
106 lines
6.3 KiB

//## This Plugin is only for use with the RFLink software package ##
//## Plugin-45 Auriol ##
* This plugin takes care of decoding the Auriol protocol (Z31743) and other devices following the same protocol (Rubicson?)
* Author : StuntTeam
* Support : http://sourceforge.net/projects/rflink/
* License : This code is free for use in any open source project when this header is included.
* Usage of any parts of this code in a commercial application is prohibited!
* Changelog: v1.0 initial release
* Technical Information:
* Decodes signals from a Auriol Weatherstation outdoor unit, (32/36 bits, 433 MHz).
* Auriol Message Format:
* 1101 0110 1000 0000 1101 1111 1111 0000
* A = Rolling Code, no change during normal operation. (Device 'Session' ID) (Might also be 4 bits RC and 4 bits for channel number)
* B = Battery status, 1=OK, 0=LOW
* C = Always 000
* D = Temperature (21.5 degrees is shown as decimal value 215, minus values have the high bit set and need to be subtracted from a base value of 4096)
* E = Unknown
* F = Unknown
* G = sum of all bits xored together
* Sample:
* 20;34;DEBUG;Pulses=66;Pulses(uSec)=325,3725,325,1825,325,1825,325,1825,325,3700,325,3700,325,3700,325,3700,325,3700,325,1850,300,1825,325,1850,325,1825,325,1850,325,1825,300,1825,325,3725,300,3725,325,1825,325,1825,300,3725,300,1850,325,3725,300,1850,325,3725,300,3700,300,3725,300,1825,325,3700,325,3700,300,3700,325,1825,325;
* 20;0A;DEBUG;Pulses=66;Pulses(uSec)=325,1850,300,1850,300,3700,300,1850,300,1850,300,1850,325,1850,300,1850,325,3700,325,1850,300,1850,300,1825,325,1850,300,1850,325,1825,300,1850,325,3725,300,3700,325,1825,300,1850,325,3700,300,3725,300,3725,300,1850,300,1850,300,3725,325,3700,300,1850,300,1825,325,1850,300,3700,300,1850,325;
#ifdef PLUGIN_045
boolean Plugin_045(byte function, char *string) {
if (RawSignal.Number != AURIOL_PULSECOUNT) return false;
unsigned long bitstream=0L;
unsigned int temperature=0;
byte rc=0;
byte bat=0;
byte checksumcalc=0;
if (RawSignal.Number == AURIOL_PULSECOUNT) {
for(int x=2;x < AURIOL_PULSECOUNT;x+=2) {
if (RawSignal.Pulses[x+1]*RawSignal.Multiply > 550) return false; // inbetween pulses should not exceed a length of 550
if(RawSignal.Pulses[x]*RawSignal.Multiply > 3000) { // long bit = 1
bitstream = (bitstream << 1) | 0x1;
} else {
if(RawSignal.Pulses[x]*RawSignal.Multiply < 1600) return false; // pulse length too short to be valid?
if(RawSignal.Pulses[x]*RawSignal.Multiply > 2200) return false; // pulse length between 2000 - 3000 is invalid
bitstream = (bitstream << 1); // short bit = 0
// Prevent repeating signals from showing up
if( (SignalHash!=SignalHashPrevious) || (RepeatingTimer+1000<millis()) ) {
// not seen the RF packet recently
if (bitstream == 0) return false; // Perform a sanity check
} else {
// already seen the RF packet recently
return true;
for (int i=1;i<32;i++) { // Perform a checksum calculation to make sure the received packet is a valid Auriol packet
checksumcalc=checksumcalc^ ((bitstream>>i)&0x01);
if (checksumcalc != (bitstream&0x01) ) return false;
rc = (bitstream >> 20) & 0x07; // get 3 bits to perform another sanity check
if (rc != 0) return false; // selected bits should always be 000
bat= (bitstream >> 23) & 0x01; // get battery strength indicator
temperature = (bitstream >> 8) & 0xfff; // get 12 temperature bits
rc = (bitstream >> 24) & 0xff; // get rolling code
if (temperature > 3000) {
temperature=4096-temperature; // fix for minus temperatures
if (temperature > 0x258) return false; // temperature out of range ( > -60.0 degrees)
temperature=temperature | 0x8000; // turn highest bit on for minus values
} else {
if (temperature > 0x258) return false; // temperature out of range ( > 60.0 degrees)
// Output
// ----------------------------------
Serial.print(F(";Auriol;ID=00")); // Label
// ----------------------------------
sprintf(pbuffer, ";TEMP=%04x;", temperature);
Serial.print( pbuffer );
if (bat==0) { // battery status
} else {
RawSignal.Repeats=true; // suppress repeats of the same RF packet
return true;
#endif // PLUGIN_045