
294 lines
16 KiB

//## This Plugin is only for use with the RFLink software package ##
//## Plugin-42 UPM/Esic ##
* Dit protocol zorgt voor ontvangst van UPM/Esic weerstation buitensensoren
* Tevens alle sensoren die het UPM/Esic (W.H. Mandolyn International Ltd) protocol volgen waaronder:
* UPM, Esic, Emos, DVM, Clas Ohlson, Dickson
* WT260,WT260H,WT440H,WT450,WT450H,WDS500,RG700
* Author : StuntTeam
* Support : http://sourceforge.net/projects/rflink/
* License : This code is free for use in any open source project when this header is included.
* Usage of any parts of this code in a commercial application is prohibited!
* Changelog: v1.0 initial release
* Technical information:
* Decodes signals from a UPM/Esic Weatherstation outdoor unit, (52/54 pulses, 36 bits, 433 MHz).
* Supports two packet formats
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ____Byte 0_____ ____Byte 1_____ ____Byte 2_____ ____Byte 3_____ _Nib4__
* 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
* x x x x c c c c d d y y b S S S s s s s s P P P p p p p p p p p z z C C
* x = Constant, 1100, probably preamble
* c = House Code (0 - 15)
* d = Device Code (1 - 4) ?
* y = ?
* b = Low battery indication
* S = Secondary value - Humidity/Wind direction (high bits)
* s = Secondary value - Humidity/Wind direction (low bits)
* P = Primary value - Temperature/Rain/Wind speed value (high bits)
* p = Primary value - Temperature/Rain/Wind speed value (low bits)
* z = Sequence number 0 - 2. Messages are sent in bursts of 3. For some senders this is always 0
* C = Checksum. bit 1 is XOR of odd bits, bit 0 XOR of even bits in message
* If HouseCode = 10 and deviceCode = 2, then p and P is Wind speed
* and h and H is Wind direction
* If HouseCode = 10 and deviceCode = 3, then p and P is rain
* Temp (C) = RawValue / 16 - 50
* Rain (total mm) = RawValue * 0,7
* Wind Speed (mph)= RawValue (* 1/3,6 for km/h)
* Humidity (%) = RawValue / 2
* Wind direction (deg) = RawValue * 22,5
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ____Byte 0_____ ____Byte 1_____ ____Byte 2_____ ____Byte 3_____ _Nib4__
* 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
* x x x x c c c c d d y y b h h h h h h h T T T T T T T T t t t t t t t p
* x = Constant, 1100, probably preamble
* c = House Code (0 - 15)
* d = Device (Channel) Code (1 - 4) ?
* y = ?
* b = ?
* h = Humidity (7 bits) (0111011 = 59 %)
* T = Temperature (8 bits) (see below)
* t = Temperature (7 bits) (see below)
* p = Parity (xor of all bits should give 0)
* The temperature is transmitted as (temp + 50.0) * 128, which equals (temp * 128) + 6400. Adding 50.0 °C makes
* all values positive, an unsigned 15 bit integer where the first 8 bits correspond to the whole part of the temperature
* (here 01001001, decimal 73, substract 50 = 23). Remaining 7 bits correspond to the fractional part.
* Sample:
* 20;64;DEBUG;Pulses=52;Pulses(uSec)=875,875,825,875,1725,1800,1725,1800,1725,850,825,1800,1725,875,800,850,825,1800,1725,1800,800,875,800,850,1725,1800,825,850,1725,850,825,1800,1725,1800,825,850,1725,875,800,1800,800,875,800,850,825,850,1725,1800,1750,1800,475;
* 11000001 00110000 11100100 01100000 0010
500 51
0011111011 0011010111 0110011101 10100
#ifdef PLUGIN_042
boolean Plugin_042(byte function, char *string) {
if (RawSignal.Number < UPM_MIN_PULSECOUNT || RawSignal.Number > UPM_MAX_PULSECOUNT) return false;
byte rc=0;
unsigned long bitstream1=0L; // holds first 10 bits
unsigned long bitstream2=0L; // holds last 26 bits
int temperature=0;
int humidity=0;
int rain=0;
int winds=0;
int windd=0;
byte battery=0;
byte units=0;
byte devicecode=0;
byte checksum=0;
byte bitcounter=0; // counts number of received bits (converted from pulses)
byte halfbit=0; // high pulse = 1, 2 low pulses = 0, halfbit keeps track of low pulses
byte msgformat=0;
for(int x=1;x <RawSignal.Number;x++) { // get bytes
if ((RawSignal.Pulses[x] > UPM_PULSEHILO) && (RawSignal.Pulses[x] < UPM_PULSEHIHI)) {
if (halfbit==1) { // UPM cant receive a 1 bit after a single low value
return false; // pulse error, must not be a UPM packet or reception error
if (bitcounter < 10) {
bitstream1 = (bitstream1 << 1);
bitcounter++; // only need to count the first 10 bits
} else {
bitstream2 = (bitstream2 << 1);
bitcounter++; // only need to count the first 10 bits
halfbit=0; // wait for next first low or high pulse
} else {
if ((RawSignal.Pulses[x] > UPM_PULSELOHI) ) return false; // Not a valid UPM pulse length
if (halfbit == 0) { // 2 times a low value = 0 bit
halfbit=1; // first half received
} else {
if (bitcounter < 10) {
bitstream1 = (bitstream1 << 1) | 0x1;
bitcounter++; // only need to count the first 10 bits
} else {
bitstream2 = (bitstream2 << 1) | 0x1;
bitcounter++; // only need to count the first 10 bits
halfbit=0; // wait for next first low or high pulse
if (bitcounter > 36) return false; // too many bits, it cant be the right protocol
if ( (bitstream1 >> 6 ) != 0x0c ) return false; // sanity check, first 4 bits should always be '1100' to be a valid UPM/Esic packet
if ( bitstream1 == 0x00 ) return false; // sanity check
if ( bitstream2 == 0x00 ) return false; // sanity check
for (byte i=0;i<9;i=i+2){ // perform a checksum check to make sure the packet is a valid UPM/Esic packet
checksum=checksum ^ ((bitstream1 >> i) &3); // Checksum - xor all odd and all even bits should match the last two bits
for (byte i=2;i<25;i=i+2){
checksum=checksum ^ ((bitstream2 >> i) &3);
if (checksum == (bitstream2 &3 )) { // did the format 1 checksum calculation match?
msgformat=1; // Yes, set it
} else { // else perform a bit parity check to see if we have format 2
checksum=checksum ^ ((bitstream2) &3); // xor the last 2 bits
units = (checksum >> 1) & 0x01; // get the odd bit of the checksum result
checksum=(checksum & 0x01) ^ units; // xor the odd with the even bit of the checksum result
if (checksum == 0) { // did the format 2 parity checksum calculation match?
} else {
return false;
// Prevent repeating signals from showing up
if( (SignalHash!=SignalHashPrevious) || ((RepeatingTimer+1000<millis()) && (SignalCRC != bitstream1)) || (SignalCRC != bitstream1) ) {
SignalCRC=bitstream1; // not seen the RF packet recently
} else {
return true; // already seen the RF packet recently
// now process the various sensor types
units=bitstream1 & 0x03; // housecode format 1&2
rc=units; // housecode format 1&2
devicecode=(bitstream1 >> 2) & 0x0f; // devicecode format 1&2
if (msgformat==1) {
battery = (bitstream2 >> 23) & 1; // battery state 1=low 0=ok
if ((rc==10) && (devicecode==2)) { // wind
units = (bitstream2 >> 4) & 0x0f;
winds = (bitstream2 >> 8) & 0x7f;
windd = (bitstream2 >> 15) & 0x0f; //0xff; // wind direction
// Output
// ----------------------------------
Serial.print(F(";UPM/Esic;ID=")); // Label
// ----------------------------------
sprintf(pbuffer, ";WINSP=%02x;", winds);
Serial.print( pbuffer );
sprintf(pbuffer, "WINDIR=%04d;", windd);
Serial.print( pbuffer );
if (battery==1) { // battery status
} else {
} else
if ((rc==10) && (devicecode==3)) { // rain
units = (bitstream2 >> 4) & 0x0f;
rain = (bitstream2 >> 8) & 0x7f;
rain = rain * 7; // Serial.print( (float)rain * 0.7 );
// Output
// ----------------------------------
Serial.print(F(";UPM/Esic;ID=")); // Label
// ----------------------------------
sprintf(pbuffer, ";RAIN=%04x;", rain);
Serial.print( pbuffer );
if (battery==1) { // battery status
} else {
} else { // temperature & Humidity
units = (bitstream2 >> 4) & 0x0f; // temperature
temperature = (bitstream2 >> 8) & 0x7f;
temperature = temperature-50;
temperature = (temperature*10) + units;
if (temperature > 0x3e8) return false;
humidity = (bitstream2 >> 15) & 0xff; // humidity
humidity = humidity / 2;
//if (humidity==0) return false; // dont accept Bad humidity status
//if (temperature > 1000) return false; // dont accept bad temperature
// Output
// ----------------------------------
Serial.print(F(";UPM/Esic;ID=")); // Label
// ----------------------------------
sprintf(pbuffer,";TEMP=%04x;", temperature);
Serial.print( pbuffer );
sprintf(pbuffer,"HUM=%02d;", humidity); // Humidity 0x15 = 21% decimal
Serial.print( pbuffer );
if (battery==1) { // battery status
} else {
} else {
units = (bitstream2 >> 1) & 0x7f; // temperature
temperature = (bitstream2 >> 8) & 0xff;
temperature = temperature-50;
temperature = (temperature*100) + units;
temperature = temperature/10;
if (temperature > 0x3e8) return false;
humidity = (bitstream2 >> 16) & 0x7f; // humidity
// Output
// ----------------------------------
Serial.print(F(";UPM/Esic F2;ID=")); // Label
// ----------------------------------
sprintf(pbuffer,";TEMP=%04x;", temperature);
Serial.print( pbuffer );
sprintf(pbuffer,"HUM=%02x;", humidity);
Serial.print( pbuffer );
RawSignal.Repeats=true; // suppress repeats of the same RF packet
return true;
#endif // PLUGIN_042