
221 lines
14 KiB

//## This Plugin is only for use with the RFLink software package ##
//## Plugin-41 LaCrosse ##
* This plugin takes care of decoding LaCrosse weatherstation outdoor sensors
* It also works for all non LaCrosse sensors that follow this protocol.
* Lacrosse WS2355, WS3600 and compatibles
* Author : StuntTeam
* Support : http://sourceforge.net/projects/rflink/
* License : This code is free for use in any open source project when this header is included.
* Usage of any parts of this code in a commercial application is prohibited!
* Changelog: v1.0 initial release
* Technical information:
* Partially based on http://makin-things.com/articles/decoding-lacrosse-weather-sensor-rf-transmissions/
* WS2355
* Each packet is 52 bits long. 4 different packet formats are transmitted. They are composed of:
* data 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
* 1) 0000 1001 01 00 00100010 01111000 01010011 0011 10101100 0001 0+9+4+2+2+7+8+5+3+3+A+C=41 = 1
* 2) 0000 1001 00 01 00100010 01111000 01010000 1101 10101111 1000 0+9+1+2+2+7+8+5+0+D+A+F=48 = 8
* 3) 0000 1001 00 10 00100010 01111000 00001000 1100 11110111 1000
* 4) 0000 1001 01 11 00100010 01111000 00000000 1100 11111111 1101
* 0000 1001 01 01 01100110 01011110 10001000 1001 01110111 0100
* 0000 1001 00 11 01100110 01011110 00000000 1101 11111111 0110
* 0000 1001 01 00 01100110 01011110 01000110 1000 10111001 0010
* 0000 1001 00 01 01100110 01011110 01100111 1001 10011000 000 9+1+6+6+5+E+6+7+9+9+8=50 missing bit is 0
0000 1001 01 11 01100110 01011110 00000000 1001 11111111 011 9+7+6+6+5+E+0+0+9+F+F=56 missing bit is 0
* S = Sync
* P = Preamble (1001 for WS2300, 0110 for WS3600?)
* A = packet type 00=TEMP, 01=HUM, 10=RAIN, 11=WIND
* B = Rolling Code
* C = Flags
* D = 12 bit value depending on the device/packet type
* E = Inverted data
* F = Checksum
* Q = 0/1 1=windpacket reports windgust 0=windpacket reports windspeed
* R = Error checking bit
* TEMP Dd = temperature - 30 degrees offset, 12 bits, 0x533 - 0x300 = 0x233 = 23.3 degrees
* HUM D = humidity value, 8 bits, 0x50 = RH of 50
* RAIN D = number of tips * 0.508mm (range=0-4095, Once the count reaches 4095 it wraps back to 0. Powerloss results in a reset of the count)
* WIND d = Wind direction (0-15 in 22.5 degrees steps) D= wind speed
* Sample:
* 20;D3;DEBUG;Pulses=104;Pulses(uSec)=1400,1300,1325,1300,1325,1275,1350,1150,225,1300,1325,1275,1325,1275,225,1300,1325,1275,225,1275,1350,1275,225,1300,1325,1275,225,1300,225,1275,1350,1275,1350,1275,250,1275,225,1275,1350,1275,1350,1300,225,1300,1350,1275,225,1275,225,1275,225,1275,225,1275,1325,1275,225,1300,1325,1275,1325,1275,1325,1275,250,1275,1350,1275,1325,1300,1325,1275,250,1275,1350,1275,1325,1275,250,1275,1325,1275,250,1275,225,1275,225,1275,1350,1275,225,1275,250,1275,225,1275,1325,1275,250,1275,1350,1300,1325;
* 20;D4;DEBUG;Pulses=104;Pulses(uSec)=1400,1275,1350,1275,1350,1275,1325,1150,250,1275,1350,1275,1325,1275,250,1275,1325,1275,1350,1275,225,1275,225,1275,1350,1300,225,1275,225,1275,1350,1275,1325,1275,225,1275,225,1275,1325,1275,1325,1275,250,1275,1350,1300,225,1275,225,1275,225,1275,225,1275,1350,1275,1325,1275,1350,1275,1325,1275,1350,1275,1325,1275,1350,1275,1325,1300,1325,1275,225,1275,225,1275,1350,1275,225,1275,225,1300,225,1275,250,1275,225,1275,225,1275,250,1275,225,1275,225,1275,1350,1275,250,1275,225,1275,1325;
* 20;D5;DEBUG;Pulses=104;Pulses(uSec)=1400,1275,1350,1275,1350,1275,1325,1150,225,1275,1350,1275,1325,1275,225,1300,1325,1275,225,1300,1325,1275,1325,1275,1350,1275,225,1300,225,1275,1350,1275,1350,1300,225,1300,225,1275,1350,1275,1325,1275,250,1275,1350,1275,250,1275,225,1275,225,1275,225,1275,1325,1275,1350,1275,250,1275,1325,1275,1350,1275,1350,1275,225,1275,225,1275,1350,1275,225,1300,1325,1275,1325,1275,1350,1275,250,1275,1325,1275,250,1275,250,1275,225,1275,1350,1275,1350,1275,225,1275,1350,1275,1350,1275,225,1275,1325;
#define LACROSSE_PULSECOUNT 104 // also handles 102 pulses!
#ifdef PLUGIN_002
boolean Plugin_002(byte function, char *string) {
if ((RawSignal.Number != LACROSSE_PULSECOUNT) && (RawSignal.Number != (LACROSSE_PULSECOUNT-2))) return false;
unsigned long bitstream1=0L; // holds first 16 bits
unsigned long bitstream2=0L; // holds last 28 bits
unsigned int sensordata=0;
byte checksum=0;
byte bitcounter=0; // counts number of received bits (converted from pulses)
byte sensortype=0;
byte data[12];
// get bytes
for(int x=1;x < RawSignal.Number;x+=2) {
if ((RawSignal.Pulses[x+1] < LACROSSE_MIDLO) || (RawSignal.Pulses[x+1] > LACROSSE_MIDHI)) {
if (x+1 < RawSignal.Number) return false; // in between pulse check
if (RawSignal.Pulses[x] > LACROSSE_PULSEMID ){
if (bitcounter < 20) {
bitstream1 = (bitstream1 << 1);
bitcounter++; // only need to count the first 20 bits
} else {
bitstream2 = (bitstream2 << 1);
} else {
if (bitcounter < 20) {
bitstream1 = (bitstream1 << 1) | 0x1;
bitcounter++; // only need to count the first 20 bits
} else {
bitstream2 = (bitstream2 << 1) | 0x1;
if (RawSignal.Number == (LACROSSE_PULSECOUNT-2)) bitstream2 = (bitstream2 << 1); // add missing zero bit
// all bytes received, sort data, do sanity checks and make sure checksum is okay
if (bitstream1 == 0) return false;
//if ((bitstream1 == 0) && (bitstream2 == 0)) return false;
//data[0] = (bitstream1 >> 16) & 0x0f; // prepare nibbles from bit stream
//if (data[0] != 0) return false; // just a quick check to make sure the sync bits are correct. they are not needed for the checksum
data[0] = (bitstream1 >> 12) & 0x0f; // First nibble
if ( (data[0] != 0x09) && (data[0] != 0x06) ) { // type verification
return false; // 1001 for WS2300, 0110 for WS3600
data[1] = (bitstream1 >> 8) & 0x0f; // Various other checks are possible
data[2] = (bitstream1 >> 4) & 0x0f; // Like parity checks and bit tests
data[3] = (bitstream1 >> 0) & 0x0f; // but false positives do not seem to be a problem
data[4] = (bitstream2 >> 28) & 0x0f;
data[5] = (bitstream2 >> 24) & 0x0f;
data[6] = (bitstream2 >> 20) & 0x0f;
data[7] = (bitstream2 >> 16) & 0x0f;
data[8] = (bitstream2 >> 12) & 0x0f;
data[9] = (bitstream2 >> 8) & 0x0f;
data[10]= (bitstream2 >> 4) & 0x0f;
for (byte i=0;i<11;i++){
checksum=checksum + data[i]; // max. value = A5
checksum=checksum & 0x0f;
if (checksum != ((bitstream2)&0x0f)) return false;
// Prevent repeating signals from showing up
sensortype=(data[1])&0x03; // get sensor type from bitstream
unsigned long tempval=((checksum)<<8)+sensortype; // sensor type + checksum
if( (SignalHash!=SignalHashPrevious) || (RepeatingTimer<millis()) || (SignalCRC != tempval) ){
SignalCRC=tempval; // not seen this RF packet recently, save value for later
} else {
return true; // already seen the RF packet recently
// now process the various sensor types
// Output
// ----------------------------------
if (sensortype == 0x00) { // Temperature
sensordata = data[6]*100; // 468
sensordata = sensordata + data[7]*10;
sensordata = sensordata + data[8];
if ( (data[0]) == 0x09) { // WS2300
sensordata = sensordata-300;
} else { // WS3600
sensordata = sensordata-400;
// ----------------------------------
Serial.print(F(";LaCrosseV2;ID=")); // Label
PrintHex8( data+2,2);
// ----------------------------------
sprintf(pbuffer, ";TEMP=%04x;", sensordata);
Serial.println( pbuffer );
} else
if (sensortype == 0x01) { // Humidity
if (sensordata==0) return false; // Humidity should not be 0
// ----------------------------------
Serial.print(F(";LaCrosseV2;ID=")); // Label
PrintHex8( data+2,2);
// ----------------------------------
sprintf(pbuffer, ";HUM=%02x;", (sensordata)&0xff);
Serial.println( pbuffer );
} else
if (sensortype == 0x02) { // Rain
unsigned long rain=((data[6])<<8)+((data[7])<<4)+(data[8]);
if ( (data[0]) == 0x09) { // WS2300
rain=rain*508; // 0-4095 * 0.508mm
rain=rain/350; // divide by 3.5
} else {
rain=rain*518; // 0-4095 * 0.518mm
// ---------------------------------- // 8c = 140 = 140*0,518=72,5mm
Serial.print(F(";LaCrosseV2;ID=00")); // Label
PrintHex8( data+2,1);
//PrintHex8( data+2,2);
// ----------------------------------
sprintf(pbuffer, ";RAIN=%04x;", (rain)&0xffff);
Serial.println( pbuffer );
} else
if (sensortype == 0x03) { // Wind
// ----------------------------------
Serial.print(F(";LaCrosseV2;ID=")); // Label
PrintHex8( data+2,2);
// ----------------------------------
sensordata=(data[8])&0x0f; // wind direction in 22.5 degree steps
sprintf(pbuffer, ";WINDIR=%04d;", sensordata);
Serial.print( pbuffer );
sensordata=((data[6])<<4)+data[7]; // possibly 9 bits?
sensordata=sensordata * 36; // go from m/s to km/hr 6*36=216 = 21,6 km hr = 6 m/s
if ( (data[0]) == 0x09) { // WS2300
sensordata=sensordata / 10; // divide by 10
// 216 * 0,0277778
sprintf(pbuffer, "WINGS=%04x;WINSP=%04x;", sensordata, sensordata);
Serial.println( pbuffer );
} else {
Serial.print(F(";LaCrosseV2;DEBUG=")); // Label
PrintHex8( data,11);
//return false;
return true;
#endif // PLUGIN_002