rendered]
> ./async-loaded [] 6:0-24
[1] ./async-loaded.js 25 bytes {0} [built]
[exports: answer]
import() ./async-loaded ./example.js 6:0-24
chunk {1} output.js (main) 419 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main []
chunk {1} output.js (main) 419 bytes >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[0] ./example.js + 2 modules 419 bytes {1} [built]
[no exports]
single entry .\example.js main

View File

@ -49,68 +49,68 @@ module.exports = {
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
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> aggressive-splitted main [0] ./example.js
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> react-dom [0] ./example.js 2:0-22
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## Production mode
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Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
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Entrypoint main = 97ad3a6439b7ef8470ec.js f9403b4474b02c436f23.js 50362e240b6b01a16dd2.js
chunk {0} 9baaf7bc0364c2600ef8.js 46.6 KiB <{13}> <{12}> <{14}> ={10}= ={9}= ={8}= ={7}= ={6}= ={5}= ={4}= ={3}= ={2}= ={1}= ={11}= [rendered] [recorded] aggressive splitted
> react-dom [30] ./example.js 2:0-22
24 modules
chunk {11} c5b86ebb82485218af01.js 31.4 KiB {12} {13} {14} [rendered] [recorded]
> aggressive-splitted [30] ./example.js 2:0-22
3 modules
chunk {12} 0309b4e1ec5aa2f66403.js 30.5 KiB [initial] [rendered] [recorded]
> aggressive-splitted main [30] ./example.js
3 modules
chunk {13} 48e2dcb305baa66eaaff.js 48.8 KiB [entry] [rendered] [recorded]
> aggressive-splitted main [30] ./example.js
chunk {1} 148bbb5ef8fd203f5c99.js 48.2 KiB <{13}> <{12}> <{14}> ={10}= ={9}= ={8}= ={7}= ={6}= ={5}= ={4}= ={3}= ={2}= ={0}= ={11}= [rendered] [recorded] aggressive splitted
> react-dom [30] ./example.js 2:0-22
20 modules
chunk {2} cf3beff30352265c3fae.js 46.2 KiB <{13}> <{12}> <{14}> ={10}= ={9}= ={8}= ={7}= ={6}= ={5}= ={4}= ={3}= ={1}= ={0}= ={11}= [rendered] [recorded] aggressive splitted
> react-dom [30] ./example.js 2:0-22
9 modules
chunk {3} 0bc9e49d2884c20a78ae.js 48.4 KiB <{13}> <{12}> <{14}> ={10}= ={9}= ={8}= ={7}= ={6}= ={5}= ={4}= ={2}= ={1}= ={0}= ={11}= [rendered] [recorded] aggressive splitted
> react-dom [30] ./example.js 2:0-22
6 modules
chunk {4} 408e20e95f946dedfdd3.js 34 KiB <{13}> <{12}> <{14}> ={10}= ={9}= ={8}= ={7}= ={6}= ={5}= ={3}= ={2}= ={1}= ={0}= ={11}= [rendered] [recorded] aggressive splitted
> react-dom [30] ./example.js 2:0-22
16 modules
chunk {14} 0b3c96677d32cb9cb074.js 32.4 KiB [initial] [rendered]
> aggressive-splitted main [30] ./example.js
chunk {5} 5b44ef86854beead5c79.js 44.4 KiB <{13}> <{12}> <{14}> ={10}= ={9}= ={8}= ={7}= ={6}= ={4}= ={3}= ={2}= ={1}= ={0}= ={11}= [rendered] [recorded] aggressive splitted
> react-dom [30] ./example.js 2:0-22
10 modules
chunk {6} 2d761db260e810943d04.js 43.3 KiB <{13}> <{12}> <{14}> ={10}= ={9}= ={8}= ={7}= ={5}= ={4}= ={3}= ={2}= ={1}= ={0}= ={11}= [rendered] [recorded] aggressive splitted
> react-dom [30] ./example.js 2:0-22
3 modules
chunk {7} 7a1ec67d9e4e1019836a.js 62.3 KiB <{13}> <{12}> <{14}> ={10}= ={9}= ={8}= ={6}= ={5}= ={4}= ={3}= ={2}= ={1}= ={0}= ={11}= [rendered] [recorded] aggressive splitted
> react-dom [30] ./example.js 2:0-22
7 modules
chunk {8} 5efec1104bcbe14efad9.js 46.3 KiB <{13}> <{12}> <{14}> ={10}= ={9}= ={7}= ={6}= ={5}= ={4}= ={3}= ={2}= ={1}= ={0}= ={11}= [rendered] [recorded] aggressive splitted
> react-dom [30] ./example.js 2:0-22
10 modules
chunk {9} 050d4b543b70cc78b255.js 46.9 KiB <{13}> <{12}> <{14}> ={10}= ={8}= ={7}= ={6}= ={5}= ={4}= ={3}= ={2}= ={1}= ={0}= ={11}= [rendered] [recorded] aggressive splitted
> react-dom [30] ./example.js 2:0-22
8 modules
chunk {10} 2c42126f0455b98de2d0.js 45.7 KiB <{13}> <{12}> <{14}> ={9}= ={8}= ={7}= ={6}= ={5}= ={4}= ={3}= ={2}= ={1}= ={0}= ={11}= [rendered] [recorded] aggressive splitted
> react-dom [30] ./example.js 2:0-22
23 modules
chunk {11} 27d8a7d99dbd33243169.js 24.9 KiB <{13}> <{12}> <{14}> ={10}= ={9}= ={8}= ={7}= ={6}= ={5}= ={4}= ={3}= ={2}= ={1}= ={0}= [rendered]
> react-dom [30] ./example.js 2:0-22
3 modules
chunk {12} f9403b4474b02c436f23.js 45.7 KiB ={13}= ={14}= >{10}< >{9}< >{8}< >{7}< >{6}< >{5}< >{4}< >{3}< >{2}< >{1}< >{0}< >{11}< [initial] [rendered] [recorded] aggressive splitted
> ./example main
9 modules
chunk {13} 97ad3a6439b7ef8470ec.js 37.8 KiB ={12}= ={14}= >{10}< >{9}< >{8}< >{7}< >{6}< >{5}< >{4}< >{3}< >{2}< >{1}< >{0}< >{11}< [initial] [rendered] [recorded] aggressive splitted
> ./example main
8 modules
chunk {14} 50362e240b6b01a16dd2.js 28.3 KiB ={13}= ={12}= >{10}< >{9}< >{8}< >{7}< >{6}< >{5}< >{4}< >{3}< >{2}< >{1}< >{0}< >{11}< [entry] [rendered]
> ./example main
[30] ./example.js 44 bytes {14} [built]
+ 11 hidden modules
+ 13 hidden modules
## Records
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View File

@ -2,33 +2,27 @@
``` javascript
var path = require("path");
var CommonsChunkPlugin = require("../../lib/optimize/CommonsChunkPlugin");
module.exports = {
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
// The entry points for the pages
pageA: "./aEntry",
pageB: "./bEntry",
// This file contains common modules but also the router entry
"commons": "./router"
// They also contains router
pageA: ["./aEntry", "./router"],
pageB: ["./bEntry", "./router"],
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, "dist"),
publicPath: "js/",
filename: "[name].bundle.js",
chunkFilename: "[id].chunk.js"
chunkFilename: "[name].chunk.js"
plugins: [
// Extract common modules from the entries to the commons.js file
// This is optional, but good for performance.
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "commons",
filename: "commons.js"
// The pages cannot run without the commons.js file now.
optimization: {
// Extract common modules from initial chunks too
// This is optional, but good for performance.
splitChunks: {
chunks: "all",
minSize: 0 // This example is too small
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)
@ -70,15 +64,9 @@ window.onLinkToPage = function onLinkToPage(name) { // name is "a" or "b"
// overwriting the RegExp with the ContextReplacementPlugin, or
// using the require.context method.
// The bundle-loader is used to create a chunk from the page
// -> Pages are only loaded on demand
// This line may throw a exception on runtime if the page wasn't found.
var pageBundle = require("bundle-loader!./" + name + "Page");
// Wait until the chunk is loaded
pageBundle(function(page) {
import(/* webpackChunkName: "[request]" */`./${name}Page`).then(page => {;
@ -89,13 +77,103 @@ window.onLinkToPage = function onLinkToPage(name) { // name is "a" or "b"
<script src="js/commons.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="js/pageA.bundle.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script async src="dist/pageA~pageB.chunk.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script async src="dist/aPage.chunk.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script async src="dist/pageA.bundle.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
# dist/commons.js
# dist/pageA~pageB.chunk.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[2],[
/* 0 */
!*** ./render.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function(page) {
/***/ }),
/* 1 */
!*** ./router.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var render = __webpack_require__(/*! ./render */ 0);
// Event when another page should be opened
// Maybe hook click on links, hashchange or popstate
window.onLinkToPage = function onLinkToPage(name) { // name is "a" or "b"
// require the page with a dynamic require
// It's important that this require only matches the pages
// elsewise there is blood in the bundle. Here this is done with a
// specific file prefix. It's also possible to use a directory,
// overwriting the RegExp with the ContextReplacementPlugin, or
// using the require.context method.
// This line may throw a exception on runtime if the page wasn't found.
__webpack_require__(6)(`./${name}Page`).then(page => {;
/***/ }),
/* 2 */,
/* 3 */,
/* 4 */,
/* 5 */,
/* 6 */
!*** . lazy ^\.\/.*Page$ namespace object ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var map = {
"./aPage": [
"./bPage": [
function webpackAsyncContext(req) {
var ids = map[req];
if(!ids) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
var e = new Error('Cannot find module "' + req + '".');
e.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND';
throw e;
return __webpack_require__.e(ids[1]).then(function() {
var module = __webpack_require__(ids[0]);
return (typeof module === "object" && module && module.__esModule ? module : /* fake namespace object */ { "default": module });
webpackAsyncContext.keys = function webpackAsyncContextKeys() {
return Object.keys(map);
}; = 6;
module.exports = webpackAsyncContext;
/***/ })
# dist/pageA.bundle.js
<details><summary><code>/******/ (function(modules) { /* webpackBootstrap */ })</code></summary>
@ -103,10 +181,12 @@ window.onLinkToPage = function onLinkToPage(name) { // name is "a" or "b"
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0], moreModules = data[1], executeModules = data[2];
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ var executeModules = data[2];
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
@ -123,22 +203,29 @@ window.onLinkToPage = function onLinkToPage(name) { // name is "a" or "b"
/******/ while(resolves.length) {
/******/ resolves.shift()();
/******/ }
/******/ scheduledModules.push.apply(scheduledModules, executeModules || []);
/******/ for(i = 0; i < scheduledModules.length; i++) {
/******/ var scheduledModule = scheduledModules[i];
/******/ // add entry modules from loaded chunk to deferred list
/******/ deferredModules.push.apply(deferredModules, executeModules || []);
/******/ // run deferred modules when all chunks ready
/******/ return checkDeferredModules();
/******/ };
/******/ function checkDeferredModules() {
/******/ var result;
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < deferredModules.length; i++) {
/******/ var deferredModule = deferredModules[i];
/******/ var fullfilled = true;
/******/ for(var j = 1; j < scheduledModule.length; j++) {
/******/ var depId = scheduledModule[j];
/******/ for(var j = 1; j < deferredModule.length; j++) {
/******/ var depId = deferredModule[j];
/******/ if(installedChunks[depId] !== 0) fullfilled = false;
/******/ }
/******/ if(fullfilled) {
/******/ scheduledModules.splice(i--, 1);
/******/ result = __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = scheduledModule[0]);
/******/ deferredModules.splice(i--, 1);
/******/ result = __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = deferredModule[0]);
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ return result;
/******/ };
/******/ }
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
@ -148,7 +235,7 @@ window.onLinkToPage = function onLinkToPage(name) { // name is "a" or "b"
/******/ 4: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var scheduledModules = [];
/******/ var deferredModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
@ -205,7 +292,7 @@ window.onLinkToPage = function onLinkToPage(name) { // name is "a" or "b"
/******/ if ( {
/******/ script.setAttribute("nonce",;
/******/ }
/******/ script.src = __webpack_require__.p + "" + chunkId + ".chunk.js";
/******/ script.src = __webpack_require__.p + "" + ({"0":"bPage"}[chunkId]||chunkId) + ".chunk.js";
/******/ var timeout = setTimeout(function(){
/******/ onScriptComplete({ type: 'timeout', target: script });
/******/ }, 120000);
@ -274,13 +361,17 @@ window.onLinkToPage = function onLinkToPage(name) { // name is "a" or "b"
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 6);
/******/ // add entry module to deferred list
/******/ deferredModules.push([8,1,2]);
/******/ // run deferred modules when ready
/******/ return checkDeferredModules();
/******/ })
@ -288,145 +379,43 @@ window.onLinkToPage = function onLinkToPage(name) { // name is "a" or "b"
``` javascript
/******/ ([
/* 0 */
/******/ ({
/***/ 7:
!*** ./render.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function(page) {
/***/ }),
/* 1 */,
/* 2 */,
/* 3 */
!*** (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./bPage.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var cbs = [],
module.exports = function(cb) {
if(cbs) cbs.push(cb);
else cb(data);
__webpack_require__.e(/*! require.ensure */ 1).then((function(require) {
data = __webpack_require__(/*! !./bPage.js */ 1);
var callbacks = cbs;
cbs = null;
for(var i = 0, l = callbacks.length; i < l; i++) {
}).bind(null, __webpack_require__)).catch(__webpack_require__.oe);
/***/ }),
/* 4 */
!*** (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./aPage.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var cbs = [],
module.exports = function(cb) {
if(cbs) cbs.push(cb);
else cb(data);
__webpack_require__.e(/*! require.ensure */ 0).then((function(require) {
data = __webpack_require__(/*! !./aPage.js */ 2);
var callbacks = cbs;
cbs = null;
for(var i = 0, l = callbacks.length; i < l; i++) {
}).bind(null, __webpack_require__)).catch(__webpack_require__.oe);
/***/ }),
/* 5 */
!*** . sync (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader ^\.\/.*Page$ ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var map = {
"./aPage": 4,
"./bPage": 3
function webpackContext(req) {
var id = webpackContextResolve(req);
var module = __webpack_require__(id);
return module;
function webpackContextResolve(req) {
var id = map[req];
if(!(id + 1)) { // check for number or string
var e = new Error('Cannot find module "' + req + '".');
e.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND';
throw e;
return id;
webpackContext.keys = function webpackContextKeys() {
return Object.keys(map);
webpackContext.resolve = webpackContextResolve;
module.exports = webpackContext; = 5;
/***/ }),
/* 6 */
!*** ./router.js ***!
!*** ./aEntry.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
// Just show the page "a"
var render = __webpack_require__(/*! ./render */ 0);
render(__webpack_require__(/*! ./aPage */ 3));
// Event when another page should be opened
// Maybe hook click on links, hashchange or popstate
window.onLinkToPage = function onLinkToPage(name) { // name is "a" or "b"
// require the page with a dynamic require
/***/ }),
// It's important that this require only matches the pages
// elsewise there is blood in the bundle. Here this is done with a
// specific file prefix. It's also possible to use a directory,
// overwriting the RegExp with the ContextReplacementPlugin, or
// using the require.context method.
/***/ 8:
!*** multi ./aEntry ./router ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
// The bundle-loader is used to create a chunk from the page
// -> Pages are only loaded on demand
// This line may throw a exception on runtime if the page wasn't found.
var pageBundle = __webpack_require__(5)("./" + name + "Page");
// Wait until the chunk is loaded
pageBundle(function(page) {
__webpack_require__(/*! ./aEntry */7);
module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./router */1);
/***/ })
/******/ ]);
/******/ });
# dist/pageA.bundle.js
# dist/aPage.chunk.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[3],{
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[1],{
/***/ 2:
/***/ 3:
!*** ./aPage.js ***!
@ -437,42 +426,9 @@ module.exports = function() {
return "This is page A.";
/***/ }),
/***/ 8:
!*** ./aEntry.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
// Just show the page "a"
var render = __webpack_require__(/*! ./render */ 0);
render(__webpack_require__(/*! ./aPage */ 2));
/***/ })
# dist/1.chunk.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[1],[
/* 0 */,
/* 1 */
!*** ./bPage.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
module.exports = function() {
return "This is page B.";
/***/ })
# Info
@ -482,53 +438,52 @@ module.exports = function() {
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.chunk.js 293 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.chunk.js 299 bytes 1 [emitted]
pageB.bundle.js 614 bytes 2 [emitted] pageB
pageA.bundle.js 614 bytes 3 [emitted] pageA
commons.js 10.7 KiB 4 [emitted] commons
Entrypoint pageA = commons.js pageA.bundle.js
Entrypoint pageB = commons.js pageB.bundle.js
Entrypoint commons = commons.js
chunk {0} 0.chunk.js 61 bytes {4} [rendered]
> [4] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./aPage.js 7:0-14:2
[2] ./aPage.js 61 bytes {0} {3} [built]
cjs require !!./aPage.js [4] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./aPage.js 8:8-31
cjs require ./aPage [8] ./aEntry.js 3:7-25
chunk {1} 1.chunk.js 61 bytes {4} [rendered]
> [3] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./bPage.js 7:0-14:2
[1] ./bPage.js 61 bytes {1} {2} [built]
cjs require !!./bPage.js [3] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./bPage.js 8:8-31
cjs require ./bPage [7] ./bEntry.js 3:7-25
chunk {2} pageB.bundle.js (pageB) 150 bytes {4} [initial] [rendered]
> pageB [7] ./bEntry.js
[1] ./bPage.js 61 bytes {1} {2} [built]
cjs require !!./bPage.js [3] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./bPage.js 8:8-31
cjs require ./bPage [7] ./bEntry.js 3:7-25
[7] ./bEntry.js 89 bytes {2} [built]
single entry ./bEntry pageB
chunk {3} pageA.bundle.js (pageA) 150 bytes {4} [initial] [rendered]
> pageA [8] ./aEntry.js
[2] ./aPage.js 61 bytes {0} {3} [built]
cjs require !!./aPage.js [4] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./aPage.js 8:8-31
cjs require ./aPage [8] ./aEntry.js 3:7-25
[8] ./aEntry.js 89 bytes {3} [built]
single entry ./aEntry pageA
chunk {4} commons.js (commons) 1.67 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> commons [6] ./router.js
[0] ./render.js 60 bytes {4} [built]
cjs require ./render [6] ./router.js 1:13-32
cjs require ./render [7] ./bEntry.js 2:13-32
cjs require ./render [8] ./aEntry.js 2:13-32
[3] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./bPage.js 282 bytes {4} [optional] [built]
context element ./bPage [5] . sync (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader ^\.\/.*Page$ ./bPage
[4] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./aPage.js 282 bytes {4} [optional] [built]
context element ./aPage [5] . sync (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader ^\.\/.*Page$ ./aPage
[5] . sync (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader ^\.\/.*Page$ 184 bytes {4} [built]
cjs require context bundle-loader!. [6] ./router.js 18:18-61
[6] ./router.js 903 bytes {4} [built]
single entry ./router commons
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
bPage.chunk.js 293 bytes 0 [emitted] bPage
aPage.chunk.js 293 bytes 1 [emitted] aPage
pageA~pageB.chunk.js 2.16 KiB 2 [emitted] pageA~pageB
pageB.bundle.js 8.2 KiB 3 [emitted] pageB
pageA.bundle.js 8.2 KiB 4 [emitted] pageA
Entrypoint pageA = aPage.chunk.js pageA~pageB.chunk.js pageA.bundle.js
Entrypoint pageB = bPage.chunk.js pageA~pageB.chunk.js pageB.bundle.js
chunk {0} bPage.chunk.js (bPage) 61 bytes <{1}> <{2}> <{4}> ={2}= ={3}= >{1}< [rendered] reused as split chunk
> ./bPage [6] . lazy ^\.\/.*Page$ namespace object ./bPage
> ./bPage [6] . lazy ^\.\/.*Page$ namespace object ./bPage
> pageB
[2] ./bPage.js 61 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./bPage [4] ./bEntry.js 3:7-25
context element ./bPage [6] . lazy ^\.\/.*Page$ namespace object ./bPage
chunk {1} aPage.chunk.js (aPage) 61 bytes <{0}> <{2}> <{3}> ={2}= ={4}= >{0}< [rendered] reused as split chunk
> ./aPage [6] . lazy ^\.\/.*Page$ namespace object ./aPage
> ./aPage [6] . lazy ^\.\/.*Page$ namespace object ./aPage
> pageA
[3] ./aPage.js 61 bytes {1} [built]
context element ./aPage [6] . lazy ^\.\/.*Page$ namespace object ./aPage
cjs require ./aPage [7] ./aEntry.js 3:7-25
chunk {2} pageA~pageB.chunk.js (pageA~pageB) 970 bytes ={0}= ={3}= ={1}= ={4}= >{1}< >{0}< [initial] [rendered] split chunk (name: pageA~pageB)
> pageB
> pageA
[0] ./render.js 60 bytes {2} [built]
cjs require ./render [1] ./router.js 1:13-32
cjs require ./render [4] ./bEntry.js 2:13-32
cjs require ./render [7] ./aEntry.js 2:13-32
[1] ./router.js 750 bytes {2} [built]
single entry ./router [5] multi ./bEntry ./router pageB:100001
single entry ./router [8] multi ./aEntry ./router pageA:100001
[6] . lazy ^\.\/.*Page$ namespace object 160 bytes {2} [built]
import() context lazy . [1] ./router.js 15:1-59
chunk {3} pageB.bundle.js (pageB) 129 bytes ={0}= ={2}= >{1}< [entry] [rendered]
> pageB
[4] ./bEntry.js 89 bytes {3} [built]
single entry ./bEntry [5] multi ./bEntry ./router pageB:100000
[5] multi ./bEntry ./router 40 bytes {3} [built]
multi entry
chunk {4} pageA.bundle.js (pageA) 129 bytes ={1}= ={2}= >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> pageA
[7] ./aEntry.js 89 bytes {4} [built]
single entry ./aEntry [8] multi ./aEntry ./router pageA:100000
[8] multi ./aEntry ./router 40 bytes {4} [built]
multi entry
## Production mode
@ -536,51 +491,50 @@ chunk {4} commons.js (commons) 1.67 KiB [entry] [rendered]
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.chunk.js 123 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.chunk.js 122 bytes 1 [emitted]
pageB.bundle.js 165 bytes 2, 1 [emitted] pageB
pageA.bundle.js 165 bytes 3, 0 [emitted] pageA
commons.js 2.5 KiB 4 [emitted] commons
Entrypoint pageA = commons.js pageA.bundle.js
Entrypoint pageB = commons.js pageB.bundle.js
Entrypoint commons = commons.js
chunk {0} 0.chunk.js 61 bytes {4} [rendered]
> [4] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./aPage.js 7:0-14:2
[2] ./aPage.js 61 bytes {0} {3} [built]
cjs require !!./aPage.js [4] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./aPage.js 8:8-31
cjs require ./aPage [8] ./aEntry.js 3:7-25
chunk {1} 1.chunk.js 61 bytes {4} [rendered]
> [3] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./bPage.js 7:0-14:2
[1] ./bPage.js 61 bytes {1} {2} [built]
cjs require !!./bPage.js [3] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./bPage.js 8:8-31
cjs require ./bPage [7] ./bEntry.js 3:7-25
chunk {2} pageB.bundle.js (pageB) 150 bytes {4} [initial] [rendered]
> pageB [7] ./bEntry.js
[1] ./bPage.js 61 bytes {1} {2} [built]
cjs require !!./bPage.js [3] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./bPage.js 8:8-31
cjs require ./bPage [7] ./bEntry.js 3:7-25
[7] ./bEntry.js 89 bytes {2} [built]
single entry ./bEntry pageB
chunk {3} pageA.bundle.js (pageA) 150 bytes {4} [initial] [rendered]
> pageA [8] ./aEntry.js
[2] ./aPage.js 61 bytes {0} {3} [built]
cjs require !!./aPage.js [4] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./aPage.js 8:8-31
cjs require ./aPage [8] ./aEntry.js 3:7-25
[8] ./aEntry.js 89 bytes {3} [built]
single entry ./aEntry pageA
chunk {4} commons.js (commons) 1.67 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> commons [6] ./router.js
[0] ./render.js 60 bytes {4} [built]
cjs require ./render [6] ./router.js 1:13-32
cjs require ./render [7] ./bEntry.js 2:13-32
cjs require ./render [8] ./aEntry.js 2:13-32
[3] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./bPage.js 282 bytes {4} [optional] [built]
context element ./bPage [5] . sync (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader ^\.\/.*Page$ ./bPage
[4] (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader!./aPage.js 282 bytes {4} [optional] [built]
context element ./aPage [5] . sync (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader ^\.\/.*Page$ ./aPage
[5] . sync (webpack)/node_modules/bundle-loader ^\.\/.*Page$ 184 bytes {4} [built]
cjs require context bundle-loader!. [6] ./router.js 18:18-61
[6] ./router.js 903 bytes {4} [built]
single entry ./router commons
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
bPage.chunk.js 123 bytes 0 [emitted] bPage
aPage.chunk.js 123 bytes 1 [emitted] aPage
pageA~pageB.chunk.js 589 bytes 2 [emitted] pageA~pageB
pageB.bundle.js 1.85 KiB 3 [emitted] pageB
pageA.bundle.js 1.85 KiB 4 [emitted] pageA
Entrypoint pageA = aPage.chunk.js pageA~pageB.chunk.js pageA.bundle.js
Entrypoint pageB = bPage.chunk.js pageA~pageB.chunk.js pageB.bundle.js
chunk {0} bPage.chunk.js (bPage) 61 bytes <{1}> <{2}> <{4}> ={2}= ={3}= >{1}< [rendered] reused as split chunk
> ./bPage [6] . lazy ^\.\/.*Page$ namespace object ./bPage
> ./bPage [6] . lazy ^\.\/.*Page$ namespace object ./bPage
> pageB
[2] ./bPage.js 61 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./bPage [4] ./bEntry.js 3:7-25
context element ./bPage [6] . lazy ^\.\/.*Page$ namespace object ./bPage
chunk {1} aPage.chunk.js (aPage) 61 bytes <{0}> <{2}> <{3}> ={2}= ={4}= >{0}< [rendered] reused as split chunk
> ./aPage [6] . lazy ^\.\/.*Page$ namespace object ./aPage
> ./aPage [6] . lazy ^\.\/.*Page$ namespace object ./aPage
> pageA
[3] ./aPage.js 61 bytes {1} [built]
context element ./aPage [6] . lazy ^\.\/.*Page$ namespace object ./aPage
cjs require ./aPage [7] ./aEntry.js 3:7-25
chunk {2} pageA~pageB.chunk.js (pageA~pageB) 970 bytes ={0}= ={3}= ={1}= ={4}= >{1}< >{0}< [initial] [rendered] split chunk (name: pageA~pageB)
> pageB
> pageA
[0] ./render.js 60 bytes {2} [built]
cjs require ./render [1] ./router.js 1:13-32
cjs require ./render [4] ./bEntry.js 2:13-32
cjs require ./render [7] ./aEntry.js 2:13-32
[1] ./router.js 750 bytes {2} [built]
single entry ./router [5] multi ./bEntry ./router pageB:100001
single entry ./router [8] multi ./aEntry ./router pageA:100001
[6] . lazy ^\.\/.*Page$ namespace object 160 bytes {2} [built]
import() context lazy . [1] ./router.js 15:1-59
chunk {3} pageB.bundle.js (pageB) 129 bytes ={0}= ={2}= >{1}< [entry] [rendered]
> pageB
[4] ./bEntry.js 89 bytes {3} [built]
single entry ./bEntry [5] multi ./bEntry ./router pageB:100000
[5] multi ./bEntry ./router 40 bytes {3} [built]
multi entry
chunk {4} pageA.bundle.js (pageA) 129 bytes ={1}= ={2}= >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> pageA
[7] ./aEntry.js 89 bytes {4} [built]
single entry ./aEntry [8] multi ./aEntry ./router pageA:100000
[8] multi ./aEntry ./router 40 bytes {4} [built]
multi entry

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
<script src="js/commons.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="js/pageA.bundle.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script async src="dist/pageA~pageB.chunk.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script async src="dist/aPage.chunk.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script async src="dist/pageA.bundle.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
<script src="js/commons.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="js/pageB.bundle.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script async src="dist/pageA~pageB.chunk.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script async src="dist/bPage.chunk.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script async src="dist/pageB.bundle.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

View File

@ -11,14 +11,8 @@ window.onLinkToPage = function onLinkToPage(name) { // name is "a" or "b"
// overwriting the RegExp with the ContextReplacementPlugin, or
// using the require.context method.
// The bundle-loader is used to create a chunk from the page
// -> Pages are only loaded on demand
// This line may throw a exception on runtime if the page wasn't found.
var pageBundle = require("bundle-loader!./" + name + "Page");
// Wait until the chunk is loaded
pageBundle(function(page) {
import(/* webpackChunkName: "[request]" */`./${name}Page`).then(page => {;

View File

@ -32,10 +32,10 @@
# dist/commons.js
# dist/pageA~pageB.chunk.js
``` javascript
# dist/pageA.bundle.js
@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
# dist/1.chunk.js
# dist/aPage.chunk.js
``` javascript
# Info

View File

@ -1,31 +1,25 @@
var path = require("path");
var CommonsChunkPlugin = require("../../lib/optimize/CommonsChunkPlugin");
module.exports = {
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
// The entry points for the pages
pageA: "./aEntry",
pageB: "./bEntry",
// This file contains common modules but also the router entry
"commons": "./router"
// They also contains router
pageA: ["./aEntry", "./router"],
pageB: ["./bEntry", "./router"],
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, "dist"),
publicPath: "js/",
filename: "[name].bundle.js",
chunkFilename: "[id].chunk.js"
chunkFilename: "[name].chunk.js"
plugins: [
// Extract common modules from the entries to the commons.js file
// This is optional, but good for performance.
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "commons",
filename: "commons.js"
// The pages cannot run without the commons.js file now.
optimization: {
// Extract common modules from initial chunks too
// This is optional, but good for performance.
splitChunks: {
chunks: "all",
minSize: 0 // This example is too small
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)

View File

@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ module.exports = Object.keys(languages).map(function(language) {
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -211,6 +212,7 @@ console.log("Missing Text");
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -239,20 +241,20 @@ Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Child en:
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
en.output.js 2.79 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
en.output.js 2.8 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = en.output.js
chunk {0} en.output.js (main) 65 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
> ./example main
[0] ./example.js 65 bytes {0} [built]
single entry ./example main
Child de:
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
de.output.js 2.79 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
de.output.js 2.8 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = de.output.js
chunk {0} de.output.js (main) 65 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
> ./example main
[0] ./example.js 65 bytes {0} [built] [1 warning]
single entry ./example main
@ -271,7 +273,7 @@ Child en:
en.output.js 606 bytes 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = en.output.js
chunk {0} en.output.js (main) 65 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
> ./example main
[0] ./example.js 65 bytes {0} [built]
single entry ./example main
Child de:
@ -280,7 +282,7 @@ Child de:
de.output.js 605 bytes 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = de.output.js
chunk {0} de.output.js (main) 65 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
> ./example main
[0] ./example.js 65 bytes {0} [built] [1 warning]
single entry ./example main

View File

@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ module.exports = function(content) {
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -263,11 +264,11 @@ Prints in node.js (`enhanced-require example.js`) and in browser:
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
output.js 6.19 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
output.js 6.2 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} output.js (main) 2.66 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
> .\example.js main
[0] ./example.js 210 bytes {0} [built]
single entry .\example.js main
[1] ./loader.js!./file.js 41 bytes {0} [built]
@ -287,7 +288,7 @@ Version: webpack next
output.js 1.53 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} output.js (main) 2.66 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> main [3] ./example.js
> .\example.js main
[0] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./test.css 209 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require !css-loader!./test.css [3] ./example.js 6:12-45
cjs require ./test.css [3] ./example.js 5:12-33

View File

@ -62,10 +62,12 @@ require(
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0], moreModules = data[1], executeModules = data[2];
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
/******/ var moreModules = data[1]
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
@ -85,6 +87,7 @@ require(
/******/ };
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ require(
/******/ 1: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var scheduledModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
@ -219,10 +222,12 @@ require(
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction;
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 3);
@ -407,9 +412,9 @@ Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.output.js 1.87 KiB 0 [emitted]
output.js 9.73 KiB 1 [emitted] main
output.js 9.76 KiB 1 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 439 bytes {1} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 439 bytes <{1}> [rendered]
> [3] ./example.js 7:0-14:1
[4] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*\.js$ 193 bytes {0} [built]
amd require context ../require.context/templates [3] ./example.js 7:0-14:1
@ -419,8 +424,8 @@ chunk {0} 0.output.js 439 bytes {1} [rendered]
context element ./b.js [4] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*\.js$ ./b.js
[7] ../require.context/templates/a.js 82 bytes {0} [optional] [built]
context element ./a.js [4] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*\.js$ ./a.js
chunk {1} output.js (main) 1.03 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> main [3] ./example.js
chunk {1} output.js (main) 1.03 KiB >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[0] ./amd.js 309 bytes {1} [built]
amd require ./amd [1] ./commonjs.js 5:0-11:1
cjs require ./amd [1] ./commonjs.js 8:13-29
@ -455,7 +460,7 @@ Version: webpack next
0.output.js 606 bytes 0 [emitted]
output.js 2.04 KiB 1 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = output.js
chunk {0} 0.output.js 439 bytes {1} [rendered]
chunk {0} 0.output.js 439 bytes <{1}> [rendered]
> [3] ./example.js 7:0-14:1
[4] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*\.js$ 193 bytes {0} [built]
amd require context ../require.context/templates [3] ./example.js 7:0-14:1
@ -465,8 +470,8 @@ chunk {0} 0.output.js 439 bytes {1} [rendered]
context element ./b.js [4] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*\.js$ ./b.js
[7] ../require.context/templates/a.js 82 bytes {0} [optional] [built]
context element ./a.js [4] ../require.context/templates sync ^\.\/.*\.js$ ./a.js
chunk {1} output.js (main) 1.03 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> main [3] ./example.js
chunk {1} output.js (main) 1.03 KiB >{0}< [entry] [rendered]
> .\example.js main
[0] ./amd.js 309 bytes {1} [built]
amd require ./amd [1] ./commonjs.js 5:0-11:1
cjs require ./amd [1] ./commonjs.js 8:13-29

View File

@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
This example shows example of using the CommonsChunkPlugin for moving modules from child-chunks to the parent chunk.
The `CommonsChunkPlugin` is used with `selectedChunks = false` argument to check for common modules in the child-chunks.
Without the plugin the pages would have this chunks:
* page
* chunk: a
* chunk: a, b
* chunk: a, b, c
* chunk: a, b, c, d
Using the `CommonsChunkPlugin` without `minChunks` argument only moves modules which are shared by all children (here only module `a`):
* pageA: a
* chunk: b
* chunk: b, c
* chunk: b, c, d
With `minChunks = 3`:
* pageB: a, b
* chunk: c
* chunk: c, d
It's also possible to provide a function instead of a number for `minChunks`. The function is called for each module to decide if the module should be moved or not (see pageC and pageD):
* pageC: a, c, d
* chunk: b
# page.js
``` javascript
require(["./a", "./b"]);
require(["./a", "./b", "./c"]);
require(["./a", "./b", "./c", "./d"]);
# webpack.config.js
``` javascript
var path = require("path");
var CommonsChunkPlugin = require("../../lib/optimize/CommonsChunkPlugin");
var outputOptions = {
path: path.join(__dirname, "dist"),
filename: "[name].bundle.js",
chunkFilename: "[id].chunk.js"
module.exports = [{
name: "page",
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
page: "./page"
output: outputOptions,
optimization: {
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)
}, {
name: "pageA",
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
pageA: "./page"
output: outputOptions,
plugins: [
//check for common modules in children of pageA and move them to the parent
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "pageA",
children: true
optimization: {
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)
}, {
name: "pageB",
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
pageB: "./page"
output: outputOptions,
plugins: [
// the same for pageB but move them if at least 3 children share the module
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "pageB",
children: true,
minChunks: 3
optimization: {
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)
}, {
name: "pageC",
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
pageC: "./page"
output: outputOptions,
plugins: [
// the same for pageC and pageD but with a custom logic for moving
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "pageC",
children: true,
minChunks: function(module, count) {
// move only module "b"
return !/b\.js/.test(module.identifier());
optimization: {
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)
# Info
## Unoptimized
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Child page:
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.chunk.js 748 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.chunk.js 572 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.chunk.js 405 bytes 2 [emitted]
3.chunk.js 238 bytes 3 [emitted]
page.bundle.js 7.46 KiB 4 [emitted] page
Entrypoint page = page.bundle.js
chunk {0} 0.chunk.js 84 bytes {4} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 4:0-37
[0] ./a.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} {3} [built]
[1] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} [built]
[2] ./c.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
[4] ./d.js 21 bytes {0} [built]
chunk {1} 1.chunk.js 63 bytes {4} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 3:0-30
[0] ./a.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} {3} [built]
[1] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} [built]
[2] ./c.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
chunk {2} 2.chunk.js 42 bytes {4} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 2:0-23
[0] ./a.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} {3} [built]
[1] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} [built]
chunk {3} 3.chunk.js 21 bytes {4} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 1:0-16
[0] ./a.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} {3} [built]
chunk {4} page.bundle.js (page) 118 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> page [3] ./page.js
[3] ./page.js 118 bytes {4} [built]
Child pageA:
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.chunk.js 590 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.chunk.js 414 bytes 1 [emitted]
2.chunk.js 247 bytes 2 [emitted]
pageA.bundle.js 7.63 KiB 3 [emitted] pageA
Entrypoint pageA = pageA.bundle.js
chunk {0} 0.chunk.js 63 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 4:0-37
[1] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} [built]
[2] ./c.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
[4] ./d.js 21 bytes {0} [built]
chunk {1} 1.chunk.js 42 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 3:0-30
[1] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} [built]
[2] ./c.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
chunk {2} 2.chunk.js 21 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 2:0-23
[1] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} [built]
chunk {3} pageA.bundle.js (pageA) 139 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageA [3] ./page.js
[0] ./a.js 21 bytes {3} [built]
[3] ./page.js 118 bytes {3} [built]
Child pageB:
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.chunk.js 432 bytes 0 [emitted]
1.chunk.js 241 bytes 1 [emitted]
pageB.bundle.js 7.78 KiB 2 [emitted] pageB
Entrypoint pageB = pageB.bundle.js
chunk {0} 0.chunk.js 42 bytes {2} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 4:0-37
[2] ./c.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
[4] ./d.js 21 bytes {0} [built]
chunk {1} 1.chunk.js 21 bytes {2} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 3:0-30
[2] ./c.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
chunk {2} pageB.bundle.js (pageB) 160 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageB [3] ./page.js
[0] ./a.js 21 bytes {2} [built]
[1] ./b.js 21 bytes {2} [built]
[3] ./page.js 118 bytes {2} [built]
Child pageC:
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.chunk.js 247 bytes 0 [emitted]
pageC.bundle.js 7.99 KiB 1 [emitted] pageC
Entrypoint pageC = pageC.bundle.js
chunk {0} 0.chunk.js 21 bytes {1} [rendered]
> duplicate [4] ./page.js 2:0-23
> duplicate [4] ./page.js 3:0-30
> duplicate [4] ./page.js 4:0-37
[1] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} [built]
chunk {1} pageC.bundle.js (pageC) 181 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageC [4] ./page.js
[0] ./a.js 21 bytes {1} [built]
[2] ./c.js 21 bytes {1} [built]
[3] ./d.js 21 bytes {1} [built]
[4] ./page.js 118 bytes {1} [built]
## Production mode
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Child page:
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.chunk.js 183 bytes 0, 1, 2, 3 [emitted]
1.chunk.js 151 bytes 1, 2, 3 [emitted]
2.chunk.js 120 bytes 2, 3 [emitted]
3.chunk.js 89 bytes 3 [emitted]
page.bundle.js 1.77 KiB 4 [emitted] page
Entrypoint page = page.bundle.js
chunk {0} 0.chunk.js 84 bytes {4} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 4:0-37
[0] ./a.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} {3} [built]
[1] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} [built]
[2] ./c.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
[4] ./d.js 21 bytes {0} [built]
chunk {1} 1.chunk.js 63 bytes {4} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 3:0-30
[0] ./a.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} {3} [built]
[1] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} [built]
[2] ./c.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
chunk {2} 2.chunk.js 42 bytes {4} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 2:0-23
[0] ./a.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} {3} [built]
[1] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} [built]
chunk {3} 3.chunk.js 21 bytes {4} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 1:0-16
[0] ./a.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} {3} [built]
chunk {4} page.bundle.js (page) 118 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> page [3] ./page.js
[3] ./page.js 118 bytes {4} [built]
Child pageA:
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.chunk.js 153 bytes 0, 1, 2 [emitted]
1.chunk.js 121 bytes 1, 2 [emitted]
2.chunk.js 90 bytes 2 [emitted]
pageA.bundle.js 1.81 KiB 3 [emitted] pageA
Entrypoint pageA = pageA.bundle.js
chunk {0} 0.chunk.js 63 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 4:0-37
[1] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} [built]
[2] ./c.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
[4] ./d.js 21 bytes {0} [built]
chunk {1} 1.chunk.js 42 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 3:0-30
[1] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} [built]
[2] ./c.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
chunk {2} 2.chunk.js 21 bytes {3} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 2:0-23
[1] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} {1} {2} [built]
chunk {3} pageA.bundle.js (pageA) 139 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageA [3] ./page.js
[0] ./a.js 21 bytes {3} [built]
[3] ./page.js 118 bytes {3} [built]
Child pageB:
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.chunk.js 123 bytes 0, 1 [emitted]
1.chunk.js 91 bytes 1 [emitted]
pageB.bundle.js 1.85 KiB 2 [emitted] pageB
Entrypoint pageB = pageB.bundle.js
chunk {0} 0.chunk.js 42 bytes {2} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 4:0-37
[2] ./c.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
[4] ./d.js 21 bytes {0} [built]
chunk {1} 1.chunk.js 21 bytes {2} [rendered]
> [3] ./page.js 3:0-30
[2] ./c.js 21 bytes {0} {1} [built]
chunk {2} pageB.bundle.js (pageB) 160 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageB [3] ./page.js
[0] ./a.js 21 bytes {2} [built]
[1] ./b.js 21 bytes {2} [built]
[3] ./page.js 118 bytes {2} [built]
Child pageC:
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
0.chunk.js 90 bytes 0 [emitted]
pageC.bundle.js 1.87 KiB 1 [emitted] pageC
Entrypoint pageC = pageC.bundle.js
chunk {0} 0.chunk.js 21 bytes {1} [rendered]
> duplicate [4] ./page.js 2:0-23
> duplicate [4] ./page.js 3:0-30
> duplicate [4] ./page.js 4:0-37
[1] ./b.js 21 bytes {0} [built]
chunk {1} pageC.bundle.js (pageC) 181 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> pageC [4] ./page.js
[0] ./a.js 21 bytes {1} [built]
[2] ./c.js 21 bytes {1} [built]
[3] ./d.js 21 bytes {1} [built]
[4] ./page.js 118 bytes {1} [built]

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
module.exports = "a";

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
module.exports = "b";

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
global.NO_TARGET_ARGS = true;
global.NO_REASONS = true;

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
module.exports = "c";

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
module.exports = "d";

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
require(["./a", "./b"]);
require(["./a", "./b", "./c"]);
require(["./a", "./b", "./c", "./d"]);

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
This example shows example of using the CommonsChunkPlugin for moving modules from child-chunks to the parent chunk.
The `CommonsChunkPlugin` is used with `selectedChunks = false` argument to check for common modules in the child-chunks.
Without the plugin the pages would have this chunks:
* page
* chunk: a
* chunk: a, b
* chunk: a, b, c
* chunk: a, b, c, d
Using the `CommonsChunkPlugin` without `minChunks` argument only moves modules which are shared by all children (here only module `a`):
* pageA: a
* chunk: b
* chunk: b, c
* chunk: b, c, d
With `minChunks = 3`:
* pageB: a, b
* chunk: c
* chunk: c, d
It's also possible to provide a function instead of a number for `minChunks`. The function is called for each module to decide if the module should be moved or not (see pageC and pageD):
* pageC: a, c, d
* chunk: b
# page.js
``` javascript
# webpack.config.js
``` javascript
# Info
## Unoptimized
## Production mode

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
var path = require("path");
var CommonsChunkPlugin = require("../../lib/optimize/CommonsChunkPlugin");
var outputOptions = {
path: path.join(__dirname, "dist"),
filename: "[name].bundle.js",
chunkFilename: "[id].chunk.js"
module.exports = [{
name: "page",
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
page: "./page"
output: outputOptions,
optimization: {
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)
}, {
name: "pageA",
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
pageA: "./page"
output: outputOptions,
plugins: [
//check for common modules in children of pageA and move them to the parent
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "pageA",
children: true
optimization: {
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)
}, {
name: "pageB",
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
pageB: "./page"
output: outputOptions,
plugins: [
// the same for pageB but move them if at least 3 children share the module
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "pageB",
children: true,
minChunks: 3
optimization: {
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)
}, {
name: "pageC",
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
pageC: "./page"
output: outputOptions,
plugins: [
// the same for pageC and pageD but with a custom logic for moving
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "pageC",
children: true,
minChunks: function(module, count) {
// move only module "b"
return !/b\.js/.test(module.identifier());
optimization: {
occurrenceOrder: true // To keep filename consistent between different modes (for example building only)

View File

@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ module.exports = [
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -133,9 +134,7 @@ module.exports = [
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
if(false) {
if(false) {}
console.log("Running " + "desktop" + " build");
/***/ })
@ -211,6 +210,7 @@ console.log("Running " + "desktop" + " build");
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -252,21 +252,21 @@ Version: webpack next
Child mobile:
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
mobile.js 3.03 KiB 0 [emitted] main
mobile.js 3.04 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = mobile.js
chunk {0} mobile.js (main) 117 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
> ./example main
[0] ./example.js 97 bytes {0} [built]
single entry ./example main
[1] ./mobile-stuff.js 20 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./mobile-stuff [0] ./example.js 2:1-26
Child desktop:
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
desktop.js 2.82 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
desktop.js 2.8 KiB 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = desktop.js
chunk {0} desktop.js (main) 97 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
> ./example main
[0] ./example.js 97 bytes {0} [built]
single entry ./example main
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ Child mobile:
mobile.js 608 bytes 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = mobile.js
chunk {0} mobile.js (main) 117 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [1] ./example.js
> ./example main
[0] ./mobile-stuff.js 20 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./mobile-stuff [1] ./example.js 2:1-26
[1] ./example.js 97 bytes {0} [built]
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ Child desktop:
desktop.js 588 bytes 0 [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = desktop.js
chunk {0} desktop.js (main) 97 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> main [0] ./example.js
> ./example main
[0] ./example.js 97 bytes {0} [built]
single entry ./example main

View File

@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
@ -217,6 +218,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 1);
/******/ })
@ -245,16 +247,16 @@ module.exports = "beta";
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
MyLibrary.alpha.js 3.15 KiB 0 [emitted] alpha
MyLibrary.beta.js 3.15 KiB 1 [emitted] beta
MyLibrary.alpha.js 3.16 KiB 0 [emitted] alpha
MyLibrary.beta.js 3.16 KiB 1 [emitted] beta
Entrypoint alpha = MyLibrary.alpha.js
Entrypoint beta = MyLibrary.beta.js
chunk {0} MyLibrary.alpha.js (alpha) 25 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> alpha [0] ./alpha.js
> ./alpha alpha
[0] ./alpha.js 25 bytes {0} [built]
single entry ./alpha alpha
chunk {1} MyLibrary.beta.js (beta) 24 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> beta [1] ./beta.js
> ./beta beta
[1] ./beta.js 24 bytes {1} [built]
single entry ./beta beta
@ -270,11 +272,11 @@ MyLibrary.alpha.js 832 bytes 1 [emitted] alpha
Entrypoint alpha = MyLibrary.alpha.js
Entrypoint beta = MyLibrary.beta.js
chunk {0} MyLibrary.beta.js (beta) 24 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> beta [0] ./beta.js
> ./beta beta
[0] ./beta.js 24 bytes {0} [built]
single entry ./beta beta
chunk {1} MyLibrary.alpha.js (alpha) 25 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> alpha [1] ./alpha.js
> ./alpha alpha
[1] ./alpha.js 25 bytes {1} [built]
single entry ./alpha alpha

View File

@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
# pageA.js
``` javascript
# adminPageA.js
``` javascript
# webpack.config.js
``` javascript
var path = require("path");
var CommonsChunkPlugin = require("../../lib/optimize/CommonsChunkPlugin");
module.exports = {
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
pageA: "./pageA",
pageB: "./pageB",
pageC: "./pageC",
adminPageA: "./adminPageA",
adminPageB: "./adminPageB",
adminPageC: "./adminPageC",
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, "dist"),
filename: "[name].js"
plugins: [
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "admin-commons",
chunks: ["adminPageA", "adminPageB"]
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "commons",
chunks: ["pageA", "pageB", "admin-commons"],
minChunks: 2
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "c-commons",
chunks: ["pageC", "adminPageC"]
# pageA.html
``` html
<script src="js/commons.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="js/pageA.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
# adminPageA.html
``` html
<script src="js/commons.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="js/admin-commons.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="js/adminPageA.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
# dist/commons.js
<details><summary><code>/******/ (function(modules) { /* webpackBootstrap */ })</code></summary>
``` javascript
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
/******/ var chunkIds = data[0], moreModules = data[1], executeModules = data[2];
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
/******/ resolves.push(installedChunks[chunkId][0]);
/******/ }
/******/ installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;
/******/ }
/******/ for(moduleId in moreModules) {
/******/ if(, moduleId)) {
/******/ modules[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ if(parentJsonpFunction) parentJsonpFunction(data);
/******/ while(resolves.length) {
/******/ resolves.shift()();
/******/ }
/******/ scheduledModules.push.apply(scheduledModules, executeModules || []);
/******/ for(i = 0; i < scheduledModules.length; i++) {
/******/ var scheduledModule = scheduledModules[i];
/******/ var fullfilled = true;
/******/ for(var j = 1; j < scheduledModule.length; j++) {
/******/ var depId = scheduledModule[j];
/******/ if(installedChunks[depId] !== 0) fullfilled = false;
/******/ }
/******/ if(fullfilled) {
/******/ scheduledModules.splice(i--, 1);
/******/ result = __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = scheduledModule[0]);
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ return result;
/******/ };
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // object to store loaded and loading chunks
/******/ var installedChunks = {
/******/ 7: 0
/******/ };
/******/ var scheduledModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ i: moduleId,
/******/ l: false,
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.l = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
/******/ configurable: false,
/******/ enumerable: true,
/******/ get: getter
/******/ });
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ // define __esModule on exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
/******/ };
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
/******/ return getter;
/******/ };
/******/ //
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); };
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist/";
/******/ // on error function for async loading
/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
/******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || [];
/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray);
/******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback;
/******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice();
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]);
/******/ })
``` javascript
/******/ ([
/* 0 */,
/* 1 */
!*** ./modules/a-b-c.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
/***/ }),
/* 2 */
!*** ./modules/a-b.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
/***/ })
/******/ ]);
# dist/pageA.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[0],[
/* 0 */
!*** ./pageA.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
__webpack_require__(/*! ./modules/a-b-c */ 1);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./modules/a-b */ 2);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./modules/a-c */ 3);
/***/ }),
/* 1 */,
/* 2 */,
/* 3 */
!*** ./modules/a-c.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
/***/ })
# dist/admin-commons.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[6],{
/***/ 8:
!*** ./modules/admin.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
/***/ })
# dist/adminPageA.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[3],{
/***/ 7:
!*** ./adminPageA.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
__webpack_require__(/*! ./modules/a-b-c */ 1);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./modules/admin */ 8);
/***/ })
# Info
## Unoptimized
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
pageA.js 594 bytes 0 [emitted] pageA
pageB.js 581 bytes 1 [emitted] pageB
pageC.js 788 bytes 2 [emitted] pageC
adminPageA.js 374 bytes 3 [emitted] adminPageA
adminPageB.js 374 bytes 4 [emitted] adminPageB
adminPageC.js 558 bytes 5 [emitted] adminPageC
admin-commons.js 256 bytes 6 [emitted] admin-commons
commons.js 5.03 KiB 7 [emitted] commons
c-commons.js 4.85 KiB 8 [emitted] c-commons
Entrypoint pageA = commons.js pageA.js
Entrypoint pageB = commons.js pageB.js
Entrypoint pageC = c-commons.js pageC.js
Entrypoint adminPageA = commons.js admin-commons.js adminPageA.js
Entrypoint adminPageB = commons.js admin-commons.js adminPageB.js
Entrypoint adminPageC = c-commons.js adminPageC.js
chunk {0} pageA.js (pageA) 83 bytes {7} [initial] [rendered]
> pageA [0] ./pageA.js
[0] ./pageA.js 83 bytes {0} [built]
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[3] ./modules/a-c.js 0 bytes {0} {2} [built]
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cjs require ./modules/a-c [6] ./pageC.js 3:0-24
chunk {1} pageB.js (pageB) 83 bytes {7} [initial] [rendered]
> pageB [4] ./pageB.js
[4] ./pageB.js 83 bytes {1} [built]
single entry ./pageB pageB
[5] ./modules/b-c.js 0 bytes {1} {2} [built]
cjs require ./modules/b-c [4] ./pageB.js 3:0-24
cjs require ./modules/b-c [6] ./pageC.js 2:0-24
chunk {2} pageC.js (pageC) 83 bytes {8} [initial] [rendered]
> pageC [6] ./pageC.js
[3] ./modules/a-c.js 0 bytes {0} {2} [built]
cjs require ./modules/a-c [0] ./pageA.js 3:0-24
cjs require ./modules/a-c [6] ./pageC.js 3:0-24
[5] ./modules/b-c.js 0 bytes {1} {2} [built]
cjs require ./modules/b-c [4] ./pageB.js 3:0-24
cjs require ./modules/b-c [6] ./pageC.js 2:0-24
[6] ./pageC.js 83 bytes {2} [built]
single entry ./pageC pageC
chunk {3} adminPageA.js (adminPageA) 56 bytes {6} [initial] [rendered]
> adminPageA [7] ./adminPageA.js
[7] ./adminPageA.js 56 bytes {3} [built]
single entry ./adminPageA adminPageA
chunk {4} adminPageB.js (adminPageB) 56 bytes {6} [initial] [rendered]
> adminPageB [9] ./adminPageB.js
[9] ./adminPageB.js 56 bytes {4} [built]
single entry ./adminPageB adminPageB
chunk {5} adminPageC.js (adminPageC) 56 bytes {8} [initial] [rendered]
> adminPageC [10] ./adminPageC.js
[8] ./modules/admin.js 0 bytes {5} {6} [built]
cjs require ./modules/admin [7] ./adminPageA.js 2:0-26
cjs require ./modules/admin [9] ./adminPageB.js 2:0-26
cjs require ./modules/admin [10] ./adminPageC.js 2:0-26
[10] ./adminPageC.js 56 bytes {5} [built]
single entry ./adminPageC adminPageC
chunk {6} admin-commons.js (admin-commons) 0 bytes {7} [initial] [rendered]
[8] ./modules/admin.js 0 bytes {5} {6} [built]
cjs require ./modules/admin [7] ./adminPageA.js 2:0-26
cjs require ./modules/admin [9] ./adminPageB.js 2:0-26
cjs require ./modules/admin [10] ./adminPageC.js 2:0-26
chunk {7} commons.js (commons) 0 bytes [entry] [rendered]
[1] ./modules/a-b-c.js 0 bytes {7} {8} [built]
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [0] ./pageA.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [4] ./pageB.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [6] ./pageC.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [7] ./adminPageA.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [9] ./adminPageB.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [10] ./adminPageC.js 1:0-26
[2] ./modules/a-b.js 0 bytes {7} [built]
cjs require ./modules/a-b [0] ./pageA.js 2:0-24
cjs require ./modules/a-b [4] ./pageB.js 2:0-24
chunk {8} c-commons.js (c-commons) 0 bytes [entry] [rendered]
[1] ./modules/a-b-c.js 0 bytes {7} {8} [built]
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [0] ./pageA.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [4] ./pageB.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [6] ./pageC.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [7] ./adminPageA.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [9] ./adminPageB.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [10] ./adminPageC.js 1:0-26
## Production mode
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
admin-commons.js 77 bytes 0 [emitted] admin-commons
adminPageC.js 119 bytes 1, 0 [emitted] adminPageC
adminPageB.js 101 bytes 2 [emitted] adminPageB
adminPageA.js 101 bytes 3 [emitted] adminPageA
pageC.js 140 bytes 4 [emitted] pageC
pageB.js 122 bytes 5 [emitted] pageB
pageA.js 124 bytes 6 [emitted] pageA
c-commons.js 1.06 KiB 7 [emitted] c-commons
commons.js 1.08 KiB 8, 7 [emitted] commons
Entrypoint pageA = commons.js pageA.js
Entrypoint pageB = commons.js pageB.js
Entrypoint pageC = c-commons.js pageC.js
Entrypoint adminPageA = commons.js admin-commons.js adminPageA.js
Entrypoint adminPageB = commons.js admin-commons.js adminPageB.js
Entrypoint adminPageC = c-commons.js adminPageC.js
chunk {0} admin-commons.js (admin-commons) 0 bytes {8} [initial] [rendered]
[1] ./modules/admin.js 0 bytes {0} {1} [built]
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cjs require ./modules/admin [6] ./adminPageB.js 2:0-26
cjs require ./modules/admin [7] ./adminPageA.js 2:0-26
chunk {1} adminPageC.js (adminPageC) 56 bytes {7} [initial] [rendered]
> adminPageC [5] ./adminPageC.js
[1] ./modules/admin.js 0 bytes {0} {1} [built]
cjs require ./modules/admin [5] ./adminPageC.js 2:0-26
cjs require ./modules/admin [6] ./adminPageB.js 2:0-26
cjs require ./modules/admin [7] ./adminPageA.js 2:0-26
[5] ./adminPageC.js 56 bytes {1} [built]
single entry ./adminPageC adminPageC
chunk {2} adminPageB.js (adminPageB) 56 bytes {0} [initial] [rendered]
> adminPageB [6] ./adminPageB.js
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chunk {3} adminPageA.js (adminPageA) 56 bytes {0} [initial] [rendered]
> adminPageA [7] ./adminPageA.js
[7] ./adminPageA.js 56 bytes {3} [built]
single entry ./adminPageA adminPageA
chunk {4} pageC.js (pageC) 83 bytes {7} [initial] [rendered]
> pageC [8] ./pageC.js
[2] ./modules/b-c.js 0 bytes {4} {5} [built]
cjs require ./modules/b-c [8] ./pageC.js 2:0-24
cjs require ./modules/b-c [9] ./pageB.js 3:0-24
[3] ./modules/a-c.js 0 bytes {4} {6} [built]
cjs require ./modules/a-c [8] ./pageC.js 3:0-24
cjs require ./modules/a-c [10] ./pageA.js 3:0-24
[8] ./pageC.js 83 bytes {4} [built]
single entry ./pageC pageC
chunk {5} pageB.js (pageB) 83 bytes {8} [initial] [rendered]
> pageB [9] ./pageB.js
[2] ./modules/b-c.js 0 bytes {4} {5} [built]
cjs require ./modules/b-c [8] ./pageC.js 2:0-24
cjs require ./modules/b-c [9] ./pageB.js 3:0-24
[9] ./pageB.js 83 bytes {5} [built]
single entry ./pageB pageB
chunk {6} pageA.js (pageA) 83 bytes {8} [initial] [rendered]
> pageA [10] ./pageA.js
[3] ./modules/a-c.js 0 bytes {4} {6} [built]
cjs require ./modules/a-c [8] ./pageC.js 3:0-24
cjs require ./modules/a-c [10] ./pageA.js 3:0-24
[10] ./pageA.js 83 bytes {6} [built]
single entry ./pageA pageA
chunk {7} c-commons.js (c-commons) 0 bytes [entry] [rendered]
[0] ./modules/a-b-c.js 0 bytes {7} {8} [built]
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cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [6] ./adminPageB.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [7] ./adminPageA.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [8] ./pageC.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [9] ./pageB.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [10] ./pageA.js 1:0-26
chunk {8} commons.js (commons) 0 bytes [entry] [rendered]
[0] ./modules/a-b-c.js 0 bytes {7} {8} [built]
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [5] ./adminPageC.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [6] ./adminPageB.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [7] ./adminPageA.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [8] ./pageC.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [9] ./pageB.js 1:0-26
cjs require ./modules/a-b-c [10] ./pageA.js 1:0-26
[4] ./modules/a-b.js 0 bytes {8} [built]
cjs require ./modules/a-b [9] ./pageB.js 2:0-24
cjs require ./modules/a-b [10] ./pageA.js 2:0-24

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
<script src="js/commons.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="js/admin-commons.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="js/adminPageA.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
global.NO_TARGET_ARGS = true;

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
module.exports = "Common";

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
<script src="js/commons.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="js/pageA.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
# pageA.js
``` javascript
# adminPageA.js
``` javascript
# webpack.config.js
``` javascript
# pageA.html
``` html
# adminPageA.html
``` html
# dist/commons.js
``` javascript
# dist/pageA.js
``` javascript
# dist/admin-commons.js
``` javascript
# dist/adminPageA.js
``` javascript
# Info
## Unoptimized
## Production mode

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
var path = require("path");
var CommonsChunkPlugin = require("../../lib/optimize/CommonsChunkPlugin");
module.exports = {
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
pageA: "./pageA",
pageB: "./pageB",
pageC: "./pageC",
adminPageA: "./adminPageA",
adminPageB: "./adminPageB",
adminPageC: "./adminPageC",
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, "dist"),
filename: "[name].js"
plugins: [
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "admin-commons",
chunks: ["adminPageA", "adminPageB"]
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "commons",
chunks: ["pageA", "pageB", "admin-commons"],
minChunks: 2
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "c-commons",
chunks: ["pageC", "adminPageC"]

View File

@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
# a.js
``` javascript
# b.js
``` javascript
# c.js
``` javascript
# style.css
``` css
body {
background: url(image.png);
# styleA.css
``` css
.a {
background: url(imageA.png);
# styleB.css
``` css
.b {
background: url(imageB.png);
# styleC.css
``` css
@import "style.css";
.c {
background: url(imageC.png);
# webpack.config.js
``` javascript
const path = require("path");
const LoaderOptionsPlugin = require("../../lib/LoaderOptionsPlugin");
const CommonsChunkPlugin = require("../../lib/optimize/CommonsChunkPlugin");
const ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
// mode: "development || "production",
entry: {
A: "./a",
B: "./b",
C: "./c",
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, "dist"),
filename: "[name].js"
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
fallback: "style-loader",
use: "css-loader"
{ test: /\.png$/, loader: "file-loader" }
plugins: [
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: "commons",
filename: "commons.js",
chunks: ["A", "B"]
new ExtractTextPlugin({
filename: "[name].css"
// Temporary workaround for the file-loader
new LoaderOptionsPlugin({
options: {}
# dist/A.js
``` javascript
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([[0],{
/***/ 0:
!*** ./a.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
__webpack_require__(/*! ./style.css */ 1);
__webpack_require__(/*! ./styleA.css */ 7);
/***/ }),
/***/ 7:
!*** ./styleA.css ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
// removed by extract-text-webpack-plugin
/***/ })
# dist/commons.css
``` css
body {
background: url(dist/ce21cbdd9b894e6af794813eb3fdaf60.png);
# dist/A.css
``` css
.a {
background: url(dist/d090b6fba0f6d326d282a19146ff54a7.png);
# dist/B.css
``` css
.b {
background: url(dist/16155c689e517682064c99893cb832cc.png);
# dist/B.css (Minimized)
``` css
.b {
background: url(dist/16155c689e517682064c99893cb832cc.png);
# dist/C.css
``` css
body {
background: url(dist/ce21cbdd9b894e6af794813eb3fdaf60.png);
.c {
background: url(dist/c2a2f62d69330b7d787782f5010f9d13.png);
# dist/C.css (Minimized)
``` css
body {
background: url(dist/ce21cbdd9b894e6af794813eb3fdaf60.png);
.c {
background: url(dist/c2a2f62d69330b7d787782f5010f9d13.png);
# Info
## Unoptimized
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
C.js 2.97 KiB 2 [emitted] C
d090b6fba0f6d326d282a19146ff54a7.png 120 bytes [emitted]
ce21cbdd9b894e6af794813eb3fdaf60.png 119 bytes [emitted]
c2a2f62d69330b7d787782f5010f9d13.png 120 bytes [emitted]
A.js 547 bytes 0 [emitted] A
B.js 551 bytes 1 [emitted] B
16155c689e517682064c99893cb832cc.png 120 bytes [emitted]
commons.js 4.87 KiB 3 [emitted] commons
A.css 71 bytes 0 [emitted] A
B.css 71 bytes 1 [emitted] B
C.css 144 bytes 2 [emitted] C
commons.css 73 bytes 3 [emitted] commons
Entrypoint A = commons.js commons.css A.js A.css
Entrypoint B = commons.js commons.css B.js B.css
Entrypoint C = C.js C.css
chunk {0} A.js, A.css (A) 92 bytes {3} [initial] [rendered]
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chunk {1} B.js, B.css (B) 92 bytes {3} [initial] [rendered]
> B [10] ./b.js
[10] ./b.js 51 bytes {1} [built]
single entry ./b B
[11] ./styleB.css 41 bytes [built]
chunk {2} C.js, C.css (C) 67 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> C [14] ./c.js
[14] ./c.js 26 bytes {2} [built]
single entry ./c C
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chunk {3} commons.js, commons.css (commons) 41 bytes [entry] [rendered]
[1] ./style.css 41 bytes [built]
Child extract-text-webpack-plugin ../../node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist ../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!styleA.css:
1 asset
Entrypoint undefined = extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename
chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 2.52 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> [0] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleA.css
[0] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleA.css 234 bytes {0} [built]
single entry !!(webpack)\node_modules\css-loader\index.js!.\styleA.css
[2] ./imageA.png 82 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./imageA.png [0] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleA.css 6:56-79
+ 1 hidden module
Child extract-text-webpack-plugin ../../node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist ../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!styleB.css:
1 asset
Entrypoint undefined = extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename
chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 2.52 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> [0] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleB.css
[0] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleB.css 234 bytes {0} [built]
single entry !!(webpack)\node_modules\css-loader\index.js!.\styleB.css
[2] ./imageB.png 82 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./imageB.png [0] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleB.css 6:56-79
+ 1 hidden module
Child extract-text-webpack-plugin ../../node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist ../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!style.css:
1 asset
Entrypoint undefined = extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename
chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 2.52 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> [0] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css
[0] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css 235 bytes {0} [built]
single entry !!(webpack)\node_modules\css-loader\index.js!.\style.css
[2] ./image.png 82 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./image.png [0] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css 6:58-80
+ 1 hidden module
Child extract-text-webpack-plugin ../../node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist ../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!styleC.css:
2 assets
Entrypoint undefined = extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename
chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 2.9 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> [0] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleC.css
[0] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleC.css 313 bytes {0} [built]
single entry !!(webpack)\node_modules\css-loader\index.js!.\styleC.css
[2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css 235 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require -!../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!./style.css [0] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleC.css 3:10-73
[3] ./image.png 82 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./image.png [2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css 6:58-80
[4] ./imageC.png 82 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./imageC.png [0] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleC.css 6:56-79
+ 1 hidden module
## Production mode
Hash: 0a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d
Version: webpack next
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
commons.js 1.06 KiB 2 [emitted] commons
d090b6fba0f6d326d282a19146ff54a7.png 120 bytes [emitted]
ce21cbdd9b894e6af794813eb3fdaf60.png 119 bytes [emitted]
c2a2f62d69330b7d787782f5010f9d13.png 120 bytes [emitted]
B.js 118 bytes 0 [emitted] B
A.js 120 bytes 1 [emitted] A
16155c689e517682064c99893cb832cc.png 120 bytes [emitted]
C.js 576 bytes 3 [emitted] C
A.css 71 bytes 1 [emitted] A
B.css 71 bytes 0 [emitted] B
C.css 144 bytes 3 [emitted] C
commons.css 73 bytes 2 [emitted] commons
Entrypoint A = commons.js commons.css A.js A.css
Entrypoint B = commons.js commons.css B.js B.css
Entrypoint C = C.js C.css
chunk {0} B.js, B.css (B) 92 bytes {2} [initial] [rendered]
> B [1] ./b.js
[1] ./b.js 51 bytes {0} [built]
single entry ./b B
[8] ./styleB.css 41 bytes [built]
chunk {1} A.js, A.css (A) 92 bytes {2} [initial] [rendered]
> A [2] ./a.js
[2] ./a.js 51 bytes {1} [built]
single entry ./a A
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chunk {2} commons.js, commons.css (commons) 41 bytes [entry] [rendered]
[17] ./style.css 41 bytes [built]
chunk {3} C.js, C.css (C) 67 bytes [entry] [rendered]
> C [0] ./c.js
[0] ./c.js 26 bytes {3} [built]
single entry ./c C
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Child extract-text-webpack-plugin ../../node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist ../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!styleA.css:
1 asset
Entrypoint undefined = extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename
chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 2.52 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> [2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleA.css
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cjs require ./imageA.png [2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleA.css 6:56-79
[2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleA.css 234 bytes {0} [built]
single entry !!(webpack)\node_modules\css-loader\index.js!.\styleA.css
+ 1 hidden module
Child extract-text-webpack-plugin ../../node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist ../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!styleB.css:
1 asset
Entrypoint undefined = extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename
chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 2.52 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> [2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleB.css
[0] ./imageB.png 82 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./imageB.png [2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleB.css 6:56-79
[2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleB.css 234 bytes {0} [built]
single entry !!(webpack)\node_modules\css-loader\index.js!.\styleB.css
+ 1 hidden module
Child extract-text-webpack-plugin ../../node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist ../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!style.css:
1 asset
Entrypoint undefined = extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename
chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 2.52 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> [2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css
[0] ./image.png 82 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./image.png [2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css 6:58-80
[2] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css 235 bytes {0} [built]
single entry !!(webpack)\node_modules\css-loader\index.js!.\style.css
+ 1 hidden module
Child extract-text-webpack-plugin ../../node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist ../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!styleC.css:
2 assets
Entrypoint undefined = extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename
chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 2.9 KiB [entry] [rendered]
> [4] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleC.css
[1] ./imageC.png 82 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./imageC.png [4] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleC.css 6:56-79
[2] ./image.png 82 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require ./image.png [3] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css 6:58-80
[3] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./style.css 235 bytes {0} [built]
cjs require -!../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!./style.css [4] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleC.css 3:10-73
[4] (webpack)/node_modules/css-loader!./styleC.css 313 bytes {0} [built]
single entry !!(webpack)\node_modules\css-loader\index.js!.\styleC.css
+ 1 hidden module

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
global.NO_TARGET_ARGS = true;

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More