
229 lines
16 KiB

#define BUILDNR 0x07 // shown in version
#define REVNR 0x33 // shown in version and startup string
#define MIN_RAW_PULSES 20 // =8 bits. Minimal number of bits*2 that need to have been received before we spend CPU time on decoding the signal.
#define RAWSIGNAL_SAMPLE_RATE 30 // Sample width / resolution in uSec for raw RF pulses.
#define MIN_PULSE_LENGTH 25 // Pulses shorter than this value in uSec. will be seen as garbage and not taken as actual pulses.
#define SIGNAL_TIMEOUT 7 // Timeout, after this time in mSec. the RF signal will be considered to have stopped.
#define SIGNAL_REPEAT_TIME 500 // Time in mSec. in which the same RF signal should not be accepted again. Filters out retransmits.
#define BAUD 57600 // Baudrate for serial communication.
#define TRANSMITTER_STABLE_DELAY 500 // delay to let the transmitter become stable (Note: Aurel RTX MID needs 500µS/0,5ms).
#define RAW_BUFFER_SIZE 512 // Maximum number of pulses that is received in one go.
#define PLUGIN_MAX 55 // Maximum number of Receive plugins
#define PLUGIN_TX_MAX 26 // Maximum number of Transmit plugins
#define SCAN_HIGH_TIME 50 // tijdsinterval in ms. voor achtergrondtaken snelle verwerking
#define FOCUS_TIME 50 // Duration in mSec. that, after receiving serial data from USB only the serial port is checked.
#define INPUT_COMMAND_SIZE 60 // Maximum number of characters that a command via serial can be.
#define PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE 60 // Maximum number of characters that a command should print in one go via the print buffer.
// to include Config_xx.c files:
#define stringify(x) #x
#define CONFIGFILE2(a, b) stringify(a/Config/b)
#define CONFIGFILE(a, b) CONFIGFILE2(a, b)
#define CONFIG_FILE Config_01.c
#define VALUE_PAIR 44
#define VALUE_ALLOFF 55
#define VALUE_OFF 74
#define VALUE_ON 75
#define VALUE_DIM 76
#define VALUE_BRIGHT 77
#define VALUE_UP 78
#define VALUE_DOWN 79
#define VALUE_STOP 80
#define VALUE_CONFIRM 81
#define VALUE_LIMIT 82
#define VALUE_ALLON 141
// PIN Definition
#define PIN_BSF_0 22 // Board Specific Function lijn-0
#define PIN_BSF_1 23 // Board Specific Function lijn-1
#define PIN_BSF_2 24 // Board Specific Function lijn-2
#define PIN_BSF_3 25 // Board Specific Function lijn-3
#define PIN_RF_TX_VCC 15 // +5 volt / Vcc power to the transmitter on this pin
#define PIN_RF_TX_DATA 14 // Data to the 433Mhz transmitter on this pin
#define PIN_RF_RX_VCC 16 // Power to the receiver on this pin
#define PIN_RF_RX_DATA 19 // On this input, the 433Mhz-RF signal is received. LOW when no signal.
byte dummy=1; // get the linker going. Bug in Arduino. (old versions?)
void(*Reboot)(void)=0; // reset function on adres 0.
byte PKSequenceNumber=0; // 1 byte packet counter
boolean RFDebug=false; // debug RF signals with plugin 001
boolean RFUDebug=false; // debug RF signals with plugin 254
boolean QRFDebug=false; // debug RF signals with plugin 254 but no multiplication
uint8_t RFbit,RFport; // for processing RF signals.
char pbuffer[PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE]; // Buffer for printing data
char InputBuffer_Serial[INPUT_COMMAND_SIZE]; // Buffer for Seriel data
// Van alle devices die worden mee gecompileerd, worden in een tabel de adressen opgeslagen zodat hier naar toe gesprongen kan worden
void PluginInit(void);
void PluginTXInit(void);
boolean (*Plugin_ptr[PLUGIN_MAX])(byte, char*); // Receive plugins
byte Plugin_id[PLUGIN_MAX];
boolean (*PluginTX_ptr[PLUGIN_TX_MAX])(byte, char*); // Transmit plugins
byte PluginTX_id[PLUGIN_TX_MAX];
void PrintHex8(uint8_t *data, uint8_t length); // prototype
void PrintHexByte(uint8_t data); // prototype
byte reverseBits(byte data); // prototype
void RFLinkHW( void ); // prototype
struct RawSignalStruct // Raw signal variabelen places in a struct
int Number; // Number of pulses, times two as every pulse has a mark and a space.
byte Repeats; // Number of re-transmits on transmit actions.
byte Delay; // Delay in ms. after transmit of a single RF pulse packet
byte Multiply; // Pulses[] * Multiply is the real pulse time in microseconds
unsigned long Time; // Timestamp indicating when the signal was received (millis())
byte Pulses[RAW_BUFFER_SIZE+2]; // Table with the measured pulses in microseconds divided by RawSignal.Multiply. (halves RAM usage)
// First pulse is located in element 1. Element 0 is used for special purposes, like signalling the use of a specific plugin
} RawSignal={0,0,0,0,0,0L};
// ===============================================================================
unsigned long RepeatingTimer=0L;
unsigned long SignalCRC=0L; // holds the bitstream value for some plugins to identify RF repeats
unsigned long SignalHash=0L; // holds the processed plugin number
unsigned long SignalHashPrevious=0L; // holds the last processed plugin number
void setup() {
Serial.begin(BAUD); // Initialise the serial port
pinMode(PIN_RF_RX_DATA, INPUT); // Initialise in/output ports
pinMode(PIN_RF_TX_DATA, OUTPUT); // Initialise in/output ports
pinMode(PIN_RF_TX_VCC, OUTPUT); // Initialise in/output ports
pinMode(PIN_RF_RX_VCC, OUTPUT); // Initialise in/output ports
digitalWrite(PIN_RF_RX_VCC,HIGH); // turn VCC to RF receiver ON
digitalWrite(PIN_RF_RX_DATA,INPUT_PULLUP); // pull-up resister on (to prevent garbage)
pinMode(PIN_BSF_0,OUTPUT); // rflink board switch signal
digitalWrite(PIN_BSF_0,HIGH); // rflink board switch signal
Serial.print(F("20;00;Nodo RadioFrequencyLink - RFLink Gateway V1.1 - "));
void loop() {
byte SerialInByte=0; // incoming character value
int SerialInByteCounter=0; // number of bytes counter
byte ValidCommand=0;
unsigned long FocusTimer=0L; // Timer to keep focus on the task during communication
InputBuffer_Serial[0]=0; // erase serial buffer string
while(true) {
ScanEvent(); // Scan for RF events
// SERIAL: *************** kijk of er data klaar staat op de seriele poort **********************
if(Serial.available()) {
while(FocusTimer>millis()) { // standby
if(Serial.available()) {
if(SerialInByte=='\n') { // new line character
InputBuffer_Serial[SerialInByteCounter]=0; // serieel data is complete
if (strlen(InputBuffer_Serial) > 7){ // need to see minimal 8 characters on the serial port
// 10;....;..;ON;
if (strncmp (InputBuffer_Serial,"10;",3) == 0) { // Command from Master to RFLink
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Handle Device Management Commands
// -------------------------------------------------------
if (strcasecmp(InputBuffer_Serial+3,"PING;")==0) {
} else
if (strcasecmp(InputBuffer_Serial+3,"REBOOT;")==0) {
} else
if (strncasecmp(InputBuffer_Serial+3,"RFDEBUG=O",9) == 0) {
if (InputBuffer_Serial[12] == 'N' || InputBuffer_Serial[12] == 'n' ) {
RFDebug=true; // full debug on
RFUDebug=false; // undecoded debug off
QRFDebug=false; // undecoded debug off
} else {
RFDebug=false; // full debug off
} else
if (strncasecmp(InputBuffer_Serial+3,"RFUDEBUG=O",10) == 0) {
if (InputBuffer_Serial[13] == 'N' || InputBuffer_Serial[13] == 'n') {
RFUDebug=true; // undecoded debug on
QRFDebug=false; // undecoded debug off
RFDebug=false; // full debug off
} else {
RFUDebug=false; // undecoded debug off
} else
if (strncasecmp(InputBuffer_Serial+3,"QRFDEBUG=O",10) == 0) {
if (InputBuffer_Serial[13] == 'N' || InputBuffer_Serial[13] == 'n') {
QRFDebug=true; // undecoded debug on
RFUDebug=false; // undecoded debug off
RFDebug=false; // full debug off
} else {
QRFDebug=false; // undecoded debug off
} else
if (strncasecmp(InputBuffer_Serial+3,"VERSION",7) == 0) {
sprintf(InputBuffer_Serial,"20;%02X;VER=1.1;REV=%02x;BUILD=%02x;",PKSequenceNumber++,REVNR, BUILDNR);
} else {
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Handle Generic Commands / Translate protocol data into Nodo text commands
// -------------------------------------------------------
// check plugins
if (InputBuffer_Serial[SerialInByteCounter-1]==';') InputBuffer_Serial[SerialInByteCounter-1]=0; // remove last ";" char
if(PluginTXCall(0, InputBuffer_Serial)) {
} else {
// Answer that an invalid command was received?
} // if > 7
if (ValidCommand != 0) {
if (ValidCommand==1) {
Serial.println( InputBuffer_Serial );
} else {
sprintf(InputBuffer_Serial, "20;%02X;CMD UNKNOWN;", PKSequenceNumber++); // Node and packet number
Serial.println( InputBuffer_Serial );
InputBuffer_Serial[0]=0; // serial data has been processed.
}// if(SerialInByte
}// if(Serial.available())
}// while
}// if(Serial.available())
}// while
} // void