
79 lines
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* Convert HEX or DEC tring to unsigned long HEX, DEC
unsigned long str2int(char *string) {
* Convert string to command code
int str2cmd(char *command) {
if(strcasecmp(command,"ON") == 0) return VALUE_ON;
if(strcasecmp(command,"OFF") == 0) return VALUE_OFF;
if(strcasecmp(command,"ALLON") == 0) return VALUE_ALLON;
if(strcasecmp(command,"ALLOFF") == 0) return VALUE_ALLOFF;
if(strcasecmp(command,"PAIR") == 0) return VALUE_PAIR;
if(strcasecmp(command,"DIM") == 0) return VALUE_DIM;
if(strcasecmp(command,"BRIGHT") == 0) return VALUE_BRIGHT;
if(strcasecmp(command,"UP") == 0) return VALUE_UP;
if(strcasecmp(command,"DOWN") == 0) return VALUE_DOWN;
if(strcasecmp(command,"STOP") == 0) return VALUE_STOP;
if(strcasecmp(command,"CONFIRM") == 0) return VALUE_CONFIRM;
if(strcasecmp(command,"LIMIT") == 0) return VALUE_LIMIT;
return false;
* Convert unsigned long to float long through memory
float ul2float(unsigned long ul) {
float f;
memcpy(&f, &ul,4);
return f;
void PrintHex8(uint8_t *data, uint8_t length) { // prints 8-bit data in hex (lowercase)
char tmp[length*2+1];
byte first ;
int j=0;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<length; i++) {
first = (data[i] >> 4) | 48;
if (first > 57) tmp[j] = first + (byte)39;
else tmp[j] = first ;
first = (data[i] & 0x0F) | 48;
if (first > 57) tmp[j] = first + (byte)39;
else tmp[j] = first;
tmp[length*2] = 0;
// todo: make uppercase? 3a = 3 or 48 (0x30) = 0x33 >57 (0x39) a>3a >39 > +27
void PrintHexByte(uint8_t data) { // prints 8-bit value in hex (single byte)
char tmp[3];
byte first ;
first = (data >> 4) | 48; // or with 0x30
if (first > 57) tmp[0] = first + (byte)7; // 39; // if > 0x39 add 0x27
else tmp[0] = first ;
first = (data & 0x0F) | 48;
if (first > 57) tmp[1] = first + (byte)7; // 39;
else tmp[1] = first;
tmp[2] = 0;
// Reverse all bits in a byte
byte reverseBits(byte data) {
byte b = data;
for (byte i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
data = (data << 1) | (b & 1);
b >>= 1;
return data;