define(["dojo/_base/declare", "dijit/Tree", "lib/_CheckBoxTreeNode" ], function (declare) { return declare( "lib.CheckBoxTree", dijit.Tree, { onNodeChecked: function(/**/ storeItem, /*treeNode*/ treeNode) { // summary: // Callback when a checkbox tree node is checked // tags: // callback }, onNodeUnchecked: function(/**/ storeItem, /* treeNode */ treeNode) { // summary: // Callback when a checkbox tree node is unchecked // tags: // callback }, _onClick: function(/*TreeNode*/ nodeWidget, /*Event*/ e) { // summary: // Translates click events into commands for the controller to process // description: // the _onClick function is called whenever a 'click' is detected. This // instance of _onClick only handles the click events associated with // the checkbox whos DOM name is INPUT. // var domElement =; // Only handle checkbox clicks here if(domElement.type != 'checkbox') { return this.inherited( arguments ); } this._publish("execute", { item: nodeWidget.item, node: nodeWidget} ); // Go tell the model to update the checkbox state this.model.updateCheckbox( nodeWidget.item, nodeWidget._checkbox.checked ); // Generate some additional events //this.onClick( nodeWidget.item, nodeWidget, e ); if(nodeWidget._checkbox.checked) { this.onNodeChecked( nodeWidget.item, nodeWidget); } else { this.onNodeUnchecked( nodeWidget.item, nodeWidget); } this.focusNode(nodeWidget); }, _onCheckboxChange: function(/**/ storeItem ) { // summary: // Processes notification of a change to a checkbox state (triggered by the model). // description: // Whenever the model changes the state of a checkbox in the it will // trigger the 'onCheckboxChange' event allowing the Tree to make the same changes // on the tree Node. There are several conditions why a tree node or checkbox does not // exists: // a) The node has not been created yet (the user has not expanded the tree node yet). // b) The checkbox may be null if condition (a) exists or no 'checkbox' attribute was // specified for the associated and the attribute 'checkboxAll' is // set to false. // tags: // callback var model = this.model, identity = model.getIdentity(storeItem), nodes = this._itemNodesMap[identity]; // As of dijit.Tree 1.4 multiple references (parents) are supported, therefore we may have // to update multiple nodes which are all associated with the same if( nodes ) { dojo.forEach( nodes, function(node) { if( node._checkbox != null ) { node._checkbox.attr('checked', this.model.getCheckboxState( storeItem )); } }, this ); } }, postCreate: function() { // summary: // Handle any specifics related to the tree and model after the instanciation of the Tree. // description: // Validate if we have a 'write' store first. Subscribe to the 'onCheckboxChange' event // (triggered by the model) and kickoff the initial checkbox data validation. // var store =; if(!store.getFeatures()['']){ throw new Error("lib.CheckboxTree: store must support"); } this.connect(this.model, "onCheckboxChange", "_onCheckboxChange"); this.model.validateData( this.model.root, this.model ); this.inherited(arguments); }, _createTreeNode: function( args ) { // summary: // Create a new CheckboxTreeNode instance. // description: // Create a new CheckboxTreeNode instance. return new lib._CheckBoxTreeNode(args); } }); });